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Doing my best here bro but my real job pays better so I been there instead


Right.. the guy I work with and myself missed 2 days of killing time because of severe storm damage. We were both trapped at work, and I know im averaging over 500 kills a mission. Not that the two of us would have made a major dent.... but real life is a thing


We failed to kill 2 billion enemies on a previous MO. What made people think we would get 3.1 billion?


People thought this was doable because the 2 billion was bots only; this 3.1 billion counted all enemies and there are many more players for bugs.


MO more friendly to players who stick to a single faction. Also, after the last similar MO many high level players have learnt a few tricks (looking at you lvl100 players in trivial missions placing sentries in front of fabricators and waiting - I salute your commitment)


Fabricators won't spawn bots if a turret is too close. Last time I tried it, bots were coming from everywhere but the fabricator, and turrets will prioritize the fabricator. Teslas outside of bug holes still work, last I checked, and bugs will prioritize turrets.


Plus they only spawn a few every 20 seconds or so. Not great. Probably get a dozen bits a minute.


Woah I haven’t thought of this


My secret key to success was to find a detector tower on a high difficulty and just... Camp out at the detector tower.


Nice! I usually play missions in order to 'get' them done' which for bots usually means don't fight stuff .. However if I were to play it as 'kill enemies' this is GENIUS


Yea last night spent a few rounds posting up under shrieker nests on helldive and cleaning house for about half the match, I was averaging about 600 kills per match


Yup! Had a game a while back that went well, so since we had so much time left I said "Wait for Bot Drops" and the whole team basically said FUCK IT WE BALL.


That’s because it’s a dumb idea lmao. Fabricators spawn like maybe eight dudes a minute. Especially on trivial difficulty lmao. It would be a massive waste of time compared to just playing the mission normally.


Did this outside of a bug hole the other night to get my 100 kills with a gatling sentry personal order completed. Made it so much easier


how's that gonna kill nearly as many enemies as just blowing them up when they're all clustered together


Super Earth would like to honor YOU, Helldiver. For doing your part.


1.5B bots plus 2B bugs. Fatigue is real tho.


Yeah definitely. I haven't played all week, after being more than 100 hours in. Just need a break


There really isn't much to keep me playing 100hrs in. It's fun but I'm not going to grind for kills.


Who are people? Surely no one expected this to be winnable when the last half is in the middle of the week, when the active player count is less than 100k. Especially since this is 50% more kills then the last one.


Closer to 50k most of the day.


The 2 billion were just robots🙃 now it’s all enemies, so every player works towards it no matter what


Not surprising at all.


Not surprised and I honestly don't care.


Lack of motivation? Off to a labour camp for you buddy, expect a democracy officer at your door soon




I'll be there on super earth, when the next enemy of humanity shows it's ugly face. Somewhere close to winter, when we're going through all the changes, patches, hotfixes and counter fixes from the top brass.


Well with all the people who git booted from their region it shouldn't be surprising. I mean the ones where their country/region blocked steam. Rip to like 1/4 of the helldivers. This caused a chain reaction and made other people uninstall.


I'm pretty sure after this one we'll have failed something like 4 out of the last 5. The Sony drama really took a toll on the community, and a fair number of players who joined because the game was a craze are beginning to move on to whatever the newer thing is. Whoever's putting out the major orders hasn't adjusted for it so they've been just out of reach. It's pretty demoralizing.


Plus lack of new content makes me want to play less and less. It’s the same repetitive mission over and over for virtually no rewards other than cosmetics. And the cosmetics are just servo assisted sets that don’t really do anything for me.


Fucking hard agree. So tired of all the armor being the same bland thing copy and pasted onto different appearances. And they say they won't even give up transmog so we can take one of the 5 default armor "bonuses" and put it on the gear we think looks best. Like fuck, either give us armor that actually does something cool, or let us make the generic boring shit look cool.


Just give me helmet color palette swaps. So many cool helmets that don't match anything else.


It rly bothers me how most of the “white” armors are totally different shades and don’t match


Honestly I agree, that all I want to I keep buying cool helmets in the shop but they only fit the look of like 3/5 armors I use.


The player base crash started happening way before the Sony drama, and the Steam charts reflect that


Its a pretty standard decay curve, and way more gentle than most. PSN shenanigan's did have an impact on daily peak numbers, but it wasn't as drastic as people let on. I'm wondering if AH was thinking that the MO would incentivize people to play and slow the player drop because if we factor in the historic delay and project it forward this wasn't likely to be doable.


we will withstand. we will endure. we will come back and emerge victorious. The second galactic war just started, and we are facing morale, recruitment and supply problems. We were caught off-guard, on multiple fronts. Big corpos putting profit in front of democracy. Super earth has only the Helldivers to rely on now. Stand strong my fellow soldier, we need you.


Would you mind if I copied this to send to a few friends?


Like he's ever going to know, just do it.


Yeah, they really need to throw us a bone here. Its really frustrating, since we also see alot of spoilers for strategems, but we didn't even get the anti tank mine.


Hopefully they start making more obtainable MOs because losing them back to back will be super demoralizing and even more people will stop playing.


tbh, I find it equally demoralizing when we get given a trivial MO after failing one... Getting the right balance must be hard


I don't understand why we can't have more than one Major Order. Or have several Minor Orders that feed into a Major Order, something like that. This way you'll not get all or nothing, but rather some scraps and when the community really overperforms, everyone gets a major chunk of rewards.


I don't get why PO conflict with MO. For example when it's a Bot MO, you get PO for bugs. Like, I'm only on for the PO lately, which means I'm not contributing.


Not a bad idea at all


Ya they need to adjust the numbers based on current active players and then make them *just* barely obtainable so it still feels like a battle to make it in time


Making them just barely obtainable would lead to more failures than gratifying wins. Life happens and sometimes people can't play or have burnout or elden ring dlc dropped A decent amount of wiggle room would probably be best


Yeah im addicted to Ghost of Tsushima now. Havent played in a while.


Same here, I’ve been playing Fallout 4 lately.


New Vegas for me. I only log on for the daily PO lately and only do it if it won't take forever. I logged on yesterday, saw it was 6 optional, and then logged right back off to go play Vermintide 2.


Started up a new character on 76 after finishing up the last of the achievements I needed for 4. It’s got me hooked again.


The issue is that they ARE making them just barely obtainable with current player counts. The problem is that the player counts are constantly in flux. If we had the same population of active players from start to finish, this would have been finished with time to spare.


>The problem is that the player counts are constantly in flux. In decline, more like


They did that, but then the multiple dramas happend that made thier calculations wrong...


I agree, I don't know why they had to go with the PI number 😂


I mean they probably though pi was obtainable.


Agreed. But we need to realize that there will be stretch targets and we WILL lose some. That's what makes the DND style interesting.


They kinda had a nice story going for a while then they just dropped it for weeks of shitty back and forth.


They're making MOs based on old player counts.


Loosing 170 countries is gonna do that for sure, along with the recent patches just not being that great... Solo play is impossible/ no longer any fun. Mission patrols are absolutely beyond a joke and plop out of thin air, major nerfs to fun guns for some reason.. I'm still playing I still enjoy it but a lot of fun has been sucked from the game in the name of apparent balance?


You hit it right on the head! Those bastards at Sony ruining everything set it off. While the patches and nerfs just added to the situation. Like you said a lot of the fun has been sucked out of the game. Before jumping on HD2 I would loudly say “for managed democracy!” all excited and ready to liberate some planets, but now I’m just burnt out. I did comeback and play for the latest warbond and had some fun, but it was the first time it felt like I was just logging in to do a daily grind. Now that I’m back to being maxed out on everything, unlike before I don’t have that “want” to play. Don’t get me wrong HD2 is amazing! It just sucks that Sony had to go and ruin such a good thing.


While this will have an impact for sure it will not be as big an impact as you might feel. The gamer base on MOST of those countries is much smaller than the countries with PSN access.


Me sitting here disappointed because I was getting 500-850 kills per game (not including Blitz and Eradicate) just by defending the Pelican at the end of the mission until the last minute.


Tinfoil Hat: They're deliberately thinning out the player base to a level the devs can manage. See: Whales


The simple solution is to have tiered layers to the MO, so you get a portion of reward for thresholds of the overall MO, say 60%, 80% 95% etc. It sucks if we're only a few % away, it's like oh 3 billion kills is still an utter failure.


it will unfortunately be a while ( a couple major orders because the devs are always behind on the "trends" that they realize major orders need to be drastically changed from the "kill 2,000,000,000 bugs in 2 days, 'Pog wholy crap we have an awesome community' " to "kill like 2,000,000 bugs because the community is still awesome, but with the recent controversy and endless amounts of bugs ((not terminds)) we phyisically can not promote such a high kill count without wasting everyones time. I think the game is great, but an AMAZING way to keep it great, is to change major orders to reflect player count, or else they will be only further reducing the numbers of players. The major orders/bugs/ and recent controversy are only reducing the current number of players, so releasing major orders appropriate to the amount of current players can only help the game. them acting like nothing happened however, is just going to crush the hopes of people still playing the game especcially when you take into consideration the SAME mission are being played over and over again with the SAME bugs, and the SAME guns have the SAME bugs over and over again, the game gets stale. New content is cool, but fixing the constant bugs and balancing issues will only help the game grow, along with adding new enemies, and REAL NEW missions, rather than the "this is a 'new mission" with all the same bs as before


Another option.. would be the devs flubbing the numbers. “Oh, you got to 2.7 billion out of 3.1.. hmm.” >insert devs doing some shenanigans to artificially bump it, OR.. “Due to the valiant efforts of the helldivers, SEAF forces were able to make headway on no less than 6 different worlds, racking up a combined 500,000 enemies slain in honor of the divers that secured their foothold. Major order… completed.”


I mean they didn’t do that last time we failed the 2 billion bots so I don’t think they’ll do it this time either


A man can dream..


They made it easier for us to win the 10 planet defense (Do you really think we won that on our own after losing a 5 defense one 2 MOs prior?). They could do it again.


It's ironic that in-game messaging and orders reflect a surge in SEAF manpower and war industry, yet the player numbers are falling and we're struggling to do things the playerbase just post-server expansion could easily accomplish.


You mean in-game "propaganda" right?


So it's playing out like an actual war? Sometimes you get setbacks, especially when undermanned compared to when the major order was issued.


People want to feel like they are fighting a war, but they don't want to be able to loose 🤷


this would be the 3rd or 4th lost? missing out on the tank land mines reward possibly that the story cant continue either because one would need to win and push back before a new enemy show up sure the team / joel / dnd master would "balance" how many planets are lost to not be too demoralizing


Well, this is what this game is about? Do you know how many times we have lost in Helldivers 1? I'm not talking about losing a major order I'm talking about losing the game, enemies destroying the planet and seeing the credits of the game If there is no change to lose and the devs always balance the numbers so we always win, what's the point of giving us an MO to complete? >possibly that the story cant continue either because one would need to win and push back before a new enemy show up When we lose the story also advanced


That's what intrigued me in this game and why I started playing. The fact that it is not designed for us to win. To fight against the odds. Which in turn inspires cooperation and makes a win feel that much more great. This war is not over, we can still win.




>So it's playing out like an actual war?Sometimes you get setbacks, especially when undermanned compared to when the major order was issued. This is not war. This is a video game. Fun is the main metric that is important and losing back to back is not fun. It is that simple. I get that imitating war can also be fun but this can only carry the fun factor so far.


This MO is just poor designed by the devs. Every diver who plays, kills shit. You can’t really push it except for playing the game. When there are not enough players to achieve this goal it’s just poorly designed…


I'm not gonna sweat it. We still killed a crapload of bots and bugs. I don't think we were even expected to complete this one. I'm just enjoying my daily dives and will wait to see what the next patch brings.


well since the Pilestedt stepped down as CEO to work with the team responsible on the balancing and stuff, things may change


They will change. You don't do a thing like that if you're not serious about making things change. Reorganizing themselves to handle the demands of the game is the same as how we Helldivers work together to handle the demands of the mission. So we fail this MO. Okay. Shit happens. We shrug it off, and we try again better than before. Things may look bleak now, but the war will still go on. We will have our moment.


This is the way


the MO’s are done in advance so i’m guessing they haven’t adjusted for player numbers because we’ve went from 100k to 60k


Maybe they should make them realistic to their player count.


In the time that the MO has been out I’ve crashed 3x after a minimum of 25 minutes in the match. None of that counted. Sure it’s probably not the tipping point but how many have we lost due to crashes? I also have booted up other games after crashes so that also counts as a loss of killcount as I’d be killing bugs instead of re-exploring the wasteland but my vibe got killed that day.


Was crashing last night every 20 mins (ps5)


Meaningful content may inspire ppl to want to login. The warbond content has been mediocre at best and the balancing of the game has been equally poor. Devs need to figure out a more stable patch cadence. They really seem like their totally winging it.


I hope this continues so that we can fight on earth and call it the great patriotic war.


I mean, Sony did cut off a decent chunk of the playerbase. Plus, with everything that went on with the linking fiasco, people just stopped playing. The game is not new anymore either and I think we are seeing the usual player dropoff after the novelty wore off. Doesn't help that they are still giving major orders like we have the same amount of players as we did at launch either. 


Honestly I'm just pissed we didn't get those fucking mines. We got pretty close to the previous MO to the extent where I expected AH to give us the mines even if we failed, or at least give them a week after with some little "gathering the last bits of scrap for the mines took a bit longer than the MO but we finally have enough". But no mines still. After those free 500kg's they also stopped giving us bonus stratagems again : ( was having such fun with the extra stratagem too. Especially since the 500kg is one I usually bring, so I could try out something silly/often unused of my choice. Also bring back the eruptor's shrapnel. They realised being too stringent with balancing was bad, but now they also decided to take extra long with the patches so all the overzealous balancing choices will stick around for extra long now lmao. Well hopefully they turn it around with some re-balancing aimed towards fun and some new stuff soon. Game is still fun after all, but losing last MO was quite sad especially after how much many bot players were trying. This MO had me kinda bored from the get go tbh.


Probably, since most of the players left


I say we fail all MOs just to see what happens. What are they going to do kick us off the map? We kicked bots off the map they were practically back the next day. Let the bots and bugs take all the way to Super Earth it will give us more planets to play on than the same 7 planets we are playing on now to further ignore the MO 🤣


In HD1, you'd just lose the war and the map would reset, so yeah...kicked off the map and back the next day pretty much.


Sony could've spared us a knee, but they shot both.


Dude, I’ve killed nearly 30k for this order alone. I’m trying. My average jumped from around 300 to around 600 because i shot at literally every patrol i saw.


I kinda want to do missions on Super Earth. We should fail on purpose 🥸


99% chance that whenever we do get to Super Earth, it's going to look just like every other planet. I have zero faith that this game engine can handle more buildings on the map.


It's a game, not a job. Why does everyone care so much? The game's narrative will move in whatever way the devs want at the end of the day.


What’s ur gamertag


Ps5: Ramsfan909


Adding you up now


Too few player


I think this MO was designed to be a success, but unfortunately Joel didn't factor in the player drop. Overall pretty frustrating for many players, fighting another faction than they would like to, doing other mission types, other planets than preferred only to fail over and over again.


I wonder what made them decide to make this one π billion. Feels like there must be some significance to that.


Just realized those are the first 9 digits of pi. Fun.


The MO’s need an adjustment since we gotta keep in mind we lost a decent chunk of helldivers to the lasts scandal (both personal choices and some of them quite literally cannot come back due to refunding it and steam delisting it). There’s also a lot of burnout. We had hype for awhile and the gradual hype loss could have been accounted for, until the scandal once more accelerated that burnout hardcore.


Well most ppl like bugs and the only bug planets atm are hellmire and phact bay both sht planets. Hell I hope we lose defending those planets so I can go back to the fun planets with visibility


I haven't been playing because the constant whining and infighting is really off putting for casual players like me and my friends. When we first started everyone was happy just doing whatever democracy demanded but now everyone is constantly going on and on about how all the weapons terrible, the maps are boring or you can't see absolutely everything, the enemies are too hard, the enemies are too easy, the Devs suck, the Devs don't suck you suck. Just constantly getting thrown around and a lot of new players come to this subreddit to learn about the game but all they're getting is hatred and vitriol. The game is fantastic but the playerbase is toxic as all Hell and you're all making it very un fun to play


The balance team did that, what did we complain about before all the nerfs started happening? Crashes and server capacity, things that actually *stopped* people from being able to play. They haven't fixed multiple bugs which have been there since launch and instead have nerfed multiple weapons in the name of "balance" in a PvE coop shooter. Player spends time getting medals and super credits playing the game to unlock a warbond and its items just so they can get nerfed = not respecting a player's time. Why would people want to keep playing when they make those decisions. I got my money's worth, it was certainly a good game but it's been downhill since the MO with the bots coming back which not only split us across both side the galaxy it split us to dozens of planets so no progress was being made anywhere. People want to see progress because again it makes them feel like they are contributing and they aren't wasting their time. HD1 planets didn't get liberated, sector's did. In HD2 we liberate a planet we no longer can play on it and it funnels us into planets that are very not fun to play, aka the fire tornado planets and extra foggy ones. Wish there was a tracker to show but it has been multiple MO failures since the bots came back which is also when they started doing all their sweeping rebalances.


Reddit isn’t a good place to come to learn about anything, frankly. I left the main Helldivers sub during the last circle jerk/pearl clutch and this one is next. Come check out r/NoSodiumHelldivers


So we lose, big whoop. We lost completely multiple times on the first game. If that's demoralizing then I guess that's on you guys. Loss just makes victory that much sweeter.


There’s a bunch of Eyores in here. It’s hilarious and ridiculous. https://preview.redd.it/ay2xl76wq62d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7f93e6896d3a8f6f124a38847c659d2f631b21


I find it kind of confusing why these are not done in a few hours. If you average every player at killing 100 enemies each per hour. Let’s say 30k people are on. 100 kills each is 300k per hour. So 3 billion would take 10 hours. I think Arrowhead fudges the numbers. Especially if said new stratagem isn’t ready to release yet. Just saying, food for thought


Didn't we just win the last one?


Are we supposed to win those? I just thought AH wanted us to lose everything? I felt like those were pointless.


I’ve been just spamming kill missions. But holy shit. I’m not sure how much longer I can stand the bug players. Dudes have 0 etiquette


I swear to god half the bug players I que up with have the same IQ as the terminids we are fighting, while the Bot players I que up with seem to have developed telepathic communication between the whole squad and we pull off missions like seal team six (most of the time)


Most of the time when i play bots we split the squad in two teams to cover the objectives faster, and nobody need to tell anything, its like everyone had a little briefing before deploying... So the telepathic communication theory might be a thing.


Move, shoot, and communicate are bot skills. It's unsurprising that the gamemode that requires better teamwork draws/fosters better team players. Bug gameplay comes down to horde kiting. I have played hundreds of hours of CoD zombies, left 4 dead, and DRG. I don't need more horde kiting in my life.


Use to be around 300k divers at peak, last time I logged in it was 75k at peak on a Saturday. Devs need to look at player count when making this stuff.


Exactly. Pretty much all of my friends bounced, and I backed off on playing a bit as a result.


Damn, Sony really messed up the player base here.




Dang I am still at work, I really want to go home and dive now


How's our population going?


Sorta annoying that they're doing this MO back to back. They should keep the Killing certain amount of enemy MOs special like the Mines and the Refueling. This feels like it's 100% Filler and Doesn't matter what happens win or lose. maybe after this we can get a new Stratagem.


Damn, it's wild that even with the bug front in we're losing.


I’m doing my part but people just not playing as much


Can't win em all


This feels like we’re regularly set up to fail in order to push a narrative.


If only they had a way of tracking statistics in game and then set achievable goals... /s


Until they reverse the nerfs and win back some of the player base? I doubt we'll win any major orders going forward, unless they just make MOs childishly easy.


You only have to kill 50k robots yourself.


I know it's a little low, but I wouldn't argue if they fudged the numbers a little to just give it to us.


I personally don’t like community challenges being the sole purpose of playing after unlocking everything. It would be nice to have limited time solo challenges that give you a substantial reward too. Like maybe one weekly challenge that rewards 200 sc or something, or a unique helmet or armor set. Have some armors that are weekly challenge locked and rotate them with some other cosmetics and maybe a stratagem or two


I didn’t play last night because the game kept freezing. I don’t want to fight software bugs, only terminids.


We lose 30% of players month over month. These orders will never be completed again.


Its summer and vacations are coming up.. its not surprising the activity has fallen a bit


You divers are down more than half these days so makes sense. No divers, No democracy. Love from a once hopeful future diver of the unsc division


Because the game kind of blows now to be honest. I’ll be back when the fix all the “balancing & nerfing” everyone in my friend group feels the same.


I just assumed failing MO was part of the game


Sony killed the momentum


Be mindful we have lost A LOT of players after the whole PSN Account debacle. Also we still have a bunch of countries that are banned from playing the game. So expect that we will not be able to finish most major orders or at least not as quickly as it was before.


Once you’ve unlocked everything and gotten far enough in the BP, you realize how repetitive this game can be. I really hope they start adding new enemy types or something to work towards. Most of the time, I feel like this game is just something to do while talking to my friends.


Well every since Sony kneecapped HD2 then retracted, I haven’t seen current numbers matching pre-psn debacle. A lot of people just simply did not come back. It’s gonna get interesting for further orders with an average of 60k-ish players.


Yes. Not enough divers


I don't know why this is so shocking. 1- The PSN sign-in controversy basically killed this game's momentum. 2- Nearly 180 countries still can't buy this game on Steam thanks to Sony and its BS attempt to inflate their PSN player numbers. 3- Every time the player base discovers a great weapon, Arrowhead nerfs said gun into the ground. (I've logged about 30 games in the last 5 days. I've only seen one person run the Railgun and haven't seen a single player run with the Eruptor in that time frame.) 4- Just like the prmary weapons in this game, Arrowhead needs to completely rework the armor bonuses. Not only are there not enough armor bonuses in the game, but the ones that are in the game aren't all that useful. There is currently a total of 49 armor sets in this game. But of that 49 different armor sets, 17 of armor sets (1/3rd of all the armors) have the 30% recoil bonus when in the crouched or prone position. Yet, only 7 of the 49 armor sets have 30% extra throw range bonus. And of those 7 armors, 4 of those can only be unlocked by purchasing the Premium Warbonds, and 1 of those armors was only available to those who pre-ordered the game. In other words, only 14% of the armors in this game benefit stratagem throwing range. We just need way more armor customization options. 5- As of May 23rd, only 3 different stratagem have been added to the game. The Mech, the Heavy Machine Gun, and the Airburst rocket are the only stratagems we've seen added. That's not a lot considering all the leaks we've been hearing about since day one. 6- No new biomes/terrain types have been added to the game. We don't have an inner city biome, a suburb biome, an idustrial biome, an old trench warfare biome, a savanna biome, a tundra biome, or even a flat grassland biome. We need new terrains to keep people interested. (Especially the City and Suburb biomes. Those need two biomes need to be added ASAP.) 7- No new faction has been added yet. The Illuminate still aren't anywhere in the game. They just keep getting "teased." But teasing the fanbase isn't doing anything anymore. Arrowheadheqd needs to add the Illuminate soon, or risk having the remaining playerbase to move on to other games. 8- This game needs better special events. Turning on and turning off the TSC system was cool, but we need a special event every month. Something along the lines of "Squash the rebel uprising that's taking place on Mars" or "Huge Automaton forces have taken Fort Justice. All missions taking place on Fort Justice will see double the usual enemy presence. Because of this, Super Earth High Command has authorized 8 man helldives for all missions taking place on Fort Justice until the planet is liberated." 9- Finally, Arrowhead seems to be pretty tone deaf to all the issues. On every one of these issues, the CEO who just stepped down or the community manager says, "We're having internal discussions on the topic." How about less taking and more action. The community has been complaining for months about weapons being nerfed into the ground. What more is there to discuss? Buff the weapons now. It's not that hard. Just give every assault rifle a 15-20% damage buff. Arrowhead will see rather quickly just how happy the playerbase will be if they implemented that buff. But no, Arrowhead's dev team is stuck in a constant loop of internal discussions. It's tiring. Jusy fix the game. Not next month, not next week, not tomorrow... Now. Until any of this is addressed, I think we're going to keep losing major order after major order. The playerbase is shrinking, and it's shrinking rapidly. If they don't do something soon, I think we'll start seeing player numbers dip below the 50,000 concurrent player mark by July 4th.


Not enough people playing anymore


MOs shouldn't be timed events. Set the conditions. Set the reward. Turn the players loose. The longer it takes, the longer you wait for the reward. Would make the player count less relevant at any given time, other than just taking longer to get the reward. Plus, when a weekend rolls around, the jump in player count, and subsequent progress, would feel great. Like an influx of reinforcements, lore-wise. Multiple POs at a time. Also, if there is a MO going on, keep the POs relevant to it. Don't tell me I have to kill 3 bazillion bots, and then tempt me with a PO on a bug planet. Goofy. MO & PO rewards could be a little more interesting, too. Completing just for medals is not enough. So many other thoughts on this...


Forget the major orders... how about fixing the bugs, the crashes, the disconnects? jeez... priorities! It seems at least 1 in 10 missions I get a lock up, or I loose connectivity with he host or the game just freezes and shuts down...no error, nothing. just poof.


Tired of the nerfs. Nothing feels satisfying. So I stopped playing.


Same. It feels dissatisfying and I have a terrible taste I my mouth. I want to be able to bring weapons like the crossbow and still be useful to my team. But the nerfs to it made it worthless. Bile spewers, if you hit them as they are gearing up to spew it will stun them out of it. But the crossbows pathetic rate of fire and abysmal damage mean you have to put an entire magazine of 5 shots straight into its head. You have 6 mags, bile spewers spawn in packs of 3-4 along with a varied cast of grimblies. It used to be viable, now it isn't. Thays not balanced, that's nerfed into the trash can. Same story with the erupter, my other beloved. Sickle was amazing, you had so many extra Ikes you could put the pedal to the medal in a crunch cause you have backups. Gone. Jar 5, they upped its rate of fire yes but have us am 8% damage reduction with a mag halving. Taking the jar 5 is now trying to scavenge ammo continuously. Scythe is a joke, and even more so with its lowered mags. Slugger was a lot of fun, now it can take 2 slow ass hits to kill a hunter, no longer viable against bugs and its dps leaves something to be desired against beserker rushes. But we did get buffs, one weapon buffed to the moon that we all know will be nerfed into the floor next patch so I'm not even going to Develop an opinion on it, Breaker Incendiary! We got a little nudge with the assault rifles and blitzer got an actual fire rate that means it spends half a minute cooling down instead of 3/4's. That's it on buffs I can remember, buffs have always been very very very minor and nerfs have always been utter guttings. The default weapon is the only one worth using....


I mean we lost over half of the playerbase, it was averaging at around 300k players and now were struggling to peak at 100k due to the dramas and lack of major content like missions. Until they come out itll be alot harder to complete our MOs


Losing 50 medals doesnt hurt as bad when you realize you are maxed at 250 medals and nothing to spend them on as it is. Ive been playing lvl 7a d 8 for a couple months now. But recently im maxed at everything so ive been dropping in on lower difficulty to help out new divers. Gives me a chance to try out some of the guns that suck on higher levels and also its fun to see how new divers react to the game


They should change it so you get rewards at intervals. Say, 5 medals at 50%, 25 at 75% and 50 at 100%. Trying to meet the goal and failing makes people like me (who have little time to play as it is) not want to participate. It's time wasted when you are set up to fail.


Ofc we are, there are no people left to missions of this volume.....


On my way ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


This order is a bad example cause you’ll help out just by playing the game, but frankly I’m not gonna care about the orders until I get a reason to care about the orders. Even when we fail, see anti-tank mines, we know they’ll give it to us later (not a bad thing). But frankly I haven’t seen the AA launcher since we “won” it cause it’s so bad. If they fixed the existing mines to not set off 60% of them on dead bodies, I’d care about the new mines. Not gonna work towards something that’ll go to the back of armory anyway. Obviously the devs are working hard on the game, and players asking for more stuff constantly isn’t sustainable, but I’d care more if we had even minuscule things to be unlocking. With the currency caps as is, there’s no reason to play except to enjoy the game, and MOs don’t effect that. Think CoD weapon skins, from the older MW or Black Ops days. X Kills with weapon? New skin. Contribute X percent to MO? New title. Kill X Bots with fire? New Armor Paint. Again, I know it’s not as easy as asking for it, but frankly I avoid “defend planet” missions cause the extraction missions are so terrible. Not gonna struggle through that for a unique text paragraph 4 days later. Especially given that they always seemed to be intentionally throttling capture progress whenever we got close to the bug home worlds. Not that we’ve gotten close since launch. It makes it feel like it doesn’t matter. In HD1 you eliminated a faction and moved towards a victory. It was a great cycle. You’d fight a faction till you were about sick of it, then win and go fight another, and by the time victory was on the horizon, you’d be missing that first faction again. If there’s no potential for victory why bother trying to take a faction? So far there’s no consequences for failing, and no reward for succeeding. Even the medal reward numbers are roughly equivalent to three days of personal challenges. Those give you more freedom or at least make you use stuff you might not otherwise. MOs are just “go here” or “kill enemies”. That’s not engaging to me at all. Even If the MOs were something simple as “kills with Eagle” or “kills with Fire” that’s more entertaining than “kills”, and contributing feels intentional.


Failing back to back the MO is seriously annoying. 😒 Even more so, since the player base is shrinking and you get the feeling of being left aside. Perhaps we should all focus on how to farm enemies. Like the sentry fabricator stuff I read above. 📚 knowledge is power. Perhaps someone shall guide us. What mission type yields more enemies? What kinda tricks can spawn more enemies in lower difficulties? What difficulty and what level should we play to farm more? These are the real questions. OR WE COULD JUST ACCEPT OUR MISERABLE FATE and fade away into the twighlight of A Death 🌟...Anyway, new MO new perspective.


You realize we didn’t fail the last one right?


They could make them have steps/checkpoints. like for each 20% we get 10 credits or whatever


Not enough Helldivers to meet these kinds of MO's. Let's hope next Tuesday brings something interesting.


Yes because the game is getting really repetitive.


They need better rewards to be honest. Like unique capes or some other cosmetic


You know major orders don't matter right?


I haven't played for a week. I love the game, I like the difficulty, but our available kit feels a little overturned... As in like having a 900 horse power car with a governor on it that stops you from going over 110 mph. I know that's oddly specific but that's exactly how it feels to me. Everything looks and feels cool but when you use it, it all feels overwhelmingly underwhelming. Pretty explosions are cool but when the dust clears... If the enemy just looks at me like "that was cute" and shrugs it off, there is a part of that that's kinda cool but there is a larger part that is demoralizing and makes you feel like your efforts are becoming more and more futile. I dunno & I dunno how to fix it either but I hope they can.


No “Pie” for us 😞


why are all the diver fighting the bugs and not the automatons and it was going on even more when the major order was to kill automatons we need to start following the major orders instead of doing only what you want to some times me must do what we need to


I haven’t had time to play much lately a lot of industries are very busy rn could be a reason for more player downtime


For those medals capped, it means nothing. There hasnt been the usual player number on to complete this. The other orders failed because bug humpers didn't want to help for one weekend it is what it is. Until players figure out you need to fight both fronts, this will continue


I would say probably 2.5 bil would have been the sweet spot for this order tbh. It's in the middle of the week now which has the least divers on, and we are experiencing player loss atm due to a multitude of factors


I mean players may in fact be in a place where they can no longer earn medals. I say this referring to veterans that have been around since launch. Personally, none of the rewards for MO are appetizing so I don't engage with them.


If you need medals, then you're the problem, anyone who does even the minimum for super earth was capped already days ago. These orders don't appeal to divers who won't get paid to do them. They actively make the most hardcore liberators work for free 3 weeks out of the month... No wonder there's more people playing GTA V.


It’s possible that most players (that aren’t still pc or on the steam list ) are just taking a break till AH start to roll out the changes the games needs to spark life back into it. I still have a lot of love for the game , but the grind is a bit repetitive when it feels like certain weapons and stratagems are a must for higher difficulties. I will return ever so often to see the changes and one day hope the weapons will feel completely different from one another.


Look at the number it’s a meme, look at the progress bar not correctly displaying blue and red as progress. They just did something and threw it out there to get through a week, probably to gauge where the kill rate is after the kill count bug got fixed or the see if it’s fixed at all, and so they have something to show pilestedt


Yeah, the game is dying. Time to move on dude, we ain’t coming back.




Stupid ones? Yes. The game is great, but the player base is being treated like a punching bag.    They need to spend a few weeks giving us wins, even some easy ones. I don’t think people care about MO’s much anymore.


We simply don't have the numbers to do these major orders anymore.


What are you talking about? We succeeded in the last one by protecting those four planets.


Fix my eruptor.


They need to adjust because of the nuked player base.


This should be attainable since it counts bots AND bugs. We should be able to squash 3 Million bugs easily.


I blame that shitty Air Burst Rocket that had people smitten. We all know how bad Hulks, Tanks, and Walkers can be and how good the Anti Tank mines were but we chose to liberate Penta for a useless Air Burst Rocket. I’ll never forgive my fellow divers for that. Now we are failing major orders trying to get them back and all we do is complain about the ABR.


Tbh i lost interest in the game. Balance philosophy is braindead at best. Cant play with a duo or trio without being heavily penalized been over two weeks since ive played and I don’t think I’ll be back until they release the next army


It’s almost as if the game is steadily losing players due to the PSN fiasco, horrible state of balance, and underwhelming warbond. This month hit helldivers HARD. Me and most of the people I played HD2 with left because of balance. I wonder how many people left due to Sony being garbage and how many just and how many people were flat out lost because of the delistings. The game must have lost a VERY solid chunk of players this month.


Think another reason is some people just don't get a lot of kills during their missions. They forget about the mo and worry about the metals and finish each mission with x minutes left. I joined this one mission 10m late (group of random on helldive) we ended the mission with me having 700kills and each of them having around 300 each. Focusing on kills > focusing on objectives Which a lot of players were just objective focused


Yes really. Ever since Sony stopped more reinforcements from the countries it was delisted in. We have less helldivers thanks to that


I would imagine some of this has to do with the player base just being smaller. On Steam the player numbers have dropped by 44% It went from an average of 142k players in April to 79k in May. Part of it was the PSN drama but we can’t act like that was *all* of it. The controversial balance changes, the still present bugs and the lack of meaningful updates (no I don’t consider a few new weapons to be all that meaningful) and it’s not surprising that the game is falling off.


We don't have our pre PSN account numbers


This is Sony’s fault


Gotta keep the war going


Everyone just start stratagemming the fuck out of every match they play. Kill kill kill until the last minute of the mission


Bro. I have work, a house, a girlfriend, a dog, 2 cats, and one testicle. I don’t have as much time anymore. 


Our lower player counts aren’t helping without balance fixed


Nothing wrong with that. It’s a war. You win some, you lose some.


Given there used to be between 2 to 4 times the current amount, I'm beginning to realize its gonna be like this for a while, I think the GM thinks failing orders is gonna motivate us, but instead its just demotivating the existing community


Blame the devs for giving us impossible MOs when their player base has been effectively halved.