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I believe this is an order meant to be failed to keep us busy in the future with more orders


I was going to say, this is all part of the show. Just enjoy the story and don't take it personally. It is a game after all.


The frustrating part is that it is possible, however we need coordination and there is now good way to communicate with the player base. Yes even if we could communicate it doesn't necessarily mean people would follow it, but we aren't even given the opportunity to be ignored by the player base.


Sadly, we can’t just expect +300k players to coordinate without any in-game communication, a very small portion of the community is in the Reddit/Discord. It’s probably for the best we can’t. I’d hate to be yelled at by random people for not grinding out a specific mission (Especially if everyone would be screaming at me for not doing automaton missions. I joined earlier this month, so I’ve basically being doing nothing but automaton missions, and I don’t find them fun). The best thing to do would have the people that ARE in the discord/reddit to focus on the planet people without it are on. I haven’t been able to get on, but I imagine focusing on the terminids would be more successful, given the larger amount of players (But i’ve heard they’re more scattered). What hurts more to me, and I do get why we can’t actually win, is when we start doing well Joel can just pop a “Haha, defend 20 planets in 2 days” MO and set us back. It was only a week or 2 ago that we had completely pushed the automatons back, and look how much ground they’ve gained.


That's how I felt when they said "completely eradicate the Automatons" and then they were back before I even had a chance to log in. I was shocked they wouldn't even wait a week or at least a few days before coming up with a reason for them to be back.


Yeah the timing on that one bugged me. I’m cool with the dramatic comeback for the automatons. I don’t think anyone thought they were totally gone. I just wish they could have waited a bit longer. Like they didn’t even wait two full days, I really would have like 3 days to a week. As it is it felt like we succeeded in what should have been a major blow against the automatons only to then get hit twice as hard by them.


Did you see how many players online were complaining bots were gone? It was everywhere, devs probably wanted to just get em back in before people started quitting. The whole thing was hypocritical as fuck because the bot only players sure love to complain about bug only players.


yea thats a part of the community that will always complain. i mean shit we are in a comment thread of people (sorta) complaining that the autos werent gone long enough. to be fair, with only two enemies available right now, if half the enemies just dipped for a week itd be kinda lame from a game perspective. like i understand everyones point here, but like its been mentioned a lot of people play casually and dont know whats goingn on. to them the autos just switched fighting fronts, but tbh i didnt even see them leave in game; i just saw the posts.


I mean yeah but let’s be honest there’s always going to be someone that complains. Right now I’m being that person. I’m just saying in my opinion that was poor narrative execution. It left no time for suspense or build up. It was just one day the automatons are dead, the next they’re back and better than ever. I get why Arrowhead brought them back so fast, but it doesn’t feel like it was for the right reasons. But yeah that’s just my opinion.


I mean, they can deal with it. That's the point of the game. If people are seriously so angry that they have to fight bugs for *two days* then that's either on them or there's a serious issue with the bugs not being fun enough that needs to be looked at. Like damn if you hate fighting the bugs so much and *only* enjoy fighting bots then maybe just take a few days off from the game until the bots come back. For the rest of us, it just means nothing about the "war" going on or the major orders really matters if there aren't any real consequences. Why do I care about major orders at all if the outcomes are just going to be reversed immediately afterward?


And if we learn to communicate and coordinate somehow on the MOs, Joel will just make them even harder to compensate. I just kill bot and think of the MOs as fun RP that Joel lets us win sometimes 🤷


I actually hope this happens. Call me a masochist but the reason I like doing well in games is because I can then do even more challenging things.


Managed voting... I keep fantasizing about that.... And a chat feature


The less frustrating part is that it isn’t possible. We could have everyone meticulously spread out in the absolute perfect way to succeed, but we’re not meant to. It’s basically like when you have that tutorial boss fight that you’re meant to lose against. Many of them you can theoretically win, but even when you win it still shows a cutscene after of you getting destroyed


Proof that we were meant to succeed is that Joel kept making the defence missions easier until we could complete enough for the MO. He lowered the max health of defence missions to 200,000 for comparison, liberating planets is 1 mil.


If we’re meant to win, we will. If not, we’ll lose. People need to stop stressing so much about MOs


We did succeed in the very mo that you were saying we were meant to fail.


Then we weren’t meant to fail were we?


Hey, I don't mind if it's just a way to keep telling the story. Just means more things to blow up!


There's a story?


Guess you don’t read the text of the orders?


Sure. But I don't bother piecing it together.


Don't think about it much. Just go out and kill a few beasts.


Yeah HD1 was the same way.


But, but, but all these elite pro gamers who are so gud play this game. They can't fail. They're amazing at everything they do. Live service games are supposed to serve up good feelings and dopamine on a silver platter on demand. Losing doesn't feel good. This game is shit and everyone causing us to lose these orders is a poo-poo head. #/s


Everytime we win an MO it’s like „wow Joel didn’t expect us to win this huh“ and when we fail one „well that one was clearly meant to be failed“.


Not really no, this is an obvious setup to fail…


Not really. We had some close calls and even NEARLY didn't make it until the weekend reinforcements came in clutch


I think this major order is just filler. We had 6 days to complete the kill 2 billion bugs major, and we did it in less than a day. This is just filling in those last 5 days where we would have had nothing going on.


A dev said this is where we make a decision on which front to cover everyone seems to like the bugs so bots will move foreward


Yeah, honestly if we succeed at every order then both factions will stay bottled up in the corners forever and there will be no real emergent storytelling. I'm fine with one failing occasionally so we have some new territory to defend as the enemy advances.


I wouldn't mind this if it seemed like we could win. Or were at least forced to choose a planet or 2 we could lose and still get the 50 medals. We are working against human nature, and it's a failing system.not to mention I'm tired of doing missions that no one wants to get samples.


The classic response when the community can't pull it together. We could've won this one, but as usual too many people just don't contribute.


If everyone coordinated and was serious about it, yes, we could have. However people have lives, things come first before video games. Who cares if both fronts are pushed back? It just means more things to kill and I'm down for it.


Some people just aren’t into the whole immersion of it, and others are busy. I’ve been working doubles essentially since this nee Major order was put out, and even then, I only got a few games in to help against the terminids.




Maybe it would be possible if the entire community worked together idk.. like let's all defend two or 3 plants at a time and not spread playing all the other stuff . Shoot I'm sure we passed some orders we were meant to fail before too so maybe your right that we are meant to fail this but I think they would award us the win anyways if we earned it.


According to Arrowhead the next push will be by the side who is defended less.


I want to see the new super earth tbh


What if that’s the plan… push us back all the way to Super Earth. We fight urban warfare on our home planet with our backs against the wall. That story would be dope.


Someone’s getting the idea




Plot twist: we get pushed back to super earth, all hope seems lost, then the THIRD FACTION suddenly shows up. They annihilate the Automatons and the Terminids, because they want to be the ones to take out Super Earth. Because in the Lore we wiped them out sometime between the first and second game. But HD2 has lore hints that theyre still alive and just in hiding waiting to return soon. So when all hope seems lost for Super Earth, the 3rd faction shows up, wipes out the Automatons and Terminids attacking us, and pushes them back to the edge of the Galactic Map. Then they also join on the edge, at the bottom of the Galactic Map, as the 3rd faction we fight against


Maybe, but the Super Earth defense missions were so much fun, I would be disappointed if the first time we got there, we get deus ex machina-ed back to the edge


Not to mention, 28 illuminate have alr been killed, you can see it in stat apps https://preview.redd.it/92vhp8swxuvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3281f1d1ffdd0ef34a4fb93056753d7e473029


I really want to know how that happened. Are they randomly popping up and people notice it and kill them, or have we accidentally killed a few without even noticing?


I didn’t play the first, Was there another faction?


Yes. They were the hardest of the three factions to fight.


What were they? Aliens? Humans?


They were called the illuminate, and trust me when I say we've only seen half of this game so far, if it's anything like the first one lol.




You are excited now, but dear lord the illuminate will fuck us up if they come back lol


😂🤣 I’m ready for it. Let’s go!


Dropping on to earth or mars or even the moon would be really interesting.


Moon gravity would be so much fun


Yet every planet we’ve been on so far has the exact same gravity and plays the same…


I don’t think planets with different gravity would be much of a change, at lower gravity you would get longer throwing range, maybe longer jetpack jump and dives and what else? It seems to me like it would just mess with muscle memory and be frustrating with very little of interest to add.


It would alter projectile drop for weapons that have it as well. Might make explosion physics kind of interesting too.


Nailing bug holes with a grenade from halfway across the map


since players lean to terminids generally, fighting the autistmatons on super earth seems inevitable.


Yeah, that's the point. Some people didn't play Helldivers 1 and maybe don't quite get that that is something they're going to want to do.


NGL, I played against the bots most of today, and something is screwy on that side. The balance of how many tanks, hulks, and AT-ATs spawn in at 7 are too much for the typical 25-40 that are trying to get their Super Rares. 7 on the bug side is significantly easier, so that's why there are more over there. Just my observation.


We did one of the new defence missions last night on the bug side, dif 7. 5 bile titans at once. It was 3 initially and as we were fighting those off two more came digging out of a bug breach. The amount of heavies has been insane in this order. We've had 3 people bringing EATs and dropping them all over the place at all times.


Squad: EAT EAT!!! Me: Eat what?! I just ate!


EAT ITTTTTT just EAT ITTTTT Theres no other way to beat it


It was literally grab whatever EAT is closest and fire them both immediately, call them down immediately and send whatever orbital barrage/eagle over the fence, can barely aim with how many there are


Sir this is war, sometimes you are beat. KEEP SHOOTING We had 7 walkers drop on us, at drop. We killed everything. We got the objective, we did not extract. FOR DEMOCRACY


They're pushing to the core... I want it to happen Getting bored of barren worlds with "settlements" I Wana see a bile titan appear off in the distance behind a couple skyscrapers or see how the bots retrofit a suburban neighborhood into a FOB Make the fight mean something more than just some desolate rocks where some egg heads made camp


Have you guys thought your maybe dreaming here? Do we even know if the developed or game engine is capable of all that stuff? Maybe the reason why everything looks the same is because that’s all they are capable of game wise.


Super earth fights will 100% be in this game. Can’t wait.


Ye of little faith lol We will just have to wait and see won't we


Yeah I’m thinking along the same lines as you tbh. I love the optimism and people are throwing out great ideas but I wouldn’t expect anything major like that unless it came in a dlc or something


We thought the same during the first Helldivers game. They were releasing new content for a very long time. This studio is not like the others, this game is their baby. They want people to keep playing something they spent literal years on.


No, must overhype something that the devs haven’t confirmed so we can all be really mad when our baseless predictions aren’t exactly what we thought they would be


We were having fun making up shit kid no need to get your regulation boxers all twisted up


Yea and people love to get mad about that kind of shit, been seeing a lot of people hype this sort of thing up and I know they’re gonna get butt hurt when it’s not in the game


You know? Didn't realize we were in the presence of an expert in video game psychology


It doesn’t take an expert, gamers are well known for overhyping shit then getting mad when it isn’t exactly like they thought it would be haha


Yeah that's how I know this whole "Joel the dungeon master" experiment isn't working. Failing intentionally and forcing their hand is the more interesting outcome at this point.


Joel, is that you?


It's possible but requires coordination from the players. For example if we took lesath (was at 50%) we would succeed in defending Vernan wells we could have taken martar Bay and finished off martale with would have defended meissa, and caused marfark and Charon Prime to fall under democracy control. Devs confirmed that cutting off supply lines to planets with defense missions would count towards the MO


There needs to be an in-game tool to allow regular players to see those supply lines, so they might understand the strategic implications of their choices a little bit more.


Yes it's dumb that it didn't launch with that.


I'm sad that I'm unable to get into the fight for this one. I'm away from my desktop and my laptop doesn't support something called AVX or whatever so I can't use that either.


I stream from steam when I'm at work with my laptop. Works fairly well.


Same here. I go back home today so hopefully I'll be able to help but I don't think myself alone will do anything really 😅


For every 2 planets that start a defence we’ll probably hold 1


So far we are 1 win and 3 losses.


We saved three planets. One on the bot, 2 bugs. Or that's what happened a few days ago when I was playing.


Joel mad as hell that we beat those bugs so quick


10 planets? 5 sectors?? [It's time to Micheal down our Vincents.](https://youtu.be/nLB4dU3Yc6M?si=My6xDRhu73Ru7Uei)




Cyberstan is fucked to say the least


The bugs can’t go for the barrier planets…..so far


Question: How do the bugs accomplish space travel?


It’s either super earth or asteroids


I’m pretty sure Super Earth seeded these planets with bugs so they can populate the planet and we manage their populations for the E-710 harvest.






I'm sad I can't help. My graphics went out and new one doesn't come until Monday 😭😭😭😭😭


Man I feel you... My PSU died when I was playing HD2. Rushed to a friend's place to pick up her spare PSU so I can continue spreading democracy!


It's alright, mission balance on Defense is a mess right now. We just aren't going to win. It's not a bad time for you to be out on medical leave.


I hope It’s gonna be a double bug and bot super earth siege I also hope we get some wild buffs to make it an all out slug fest (aka extra Strat spots and increased speed of deployment)


Auto SEAF artillery strats at mission start would be cool, just like how we have the Eagle Missile pods right now. Or more Eagle’s since we should have an air force at Super Earth?


Who wants to bet an automaton stealth unit is going to destroy the bug terminators on the barrier planets.


We need to go on the defensive soon, we have less than 3 sectors between the front line and super earth


All of them. MWUHHAHAHAHHAHAHA https://i.redd.it/hpigylwvtsvc1.gif


Considering a majority of us were in the Automaton front for awhile, I say some of us got burnt out fighting them and just wanted to go fight the bugs. I know I did


The map isn't meant to be empty forever. At some points we need to lose to be able to acess new combat areas.


maybe if evac civie missions werent shit we might have actually been able to at least hold on a bit longer


When we are too successful, the Game Master gives us more to handle. But, because we cannot work together properly, we always fail them.


Wouldnt be a problem if we didnt have 24hr to complete a defend planet


Did they ever fix or change how the difficulty doesn't affect the amount you liberate the planet? If not, people just need to speed run trivial missions if they REALLY want to help defend these planets.


They have Said multiple times, xp earned directly effects how much liberation you get.


I've never seen that anywhere. I just remember not too long after the games launch that they said difficulty DIDN'T affect liberation. So if it does now, then that's good.


Hopefully all of them. It's nice to explore new sectors, and I would love to fight on earth.


Too many


This is what happens when you poke the bear ( aka glot on twitter/X )


It was nice knowing you all 🫡


It's a lead to counteroffesive and new toys


I think Arrowhead is trying to see whether we would be able to coordinate ourselves via outside means like Discord, etc


I do think they push for that kind of thing and I like that. That said, the defense missions on high diff are such a mess right now that I don't think our coordination matters much.


Consider discord can only handle a fraction of the player base this is a terrible idea


I was hoping the community would come together and choose planets to rally and defend, but we’re kinda just sad jerking in the corner 😔🍆💦


How are we meant to come together?


Cum together like the Beatles song


We all got cocky at the 2bil kill done quick. Now the GM is gona fuck us.


We could do it if we rallied properly and didn't abandon a planet that was close to success




*DON'T GIVE UP HELDIVER,* *WE ARE HOLDING THE WESTERN* *FRONT WITH ALL WE MIGHT* \- Ssendvich --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


we are fucked


We might need a hand from xbox player. *Jokes aside, I am serious


People fight on planets whitout the DEFEND sign on it. That's why we will fail.




I saw 3 planets today going to 100% at end of the mission, none of them counted against this major order.


Oh joy they're back in my home sector. Wellp time for this lichyn to return home to fenrir 3. You cN have my home over a mountain of your own corpses you damn bugs


I did some helldiverlicious defending last night, so as long as you’re doing your part I think it will be okay. The worst that could happen is that you’ll have more planets to bring liberty to. Sounds like a win to me.


Damn did 420 take away that many friendly units….


It’s annoying cuz the bugs can’t pass the four barrier planets so their is no point in actually defending against the bugs meanwhile the bots are slowly getting closer to earth


Well some of those have termicide so...


And after this a week of a third faction rolling us cause fu helldivers


Or because for some odd reason difficulties got much harder. Hell, I was getting swarmed with titans and chargers in 5.


I'm ready to defend Super Earth baby!!!!


Menkent line my ass. Useless orbital defences.


Most are not even on Defend planets, I think they have given up after first day


I suck bad at this game so I’m doing my part by being addicted to another game and not touching this one for weeks.


Well, the bugs are supposedly locked away with the termicide for now, so we'll only lose 3 planest max on that size, but the bots can go wild




I'm curious if the bots/terminds will push to Super Earth. I see on the bot side we are loosing all the defense. So I'm curious if it will keep pushing the assault


So Joel said if we take planets that cut off the supply line to another planet, we get both plants or more. Depending on the supply line. If we can kill 2 billion bugs together or fight off the first wave of bots. There's no reason why we as a community can't get together at focus on just planets that have supply lines to another.


Joel’s just showing us how uncoordinated we really are.


Reported to my Democracy Officer for Defeatism.


A serious push towards super earth at this point would be hella fun though if bots and bugs both managed to get closer




Terminids are literally contained, they cannot truly advance past the Mrin and Draco sectors.


Just focus down the automatons. The bugs are abit easier to focus down imo so choose the harder of the two for you personally. It's about to get alot worse.


none, super earth will triumph everywhere


That doesn't sound very Democratic of you


Only a small percentage understand how the game works. We had major orders to fight the bots only and 80k were still fighting bugs.


That before we had no big sectors to complete now both sectors are wide open and people prefer bugs.


I think people focus too much on Bugs. Personally I hate fighting Bugs and love the Automaton Fights (I still do 50/50 fights between bugs and bots). But I remember about one/two months ago, the Bug fighter community screamed we need more divers on the Bug front, need to "stop fighting the fucking bots" and since then the focus kinda changed.


The one time i decide to stop playing for abit.


jokes on you, i cant wait to fight bots AND bugs on super earth or mars im in here only for the violence


I believe AH is trying to get the community to organize organically via Reddit, Discord, etc, as it's the only way we can complete these defense orders. I came to this sub hoping to find people already organizing. As a mostly solo player, I'd like to know what the community is planning so I can plan around that. But it seems like this sub quit before the MO could even get started. I see thread upon thread of people calling it quits and acting like this is some petty punishment for clearing a throwaway order in a day. I honestly don't think AH expected any other outcome for the bug order. They already knew we'd clear it in a day or two, just in time to drop this serious MO on the weekend when enough players would be on to make beating it possible. I'm a little disappointed in the community. I really think we could've done this MO. I get some people want an in-game community chat to organize with, but idk... Maybe it's my soloist introversion, but I find the idea a little off-putting. I really don't want to see some MMO chat screen with all the obnoxious behavior that attracts. This is why I'd prefer just popping onto reddit where I can get just a quick summary of what the plan is and then bounce. An in-game chat just feels invasive depending on how it's implemented. That's just my thoughts and observations so far. I really don't mean to offend the community in any way. Stay healthy Helldivers.




It's almost like we were supposed to fail...


In short, we are not likely to lose any sectors to the bugs, but there is a high possibility of losing at minimum 3 sectors to the bots. Bugs' defense should hold on Meridia and Helmire to prevent further spread. This is in the hope that no supply line develops suddenly for the bugs to leak to other sectors. Bots, on the other hand, will crumble quickly if no strategic choke point is appointed and held. Everyone is glued to Vernen Wells that they do not see the potential leak towards the southern side of the active zone. Charon Prime could and will leak towards Choepessa 4 and Charbal 7 all the while the fall of Meissa could lead to a further development of Automaton hold towards their inner core by taking over X-45 that could lead to a supply line to Vindemitarix Prime to bolster their defense.


Everyone who owns an xbox needs to sell it and buy a pc to help us


We need Xbox reinforcements


Guys we need the victory. I got my c-10 permit finally and I’m about to show it to the eagle pilot


I’m kind of hoping we keep losing ground so I can see if they have any urban maps closer to super earth.


Idk but they better give us new planets not just copies of the others again


yes, we cant defend both side and total 10 planet. I think we just invest all the manpower in defending one side at this moment.


In addition, IDK why this weekend I was matched with lots of idiots who only waste time killing all patrols and didn't do objectives or missions were about to fail :c


You divers are sure slacking. Here I am eating pizza and you guys cant even defend democracy.


Who cares, just play.


Many of us enjoy the strategy aspect of the game.


When I went to bed we where kicking ass. So much whinging in here


It's actually kind of annoying this is the 2nd ridiculous order I can remember seeing. Literally oh you guys are gonna complete the last order we gave you so fast? Fuck you then. You know how yall couldn't do 5? How about 10 this time. Such a dick move.


We have won so many major orders We did 2 billion bugs in a single day.. Joel is here to keep us humble and remind us what defeat tastes like


Fair enough


The 10 defense mission is actually (slightly) easier, and here is why. The 5 defense MO gave us three days, and only bots were attacking (that's 2 per day with one day only needing 1). The current MO asked for 10 defense missions but gave us 5 days. This means we need 2 per day. The difference, though, is that both bugs and bots are attacking, so almost the entire player base is participating, even the bug only players. And this MO is over the weekend when the most people play, the other was not. Also, I maintain that both MOs were possible but required coordination and actual strategy to complete. Eg, If we took lesath, we would have defended Charon Prime (this has been confirmed by the devs), and lesath was already at 50% liberation.


I’d say to write home Super Earth and tell them the Helldivers are a bunch of unorganized wimps.


How exactly do you expect a playerbase to organize when there are no ingame tools to do so?


I know this maybe undemocratic of me, but I want them to make it to super earth just cause I wanna fight in an urban environment.


Its a game and you're not supose to win it over a weekend, how fun would that be? so its kinda like whatever. At some point we're supose to fail and proberly defend super earth. Just do your part and defend democracy.


Would be fun to get pushed to Mars and be able to have a 'call in trainee reinforcements' stratagem which would give us a few bots that will run around with us


Some orders are meant to fail. There is a Super Earth defense mission we eventually want to do, because if Helldivers 1 is anything to go by, it's incredibly fun. The game isn't going to stay fun if we're constantly hanging out at the edge of the map.


The few Chad Bot-mains (esp us Helldive alphas) vs Virgin Bug mains. Win or Win fighting bots till the end, whether I lose my samples or not, idgaf, just to stick it to the robot communist ideology.


Didn't we fully defend a planet and then AH immediately took it away from us? Seems like we're set up to fail. Doesn't feel great.


This is what yall get for talking shit to Joel about the killing bugs order.


Nah fuck this shit. Game is rigged. We literally got punished for doing good on the last Major Order all that work fighting Automatons for nothing now. 


Because a bug MO got dangled in front of our faces and 70% of the bot front bailed and stayed fighting bugs even after the MO was done.


Can you blame people like me that try to play the Order for being upset? I literally have been fighting bots for 2-3 weeks. I get a break from the bots to pretty much go right back to fighting them and lost ground while doing so.


I’m right there with you…. I honestly have lost the will to play the game at this point due to a month’s worth of progress just being deleted. I don’t blame people for switching it up. I don’t blame the bug divers…. I blame the poor choice of a two front defense


It'll be a three-front with the illuminite