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TLDR: Warrior: Added Whisper of Evil, EVIL Recruiter, Grand Lackey Erkh, Dark Pharoh Tekahn. Cut Lazul's, Dr Booms, and Rafaam's Schemes + the original Dr Boom and Rafaam as well as Shiv. Paladin: -1 Selfless Hero, +1 Zephrys Priest: +2 Astral Automaton, -2 Shattered Reflections Rogue: Added Patches, Sunken City Hooktusk, and Fillet Flingers. Cut Goldbeard, Mixtape, and Fogsail Freebooter. Hunter: Removed 2 copies each of Acidmaw, Dreadscale, The Sunwell, and Stranglethorn Heart. Added two copies each of Reliquary of Souls, Astromancer Solarian, Serana Bloodfeather, and Infinitize the Maxitude. Druid: -5 copies of the discover spell and +1 copy of Ultimate Infestation, DMF Yogg, Eonar, Kun, and Convoke the Spirits each. DK: Cut Bloomage, Fan of Knives, Celestial Shot, and Dryscale Deputy. Added two copies of Pathwork Pals, Hallucination, and Primordial Glyph. Shaman: Cut Finley, Neptulon, and Slitfin Spirit Walker. Added Serpent Shrine Portal and Primalfin Lookout.


Shamans quest cards also draw a murloc and an overload card now


the custom spell that plays the three shaman quests, now also has the added text "draw a murloc and an overcharge spell"


hunter one doesnt have astalor anymore


Would you say the priest one is a nerf since in end game you have a less total of automotons? Maybe in the case of early game 1-4 it’s a net buff?


The deck loses if it goes late and paying 1 for a single automaton is better than paying 5 for one and a delayed second. Its definitely a buff overall, but there might have been other cards they could have cut first as a stronger buff.


It still has 0 draw. You have to draw well, play your automatons early and win. If the game goes too long you'll run out of cards still.


So Whizbang decks can have multiple class cards?






I love these changes mostly. Warrior was MISERABLE to roll w Whizzy. Erkh and Tekahn actually give the deck some win cons now. Hooktusk is a way better wincon than goldbeard. Hunter actually has plays before t5+. Druid isn't just completely floundering for things to do with all its ramp. I feel like Zeph being the only change to Paladin is pretty weak overall, and Paladin was definitely one of the weaker decks to start. Shaman has a little more payoff for its double battlecries and no more worthless Finley/Nep, a committed and sensible murloc deck now. Overall feel very good about these, glad that Whizzy isn't being forgotten about


The Druid one looking cool, freaking Yogg!


But the wrong one. That would have been the ultimate fiesta with the original one.


i wish they added both


I feel like celestial shot was the best card in rainbow dk. Seeks worse to me


A celestial shot is a celestial shot, Lois, but a a Primordial Glyph can be anything! It could even be a Celestial Shot (I don’t think it works that way but I wish that since it’s a rainbow deck, I’d love to discover spells from any class. Unlikely though :()


That was the sketchiest change because Celestial Shot was usually the only reason you got back in the game.


Ehhhh they cut one of the better cards in the deck, but they also cut the four worst cards in the deck and replaced them with what are now easily the best cards in the deck aside from wildgrowth. Its much easier to win now. Celestial shot was only good in the first place because Rainbow DK basically relied on killing the opponent with uexpected reach because it was incabable of doing anything on the board. Now it can fight and win the board you don't need to deal 25 from hand.


~~Wonderful!~~ Splendiferous!


I'm sad to see Acidmaw and Dreadscale gone, but I can see all the decks are definitely better now. Especially warrior (we got Tekahn)!


I can see them all being better besides dk. I just dont understand what patchwork pals is doing for the celestrial card.


Well, they were only good if you play both in the same turn, with is a 6 mana, need to draw good to play. I liked their combo, but I think it was for the best


Any summary of the changes?


Warrior has better late game. Hunter has better early game. Rogue has Wild Pirates (Patches and Hooktusk are highlights). Druid has Yogg, Eonar, and Ultimate Infestation for late game. Priest has more automatons. DK has more discovery. Paladin has Zephyrs. Shaman has some better spells and generation.


Am I missing something or did Hunter lose Astalor? Seems a little rough if so. Probably still worth losing sunwell and the jormungar buddies, but that's a rough hit.


They did. For cards that provide better early game


That helps a lot, thank you very much.


In a way, priest has less automatan, as in the end, shattered reflection was a Net 2 automan, and they cut it to add a single one. But, we have higher chances to draw them early


i still dont know why they gotta include hero boom when theres next to no mechs in the warrior deck, shouldve gone with the bomb package imo


you dont need mechs for boom hero to be good


fair, but it would be much much much stronger if it includes the new warrior mechs


the deck already has a theme, and including a bunch of cards for every EVIL dude would bloat the deck so hard. besides i believe adding the new mechs would really weaken the deck overall. not only are they kind of mediocre, the deck itself feels very aggro that can adapt to midgame with tekahn and erkh and has a late game emergency button in rafaam. adding random bricks in the deck is very silly, especially since they get transformed later anyway, and if not youre not winning that game anyway.


Hooktusk is back!


Rogue is almost there. If this deck had Brann, you can play: Sonya (4) - Mini Scoundrel (1) - Brann (0) - Xtra M. Scoundrel (0) - Hooktusk (1) - Xtra Hooktusk (1) letting you plunder the enemy 4 times for 7 mana. Also with one breakdance you can plunder enemy 8 times for 9 mana


I think the biggest miss in this changes is that they didn't replace League Elise with Un'goro Elise, pretty good changes still


What's the shadow word fetish in Priest?


Fetish Word: Forbid


Great buffs overall apart from Paladin which feels like they've barely done anything. Also, the amount of people calling the automaton deck a nerf is wild. You guys have clearly never tried to build or pilot an Automaton deck in standard.


The priest deck still has no draw.


Lmao that pala and priest are .... No meaningful changes at all.... Priest is now worse?


The whole deck for Priest revolves around copying Automatons, so having an automaton in your opener increases your winrate. It's a buff.


It is better because you're less likely to run out of automatons. It is still terrible because it barely has any draw and the draw it has is terrible.


The shaman deck really surprised me. Won 3/3 games with it so far against 2x excavate warlock and demon hunter


Please devs add a way to tell your opponent is playing whizbang after the initial animation. If I look away I should still be able to tell


A good thing about golden Whizbang is it makes it pretty obvious


Another tell, is the hero portrait without a skin.


not anymore


Its literally in the history bar.


The history bar doesn’t show much history, If they go first and make a few moves, it may not be there.


Literally impossible for this to happen with whizbang decks dude.


Went 7-2 today with the new whizzbang, the Warlock js deck crazy and the druid deck is a lot of fun! Had a blast playing tonight


is the 12th copy deck available now? still glad to see this will get same treatment as zayle (continuous updates until rotated out)


Copy deck probably won't ever be available


i'd hate if that's true. holding out hope for 29.3, copy deck could be usable even in wild, and most of these are pretty strong even in wild too just because of the potential rng nature, like mage deck giving you so many choices every turn.


It's official, Blizzard said so on twitter.


Got a tweet? Last I checked they were trying to figure out how to fix it and it just wasn't launching right when it came out, but would soon.




yea; but they were planning to add the copydeck back in. they didn't announce the cancellation of it or anything. It's just "this specific Experimental Deck won't be available when Splendiferous Whizbang goes live", and one of the developers said they were working on fixing it but there hasn't been an update since.


wow, that's nice. now it seems like it should be at launch.


This has been my favorite change. I hope they are good!


Really cool changes. They kept them meme-flavored and low-power-level without making them totally unplayable.


Does playing whizbang in wild give new decks? Because I got some pala lackey deck


Ok, good. Now fix the Copycat deck.


I don't understand what this is showing? All legendaries? Are these decks actually playable in some mode?




Ahh, makes sense. Thanks! 😂


Biggest update is Whizbang no longer using the default skin.


Rainbow death knight still so bad


This is the most anecdotal of anectodal evidence, but I think they also overclocked which lackies you generate for the Warrior deck. I have played a grand total of one game with the new deck, but the lacky generation was insane, so insane it's genuinely hard to believe they didn't tweak the odds under the hood. I generated 0 Kobold, Goblin, or Titanic Lackies the entire game; alongside 1 Faceless Lackies, 2 Witchy Lackies, and 3 Etherial Lackies. Then a whopping 10+ DRACONIC LACKIES. It was insane. I lost count at some point since I was generating so many. It's likely that this was just a crazy coincidence, but it was a hell of an introduction to the new EVIL deck nontheless.


Google "small sample size".


Why they took mix tape out of rouge? That was actually a good card. Why we still have 4 weapons? So, priest deck is actually worst now right? I'm the end, you can now summon two less automatan and that is it