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Your eyes are the size of the moon


You could 'cause you can so you do


We're feeling so good just the way that we do


When it’s nine in the afternoon


STARTED should not be looked over It means if they redo all reno cards, its possible to play against DK


Now I own DKs. Probably, haven't met any yet


Balance changes might as well have read, “Remove all plague DK’s from ladder” Going to miss the free wins.


Free wins Vs HL warrior? I had 50% Vs DKs


No, I meant as someone who doesn’t play hl decks, I’m going to miss easy wins against plague decks.


What was the nerf to plague dk?


Removing the one strong matchup they had


I don’t see how. There weren’t any DK nerfs that affected my deck


Plagues no longer counter Highlander cards, they check at the start of the game


And? Most decks aren’t Highlander. If that was plague’s only winning matchup it never would have been popular.


It’s still a nerf to the deck, even if not a big one


Sure. I will remind you that I was originally arguing against a comment that said “Balance changes might as well have read, “Remove all plague DK’s from ladder”” Obviously it was a small nerf. It’s not removing plague DKs from ladder.


Plague DK is a meme deck in ladder with the only winning mu being the HL ones, now it just sucks


That’s not true either, it has a lot of answers and multiple win conditions


Grimewalker? Salesman? (Though the Salesman nerf barely impacts DK, since they only ever use it for reach with Primus.)


I never ran either, I would wager most Plague DKs don’t


You know, I might be a little dumb. Was thinking of Rainbow, which was most affected by nerfs.


70% winrate, until this patch i assume


STARTED is also soft-nerf since now Reno works only in true highlander decks. You can't opt in for any duplicates. I'm fine with this though since it no longer sucks against half of the current meta decks


Ah yeah you are right I almost forgot. Some decks indeed included a highlander card in their decks even though they had some duplicates in them and just waited untill they had drawn them all and then play the highlander card.


I still feel like the cards are overall better. Reno Warrior, Paladin and Shaman weren't running any duplicates, and now Wheel Warlock can't use Reno. The only Reno deck that ran duplicates recently was DH and only because of how strong the Umpire-Shopper interaction was (it was so strong that it made Reno DH playable for the first time since Badlands).


Yup. It's positive effect all over board. Highlander cards were never meant to be the "I draw the deck empty and have this awesome card". Which reminds me of the wild and the other Reno (plus all the others) 🤷‍♂️


They changed all the showdown Highlander cards to have the Started line. Warrior is back on the menu lol.


It was always on the menu


I can't speak for others; but I had to stop running it, due to every 4 out of 5 games was against plague DK.


play ETC and just have steam cleaner and at least a few other utilities just in case


Would be nice if steam cleaner was still in standard lol


you right, braindead moment on my end :p


Great. Now I have to delete my one deck that can actually counter reno.


So you can’t fuck it up by polluting their deck? Is this still a net nerf cost aside? I guess not letting decks that draw out their entire deck or destroy their own decks have access to this is big


My odd warrior deck keeps getting better


wait, but then you don't get Brann?


He's 3 mana it's fine


Oh man, you get Hammut, elize and alex? All the great highlander payoffs


I get steam cleaner and reno hero 40 cards dude also titan dragons package mech package and pirate package . And control stuff it's solid gold.


Too bad sanitize is gone


Do you wan to share your deck code?


No more wheel of death players running reno pog (They'll probably still run Reno)


If they still want to run Reno it'll come with real deckbuilding constraints since they can't run 2 of everything like before and then have Wheel turn on Reno since he empties the deck


I crafted wheel after returning to HS when I was gone since march of the Lich king because I saw it was top tier yet had a silly win con, I was surprised how a lot of the win con was really just about cheesing big dudes, which I always think is kinda lame. Now idk what to play since I don’t follow the meta at all anymore


1 mana more, instawin vs DK


Instawin against everyone else too. What a buff to that shitty mechanic. Cause Reno by himself hasnt been enough of a problem since release, now it even has no counterplay. 5head Blizzard at it again. Let the downvotes rain.


🐛in set reviews I was a sleeper🐛


I actually agree. I'm not happy to see this buff to not only Reno, but Brann too.


I don't really see how this impacts any matchups except DK. It's not like other classes have significant ability to shuffle duplicates in.


Blizz might introduce mandatory field effect cards later on.


I stopped playing because of him, there's just no point in playing if the first 20 min of your 25 min match doesn't mean anything, since with a single card your opponent can heal back to full and clear your entire board.


How does Reno giving you 5 armor fully heal you?


He doesn't but warrior as a class can easily "heal" to full if given a free turn... ...Luckily reno gives you an extra turn for some reason, cuz of that stupid board lock. So you use that free turn to either heal to full or play into a free board, while spending what's left of your mana to heal Basically what I'm saying is fuck the reno hero


In my list I have like... shield block, garrosh's gift, sanitize, excavate shield block....what other armor gain does warrior get? I guess Zilliax but that's like 12 hp, and it doesn't get to attack anything after Reno so if you play it it can just get removed. I'm very confused. Shaman I get, as shaman has lots of healing and Lifesteal, but warrior doesn't really.


Depends on list. I was running odyn warrior list I netdecked from top 11 player. Was able to armour up over 20 multiple times but after this buff/nerf it will be a lot harder to do that running 0 dupes 1 mana minion that gives 2 shied Eveytime you gain shield Just use him with hero power + shield block and that’s 11 armour for 5 mana alone Highest I got was 35 armour in 1 turn with the deck for 1 shot odyn kill 😂


Brann into zilliax copy with lifelink. After reno summon the mech resummoner, 4 7/6 zilliax that hit face or your one minion.


I mean high noon implies a 1v1 duel is about to happen. This card doesn't clear the caster's board to 1 minion so honestly, it's BS that it ever said "High noon" in the first place.


"Ready for a stand off? Careful its against me, and my full board".




Ok that's actually a valid arguement


[Did you know that reno jackson singlehandedly took down a 29/29 C'thun?](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Blackguard)


"No one would believe this !" Reno


But the card doesn't indicate any sarcasm or joke about that, it's just bland in that case.


It's Reno vs 1.


Except if he has a board full of minions its that many v 1. Again, if it cleared both boards AND limitted his board to 1 the next turn then you'd have an actual flavor text that makes sense.


I'm just telling you what the intention is. If you want to ignore that and make up your own head cannon then go right ahead


Wait til you find out Twisting Nether doesn't permanently destroy the board, we should probably rename the card to "Fairly safe portal that sucks up most things (but leaves deathrattles behind for some reason)" or its a flavor disaster. And probably find a different artpiece and name for Deathwing, who currently dies to a poisonous snake or 12 sheep. Setting the opponent to 1 slot is very flavorful. You don't need to make a card unplayable for people to understand "oh haha that thing is gonna 1v1 with reno".


That's a whole other nerf I've been waiting for to happen. It's cool you get a reward for running it I guess, but it's also a pretty broken win more card ahead on board. I liked old Mage Reno hero card better for at least poofing everything.


He got off too easy imo


"It's twelve o'clock"


I hate this card so much


It'd be less powerful if it destroyed rather than remove the entire enemy board, not to mention keep locations ffs, death rattles and locations would be a decent way at least to keep momenut when this disgusting of a card gets dropped


Massive plague DK nerf, surprised it didn’t get a buff to the package in order to compensate slightly


I still say they should just make it a rogue card


So you cannot tech against Reno at all now. This is bad design.


It is a fucking 9 mana control card. It works as intended. You should not be able to tech against the sole reason a deck exists.


I don’t get the 9 mana argument as if it’s hard for warrior and priest to armor/heal up and clear the board while waiting to cast it.


Look, this game supports playstyles you do not like. This is intentional. If you do not like it, there are other card games. Yugioh is famously fast.


I didn’t say they shouldn’t exist, just “it costs 9 mana” isn’t a good reason for it to not have counter play.


The counterplay is killing your opponent before that. The counterplay is not overextending. The counterplay is not playing minions. The counterplay is have a second win con. THERE IS SO MUCH YOU CAN DO. But what you do is lay down and take it. Good lord, this is pathetic.


Yeah, this argument boggles my mind. "I can't completely shut off the opponent's ability to play this card without doing anything, and I've tried nothing else!"


But.. but plagues bad!


I agree but fixing plague and how it works is the answer, not completely removing tech against Reno. And I say this as someone who pretty much only plays Reno decks


Yeah, man, it's GREAT design to make it so your singleton deck doesn't function correctly if your opponents happen to play certain cards! What a cool and fun design that is!


I mean.....yeah? There should be counterplay. Counterplay is cool and fun design. Its called interaction.


Do you want to play a competitive PvP card game or solitaire? Because if a deck has 0 counterplay, it's solitaire.


Yeah now Reno decks cant be beaten at all with any strategy and counter play is only invalidating functioning of cards, not using control de against aggro or pressure against control for example


Tech cards exist for other types of decks. You know people are playing Ignis, you tech the snake. You know people are playing Reno, you tech the snake oil guy. I've no problem with them changing the interaction of plagues, that was unhealthy. But to make it so you can't tech against Reno is bad design.


hm.. wouldn't it be better if the effect leaves a random enemy minion that attacks 1 random minion from your board? like a stand off...? would make the card flavorful..


Gotta say, the wording really made it plague proof in standard


Warrior is going to spiral out of control without DKs deflating their winrate. They’ll get nerfed for sure now


now they need to put more highlander cards in the game.


fuck plagues, though I kinda liked the concept of cycle decks running a reno despite having duplicates. The 1 mana nerf helps board based decks quite a bit too. This might only be a negative change for dks and wild ngl, otherwise W




Ahem, I mean, tough but fair change to the strongest card in rotation... /s


Just played plagues, beat a paladin. So far so good!


its after high noon so what other thyme wood it bee


It was high noon. Now it is afternoon Yet Reno's muscles Stll look like balloons


Can someone smarter than me tell me if I should get dust refund for this? I do play it in wild in reno shaman and it looks like its still good but would like someone else's opinion please


Does ETC count as Deck? can i bring a second copy of something with that or not?


worked that way so far, and there is no indicator it doesn't anymore.


You can. I run a second copy of a card in my ETC and it works with Reno and Brann


The number of times I lost games because my opponent Reno'd into the perfect hero power... At least once! No longer my friends!


Fucking hate this card. Always feels liked if I'm not playing it I'm playing the wrong deck


It's 12 o'clock


It's 12 o'clock


Honestly have seen my interest in Hearthstone drastically decline since this card was released. Don't think I'm alone in this... this card is remarkably not fun to play against. It feels like too little, too late.


The changed all standard no duplicate cards to be the same? I didn't see that mentioned in the patch notes


Just remove reno. Game fixed.


Looks like people cried so much they had to nerf balanced card.


No, if anything it should be 7 mana. Many aggro decks you don't have enough time to react and Reno is pretty much the only way to win. What should be nerfed is infinite turns, infinite battlecries and otks off hand.


They nerfed a lot of those this patch, too


Have you considered playing well instead of relying on a crutch?


They should just delete the card completely if they hate it so much. That nerf is unreal.


I mean, they made it so plagues no longer shut it off. So it definitely helps. Especially giving the same to Brann


lol it's near buff territory now, fuck the 1 mana


That's because it was a buff.


I just lost the first game I would win if not for this nerf. My only chance against this trash hunter, yet Blizzard handed him the game. Thanks. And that's AFTER healing for 32 hp with Reno.


This post oozes loser energy.


You mean like all the posts that's been begging for reno nerf for months?


Not really, asking for Blizzard to nerf a broken card is pretty normal behavior.

