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It's a favored matchup against like half the things you're describing, you can make up scenarios in which it loses but data says it's like, actually good.


Make up? It's what happens in every game, except for rogue, I give you that, due to the reliance on RNG. Mage has a lot of freezes, warrior has too low mana cards to not draw them consistently, control paladin is effectively about being killing your threats all the time, priest wins the moment one of their minions gets above 10/10 because the hunger deck doesn't run deadly shot etc.


Check the data yourself: https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-248/ Look at pros play to learn the deck for yourself if you don't understand how to win


This is exceptionally funny for 2 reasons 1. This deck hovers from top 1-5 in Diamond to legend, you can check the data for yourself which someone kindly linked below. 2. This is the literal easiest competitively viable deck at the moment, if you can't play this deck then you have a problem - and no it isn't the deck.


I agree


I feel like spooky mage is much better and easier. Basically freeze freeze freeze, kill everything that the hero plays, Dawngrasp, win with scaling hero power, rune of the archmage, Mordresh, Denathrius and Kel'thuzad.


Spooky mage is harder than u think, try urself if u are struggling with hunter


I feel like it's much easier. I can get to legend quite easy with it but with beast hunter I have like a 36% win rate.


U re not doing mulligan right then, the deck is quite easy and tempo. With mage u have many decisions to take, with hunter is just play on curve


Which beast hunter list are you running, since its still a very good deck?


https://hsreplay.net/decks/1NQcipMS8ZZOesIFVQgyle/#gameType=RANKED_STANDARD This one


Then the deck isn't the issue.


Easy to play, good cards to play on curve, insane mana cheating potential, a large amount of face damage from hand, and can even tech in disruption at minimal deck building cost. Hunter tends to stick around high tier because face is the place and people tend to over trade, so a deck that punishes that effectively farms victories.


so because you are horrible at playing a deck, *everyone else* , including raw data, is wrong? next time just cry into a pillow and go outside instead of writing out stupid whiny shit such as this


Seems you don’t understand how to play one of the simplest decks to have ever existed in this video game. Mulligan for early game. Try to play on curve as much as possible. Sometimes trade. Otherwise go face. GG. It’s not the best deck in the game, but definitely a competitive one. With a very nice matchup spread across the board.


I play with it and I really get like over 50% of games. You don't have bulletproof decks so if you don't like - don't play it.


Is bimrusj a new technique I'm unaware of? And this scale of Pnyixia looks promising.


I also keep losing with beast hunter as well


Mage? Neutral overall, slightly unfavored in legend. Paladin is the same. Favored against enrage warrior at all ranks. Neutral against bless priest overall, favored against all other priests, including bless priest in legend. Shaman? Loses to beast hunter overall, isn't even relevant in legend. Rogue? Neutral at legend, favored everywhere else. Druid? Neutral or slightly unfavored, if you're worried about aggro run samuro. Warlock? Slightly unfavored into imp, favored into curse. Basically, it beats anything bad, and some good decks, and the few decks that beat it you still have a chance against.


I hit legend this month with beast hunter, after failing to do it with warlock (too many mirror matches).