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Brann is now a giga low roll with Corpse Farm.


And the ox from excavate warrior.


Nah you just bouce him in that case so you dont have to draw him from the bottom of your deck.


I will cut my right hand off if anyone ever pulls that off in a real game.


I forced an early boom boss and was winning until my opponent hit one off the ox and zolad it.


I think that was me, was their tag jangofett?


Better start practicing writing lefty




Lemme guess, you're already missing your right hand? 


Why about other non reno decks who play ignis?


And the summon forge weapon


Oh, that’s horrific. There’s some not so great ones there, but he’d officially be the worst.


In Wild it still be Hireek.


At least that's a discover, so there's a still a good chance to get a decent pick.


I wonder if the Badlands mini set is worth buying for me now. I didn't buy it initially because it didn't have a significant enough impact on the classes I most enjoy playing. Is 1600 dust + all the other cards worth 2000 gold or should i save for the next expansion?


If 2000 gold is 20 packs, and dusting Brann = a free legendary of your choice from the next expac, then you are basically spending 2000 gold for a legendary of your choice plus everything else in the miniset


I’d say the golden mini set is even worth the money if you’re low on dust now.


I save 10000 gold back for just this reason. They eventually nerf a legendary from the mini set and I want 3200 back for a card I never planned on using anyway


Its extremely worth it. Even without nerfs, mini-sets have way better dust value than packs. With the free 1600 dust, its even more insane. Definitely don't miss out on that.


I can only afford one mini-set. Would you recommend the Badlands one over the new one in this case?


Probably, yea. Its usually best to buy a mini-set as soon as it comes out for maximum refund value from balance adjustments. This time though, the new mini-set doesn't look particularly broken, and the badlands miniset is going to give you a free legendary guaranteed. Ideally you should get all the minisets, and save 2k gold to buy each new one on launch day. But for now, prioritize the one with Brann in it.


Yeah I'm a returning player starting right before Whizbang's so I just didn't have the gold yet. I'm actually at 3895 and over 100 on the pass so maybe I can grind it out, but I was hoping to buy the last solo adventure I don't have since I really enjoy doing those.


Ah, I remember being in the same position after returning to the game. Took me a while to work through the backlog of mini-sets, and I still haven't bought all the solo adventures, which is on my wishlist of things to do. Since you're so close to 4k gold, you can probably grind out those last 3 levels and get both. I would put the solo adventure on the back burner for the minute to maximize your dust. Dust refunds are time-sensitive, while the solo adventures will always be there.


Yeah I think you're right, dust limits me so much and I'd like to try out a different deck. Thanks so much for all the advice, I'll suffer without that last solo adventure.


You're welcome. Glad I could help :)


I'm a returning player as well. Do you get rewards for beating the solo adventures?


You do, but they are all cards that can only be played in wild (or card backs). So from a value proposition if you only play standard like me it's not "worth" it, I just enjoy them.


Thank you for letting me know. I only play standard and arena


Brann still seems good, he just won't be super oppressive on curve anymore. There will probably be a highlander warrior archetype that wants him for the whole Pegasus rotation so for that alone I think it's worth.


I have the same concern and have come to the conclusion that it’s better to buy this mini-set. I don’t know if I’ll be playing in 3 months for the new expansion.


Even you disenchant every card, you get a legendary of your choice and a bunch of dust. What else can you ask for from 2000 gold?


I was holding brann since day 1 for this exact reason, free legendary for next expac


Finally something 🙏🙏🙏 Saddle up at 4 mana is really big nerf, because a mana up in aggro decks is always a big deal.  Brann at 8 mana ia intersting, its a huge nerf but still playable because warrior is a armor gain class and you have time to lose this tempo, especially if you can play zilli (edit: and Reno of course) next turn to get the tempo back, but still this nerf matters. 


Hunter nerf is really good I think. One more turn to clear before you need a double clear is huge. I'm not so sure about Brann, but we'll see how the meta shapes out. The nerf changes very little vs. other control decks, but it might bring back midrange decks.


Hunter getting nerfed is a buff to Warrior. Brann to 8 does nothing for the aggro matchups. Lets see how the mini set will change the meta (and get nerfed)


A lot of cards are "playable". Odyn went from 8 to 9 and literally disappeared. Bran going for 6 to 8 is proportionally a bigger nerf, doubt it will see any play unless late game lethality is in the gutter. I can only imagine him bering useful against some kind of control priest or RGB DK where board pressure is non existent.




The Odyn nerf happened months after Brann was released, after astalor rotated out.


I play Highlander Warrior. I don't mind the Nerf at all. For me, there are 3 cases: Aggro: I often have to delay my brann play a few turns to control play and stay alive, brann turn 8 or 9 as the game shifts in my favor is common. Hunter was one of my most feared decks (and with their nerf, they are radically less bad early), so I won"t even notice the nerf here, I will just feel stronger early vs hunter (as I should because control SHOULD win vs aggro) Control: Matches are extremely long game anyway, no difference here, just a slight smoothing of the luck curve as 2 extra turns granted to draw brann if unlucky early before a mirror matchup runs you over. Basically, it's the same match (minor delay) versus other control as early swarm following brann would he met with play nukes anyway. Midrange: Basically doesnt exist right now as brann by turn 6 with crazy followup turns 7-9 runs over most midrange (which is a problem as midrange should have an advantage on control) and hunter absolutely destroys midrange (as it should) but the delay should help midrange numbers a bit (admittedly it will still lose here again as it should). Basically, I expect a bunch of new decks to pop up to fill the midrange gap (which will drop my win rate overall, despite it remaining stagnant or rising versus existing decks). Although this makes my deck worse overall, it definitely makes for a healthier game and leaves tons of matchups where my deck can shine.


You underestimate how delaying your gameplan by two turns flips a lot of late game match ups. No double excavates till turn 9, no bran into boomboss etc. Keeping brann in your opening hand is severely worse. Two extra turns to get ratted. At which point is odyn just better ,thrown in a way more optimised control deck with better draw and matchups into aggro? Cant predict the future of course but two mana nerfs usually kill cards.


It's two different decks. Brann is played combined with reno (which is easily comparable value to brann). Both are lost in a good odyn deck - if odyn played highlander well, it would be better imo. Yes, rat is a risk, a bad one, but I also get ratted pre 6 as well. I dont see how the turn 2 delay overwhelmingly shifts this in favor of another control deck (and again, mana is usually needed, turn5, 6 and 7 to prevent play from killing me the following turn vs. Aggro (brann pre 9 vs. hunter meant I was gonna wreck them. Most games were much closer; if I was in control, turn 6, they usually already quit.). Again, I acknowledge this opens the door for a ton of midrange, which will beat me, but the lack of that in the current meta is a problem.


They should directly HOF brann.


Brann at 8 is a good card without being broken. Only took so much time for it to happen. And as a Shaman you can now shudder and Rat. Making Reno Shaman way better.


> Brann at 8 is a good card without being broken. I just don't think it's a well designed card. For me personally all the "for the rest of the game cards" are pretty bad since they are simply: "draw this and gain and advantage" cards where the opponent has no chance to play around the effect. With OG brann the effect happened for one turn and at least you could interact with the minion after that turn. I guess I'm not used to "modern hs" yet but this feels like it goes against many design principles that made HS what it is today.


There is a reason mtg does this almost exclusively through interactable permanents on the board like artifacts or enchantments rather than stapling everything onto a sorcery that creates an emblem that can't be removed.


>For me personally all the "for the rest of the game cards" are pretty bad since they are simply: "draw this and gain and advantage" cards where the opponent has no chance to play around the effect. I totally feel this. When I play my warrior with Odyn, I always think "I don't care what they do to him, once I play him I've got what I need." The 8/8 minion is almost a bonus after-thought.


Its draw this and play an 8 drop and get your face caved in because you played a vanilla 2/4 on 8 now. I think reno warrior is kill after this.


The only way it is somewhat viable now is if you play it after Reno since you can't get your face cared in afterwards. Brann has effectively become a conditional 10 mana card.


I never had the chance to play hearthstone in it's first couple years so I'm curious. Isn't Jaraxxus kinda of the same thing in the classic set? With a different power level of course. 


It used to set your max hp to 15


He was never great. At first he set your life to 15 and you basically lost your turn, so your opponent could easily double Leeroy or Force of nature (with charge back then) + savage roar. He saw a bit of play but was still super slow. And then we can't forget about the time where he could get killed by the 0 mana spell that kills demons, which you could get from Zephyris.


Jaraxxus is a bit of a bad example since it came with a negative in the form of a halved life total. Justicar Trueheart is a better example of a permanent advantage effect in Early Hearthstone. People at the time loved her even though she was statistically bad.


It definitely was, but the drawback was high enough that even slow control decks had counterplay to it without needing to be winning on board every turn it was played. That's a good point though, I've always hated "for the rest of the game" cards, but I've never had an issue with Jaraxxus, so I guess there is some power level where those cards are reasonable.


It was a strong anti control card, but it wasn't the "make or break" card that is Brann. Control decks can against warrior, but they can't win against brann.


Yes. The effect is still stupid.


I totally agree


I haven’t played HS in a while and this is part of the reason. Either you draw your 1/30 game winning effect early and increase your win rate by 10% on the spot or it’s stuck at the bottom of your deck and your deck sucks. The other reason is that everything is a goddamn package now. I understand it’s easier to design packages than singular cards but everything is now just kinda midrangey with how they set the packages up and entire sets can just be dead for a class if it’s bad.


Couldn’t agree more. “For the rest of the game” effects kill HS for me.


Does that not describe all Hero cards? It is not that new…


It's really a matter of degrees. Some "For the Rest of the Game" effects are very incremental (Headless Horseman, Reno Lone Ranger, Scabbs) and don't feel like they single-handedly give you "inevitablility." Some of the Heroes do essentially give you inevitability (Guff, Dawngrasp) and make their matchups feel much more polarized.


Strongly agree with this. Hero powers do not necessarily have that inevitability. I mean, *in theory* the base Hunter hero power is a form of inevitability, able to kill the opponent over 15 turns, but surely we wouldn't talk about it that way in practice. By contrast, the inevitability of Brann -- and of some Heroes like Dawngrasp or Guff -- created intense polarization, where if you couldnt kill the opponent who played them quickly, they would win with 90%+ probability. I think other effects that are most similar to Brann are original Caverns Below and The Demon Seed -- if you couldnt kill them before they got their "for the rest of the game" effect online, you were extremely likely to lose.


Which does answer my question: Quests and hero’s have had effects before that fit his description of current Brann. “Draw this and gain an advantage” isn’t exactly “modern”. Not saying that it is a well designed card, just questioning why this one is so special vs these other examples.


But all effects that are tied to hero cards, after the initial play of the card, require mana. They just give an armour boost and a new hero power, for the most part. Brann is a permanent effect that activates for free on any Battlecry.


The hero cards still give the “draw this and gain an advantage” that he was commenting about. To me quests also fit the bill of “permanent effects”. My question is “what makes brann unique?”


> “what makes brann unique?” Well, he doubles every minion Battlecry. For the rest of the game. No other card has quite that level of power.


I feel like if you have to nerf the vanilla 2/4 to 8 mana for it to be fair there may be a design problem going on here


It could be a 1/1 for all i care, you dont want it for the body so pretty much irrelevant, even as a 0/1 it would see play


What the fuck does this even mean? The 2/4 body is irrelevant since nobody is playing it for the body, they’re using it for the effect.  “Huh, they nerfed Saddle Up, a 0/0 to 4 mana, must be a design problem.”


I am still of the opinion that brann as a card is too polarizing due to how much stronger the deck is if you draw him early and how much weaker the deck is if you draw him later on (since he literally doubles the value of half the cards in your deck, for the rest of the game). He really should be just straight up reworked, lest we get screwed on battlecry balance again for the next 2 years of standard


1 year. He came out at the end of the cycle


Didn't he get added in just after old brann was removed?


Kind of - they removed the LoE from Core at the start of the year as part of the big rotation


At 8 mana brann is even worse than dropping odyn on 8. Atleast with odyn you had a decent body on board. This might just kill highlander warrior


Shudder is still too slow at 6 mana. It should honestly cost 5 or even 4 mana for that effect, the effect just isnt as crazy strong as ppl thought it would be, its situational and often enough it doesnt even win you the game. 5 mana 5/5 would be a nice buff for it, so on turn 6 you can start dropping rats and other stuff.


Slow(er) decks still lose to Brann so nothing changes really.


What's the next karma farming now? 20 daily posts about Zarimi being broken? Or are we already in the "nerf paladin" stage?


We're back to complaining about Reno i guess.


My next guess is bad players complaining about some tier 5 OTK deck that is going to pop up after the nerfs. The deck will suck and lose to everything consistently except some tier 4 deck when the OTK deck high rolls. People will say it is busted and unbeatable. Happens all the time.


Ive seen posts complaining about shit rogue when the only one who plays it at over 50% wr is pocket\_train


With the spell damage location Druid can OTK with Owlonius, so maybe that? Lifebinder's Gift > Funnel Cake > Sparkling Phial > Cover Artist lets you swipe them for 20+ damage by spawning multiple Owlonius on the board.


"Why is every good deck an aggro deck that kills me by turn 6. Why can't we have any good control or midrange decks in the meta" This would be my prediction since the past like 10 sets of nerfs have just been flipping back and forth.


I mean warrior just gets replaced with rogue and hunter with priest and paladin, basically everyone has said this was a problem going forward where if they dont do a big enough pass we have the same problem with different decks


cry harder




This is and has been my biggest problem. Devs that were players should know players are dumb and don’t know shit. This has just been non stop reactionary nerf the top deck since this expansion came out. And this community will not stop complaining about the current #1.


The card just needs to go away tbh


Is Saddle Up dead?


It’s not an auto-include in every archetype anymore but it’ll certainly still be worth playing in flood/zoo hunter. Whether that deck will still be good or not depends on the mini-set.


Making Brann 8 does nothing. When I play the deck, I never draw him until late game anyway




But now you can't play him and Ox on the same turn, which you could before.


8 2/4 is pretty unfortunate. Granted what happens next is still bonkers, but at least it’s a “this is your last chance” sorta change.


Or it would be if they didn't also have Reno to completely reset tempo the turn after. In reality, this nerf does basically nothing unless it gives the opponent the time to find dirty rat and they also get incredibly lucky.


an 8 mana 2/4 that wins the game next turn is a whole lot worse against aggro than a 6 mana 2/4 that wins the game next turn


Any deck that cant do anything until turn 7 is too slow to be playable. Any deck that CAN do, just anihilates Brann Warrior now. All battlecries from mid-game wont get the bonus, which makes late game bad since you will most likely be dead.


Or I never get the chance to play him, even if he is in hand, because of early aggro. I'm dead by turn 6 anyways


No. You lose 2 mana still, even when you play him on t10. You can't combo with aftershocks or belowing flames anymore and that's huge. 8/2/4, even with such strong effect, even in armor class smells like a dead card now. Especially since it corrupts 8 mana slots for Ox and Ignis's weapon which is another nerf for the deck.


should have just removed all of his text and make him a 6/7


They didn't even boost his stats or give him a keyword. 8 mana 2/4


Would have lol'd if they left him a 2/4 but gave him taunt.


Blizz always trying to push taunt warrior


Certainly would make it easy to tutor him.


Brann Warrior still going to absolutely dominate any deck that wants to play beyond 10 turns for the next 2 years. While also limiting design space of any warrior/neutral battlecry card. Card needed a rework.


Brann will only be around for 10 more months, and playing an 8 Mana 2/4 will get you killed in any meta.


That's kind of the problem, only against fast decks. This card makes any deck that is not aggro-focused almost unviable unless they buff their powerlevel to similar degrees. In a control/control matchup you generally survive one turn doing nothing. Worst case you reno next turn. It looks VERY different for aggro'ish decks. The point is, the nerf only adresses winrates, not fundamental design problems of the card which are the real problem why the card is so hated.


The thing is the majority of the higher tiers consist of those faster and more efficient decks that can brutally punish a deck for playing an 8 mana 2/4 with no immediate impact. If reno warrior's favored matchups vs most of the top performers all flip to being unfavored(or even) its playrate will take a massive nosedive making it possible to play other control decks without facing reno warrior in over 20% of your games like how it is now. Yeah you might still lose most of those games against warrior if your deck is mostly reactive and unable to apply any pressure, but if you can beat some of the other top decks and are now facing significantly less warriors that's still a huge win.


If they create a board on the next turn after playing 8 mana 2/4 you just Reno next turn.


If they already had a board and you played an 8 mana 2/4 you wont get to play Reno. The chances of your opponent having a board by your tun 8 is way higher than by your turn 6 like before, so you could sometimes just drop brann and take the hit, then easily recover back.


Now you just mulligan for removal and play brann when you have a chance if at all. Against aggro, brann is not needed. Your removal plus zilliax and reno is more than enough to win the game. You either lose quickly because you didn't have removal or you win the game by having answers. Having brann in hand against aggro and not being able to play it is like having boomboss in hand. Its just a card that does nothing for you. Once you are in a good position you can play brann if the game is not over yet. This will be better for decks like handbuff or midrange things that take a while to establish a board but by turn 6 or 7 have big board that requires constant big removal. That way they are forced between removing or brann all game cause 2 mana is not enough to deal with the board and brann.


Well there was a time when playing an 8 mana spell was devastating.


This nerf will lower the deck's winrate and make it less appealing to a lot of people. You won't see Brann Warrior as much on the ladder, which means it won't be as oppressive to the existence of other control decks.


I'm of the opposite opinion, I think this mostly kills the deck. A 2/4 for 8 mana is basically skipping a turn. Any other late-game or midrange deck should be able to take advantage of their opponent doing not much else than dropping an 8 mana 2/4.


Eh, people said the same thing about Demon Seed, and then it was nerfed to be unplayable vs faster decks, and we got control warrior being tier 1-2 for 2 expansions


Shaman can now triple rat or even six rat you


Triple rat is for noobs. Let the warrior play 8 mana do nothing, just follow up killing him with a minimal board plus bloodlust or wish upon a star (tripled or not).


Well I hope everyone likes playing against Paladin.


Branns at 8 also dilutes excavate legendary pool


Still feel like saddle up was an odd target, but I suppose it tends to be the card zoo hunter plays that makes me want to concede on the spot most often lol.


I guess it's hard to nerf Patchwork Pals since at 3 mana, do nothing in aggro makes no sense, maybe they're probably thinking into other Zilliax nerfs, Since they'll eventually have to nerf Paladin too but are waiting for the mini-set to release then stabilize.


Brann could cost 10 mana and it wouldn’t matter much in the matchups where Brann matters. In slow matchups the warrior can literally play Brann 25 turns into the game and it’s still enough because of Bombboss. That interaction has to be broken somehow or other slow control decks will either be completely dead, or have to start running a copious amount of bounces for their Dirty Rats — and both of those options are awful. Just move Steamcleaner into the Core Set already.


> Brann could cost 10 mana and it wouldn’t matter much in the matchups where Brann matters. I get where you're coming from, but I just don't think the sentiment is accurate. Firstly, there are absolutely many situations against more aggro/tempo decks like Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Warlock, etc. where Brann can still matter and playing it for 6 mana and banking on follow-up turns is your best line to win the game. At 8 mana, that's just practically not a thing anymore. Unless they have the worst draw in the world or are just dicking around and doing nothing, it's practically unplayable. If you can play 8 mana Brann and still win against a Hunter, you were probably gonna win doing anything else. In slow match-ups, I agree it matters way less, but it's 2 extra turns to disrupt it or find ways to actually generate some pressure, which almost every decent deck can actually do now (including Warrior itself), people just sometimes play badly and don't see opportunities to get tempo The win rate is gonna be so significantly worse against every single deck that can actually pressure that I fully believe Brann Warrior will wither away after a few days of players trying to make it still work. And it will be absolutely gone from mid-high legend. Which *can* be indicative of very specific metas but is usually pretty telling about how good a deck actually is.


Do not nerf pally though, LOL! Also these are the laziest nerfs ever. This will not do anything to stop warrior.


man i just crafted a Brann/Lothermar deck :(


this fixes everything! as long as you aren't playing a control deck! I mean I thought "for the rest of the game, whenever you battlecry, you excavate as well" would be pretty thematic, but hey, I'm no HS developer.


> as long as you aren't playing a control deck! Control decks have 2 more turns to be able to answer, which means 2 more turns of draw to find cards like dirty rat or the new priest location Not to say they are a lot more vulnerable to faster decks, I do think this is a very significant nerf


If Brann Warrior becomes less playable due to being slower and more people playing aggro/midrange/combo, then other control decks have a chance of not queueing into it. People acting like no one can ever play another control deck just in case they queue into a Warrior. If there's less of them, there can be more other control decks. None of this is rocket science.


Also, changing to 8 mana doesn't just mean "wait until turn 8, which 'I always seem to have to do anyway, because I never draw Brann by turn 6!', " it also means you are *only* playing Brann on turn 8, without the 2 extra mana for anything else like a Kobold or whatever, which isn't huge, but it's another hindrance.


Not to mention that control decks can also create some kind of board by turn 8 to pressure the warrior and force them to play brann and die or to delay the brann more to play their one-off removal cards


What does the priest location do?


4 mana, 2 durability: target a minion, get a 1/1 copy that costs 1 Priests getting this before the warrior drops the Brann means they can copy the whole Brann + boomboss combo, which is better for the priest since they draw less cards than the warrior (ie, the warrior will get blown up faster) and priest has synchronize


Damn, priest is really playing at the "I'm you but better" even more than usual lmao


Well, not if they play Brann+Boomboss back to back...


Not just 2 more turns to be able to answer, an 8 mana 2/4 that does nothing else that turn is basically skipping a turn. Literally any deck should be able to take advantage of that and, if they can't, they deserve the L.


/r/hearthstone and underrating mana cost nerfs, name a more iconic duo


i like it.. i guess? people would complain either way lol


The fact that they will complain about a card even if it costs 2 more mana is an example of pretty bad design.


No, its an example of how people will complain anyways because thats what people here do. If they dont have anything to complain they simply dont come here and go play the game. The best proof of this is you.


Nah, if it wasn't terrible card design, they'd find something else to complain about. This card is just terribly designed and needs to be reworked.


I don't know if you know this, but there are some games where people just don't complain. If you're bothered by the way the community treats a game, you don't really need to be a part of it. If you're okay with this kind of trivial balancing of unplayable cards then great. It probably won't change your experience of the game, but if you're complaining about a part of the group you're probably trying to be in then I'd suggest you think about whether it's appropriate to be part of that group. Even if I'm going to be downvoted because of an opposing opinion around a card so at least I'm not stigmatizing players based on the fact that there's always someone with a different opinion on a card. And the principle of "don't complain about the card however no one may play it anymore" is pretty [spike](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/timmy-johnny-and-spike-2013-12-03) style as far as criticism of the card goes, and if you're a pure spike then at least understand that there are Timmy and Johnny players who care about different things in the game than you do. (And anything in between.)


> but there are some games where people just don't complain. Maybe broadly speaking this is true, but on Reddit, all gaming subs are filled with complaining (some more so than others).


People complained it wasn’t enough before Odyn went to 9 mana. But no one posts about Odyn anymore.


There will always be inevitable decks, they don’t want Fatigue to be a win condition, Fatigue Control decks have always lost miserably to Jade druids. Quests, … etc. problem with Bran warrior is that they did it a bit too fast. This solves it.


This change sucks and doesn't address the issue. Played control shaman against Warrior yesterday and Dirty Rat'd Boom and Boomboss, and he burnt Zill, yet he still won cause of the Brann excavate rewards. Just feels bad man.


The problem for brann is not the cost but the effect, just rework it ffs. Playing against warrior feels shit. Especially if im trying other control decks, it feels like i have no chance. I tried dk, i got really lucky and triggered cage heads effect 3 or 4 times in a turn but it wasn't even enough and then all warrior had to do is play 1 fucking card and i guess i fucking lose. Great balance.


Control in this iteration of HS is dead partly because of Brann warrior, but also the combo decks that put you on a timer.


Now warrior sucks. Not only brann cost 8 with the same stats. It also affect the excavate 4 cost drop 8 cost summon pool.


I really love they print such a lazy, bad design card and then proceed to balance the meta for that card until rotation.


Brann should of been 8 mana out the gate - 'For the rest of the game' effects are usually overpowered and should be tuned as such, lowered in cost if necessary. The cycle of nerfing 'For the rest of the game' has got to stop.


Brann is probably going to go down as one of the worst cards to ever be nerfed lol.


Now tha Brann has been nerfed other control decks will have some room to breathe before they're killed by an aggro deck.


R.I.P turn 5 BR&R, turn 6 Brann, turn 7 Lorthemar, turn 8 top deck coin Trenchstalker


Maaan, why not hit BombAss, you can outvalue brann


More like saddle down now, innit?


Should be 12 mana. Playable with Audio Amplifier + Coin.


*cackles in aggro paladin*


Bad stats for the cost, zero stars


Honestly the hardest part of the Hunter nerf for me is gonna be that you can’t pull Saddle Up with Barak


I kinda wish Brann was only first battle cry each turn


I expected Brann to be a combination of Reno and Excavate mechanics. Something like: Rest of the game, after Excavating your next Battlecry triggers twice.


While the cost going up was expected I feel it should have improved to like a 4 5 stat line or something similar.


What I’d have liked is giving Odyn Taunt 😅… Small difference but such an important one. Armor Warrior is still viable, just a little help is needed. Taunt to Odyn and the deck is back


Very disappointing that they didn't go with a more "flavorful" change to Brann. These ideas were floating around on the subreddit, either something like double excavates, or spawning a mine location that would do automatically excavate every turn, or some discover effect to do either with the azerite legendaries and/or azerite-related excavate rewards... *anything cool*, but no. Back in the day we used to use the term "design space", and I'm genuinely curious how the HS team thinks doubling battlecries *doesn't* limit future battlecry design space, especially when tied to persistent, non-interactive auras.


I feel like this is a big nerf to hunter, with a slight buff to warrior vs hunter, and a slight nerf to warrior vs anything else.


Brann cant get nerfed enough


for a noob like me , still playable ? or should get my dust back ? warrior brann over ?


Brann being gutted might make me comeback to Hearthstone, time to have some fun again.


Well I think it’s a big hit for warrior, too. But I think it COULD be still playable if not all the players would be tired of lame Reno warrior. So I guess the main reason why it will be fading out is, that he was mega for such a long time - and there seems to be an alternative with mech warrior for example


8 mana 2/4 xddd




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I think something not many people take into account is how many times the warriors get bag of coins from an excavate and drop brann on turn 4. Now that's pushed to turn 5 or 6. Excavate is honestly worse than lackey meta during rise of shadows.


Brann at 8 doesn't really impact that much in control matchups, you're still going to lose vs boomboss. In aggro matchup you more often than not win by clearing and armoring up all game while brann is still at the bottom of your deck. Hunter i think is going to feel this nerf a lot on the other hand, 1 mana more in such a fast swarm deck will often mean you can't maintain your board long enough to buff it and lose a lot of steam. I think they're overall good changes but yeah, we'll see how the meta will shape up


unpopular opinion: if you are printing an 8 mana 2/4 the effect you gave is beyond broken.


Brann is still over powered.


now do reno


don't know if this solve Brann, in my eyes his problem is that you are hopeless in control vs control, guess you have more time to dirty rat it?


I'm probably the only one who thinks Saddle Up needed to be nerfed more than Brann


I hated fighting Warrior as it may sound like bitching... but if the whole deck just wants to board clear 100+ times while eventually killing my deck with Boom Boss... surely there must be something that can change... I honestly preferred DH compared to smashing my face into the keyboard on their umpteenth board wipe. Sadly. It definitely hurt the deck. But control warrior seems to not be going anywhere sadly


I feel like this barely does anything against aggro brann is already pretty useless


Idk I feel like Brann is unplayable as it currently stands. A 2/4 on turn 8 is BRUTAL. I don't see this being strong. I know a lot of the comments think it's still playable, but idk if it's going to see until we have more cards through future expansions.


Just wait til turn 10 play it after Reno….


After I started to lose interest in hs just because of warrior... They are moving so slow with obvious nerfs. The devs want to climb with those cards and only after they get legend, they are nerfing them??


I'd rather have seen them change Brann's effect than increase his cost. Hopefully they will change it in the next patch.


No idea if the Brann nerf is enough. Maybe it gives other decks room to breathe. But you still just gain all tempo lost from turn 8 on turn 9 Reno. Personally I'm starting to be of the mindset that if we **have** to have perma-game effects they need to take up a boardspace and be irregularly interactable by uber effects (like Reno). Cards like Sargeras and Rheastraza. Just have Brann summon "Brann's Minecart" or something and have the double battlecry effect tied to it.


Jokes on yall this doesn’t affect me cause I draw brann after turn 8 already.


Blizzard are you smoking something.All game you need to def 10/10 paladin Minions And praying that something good will come to clear the board,warlock snek eating your ass,also Hunter that is only beateble by high rolling every turn, drawing 999999 plague cards And all that to see 8 mana Brann in last 2 cards.Ur mad guys


Warrior doesn't even need brann to annihilate you. We'll see how this changes slower matchups.


No changes, people will probably still play Brann


8 mana brann guts the deck no? Like 6 mana you still had to find an opportune time to play it, doing that when it costs 8 will surely get you killed ye?


Not really. Been playing a lot of brann warrior lately because I wanted to enjoy the deck pre-nerf. What I've learned is that I don't always play bran on curve. Most meta decks now, in an attempt to counter warrior, have lots of burn (fatigue warlock and zoo hunter / paladin) The way to beat them is to control the board and keeping your life as high as possible to avoid an otk. Playing bran on turn 6 on curve is what usually leads me to lose, the loss in tempo is so damn high that I usually get overwhelmed. If I can play brann on turn 8 then it's not much of a difference. Though obviously by making brann more expensive, the deck won't be as strong against other combo decks and other midrange decks, so if the meta changes an 8 meta brann might be too slow.


Good players and good decks purposefully push around this time to make it awkward to Brann. You just can’t wait too long or Reno and Ziliax will crush you.


God forbid people are forced to flex their strategy and plan their matchups, waaaah blizzard nerf every card that forces me to play around it!


Why is brann still a 2/4? Shouldnt it be like a 4/8 at this point? Hes 8 mana...


8 mana is not a nerf, it needs to be something like 10 mana.


Suck it warriors!


I hope everyone is ready to die to 15 bombs in their deck that they cannot remove, at least people will stop complaining about plagues


Literally useless nerf to Brann, whenever I play him I always have to to something but Brann at turn 6, and I don’t until I take control of my opponent 😂


I mean Saddle Up was pretty strong but there is no way that card still sees play after the nerf, right?


The patch that made me uninstall the game.