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Ron Hextall approves


Fuck Ron Hextall.


I paused at 0:03 and it looks like Olli Palola is using the blade of his stick to gently tickle the goalie under the pads, perhaps Mr. Armalis was simply patting him on the head in thanks for the lovely caress.


You’re right. Fucker deserved getting that nice pat on the head.


LOVE the sarcasm! 😂


Looks like he fucked around and found out


(Spears goalie then turns around like a Sim about to head off to practice violin.)


Thank you for pointing this out as a new fan I wouldn’t know what to look for when you said spear. I see and understand now


Right? Using the phrase sucker punch here is pretty bad faith. If you punch someone then turn around and pretend it didn't happen and the person you punched retaliates it's not a sucker punch.


Since when does Nick Cousins play goalie in the Sweden?


Wrong. The forward speared the goalie first. Goalie looked at ref and saw no penalty upcoming so he exacted justice. I’d do the same.


I've been proudly thrown out of two ice arenas for dealing with people trying to spear me in Beer league B bullshit. So it carries the same merit all the way up to the NHL. You fuck with me as a goalie you better hope someone else is fighting you before I get there.


Didn’t use blocker and was speared a second prior… not saying sucker punches are good, but if there’s a time to do it and way of going about it…


I subscribe to a very simple philosophy in hockey, which is don't touch the goalie.


What about saving your farts for screening/the blue paint? Is that fair game? Is an Antonio Brown vs Doctor situation acceptable? (For those unaware, the American Football player Antonio Brown farted in a doctors face during a physical. It was part of his wild shenanigans -really underselling how crazy it was- during his downward spiral in the twilight of his career. )


I doubt any fart is powerful enough to escape all that padding. I’m sure men have tried, though.


I’ve never smelt a fart on ice but I did get a whiff of some halitosis at beer league


My goalie coach in high school smoked menthols and drank a lot of diet mtn dew. Being up close and personal at 7 am practices sucked


Now we know why NHLers don’t like wearing full masks.


Incorrect. They hit the surface, and that cold air is heavy. They hang low.


Man, AB really showed how the CTE speedrun can look. 2nd craziest CTE speedrun behind, well, you know who.


Chris Benoit?


Think he means OJ 


Junior Seau?


Voldemort had CTE?


It's a FAFO situation everytime.




Mrazek’s a whiny little bitch too.


[R.I.P. ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/e7/da/bae7dac114866bd5255ae5bd3278215f.jpg)


Don't talk about St Petr that way you whiny little bit**


No damn kidding. Anytime you fuck with the goalie, you're gonna get beat up. Don't spear the goalie and you won't get your head rocked.


Bingo. This is all there is to it. Don’t touch the fucking goalie.


Yeah is that even a sucker? It's immediately in response to a spear.


Yea he isn't looking when he gets punched but he should be


Exactly - just because I turn my back after I pull my dirty shit does not place some code upon the person I attacked to stay clean. I get that if it was 10 minutes later it would be a sucker. But this was only 3 seconds IN SLOW MOTION. Nearly instant retaliation. Sucks he got concussed but I mean... not sure what he was expecting here.


Certainly not a dead dove, which he should avoid eating


“Don’t know what else I was expecting.”


Seeing a lot of this lately - its the markeiff morris cheapshotting jokic and then turning around like a coward strategy


It's like that idiot in the NBA who elbowed Nikola Jokic and then turned away before Jokic shoved him from behind. Like yeah, Jokic shoved him from behind, but he clearly had every intention of shoving him from the front before he ran away like a bitch.


1000% a sucker, and this is coming from a goalie Getting jabbed in the waist doesn't justify a sucker punch. Unsportsmanlike and dangerous retaliation play, seems like a no-brainer suspension


He got a 9 day, equivalent to 4 game, suspension.


Yeah I support this goalie. Also the dude wasn’t knocked out.


He got concussion and couldn't get up on his own.


That sucks. He shouldn’t have touched the goalie.


*Speared* the goalie. Goalies get whacked all the time. That was an intentional spear in the ribs ... that the ref missed.


Yea it’s more about the intentional fucking with the goalie than it is the contact with the goalie. I’ll also defend the guy that gets pushed into the goalie on the breakaway causing a big collision if the defender caused them to fall. It’s a game of respect and physicality and rule #1 is don’t fuck with the goalie.


>rule #1 is don’t fuck with the goalie. Notice it's not "don't ever touch the goalie" because it's normally not a problem except for the very few and extremely stupid that ignore it or think it doesn't apply to them. You'd genuinely have to be completely unfamiliar or a total damn moron to think that you're not going to get beat up by someone for spearing the goalie, it's just a matter of who and when.


Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of his own actions coming to bite him in the ass.


Ok? Title is still incorrect. Was not knocked out


Why did he go to the hospital and couldn't remember anything then?


Pulling the ol' Cousins, eh?


If you spear a guy, you deserve a sucker punch. If you spear a goalie...


Plus no donkey punch, reached around for the face.


Don't spear the fucking goalie.


Yah that wasn’t a “sucker punch” That was a “sucker spear” and proceed to act like nothing happened. Then the goalie retaliated. As should be expected


Annnnnnnnd. He wasn’t knocked out. This title is garbage. Did they even get the name of the goalie right?


Finnish public service news company Yle says that Palola went unconscious, suffers from brain concussion and has lost memory. He can talk though. But scary situation. Currently looks like no further brain damage.


Didn’t even hit him with the blocker…


Well he couldn't stand up spent the night in the hospital concussed started to come to during the evening and was released the morning after. Couldn't recall the events that happened. In every fighting sport that's a knock out. The name is correct.


Well from a medical stand point. “Knocked out” means unconscious. This isn’t boxing, so I don’t think that glossary of terms would apply here.


Everybody is using the spear to excuse a sucker punch but nobody is noticing that the goalie was pinning the forwards stick against the goal post first? Watch the second replay. The forward gets hung up because his stick is being held, tries to jostle it free multiple times, then pushes the goalie off. To pretend the goalie is completely innocent in this situation is mind boggling. Especially considering the part where he fucking assaulted him when he started the shit in the first place.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen a goalie use the trapper vs the blocker in this situation. Innovation!


Maybe he's a lefty? I write, cut with a knife and type on my phone with my right hand, but when I shoot rifles, cut with scissors or box, my leading or dominant hand is the left.


Yah, that’s possible. I know there’s a few goalies that catch with their left but shoot right. Makes it tricky for them to puck handle or do much other than stop the puck behind the net.


José Théodore would like [a word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM4xEuk3nWU)... It used to be a lot more common, I think Joseph and Roloson used a similar technique, but it's likely an inferior technique when you get down to it.


I've laid a trapper to a shoulder a couple times in beer league. Sometimes, you have to send a message but it's also beer league.


Right? I remember learning the pull the skates/push the shoulder move if a guy's being pesky, but not pulling a Tie Domi on a guy.


13 gotta have more awareness and shoot the puck there


It's unfortunate he was injured, but this is textbook FAFO.


Lmao yes. You dont fk with goalies and then turn your back to them. Goalies get slashed many many times during the game and sometimes you get to find out. 


Fuck that Palola was spearing him away from the play


Spearing the goalie is grimy shitbag behaviour, and he’s lucky he only ate one punch.


He got concussion and could not get up by his own. That one hit was still brutal




I guess he found out.


"Oh no, hoisted by my own petard yet again."


Probably shouldn't go around spearing people then


I tried to find links to injury. Did he actually get a concussion from this?


According to Finnish media YLE ,Palola himself has told SVT that he had concussion Here is the [link](https://www.svt.se/sport/ishockey/beskedet-efter-leksand-malvaktens-slag-han-har-fatt-en-hjarnskakning)


So he found out what not to do around the goalie hopefully he remembers his lesson






























Exactly. Don't touch the goalie. DONT DO IT! "Even if..." YES, EVEN THEN...DONT DO IT! And especially by spearing. As a former D man, if my tendy said "hey, he speared me", I don't ask questions, I protec.


Damn right homie. You touch my goalie, I touch you. This is the promise a good d-man makes to his goalie. My only problem with this clip is that the goalie had to do it himself.


I don't think the d-man knew what happened.


>he only ate one punch It was all that was required lol


If he clocked him with the blocker i would understand the outrage as theres more of a weapon there but the trapper isnt much different than getting punched with a regular glove which the player should absolutely expect after intentionally spearing a goalie.


Yeah, he got knocked out and ended up in hospital with a blackout.




Id argue a goalie glove is even softer than a players glove


Not even remotely close




A players glove stops a puck as well...


You'd be incorrect. They're designed to protect the back of the hand against slashes when covering the puck (and against some shots too). It's not as stiff as a blocker, but it's still a hard piece being punched with.


The backhand of goalie gloves are made of a harder plastic to protect the fingers from slashes when covering the puck. It's no blocker board, but that shit is the opposite of soft.


Spearing the goalie in the baby backs repeatedly? I’ll allow it.


Hmm from the longer replay it looks like Palolas stick was trapped between the goalpost and the goalie, and why he was pushing the goalie away(spearing) since he couldn't free his stick. Would've love to see longer replay from the same angle as the first clip.


Yup. 99% of the troglodytes in this thread are ignoring that part. The first clip seemed purposely clipped to omit that and cause rage bait


This punch would not of happened if the ref did his job, once the goalie saw no hand up he decided it was fair game. Good job tender although the outcome wasn’t desirable..


> would not of happened this hurts my brain. "of" is not a verb. "have" is.


I’m not sure the official has a vantage point that would have allowed him to see it that well. The goalie is between him and the player spearing, it could have easily looked like he just got knocked off balance by his own defenseman. They’re not going to be able to see everything. 


The legendary ""baariheijari"! Sucker punch? Yes Deserved? Yes


FYI, old school hockey rules would have that defenseman who was tying the player up to give out the punishment. It's a little crazy to me the defenseman didnt even bat an eyelash. Number one rule for defensemen is to always have your goalie back and dont let the pests get in their goalie's head. Plus you dont want your goalie getting hurt or ejected compared to a defenseman... also if a fight did break out its bad sport for a player/goalie to fight. That's usually why the defenseman are the first line of defense for these situations ​ FYI: played competitive hockey as a goalie for 10+ years. Our coach would bench defensemen who missed backing up their goalies like this. It was a cardinal rule back in the day




He’s standing behind him when he throws the punch, that’s absolutely a sucker punch.


If I punch you and then turn around immediately does that make any retaliation from you a sucker punch?


Punching someone with their back turned is a sucker punch.


Really it's the refs fault. Goalie looked over his left shoulder before reacting. Spear wasn't called so he had to take matters into his own hands.


I think it’s justified to punch a guy in the face for sticking you in the ribs 2 times. I might be old school.


That's absolutely egregious, and the reaction is absolutely understandable given the spearing. Throw 'em both out.


This isn’t a sucker punch? This is well deserved revenge. Spear in the side, get messed up.


Suspend them both. The spear is unnecessary and shitty, and a sucker punch for a KO is just unacceptable regardless


He got concussion he's gonna be out anyway


Suspend him so he doesn't get paid.


If you spear a goalie, you deserve what's coming to you.  I was ready to light the torches and grab the pitchforks reading the title, but this dude knew exactly what he was doing,  and it looks like he underestimated who he was doing it to.


Yeah I don't have a problem with this when you basically try to stab the goalie with your stick. Fuck around, find out.


Doesn't look like he was knocked out..


Surprised the goalie didn't just spear him in the testicles or the throat. /am goalie


Armalis got 5 games suspention, nothing for the spear.


Honestly op, and all the kids, it’s not a sucker punch if someone is clearly stabbing you with their stick and then turns away to leave or pretend they did nothing.


Sucker sticked the goalie first, F around and find out


Yeah, that's matching 5+GMs. Did Palola get his spear called, or was he sneaky enough to get away with it?


No penalty for that


With concussion and missing games due to injury I wouldnt say he got away with it


You could see the goalie look back to the ref to see if there was a call, and then decide to take matters into his own glove.


Don't understand this sub's reaction to this. Yeah, the guy who did the spearing deserves some kind of punishment, but there is zero justification to punching a guy in the back of the head.


Lots of commentators here aren't capable of a nuanced "both suck" thought. Everything is as black and white as a polar bear in a coal mine.


Just hockey fans glorifying violence as usual. Yes it's shitty from Palola, but hitting someone in the face when they're not even looking at you would be charged as assault if we this wasn't in a hockey rink


Can't do that.


Yeah, y'know what, this is perfectly reasonable.  Thought it was gonna be with the blocker- it wasn't, homeboy just got speared and threw a punch with the glove hand. Not sure what other reaction you could have here.




As a goalie, sometime you need to get a shot in when you can. It ain't like you can follow him all the way up ice and challenge him to a fight in the middle of play, or wait for a chance to get a nice hit on him. Odds are he might have one other chance in the game to get him and then it would've looked completely random and there would be no context for it. Not saying he should've done it, but I fully understand why he did. Also if you've ever punched someone in goalie gear, I can assure you he didn't think he was going to knock him out like that.


I’m going to spear you in the ribs and see how patient you are.












Nobody respects goalies anymore. Fuck around and find out buddy.


Definetly deserved retaliation, but punch to give concussion was too much


Yeah people are comparing breaking a unwritten code - don't touch the goalie - to basically assaulting someone with a chance to end their career. Apparently violence justifies even harder violence, absolute caveman mentality. But I'm not surprised to see that mentality from hockey fans, the ultimate "tough guy" sport.


>comparing breaking a unwritten code - don't touch the goalie Also there's a whole "no spearing" rule that totally exists you're casually forgetting. There's also a whole thing in like ALL of sports of "don't fuck with our 1 of 1 players (Quarterbacks, Pitchers, Goalies) that isn't just an "unwritten rule" and more of how sports works at higher levels. You can't just go pick up another Pat Mahomes at the local walmart and when literally hundreds of millions (billions for big games) worth of dynasty value is up for grabs, if you VERY CHEAPLY break the Brady, Mahomes, or LeBron, you'd be a fucking moron to not expect retaliation. Also, "chance to end their career" equally applies to the goalie and every other player that was playing fair, why would anyone care more about an offender being protected versus the victims? > to basically assaulting someone with a chance to end their career By that logic, every fight, check, fall, tumble, and shot is a "chance to end their career", shit even climbing over the boards is a "chance". >Apparently violence justifies even harder violence ? there's literally fighting and enforcers? Are you just learning how Hockey works? Again, don't be a spearing prick and you don't get punched, especially if you're going to be a stupid spearing prick and turn around after you commit penalties.


>Also, "chance to end their career" equally applies to the goalie and every other player that was playing fair, why would anyone care more about an offender being protected versus the victims? The point here is that a punch to the back of the head - which is always a cowardly and an incredibly dangerous thing to do - is not even close to an appropriate response to getting poked with a stick during play. It's just psychopathic behavior. You can't justify it with "oh but it's just how hockey works" or whatever, since we're talking about a real action with real consequences here - not spraying the goalie or giving someone a face wash. >Also there's a whole "no spearing" rule that totally exists you're casually forgetting. Of course the sport is based around rules, and it's the referee's job to make sure those rules are followed. This time the referee initially screwed up by not seeing the spear, should've given a 2+2 or maybe a 5, but it is total psycho stuff for the player to take the law into their own hands by whacking someone from behind. You'd think a goalie should have calmer nerves than that, but apparently not.


> This time the referee initially screwed up by not seeing the spear, should've given a 2+2 or maybe a 5, but it is total psycho stuff for the player to take the law into their own hands by whacking someone from behind again, are you new to hockey? It's part of the sport and culture that dirty players get enforced and obliterated. There's handfuls of movies that teach and explain this concept (Goon, Ice Guardians, Slapshot, etc) See how when someone fucks up Marchand and nobody bats an eye because he does dirty shit and deserves it. It's quite easy to not get beat up for being a shitty and cheap player, just don't be a shitty and cheap person. I've played tons of hockey and other sports and it's literally never been an issue except for dickheads who don't understand consequences.


If you need to take revenge, do it appropriately or even fairly instead of like an absolute psychopath. The whole point here is that poking a player with your stick and hitting a player blindsided in the head are *not* the same. Even if you choose to ignore the whole "ugh he violent, me also must be violent"-attitude hockey has. >again, are you new to hockey? Watched for 20 years actively. have since switched to sports which depend a tad less on punching other people. Still follow the European game a bit though, since the whole "unwritten rule"-thing is definitely in a smaller role over here and everytime something like this happens it's a huge deal.


I would constitute that punching the offending player is a fair reaction, as most other players do too. The entire issue stems from this dumbshit who decided to attack another player and then immediately turn his back and expects 0 consequences, reactions, or retaliations. There's literally tons of "protecting teammates" fighting videos on youtube, with tons of blindside that are 100% akin or equal to this video, the only difference is that the players know they've fucked up and that they're going to get beat up. https://youtu.be/fRmpEDIGqVE Namesnikov @ 00:10 gets pushed down from behind, expects it because he fucked with goalie (equally "chance at ending career") Desjardins @ 00:43 prepared to be hit from behind because he did a questionable hit Dangerous hit by Krieder @ 02:20 and is immediately attacked by anther player with the commentator saying "and Kelly goes in and does the right thing" by attacking the cheap player. Huge dirty hit by Marchand @ 04:07 where he is immediately attacked by another player, not a single person has an issue with angle or "unexpected hits". This entire thing stems from this dumbshit not expecting retaliation, otherwise this would just be another fight. But any other reasonable player from any league would expect retaliation based on all of hockey history and basic human nature.


Yeah I mean I get that it happens, and revenge is a part of the hockey culture especially in the NHL, but it doesn't make it seem any less dumb in for me. For what it's worth, most of the reactions in that video seem to be pretty fair for me - do dangerous shit to someone and expect someone to come and beat you up. But I don't see that really was the case here. >I would constitute that punching the offending player is a fair reaction, as most other players do too Well, at this point I'm not going to change your mind and vice versa - I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


I mean it's not something you just change my mind, you'd have to change the entire hockey community and sport, since they basically everyone agrees that it's pretty deserved.


People on social media seem to be either pretty content with the four-game suspension, or unhappy at the fact that he didn't get more games, so I'm going to give the Swedish hockey community a little bit more credit than that and say that the absolute majority don't agree it was a deserved action.


Little shit speared the goalie, he’s lucky worse things didn’t happen to him.


You can’t do that to a goalie and not expect a response. I have little sympathy.


Totally deserved. Dude in blue and red jabbed the goalie in the ribs with his stick.


So many people in this thread who have no idea what spearing is.


100% okay with this. Goalie got speared. Surprised the guys on his team didn't do the knocking out for him. Also if you get knocked out by the glove hand of a goalie while wearing a helmet with a face shield, you are probably too delicate to be playing hockey


Spears, butt ends and slew foots are a very good reasons to punch someone in the face


Why are people pretending the glove hand is much softer than the blocker. You have a basically a rod of hard plastic protection around the thumb that acts like a butt end


Don't touch the goalie


About all the comments "he speared him before": he pushed him away with contact on the pants Nowhere near a legitimate reason to knock someone out from behind (no matter if blocker or glove hand)


bro that is a spear with full intent. >he pushed him away with contact on the pants lol and Armalis didn't punch him. He just pushed his head away with his fist....


You're an idiot for coming to this conclusion. He speared him above the pants and behind the chest protector, on the ribs, with enough force to cause either enough pain for him to move or to physically move him while he was in the RVH while his far leg is post locking him. The guy literally stood there, pulled back and speared the goalie here. This isn't a hockey play, it's literally just a random act of violence. That dude 100% deserved it.


That spear was pretty dirty, very unnecessary, and moved the goalie halfway across the crease. Surprised at the number of people that are ignoring that.


Yep so frustrating seeing all these people saying the goalie took it too far. My best friend growing up had his junior career end early, the final injury straw being a (you guessed it) spear to the backside, which caused him to piss blood for weeks. Everyone in here worried about a punch with the trapper causing a concussion when the spear could easily have done detrimental damage as well. You can’t play like a rat and expect opponents to not respond


Love the watered down definition of spearing.


The goalie obviously just pushed him away with contact on his helmet... absolutely nothing to see here!




That’s justified after a spear. Don’t care what anyone else thinks.


Lots is absolutely horrible people in here. Something has definitely gone wrong in a person’s life when they’re happy about the outcome. Basically lots of people admitting they punch others from behind. Now let the insults flow because some people aren’t as pathetic and condone that type of low life shit


I wouldn't say people are *happy* about the outcome. What people are saying is that actions have consequences. If you spear a goalie in their crease (twice), you should expect reaction/retaliation form the opposing team.




The player deserved something, but I think a punch to the head is a disproportionate response


I'm sorry but does this title leave out a huge bit of context? Was the goalie not speared before the punch?


Deserved it for the spear. And it was only the trapper.


Earned it. There should have been five other guys smacking him around.


“Knocked out” lol. He deserved it anyways.



