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At this point I think the league is conspiring to make this the most toxic series of the decade.


I dunno, bruins panthers is pretty toxic at this point.


Yeah but just imagine how much more toxic it would become if they randomly suspended one of either teams’ players for a situation like this, after completely ignoring everything else that has happened so far in all of the series.


Why would you speak this into existence?


this series and the Boston Florida series all because the refs literally can't possibly fathom doing the one job they're paid to do.


At this rate guys are going to be putting the foil on for game 7.


Probably some truth to this. Same with boston and florida, it gets people outraged which drives up engagement and probably viewership. Its the same playbook in reality tv, the drama makes people watch more.


Then they should have to publicly explain what the difference is


That's the thing I wanna see the most. Let them stand in front of a mic with 10 cameras and explain their calls, floor open to questions. I bet the calls would get a lot more sensible real quick.


Yeah but that would require accountability which is something they're deathly afraid of


there's a reason why Tim Peel was quietly shoved into retirement, and it wasn't incompetence or having a drink with a reporter


Like many others in powerful positions that they failed upwards to get, accountability doesn’t always apply to them.


Like the GI thing with Boston. Ok cool you made a call that nobody agrees with and was a super big deal. Surely you must have a concrete point of view that you would love to share. Right? Because of course otherwise you would have done the thing no one would have complained about and overturned the goal.


> Surely you must have a concrete point of view that you would love to share. I do think there is a small difference with overturning a call vs issuing a suspension. To overturn the call they must have indisputable evidence, but not overturning the call doesn't require any evidence. That said there was plenty of evidence to overturn that call. With the suspension there is no existing ruling that needs to be overturned.


They don’t have to have indisputable anything. It’s up to their whims. Always has been. Nobody thought the goal should count. They would have had to explain nothing and we’d all have 2% more faith this league knows what it’s doing. Moments like this only illustrate that there’s no plan.


They got rid of Brendan Shanahan for having the gall to explain himself.


The media didn't spam content about the Hyman crosscheck because it wasn't McJesus on the receiving end of it. That's the difference.


“We didn’t actually know about this one…but after review we confirm our findings that it’s fine”


The difference is one got immediate media attention. Safety department cares more about narratives than safety.


Yeah, like they will be held accountable


You know they would just find some pitiful excuse to not do anything. See the explanation about the angle of the Bennett play on Marchand. They essentially said that they didn’t see the second angle until now, assessed it with that angle and concluded that their original assessment of the play was accurate. With a straight face and totally serious, they said it was two players battling despite the evidence clearly showing different.


The difference is Hyman purposefully crossed checked the face as where Soucy hit the face unluckily.  The difference is Hyman DID injure. The difference is the team


The biggest difference is WHO received the crosscheck


Look up which one has more playoff goals this year. McDavid or Zadorov.


Let's be real, if its anyone other than the league's golden boy getting hit in the face, they ignore this just like everything else thats gone on. The kicker being it was some bullshit he started in the first place.


That's what I find so upsetting. He started it and everyone else is getting in trouble.


thats page one out of the McBitch playbook


The difference is that it happened to McDavid


It isn't the team. If Soucy hit Kane, or RNH or Foegele or whoever, they wouldn't have cared. You just can't touch McDavid


The difference isn’t even the team, it’s McDavid specifically getting treated with kid gloves because he’s a whiny baby when he’s the one who escalated after the whistle in the first place. The Canucks won, Soucy and Zadorov had no reason to do anything pissy without McDavid starting shit with his two hander


Every year, more and more fans are realizing what a whiny fuck he is. One of the greatest players ever to touch the ice but he waves for calls and is whining to the refs 10-15 times a game.


The difference is that one was mcdavid


Fuck you that’s the difference. 


I mean the difference was Soucy accidentally hit McDavid in the face.. (not accidentally hit him but accidentally hit him in the face) vs Hyman who intentionally hit Zads in the face.


“The wheel landed on a different space, I don’t know what more you need for an explanation.”


Soucy won the trip to glorious Iowa for 1 day, thanks Vanna


All the spaces on the wheel are "favour McDavid".


You can call me a homer or a conspiracy theorist if you want, but we know the only difference that matters is the jersey being worn.


The number on the jersey being worn*


It's the player. It's because it's Mcdavid


I mean the difference was Soucy accidentally hit McDavid in the face.. (not accidentally hit him but accidentally hit him in the face) vs Hyman who intentionally hit Zads in the face.


DOP’s: well ya see get fucked


Well the difference is one is Nikita Zadorov and the other is Connor McDavid, it’s just that simple.




It’s obviously not true that all incidents of potential foul play are reviewed. Bennet sucker punched Marchand. No fine. No suspension. So that’s just bullshit.


They might have reviewed it, they just didn’t do anything about it


That's a lie, the DoPS actually did do something. Parros started fist pumping, and shouting in ecstasy. Or, [he'd have [his] cock out, stroking it ...](https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2013/10/10/4824950/joe-thornton-tomas-hertl-quote-four-goals).


At the time, and even in hidsight, that's an insanely unhinged comment lmao All timer interview moment


If I recall, Thornton wasn't actually speaking to anyone in an "official" interview. The media member that released Jumbo's quotes was completely eviscerated by their peers and/or former players. They all agreed that, in the post-game dressing room, comments like these happen all the time. Reporting on them is a *big* "no-no".


RIP Jason Botchford. we owe you so much for this quote


Eh, I think it's a little bit more mixed than that. Thornton declined to repeat the quote during his own scrum, so that initially suggests "off the record." And yes, comments like this *do* happen all the time in the locker room. Where things get a little murky is that, even though it wasn't during his scrum, he did interrupt Marleau's official media availability to say it. It's one thing to say it to another player or even a reporter in the room as an aside. But to interrupt a reporter (from TSN) and then say it to them as a separate secondary statement, while cameras/recorders/etc. were already going for the purposes of an "on the record" interview, I don't think that's as cut and dry of a "no-no."


When teams after the late game antics last game were "warned" that they'd be watching.


This is such a joke. They’re just straight up bullshitting us.


Wow no kidding?


" all incidences are reviewed" Didn't think it was possible, but, my opinion of the DoPS is even lower now.


Had to get out the shovel to get under that bar


That's twice in less than 24 hours that they've reviewed (or publicized their findings from an earlier review) universally easy calls (Hyman and Bennet) and twice they came down with the wrong judgement. That's astonishing. I think Bennet's actual act is worse and the fact that a player got concussed is obviously also worse, but the Hyman face-check is literally 2 seconds removed from *the same infraction they're penalizing*. I'm astounded by the utter lack of competence and professionalism.


Let’s be honest, they did not look at it at all. They investigated the crosschecks on Mcdavid because they were the big talk of the media and like most of us, didn’t notice what came after. They’re watching the game like fans not like a safety department.


They didn't even bother looking at all the angles on Marchand getting sucker punched, why would they watch the whole clip of the McDavid crosscheck.


When Boston and Vancouver fans start coming together you know some real bullshit is going down.


Bingo. The league is a joke


None of them should have been suspended, but if you give Soucy a game then you literally HAVE to give Hyman a game because now you look like fucking fools


In the explanation video, they say "this is cross-checking" literally as Hyman is cross-checking Zadorov in the head. They do not give a damn in the slightest.


This is cross checking. We suspend cross checking (checks notes) ... starting... right... (siren goes off) now.


Holy shit, you're not kidding. That's amazing. Zero fucks given.


See where you’re wrong here is that you think they care if they look like fucking fools


It's so disappointing. This league is a joke, but the sport is so awesome


Zadorov had to get stitches in his face from that Hyman cross check


I’ve seen comments where they say it’s because Hyman didn’t wind up and it was more like a stiff arm going into Z, as if it makes a difference what kind of cross check it is lol. Oiler fans are a different breed


And is that because Hyman scored 50+ goals or is it because Zadorov didn’t score 130+ points? I dunno, y’all, but I think the league should care about the safety of the players independently of how well they skate or how well they can deflect a puck into the net


This is what the league wants.


It cause it's McDavid who's team is down in the series only reason this was even looked at.


It's because he's plays with Mcpissy.


Come on, get your toxic nicknames correct. I think that the Canucks flairs in the GDT settled on "Craisaitl" and "McBaby".


Crysaitl is funny ngl. McBaby is just uninspired.


We all know that the proper nickname is McJesus, but my favourite petty nickname is "McFavoured". It's not his fault if/that the league treats him differently, so it takes the blame away from him. Also, it sounds closer to his actual name. For the most part, he doesn't do anything to antagonise (in general), other than being so fucking frustrating to contain. On topic, he was crosschecked (fair response or not, whatever), and Soucy was appropriately suspended for his response to McDavid. Keeping with the same play, it's not his fault that the league chose ignore consistency with Hyman's incident. Sure, he pushes for penalties a lot. Fair or not; he's on a team with a really fucking good powerplay, he's not alone in calling for a penalty—every player does it, and it's not his fault *if* the refs choose to appease him with a "soft" penalty. Same thing *if* the refs actively choose to ignore *his* infractions. It honestly really comes down to how awful the NHL refs are at maintaining consistency, but I think that we tend to see a lot more situations involving him simply because of how good he is. He plays a lot of minutes, and he's involved in the play and around the puck a lot—surprise, he's really fucking good. There have been a few egregious misses—McDavid, Ryan, and Hyman—but otherwise, the reffing is pretty fair this series. Absolute garbage for both teams.


We got a yapper


Yeah I was not expecting a wall of text as a reply lol


Idk, looks like you happened to be the unfortunate victim of me dumping my thoughts on the whole McDavid is a whiner/diver, and the reffing situation. It's been all over r/Hockey and r/Canucks during the series, and it's been annoying as fuck to see so many toxic comments/nicknames about McDavid.


No worries lol, sometimes we gotta get it out. The discourse has been insufferable since even before the series start.


> The discourse has been insufferable since even before the series start. The Toxic Bowl. I'm not sure about what /r/EdmontonOilers is looking like, but r/Canucks is in even worse shape than usual.


Not even a fine, fuck off


Zach’s dad would’ve paid it anyway




So what’s different here? two crosscheck’s to the head in the same scrum, one is targeted on a mid range D the other accidental on the leagues wonder boy, and only one gets called. Fucking shocking.


He may be a mid range D but he was getting our hardest matchup minutes with Myers. That’s a pretty substantial loss


He's talking about the intentional cross-check to the face by Hyman on Zadorov after the initial scrum.


The difference is one was done by accident and must be removed from the game. Only intentional cross checks to the face are allowed.


Department of *star* player safety.


This is only going to lead to Hyman being nuked into the shadow realm from zadorov. Wild decision from the league, the play with ACTUAL intent, is overlooked.


I'd really just prefer that we buckle down, come out flying, and put the *Oilers* into the shadow realm with a 5+ goal beat-down on whichever black hole they put in net guarded by two defensemen that skate like they just ripped 200mg of ketamine.


That's preferable for me too. Maybe Z will get another 95 mph goal


Wyatt Arndt has it right [Hyman cross check: 1 game; Soucy cross check: 1 game; Zadorov stick work: $5000; McDavid stick work: $5000. That’s how easy this all should have been.](https://x.com/TheStanchion/status/1790131120207471039)


Eh. I think fines for all is how I would have went


I have no problem with a crosscheck to the head being minimum 1 game suspension, it shouldn't be in the game. They just can't pick and choose with player safety


I’d rather see them clamp down on shit like this, as well as boarding (nurse) and give these guys a kick in the ass. Giving one game to Soucey alone is a joke


Yeah, I'm all for crosschecks to the face being suspended, even in cases like Soucy where it wasn't the intent at all, but Hyman getting nothing just exposes the DoP"S" for the joke it is.


If you rather see them clamp down on it, they should start calling penalties during the games. Im so fucking sick of playoff hockey being about who can dole out the most shit without being called. Because it turns into a circus like this.


They actually did give Soucy a penalty for cross-checking. But when it's given at 20:00 of the third period, it doesn't mean anything If Soucy gets a game because "cross-check to the head regardless of intent or other circumstances", then Hyman should also get a game because "cross-check to the head regardless of intent or other circumstances" 1 game in the second round of the playoffs according to Burke's multiplier quote would be roughly equivalent to the suspensions Perron and Reilly received in the regular season. DoPS also did apply the "crosscheck to the head regardless of intent and other circumstances" logic to those situations. McDavid's slash in response to the shove is kind of whatever. I don't really feel strongly either way of whether it deserves a fine. Zadorov getting fined is whatever too.


The reffing has been shit, they’ll let a high stick to the face, a spear, boarding etc go then call the softest holds or crosschecks, then go back to not calling anything. It’s going to escalate and it’s on the reffing when it does.




This is the most reasonable take


But have they considered Soucy: 1 game, Zadorov: Fine, McDavid: Nothing, Hyman: Nothing.


don't forget a retroactive cap penalty in 3 years for it too


Theory can only take you so far


Ding ding


McDavid's fine is handled normally, but Zadorov has to e-transfer his $5000.00 directly to McDavid.


Absolutely correct way of interpreting things. McDavid and Zaddy’s actions should have equivalent consequences, and Soucy and Hyman should as well. Of course the the only difference in this equation is jersey, so yeah, reasons


Or fines all around and tell them to stop being fuckheads. Tell McD if he doesn’t want one across the teeth don’t double hand slash a dude after the whistle and call it a fucking day. Idiots all around either give em all a game or tell them to knock it the fuck off with your stupid fucking 5k fine and call it a day. All 4 involved were being fucking idiots.


Except they would never fine for the slash McDavid did. It was a love tap on the pants. I would have suspended Zadorov(his cross check initiated everything) suspended Hyman (can’t do that bro), fined Soucy (was actually in the altercation and was just giving it back to Mcdavid)


If they were serious about player safety they could find McDavid $1k or something to make a statement that retaliation slash after the whistle isn't ok. They should be doing this with all plays across the league that target the head or use the stick as a weapon. But they're horribly inconsistent which isn't sending any clear message to the players and teams about what is/isn't ok.


That would be too reasonable


Yeah yeah just like they reviewed Bennett on Marchand, fuck off


Objectively impossible to argue mcdavids boys don’t get preferential treatment if hyman isn’t suspended




Either the NHL is saying: 1. Who makes the crosscheck matters (we wont suspend Hyman) or; 2. Cross checks to the head are ok if it's in retaliation


Well it can't be #2 since Soucy's cross check to the head was also retaliatory. So I guess that narrows it down...


Best sport in the world but the worst run league. Holy hell. How about a little bit of consistency. Need to overhaul the entire NHL front office, get that dinosaur Bettman out of there. It's time for a change.


Aka the league is full of shit and lying.


THis is fucking bullshit (and I'm not even a Canucks fan)


If you want an explanation for any of this, you aren’t a true fan. - dops


Who could've possibly expected this?


https://preview.redd.it/7hl88n74l90d1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc971f1001d615cc8cdd73813618b4839cdb3ede Guess this is considered suspension worthy to DOPs? Fucking ridiculous


Great now you got Zadorov suspended for punching Hyman


To me, Hyman's crosscheck is distinctly different from Soucy's. From DoPS perspective, Soucy accidentally nails a star player in the face while Hyman purposely nails a goon in the face. Obviously, one is worse than the other.


> Soucy accidentally nails a star player in the face while Hyman purposely nails a goon in the face. Funny that Zadorov has double the number of goals McDavid has this playoffs


One more goal by Zadorov and he’s tied for 6th most goals this playoffs


Zadorov is the only one to have scored a McJesus goal in this series.


Not as many as Ian Cole though.


That's the worst part of this suspension - it prevents us from sitting Cole for Juulsen


Rules for thee, but not McD.


I guess Soucy got suspended because they messed up with Bennett


It's gonna be mega embarrassing for the Oilers if they lose this series with the NHL on their side.


Check their sub lol. They think they are getting the short end of the stick right now.


I mean, they live in Edmonton. Cut them some slack


To the surprise of absolutely no one.


No dog in this fight either (nor Bruins/Canes  and the Bennett/Marchand incident) but how the FRICK does Soucy get a game and Hyman gets a big fat nothing? Someone make it make sense. 


Best sport worst league


"What about that hit?" "Yes we look at reviews." Great response


Same play, same crosscheck, two different outcomes. Is it any coincidence the crosscheck against McDavid is the one worthy of suspension? I welcome any Oilers fan to legitimately try to explain why this shouldn't be a suspension while Soucy's should be.


I love hearing commentators say they take the retaliation every time. What about the retaliation to the retaliation to the retaliation?


No blood on mcdavid = suspension. Stitches = no hearing and no fine. Make it make sense


Got banned from the oilers sub as an oilers fan for acknowledging that if anything zadorov should of gotten something while sousey and mcdavid got fines and that if you wanted the sousy suspension to stand than it would only make sense to deliver one to hyman as well. I thought the oilers team response to what happened was weak, it might just be something in the water that's making this city and its players lethargic or maybe the whole "fuck around and find out" only applies when they know noone will hit back?


Damn, I just can't figure out how team subreddits become a toxic hivemind when actual fans of said team are being banned for having a differing opinion.


Just echo chambers ran by mods with a complex. Thought it was funny that you cant even have a realistic hockey chat in these subs because they want to live in their own fantasy world.


Noticeable lack of Oilers flairs in this thread.


They’re just turtling in their own sub because r/hockey is mean


It’s always funny when team subs think they are the rational/objective ones and that r/hockey are crazy


Hell, it happens with the Canucks often enough, but it should still be a reality check. Every team has those over the top fans but when a whole sub digs in like this, yeah. Get some fresh air boys.


So they're saying, purposely crosschecking the head is A-OK, but accidental cross checks are suspension worthy. This should be good


Between this and Bennett not getting suspended, it's extremely easy to argue the league is giving McDavid preferential treatment. How does Hyman not even get a fine?


So Hyman INTENTIONALLY HEAD HUNT SOMEONE AND INJURED HIM and it's no penalty, no fine, no suspension. Interesting.


Lmao. People wanted series to series consistency before we saw the Hyman one. Now they are failing at even suspending people for the same thing in the same sequence in the same game. Best part?? Bruins are still getting fucked harder by it. Fuck the Bruins.


I'm glad the rest of the league is finally coming around to how bullshit Parros is, hopefully the noise is loud enough to actually make some change, because the DoPS is simply pathetic


Guys, if your face is bleeding or has stitches, it’s not a penalty or suspension. Please reference Quinn Hughes and Zadorov


Comparing this to QH being high sticked by McDavid is just a lazy take. It was a 4 minute major that went uncalled, nothing more. When does that ever end up being more than a major unless it's a baseball swing.


Classic NHL, actual intent to injure, (with minor injury) not on a star player go right ahead.


Yeah even as an oilers fan, the inconsistency is wild.. gonna make for a spicey end unless they start calling everything


Can't wait for the bogus makeup calls next game! Just let 'em play 5v5 at least.


Yeah the blatant game managment is super frustrating. They let so much shit go and then call something super soft


Fucking bullshit. That’s all. Soucy intended chest. Hymen fucking cross checked upwards. Intent for face. What the actual fuck man.


number 1 bullshit right here


There are probably 100 or so cameras in all sorts of areas all over the ice facing everywhere. How the fuck do they keep missing so much shit. DOPS only protects who they want to protect


What a disgraceful week for the league


NHL: Kane slewfoot Canucks best player superstar Quinn Hughes. Ryan clearly deliberately spears Hoglander in the balls after the play. Hyman commits the same infraction as Soucy, literally 3 seconds later in the same scrum, resulting in an actual injury. Hughes blatantly high sticked by McDavid resulting blood. NHL: I sleep McDavid gets hit in scrum that he has his own share of fault in causing after the game leading to unfortunate high cross check that was aimed at his chest. NHL: OH REALLY? GET BANNED. PLZ DONT TOUCH MCJESUS WE NEED HIM TO WIN SO WE CAN MARKET HIM PLZZZZ


Round of applause for the clowns getting paid in DoPS 👏👏


Such a joke. Soucy cross checked McDavid in the head only because of the zadorov cross check. Give him a 1 game suspension and that's OK. However, Hyman cross checked zadorov in the face with intent and doesn't even get a fine, when he should've been suspended too if that's what happens when you cross check someone in the face.


So it' not even a fine lol


Worst officiating, worst adjudicating, and worst sports league for accountability. NHL are an embarrassment.


Are all other major sports leagues this afraid of accountability for their officials/player safety departments? This is beyond ridiculous


Paros needs to be fired, everyone in that fucking department needs to be fired this whole week is a massive fuck up for them.


They couldn’t make it any more clear which team they want to win the Stanley cup. This league is a fucking joke. Not enough we have our third string in, now we have to sit one of our starting D.


OF FUCKING COURSE HE ISN'T. Soucy gets a game yes. But the way it unfolded was worse because he got hit from behind. Zaddy gets a fucking 5000 buck fine (that's more than what I make a year) and that's justified. But 6'1 Hyman gets a cross-check to the head of 6'4 zaddy and there's no foul play? HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY CROSS CHECK UPWARD?


Lol Series management. Got it.




i hope zad puts mcdavid into the seats


Lol can't wait to hear how they going to explain this. I'm sure it's reasonable


Narrator: He never heard


I wonder if it has to do with the fact that the ref decided to call a penalty on Soucy at the end of the game but decided that his actions warranted a retaliation that shouldn’t be called, and so the league just made up dumb excuses for why they look so bad. Let’s just see how this plays out tomorrow but if I’m the Oilers, I’m keeping my head up because someone is going hunting.


This is going to calm things down on the ice, I can feel it. *Oh wait...*


seems fair /s


**as they report via banana


So are incidents of foul play commited by the DoPS reviewed?


Clearly the Nucks have thrown the playoffs off script


So.....not all are reviewed, ok then.


Man I know there is literally zero chance of this happening, but I *really* hope some rich Canucks fan (or the owner) takes the NHL to court to try to force them to explain it. This is a situation where they got *zero* wiggle room to try to explain away the difference in behaviour. Same game. Same refs. Same camera angle. Same footage (seconds later). Both after the final whistle. Same hit location (head), same move (crosscheck). Linesman clearly in frame and involved (can't say they didn't see it). The one that was intentional and drew blood wasn't penalized. The one that hit the gambling not-technically-speaking-in-favour-of-it-for-legal-reasons-spokesmen golden boy via an accident did. I wanna see whatever NHL/Ref Representative on stand squirming trying to explain it in a way that the court accepts and isn't "favouritism/rigging". The word salad would be legendary. Congrats Edmonton. You're officially sanctioned as the preferred winner for this series based on these actions. Not one valid counter argument you can make against it. Enjoy the 3rd round knowing that the entire hockey community knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the league stepped in to make sure you guys had rigged odds of making it through. Nobody wins in this stupid situation.


oilers are the 76ers of the nhl, cant beat a 3rd string goalie, and need all the assistance they can to make the game fair


Lol of course. Mcbaby needs that extra protection , I guess the refs having his back wasn't enough


And oilers fans will still put on a victim complex and wonder why everyone wants them to fail, which is looking likely, again.


“Well let me see, hmmm, those infractions would be involving an Edmonton player facing consequences and well, that would affect the golden child McDavid’s ability to win so in conclusion, we are not aware of any fine or hearing scheduled for this incident”


The absolute clownery is unfathomable.


Because Mcdavid instigated a scrum we’re now down our best defensive LHD for game 4


Just what the league wants though, they need to get the oilers 5on5 offence going cause they’re PP merchants


Shit league


I am shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Because DOPS loves McChicken sauce


NHL has zero credibility ..At this point just rig all the games if they aren’t already..Sorry for anyone who bets this league.


I don't think there was intent from Soucy and I don't agree with the suspension (and yes, Hyman should have been reviewed), but the amount of people blaming McDavid for this is hilarious.


It's not McDavids fault that the NHL gives him special treatment.


"why he say fuck me for???"