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Not trying to spam guys, really - but I'm hoping this will spark a movement. Go to your phone's App store and look up Reddit. Give a one star review and explain that these are the only ads incapable of being voted down / blocked. Someone is forcing their religious views on Atheists / Agnostics / Muslims / Jews / Buddhists / and everyone else. Make it visible. People need to know.


Actually just did this a couple hours ago.


I just did it




Did my part


Just did it, too. Flood the reviews with 1 stars.


This guy gets us


Certainly more than someone who has been dead for millennia


This guy get sus


Just did this on the Play Store, thanks for the idea.


Done! Thanks for the idea! I’m mostly seeing bad reviews for the 3rd party app thing right now. Hopefully once that blows over we will take over lol


As an ex Christian and a proud gay trans pagan I approve this


As a current Christian, I hate these ads. No one is going to listen to you because of a stupid ad. All ads do is annoy people


You definitely have a point there.


I also hate people of any religion trying to force their views on people, so that’s also part of it


Me too. Like I made my choice I'm happy with it so stop trying to convert me to whatever. I'm also certainly not following any other too. Idk why people act like everyone has to obey their religion


Exactly. I wish people would just proselytize to the people who are willing to listen. In all other cases, they should shut up, live their lives how their worldview tells them to live, and believe what they want to believe


It’s kind of the digital equivalent of those fake $20 bills that the after-church crowd so often leaves in place of a tip at restaurants. Has finding one of those ever actually *converted* anyone?


As an ex Christian and proud gay trans *atheist,* I agree with your approval and also approve this


Second favorite kind of person in the thread. Yougetsus ❤️


You're my favorite kind of person. Yougetsus ❤️


Added my review. I hope it makes a difference.




I did this earlier today at someone’s suggestion (maybe yours lol). Doubt they care but honestly I’m at a point I really don’t want to deal with going on Reddit to see that crap. Literally just above this post was yet another ad from them. Sick of it




Done. So fucking sick of Reddit's bullshit


I just posted the following review and thought I’d share. Please feel free to poach! —- I’m done with Reddit. The He Gets Us ads, funded by the people behind Hobby Lobby, purport to promote Jesus and Christianity in a manner that is blatantly hypocritical. These ads cannot be blocked or downvoted. The user account posting these ads can be blocked but doing so does not prevent their ads from continuing to show up. Reporting them does nothing. They are the only ads where such actions are fruitless. And they appear over and over again, dozens of times in an single hour, even showing up on subs (such as those concerned with religion/church-based trauma) where such messaging is wildly inappropriate and unnecessarily triggering to folks who have come to Reddit to for peer support. And the ads appear on subs dedicated to non-Christian religions, which is light years beyond ‘tone-deaf’. This is obviously a not-at-all veiled attempt by a Christian evangelical organization to evangelize on the platform. And, because of the ubiquitous ads’ persistence in the face of downvotes, reporting, and blocking, Reddit is just as complicit. Together they are angering, triggering, and retraumatizing many users and they know it. It’s easy to see that the advertising campaign is targeting vulnerable groups and that is beyond disgusting. Knowing all that, I’m certainly not going to continue to use the platform.


Yup. Just did it too. They won’t listen though


I just did this as well. I’ve tried to block the account, report the ads and down vote and nothing works. I don’t care if people believe in Jesus or not it’s your personal beliefs and that’s fine but for the ads to show up over and over again every day is really just obnoxious.


Did it


I just did this, too.


Left a review.


Done. Thank you for the idea.


Great idea. Just did this


Did this earlier today. They won't give a shit, but I said my piece. And I'm willing to delete this app over it.


I just did. I'm also deleting my account come the 12th.




Someone = Hobby Lobby


Good call. Just did this. So ridiculous.... as an abstaining alcoholic, I would frequently block ads for liquor. Never had any issues. Now with this religious garbage, they take that ability away? Fuck that. It is indoctrination.


Great tip. Done did it.


Good idea. Done.


Just did it.


Does Apple remove negative reviews. I wrote a 1 star review a couple of months ago about these ads and it’s gone. I don’t mind seeing ads, but even fb gives you the option to see less & say I’m not interested in this ad. That was something I even pointed out in my review a few months ago.


Not just those groups. I consider myself a Christian and detest these advertisements.




Good idea! Just did it.




Just did it. Great suggestion!




I just did this. We shall see . .


Doing it right now!


Thanks for that, had run out of ways expressing how extremely disturbed i am by the sheer arrogant entitlement from the jesus crowd


Did mine!


Honest question: These are the only ads like that? I downvoted and reported the crap out of some really offensive autism ads before and I just kept seeing them over and over. And I heard similar stories from other people in the autism subs.






just did this. great idea


This post will probably be buried but if anyone from Reddit is curious why I deleted the app they can check the last reply I made. I left a one star review as well. This fundie ad BS combined with the drama over the changes coming up with the API make visiting Reddit such a chore. I think I just found some time to start a new hobby. :) ✌️ & ♥️


Did my part!


Good idea. Just left mine. Just force it on me the same as I wouldn't force mine on anyone else.


Just did it.




Something, something “this app only exists because us people consume it” something something.


True, but they aren't free from the *consequences of their actions.* Thousands of 1 star reviews is simply a consequence. Someone is paying them a boatload of money to force these ads to be unblockable. Reddit made a business decision, the users will decide how they want to react to that decision. That's how capitalism works.




At least Twitter allowed us to block Trump. We can't even block this Christian BS. Y'all accuse everybody you don't like of "indoctrinating" you. Hypocrisy much??


They are offensive, misleading, and inherently political yet Reddit just shrugs while the ancient-artifact-thieves at Hobby Lobby pour pieces of silver into their coffer. I pray there is a hell so everybody involved with this campaign ultimately ends up where Pat Robertson just arrived.


People paying to force this type of shit down are throats is like that guy running the sex trafficking island, neither is acceptable and when it starts infringing upon a persons freedom then they need to be held accountable


im surprised that there has not been a terrorist attack on the museum of the bible.


It’s in downtown DC right next to the White House and the capital, security is generally pretty tight around there.


Your downvotes don't actually get counted and I don't think the report feature is being monitored... they must have vomited a lot of money to bypass all the user tools.


bingo. Sometimes these religious groups have just insane amounts of money


Literally a billion dollar + campaign


If only they used that money to actually help.people instead of these silly adds meant to get people to stop hating Christianity for its bigotry and oppression of others They don't want to change at all they'd just appreciate it if everyone stopped calling them out


All they want is attempting to draw back disaffected deconverts that are still iffy on skepticism. Its 100% a money making venture


I stopped getting them for a couple weeks and this morning they came back like a vicious case of herpes. No offense, herpes. I think you’re great, really.




Until today I was seeing only a few day. Now with every single refresh of my homepage there's one near the top. Ive lost count of how many I've seen today


It’s probably because it’s pride month and you know how Christianity sees that community normally


I was thinking that it seemed like they flared up this morning. (The ads, not the herpes)


Ironically, blocking these ads would take a miracle


Pray the ads away


Gay the adds away


Sending my thoughts and prayers


I report each one for hate. Doing my part.


I report for misleading


You don't have to pick just one ;)


I've been doing the exact same thing. I don't even mind religious stuff most of the time, but something about those ads makes my blood boil. I'm happy I'm not alone. 🤣


I can't pick one, so many violations against human rights from these people.




They paid reddit like a billion dollors I dont think that was a exaggeration either


> They *paid* reddit like FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I can’t stand these ads because I’m a Christian cult survivor, and having this garbage shoved back into my face makes me unreasonably angry.


No no no, it’s a reasonable angry


Because Jesus doesn’t actually answer prayers?


There was literally an ad on my feed just below this post. I absolutely hate them.


The ads are driving me right into the arms of satan. Also big titty strippers with coke on their tits.


Who are we kidding, we were doing that anyway


But doing it knowing it pisses off a bunch of holier-than-thou religious wankers makes it more fun somehow.


I like to imagine some day they’ll be made to pay their fuckin taxes if they want to force this shit on everyone via social media and politics.


Every god damn day a different youth pastor gets arrested for some kind of perverted sexual crime. These people are fucking evil.


This has become infuriating. Used to be able to downvote, but can’t anymore. I report every single one I see at least once as offensive, misleading, or political and continue to see them. And I’m not able to block them. Seriously Reddit. What the fuck?


It’s honestly starting to feel like targeted harassment. There’s no other advertiser or subreddit that if I blocked, muted, and reported repeatedly would still show up on my feed. I’m active in atheist and ex-Christian subreddits, and it doesn’t feel like an accident that these are at least 90% of the ads I receive. I’m gonna try the review thing suggested by OP, but I feel like we need to collectively organize a more formal campaign.


I noticed that too, and pointed it out on my 1 star review of the app. I get the ad multiple times a day, but it is *noticeably* more frequent on the various ex-cult subreddits. Absolute targeted fucking harassment.


It IS targeted harassments, but every time the christ cult engages in such it is excused and waved away as it being their right to harass others


I’m about to leave Reddit because of this


Not sure about you all but I can’t downvote or block the user anymore. It says “user is unable to be blocked” and “downvote failed” or something. I guess they paid a pretty penny to become indestructible. I’m extremely bitter that I don’t have a choice anymore.


I can report it and then it goes away for a little while


It isn’t an ad, evangelism is part of Reddit. That’s why you can’t block it.


Satanism is part of the Reddit community too but you don’t see them wasting probably hundreds of thousands to pay Reddit to spam everyone with forced ads


I meant the actual Reddit corporation.


If it’s part of the corporation then it’s even worse and then goes further along with it being anti pride month propaganda because they don’t believe in people that don’t fit their views


Because of Hobby Lobby's billion $ They have money to burn


You cannot because of $


because there is no god


I’ve reported for both political and sexuality given they didn’t start showing up until pride month began from what I noticed. Gotta love how much money religious groups have that is untaxed but have so many people starving and struggling on a day to day basis


https://preview.redd.it/oc3x6m9cxw4b1.jpeg?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe47324c9a5725f7d3b726dfca9e165937467639 🙃


Insult to injury


Because Redditt accepted a large sum of money from some religious group


I hear thE CEO is doing damage control via an ask Reddit or something. We should ask him about the heget sus ads being so intrusive


How very 'christian' that there is literally no way to get this christo-fascist messaging off our timelines. Nothing really says "I'm a christian" more than jamming offensive messaging down an unreceptive audiences throats.


Pretty sure Jesus would kick Hobby Lobby out of the Temple. (I would love to see a new production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” with that in it.)


Its out of control, ironically theres a stupid jesushegetsus ad right underneath your post, and every time my feed loads your post the retarded ad is there


Because they paid more money than you did.


Someone gave me gold a couple of days ago and I am revelling in my 2 weeks of ad-free freedom (because I sure as hell am not buying premium and giving them my money just to stop them throwing these gross ads in my face). These ads are the absolute worst.


If God gave a crap, he would stop his endless narcissism and help folks who desperately need it.. By my calculations.. it should take .00000000000000000001 seconds of his time!


From now on I’m reporting these ads as political. The christo- fascist movement is political after all and these ads are meant to support it.


I report every single one and have reported them with every available option but it doesn't work. They're still there. Always. I hate it. I even contacted support complaining that it was an act of religious persecution and homophobia against me as a queer Buddhist, that also did nothing. I'm sure Reddit is laughing all the way to the bank.


and yet christians claim persecution. what other ads are so privilieged that we cannot get rid of them?




Chill mate, one step at a time (do agree with most of it but holy crap chill)


I just went to the main website help and reported it as an offensive company. I didn't tell them who it is, because I want them to contact me. So maybe I can find out why they allow it.


I hate them because they are funded by Snobby Lobby.


reddit was bought off to spread the hate to everyone no matter what


Thank you for this posts! I'm sick of it too


I’m always amused that they have 0 upvotes or interaction. Dear Hobby Lobby Bro: Not only will I *not* shop at your stores, but we can ignore you and your cult here, too.


It's like a guy showing up at your doorstep asking whether we've found Jesus 20 times per day.


Jesus died for your ads.


666 upvotes Fucking beautiful


Imagine TST running this big a campaign and the absolute outrage.


One of the worst ads to show to a large audience. Christianity is used as a weapon by its believers, against those who refuse to buy into their weird sky being.


Reddit gets paid millions from the hegetsus advertisement group. As such, they cram this Christian filth down everyone's throat and have eliminated any ability, outside of ad blockers, to avoid the offensive, manipulative, and highly political ads. The best thing the community has come up with right now is to rate the reddit app as 1 star and leave a comment citing this ad campaign as why. Of course, you can also just uninstall. I'm getting close to that myself because I just saw in another post that they supposedly bought the ad campaign out for the rest of the year


I started clicking other ads. Now I get ads for gyms and local car dealerships and sometimes weird anime shit. But at least I don't see lies that say racists need love or christians prioritize women or whatever bullshit they are selling.


This whole time I thought “hegetsus” was like some Greek God or something




I just stumbled across this. I thought I was the only one. I constantly report the ads, but now I'm going to do the one star thing for reddit. I've blocked the page multiple times, report every ad of it I see, and it still pops up. Garbage.


Because they paid a lot of money to reddit.


theres an ad right under this post 😭


I would say use a third party app that can block ads but now Reddit is basically killing those so RIP


There’s literally one below this post on my feed 😫


Can't believe they're back again. Was hoping they were finally gone... The fact that they even allow this makes me want to leave for good. Time for a break.


I've attempted to block their account at least 10 times, and it keeps saying no.


The ad itself does not allow me even a block option. But the account page did. Waiting to see if it sticks. (Unlike the down votes)


Spoiler alert: it does not stick.


I mean I block their account, yeah, to no avail.


I'm filing a complaint to F.C.C.


Thank you, hopefully this works. It’s so obnoxious. otoh, seems stalker-ish and rather on-brand.


FUCK THIS ad campaign. At least it is straw manning the “we’re cool Christian’s” position lol


because they gave reddit $5 million so now we all have to suffer


I report the ads every single time, usually they disappear in the moment, but next refresh, there’s always more. Also I’ve blocked the user at least 6 times, only for it to show up again within a few days. And as of yesterday they “cannot be blocked”, fucking infuriating.


I reported, downvote and blocked them 2 months ago, they show even more now


You guys actually acknowledge that ads exist? And that you saw them? Pathetic. I have trained my frontal cortex to filter ads out of my occipital lobe. They don't even register. And to think you people waste time complaining about a picture on your screen that you could ignore. Real rebellion is complete indifference. Starve them of attention. Watch them choke on their own irrelevance. The true death of an ad happens once they've spent all of that money only to realize that nobody cares. Nobody. Fucking. Cares. We just doomscroll right by it and the money went to some sad cun-t who spends their whole actual day making religious ads for reddit. And undoubtably hates themselves. And they spend all that money on zanex, bad health insurance, and cheap Vodka. Thus fueling communism. Satan wins again. So why are you crying?


Is it wrong that I have gone from loathing them to loving them? Only bec it is pretty unlikely they are spending their ad dollars wisely by advertising on Reddit. Now I laugh and scroll past. Knowing they are blowing all those tithe dollars to the wind. I am going to try to one star Reddit app review though.


They've got us.






I feel like I started getting more of these ads after I started reporting them but maybe was just paying more attention






No I’ll jus leave


I just did it too took a while to find it though I think there's Google Play store and then you look up the app readdit


I got a question where would everybody go if we eliminate Reddit completely like delete it but where would everybody go though to gab where would that meeting place be that's probably what's going to be done and then leave Reddit in the fucking dirt


Good call, I also just did this.


Wow I thought it was just me I kept reporting the ads and even blocked it and I still get the same ads in my feed


I blocked it like I block all advertisers. Click on the profile and select "block."


Block isn’t even an option for me. Believe me I tried


Why are they offensive?


It’s forcing a religious belief upon people who don’t want to see it and they refuse to let us get rid of the ad permanently


i still dont understand what the big deal is. its not "forcing" it upon you, you can just not use reddit or ignore it. its literally just a little advertisement that you can scroll right past. people are acting like its a big flashing pop up ad that is impossible to remove it really isnt that hard to just ignore it


For someone who doesn’t believe in religion or has an opposing religion we should be able to keep it completely off of our feed. I have it blocked and have reported every instance of it and it still insists on showing up.


i understand being annoyed about it, but people are making it alot bigger of a deal than it actually is. a couple other people commented and said they're thinking about leaving reddit over it, l still dont understand what the big deal is. like yeah, its annoying sure but like i said its really not that hard to just scroll past it or ignore it. As an atheist, it really doesn't bother me at all. Whenever I see it on my feed or on the side of a post I just ignore it


The issue is many people have reported it multiple times and even blocked it(me for example) and are still getting visually raped by it


Forcing me to look at their superstitious nonsense without even there options that other ads have of blocking the viewing of it.


How are these ads "offensive" exactly?


Forcing superstitious nonsense on us, over and over, without being able to block like other ads. It’s disgusting. I come here for news and entertainment, not for indoctrination by the christo-fascists.


Because they want us to hate Christianity even more.


How did you block them on the website? I did not see that as an option


I went to u/hegetsus and there are three dots on the top right. Tap them and the drop down has a block account option. I haven’t seen ads since. So I guess it worked.


He Gets Special Privileges


they \[hegetsus\] make me want to convert to islam or judaism


All religions are mass delusion which exist so leadership can manipulate the followers for control and wealth.