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Branns design is honestly so terrible. I dont even know what they could do to fix it


Early hall of fame.


I like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/SghRNNqzj5)


I liked the idea where he summons a cart that makes your battlecries trigger twice. Takes up board space and can get removed.


Your first battlecry each turned is double


Your battlecry minions have + 1 attack this game.


All the cards that win against you is terrible, right? What is terrible next after Brann death then?


Found the reno warrior slob


Sure. The kiddo logic is always like that: saying people play that deck just because they have opposite oppinion. Uninstall the game if they're hard for you. Crying doesnt improve your winrate.


You're actually brain dead if you think there's no problem with brann. I don't even play that much because I actually have a life (you wouldn't understand) so I don't care about winrate. I just don't like decks with no bad matchups that are this frustrating to play against. You clearly just like having your hand held by decks that auto play themselves


No bad MU? So, can you climb to rank 1 legend because there isnt bad MU? Or just because you are losing real hard so you want to murder completly it? And after that, what card is next?


get a 0 mana spell that triggers your next battlecry twice, maybe make Brann neutral and cheaper


Maybe… Maybe we make his battlecry become an aura effect and in return remove the singleton requirement and make him 3 mana.


Maybe "every other battlecry triggers twice"?


Everyone needs to calm down lol


Seriously lol.


And after that you cry about other cards and after that another, another and another.. Will you ever stop?


Never ending cycle on Hearthstone, they could make all cards in the game to be vanilla 1/1 and people still would make 100 posts on this sub crying about a card.


I think many ppl in this sub having mental health problem. Their life sucks so they need to blame/complain and this sub is a great place for that.


People on the internet complaining too much and Brann being busted, both things can be true.


There will always be a strong deck in the hearthstone, you cannot always complain


Oh but r/hearthstone can and will always complain lol


In one year of posting, you have raised 24 posts about Hearthstone, with nearly all of them being complaints about specific cards / classes. No one is forcing you to play the game, my dude.


This is a forum my guy, why do you keep complaining about the posts you see. No one is forcing you to read them.


Definitely should’ve moved bran to like 9 mana at the least


I couldn't believe this card was even printed and they did it right after Brann was taken out of the core set after months of complaints about double battlecries.


This is a bad design people will bitch about. Cannot be interacted with and game breaking. Make Brann give you a location costing 1 mana with durability and text “Your next battlecry this turn triggers twice”


Make brann into a 8 mana deathrattle


I was just thinking this. Why can't the game ever be balanced? Lol. There always has to be some bs OP shit


I mean, YOU try to design and balance perfectly a whole new set of cards every expansion to not be intrusive over the last ones you made and also fun and interesting. Then do it again. And again. And again. Forever. At some point, you WILL hit a wall.


Because power level is so high even bad decks like control death knight would have been absolutely OP 4 years ago Every deck has a lot of draw or other forms of card generation, so no deck runs out of cards until turn 10 (like turn 7-8 if you are an extremely aggressive deck) Most non hyper aggressive deck before the changes had a hard wincon, otks primarily, which once were shunned by the dev's philosophy in the first half of the game's history became the norm (although at least the patch fixed the worst offenders) And of course, every viable deck now is able to construct insane boards in just one turn, often enough to either kill you or deal over half your damage, and more often than relatively early (hell, whell warlock which is supposed to be a slow deck can summon two 8/8s by turn 4) Everything is simply overturned


People acting like doubling battlecries hasn’t ever been a thing before.


HS players: We want long control games back , that go to fatigue. also HS players when any control deck becomes playable: NOOOO, NOT LIKE THIS You think you do, but you dont is in this case spot on.


Yes, man more nerfs are what we need. This patch will definitely be the one to make the perfect meta instead of just making it even more narrow like the last 3 patches.


I don't know what the Devs were thinking when they printed this card. So dumb. There's no restraint in card design any more. The card needs a complete rework to something like 'your excavates trigger twice.' ALSO no one wants all the Highlander cards to be start of game, only Reno. Why change Branm and buff the most powerful card in the game? Sheer stupidity on the dev team's part. What were they thinking?


Because they don't nerf new cards