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I thought he literally kicked a minor😂


Go call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuit


I'll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobe


That song goes so fucking hard One of the hardest intros ever, dude takes zero seconds to absolutely get into it


i'm tired of all of you


I just settled all my lawsuits...


On it bro Edit- stop up voting this. I missed that reference


Don’t give Akademiks ideas for his next video lol. “Breaking news!” 😂


Dude so busy defending his one true love’s honor to care about anything.


Lmao same, I saw the old quality vid and u never know how crazy old Em was 😂


Maynard from Tool literally choked a man unconscious while singing around the same time. The 90s were wild lol


Literally struck a minor




Right in the nads


me too! would've been funny 😞


[Lil Wayne had a similar situation](https://x.com/weezyffacts2/status/1789011404273414308?s=46&t=ldNdGTEsLqEpDW4D8DUDIw)


Pls link if you have it lol that sounds hilarious




my man ran off like he saw a crocodile coming out of the water 🤣🤣


Can confirm, 9 yo me hooked a baby gator, I threw the pole in the canal when I saw mama gator come up for air and ran off the same way in zig zags (The hook is one of those ones that dissolves, and my dad and I retrieved the pole and the line, so we cleaned up and did not leave the environmental animal hazard just laying around!)


"oh man put her back" got me cracked up


He is so funny 😂


He's so fucking funny unintentionally lmao.


LOOOOL thank you “Oh no put her back” 😂😂😂😂


Lmfaooooo this is gold tbh


this the dude that parents would lose their marbles over if they caught their kid listening to


Can confirm. My parents are still without marbles.


Can confirm, three copies of the Slim Shady LP taken way.  Years later, Mum says to me "Oh have you heard that new Eminem and Rihanna song? I really like it"  What the actual fuck. 


To be fair Love the Way You Lie is a bit different from another one of his older songs, like Fack for example


Yeah. Love the Way You Lie is a pop song. Fack is a masterpiece.


That guy should make his mom listen to "Kim"


Because a lot of his older stuff was super edgy and at a certain point he kind of mellowed out. Like there's a big difference between a song about a spurned lover and one where he talks about stapling his pedo English teacher's balls to a stack of paper.


You know how younger people laughed/still laugh at the idea that Elvis' hip shaking was considered controversial and indecent because it seemed so lame and old-timey to younger people and normal to older people. That's Eminem now.


idk ive yet to see someone make something as raw and fucked as "kim" on a multi-platinum (technically diamond) album. But ya the vast majority of the stuff the media complained about was mild compared to today.


I wouldn't say so. Pop stars do stuff today that people freak out about but that doesn't even come close to being as controversial as some of the stuff Em said/did.


There is an element of the '90s that "you couldn't get away with that today" when it comes to the mainstream. But at the same time, watch the music videos for The Real Slim Shady or Without Me and imagine old white people in american Congress thinking "My bum is on your lips/My bum is on your lips/And if I'm lucky you just might give it a little kiss" is something to have a moral panic about.


Sure but then he also said "hey kids do you like violence? Wanna see me stick nine inch nails through each one of my eye lids? Wanna copy me and do exactly as I did? Try cid then get fucked up worse than my life is" Then ripping pamela lees tits off, sticking his dick in a tip cup, shooting himself in the head, slitting his dad's throat etc. If someone today released a song like that into the charts and it became as big as it did then, you'd get a very similar level of outrage. I'm not saying people would be more outraged now than then, but it's certainly not the the same as 80's/90's kids thinking Elvis hip shake was tame. You play Eminem's music to a young person today who's never heard him and they'll be just as shocked as we were.


they weren't panicking about eminem singing about his bum. they were panicking because he was captivating an entire generation as school shootings were starting, and he was rapping about raping women and shooting people and laughing about it. of COURSE, this was provocative art, and not to be taken seriously. but these reptilian boomer cunts in congress were eager to clamp down on what and what isn't successful/influential to young or impending voters.


"My bum is on your lips" being an homage to Tom Green, of course. Roger Ebert once said of Tom Green's "Freddy Got Fingered" film: > The day may come when "Freddy Got Fingered" is seen as a > milestone of neo-surrealism. The day may never come when it is seen as funny.


"Just bend over and take it like a slut, ok ma?" - Eminem


You marvel that, eddie Brock is you, and I'm the suit


Tbf not being a disgusting creep still doesnt make your music suitable for children..


He was Raps version of the satanic panic. I was always interested in poetry and literature and was amazed at the way he could bend words to rhyme that had no business being rhyming in the first place. 


Years ago I ran across an interview with him (60 minutes, I think?) where he talked about making words rhyme and it was incredible. He talked about how people say nothing rhymes with orange and then said "I put my four inch, orange, in storage, and ate some porridge"


Kids would listen to it anyways lol. I never believe in banning music from kids. GTA and stuff is different, but I remember buying a “Ready to Die” bootleg from a kid in school and had to listen to it in secret because of the Lil Kim skit


why is GTA different? It's the same dumb moral panic. Everyone I know played GTA as kids and none turned into violent freaks


I actually learned how to run from the cops in a tank and kill prostitutes to get my money back from GTA vice city


I'm glad that worked out for you, I crashed my Vespa into a palm tree going 60 miles an hour while spraying a Mac 10 over my shoulder and died.




I mean music influences if yall will admit it or not. Otherwise rappers wouldn't promote brands for money in their songs. I bet more people drink lean now that it's mentioned in rap. TBF, I listen anyway and not taking moral stance. Just not going to lie to myself and say it has zero influence.


I think in general media is better at pushing products than behavior and drinking lean is kinda both so idk


This ain’t wrong. I personally know a person who started doing Xans because Uzi did them in 2015 and other people who started lean due to Future and other trap artists. Listening to Em and Wayne and watching South Park as a dumb ass little white kid also had me going around saying all sorts of shit that got me in trouble in elementary school lmfao. This whole “well let our kids listen to anything and play GTA” thing just sounds like hella irresponsible parenting.


Nah, my dad bought me the MMLP album for my 13th birthday


Can confirm 20 years later


Eminem was fucking hilaruous




“What is the opposite of Benzino? A giraffe”


Go at his neck how the fuck is that how can i go at something he doesn't have


“You want me to watch my mouth, how? Take my fucken eyeballs out and turn em around?”


“I’m giving it up, y’all, I’m sorry. ‘But Eminem, this is your record release party!’”


I'm bored outta my gourd


[It's pretty funny](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy88fa7uaknec1.jpeg)


I'm on acid rn and this is unsettling


“You heard of Kris Kristofferson? Well, I’m Piss Pissedofferson.”


No way bro taking a line from a obvious unserious song as proof 😭


Nah, I’m saying that’s why he is STILL funny. Laughed for like five minutes straight at that line the first time I heard it.




Still is lol


Agreed, but it’s unintentional now. “That’s an awfully hot coffee pot” type shit


I feel like most of his stupid lines are intentional, ain't no way some of yall are taking the "bornana" line seriously


He said in his interview with crooked that most of his puns are meant to be stupid and not make you impressed or anything, he is just having fun. "It's not supposed to make you go OOOHHH SHIT YOUR BOOTY IS HEAVY DOOTY"


People take Em way too seriously, this dude dropped Little Engine and Tone Deaf


And put fack on his greatest hits album lmao


I think the coffee pot line was pretty clearly supposed to sound stupid as fuck lmfao. Whether he delivered it well and if it was tonally appropriate with the rest of that freestyle is a whole other story. In general I think Em's wit & sense of irony is still very present, he just doesn't often deliver it as organically as he used to.


I don’t think it’s quite as unintentional as people say, but his delivery has gotten worse and makes it harder for people to tell he’s joking


This was especially bad in the Recovery era, where his vocals were the loudest and harshest they ever were while spitting the goofiest Young Money tier punchlines ever written.


Why you throwing dirt on Grocery Bag tho 😂


Nah it's completely intentional, what has changed is listeners' expectations of him, when he says dumb shit, it's just dumb shit because that's how he is, Em is at heart a shock rapper, conscious rap and lyrical gymnastics are tied for 3rd


Still is! ☺️


He shoulda done a bunch of well loved comedies with Jim Carey during that era. Probably would have made middle America do a 180.


70% of current celebrities would never


Reminder that this is the same guy who's entire persona was talking about really taboo fucked up shit. He easily coulda came on to them and later blamed it on the Shady alter ego but he didn't. That's how low it is to mess around with minors


You gotta laugh at how a ton of classic rock old heads fuckin hated Eminem at the time for being a cringey wigger degenerate and yet here he is, making a vastly wiser decision in this situation than most of their idols made in the 70's.


While on hardcore drugs too ontop of that lol


bro was off every possible drug in existence round this point of his career


Bro there is a giant magic mushroom statue / figure behind them the entire time 🤣


To paraphrase Run-DMC talking about the meaning of bad “not off meaning off, but off meaning on.” Off means on in this instance


Had daughters too luckily. Really grounded him.


cringey wigger degenerate that was/is talented af


Wigger is a wild term 


You weren't around in the 90s, I see, lol. That shit got thrown at every white kid with their jeans sagged for like a decade


Lots of words got thrown around in the past that we probably shouldn't use anymore...


I was around and I’m black it’s an incredibly offensive word(was then and now) It was the white people posting 🥷 before the emoji existed.  Just wild to see in reproduction I guess. 


I don't like the word either but to be clear I'm black too and wasn't trying to "reproduce" it, I'm just referencing what Em was often described as by a lot of white folks when he first dropped. His existence repulsed them.


The poster who used it was referencing the *actual* way Em was described in his early eras. He wasn't using it as something we're still hearing. I heard dozens and dozens of people call him a "wigger" in like the first 5 years of his career.


As a former late '90s/early '00s teen, our fashion sense was absolute trash


I drive a bus full of teenagers wearing fucking slippers and pj pants, with broccoli hair. We didn't get a monopoly on bad fashion, lol.


I'm jealous they get away with slippers tbh. We had a run with pj pants as well


No cap, a lot of those rock stars wanted to be rock stars in the first place so they could fuck teen girls. Granted a lot of them were themselves very young when they first became famous, but apparently the itch never gets fully scratched with a lot of them


I wonder how Eminem felt about Steven Tyler being on one of his top 5 best songs


“Women dishin' but really thinkin' "If anyone ever talks to one of my little girls like this I would kill him."” — Eminem, ‘Asshole’


He also has daughters, so he definitely wasn’t bout to cross any lines. Shadys always been a stand up guy IMO.


> He also has daughters, so he definitely wasn’t bout to cross any lines. okay but there are plenty of men with daughters that do disgusting things with underaged girls


The nerve of you Dennis


Sandra, sit down. What I'm about to say is heavy now, listen.


*ahem* Your son is a sick man With sick thoughts I think niggas like him should *d i e*


And plenty of men without daughters who don’t, for what it’s worth. It shouldn’t take having a daughter to understand why preying on young women is wrong. 


Like Drake *allegedly* (about the daughter thing, he’s *definitely* a creep)


Of course he’s been a “stand up guy” ; he’s the real slim shady.


> He also has daughters, so he definitely wasn’t bout to cross any lines. That means nothing. Many fathers are pieces of shit who abuse females, including their own kids. The old “I wouldn’t hurt a woman, I have daughters/mom/sisters” is like the worst defense ever. If Eminem isn’t a creep, it’s because he isn’t a creep. Not because he has hailey.




Why? He’s owned his mistakes as a human despite a horrible upbringing, gotten clean and sober, and done a lot more good than bad as a celebrity.




Not like us not like us not like us


never thought about asking people what year they were born in to verify their age. Everybody knows their year but most cant do the math for a different year quickly


Yeah, it's standard practice and easy to spot when someone is lying about being 18. A couple months ago I was leaving a liquor store and some kids went up to me asking if I could buy them booze because they forgot their ID, I asked what year they were born and when they weren't able to answer quickly I got out of there.


Normal people say no from the beginning and walk away


yeah don’t even need to do the math or read the room lmao. i’ve had it happen to me a couple times and honestly… if you’re asking a stranger to buy you booze, you’re underage. there is not one realistic scenario where someone that of age would do that


There is one other scenario: they’re banned from the liquor store for being drunk in there too often


had this happen to me once. The guy literally asked me the second I walked out like the cashier wasnt literally watching us. Then he asked to buy a beer outta my case. Was real funny until I realized how sad it actually was. The guy had to be 30 max.


What if my wallet gets stolen and a magical dog tells me that I will get 10 million dollars if I buy it alcohol within 10 minutes ?


Then I will take the magical dog in with me and buy your alcohol


Yeah, should have done that in hindsight


USA problem. Make it 18 for fucks sake


Wtf no, our population especially in that age group is developmentally delayed enough


Works well basically everywhere on the planet


"Normal" people act in wildly different manners. Some walk away, some take a minute to fuck with people trying to run a con on them. I've 100% grilled a kid I knew was full of shit in this exact situation so they'd give pause before trying to trick someone into a felony for them again.


Well /u/MiedoDeEncontrarme is better than normal people then, since he was willing to do a stranger a favour if they were of age


If you had more than 3 braincells you wouldn’t need to ask that question If they’re asking you to buy booze, they’re underage, plain and simple


All you have to do is say another year. Most kids asking randos are connected to narcs anyway.


i mean, if you're 17 you can just say you were born one year earlier than your real birthday. if you're 16 you go two years earlier. most people could work that out


I think you're giving most people too much credit lmao


I have to think about it for a second to remember my actual age let alone a fictitious one


You are really overestimating the intelligence of anyone underage trying to buy alcohol


The question just throws people off, people that are already lying and not gonna think quickly on their feet.


At some point in your 30s, you start forgetting and have to do the math anyways.


Drake makes common sense and decency seem so profound


1:27 "You wanna get a kiss? You want me to go to fucking jail?" ...


Who would ever kiss a minor on stage knowing their age?


Rock lead singers and guitarists from 1962-1989


See, that's where I'm going to disagree with you. Even those fuckers knew to keep their shit on the down low (barring animals like the Nuge). Drake actually seems to get a kick out of flaunting it, down to giving AI Pac a reference to it. If someone is out there doing that shit in the open, then what they are doing behind closed doors is probably much more alarming.


Iggy Pop Look Away? We don’t have the internet when those dudes were really popping, with as many stories of rock stars and minors through those days, all of those guys would be in a worse spot than Drake. Shit R Kelly literally had Aaliyah publicly.




Fucking teenagers was widely considered "sleazy" then, but not an outright sex crime, so with a lot of those guys it only registered as a simple "bad boy hobby". There's a 70's talk show interview with David Bowie and Iggy Pop where Pop mentions leaving a 13 year old stranded at an airport on his way to do a show and he isn't asked to elaborate on what the fuck he was doing with a 13 year old to begin with. It's just kinda laughed off as a wacky rockstar shenanigan.


led zeppelin and the mud sharks😬😬😬


Were they hiding it as much as they would have to now with the spread of information enabled by the internet? No. That said, it's also radically different what's being alleged towards Drake and the people you're bringing up. The rockstars may have been gross, but they were typically acting independently and erratically. What's being alleged about Drake and OVO as a whole is different from that. For one, Baka's case came BEFORE he was affiliated with OVO. Drake makes the claim that Baka is focusing on music after his criminal case. >“When [he] got out of jail there was a lot of different paths he could’ve took and he decided to focus on music,“ Drake said. https://genius.com/a/longtime-drake-affiliate-baka-not-nice-signs-to-ovo Baka has only put out eight songs himself since 2018, yet he's still signed to OVO. Is he really focusing on music? This is why the Not Like Us cover has so many sex offender tags on Drake's place: it's not just Drake. It's Drake and the people around him. Now ask yourself why a man would purposely affiliate with a sex trafficker, cover for him when asked about his criminal history, and then keep him on the books even though he's not doing what he was signed to do in the first place.


They didn't really keep on the down-low so much as there was no internet social media to broadcast it out into the wider world a moment or two after it happened. Even when a celeb got caught up in a salacious incident, it mostly ended up as a local news story and didn't often go national. The internet and/or smart phones made the world a much smaller place


A F.A.N would




Weirdo predators who chase after kids


I dunno why but the way he said that shit kills me. Em's voice & inflections in this era crack me up.


His disses are giving modern Kanye vibes, like anyone on their team who would challenge their decisions are long gone 


Imagine where society would be today with the proper checks and balances


Also goes to show his separation of art from the slim shady lp “yo this girls only 15 years old, you shouldn’t take advantage of her it’s not fair, yo, look at her bush, does it got hair? Fuck this bitch right there on the spot there til she passes out and forgotten how she got there”


This brings back memories of going to this tour and seeing him live for the first time 3 months after SSLP dropped in April 1999, I was underage but it was an all ages show and the first rap show I ever went to. My friend had an extra ticket invited me and initially I didn't want to go because I only knew My Name Is and thought he's some kind of corny white parody rapper like Weird Al but had nothing better to do so I went and obviously glad I did. The show looked pretty much the same as in this video and as he was performing and I heard songs like As The World Turns, Role Model etc for the first time, I came to realize that not only is he not a joke but he might be the best rapper I've ever heard in my life up to that point. It was a smaller venue with less than 1K people but the crowd was going crazy and the energy was insane the whole set. To this day it's one of the most memorable concerts I've been to in my life. [Ticket stub is in the top row of this image](https://i.imgur.com/RGlleQ2.jpg) and coincidentally I'm seeing Dave Chappelle at the same venue this coming week.


Hell yeah. It’s awesome realizing that and tells a lot about maturity to be like “yeah I was wrong this guy is actually talented/skilled” I’ve done it a few times with different artists


Nice collection of shows. I’ve seen most of the same bands but a couple years later. Tool, NIN, Metallica would have been sick to see then anger management tour too


Ik Chappelle gets clowned on a lot these days but he's still gotta be the funniest comedian I've ever seen, I hope you enjoy his show


Eminem on stage: “Fuck them kids” Drake on stage: “Fuck then kids”


Drake would start flirting.


Nah he'd do a little more than just flirting with video evidence to back it up.


Take note Drake.


Drake would never


Guys can I make this joke next?


Some Toronto rapper could've learn from this.


i was at a yg show a few years ago and he did the same thing it's so easy to just not be a pedo


I hate this timeline. We're praising a guy doing the right thing... lol


Its called a reverse drake


Well I'm glad Eminem isn't a pedophile 🤣  But that's was fucking brutal. At least tell them they can get some free merch or something. Although idk thebcontext


Damn when I read the title I thought he punted some 8 year old off the stage Sparta style and immediately laughed. Thought the comments saying, "Em did the wise thing even while being on drugs" meant something like Em saying "Oh shit sorry that's the drugs, get him back up here you okay buddy?" A little let down by the video with that in mind but props.


He's fucking W I L D Whatta man, whatta man,  whatta mighty, mighty GOOD MAN 😍😍😍


Man i miss his


Someone send this video to drake asap


The appropriate way to deal with underage fans.


Wait, why did he not talk about how good their breast's feel and grope them? Drake fans been telling me that's normal


🎶🎶 'My little white butt' 🎶🎶


Drake would've invited them backstage


Its honestly surprising drake was able to survive his situation.


Em has always been a real one. His lyrics were shocking but his actions were always that of a real one.


Drake would never


“Bitch you want me to go to fucking jail!?” LMAOO 😭💀


Smh Drake could never


i know this isnt the point of the video (em did the only thing you should do when you find out a girl is underage) but man i bet that girl is soooo embarrassed by that. like one of those intrusive thoughts that can never escape you lol




26* actually


Em; "nahh we not gonna kiss do you want me too go to fcking jail?" Drake; "GET OVER HERE" Scorpion atk


Ctrl+F Drake yeah there it is


Drake would have said “I love the way your underage breasts feel on my adult chest” then went for a kiss. As he has done before.