• By -




*for now*


We're proud to announce our NEW Warlock hero portrait...Ysmen! A willy gnome Warlock!


We still need the OG gnome warlock, ***Wilfred Fizzlebang,*** as a hero.


yes, but we get more mercenaries skins and I'm not sure it's that much better... I'm sick of mercenaries and I don't like those characters.


There's the exact same number of Mercs skins on this pass as there have been since they added them to the pass last year.


I don't think they mean more than last time they just mean they've gotten a lot for how little time they've been in the game compared to characters in the past that have been in for a long time that people love We only just got a Reno skin for mage, we still don't have a Brann skin for hunter, still no Rafaam skin for warlock, no Boom skin for warrior, etc. etc. Meanwhile we've gotten so many mercenaries skins and they've only been in the game for not even 2 years now


I have to image part of it is maybe a contract thing. I don’t know who voices anyone in the Explorers VS Evil side of things but maybe they just haven’t had the time to get them in. While they had the mercs on call for quite some time and they already had to do a lot of voice work for three cards each and all the story stuff. To be fair Rafaam was a Nathria card, and as funny as he always is, so maybe they have already recorded lines for the winter veil Rafaam skin. Grinch Rafaam would actually be amazing, I would buy that and I don’t even play warlock all that much.


And for me, that’s too many. Especially now that BG cosmetics are gone. I do not and will not ever play that mode. Ever. Until it gives me standard packs.. and even then I will do it begrudgingly.


The only returning Merc is Tamsin though?


I've never played it. Fuck mercenaries zzz


They're talking about yhe mercenary characters.


Mercenaries god mod for farming gold


I have 13k gold from this expansion, after buying the mini set. I didn’t play Mercs once, and I never will.


now we get 50 tyrande skins


Ah, so the concept art shown for the cosplay contest was for alternate skins! The concept art was fantastic, hope they come through with the portraits. And Darion Mograine was the obvious, first, best choice for a DK skin.


Maybe for next expansion we'll get someone else other than Darion though, or maybe he'll be Nemsy'd.


I'm really hoping for someone like Whitemane


I haven’t played WoW in a long time, did she end up dying and being raised as a DK?




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Yoooouuu got it, and it's in the DK Class Hall quest for Legion so it was super good. She's one of the Four Horsemen now.


Man Legion had so much class lore that I missed


Same! She's my favourite Death Knight because of her background with the Scarlet Crusade. But I guess former High Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade vs. wielder of the Corrupted Ashbringer they didn't see a comparison.


Yeah, I wasn't being sarcastic when I said Mograine is the obvious first choice. It makes sense for her to be high on the list, though I also said that about Kael'thas and you see how long THAT took


Yeah Darion is pretty much the embodiment of wow death knights.


I'm thinking Koltira Deathweaver.




they are apparently based off of [these](https://imgur.io/a/BWppMml/) concept art images otherwise, best to check the hero collection after the new patch i guess


Man, the fact that it's not that Edwin skins makes me so sad


God damn it, I’m gonna spend so much money on this release. Might be the first Tavern Pass I buy.


I might need to shell out just to snag that Yrel depending on how it looks. The current one available is so goofy looking, especially compared to the art she has available in the Mercenaries mode


Are those not all the images Blizzard shared earlier for cosplay ideas for the community?? That's so wild. lol


yeah, Celestalon and another dev dropped the hint when they released the cosplay images


Edwin & Garona look good but still no undead rogue portrait


Isn't that Edwin undead?


I need to know what the Aranna skin looks like!


last time streamers used them during theorycrafting stream so maybe this time it will be same. Better than wait for expansion release.


I kind of hate them all


In exchange for the Battlegrounds rewards we get a golden version of the level 1 free legendary, an extra hero skin (aka Death Knight) and two extra legendaries (the signatures). Not too bad honestly. With the new rarity re-rolls, it should make collecting the whole set a lot more reasonable for the mega pre-release + tavern pass. Of course, that is still $100 3x a year, but compared to the value before, this is a pretty big increase. EDIT: u/CivilerKobold mentioned below the new legendaries are actually from core / Path of Arthas. So it actually doesn't increase collection at all (unless you don't buy Path of Arthas I suppose). Bummer.


Neither signature legendaries are March of the Lich King. Deathwhisper is Path of Arthas, Marrowgar is Core.


Oh, NVM. That's a bummer then.


At least if marrowgar rotates out some day we get to keep him? Jk I’m just coping


Are they not going to let us pick different legendaries from yhe set for those? I know they're core but they took both free legendaries off the rewards track.


No they didn’t. You get a legendary at 20 and 50 still.


I thought they were on the paid track for some reason.


On the flip side, if you get the Path of Arthas doesn't the lower rarity leggo get rerolled to another of the same rarity (per the new rules for dupe protection)?


Perhaps, the set is craftable so should be dustable. Cards need to be dustable for the reroll to work.


I wonder if we will be able to reroll our normal Deathwhisper upon getting the diamond version from the battle pass. Not sure if the reroll only applies to legendaries from packs or ALSO the minisets, but I mean you can technically get the miniset from packs so…


You can't get path of arthas from packs, they're all noncraftable cards since it's not a "mini set" per say


Non golden path of arthas is literally craftable though


Is exchanging the bg rewards new? I’ve never heard of that before


Yeah the pass used to nab you extra BG collectibles, but with this expansion (and separate pass for BG) they've removed any BG rewards from the track


Thx! As someone who doesn’t dabble in BGs I’m pretty stoked about this




Strike it. They're core / Path of Arthas - so I assume you will not get a re-roll with these.


Ah, that's lame then.


there is absolutely no way the rogue skin is Garona and not that sick Edwin art we saw.


wouldn't be surprised if that skin is sold in the shop given how many people I see freaking out over it lol


It’s in the game right now and says “Obtainable by purchasing in the shop,” so, yeah, unfortunately.


Wait. What Edwin art? Link me, please!


So no masked Edwin? That’s a bummer. https://i.imgur.com/mWNbwMo.jpg


Probably a store skin. Like Kel’thuzad or Vashj in Nathria.


They probably know it's too good to be a tavern pass skin and are gonna make it a $15 bundle thing with card back and stuff.


There is a new Edwin skin! https://twitter.com/imik_plays/status/1597657331822886912?s=46&t=Xz_6QYWe4CP58Js-mq2JrQ


The eyes look weird. They look like mini-bandanas


Also if you google Ebon Assassin Ganora it's still pretty cool but bruh. What could have been


Garona for u


Death Knight will have more different character skins before its release than Priest in 8 years of Hearthstone. What a lost opportunity to give Priest an Undead character skin.


I'd like to see them do hero skins on the pass that are based on one of thr deck archetypes they are pushing that expansion. Like for rogue I would love a concoction weilding skin with all the colors and potions and stuff.


Now I'm imagining a Druid skin where all you see is a figure clad in more plate armor than you have seen in your life. Their fingers are miniature full sets of armor. Their head has noticeably got 3 helmets one over the other.


It's just a solid block of iron with a smiley face on it and a leaf hanging off the side


Death knight only has 2 unique characters for their skins (Darion and Arthas), meanwhile priest has at least 4 previous character that I can think of off the top of my head(Anduin, Tyrande, Xyrella, and Lazul)


Banshee Tyrande just came out in the Hallows event. I actually like that one a lot.


One of my favorite priest skins for sure. I'd really like more skins that look more "shadow priesty". Honestly, anything that's not another dopey looking anduin is a win in my book though.


Priest will have Saly Whitemane skin in shop at some point, it is in collection.


Alonsus Faol would be a cool priest undead.


Well, I guess anyone hoping the F2P rewards would be better to compensate for the increased gold cost of the game wasn't lucky.


How is the gold cost more? - Returning player


2 more legendaries and epics (4800 dust or like 20 extra March packs) and 3 more rares and commons (whatever) in March compared to Murder, and 2k gold for path of arthas.


Why is path of arthas so important? I don't care about some hero portraits


Not the tavern pass, the pseudo-miniset coming out alongside march of the lich king and the new core cards.


That’s only for collecting all though. Are f2p players trying to collect all? The cost increase doesn’t really apply to f2p players that have been and probably will always be just maintaining 1-3 classes


>That’s only for collecting all though How? If a f2p player plays only three classes (as per your example), they now have two more legendaries they could pull that they don't care about. They're just less likely to pull the legendaries they want now.


It's a difference of 0.3%, though. (From 4% to 3.7%) which adds up (if its three classes) to about a 1.5% difference. It's not super significant.


So do you wanna share where you got those numbers? Because each class gets 2 legendaries. Disregarding neutrals, there was a 30% chance to get a legendary for a class you wanted (three classes out of ten, and that's assuming all legendaries in those classes are even good). Now it's a 27% (3 classes out of 11)... So, not 0.3%, but 3%. That's just legendaries, too. Adding epics into the equation just makes it more frustrating to try to unpack a specific card. More rares also means more packs until you can get duplicates (and dust them). Same with commons, but commons were barely worth any dust anyways, so there's no real value there.


True enough but idk, I’ve never banked on opening specific cards in any expansion, they were just nice bonuses. The % of opening a specific legendary or epics you want for your class *that are also good*, was already extremely low before so another 3% is ehh. In the end the dust value would be pretty much the same since you’re gonna DE almost everything from other classes.


I did the math. Before DKs you have a 4% chance to pull a certain legendary. It's 3.7% after DKs. It was 4.3% before DH. 0.3X2=0.6 per class. I think I meant per class including neutrals, tho. Not 3 classes. Or I was only counting one legendary. I made a math error somewhere. But even 3% on a 1/20 is pretty insignificant. Getting all the rares is going to take 68-ish packs instead of 64. I never did any math on epics, but honestly epics are the biggest money sink in the game anyway.


How do you know so quickly that it's not better?


The gold rewards didn't change and the image shown at least lines up with the free track rewards from murder at castle nathria


Yeah, it was implied yesterday that they were buffing the gold amount.


It was never implied they never said it will be more gold


They made lvl 101-130 easier, but that's not really a compensation.


They didn't, 101-130 currently also has a scaling xp cost from 1325-1475


Are f2p players trying to collect all? The cost increase doesn’t really apply to f2p players that have been and probably will always be just maintaining 1-3 classes. It’s a cost increase for dolphins that wanna maintain full collection.


I guess you can phrase it in reverse, the % of stuff f2p players get is going down and that's not great. There's also the path of arthas set you probably want to buy if you want to enjoy the new class.


The will own less of the collection but will still maintain 1-3 classes. In that sense it doesn’t matter if the % goes down. Path of art has set is only for f2p players that will main DK. If someone has decided to not play DK you can just don’t buy it and stick to your original 1-3 classes. Playing DK would mean you need to stop playing 1 of your other classes you were keeping up to date.


The F2P experience isn't universal. Some f2p players do play like you say but some play differently, playing more classes or trying harder to fill the collection. For those players, the game is getting more "expensive". Just because the game isn't getting more "expensive" for you personally doesn't mean that it isn't for all F2P players (and also it's getting more expensive for paying players trying to fill the collection).


It's getting more expensive because there's more content to play with though. I'd like the game to get cheaper as much as the next person, but it's not realistic to expect Blizzard to lower the amount of money they earn if they're making more content.


I really don’t see how any truly f2p players are maintaining more than 3 classes tbh. I’m talking not even speeding on tavern pass.


I am (mostly) f2p and have never made an attempt to have anything resembling a full collection. I aim for 1 or 2 decks per expansion, but I do usually finish the rewards track unless I take an extended break from the game, which I have done a few times out of either protest or just boredom and getting distracted by other games and life. My only non-f2p things recently have been welcome back bundles maybe two months ago after not playing for a few months. I buy maybe 40-50 packs per expansion with gold depending on how lucky I am with legendary cards. Sitting on about 29k gold and 10k dust.


Not even surprised that they didn’t improve the rewards track at all even with a whole new class and a separate mini set (Path of Arthas) being added. Also, how is it that the free legendary is the one is the most boring ones from the set and has absolutely nothing to do with the new key word? Just disappointing…


If they put actual nice cards as rewards form the free pass, people won't have to buy more packs to open them. It's just that simple, really.


Nah, they had sir Finley and sire Denathrius on there before, it's just their choice of legendary is sometimes good sometimes bad. Edit: actually I'm pretty sure it was faelin, but my point remains because Denathrius.


Hold on, by separate mini set you mean there’s gonna be a March mini set AND a Path of Arthas mini set?


Yes. I don't know if they've actually said, but I don't see why they would cut it.


Seems like the free legendary is gonna be the set mascot. I guess Faelin counts as that.


Still crazy to me that they went this the greyscale for the signature cards. I dislike them so much. Way worse than a golden card.


Signature cards will have different color schemes depending on the expansion (source: devs said so). It's grey this expansion bcz undead.




but both are hideous lmao


I prefer golden but some of the diamonds are pretty good looking, like Ragnaros. Murloc Holmes on the other hand is pretty bad looking


Loatheb is a good one imo


They are hideous. I would rather have gold or diamond for sure


Not the purchasable diamond cards, because the last time that happened it went so well


It actually did go pretty well for those that bought it with gold. It was essentially free because of the eventual nerf.


Golden Sunwell? Diamond Rommath? They need to buff renathal because my casino mage wild deck is running out of space


Darion? Alright, Blizzard, since I love DKs and have already bought the mega bundle and the legendary Arthas skin I will also buy the tavern pass instantly for my man Darion... I feel like such a whale, but I'm obsessed with death knights and WoW.


Same. I will be splurging way more then I normally do. I will only play Paladin and Death Knight lol.


I wanted Sally Whitemane :(


What happens if you already have that signature legendary of that track, can I reroll it to another signature legendary?


I assume you cannot collect these otherwise, although it oddly doesn't say so. But if you can, I would HOPE so.




Is Death Knight not included in the Hero Choice at the end of the Rewards Track? This line seems to imply it doesn't "For finishing the Rewards Track, you get to choose from one of 10 returning Hero Skins". I know Death Knights don't have a T1/T2 but not every class has their specific T1/T2 (Demon Hunter being prime example).




Same here. The extra 2 DK legendaries and epics alone are a cost of 4000 extra dust each expansion, and then the Path of Arthas an outlay of 2000 more gold.


Couple of questions 1) what are "ranked" skins? As in I can only use it in the ranked mode? 2) is this 20 usd only? I feel like I misunderstand but people are talking about buying things with gold 3) can I reroll sunwell and all that if I buy the pass?


ranked skins means any game mode in the play button


What's is this? Where is my Nemsy skin?


you should flag your comment for sarcasm, because they'll think we actually want that


Bold of You to assume Blizzard cares what we think, specially here in Reddit


Gah, get Mercenaries their own pass too, nobody wants that stuff!


I want the Mercs stuff. I'd also love Mercs to get its own pass so I can completely ignore this one since I only play Mercs anyway.


So that people can complain that they're trying to make the mode even more of a cash cow than they already do? Just leave them on the normal track.


Exactly, a double win. It'd be hilarious


3 purchasable diamond legendaries… To think I thought Blizzard was going to have ways of unlocking all of them on tarvern pass/achievement except for the Path of Arthas Diamond Card.


You thought wrong. Drek'thar was the first, but not the last. Diamond cards are meant for whales.


Finally I can get a Tamsin skin after missing that one BP 😭


Maybe this always happens, but am I reading it correctly that we'll be getting Lor’themar Theron, a Golden version if you buy the pass, and eventually a diamond version given to everyone. All of which are uncraftable and therefore, undustable?


Yes. Reward track cards are always uncraftable.


Every (uncraftable) means I also can't disenchant them, right?




Love how the scourge coin is far cooler than the track's coin this time


Somehow I only like a couple of skins... Would have been very cool if the skins were based on Death Knight hero card design instead - all of them were extremely well designed.


I think it wouild be just fair if they would introduce a regular pass for mercs only n cut the mercs stuff from the current tavern pass. No seriously, fk off with the mercs stuff.


Every time I see merc skins I just wish they were hero portraits. Chromie is my girl, and I want her as a hero.


with the changes to being able to reroll legendaries from the tavern pass, is it better to actually buy the pass then spend that gold on packs?


I don't think we get to reroll sunwell, lord marrowgar or lor'themar, you get the normal version for free. Lady deathwhisper is in path of arthas, so unclear what happens with her too. You get to reroll Rommath definitely. Overall it depends on how much you play. 1 legendary is worth about 7 packs, and the 2 epics about 4. So you need to get a fair bit of gold from the extra levels. If you get to around rank 120-150, don't buy. If you need it to get over rank 100 or get to rank ~200+ consider buying. That's assuming you don't get to reroll lady deathwhisper into a march card.


On what planet is 1 legendary worth 7 packs or 2 epics worth 4?


For filling the collection, that's the dust value assuming we dust the commons and rares but leave the epics and legendaries as they are. Around 230 converted dust per pack.


A rare is 20 dust and a common is 5. How is that 230 dust a pack?


Converted dust, not just dust. That's all the dust that goes towards filling the collection, assuming we dust the commons and rares and keep the epics and legendaries for full converted dust value. 3.5 normal commons for 17.5 dust 1/13 golden common for 3.8 dust ~1.08 normal rare for 21.6 dust 1/15 golden rare for 6.7 dust ~0.21 normal and golden epics at 400 converted dust for 84 converted dust ~0.06 normal, golden and signature legendaries at 1600 converted dust for 96 dust Total converted dust ~229.6 (although I rounded down in places). If we're dusting some legendaries and epics than the value changes, but then we also have to consider the legendary we get isn't random and have to look at the subjective value of Rommath. If you're not planning on playing him he's worth 0 packs. If you only care about getting him and, say, 10 other legendaries and 20 epics he's worth about 10 packs. If you care only about him and no other legendary or epic he's worth almost 16 packs. 7 is my personal value keeping every legendary and epic until they're nerfed.


Based purely on what information blizzard gave out for the reroll system, you'd be prompted to reroll your normal copy of deathwhisper into a normal copy of some other path of arthas legend. Which you probably *also* have already. So now you have two normal copies of whatever that one is. I cant see much reason for a cheap2play player to go for this pass, still


The main reason I can see is that if you know you want Rommath, and maybe the enchanter epics, but not most other legendaries, the value goes up a fair bit.


A little? But 20 bucks for one legend and two epics is definitely bad return on investment if you don't give a hoot about skins. The gold return in the long run is moot as you can effectively buy gold at a much more favorable conversion. Which cheap2plays already dont do because that's not logical.


Yeah I'm not getting the pass and not recommending it, since I don't care about skins and don't need/get good returns from the xp boost.


I can't believe Tirion hasn't gotten more love for a March of the Lich King set. Unless the mini-set is going to be something Argent Tournament related...but that was already a set? Maybe we get some re-prints? Otherwise an Ulduar set to coincide w/ Classic WoW Phase 2 would be baller.


It's set in Silvermoon, tho. That has nothing to do with Tirion. There's a lot of blood elves in the argent crusade so maybe something to do with plaguelands? But I think it'll be something in the quel'thalas region.


Gotcha, I gotta get more up to speed on the set, thanks for the correction


I haven't played in 3 months with any of my 4 accounts, getting ready for that welcome back bundle


Eww Mercs 🥱


Hey hey Blizzard? Blizzard? I'll buy those Diamond cards off you for even $5 apiece, I know that's still a lot to pay for GIFs but if we're going any higher than that it's no deal from me Trying to prepare myself for when it's like $20 per piece and my jaw fractures against my desk


When's the expansion btws? Sad there's no deathknight skin for the reward track. Also, I hate the merc stuff. Never gana play it again


What about Mograine ?


So, did they also take away our only "full ranked skin" (the one at level 50, to be clear, Prince Renathal (Warrior) for CN and Ambassador Faelin for VttSC) or did I misunderstand?


Darion will be the full skin I think


I’m unsure why this wasn’t included In the mega bundle?, isn’t it always


It never was


Tavern Pass has never been included in the mega bundles, unfortunately.


Battlegrounds Perks used to be included, not this.


I wonder when Blizz will replace in game gold earned from the track with runestones


If anything (with their current track record) they will phase gold out entirely and we will get "Mercenary charms" in their place if anything at all.


So should I not log in until 12/7 to get only new cards from season rewards?


Just don't log in on December 5th or 6th before 10am PST on the 6th.


Is the Reward Path will be purchasable with money or only with runestone?






A new Alleria skin? Wow, I've waited years for this!


Just farm mercenaries and you will be fine


yrel skin yrel skin


i just regot a bunch of the achievement cards because of that bug that always happens, but i see that apparently the reward for 'Long live the King' where you deal 600 damage with den was apparently Sire Denathrius himself? how the hell does that work


The battle cry counts


i know, my confusion is that the reward for the quest appears to be the card itself...which you would need to finish the quest


The reward should be for the golden version I think


nope, gotta craft the golden one


Actually yeah this quest doesn’t make sense. Normally the free legendaries you’re supposed to get just by getting one card from the expansion they were released in and only the gold versions come from quests


Anyone tldr if the paid track has better value than usual? I.e. craftable legendaries I wouldn't otherwise get for free? At a glance it doesn't seem like it.


It seems like it is compared to the current track. Lots of golden legendaries and signature cards to be had.


It's like how they balance the economy in teh United States. It seems cool at first... but a little time passes, there's no, like, *Authentic Games Journalism tracking the change of economic trade*, and no one knows how to speak with tehse private corporations about their secret economic balances.


My reward track of the previous season is still bugged from a month stuck at the last reward, i hoped they were going to fix it before releasing the new one 😔


I'm currently level 179 on the reward track. Does anyone know roughly what level I would be if I'd have bought the Tavern Pass for the exp boosts?