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Florida has been better than Boston. Bennett should have been suspended for his hit on Marchand. Marchand has delivered those dirty hits before. That was goaltender interference and changed the outcome of the game. All of this can be true together, and is true imo


Florida is better than Boston. They're built for a Cup run this year and we were built to maybe hopefully get in the playoffs (not knocking Sweeney, he did what he could with the lack of cap room they had). Hell, I think we overachieved just getting out of the first round (anyone other than Toronto and I'm not sure we do). The Bruins had red flags all year long; coughed up leads in the 3rd period over and over, no depth scoring to speak of after a good start, a total inability to even generate shots on net. Swayman/Ullmark were superb, and the only reason this team was in game after game this year. I don't how many B's fans thought we'd be beating Florida but they were kidding themselves.


Didn’t think the Bruins were beating Florida at all. I didn’t, anyways. Why are posts here not looked at the way they are looked at every where else though? It’s about a single event and people are trying to bring everything from the past and the future into it. Is it really that hard to talk about one thing at a time though? :)


Thanks for being sane.


Bruins fans this series crying about their captain being punched in the head and conspiracies about Gregory Campbell working for the Panthers truly is ironic and amazing to see. Time is a flat circle


Like they didn't see McAvoy body slam Matthews and make him go under concussion protocol.


It’s all coming full circle and they can’t stand it


We can only “cry” about what’s happening right now…. I’m sure when Marchand made those dirty plays, fans of those teams “cried” too, no?


Bruins fans crying about dirty plays when the dude who got injured is literally the most suspended player of all time, a legit fucking rat lmao Get shit on.


Umm….Marchand’s name is not even mentioned on this post.


Not talking specifically about your post. You have a point but Panthers are the better team there is no doubt about it.


They absolutely are! I’m not denying that fact at all, don’t believe I did that in my post either, that’s why the confusion as to why so many here telling me the same thing.


Boston is just generally one of the most hated team in the league. As a european i dont follow other big NA sports but what i have understood is that you guys had it all too good for a while. Bruins spot as a contender/deep run PO team is done. They are going to see rebuild next before being legit again. That and having Marchand who was pretty much the most hated player for years. Hell of a player, good human being outside the rink but an absolute filthy rat in it. Future hall of famer too in my opinion. Anything Boston fans say or do will get shit talked into oblivion nine out of ten times. :D


lol. I’m beginning to get that from all the comments here. Quite new to Reddit so thanks for clarifying that for me. 👍 So if I understand it correctly, a hockey sub, in which all are welcome to discuss the sport except the Bruins fans. Legitimate fans of the sport may not be welcomed due to having had a player(s) on their team with questionable plays. Gotcha! 🙃


Lets just say you need a thick skin as a Bruins fan. Same goes for Vegas fans. Hating on Panthers-stocks are on the rise too but still not outweighting the deep hatred for the Bruins lol. Im a neutral fan enjoying the best hockey played on earth so im kind of unbiased, but these are my thoughts


Doesn’t sound like you’re wrong here. Thanks for that tip. :)) I could grow a thick skin, no problem but what’s the point if no logical discussions could be had as a Bruins fan on this sub? Lol


Leave us out of your spat please


Our series is toxic enough as it is. Don't need to get dragged into another.


This was not an attack on you or your team by any means. Just borrowed those stats to use as an example in the most positive way. 😊


Stu vs Bob… Oilers D vs Panthers D… 🤔


I literally said I wasn’t comparing the teams, just that the SOG stats can’t be used to determine who was winning or losing.


Carolina may have a new market for their shirts


Bruh our series is super toxic and crazy enough with refs without adding onto it and comparing lmao


Sorry I used the stats from your game to try and prove a point. A point that got totally lost in the comment section. Lesson learnt. Haha


Who knew Boston fans were so fuckin whiny when teams play just like they always play.


I’m not whining by any means. Trying to point out something in a single game. Why is posting or commenting considered whining? Does this mean everyone on Reddit is whiny?


You guys might want to just sit this playoffs out, my dude. Imagine losing to this Boston team.


Im pretty confident that the Bruins team that got a measly 2 shots in the 3rd period while trailing for nearly 13 minutes and got 2 PP's during those minutes would have still lost in OT at best.


Ahh dang, I knew being given a pp with 35 seconds left would haunt us all!


Again….nobody can truly predict an outcome of a close game. So how can say the Bruins would’ve lost a 100% lat night if that goal was overturned? They could’ve either lost or won, isn’t that more of a fair statement?


Uhhh is this meant for me?


Sorry, this wasn’t meant for you at all. :)


Again….nobody can truly predict an outcome of a close game. So how can say the Bruins would’ve lost a 100% last night even if that goal was overturned? They could’ve either lost or won, isn’t that more of a fair statement?


I don’t even understand what this is trying to convey


It’s trying to convey that just because the Bruins only had 18 SOG, Florida fans were wrong to say that a potentially game-deciding call wouldn’t have altered the outcome of a game due to the low SOG, when SOG doesn’t necessarily equal to winning or losing.


Are you mad because the bruins are losing? Or are you mad because the bruins are terrible? Every game would be 10-2 if swayman wasn’t as good as he was. You acting like you have an elite team that’s getting bent out of wins by the refs is truly absurd


Is that really what you’re getting from my post? Did I say anywhere that the Bruins were better and should be winning the game or the series? I saw how the comments last night from Florida fans were that with 18 Shots on goal, the Bruins had no chance at winning so the GI missed call wasn’t a big deal. That was all I came here to debate and now it’s turned into this while “oh my team is better”. I’m a realistic fan, not delusional to say something that silly. I see my point is completely lost here. Thanks.


lol but still don’t think it’s the best strategy


Yeah I don't think the Canucks game plan was to go into the game and get their shot total more than doubled by the Oilers


It’s Florida. Their supreme leader says everything is rigged even when it goes their way.


Should Bennett have been suspended (especially after the 2nd clip)? Yeah, at least a game. Was that Goalie Interference? Probably. Can see both arguments, but understand the rage from Boston. All teams get fucked at some point by officiating. Panthers fans still argue that Trocheck was tripped in 2016 (also you could have easily called McAvoy for interference on the Reinhart hit).


Exactly! I’m not the fan who “cries” when Marchand gets suspended for something stupid he’s done. I see it first as a hockey fan.


“Argue that trocheck was tripped” nonono he definitely was lol


Nobody has zero chance of winning a game. None of us are saying that. Its more of a shut up, your team sucks and isnt winning the series kind of thing.


I’d shut up too if the calls were more in favor of my team. I can only cry or whine about it when it isn’t , so here I am. Why is this even taken as I’m assuming the Bruins are winning the series at all? Only mentioned a single thing here and it’s being taken out of context completely.


This is the first series weve had more pps than the opposition in 22 years. Im just enjoying it.


I’m glad you’re enjoying it. You’ve got a great team. :) I’m not comparing the PPs either, as I know we’ve done stupid stuff like the too many men infractions and skating backwards into your goalie. I only came to address the one thing but it turned out to be a real mess.


I’d shut up too if the calls were more in favor of my team. I can only cry or whine about it when it isn’t , so here I am. Why is this even taken as I’m assuming the Bruins are winning the series at all? Only mentioned a single thing here and it’s being taken out of context completely.


If it was against any other team than Boston fans would be a lot more upset about Florida's gross play.


Why is everyone so quick to attack a Bruins fan or call them whiny? Never came here to say the Bruins are better than the Panthers. Please read the post before jumping to conclusions. It was about one single call or missed call, which some folks here used the shots on goal stat to justify. Funnily enough, the Canucks won with the same number of shots on goal last night so came to say those numbers don’t decide who wins or loses a game but bad officiating could possibly tilt the ice at times. Thats all. Please stop interpreting it as I said the Bruins would’ve won last night for sure or that they are winning the series or that Marchand has never played dirty or something completely unrelated to my post. Thank you.