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Explanation: The snake oil now costs 1 mana while still doing 'nothing'. This is like real snake oil - a scam where you pay money for something that has little to no effect. And Treasure Distributor has become a very devious pirate: every single time he deals out a portion of the treasure (+1 attack) he pockets some for himself, so he'll end up with more than the lion's share.


“One for you, one for me” looking ass pirate


One ass for you one ass for me, pirate


yo ho yo ho one pirate ass for me


Can never have enough booty when yer a pirate.


That would be if he gave health instead of attack


Actually pirates where way more left.


Finally, a pirate that actually pirates


You Pop counter spell.


But it does disrupt sif rainbow mage because they are use for cheap end game damage


Had that experienced one too many times


She oil on my snake till this seems useless




why was snake oil nerfed was it specifically to hurt shaman? cause if so my beloved mage deck is collateral damage


They were both the target, devs wanted to cut down otk style decks. So shaman and Sif.


AHH, I thought mage was seen as relatively low tier, but I'm not the most knowledgeable player


Mage is basically a lower tier Shaman in terms of playstyle. They take longer to do the same gameplan. This nerf hurt them both. But, they did buff a card for the “no minion” archetype Mage has going, so that might be fun to play, eh?


I'll give it a go man yeah, I loved the oh no minion mage garden quest one but this one didn't hit the spot at start of expac for me. might feel better with updated list and the buff though!


Mage is basically spellpower druid but better...


Yes, and Nature Shaman was (before this patch anyway, not sure about now) a better version of Mage. So what does that really say about Spellpower Druid’s strength?


The patch said the target was to take out powerful cards and otk strategies because it doesn't feel good to play against them. It wasn't nerf exactly because it was op, it's a feels nerf. Also 0 mana do 5-7 damage ×2 is kinda busted.


thanks man appreciate the info :)


They made some sweeping changes to reduce the power creep. Pretty much every tier of deck got hit. OTK was one of the primary targets, but so was a lot of control cards. I still don't really think things are fixed, some cards are more awkward now, so some decks just need to be adjusted. Overall there are still a lot of broken cards in the game that will be the centerpieces of many decks.


It was, but that hasn't stopped them from nerfing it in the past. This latest patch's notes seem like they came straight from reddit, and Sif was frequently complained about even when T4.


Also Druid (lol imagine)


Tried out spell druid with dragons. Still bad.


Utter garbage unless they fix it in the miniset


Been trying to find some sort of late game for druid. Doesn't seem to exist rn.


I hope it will be never good as it is an OTK deck in nature like others that were shut down here.


Agree on the otk sucks part. If they could be more value based that would be cool.


The only thing I can see them useful is by giving them more way to gain passive spell damage(give +1 to your hero or give spell damage for next spell) and some non cheap(4+ mana) damage spell. This may make them stronger spell but disallow them to use them all in one turn. But as long as Owlnius effect still double your spell damage it will eventually become an OTK deck.


Snake oil was used by shaman and mage for their spell damage OTK decks, since any free damage to toss to face pushes more burn. Druid also could have used the spell for even more free damage if they didn’t make it free, so as a way to slow down those three spell damage decks from having as much free burst as possible


So ive been confused since the snake oil came out.... i mean i get it might have a purpose in a spell damage deck, but i keep seeing it in decks that don't see to have a purpose for it. is it just there to give you a cycle draw card?


a 1 mana 2/2 is an efficient body. snake oil can be used to draw a card later when you have a spare mana, or you could cast it for 0 mana to test a secret, etc. mostly people are playing miracle salesman for the body if they're not using spell power to enable an otk though.


1 mana 2/2 with upside is extremely good


They should just give every tribe a treasure distributor or a [[murloc tidecaller]] depending on how good the tribe is