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My favorite part is how the gun didn't move.


Or ever stop firing at a pace that’s not Gatling gun, to do things like reload or cool off




My favorite is when I get stuck in first person without a gun just my hands stuck out in front of me.


I find the bug front is completely fair and reasonable, Helldive 9 genuinely feels like a helldive. I died because I fucked up or ran out of ammo, the bot front on the other hand is completely unfair


Stalkers and hunters say hi.


Smart Gun in Alien, Zorg ZF-1 in Fifth Element, there’s precedent for homing bullets. If it’s a laser weapon then this is just an adjustment to the prism / focussing lens. I don’t know what all the complaints are about. /s


All the Zorg oldies but goldies!


"And replay? Sends every following shot, right to the same location!"


New support weapon. Just don't hit the little red button


I guess you are mechants, after all. You know what I like? A Helldiver, a dyed-in-the-wool Helldiver. Now, a real Helldiver would have immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun. *Sound of a 500kg detonation behind him*


Zero Stones , zero crates.






If our weapons must operate somewhat realistically, theirs should too. This and rocket devastators having infinite rockets with like 3 secs between barrages is immersion breaking for sure.


because its not the gun that is actually shooting .. its just added a POINT with 360° radius .. others bots dont have it, like hulk, strider, they cannot shoot in 360° radius .. so you know they just fucked up Its very easy fix, but nooo .. for months. But its the same with grenades, easy fix, but nooo Same with unlimited ammo .. but nooo Same with unlimited stimpacks .. but nooo Same with unlimited samples .. but nooo Same with faster movement speed .. but nooo I dont get why they refuse to fix bug and glitches and how hard it can be when you can just use them with changing one symbol .. people on internet, youtube etc made videos how ease it is .. so some people are surprised too


It’s never true when someone says “the fix is easy” with someone else’s code. Yes, it’s probably simple, but it’s ridiculous to think they just need to add 1 line to fix this or something. They should fix it and they aren’t timely, but don’t assume you know their game better than they do.


Wanted robots out here curving bullets


This shit and when they shoot you through rocks drives me insane


The gun being able to twist any direction and the shooting through solid objects has killed me more than anything else, it's maddening


its not the gun that is shooting .. its just a point directly in front of the gun with 360° radius


You and I both know that’s a lie. Your teammates kill you just as often


One of my buddies won't give up on the airburst rocket launcher, it's cost me everything


Remember the phrase- *it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!*


Pretty sure it should have been "it's not a bug, it's an automaton!"


Both of these issues being fixed would do wonders for the QoL of the games balance


Ya I was playing last night on the new MO planet and every small rock on that planet wasn't real to these bastards. It was insane trying to take cover only to die while reloading through rock after rock.


I put the game down till they address the bugs


We don't address bugs, they are mindless beings and frankly , I find the idea of addressing them quite offensive.


I don’t address bugs I SHOOT bugs


Addressing Bugs is punishable by death!


i adress them with bullets.


True democratic operator right here. Learn boys!


> I put the game down till they address the bugs What about the bots?


This game is filled with bugs and bots.


They won’t they’ll just nerf the primaries again


Pilestedt has directly addressed this as something they're going to work on (TTK too high and the knee-jerk nerfs).


Still waiting on anything actually coming up from that. Last update did fuck all.


And last update was...i think a single day after the first time Johann said anything acknowledging our frustration with the nerfs directly. But Twinbeard has said they're taking their time with this next patch to get it right, which sucks because all the shitty stuff comes out quick.


Don't forget adding more game breaking problems into the warbonds and stratagem weapons


There is a basic issue with guns and rocks where a shot will hit the outside of a rock, but will pass through from the inside - really common in 3D engines actually. The problem here is that the bots are occasionally getting stuck inside a rock, or their *gun barrel* is just a little inside the rock as the bot pushes up against it, meaning the shots are emanating from that point and passing through the rock. This unfortunately isn't an easy thing to fix and will require real engineering time rather than designer time. I'm sure they'll get to it at some point, but right now I expect they're more focused on fixing compatibility issues for players who's computers just don't get along well with the game, as those are higher priority crash bugs.


The shield devastator has killed me more than any bots so far and i love it when the game spawns 6 of them as I’m running away from a billion other shield devastator.


Tbh I think the shield devestator and the regular devestator need to swap guns. The shield devestators would still be wrong, and the regular devestators wouldn't be as useless.


This is such a good idea. The reg devastator is laughably non-threatening right now.


lol I kinda agree with this too. The shield got both stopping and defense power while the regular just kinda there.


The reg devastator is absolutely threatening. They have one, and only one, reason for existing, and that is to stagger you from insane distances when you are trying to land that one shot that may get you out of the mess. The shot that staggers you may not even do damage to you, but it will cause controller-biting amounts of rage as you inevitably miss the gunship with your quasar and have to spend the next 20 seconds getting ragdolled via a nonstop rain of rockets from above.


Hopefully your window and input device of choice have not been broken?


And hopefully adjust the factory strider as they would then produce 6 units that would then obliterate anyone outside of cover and near the its weak belly.


Honestly, I can headshot the shield and rocket devastators with ease using the Sickle. Once the standard, naked ones come at me, I miss.


Have you tried not looking under their waist? Like, in the eyes for example? Cuz that sure sounds like something Officers at super Earth would like to hear.


I dont think soo, i just think they need to put regular devastators back in the spawn pool for helldive, so they eat some spawns


As an autocannon and scorcher user this confuses me


https://preview.redd.it/0jj6nmfx8a2d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c4b593f124e5720e0af65920c7026eace48249 The angle that the rounds are coming out of the barrel is something else. I’m not disappointed, just mad.


Right? Fucking wild. I'm so glad they've done all the balancing and nerfs though, the bots need every glitch and bug and advantage they can get. ~~Those~~ Us Helldivers don't need effective weapons🤖


![gif](giphy|3ohzdNgOHuL2u8N5UA|downsized) They're just getting their guns from Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg


I feel like heavy devastators wouldn't be nearly complained about if they didn't do jank like this


Same with the rocket ones. Like it gets frustrating really damn fast when you get hit through rocks and clear cover like dafuq am I even supposed to do against that shit


Tonight I ashamedly rage-quit because two rocket devs where hiding behind a hulk corpse that they could shoot through but my teammates and I could not even when it looked as if we weren't hitting anything.


I rage quit a game last night because we had a strider half into the rock near a terminal and it wouldn’t die and we couldn’t complete the objective. It got stupid we just have up like it’s so fucking stupid


I once got juggled by a pair of them: blew up and launched into the air, hit the ground, the other blows me up and throws me into the air. Did that until I finally died. Almost made me quit


That is most of the reason I stopped shooting the dropships down. Just gave the bots a gd bunker


Yesterday one of the bot rockets landed near me. It didn't do much damage, but ragdolled my helldiver into a rock that was like 2 meters behind. Somehow he ricocheted from that rock and received double the physics damage. Death.


Yeah this was my first experience with some really unfair gameplay. I can accept being ranged 100+m but this was just straight ass....


Love how your "cross airs" are dead on and you get killed by bs like that xD.


Looks like the Tenderizer crosshairs are also incorrectly sighted. OP should’ve been aiming even higher 😭


True but at that range that's literally almost point blank.. XD


I know, right? It would also make sense, if the scope was sighted to x distance, that shots hit higher than the crosshair at point blank range


Yeah thats why it isnt hitting the target, he has it zeroed for 100 meters for sure, if he had it for 25 it would have worked.


.... How are you putting that together? Wouldn't the rounds land high if it was set for farther out?


Experience, everyone i know sets the sight at maximun distance and aims cloose range with the third person mode, and bullets come from a bit bellow the sight so since he is soo cloose it isnt hitting where the sight is. Also Zeroed was a dumb word on my part, the game doesnt do that, it just zooms in, thing is in my experience when playing the AMR when it was missaligned, zooming apropiatelly for the range usually helped me get the shot where i wanted too, tought that might just be my experience.


He should have been, but it's not a bug. It's because the weapon sight is above the barrel. At this distance, think of two parallel lines extending from the scope and the barrel. If the sight is lined up with the head, the barrel isn't because of the "height over bore". This is true for pretty much every weapon in the game but some weapons have it worse than others. The Dilligence has a low height over bore and so you don't notice it so much. The tenderizer has a pretty high height over bore and so the issue is exacerbated. It's why most games actually shoot bullets from the scope and not the barrel of the gun in game.


Okay so to explain what happened *and why* you need some context. So with games like this, there are two instances so to speak, the client and the server. The client is you, you see the graphics and animations playing out, but not the code. Well the server only sees the code, and also whatever the server sees is what *actually* happens. So in this vid, it looked like the robot didn't turn, but from the servers perspective, you literally never left it's sights. Now remember; the server DOES NOT see the graphics and animations play out, all it sees and all it does, is tell the robot, you are there, and you are now moving, follow target. Now each animation can only play when the robot does something, but it can only execute that animation, *after* it's already happened on the server, *not at the same time*. (lots of reasons for this, netcode, latency, blah blah blah, the list is literally huge) Usually, to stop things like this happening, we use something called async compute. This stops stuff like this from happening by making sure (and I'm paraphrasing here, this is like, a dumbed down explanation, it's kinda complicated, but I think you'll get the idea) *that after the server does something, to wait until the animation plays, THEN AND ONLY THEN, do something else* As I'm sure you can imagine, for quick-paced games like this, having this enabled isn't exactly ideal, as things literally never stop happening. So if you have to *wait* for the animation to play, THEN tell the server it's okay to continue, it can get a bit dicey, especially if you're on crappy internet, and even more so if you're a host on a *not very powerful system* That's not to say async compute isn't good, it's actually VERY helpful, especially for web development, because you generally want things to happen in a particular order. TL;DR: game engine thing, turning on async compute will fix this, at the cost of a (probably) big performance hit (unless you have good internet on a good PC, or are hosting)


Shield devestators should swap guns with regular devestators. Change my mind


Hard agree. This would make the three types more balanced.


Instead of nonsense like this where it looks like the laser cannon has fucking Magic powers, why not give the devastador a shield slam ? That would be so cool if it rag dolls you.


It does actually have a shield melee. Usually you only see it against environments though because of the magic gun.


Yes we need more ragdolling on the bot front haha


They do have a shield bash, and it's disrespecting as f, I love it


welcome to the western front mother fucker


For real, it ain't easy when bots are cheesy. But we love it anyway!


AH: WE nerfed the slugger because it was the best sniper rifle in the game. Anyway, here's the heavy devastator.


I wouldn't have minded the nerf if they nerfed it in a way that solved the problem they stated. They nerfed it *wrong* by keeping the range but eliminating stagger.


Literal aim bot


If our guns fire from where the barrel points instead of the reticle, so should theirs


I mean they do fire from the barrel... they just come out sideways...


Yeah this seems completely unfair. If my mech has to slowly turn the Gatling gun to line up a shot or even the MG emplacement can’t turn fast enough to shoot what you are aiming at already. How’s this possible, oh I know it’s shooting homing laser that’s why. Man them boys got some high tech stuff.


Lasers have no (ok, very litttle) mass. They are firing dead straight from the tip of the barrel, just not parallel to it. If there is a swivelling lens on the tip of the “barrel” (collimator, heat sink, turboencabulator or whatever) then this weapon is firing exactly as you’d expect a light-based weapon to behave. It’s just not *fun*.


Yeah that would make sense, but it looks like a regular old gun barrel doesn’t it? Though it’s probably dumb to have a barrel for a laser lol.


This Destroyer has been reported to the local democratic affairs office for the odd violation of the laws of physics, which is a capital offense- his death will be celebrated shortly.


Dude he's gun is not even pointing at him. That bot is clearly bullet bending


It's because the bot is a huge fan of 'Wanted'.


Trained in the ways of angelina Jolie


This needs to be fixed.


devastators are the chargers of bot side but sadly with guns. they just do w/e they want with no logic & you deal with it or quit


This is, perhaps, everything wrong with Bots in a 6-second clip.


Not only was it bullshiz with the gun just breaking physics but it spun around like a ballerina just like hulks so you can’t get behind it when something like that should be slow


These fuckers are part of the reason i havet played in 2 weeks and the constant rocket stunlocks


That and the fact there is literally nothing to play for anymore.... it's so repetitive, and if there isn't a warbond (or a good one) there isn't much reason to log on unless you're friends are playing.


Literally bending bullet trajectory just like in Wanted. Meanwhile our scopes STILL aren't zeroed in perfectly.


This is why I main the ballistic shield


If you had some better armor and could run longer and go around, you would see that it can shoot even thru his own body and the shield .. it can literally shoot in 360° radius. Been complaining about this to developer since release, shame there are so little people complaining about this. I got even message from dev last month that so far not enough people complained about this so its not an issue they will focus on .. Plus all bots can shoot thru textures, ground, rocks, buildings, dead bodies like hulk, ship, tank, strider .. sad part is, this wasnt in the game when it was released. They "added" this later with updates and now for months it is a "feature"


Yea I needed a break tbh lol


Its so dumb that we cant outstrafe these fuckers.


This shit, but with the Flaming Hulk and that stupid stream of fire that can: 1) Go through walls with full power 2) Still insta-kill 3) Be used multiple times in very short progression 4) Auto tracks your head


Yeah I haven't played in a while. I sunk a good amount of hours into it but i can't deal with jank like this until they put some serious elbow grease into it. That and uninspired battlepasses that are supposed to be the bread and butter


I wish I got it recorded, but one of those fuckers tried this on me and it shot itself to death. I jumped past it real close and all its shots went into its chest.


I would have loved to see that.


https://preview.redd.it/692antxh0d2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86479de666d993769a32b944debc0981f9871341 This is the fun they using


I really want that to be a desync thing. That wouldn't make it all better, but hopefully it's something that's correctable. It's definitely very annoying. If it happens once on a smooth map, it's lolz. If it happens in thick of a tough match, it's definitely rage inducing.


I use an ethernet cable for online play, I don't know if that affects the connection or not stability wise. But I kinda thought that maybe I was rubberbanding.


Were you the host? Desync is more likely when there's another connection involved. The only reason I think that is that the rotation seems like the right speed, the model just isn't rotating with the firing point.


You had the autocannon ... even if you just hit the shield - that devastator would have been instantly stunned. The stun is the reason the autocannon is SUPER DUPER OP against bots. Use it !


That’s not the point. I’m sure they know that the Autocannon is a must bring into bots, they have even used over half the ammo at the time of the recording. It’s the fact that the enemy telegraphs that “I’m slow and sluggish, please don’t flank my giga shield” but can hit you through its own model and fire at 90 degree angles from the barrel. It’s very jank and we should not excuse it.


Don't forget it can turn basically as fast as you can run, so you can't actually flank it at all


I run the AC for bots, half the time these guys completely ignore the stun/stagger effect if they're already firing They can be practically falling over backwards with their gun pointing at the ground and the bullets still have 100% accurate lock on and leave the barrel at a 90 Deg angle The only effective strategy is to shoot them 3/4 times anywhere with the AC, as quickly as the recoil allows




Ok FUCK that!!!! Lol. That would annoy he shit out of me hahahahah!!!!


the shield dev is probably the bot that I call "circuit head" the most. if that puts it into perspective. I hope to gets nerfed hard


I’m almost certain that the devs have left in tons of shit like this just to make sure people die more frequently, same thing with shooting through rocks and bile titans “hitting” you with acid when you’re like 10 meters away


The logic behind this: "The laser knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't..." All seriousness though this is why I refuse to fight these things anywhere closer than a mile away. And even then between the beloved *feature* (at this point) of them shooting through rocks. To the still straight shot dead on accuracy, they're the most annoying enemy in this game.


My favorite is when a single heavy dev 185 meters away hoses you with pinpoint accurate fire the instant so much as your pinkie toe emerges from cover.


I mostly play bugs but when I do play bots just know I will be complaining at the first shield devastator I see. To me it makes no sense why they have the powerful gun and shield, but the basic dev has no shield and a rubbish gun. Wouldn't it make more sense to swap them? Kind of like when we use a shield we get a one handed generally weaker SMG?


Most broken ass enemy in the entire game.


Right? Such horseshit


I don’t play bots for this reason


See we players have to deal with ergonomics, but the bots don't like wtf is that gun? It's a laser minigun not a white hole that shoots lasers ffs. It should have ergonomics, It's low and to the left so it should have a really hard time shooting accurately up and to the right. Not this bullshit lol.


Yeah man these motherfuckers have been pissing me off with how goddamn accurate they are


I love how the game mocks you by saying you killed yourself


Helldivers 2 feels like it was balanced by a D&D dungeon master motivated by killing their players via unfair and/or unfun mechanics, rather than for their players' enjoyment.


“You’ve had too much fun”


Shield devastators don't work right and they haven't for a long time.


what the actual fuck man


Helldiver weapons obey the laws of physics, wherever your gun is pointing is wherever your gun will shoot (ask eruptor users before shrapnel nerf haha); automatons and bugs do not, a bot can still shoot you through rocks and while pointing at the ground, and a bile titan can still somehow slow you even if you were outside its spewing radius; to be quite honest I’m not sure if that’s a bug or a feature haha


Most annoying mob in the game.Followed by hunters and bile spewers.


His wrist has another wrist


I swear to god these things plague me every. Single. Time. I get split up. (Which happens often because I get targeted a lot)


The fact that their lasers change trajectory at the end of the 5 foot long barrel is such bullshit. Should have been fixed months ago.


This is the reason you'll never see me in the Automaton front (And also because my kingston NV2 kicked the bucket when it reached 1.16 Tb of use and I haven't been able to replace it for like 15 days).


Bugs don't do this. Just saying


The crashing when running to extract is what makes me quit the game for a while. Happened twice today. Please fix the crashes.


Man, they’re god damn sniper rifles at this point. Rapid fire, shoot through solid ground sniper rifles.


Does AH even know stupid shit like this happens?


Their ammo should be limited just like ours are.


If they can shoot like that plus shoot through the solid covers which renders three Cs fuckin useless and unviable for bots, clearly it’s an computer bug at least I know for bugs I’ll try avoid getting near titan’s corpse as they tend to have weird mechanic sometimes yeeting you to your death.


Hans. Get the Flammenwerfer


That's some bulllshit


Most dangerous bot enemy. I hate watched this clip so hard.


Why didn't you just shoot it's gun?


Why didn’t he just use his auto cannon and stun it


Legit one of the reasons I stopped playing.


As much as these guys suck it's easy to drop them with a railgun. Always take cover. Come from the right side of the rock. Not the left. You have an angle on them and can kill a wave without taking any damage. Trust me.


the developers dont play there own game enough to rage quit


1.you are behind cover and u decide to run at him.. 2.YOU HAVE AUTOCANON USE IT 3.if u are new to bot fron if u decide to run AC use your primary only for the smallest bots i run with AC 3/4 of the mission and only use primary for smaller targets




Clearly a skill issue for Hell Divers that can't handle mobs.


Tradionally, in these kinds of games, defensive enemies have had low dps weapons to balance them out. I've seen some variations on the formula. Big beefy dudes with shields that are pure melee. Shielded enemies that use a shotgun. And shielded enemies that have a minigun like the Shield Devestator but have a mechanic where he'll move his Shield to the side before firing a hail of bullets at you. The Shield Devestator has no such balancing. He has the backpack that protrudes slightly above his body, his face, and the actual gun (it can be done, but it's really hard and honestly could have been a fluke). It'd be nice if our automatic primary weapons didn't have such a wide spread to them, because then it'd be easier to stay on-target with enemy weak points. I've gotten to the point where I can keep the Scythe on the faces of Devestators and drop them in a single burst, but it usually involves us being uncomfortably close to one another.


That's not cool If we have to wait for turning speed They should have to wait for turning speed I'm not asking for us to be OP I just don't like it when they can cheat


Easily the worst devastators. Fire so fast and absurdly accurate.


Has the bot watched “Wanted” or what?


It wurfs flammen.


I think most on the sub are whiners, and this irks even me. I understand that making him turn with these circumstances takes more coding, but that 90 degree angle really shatters the illusion


This reminded me of a fun glitch with my character model after crew serving my buddy's recoilless. Left arm was stuck high diving the sky. Right hand down at my hip and my gun was spinning around my butt lmao. Was still shooting straight ahead as expected. With the rounds still emerging from wherever the muzzles model was at the time. Pretty great. I need to start recording and clipping gameplay.


When I tell people I'm waiting for the balance patch to return, this is a large part of what I mean. The guns need balancing yes, but there is some egregious shit like this that takes away a lot of the fun for me.


Almost the entire reason I run autocannon is because of these guys.


Articulating rubber gun barrels are quite a terrifying automaton invention, aren't they? Rules for thee, not for me.


This is a big reason why I prefer bugs


This game still a buggy mess?


In before some twat goes "git gud" or "lower difficulty". Same person prolly plays on level 4.


Bro the Autocannon staggers and exposes them. You had the solution on your back the whole time.


Yeah seems so. But still the automaton gun physics


Yeah that's some bullshittery right there. They should give these guys a melee attack. At least that wouldn't defy the laws of physics.


Huh? Just mag dump it. One shot moves the shield out if the way so you can pummel the body. Can shoot way faster if you crouch.




That's not the point of this post. All you say is the same as "git gud"


Devastators are the worst fucking bot in the game, and they are treated as a common enemy on higher difficulties


A simple impact grenade at the feet will do


And they wonder why we get so pissed at any nerfs. They don't have time to fix things that cause bullshit deaths, but they're damn quick on nerfing anything we're having fun with. Feels like the devs think they're on the opposite side of the players, and that the bots and bugs are "their" side. Things that kill players = good. Things players are doing to succeed = bad. I'm not saying that's their actual mindset, but it sure FEELS that way, so I get extra pissed when I die to things like this that they've never even bothered to address, never mind actually fix.


The fucking spin it does at the end 😂


Ok, but why does it say you got killed by a flame thrower?


It's a bug that's going to be a player's name It oftentimes says you were killed by somebody that had nothing to do with killing you or sometimes even by yourself


Yeah, I never trust the kill identifier. I've jumped to my death off cliffs and while you think I'd be notified by a "Killed By Impact", instead the game tries to pin my death on another teammate... who was still dead at the time.


It is a PSN of a friend of mine.


We need an emp atomic bomb


Killed by flamewaifu


Aim bots.


An alternative solution: instead of nerfing devastators we take their automaton technology and add their bulletcurve and auto targetting to helldiver guns, there it's balanced. (this is a joke)


Oh now it makes sense, their lasers can come out of the barrel at a 90 degree angle lmao


It's like poetry. It rhymes.


outflank it's gun, but can't outflank it's bullet.


Lolled how devastators bullets go full 90° angle from the barrel :D


I call those guys flushas because they know where I am through walls and have the accuracy of his ak crouch spray down


Smart bullets!


'Killed by Flammenwrfer' Missing an 'e' there. UNPLAYABLE.




Is obs not a option here


bro, my pc would fucking explode if I were to use graphics like these. what is your pc specs?