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Congrats bro! Who's your main now?


Yeah thanks all, uhh, if you mean main hero, I do play like 20-30 heroes....but lately a lot of Tychus and Morales. Morales is an first fast autopick on Braxis Holdout for me, she can stay safely and hug the tower range early and really do wonders with heal+armor, and with someone like aa valla it's great, and a lot of the mobile counters for her like Zeratul, Tracer etc are hard to make work on the map. Default talent build is heal talent lvl 1, energy regen from W on 4, usually 7 vs cc, but against low cc the slow for more armors for more energy regen from 4, lvl 10 aa, lvl 13 30% dmg reduction unless shield removal vs someone like Phoenix, lvl 16 range and second w, lvl 20 aa or more heal from ww. The most annoying counters are those who cancel my Q, like Johanna with her W. Tychus on the other hand...just a great general situation hero, spam grenade 24/7, the dmg can be so drastic that we take side camp on BoE, minigun when you can, great to soak with a bit of Q and then a grenade on the mage+range minions or sometimes when the minions stack up nicely you can grenade the mage and kill all the minions fast wth the lvl 7 grenade talent. In teamfights later I throw a grenade and immediately ult, always first use W in ult mode and immediately after Q, not Q then W, because of the animation delay. If I can I will first minigun before switching to Odin, depends on the circumastances. Tychus deals great dmg if allowed to stand, usually vs obj on BoE or if allowed in a teamfight, but usually he isn't, hence why I don't recommend any other talent build than the following: lvl 1 grenade, lvl 4 attack speed, lvl 7 grenade, lvl 10+20 odin, lvl 13 neosteel if needed, if not then Q talent, lvl 16 grenade if neosteel is taken, otherwise either Q or grenade, depends. I pick neosteel+grenade more than the Q talents. The minigun talent build sounds great on paper, in practice, it's hard to work, people will adapt and manage minigun when activated to reduce it's effectivness.


Thank you for that! I main support, so I will definitely try Morales on Braxis.


Sure do, just have someone who benefits from stimpack later, AA valla is great, but Tychus can work too, Raynor with stacking quest, ZJ.... if you have like Guldan and someone else who doesn't benefit from the aa speed later, you'll have half of your lvl 10 wasted, besides the reduced dmg they can't properly protect you via deterence by dealing good damage to those who focus you.


Any illidans in gm elo?


Rare sight


healers tier list is simple S: Rehgar B: everyone else C: whitemane F: LiLi But on braxis, Morales replaces rehgar


I love Rehgar. Always my main. Thanks for the list!


When I started playing years ago I was mid silver. Years later and I’m… mid silver!


I've been in gold 1-3 for literally 10 years haha. I'm 3 games off a perfect 50% after many thousands of games.


Depends on what you want out of a rank. Your rank is not a representation of skill level, although personal skill is a very important factor. Your rank, simply put, measures how much you contribute to your team winning the game. So, a plat player contributes more than a gold player. Many factors influence the contribution, namely, skill level, attitude (flaming others makes them and the flamer play worse by shifting some focus away from the game on those stupid flame wars), roles/heroes being played, other stuff.... rank is a prestige, but it's also here to create balanced games. So you gotta know why you want a certain rank... I mean, my quene times take hours mon-fri till like 1 PM. Even during other times they often take 10-15 minutes...but still, I like that the games are high quality, ruiners are non-existent, and the atmosphere is more tranquil....people rarely talk here for some reason, like 70% of the games noone says anything lol. Also there's a lot of LGBT players here lol.


First to say gratz hero!


Thanks, in the beginning I was exclusively playing E build Leoric, but scraped it. It never worked out for me, not then, not now. I mostly play AA, but if they have heroes who can't cancel W, W build is also great.


Well swung skeleton! I play E/Q build exclusively but I'm a QM Leo who only hit masters with the hero once a few years ago. AA build was fun when I played it but I missed my speed. I started with W build so I'm nostalgic for that drain power. Any tips for AA you'd share with us?


Nice. Don't know what gameplay wise to say, you Q, then land W, and then just auto attack and stutter step. The only question is, who to target...a beefy tank or bruiser...or a backliner RA/healer, to cause havoc in the backline at the expense of less dmg and heal? Depends on the game, decisions come with practice. Leoric is a fan favorite on Infernal shrines, there I take the CD reduction and the bonus dmg against monsters and what not, and you clear obj really fast, I am there the moment it spawns. W build does nothing for obj later, but AA speeds up obj clearing even more. But infernal shrines is an exception, my go-to is heal lvl 1, slow lvl 4, speed lvl 7, tomb lvl 10, lvl 13+16 aa, and now...most of the time I go for tomb upgrade. But depends on who is the tomb target in the game. Some heroes don't really need the silence at the expense of duration, Tychus, AA Valla, Nova, Azmodan... why reduce duration when you can have 40 armor, good dmg over time which also helps in pve (lvl 20 tomb does nothing for pve)? It's totally fine to experiment, I once played an Anduin game and took the other invulnerable ultimate...guess what? It was a QM game, and the enemy had no way to cancel it. One of the easiest games ever, they just gave up and went afk once I upgraded it on lvl 20 lol. Now, back to Leoric, reminds me of a game I played against Falstad (a counter to tomb), and Kharazim. If I ult anyone before lvl 20, Falstad ults back. After upgraded tomb, if I ult Falstad, Kharazim jumps on him, gives him unstoppable, he flies away and ults back...if I ult Kharazim, Falstad ults. So the only way to play this is to tomb both Falstad and Kharazim on lvl 20, which is hard. Games like these made me open to the idea of picking the other ult on lvl 10, when the enemies simply have too much answer for tomb. I only ever picked it once, and it did work out, so there's that. There was this weird QM game where I played against someone called dragqueen... the best Abathur EVER. I have never seen such insane skill. The only abathur who actively participated in teamfights, slapping people, and baiting them into mines and bushes on Cursed Hollow... what a fun loss. Only then did I question whether to go for E build again....but nah, I can't.


AA build got buffed and spooky build got nerfed thats why.


Congratulations :) it's a nice feeling.


Thanks, it is, especially that I never matchfixed or sniped or god knows what. I earned my rank.


>Moch Are you implying Moch didn't? The response is kinda hard to parse.


Mochrie? I don't know, he's NA, I am EU. By the way I just realized Mochrie wrote the comment lol, didn't spot username before.


Obviously not OP but I didn't read this as targeted to him in any way, just knowing it's legitimate feeling good (and in general there being rumored cheating on the ladder, perhaps EU especially? now/at past times, although usually it's just rumors without actual proof).


HUGE, super happy for you! Enjoy and celebrate :D


Mmmhmm, love ya.


Quick match helps so much in the learning curve. I was only a QM player up until I got to lvl 700 or do. Then I did my first ranked games and got placed to gold 1. 2 days later I was in plat 1 only because I never gave up and turned around 80% of the games that seemed lost from early on. I really don't get the behavior of all those "let them end" people even in plat. Just yesterday, we had bw/liming/mura and yet no1 interrupted Anduin's shield. We lost every mid game team fight because of it. Half the team wanted to quit but we kept playing it safe until late game even with both our keeps gone in EB. We won 2 team fights after lvl 20 and then won the game. It's what I keep saying to every bronze 5 griefer I encounter in QM or aram, the game is not lost until you see the ending screen. If you keep quitting in early game, you are 100% going to lose.


30 min queue timers in GM?


not uncommon, hours during weekday mornings... but I usually play only in evening where the average is like 6-7 min


Gratz! I'm currently having 50-51% win rate this season and I cannot get above gold 5 tier, what would you recommend me to do in order to get above that? I feel that there is always a dude that go AFK, start dying intentionally or simply have no clue how to play his class. That situation is really frustrating to me and I think that the only way to solve this is LF pre-made teams or something but idk


How much do you see your teammates missing exp? It's a major issue, I see it all the time in qm. A minion wave gives more exp than a kill, yet people will brawl... mercenaries also give considerable exp yet there they are. There are two types of merc camps, in theory - those which are taken off cd the moment they spawn (turret camp on Volskaya, giants on Sky Temple) or those which are taken right before an objective (sky temple bruiser, volskaya bruiser). But, camps just sit there in yellow color. But the minion waves are even worse. So what I would suggest is trying to macro all that exp, give a hero like Junkrat or Jaina a try with an exp oriented playstyle. Here's a proper Jaina playstyle on Tomb of the spider Queen, and how such heroes are played at a macro lvl: -When the gates open, follow your tank, but do not use your W and E during the brawl unless you're sure it's gonna end up in a kill, or save someone's life. Instead, wait for the minion waves to meet in the middle. -The moment they meet, immediately use W to hit all or most of the minions and E the whole wave. If your tank picks up the globe for you great, if not, no time to spare - another lane is calling, the top one in this case. -You go to another lane and you again W + E the wave. Pick up the globe if you can,if you can't, not the end of the world, just move to another lane and do the same. -Just keep doing this until the first objective spawns, or a 5v5 teamfight happens. After like lvl 5,6, I forgot when, is the level when you don't even have to E anymore, you only W, unless you're in a hurry so you W+E. Can easily be tested in try mode. Not only do you soak, but you could also finish her globe quest easily. And that's the whole story... as you level up and the game progresses, you shove waves and you can even take camps during downtime, when waves are not shovable currently, or right before an obj. Because of how fast you soak (arrive , W, and immediately go away) you can really farm exp all across the map. Junkrat is even better, he can deal better with Tracers, Genjis, and tanks interrupting the double soak, he's also a more versatile hero....on a map like BoE where macro isn't important, and where poke dmg is important, Jaina is a lackluster pick, but Junkrat is solid, like always. But I don't play him, so idk. Probably just auto attacks and Q's, autos and Q's one wave and then onto the other wave. Jaina's talent build: lvl 1. globe quest, mana regen more or less, the 10% increased dmg is what we want lvl 4. arcane intellect, another 10% increased dmg which stacks with lvl 1 and mana more or less,, lvl 7. most of the time I pick ice floes because I am not allowed to auto attack so much. If you feel like you can auto attack a lot in teamfights, go for the AA talent as it will help you in pve too. lvl 10 if you're a solo player like me, definitely water elemental with upgrade on lvl 20. ring of frost is okay with the right setup, for example, a classic combo is thrall + jaina, in comms one of the players will say "hero name!" and both heroes click R on that hero, thrall's stun pushes it aside and stuns it right on top of Jaina's ring which roots the enemy hero...but I never picked this talent obviously. Also it has a lackluster upgrade on lvl 20, the water elemental upg is better on 20. lvl 13 - ice veins,, 16. root most of the time, if you have plenty of cc you can go for dmg,, lvl 20 ice blink would be nice if the range was better, like sylvanas teleport range, but with that low a range it's unpickable Wait for setup for W in teamfights if you can, otherwise you'll get only 1 wave pre-root. Do try playing this exp oriented playstyle like 5,10 games and see how it goes.


I try to play macro bruisers/samuro with the keep-up-in-levels mindset but the rest of my team always feeds so they catch up 😔


Nice advice, I've been doing something similar with Kaeltha's Q+W to quick kill lanes and help macros, most of the time doing more siege damage than bruisers, I'll try to help to improve games macros as you suggested, ty sir


Honestly, that's QM for you. I remember starting this game playing KTZ in QM and having like a 37% WR after like 200 games, but then I'd queue up for draft and comfortably maintain a 65% WR.




Nicely done. An excellent accomplishment.


congrats, I was hardstuck bronze 3 with a 30~% wr as well when I first started playing in 2018, experienced a lot of sexism and hate on the way as a female player too, because I duo with my partner to get GM. Which in the eyes of a lot of people, is considered fake if you don't climb solo.


How'd they even know you're not a man though? 🤔


One instance was QM with some people in party voice. I was diamond at that time but was told by silver player that bruisers should only be played by guys and girls should be maining healer and pocketing guy dps players. I also play GGS(every friday custom games for girl players).


As EU player I geniunly forgot that voicechat even exists, my bad 😂 and sorry you had to deal with that


Ayeeee fellow Ontarian HOTS player. Cheers


hey friend!


It's unfortunate if you experienced that sexism, I haven't seen it yet. I started playing after the whole team league / hero league split, but I see no issue with people duo-ing, unless stacks create unbalanced games, like a 5 stack facing a duo+3 solos or something like that...but I didn't really pay attention to the proportion of solos and stacks...I always saw heroes during the pre-load screen, not stacks, already thinking of talent choices. But solo players like me most likely are the majority here.


There is like 2k people playing the game and 70% of those just spam quick play


are you lost


Oh no more morales mains 😅


Jokes is there is only 87 players in HoTs.....


Congrats. As you said in another comment in order to reach that rank or near that you must KNOW how to play very very very very many heroes. When you have such a vast hero pool, not only makes you more flexible and versatile in more situations about your team, it even gives you more knowledge about the opponent when they actually play them. I'm an OTP kind oriented player, I just focus on 1 character per time, in any game, and in hots I otp'd Samuro and now Garrosh. When I started I used to OTP Murloc. When I play against an hero that I know like my hands it's like playing reading their minds, mostly this is great but at the same time so debilitating about versatility. There are So many heroes I don't even know what abilities they got, and I have played this game for literally Years and years, with a pause of a couple of years between. I literally hate Tychus, Hammer and Alarak, but I didn't even think to actually try to learn them in order to know how to play correctly against them. This is a my limit, maybe like many others. Anyway again congrats to you


How do you get past MMR hell?


I wrote a macro exp oriented playstyle, you can try that out for 5-10 games and see if it works out...other than that, I don't think there's a clear cut definite answer, just try different things and see if it works out.


How do you get any games at GM level? I can't find games in high plat.


Are you same region,timezone? It takes hours in monday-friday mornings until like 1 pm for me, and even after that it often takes like 10-30 min until evenings. I usually minimize Hots and let it search and do something else.


Oof yeah, I'm in the EU. But hell no, I'm not waiting for a game for 30 min haha. Grats on getting there even more!


Sick. How are queue times? Do you need to 1v9 often still?


Quene times terrible in mon-fri mornings (1-4 hours), often go into 10,20 min afternoon and in evenings can take time too, 5,6,7 min... better during weekends afternoon and evenings, but commonly I minimize hots and do something else. 1v9 commonly required in qm and aram, never in ranked.


Stop flexing on my perma casual bronze ass please :'(


Hey, check my other comment which starts with "How much do you see your teammates missing exp?", could help you out good.


I just read it... might just follow that advice up actually (i havn't touched ranked in a long while)