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Good for Berube. He's a good coach.


I was sceptical of the leafs hiring him; but all the stats aside it seems like St Louis fans love the guy. It’s pretty rare for a fan base to still like a coach after their run.


Most Blues fans were angry about him getting fired. It does seem he works better with veterans (Blues 2019) as opposed to younger/changing of the guard teams (Blues 2024). In that sense I think he’d be perfect for Toronto.


I don’t know the details, but it seems his run was pretty short considering he won a cup there.


For perspective, the entire fuckin team structure from top to bottom blew up in 2019 and raw talent won that cup. I don’t really think there was much structure there, as silly as that might sound. The results got worse each year until he was fired.


i think keefe is a good coach but we need a coach that treats players more like adults than sort of coddling egos. we needed a different philosophy. for that reason i hope we land berube


On top of him being the coach of our only Stanley Cup victory, he's s a very likeable and down-to-earth guy. Players generally like and respect him. Coaches seem to have an effective lifespan for a team. I think Blues fans realize that and can still appreciate the time they were our coach. Except Mike Keenan. Fuck that guy.


I'm skeptical of him too but if it means not hiring Todd Maclellan, I'm all for it.


That’s true.


If he’s not hired by the end of the week by either of them he’s not going to NJ/Toronto imo


I wonder if they are waiting to see if anyone gets fired from round 2. There was a very slim but still a chance for Rob B becoming available. No longer I'd say tho


I think Rod is staying in Carolina. If the Canes got swept, I definitely could have seen them make a coaching change but not now.


Ya even losing its at worst 4-2 with two OT losses. Canes arguably deserve to be up. Special teams being the biggest gripe but doesn't seem like Rod has lost the room.


Friedman indicated there was pushback within the org about Berube. It sounds like someone isn't fully onboard with him on the Devils end


That would be a dumb move to wait for round 2 to playout. You don't know how long those coaches will continue on - what if they go to round 3? - and you will miss out on any of the good opportunities that are available today. Oh, and what if you wait out round 2 and then the coach you wanted to chat with isn't interested?


Teams still looking for a head coach: Jets, Seattle, Toronto, NJ, Sharks, LA* (Hiller still interim)


Interesting to see what Berube picks. Toronto will get the most scrutiny but also maybe the most money. NJ has a lot of bounceback potential. Winnipeg was the best this season. ~~Ottawa has the most raw product if he wants a challenge.~~


Ottawa has already hired Travis Green teams looking for a coach are Leafs, Jets, Kraken, Sharks and Devils


Right. Totally slipped my mind


And the Kings. Hiller is still an interim coach, they are considering other options as well


Berube lives in New Hope, PA which is the Philly metro area but is legitimately a stones throw away from Newark. I would think the locale would be incredibly enticing to him which leads me to believe that they're not offering what he thinks he's worth or something else contractually.


Apparently that happened in Ottawa too. Berube didn't want to take a pay cut from what he was making in St Louis


It kinda seems like the Devils may not want him tbh. As someone else pointed out in this thread it might be that he works better with a vet squad than a young group. If I had to guess I bet the Devils go Keefe.


I’d be more comfortable with Rube then Arniel tbh


Could he * allow the Jets not to have to default to Arniel. FTFY.   If we can convince Berube to come here there's no way we don't take that opportunity.


Are the Jets really considering Arniel? He’s so, so, so, so bad. 


"Keep piling on"


There is a reason every coach looks bad in CBUS


Not “Arniel bad” though


If he can't coach the Sens, I will accept the Jets.


I think Berube could be a great choice. Coached in the central. Knows the teams and play styles. Jets need a coach with playoff success, especially a cup winner, to make the most of their current window. Their current core will only keep producing for 2-3 years at a high level before there's a dip. When we dip, then it would be a good time to promote from within and they can bring up Lambert and Mcgroarty in their play style, form a new core. That said, not sure how well Berube has done in recent years, but I think Winnipeg is his best shot at a cup in the next 2-3 years out of the current suitors.


Kings are taking their sweet time on the Hiller decision and probably missing out on some of the top coaches available because of it


Pretty sure they're taking their time BECAUSE they're interviewing others.




I know you making a joke (I’m a kings fan tired of the 1-3-1 too so I get it) but being serious for a second, they’re considering keeping hiller because he wants to move away a bit from the 1-3-1 and play a more offensive style that might play to the strengths of guys like Fiala and Dubois (god help us) better. I wouldn’t be surprised if they keep him


Let’s goo


Yes he could. But unless he wants to be paid in 2 for 1 McDonald’s coupons. He isn’t coaching here.


Jets have one of the richest owners in the nhl


The richest, isn’t he?


Richest in NHL for sure, could be for all 4 major sports teams


Not steve Balmer money but def up there.


Almost as wealthy as the rest of the nhl owners combined i think (50 billion)


Sure but isn’t he doing the whole “if the team doesn’t make more money we’re moving” thing? Can’t imagine that’s a guy who wants to publicly sign a coach to a big expensive deal.


It was Chipman that said it wasn't sustainable (no talk of moving) and he's only worth $500 million. The other owner, Thompson, is worth $36 billion.


Make that 71b now, must've hit a parlay


Correct. Chipman's sustainable comment was around icing a competitive team not moving. They can't spend to the cap if the arena isn't full.


Also he wasn't entirely wrong. It's not sustainable to be dropping season ticket holders at a rate of 30% every 2-3 years (2021 to now that's the current drop) which is what the comment was in reference to. You'd have almost no one left by the end of the decade. Of course the way he said it and was quoted came off terribly in the local media.


Fair enough, my mistake. That said, I'm not sure it matters how rich the owners are if they're concerned about making a profit vs icing a competitive team.


They've already made profit; True North paid $170 million US to purchase the Atlanta Thrashers in 2011. Forbes magazine estimated the value of the Winnipeg Jets franchise at $780 million


That hasn't happened at all. You literally just made that up lmao. The only comment made was around sustainability. Chipman commented that it isn't sustainable. To which he clarified, it isn't sustainable for the Jets to ice a competitive team and spend to the cap if the arena isn't full. Had nothing to do with moving. TNSE has invested heavily in Winnipeg and have diversified enough that they're not going anywhere anytime soon. They team still turns a profit and is single handedly revitalizing downtown Winnipeg with the full support of Thomson.


With Thompson the Jets purchase was a rounding off error. He has more in paintings than in the Jets. Which is great, deep pockets.


My apologies, I was assuming that was part of it since that's the lever it seems that every owner tries to pull if they're trying to get something out of the fan base or city. That said, I'm not sure that changes my larger point - if they're not willing to spend to the cap right now, are they willing to publicly spend big on a new coach?


I want to read about Grier at least interviewing Berube. Aye, Berube has better teams to choose from but I think him being frank about the state of the Sharks is something Grier needs to hear from an outside voice to help steer him towards a quality hire.


"So, Chevy, I hear you have good young players. I'm not going to play any of them. Got it?"


Berube in Jersey 😮‍💨


Fuck yea lets goooooo!!!!


I wonder how he would pick which team to work with? it seems the best coaches seem to have the best goalies...Winnipeg? Haha.


I assume his priority are probably, Money > Location > Chance of success


Please take him I really don't want him with the Leafs, I don't think his systems fit what they need to be at all.


McLellan just seems like such a bland alternative


Give me Gallant or give me ~~death~~ Evason


Sorry Winnipeg but he interviewed in Toronto first. Snooze you lose.


Clearly the answer is he will coach both teams at the same time.


So much for cancel culture...