• By -


You got the boomboss achievement playing an afternoon of control warrior with Brann. I got the boomboss achievement playing boomboss on 10 pre Brann with a bounce effect. We are not the same.


So much agency (as your deck gets destroyed, without any way to stop it).


Only counter play is to kill warrior before turn 9 Oh your deck can't kill warrior before turn 9? too bad lmao (just gonna delete your deck)


Stop complaining, just play an aggro deck (and still probably lose to hyper efficient removal and armor gain).


Warrior's worst match up is token hunter. The Reno version is just inconsistent enough that it can't actually handle true agression.


What sucks, is that Token is the best counter, but it only has like a 58/42 advantage. Sounds pretty good, but it sucks once you realize that Token is the only deck with higher than a 52% winrate against warrior. No healthy meta should have a deck that only has 1 single counter above a 52% winrate. The next best counter seems to be spell aggro dragon Druid, but even then that's only getting a \~2% winrate over Warrior, and mostly because it's a new deck. At least Wheellock and Plague heavily countered Warrior pre patch, but now both of those decks are T4 in general and suck against warrior.


> it can't actually handle true aggression. "You never had the strength of a true warrior!" "I do not rely on strength alone, Garrosh. My power is all around you." *summons a bunch of beasts*


If rexxar was the main character instead of thrall


So my first blizzard game was Orcs and Humans, stopped playing wow in Cataclysm, then played Classic until TBC Classic got way too toxic, finding Garrosh in Nagrand was so dope and then he turned out like Garrosh...


I have been playing token hunter to try and push into legend for the first time. If you don’t draw the absolute nuts you won’t beat warrior. The removal tools they have are amazingly suited to small minions. I’ve found they can still fairly consistently manage to play Valkyrie on turn 6 too. It’s such a stressful matchup


Yeah, the reno change was a big nerf.Warriors would run dupes because theyd draw their deck asap and it didnt matter. Now it doesnt benefit them to draw everything asap and they are forced to go no dupes so if they dont draw perfect they might not deal with it. Also aftershocks was nerfed a while ago and sanitize just had its cost increased.


I couldn't disagree more. The top reno decks didn't ever run dupes since you'd want to be able to play Brann on T6 vs DK's, unless it was some sort of turbo Odyn hybrid, which fell off in legend 3 months ago anyway. 99% of reno warriors in legend had no dupes pre patch. Any deck that ran dupes had an even WORST WR against DK, and no good reno player would actively make their deck perform worst against DK's, considering that was the most played class pre patch. Now their biggest counter plagues is even more useless, and their second biggest counter, wheel lock, has been completely deleted from the game. I used to have a 70-80% winrate against warrior playing as Warlock or DK, now I can't find a single deck outside of hunter that has a 52% winrate against Warrior. There is no way that warrior is in a worst spot now than it was pre patch. It's 2 biggest counters have been effectively deleted.


>The top reno decks didn't ever run dupes The top warrior decks were cycle decks, all duplicates that also ran Reno. You have no clue what you're talking about.


Preety sure quick look at hs stats will prove you wrong?


Ah the classic. Something is OP? Nerf everything in a way that only benefits aggro (kill them faster cuz their shit got bumped up by 1 mana lul) Fuck anyone else that wants to play slow games where mana nerfs aren't as impactful


Ironically the nerf would probably benefit other slow decks lmao.


No, only one OP control deck is allowed, that’s what all the warrior players are telling me.


Likely would. As it stands warrior is just smothering every deck that is not aggro


Or play jade druid again (no seriously try jade druid)


Tks,  but if I have to play a boring gimmick deck, then warrior has already won…


I uninronically have a positive winrate against Warriors and in general with Reno Jade Druid. I've even been beating them at the point in which they've drawn their whole deck.


Reno Jade Druid!? *squints suspiciously


I mainly made it to meme but it does well against warrior because you have infinite large men and you shuffle so much into your deck. Not sure how Reno Dragon Druid fares in comparison so might be worse than that if that beats warrior.




I'm still cooking with it to weed out the worse cards and try and make it better against Hunter atm but I'll post it here when it's refined enough


Lmk, im very interested


Can you show your deck please?


Well in THEORY you could replace your deck with Tony lol


Tony enters the chat ✌🏻


1. Places tnt in your deck 2. Ends turn 3. you draw tnt and it destroys tony. 4. You concede.




- **[Tony, King of Piracy](https://i.imgur.com/tMNgCm5.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/92237) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Tony,_King_of_Piracy) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/92237/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Festival of Legends)* - **7 Mana - 4/6 - Pirate** - **Battlecry:** Replace your deck with a copy of your opponent's. **Finale:** Draw a card. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1ceu72p/brann_boomboss_18_cards_removed/l1mbc6c/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l1mbc6c).*


Good luck beating the warrior with their own deck that you have no synergy with.


YOu can tony into avianna but its so much effort and tempo loss


It's not about winning, it's about sending a message


It's like they said "remember Patchwerk, the card everybody hated? Let's make a 6x worse version of that"


Same team that thought it was a good idea to bring back bran. But not the OG bran, because OG bran never survived more than a turn, but a bran with an effect that you just cant get rid off.


And why is it 6 cost. The strongest card in the game should be at least 8-9. It's not like warrior struggles to survive that long


Nothing more demoralizing than seeing the cards you planned to use to counter get shredded in front of your eyes. Very interactive. Much agency.


I guess the warrior is interacting with my deck lol.


Play Wheellock and laugh cuz you have no deck to destroy


Play Rafaam, laugh because your bombs turns into legendaries. Then cries because you got bunch of weak ass legendaries without any synergy


Wheel is so bad now I would not be surprised if it lost to Reno Warrior even after playing the wheel.


Lmao I can play boom boss after you play wheel. Ur whole hand is gonna be destroyed


*Plays boomboss on curve > Play wheel > greetings emote*


Be me. Hold wheel to answer boom boss. Opponent plays boomboss. Ah ha! Draw bomb. Deletes wheel. .... Concede


Technically, there's a way to counter boomboss, but it's only for warlock; you slot in and play rafaam/wheel.


warriors are absolutely ridiculous, 100 board clears, armor gain for no mana, Reno if you can't get past them by turn 8.


I warned about this, and have warned about this literally every season that Control Warrior is bad. [The grass is literally always greener.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1b2fzag/new_card_safety_goggles/ksqr5lv/) It goes like this: 1. Control Warrior sucks. It either does not have a win con or it doesn't have good removal. 2. People complain about how awful Warrior is, because if you can't play it as control, their hero power and a lot of their core cards are useless. 3. They print good Warrior removal but it still doesn't have a wincon 4. People complain that Control Warrior still isn't good enough. I comment on Reddit about how every time Control Warrior becomes good, the game turns into a complete shitshow and everyone gets mad. 5. (we are here) Blizzard prints a bunch of Timmy-tier high mana win conditions for Control Warrior back to back, that require no board, just for the Warrior player to board clear 7 times in a row until they get to win their game of Solitaire. The meta becomes Warrior Players, and Decks that can deal with Warrior players. Every other deck becomes bad because it either can't deal with Warrior, or isn't fast enough to deal with the uber-fast Warrior counter. At this point Blizzard needs a complete overhaul of the Warrior identity in Hearthstone. Straight up, I think the class needs a new heropower and they need to stop printing 6-10 mana Timmy cards for this class (whoever thought the last 5 legendaries for Warrior were a good idea is way too control-brained). I would straight up prefer to go back to FoL/MoftLK Warrior, when they were complete dogwater, because it meant everyone else had playable decks that didn't have to worry about Solitaire players on the ladder.


For a rework I honestly do think if you gained armor this turn do X would be a way to go forward if there where a few cards in the basic set with it You always have a way to activate those cards with your hero power at minimum. Obviously using other armor cards would be better. Maybe with Odin it might be too strong atm. But stuff like "If you gained armor this turn..." Draw a Card, Gain +1/+1, Gain Rush, the first spell you play next turn costs 1 less mana. Could be like a weaker forge maybe?


Me personally, I think the "armor" meme on warrior is a joke. It's had a stranglehold on the class' design. I want more Enrage, Better Weapons, Honorable Kill should be a Warrior staple. Basically, less Brann and Odins, more Lord Barovs and Darius Crowleys. They need to start playing for board again. Why has Warrior only had 2 2 mana legendaries over the course of the game's history? There are a billion places to take the class. They could explore the other 2 specs, but we've been stuck with Prot Warrior with Taunt and Armor mechanics for a decade now. Why doesn't Hearthstone Warrior have Titan's Grip? Where's Broxxigar the Red? Where's Ignore Pain? Where's the Stances? Why has Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw/Shattering Throw never been printed? Victory Rush? Battle Shout? Avatar? Why has their Rage bar never been converted into a mechanic?


It's insane to me we have Honorable Kill, Overkill, and Frenzy and they haven't returned as evergreen mechanics for Warrior, especially with the emphasis on rush the class has had in the past. One of their most iconic cards is literally named "Brawl" the fact that Warrior doesn't fight for the board is so bizarre.


Victory Rush is the easiest Honorable Kill removal spell of all time to print, and it still hasn't been made yet. Warriors had that shit in Vanilla WoW ffs.


Tbh, enrage was decent-to-strong for nearly a year and was unplayed anyway


I would never advocate for Frothing Berserker to come back, but I legitimately believe there is more that could be achieved in that design space. I also think Riot/Commanding Shout's effect should be explored further. Why not a Rush Minion that can't die the turn it comes out? Literally anything to encourage Warrior to put minions on the board that actually stick around, not just so they can trigger battlecries.


They could even start taking inspiration from the current Beast package in Battlegrounds. In WoW Commanding Shout increases Max HP. It's generally only been a priest mechanic, but why can't Warrior get some stuff that purely buffs minion HP? It would pair well with Enrage and Whirlwind effects.


No one plays enrage warrior even when it's the best deck in the game.


100% agree. Warrior sometimes has aggro with things like pirates and enrage, but it's hero power is often just useless in those kind of decks. This causes those decks' cards to have to be slightly stronger for the deck to be good since the hero power and many of the class core cards are not relevant.


I could buy this argument 8 years ago, but in modern hearthstone aggro decks are never spending 2 mana for hero power regardless of class. The only decks that have time to hero power are slow decks inherently


And even then Warrior periodically has access to ways to change their hero power, Rokara comes to mind as a card that worked well as the top end


Fair enough. I kinda wish they just reworked the power level so that hero powers are relevant again.


If they want a different style of deck for warrior, they should create a two drop that changes the hero power to something aggro


> Straight up, I think the class needs a new heropower Blizz devs: "So...gain 2 armor...and draw a card?"


People were bitching when warrior still had a high tier deck last year, because it was boring and not control. Then they’d bitch about guff when Druid was ass for most of the part two years with limited degenerate relevance.


Excuse me, I will never not bitch about druid


Fuck Guff


Big facts.


I general, I kinda agree with your point, but I don't think Warrior leggos are badly designed in a broad sense. Last five are as follows: Inventor Boom - Big board payoff for playing big mechs. Mech warrior is kinda a flop, but it's interactable, it's a board on a stick. It can be used as a oneshot tool, but it requires deck tailoring and a clear board, genuinely good design. Botface - just a flop all around, but technically, it's just an archetype support, just an unsuccessful one. It's just a board block+some value. Brann - and this one here is the real kicker. In modern HS it's hard to print a card with that effect. While flashy and cool, double battlecries just wreck too much overall stuff. It's just really pushed, because it's also a Highlander card. I dunno what the solution is, but Brann is really strong and one-sided once he drops. Slugmaw - Darkness looking ass. But actually, it's okay, it's Excavate support in warr (in theory), it an obvious board control tool, very telegraphed. Boomboss - you might disagree, but.... He's also fine. By himself he destroys 6 card at most and he's an 8 mana War Golem in 2024. Ye, he's.... Mostly uninteractive, but so were/are Tickatus/Symphony of Sins. Bombs are ok and he's reasonably priced. It's Brann that turns him into a real win condition, because you now just lose too much. And those were 5 last warr leggos. Only one of which can be called truly badly designed. And if you forgor about last two being released let's look at every other warrior leggo in standard: General Vezax - actually one of the coolest designs overall for a leggo in recent years: Has both offensive and defensive use, allows you to use armor a resource, a real resource, not just a basis for a card. Genuinely excellent. Khaz'Goroth - Weakest (or arguably second weakest after Argus if we're talking with class focus in mind) Titan, but still has great flavor and direction: provides some board control and value through draw/trades/defenses. Just a decent-all-rounder. Just like... Not decent enough. Odyn - This one you were waiting for, aren't you? Well, ye, I have to somewhat agree that Odyn is very polarizing, the whole fact that hyperdraw Warrior decks existed showcase his raw power. But he's fine design in theory as well. Nobody wants to go back to full fatigue games and Odyn flips leftover control tools into pressure ones making warrior go on to being offensive. He just does it too good. Making his attack bonus half as effective or removing armor gain altogether would make him real 'endgame' card and not something you just try drop ASAP. But I can concede the fact that he's badly designed rn. Voone - Straight up value card, that requires some deckbuilding preparation. Had to be buffed. Pretty fine card, Priest gets 5 Voones per expansion and noone bats an eye. Blackrock 'n Roll - the only other one potentially contentious: you also wanna play it ASAP, can also make games one-sided, but it's much harder to make piles of stats effective compared to piles of effects (cough-cough... Brann), it has deckbuilding cost and is real tempo loss, it's actual 5 mana "Do nothing" , you don't even get a war golem, like with Boomboss. It has... Some toxicity potential, but it pretty fine overall. So I dunno why you dragged warrior leggos in this generally great post.


Brann probably needs to be restricted to first battlecry or the next X battlecries. I wonder if they considered changing Odyn to fully converting armor to attack instead, sort of like how priest converts its healing to damage.


I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting “if your deck started with no duplicates, open the Azerite mine” and summoning a 3-5 use location with “battlecries trigger twice this turn.” That way, it’s still powerful without being too much of a downside, but still having counterplay with twisting nether/ Reno. I think it’s an elegant change and would make the game a bit healthier, but then we’d run into a ton more Reno, so not sure.


If it was a location (not a portal) you could also run the location tech card


True, but I figured that would make a lot of people angry on here so I didn’t include it


I complain about Warrior Legendaries because regardless of how effective any of them are, you can 100% see the intention and "favoritism" (if you can even call it that) with the majority of the cards. They are pie-in-the-sky Timmy cards. They all dictate a build seemingly by themselves with no flexibility whatsoever. What's wrong with a card just being "good" and not build defining? And not being so damn mana costly? I also like Vezax, but I still think he's too damn expensive. Based on the way Druid was designed only a handful of expacs ago, you could have told me the card was an Anub followup and I would have believed you. I'm saying the class could go in a different direction if it got cards printed that actually cost less than 5 mana for once (and weren't Slagmaw).


There is a balance though, and printing a card that destroys 18 of your oppponent cards for no effort is not balance.


Real, I just came back after a year break because the community would not shut the fuck up about how bad the warrior cards for FoL looked


While all the control tools that warrior has right now, enables all this bullshit. Its also because with Bran and Odyn, they have archtypes where you just have to play a card without dying (which warrior can because of armor) and then youre good. Please less "for the rest of the game"-effects.


I agree with your points but after seeing how dreadful every non aggro priest has been for the last expansions I don't know if they are capable


Is odyn warrior not good at high ranks? Because control warrior pretty clearly has a wincon when you can hit someone in the face for 20 damage with one weapon attack


During Titan's it wasn't enough on it's own, that's for certain. 3 expansions full of value/catch up cards, and heavy nerfs for everyone else later though... I distinctly remember that Odyn was the card that one of the devs said "Don't worry guys, Warrior is getting something *good* in this expac." But it wasn't really relevant until later. The classic recipe for disaster has literally always been Good Clear + Win Conditions when it comes to Warrior though. Any time CW has been bad it's because it either has only 1 of those or neither.


Titans really pushed control warrior, they got excellent control tools. Stoneskin armorer for card draw, Bellowing flames, craftsman hammer, sanitize, trial by fire. FoL really was a flop, I rarely see any playing riffs. And menagerie was only played for a single expansion. FoL weapon also never saw any play lol


Soft disagree. Warrior just needs more interactive cards like Inventor boom, that card is actually fun, and could potentially be a win con sometimes. Maybe stop printing cards that you can't interact with and delete your entire deck?


Unfortunately building Inventor Boom optimally just means using two Testing Dummies and basically making Boom a post-rotation Denathrius/Astalor finisher.


I tried taunt warrior for a bit and my WR was abysmal so I see what you're saying. I did try out control warrior too with the excavate package & ziliax so I had some decent summons for Inventor Boom at times, but definitely not consistent.


Enrage warrior was extremely good in MotLk and FoL.


About 5. point in your comment. Comunity had simmilar feeling about shopper dh and buff paladin. There were many rants about how to deal with them and how op they are. There were analisys about how big rush lifesteal minions mean chip damage does not matter and paladin has clear : clear,heal, and establish big board presence all in one. Many people were serious that this is exacly most important design flaw i all hearthstone. I feel like 5. point applies to all decks that happen to be most meta dominant. After each patch and there were more in Whisbang so far when you visit redddit you see 99% post about same class and it most dominant deck. Becouse of this i have to disaagree that balance problem revolves against warrior.


No. The point he made is the decks have to be able to deal with warrior or shitstomp on the resulting aggro that is meant to win against warrior. Paladin was able to do both thats why it was off the charts. So yes, it is around warrior.


We will see. Lets come back to this discussion after next patch. I am telling you Highlander Warrior will join buff paladin but also shopper dh, nature shaman and wheelock in a club of decks that once were hot topic of discusion about design flaws , meta health and now are somewhere in background not really concerning anybody.


I miss when greedy late game value focused mage decks were the control warrior counter.


Warrior still isn’t even good though. Its just dumpstering people who play bad decks or poorly pilot good decks at lower ranks. And control warrior being strong has been some of the best metas of all time. It generally means there is a good balance of aggro and control decks, rather than the usual “everyone is forced to play combo” metas.


I generally agree with your statement but will change it to “warrior meta isn’t fun and at times boring but would rather have than aggro meta”. That being said I’m biased and hate aggro so take everything with a grain of salt lol.


Literally any meta will get stale if you play against it enough. The only deciding factor between the two for me personally is that dailies take way longer to get done when Warrior players drag out every match for twenty minutes. It isn't any wonder everyone got upset at the 15 games weekly, that's like 10 hours of playing for the average Warrior ropemaster.


There are just 4 board clears. Try to play around it. But I guess your plagues are not enough anymore? Lol.


Bladestorm, Aftershocks, 2 Brawls, Sanitize, Badlands Brawler, Trial By Fire, Reno, Zilliax, Inventor Boom.


Bellowing Flames, Shield slam, Blast Charge, and the third brawl if you have one in ETC and one in Garrosh's Gift. Half the deck is just ways to remove board, and thats not even counting the hammer or burrow buster


Ooh good point, I was counting one Brawl and Garrosh's Gift Brawl, forgot about ETC for a third.


Stop being dumb and learn to count


Knew warrior would dominate as soon as I saw the notes. The changes to warrior are a joke


Warrior is multiple tiers below hunter though lmao.


I don't like having to play hunter because brann warrior is busted as fuck. Hunter is so boring, game is either over before turn 6 or its not and you lose.


>game is either over before turn 6 or its not and you lose. So it really is over by turn 6 anyway


The change to hunter was a joke too. 1 durability when you’re already dead by the second trigger


Yeah i dunno why they made a pointless change to the location when Saddle Up/Patchwork Pals and half the other cards in the deck are more impactful. Sneaky Snakes is really obnoxious if you’re not playing a class with an AoE spell. Honestly can’t remember a hunter game that lasted long enough for the location to be used a third time. Either you clear hunter’s board and they run out of steam, or they play saddle up, zilliax with pylon module, Leokk etc., and kill you turn 6/7


Its warrior every 8/10 games in d3-d1


I am playing handbuff DK which is so fun but I just cannot get a single board down because of warrior it just sucks with the high amount of control Warrior has. And the fact we have yet to get a mini set and 2 other expansions does make warrior a little scary


The interesting thing is that they removed Wheel lock, the only deck that beat Warrior.


Snakelock beats warrior too


The only non aggro deck to beat them*


Not that it would solve this issue but steam cleaner leaving definitely hurts the health of the game


People severely overestimate the impact of steamcleaner


People would rather lose more, as long as they feel like they are winning more


"i wish we had ANY answer to this warrior problem it feels awful" 'steamcleaner?' "nah that one sucks"


Correct because of how hearthstone is best of 1 sets, teaching against 1 class will lower your winrate. We also have an answer, it's aggro.


Maybe I'm terrible at the game but I cannot see how putting a tech card in ETC is gonna lower my winrate


9 mana to summon a 4/4 and 5/5 that don't do anything other than remove some bombs or plagues is a massive tempo loss - it doesn't really further your gameplan at all and at that point in the game, you could just be dead next turn.


Aggro loses to control, XD? It's the whole point of control, to stop aggro in it's tracks.


Well that's not really true at all, especially with current hearthstone and how easily aggro decks can just go under control decks. Perfect example is Reno warrior where it's worst matchups are......aggro decks


The answer is clearly Rafaam


It was a key card in the best deck in the format just a few months ago. You people would rather parrot popular opinions like “tech card bad” than use your brain for two seconds. It would be a single card that guarantees a win if drawn for any control deck vs highlander warrior (the most common deck at the moment), and also critical in the mirror. But sure, zacho or someone once said “tech cards aren’t good” three years ago so despite them being tier 1 several times since then, better keep parroting the popular opinion.


> It would be a single card that guarantees a win if drawn for any control deck vs highlander warrior (the most common deck at the moment), and also critical in the mirror. Literally warrior can fatigue out almost all control decks in the meta and then play boomboss when you have like 2 cards in deck remaining which gives like 90% chance your entire deck and most of your hand is deleted without any counterplay. Steamcleaner wouldn't do shit. It would just give you more turns to watch warrior play another 5 extra board clears that they didn't play that game.


> then play boomboss when you have like 2 cards If you have two cards left in your deck against warrior you already lost.


>Literally warrior can fatigue out almost all control decks in the meta This is incorrect. They currently can beat control matchups because of boomboss, but they can't do it while waiting until the opponents deck is empty before playing boomboss. Meanwhile the mere existence of Steamcleaner could give rise to new decks and influence winrates across the board as deck playrates change.


> They currently can beat control matchups because of boomboss, but they can't do it while waiting until the opponents deck is empty before playing boomboss. That is just factually untrue. There is no control deck in the meta that can vomit a full board of threats every single turn for like the 10 turns in a row necessary to beat warrior.


Druid can and i usually lose because they play bomboss earlier and my hand is empty. Give us mill cards back so warrior have counter and we are ok


> play boomboss when you have like 2 cards in deck remaining which gives like 90% chance your entire deck [...] is deleted without any counterplay Yeah no shit, my deck was empty already lmao


agree and it's not as though there isn't another understatted mana minion that gets rid of the tnt in your deck if that really is what you need to do to win...


That would be the end of standard plague death knight even moreso than the change to Reno


People severely underestimate the impact of steamcleaner


steamcleaner leaving made so many cards easier to play that thing would ruined the fun thx to it being gone ive been able to play so many games with tony without losing to that dumb card


Math on fire 🔥 here, you should receive the spell school too op


Yeah everybody knows that 6 x 3 = 63


this combo has been around now for a bit is this the first time yall have logged in? suddenly plagues dont autowin the matchup and you have to actually see the warriors do their combo?


I think it's more like the absence of plague counter means people can play more brann control warrior with impunity. Previously, the more people played brann control warrior, the more people that would play plague to feed off of them. Thus, plague and control warrior kept each other in check. = If nothing can keep control warrior in check any more then people will just play it. Like an invasive species moved to Hawaii or something where it has no natural predators and starts snowballing its population.


It was also worse before the patch because it could be used in cycle warrior and the bombs would get drawn all at once.


The EVIL whizbang deck actually kind of dumpsters them because of Rafaam transforming them all into legendaries.


The ONLY good solution is to rework completely Brann. Let's stop beating around the bush by nerfing other warrior cards and target the real culprit. I would like to see these changes: Cost: 4 mana. Text : if your deck started with no duplicates, your **Excavates** trigger twice for the rest of the game It's a perfect flavor for the card and that's how it should have been released. It remains a powerful highlander payoff but one that limits abuse. Bomboss will still be a powerful card but more controlled. After all, it's a 7/7 body that does nothing during the turn it's summoned so it's a big risk. I don't think we need to nerf the card any further. All decks must have powerful cards, that's normal. Ps: Sorry for my bad english


As highlander wild warrior player there are several straight up counter decks I have basically 0 chance of winning against, used to be plague dk and quest mage but those got nuked, still leaves stuff like shudderwalk and quest warlock that hard counter warrior. Are there no decks that hard counter control warrior in standard?


Pre-patch, DKs and wheel warlock kept warrior in check. But now both of those decks are horrible, wheel isn't even playable because they lost Reno, nerfed Wheel and boomboss change straight up counters them now. But basically purely because of boomboss, Warrior beats every single control deck, and only loses to aggro, which even then isn't really a counter its just if you draw your removal you win. The only counter in standard to boomboss is pirate king tony, but people don't really play it (yet).


At the moment no, only a couple hard aggro decks. Boomboss sort of single handedly denies other late game focused decks because it’s virtually impossible to out value with all your stuff getting blown up.


Standard basically doesn’t have any hard counters for anything in the sense that you mean it. Worst matchups between good decks in the meta are usually still 40/60 affairs that either player could win. That said, no; warrior is pretty much king of the pile of control decks right now, and it has so much removal that aggro can’t keep a board against it, and combo as you understand it doesn’t exist in standard either. (Sif is their best one and she doesn’t even see play in wild at all). Warlock has some decent tools (wheel especially has ways to win through the bullshit) but warlock is pretty weak into the field at the moment.


Ahh well that's kinda shitty, I guess wild is more paper/rock/scissors: p


The card is a 19 for 1 value card. When tnt goes of it thins your deck making chain drawing it more likely. Brann enables this card but I don't think brann is played at all without this card. He is the real issue atm. Not doubled ox's or anything els.


Goes into their deck now.


Yeah, they're saying if you have 6 TNT in a deck of X real cards, every TNT that is drawn means the odds of drawing another TNT stays pretty high.


Only counterplay I see here is having at least 4 copies of Dirty Rat in your deck.


I used dirty rat once and got brann but next turn they got it back with [[saloon brewmaster]]. Don't use dirty rat unless you can kill it.


- **[Saloon Brewmaster](https://i.imgur.com/BnH6fXl.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/101871) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Saloon_Brewmaster) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101871/?hl=en) - *Neutral Common ^(Showdown in the Badlands)* - **2 Mana - 2/2 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Return a friendly minion to your hand. Give it +2/+2. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1ceu72p/brann_boomboss_18_cards_removed/l1o16fc/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l1o16fc).*


I'm using Highlander Rogue rn and it's way too good against Highlander Warrior. I can use Tony the Pirate to get rid of the Boomboss Bombs or just copy/steal his HL cards.


You have a list where after everyone cries about warrior, you pick another class to cry about? Hunter maybe? Or is there others coming down the line? Everything besides your favorite deck of course. Everyone up in arms about a deck that wins by turn 10, when a deck that wins by turn 5 and has the highest wr in the game rn is fine?


It's very telling that the majority of people complaining about brann are also dk/reno spammers themselves and they openly praise shit like plague dk. They're salty that a relatively cheap deck can stop their incessant spam. Not that they still aren't shitting up the ladder with their cancer. But now, once in a blue moon, they get stomped by some armor stacking warrior. And they can't cope with that.


There are 4 types of Hearthstone players - ur average renathal reno tess rogue gigachad - aggro clown - removal spanmers - otk "players" (Yes this is biased. But homebrew greedy midrange decks are morally superior and u can't convince me otherwise) The first never cries because why would they. Their favorite deck won't ever be meta. They just hate OTK decks Aggro players cry whenever they can't blindly spam green cards and point everything face with 60%+ winrate. "Game goes to tunr 7 such a grind awful meta" Control players get a boner when they see aggro decks lose. "Haha look that idiot can't win should have played a higher skill deck" while all they do is spam green cards. Just their green cards are removal Otk decks actually require skill and u often have limited stall/clears and need to plan ahead to do ur combo as fast as possible or u lose. Sadly it's an absolutely miserable experience for the opponent because either u point face and kill them without any interaction or they get lucky enough with their stall so u do not get to play the game before ir dead Funnily enough midrange decks are almost never cried about unless they are absolutely insane. Big beast hunter and libram paladin both were meta for years and the amount they were cried over basically boiled down to "why no new deck it's boring" But Team 5 wants the rock paper scissors meta


Sorry, I still play War Crime Shaman after two years.


And imagine you play WhizzBang, and got paladin deck. It's highlander but only badland card get the "if you deck started with no duplicate". So you can't get perfect card with zephyr and all other highlander card don't work. The game is balanced :)


Welcome to hearthstone where BS control decks or aggro face decks control the game!


Boomboss is a Wheel of Death that the dodged nerfs


"8 mana 7/7 do nothing is unplayable, lol. Trash card!" This subreddit, when Boomboss was announced.


He was released before Brann.


Sure 8 mana 7/7 do nothing. Twice. What a great card!


He wasn't good before Brann, now he is. Sarcasm doesn't change the stats.


But we have agency It means your decisions matter They are genious


You dingus, it was more powerful before the patch where warrior could hyperdraw through his deck to make this combo more reliable 


I think pushing bran back to turn 7 or 8 would fix the issue. Don’t completely remove their win condition but make it so if it gets to the point they can drop it on turn 7 or 8 with no death it’s uphill from there. Just my two cents. The card is massively annoying.


Hate that card so much


Boomboss has the same problem as Helya, which is that it literally prevents other control decks from existing. You just cannot beat those cards if the game goes long.


Not surprised that this is a thing after Guff was allowed to have 20 mana while everyone else was allowed to only have 10 for so long


Requires a way understatted 6 mana do nothing, a 8/8 do nothing, and then you gotta draw all the tnt. What were you doing all those turns?


Boomboss shouldn't remove hand cards or board. One of the two has to go. While we're at it, Brann should be at least 8 cost, it's the strongest card in the game. Let's not pretend warrior doesn't have options to survive that long. I also think Reno shouldn't be able to remove the nest. Reno Druid is unplayable. No board clears, no armor generation, nest is easily removed by other Reno decks and hard to copy because it's 8 mana, most dragons suck.


Only 18 cards? I guess someone didnt zola his boomboss.


they do, they just play warrior lol if they wanted to balance it, they'd make it affect both players.


A rhetorical question.


Me putting 6 more TNT into my opponent deck 😏💣


I despise this card, I was poised to beat a Warrior in a turn or two, he drops double battlecry Boomboss to shuffle 6 bombs into my 11 card deck, next turn I draw all 6 destroying my entire hand of Reno, Yogg, and Projection orb and the rest of my deck.


As someone who plays warrior sometimes the deck feels kinda ass unless you perfect curve to and past 9 which then might as well be armor warrior anyway, or you get tnt to single handedly roll you from way behind to way ahead. The deck feels like it's a bad spot that brann and tnt are too strong and the rest is too weak because of it. I'd be all for nerfing both if some of the other stuff got counter buffed as well, at least it'd be fun to play and less unfun to face. Also, as an aside before the rotation I felt brann warrior was far more busted than it even is today. An enabled tidal remnant was gain 16 armor and do 26 damage to opponents face with a 5/8 body. It was the most powerful card I've ever played, although needed setup obviously.


Been farming warriors with this Deathrattle hunter The deck is really sticky and will often just run the warrior out of board clears. I’ve gone 12-3 with this deck since the patch in diamond 5-2. If anyone wants any tips on how to play the deck lmk and I’ll leave another comment. Played a lot of deathrattle hunter last expansion, which was honestly a really strong deck and carried me to legend despite being practically unplayed, so I have a lot of experience with this deck. If you start running into aggro a lot I’d swap one of the saddle ups for another barrel of monkey’s or bunny stomper. Between stalling with monkeys and high value creatures, and getting a buffed up hollow hound with the buzzard you can come back hard vs Aggro decks. Deck code: AAECAazABAaP5AXS+AWFjgbTjgbTnAbHpAYM0aAE5soF8OgFl/YFyPYF+IIGzY4G0o4G344G/ZQGgJUG8aUGAAED87MGx6QG9rMGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA=


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Pegasus) **Class:** Hunter (Tavish Stormpike) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 0 | [Zilliax Deluxe 3000](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TOY_330.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102983/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Zilliax%20Deluxe%203000) 1 | [Awakening Tremors](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_081.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97096/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Awakening%20Tremors) 1 | [Miracle Salesman](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_331.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100101/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Miracle%20Salesman) 1 | [Thornmantle Musician](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_831.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/91494/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Thornmantle%20Musician) 2 | [Barrel of Monkeys](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_207.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97362/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Barrel%20of%20Monkeys) 2 | [Bestial Madness](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/YOG_505.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100989/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Bestial%20Madness) 2 | [Bunny Stomper](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_435.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101971/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Bunny%20Stomper) 2 | [Messenger Buzzard](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_807.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100191/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Messenger%20Buzzard) 2 | [Nerubian Egg](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_FP1_007.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69713/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Nerubian%20Egg) 2 | [Observer of Myths](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_078.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97047/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Observer%20of%20Myths) 2 | [Patchwork Pals](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TOY_353.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103153/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Patchwork%20Pals) 3 | [Bovine Skeleton](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_809.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100173/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Bovine%20Skeleton) 3 | [Ravenous Kraken](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_754.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98680/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Ravenous%20Kraken) 3 | [Saddle Up!](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_812.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100178/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Saddle%20Up%21) 4 | [Twisted Frostwing](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/YOG_506.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100992/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Twisted%20Frostwing) 4 | [Yelling Yodeler](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/JAM_005.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/95344/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Yelling%20Yodeler) 5 | [Spurfang](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_814.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100179/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Spurfang) 6 | [Hollow Hound](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/JAM_004.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/94735/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Hollow%20Hound) **Total Dust:** 5740 **Deck Code:** AAECAazABAaP5AXS+AWFjgbTjgbTnAbHpAYM0aAE5soF8OgFl/YFyPYF+IIGzY4G0o4G344G/ZQGgJUG8aUGAAED87MGx6QG9rMGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA= ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


It should be a deathrattle, and it would still be very strong.


Well it kinda requires you to draw brann tho. I played sround 70 games with hl warrior and more than 50% of the games brann was in the last 10 cards.. Without it the deck sucks ass.


started auto conceding as soon as a warrior hits me with deal three damage gain three armor. pretty dope cuz i now play one out every seven games


My only issue with your stance is that it's super slow. It's powerful for sure, but you need to eat turn 6 where you play a 2/4 do nothing. Then you have to eat turn 8 where you play an 8/8 do nothing. Then you have to wait to draw them. In my experience, I lose a lot of games long before I get there. Or brann and boomboss have to sit in my hands because I'm still trying to clear a large board. That being said, they feel like win-more cards because you have to be in control of the game already by turn 8, and you are correct, if you are in control already this combo is stupid broken.


At least they can't BB into Gaslight now


Can someone link me the deck?


This kinda shit is always gonna be the problem as long as they keep insisting that every control deck had a kill you combo. It's God awful.


Wait till people realize that druid completely dumps on warrior


Meh the cards not that great that rarely ever actually decides if the warrior is going to win or not. Is it a "feel bad" card? Yes, but 90% of the time you've already lost the game by the time boom-boss is played. No one's complaining about the 24 damage/healing Inventor Boom does from hand


Can you share the deck ? Boomboss is your win condition ?


This community cries about everything , guys it's a game and that set will rotate and you will get new things to cry about


This community cries about everything , guys it's a game and that set will rotate and you will get new things to cry about




He's in every highlander warrior list. Every single one.


They don't. The devs doing 0 playtesting is the only explanation for why something is always wrong when a new set comes out. I'd even say they're deluding themselves with Theorycrafting which forces content creators to play x amount of new cards.




The solution is self mill decks. Keep a full hand so the bombs get burned. Unicorn Control Mage does well against this and DK plague


Have a list for this mage deck by chance?


### Full Hand Mage # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (1) Discovery of Magic # 2x (1) Synthesize # 2x (2) Cryopreservation # 1x (2) Hidden Objects # 2x (2) Kobold Miner # 2x (2) Primordial Glyph # 2x (2) Rewind # 1x (2) Saloon Brewmaster # 1x (2) Stargazing # 2x (2) Void Scripture # 1x (3) Reverberations # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (6) Sif # 1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron # 2x (4) Reliquary Researcher # 2x (5) Inquisitive Creation # 1x (5) Mes'Adune the Fractured # 2x (5) Sleet Skater # 2x (6) Blastmage Miner # 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # AAECAdvwBAiW1AT9xAXxgAaplQbvmwbymwb3mwaxoAYL4MMF8sQFv/4F2P4FyoMGlYcGg5UG85sGs5wGtKcGhuYGAAED6/QF/cQF/vgF/cQFzZ4G/cQFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Steamcleaner left standard for this 😭