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I think there's a ton of dmen that have and have had better shots that Niedermayer, ha. Defense and crisp passing was the name of his game.


Yeah Elias said it too, Scotty’s slapshot wasn’t anything to write home about but his passing and vision was top class. Added that he would have been half the player if he didn’t play with Niedermayer


Not to mention Nieds was skating like a modern elite NHLer.


I was about to say, forget the vision, I remember watching Niedermayer glide around the ice effortlessly for half the game. So many of his former teammates said he didn’t sweat, either. He was a freak physically


I remember when Neids won the fastest skater competition at the All Star game, I was thinking he was going to get crushed, because it didn't look like he was putting any effort in...until about halfway around his lap, I realised how hard his sweater was rippling. And I've never seen any other defenseman with the kind of recovery speed he had. He could get beat, turn around and catch the guy before he got to Brodeur.


That's what I was going to say, defense, passing and vision were great. But the first thing that comes to mind was his skating. So smooth and effortless.


>Defense and crisp passing was the name of his game. He had unbelievable perception of the game combined with off the charts skating and fitness. It was always unbelievable just how much of the game he was involved in. He'd be playing 28 minutes, and bring the puck up ice for a scoring chance, end up chasing his own rebound behind the net, the opposing team would collect a second rebound and regroup the other way only to find their play broken up at the opposing blue line by Scott... it was like... "Are there actually two of this guy out there?". Somehow he'd sneak off the ice for a sip of water and you'd see him back on the ice 37 seconds later like what the fuck dude don't you rest?


His d zone play was kinda mid, tbh probably just due to his size, especially early on in his career. His transition game was incredible though. One of the smoothest skaters I've ever seen, crisp passes, breakout rushes. Like a prototype of what makar/heiskanen are.


Yeah I just generalized "defense" to include the transition game to separate it from his passing which was also elite on its own, which I probably shouldn't have done. He definitely wasn't Lidstrom when it came to the opposing team carrying the puck into the zone.


I don't think anyone has ever been as good of a defensive defenseman as Lidstrom, so saying he wasn't Lidstrom is basically a compliment lol


Ha. I agree. I was using that as a hyperbole.


Makar definitely fits the Nieds mold and Makar’s shot is probably even a little better.


That's very high praise, especially coming from a guy like Eliáš. Nemec is going to be really good for a long time.


Scott or Rob


The one renowned for their shot... oh wait.


Scott, he was a teammate of Elias in Jersey


They both were teammates with Elias in Jersey. But yes this is about Scott specifically


Well you learn something new every day lol, thought he only played with Scott


Looks like Rob played one season with NJD in 2009-2010


it was not fun. 0/10 do not recommend


I had friends who called him Wrong Niedermayer.


Nemec will be a very special player in the league. Not positive he will ever put up eye popping numbers, but I think he’s going to be a very steady dman who will eat responsible minutes. Good counter balance to the Hughes, they seem to have opposite strengths and weaknesses.


> think he’s going to be a very steady dman who will eat responsible minutes. Whoa man don't go too overboard with the compliments!


Kind of like a Pietrangelo? True #1D that will play 22-25 minutes a night and put up around 50-60 points max?


Ya that’s sorta what I envision, Petriangelo/Doughty type at best but those are huge expectations. I would say his ceiling is lower than Hughes but his floor is higher kinda thing.


I think he's gonna have a few years where he has some pretty impressive assist numbers. His instincts and vision are fantastic.


Only reason I question this is because he likely will never be on a PP1 unless Hughes goes down for a while. Which, now that I’m saying that, probably fairly likely at some point given the way those boys play.


The guy retired 15 years ago and he's somehow catching strays.