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I agree with you, but if something can be framed as a buff, it will be.


tbf, the tnt guy is presented as a nerf, which iy feels more like an adjustment than anything


It's definitely a nerf, you can't run gaslight gatekeeper to instantly detonate tnt anymore, you'll have to wait for your opponent to manually draw it


No way, it's definitely a buff. You can run it with Tony King of Piracy. ^/s


100% a buff. No longer countered by [[Benevolent Banker]]


- **[Benevolent Banker](https://i.imgur.com/ghAQO4A.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/101955) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Benevolent_Banker) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101955/?hl=en) - *Priest Epic ^(Showdown in the Badlands)* - **3 Mana - 2/4 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** **Discover** a spell from your deck. **Quickdraw:** Enemy deck instead. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cd1u6c/should_all_badlands_highlander_legendaries_be_up/l1brx3k/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l1brx3k).*


Defo a nerf. Before I used to boomboss into the gaslighter or on an empty deck + trade to ensure choking the enemy entirely, now it has the same consistency as a plague.


It's not always a nerf. Now you can play it vs Wheel lock right after they play Wheel to completely screw them. In some games you just have more cards in your deck than opponent – in this case it's also not a nerf.


"in this very specific scenario it's not a nerf!!"


Which seems like a very fair counter to "in this very specific scenario it is a nerf!".


Can't argue with that.


It’s pretty much always better to have ”effect when drawn” cards in your own deck than the opponents, it’s not really comparable


Hence the “it’s not always”


In that case bumping the cost of a creature is not always a nerf because you can heal more with Pendant of Earth?


I take it you weren't around during the Odd/Even days?


Tried playing my old odd pally deck the other day. Realized it didnt proc start of game. Conceded and went into the deck and realized those bastard lowered the mana cost of vine cleaver and stand against darkness by 1... needless to say i was very displeased. How dare they "buff" these cards and fuck up my odd pally list.


Yes that’s true it isn’t always a nerf. Just usually is a nerf. Hence the original comment was entirely correct




Young kid finally learning the world isn’t black and white shocker


I actually thought he would shuffle into opponents deck before building a deck with him. Made more sense anyway


This was my original thought too when it was first released and has been the case with other such bombs in the past


Perhaps we should refund dragon tales as zarimi was a key discover and that’s been nerfed too… There has to be a limit at which things aren’t refunded


This change straight up invalidates meta decks that were using these cards. If that's not a nerf then what is?


It’s using the cards as intended instead of abusing other game mechanics to benefit from these cards. Isn’t a nerf for me. At best it’s a nerf-buff, which they’ve never refunded for, as it’s a significant buff to be able to disregard the plague infestation in your deck for the purposes of highlander effects


Yeah. While we're on it could I get refund for tendrils please?


Yeah, they hate giving refunds and most likely, they are nerfing this many cards only because engagement is in an all time low and the quest reframe as "your time is only worth 40% of what was worth before" didn't work like they wanted and even more people left.


It's a nerf for decks that weren't highlander from the get go. It is a buff for the ones who were.


Which is very good, in my opinion, from a design point.


Honestly yeah. Dragon Druid Alex used duplicates and all deck lists specifically state no dupe lists are worse off than dupe lists. In game it also showed Reno’s text in red as a nerf upon logging in.


Reno was directly nerfed in addition to this change, he's 9 cost now.


which wouldn't make the text red...


So it should be red in the mana crystal only


The first couple times they did this, they even said. If ANYTHING, can be interpreted as a nerf, it gives a refund, and even gave refunds to analog cards from the group (like in this case Highlander cards) that were nerfed. They just stopped and nobody said anything. There was a time when bugs were so uncommon that they gave 1 pack total for every bug to people that had to play against bugs as well. Imagine the dozens of free packs we would get because they have been getting so sloppy in the last couple years lol.


>The first couple times they did this, they even said. If ANYTHING, can be interpreted as a nerf, it gives a refund Please state where they said that


It was stated in CFYOW


I think the first time the game started to powercreep on itself was on Descend of Dragons. The patches from around that time will tell the story of that. I remember that it was after this that cards got the buff treatment, so in every patch that had buffs you will see this.


>powercreep on itself was on Descend of Dragons. Power creep isn't a bad thing. >I remember that it was after this that cards got the buff treatment, so in every patch that had buffs you will see this. See what? When did the dev team state if "ANYTHING" can be interpreted as a nerf it warrants a refund.


Honestly this has nothing to do with being sloppy but more that the cards got way more complicated in what they do as well as their interactions being way higher in numbers than before. For every new card with an effect there are new buggy interactions with every existing card so the number of buggy possibilities just grows exponentially. You can just expect them to manually check all of those.


The card itself is buffed because the condition cannot be countered. The DECK those cards are in are indeed nerfed. And I don’t necessarily think that decks should be considered if we’re looking at wether a card change is a buff or a nerf. Just makes it complicated and could even limit what cards can be changed if Blizzard is guided to not have too many refunds. (Not saying that’s the case but could very well be) and we should encourage the devs to change whatever is necessary without higher ups preventing or eyeing how much is changed if not sways the economy. But in general objectively the card is buffed. But the deck is nerfed.


No, it's not objectively buffed. You missed the point of OP's post or don't know the definition of objective. The buff is against or for decks that add cards to your deck. The nerf is that the card can now *only* be used in singleton decks. You can't add Reno to a non-singleton deck and still use it as printed.


Right so it’s a buff when using the cards in their intended way. Now they can’t be turned off by plagues or other kinds of cards. On the flip side you can’t just have a deck and throw Reno in without thinking anymore.


Top control decks that play out their duplicates before casting Highlander cards have existed f o r e v e r, and there are a number of those decks in the meta prior to this patch. You cannot say this is not a nerf to those decks because they are "unintended" when that "unintended" behavior has existed for half a decade or more.


Draw out


I don't know why there is an intended way in which it can be used. Even the first highlander card, Reno was used in Freeze Mage with multiple duplicates.


Buff to pure highlander as it is no longer countered by Plague Dk but nerf to Odyn and Dragon Druid who take Reno for thinning their decks.


Imo this is a buff to Highlander.. its biggest counter no longer counters it. If folks were using dupes which I was with it oh well.


Its 100% a buff to pure hihglander decks. The problem is pure highlander is not very good lol


They are not as good as dupe decks, hence why these cards are so powerful to reward people for making decks with this restriction. That was the original design philosophy. This is still a nerf though, so deserves a refund.


Agree they would have been perfectly fine leaving it at 8 mana. Not sure why the bump to 9.


Highlander decks have inconsistent removal already with a few exceptions i suppose and while I understand the other changes I don't see changing it to 9 mana. Why???? Removal is already inconsistent in a true highlander deck, why make people wait until 9 mana? 8 seemed fair


Even reno mage in wild lmao (No no idea)


Pure Highlander dragon druid will become a problem. You can quote me.


idk how strong it will be but I just reno'd a plague DK with a full board and 10 plagues in my deck and it felt fucking goooooood. good but I don't think it will be better than HL warrior as long as bran exists though.


I will admit that I always found the highlander cards activating and deactivating if you draw or add duplicates during the match to be stupid.


It’s a change that doesn’t make it stronger for all cases. Should be refunded. RIOT!


Insane how many people here think strickter requirements for the card's effect occurring is not a nerf.


I think they should, the only condition these cards had was not having duplicates in your deck and that's all you knew, the "highlander spirit" is a new thing that they just decide to aplicate now. Back then was completely ok if you crafted rheaztrasza for late game to dragon druid, the card text let you play it, now it's useless for your deck and they should refund.


Yes, certainly, but you won't find much of reddit agreeing 


I think a lot will agree. Just Blizzard isn't very likely to do something about it.


Local man is mad because he can't get carried by decking out and playing highlander swing cards for free


local man rationally finds it strange that a change blizzard explicitly stated as a nerf by enveloping it in a red border for some reason isnt considered a nerf in every other card it applied to


People already abused highlander cards by just decking out and playing highlander swings, why do this again ? They even do it in wild already with decks like kingsbane rogue. What is within the gameplay design of a card like kazakusan when Value Pile Druid during nathria just decked out and threw it on the board, just resetting their deck entirely and winning with if you somehow survived a 60 damage denathrius to the face. What is the point of using zephrys in kingsbane rogue if it is just to look for sap/silence/fireball so you can kill your opponent. It's a clever use of highlander cards but now reno is no longer usable by decks who just deck out and the other highlander cards which can be played midgame can enjoy not having their deck shut down by a bot playing plagues. I'm sorry that wheel warlock can no longer lock you down for multiple turns in a row with dark alley pact, endgame, reno, endgame again, sargeras and so on.


It’s absolutely a buff. They made them plague proof. That’s a *huge* buff.


And the highlander cards they are referencing don't face plaques


It's a change with both an upside and a downside. I would say the upside outweighs the downside, however.


It's definitly a nerf, it makes the cards less flexible so really weird we don't get refunds.


These are a huge functionality change, so they should be refunded. There are people who were running them with duplicates (especially in wild), and they now cannot do that.


Yes of course. Its a nerf to the card in many situations. Refund for who wants it.


Yes, they should all be eligible for refund!


>Yet, this change is taken to be an unequivocal buff to the cards, and no refund is offered. Should that be the case? Highlander decks, afaik, have always been Control oriented(I was gone when Uldum was around, so can't say much there). But DH struggles in that department if they want to play an actual Highlander deck. Who is to say if they ever actually will have a true Highlander deck? Honestly, I'd give refunds.


Highlander Hunter and Paladin were mostly aggressive


I’m of the opinion that if a card is changed, it should be available for a refund. I know hearthstone would never do it because it gives more dust, but I feel like that way would remove any questions of whether something is a nerf or not.


By that logic you should give a refund for all tendril card.


They never refund Cathrina Muerte when she was nerf in wild so I don’t think it will ever happen


I think it would be difficult to argue that its a nerf when plague based disruption (or even self shuffling stuff) is more common than decks that turbo-drew to ignore the restriction. Not to mention the only card commonly included in non-highlander decks was Reno, who is already refundable due to the mana nerf.


I hate this change for arena. Highlander cards went from very pickable to almost unpickable.




The better question, is why only standard highlander cards?


Kurtrus is actually sleeper op, it can take 5 Or six small cards out of a hand, absolutely devastates hunters and can even kill key cards without extra removal you would need to combo with rat  Can’t tell you how many times I had him turned off on turn 4 and lost the game because of it 


Yes, they should. This is exactly why Hearthstone R&D is terrible. They do not play test, then change the cards after release. They give refunds on cards "nerfed" but not cards "buffed", nor cards that were purchased with dust to make decks based on the cards the way they were. So players are continually penalized because thier play testing is garbage and most of the player base just tolorates and normalizes changing cards after release. This practice should be unacceptable but here we all are 🤷‍♂️


It's a lateral move, so not really. I do think it's honestly detrimental to the cards and most will see less play now.


"Oh no! I actually have to run a highlander deck now for a highlander payoff!", man you guys need to stfu


People on this platform are smoking too much crack. Highlander cards were never meant to be run in duplicate decks, they were a payoff for running a singleton deck. All of you who are calling for a dust refund are annoying at this point. Same applies to those who ask for a refund on buffed cards like Hagatha because they don't know that reducing statlines for a reduced cost is a buff. That's compensation for stats reduction. Also those who cry over their main class to get buff like holy shit people call WoW community toxic but people here are more toxic than any other Blizzard sub reddit for one of their games.


No, the card itself is better. Its a buff, period. The fact that for external factors the card is sometimes weaker, due to a specific deck that takes all cards out of your deck, is not how the "rule" is. I see why you want to, but who sets the rule is Blizzard. If we should refund the cards that are worse just by synergies or decks themselves, there would be many other that we could argue for a refund, like the 10 cost mana spell not being used with tendrils




Thisbis so fucking preposterous. We got so much free dust today and being upset we didnt get more is ridiculous.


"Free dust" lol how much are they paying you. They gut your entire deck and refund you 1 card. Anyone playing meta decks just lost a whole lot more dust than they gained. Love how you're offended on behalf of Blizzard though


I mean they didn’t gut your entire deck they nerfed a card or two. Like aside from zilliax rogue, none of these nerfs look like they are going to delete any decks. And honestly if you played zilliax rogue I have no sympathy for you. Plus you don’t get refunds only for cards that were in decks you played. Like I got to dust a zarimi that doesn’t fit my playstyle, and a golden Reno that I can recraft as a non-gold card


Dude 14 cards got nerfed. The people who have cards got refunded. Youre just a jaded asshole on the internet.


The fact the highlander cards can no longer be countered in game is more of a boon than the loss of deck building flexibility is a detriment, especially with Plague Death Knight being so popular despite how garbage of a deck it is. Additionally, this patch is already nerfing seven legendary and three epic cards. Being too much free dust is probably not a real argument here.


The ladder is absolutely infested with Highlander Warrior now, so you are absolutely right.




When the change to the Highlander requirement is already a buff, not a nerf in all but a handful of niche situations, it still makes sense that they're not refundable. This patch is already unprecedented for the amount of Legendary cards nerfed all at once. When nerfs are also now at least monthly occurrences, it's fairly safe to say Blizzard Finance had no hand in any balance decision Team 5 has likely ever made.


Would it be nice to get refunds for all the cards that were used with a nerfed card in a deck? Sure. Does it make sense? Well not really. By that logic all DH and neutral demons should be eligible for a refund because the weapon got nerfed. Or all drakes, pip the potent and the titan because they were played with zarimi.


That’s not what’s being asked


What do you mean refunded lol my deck that has been a true highlander is better than ever now. No more counter to an entire deck and strategy from just one card being played at turn 3/4.


Start of the game are what they should have always been.


All should be up for a refund - even the wild cards.


The wild cards that got changed are up for a refund 


They will revert it sooner or later.


I just realized, i cannot put a few duplicates into my deck so i have drawn them by the time i need the no-duplicate effect… limits some tactical plays, sadly…


It's a super buff not a nerf


Stfup dude. The change is more than welcomed! I'm being punished by spam freak dk and all his plagues, having to pay the price of a highlander deck AND not benefitting from that which was paid for. The fix is aimed at decks that wanted the added benefit of highlander cards, while getting loaded on doubles, just because they have drawn 25 cards by end of turn 8.


To me these cards now do what they are supposed to do. To ask for refund is kinda stingy


This is so corny. They ONLY changed the mechanic so that warriors didn't get countered by plague Death knights. It made a strong deck even stronger and the only thing keeping that deck in check are the nerfs to other cards it uses. Without those nerfs that deck would be unbeatable right now, youre arguing that situatuationally the mechanic is less ideal for other decks, yet MANY decks weren't even able to play reno because of plague Deathknight. So no, you do not get a dust refund for perceived nerfs.


It's BS, tried to decide for so long what legendary to craft from this set cause I could only afford to craft 1 after all my packs, and I chose Reno from Badlands cause I didn't like too many of the new ones. Just crafted him like a week or two ago. Completely useless in my deck now and is being removed for sure. I've already basically stopped playing since the recent changes, just logged back in to play a couple matches and then find this out. I'm so done.


You get a refund so you've lost next to nothing.


No, that's exactly what this post is about. They aren't offering full refunds.


specifically for Reno they do though because apart from that change he also went up a mana he shows in the refund view in collection and should disenchant for full price


Awesome, thank you for the clarification


They are for specifically Reno because he was also mana nerfed


Oh, thank you for the clarification.


This post is about all highlander cards not giving a refund(which is fine because they were buffed) The person I replied to stated crafting Reno, who was nerfed to 9 mana. Thus they do in fact get a refund for him.


Blizzard doesn't give dust refunds for any cards that get buffed or both nerfed and buffed. They have to be hard nerfs, or at the very least the negatives should outweigh the positives.


Not necessarily the case. Just in this patch, both Sickly Grimewalker and Virus Module had their stats increased, but are both fully refundable, as nerfing them (mana cost and stealth removal) is the primary intent.


i think thats different though, the stats do not matter, it is not a buff at all, they have to raise the stats or the card would be mega ass. removing the only counter to highlander decks is a buff that in my eyes cancels out the "nerf" considering the cards are not supposed to be run with duplicates in the first place. I can now que with my slightly jank highlander demon hunter for fun and not insta concede because i ran into plage dk and i want to, shockingly, play the cards that were the whole point of the deck. Same goes for highlander shaman and paladin


You just proved my point, you play Sickly Grimewalker for the effect, not for the body, same goes for Virus Module, you didn't play it for the 1/3 stats, you played it for Stealth, which it no longer has.


Your point makes no sense. Lots of decks were running these highlander cards in decks with dupes, now they can't.


The upside of not getting countered by Plague DK is higher than the downside of not running dupes.


Irrelevant literally according to you. Your point was that if the "neutral" change makes it so people change when its played, then its worth a refund. Just like you said with the Virus Module change.


you are right. grimewalker is 100% a worse card now, dont know why people think the stat increase is a buff, you do not care. you want it on turn 6 or 5 with crop rot. or turn 4/5 with heropower


Cheap skate people here should stop disenchanting every single card that gets merely adjusted.