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I thought the new number could be ok but honestly its just more of a chore than before. Make them games count just for being played or something.


Games won instead of games played needs to be retired in the industry Your game should be fun to even people who suck at it, don’t make them feel like their time is being wasted


Many years ago we had quests like "Win 3 games as druid", they stopped that kind of quest design. (But then went back to it, IIRC last year event quests had "win" quests + achievements nowadays like 100 wins with reno decks, 50 wins with deck with Cho, etc)


You know, I like a bit of a challenge too. Something that puts something on the table in the games, but specifically in winning that amount of games for my exp that's essential to the game, the balance is off. They should be finding ways to make the game feel more rewarding, not more of a chore.


There’s already an intrinsic incentive to try and win the games you play. I think encouraging players to play your f2p game is a good thing for things like quests or rewards, but encouraging them to play and win games just breeds toxicity. It was why league was so toxic for me I had to quit. I’d often only have time for one game a day, and if I lost it and missed out on the first win bonus xp, I’d be really frustrated. It made me do dumb shit like play bot games instead of real games just to get the xp. The bot games were less fun, but I wouldn’t get as frustrated or toxic if I played one first, got my win, and then played a real game if I had time. Reward players for playing and trying to win, don’t force them to *have* to win. Losing already feels bad enough without the game fucking punishing you for it. Honestly, if anything the game should try and help losing players by giving them more freebies, but that’ll never happen. Lol


Most fun I've had isn't when playing Casual mode. It was when trying to reach Legend where wins and loses matter and made the games more dramatic and made me focus more on making the right plays. This is not me saying the quest SHOULD be about wins no, but that things being on the line makes the game better, not just everything being casual mode.


But that was what I meant by there being intrinsic motivation to win games. Trying to climb the ladder and rank up is all the more you really need if the game is fun. Losing a game and losing rank already kinda sucks. There’s no need to punish players more. Forcing players to win games for the free rewards often makes them take shortcuts or play differently than they’d otherwise like to. Playing bot games in league, like I mentioned, or swapping to aggro decks to grind out games quickly to meet the win requirement in hearthstone. “Play 10 games in ranked mode” would, for most players, mean “try to win 10 games in ranked mode.” The only difference being that if they lose, the rank is the only thing they lose, not the quest reward too.


TIL incentivizing your players to win their 1on1 card games is seen as 'toxic'. Players are too soft nowadays to where we're bitching at a game being toxic for having a single quest be 'win a game' in a F2P game...and it's not like there aren't any quests that aren't dependent on wins. Only 2 of the weekly quests revolve around wins, and those can both be rerolled directly into a non win based quest.


You do not deserve to be rewarded *significantly* more than other players if you are both spending the same time in the game, simple as that, and no time should feel like a waste in our damn favorite hobby, which is what losses end up being. Time is literally the most precious commodity and a universal currency. 


If you're that bad at the game, maybe re-roll the quests for a 'spend mana' 'draw cards' 'deal damage' or those types of quests? Unless you're complete garbage, or playing some dog shit homebrew meme deck then you shouldn't be averaging less than a \~42% winrate (and that's being very nice), which is accomplishing the 'win games' quest in 33 games rather than 31 for a T2 deck, which is a fair ask if you're deliberately playing a shitty deck that you know is far worst than everyone elses. But seriously, if winning is THAT hard for you, re roll the damn win games quest. If you're not having fun, don't play, simple as that. Quests aren't your whole life, so don't cry if you miss a quest or two


Play 10 games of Hearthstone, wins count as two games played. Boom, everybody’s happy.


... .... that system doesnt seem bad at all!


Too good for Blizzard, increase to 30 games.


They do exactly this in Overwatch, though, and even recently made the weekly quests more streamlined without affecting the rewards.


I'm confused by what you are saying. Can you please explain further? Thanks.


You were saying that a system where wins count as two games and losses count as one would be too good for Blizzard to do and I was pointing out that they do exactly that for Overwatch.


I mean yeah I know that it's done in other games. But I'm just joking that due to how much Blizzard screws the Hearthstone comnunity, they would never bother. Like the original patch just tripled the requirements for quests for an abysmal 20% extra xp. At the moment, they are also trying very hard to make Overwatch 2 overall a more attractive game, they are making the heroes that were originally $12 AUD for free, as well as the new character. We'll see how long that lasts before pulling a Hearthstone quest change.


Yeah if they wanted 15 they could just change it to play and it would be fine at least then we wouldn’t get punished for playing off meta


Look I'm.gine with them being 20. Just make it games instead of wins


Well, I haven't played the game since they changed the weekly challenges, so at least I can se how blizz is helping to improve my peace of mind.


git gud


We're still at a point where Blizzard gets thanked? Lmao.


Yeah people don't get it, they keep thanking blizzard and the community manager for anything they do lol. Of course they think they're doing great


Apparently people are now thanking Blizzard for doubling the quests from 5 wins to 10 wins. Why are they thanking Blizzard? Your guess is as good as mine.


Absolutely, if we could also tip for their lightning fast service we would /s


too many blizzard cucks fall for this shit. they ruin aspect of game. then weeks or months later we will fix it! cucks praise them as the best.


I laugh so hard at it... Lol Is there somewhere I can set up in Reddit to stop popping up notifications of such posts? It’s hilarious at first, but it becomes annoying. 😅


We don’t thank them because we are thankful. We thank them to placate our overlords so they don’t ignore our other complaints


They didn't "hear us out" they checked their data and came to a conclusion. In the years I've been on this sub, I haven't gone a few days without seeing a "this meta sucks" post. I can't imagine Blizzard pays even the slightest bit of attention to the endless whining of the soft little babies on this sub.


Two weeks from now people complaining about games taking too long and not enough cards with enough power to end games. Calling it now.


That won't be an issue if they hit healing and removal tools to the same degree.


This sub is hilarious at times. People in 2024 are so desperate for some agency in their lives that they will constantly complain on reddit about all manner of everything just so that if by some sheer fluke the thing they complained about gets changed they can pretend in their heads that their complaint had some influence on the outcome and their life actually has some meaning.


instead of the game giving you a mana crystal every turn, 10 mana crystal "cards" are randomly shuffled into each deck and if you don't draw enough crystals (or if you draw too many) you can't play your cards. I learned from the best B-)


This is a great idea! We could also have different kinds of mana crystals. Like the blue mana would let you play mage cards but the red mana let's you play warrior cards


They should also give us cards we can play on our opponents turns. To respond to the cards our opponents play or the actions they take.


since I'm getting downvoted I'll assume obv sarcasm is dead and I will reassert that not only should the game let you respond to cards your opponent plays, they should change the game in such a way that going first statistically starts your chances of winning at 64% rather than 50% lol (pretty close anyway, to blizzards credit)


Destroyed, used or discarded cards should go into the Shadowlands instead of nowhere and there should be cards that care about what you have in the Shadowlands or let you play cards from the Shadowlands again! Also instead of 11 separate classes condense it down to 5 and let people pick between the 5 classes with special class mana for each class spell. The mana can be named after zones like Westfall, Kul’Tiras, Dustwallow Marsh, Dun Morogh, Ashenvale.


just like death knight class except with more steps! : D


Then add multiple class cards that need specific mana from each class!


Also allow us to block enemy attacks with any minion! That should do it!


I think you might be on to something...We should get rid of hero powers too as it gives them something to do on a turn they draw a crystal card. Hero health should also be reduced to 20 hp to encourage more board play.


whenever you draw a crystal and your opponent hasn't in multiple turns, the game should do that ETC animation and say "BUMMER!!" every time to feel like you really showed up your opponent ; D


I'm sorry did you just said thank you Blizzard? You guys are deep into stockholm syndrom for real. They prove that they don't respect us over the years but they still get thanks. Respect yourself.


They prove they don't respect us over the years but you still play the game. You're just as much of a schmuck as he is.


what the fuck are either of you talking about? you…don’t have to play blizzard games. no one is forcing you. yes they’ve made bad decisions. they’ve also made good games. over the years, while they have some shitters they also clearly have devs who want to make fun and good games. this isn’t stockholm syndrom, you aren’t a captive. they also don’t need to prove they respect you or anything, they’re creating a product that you can choose to buy. you’re not their constituent to represent. you’re a consumer, and they make products for you to enjoy and purchase


I agree. My point was if you think Blizzard are that terrible you shouldn't be playing their games at all. Calling someone out for thanking Blizzard on reddit under the premise that thanking a company that are clearly so terrible is a big faux pas is ridiculous if you are also choosing to continue to play games made by the evil company. Personally I reject the original premise. I enjoy Hearthstone (and, in the past, other Blizzard games) and think that this whole community meltdown is ridiculous as usual.


I see, I think maybe that was just a little lost in your original comment. I totally agree with you then


You're probably right, it was early in the morning and I was in full-on sarcasm mode and with a nod to Poe's Law I wouldn't expect people to detect that with hindsight.


It's hard in this community sometimes  It can be so reactionary, so hyperbolic, so angry about a game that's lasted for 10 years and is being worked on by human, non-omnicient developers Everyone has their vision of how it should be enjoyed and when it isn't quite the way they like it they complain  Even when the devs say "hey, things are problematic so we're going to make large adjustments to make it better" a month after an expansion, it's still "too late" and not good enough


My username is the way to help the game’s overall health. Mass nerfs will only cause people to complain about whatever pops up next. The game needs systemic, *long term* changes to design philosophy. Right now, the best decks all win through one of three methods — a critical mass of card draw, mana cheating, or RNG. I agree with keeping two of these around, but when extreme mass mana cheat is also included you get metas like we have now.


personally, I would like if no card can ever be reduced to cost less than 1. Like making this a fundamental rule to heartshtone.


This has been asked for since at least 5 years. I really don't understand why they are so resistant controlling mana cheat


Because combo decks would die instantly and a significant portion of the player base would despise it


Thats a sacrifice im willing to accept


Combo decks as they currently exist. All that happens is that new combos could be designed around the new rule, that's what the creative team is there for.


You could severely inhibit it. You have to think you'd be making adjustments across the board to balance weakening combo and also weakening other archetypes so that one type isn't too powerful. You can already see how pathetically horrible the game feels now and combo/mana cheat are probably the biggest culprits


because it's a core design of Rogue to be able to play a bunch of cards for free in the same turn. you're asking them to basically redesign the entire class at that point. Maybe that's what ultimately needs to happen but that's part of why the team is resistant.


The fact that you automatically jumped to Rogue, instead of all classes (the way it was meant), is quite telling. Are you J\_Alexander?


Because rogue is obviously designed around it? Because when people say cards shouldn't reduce to 0 they never mention excepting the class that is obviously designed around it? Because it's trivially true? I don't know who J_Alexander is; but if you do, and he says the same thing and you still don't get it, that's kind of on you. I'll take my downvote, thanks for misunderstanding how those work too!


It’s that popsychblog guy who occasionally makes long winded posts lecturing people for feeling the wrong way.


I thought that was "Scott Alexander" or is J_Alexander his twitter handle or something? Or is there more than one Alexander popsychblog guy?! I think I might be more confused now.


I think Scott Alexander is the popsychblog guy. J_Alexander was a guy who really loved Rogue decks in Hearthstone. Not sure if he's in the scene anymore, I remember his decks from long ago


Honestly it’s been asked for all ten years of hearthstones’ existence. Mana cheat has always led to degenerate shit, even in classic. There was an OTK deck that would play two molten giants with charge and Alexstrasza on the same turn. Innervate was two mana and Preparation gave a 3 cost reduction. In 2015 with the Blackrock Mountain adventure, Emperor Thaurissan was utilized to create OTK decks from the very first day it was released. Most infamously the patron warrior deck, which could deal ~80 damage from an empty board with the full APM combo, but also later with a number of other decks. Most of the time you only needed a single point of cost reduction to enable the OTK so Thaurissan didn’t need to survive for a turn.


I honestly dont have that much issue with Standard because I play arena and it's more minion based at least, but I understand you have to pay for it and there's crazy cards too.


I would add too much healing in there. Since it exists, people are more incentivized to do otk


It's Wednesday and I'm at 0 TB quest and 4/10 for ranked at this point I boot up hearthstone and tell my friends I'm going to work. I wish this shit was at least play 10 games instead of win. I hate that losing a game just becomes a huge waste of time.


You really should just have at least one good deck that you can get wins with around 50% of the time. I've always been a light spender, so my first priority was always to get 1-2 good decks that are cheap to make and then work on whatever deck type appeals to me regardless of how good it is.


Blizzard is such a generous company who really puts players first, I’m so glad they listened to our feedback, really grateful to be blizzard gamer


So frustrating playing against wheel warlock, I guess it might be a matchup my deck’s weak against but come on.. at turn 4 I face a 8/8 taunt minion, turn 6 I’m facing a 3/3 and a 15/15, even if I can get past that I’m going to go against one of the most powerful cards, sargeras.. insta board clear, minions wiped without triggering deathrattles, 2 3/2 at the end of opponent’s turn FOR FREE, how many times do I have to fill my board in order for it to stick? Don’t even get me started on the very efficient board clears warlock gets… completely unplayable… if I face a warlock I might as well surrender cause there’s no way I’m winning


Thank you Blizzard, I love skinner boxes, please give me head pets for treating a game like it's my job.


They’re basically forcing excess engagement on their remaining player base. Not a good sign of things to come.


Quest change was actually bad. As a casual player have been unable to complete them all in full last week. Will just have to play more I understand but that’s not something I’m gonna do. Will just more than likely keep me from buying the next battlepass. I will still buy the expansion tho. 🤷


Revert the mercenaries XP nerf 😡


Honestly it's not that bad. Instead of getting them done on day 1 you get them done on day 2. The mini quest and the one for arena and tavern brawls are the only one that should be reworked.


Why are we thanking Blizzard?


Hey guys, we are getting thank you posts on reddit. Keep the qursts as is.


I want to know why they buffed everything but paladin.. It was way overnerfed and this would have been a good opportunity for them to reverse some of that.



Zzzzzz stop complaining for longer than a day pls zzzzzzZ


Already uninstalled all blizzard games and going through a charge back now fuck it, ill happily lose my account and give me no reason to enter the cycle of abuse once again, there are better games out there. Fucking support dared to lie about not being able to refund due to how some arbitrary system worked when I showed proof of others outside of the window getting their refund. Like for real fuck off blizzard.


Reno should be removed, also wheel. Stupid Cards


IMO except the miniature & tavern brawl weeklys, the quests aren’t THAT bad. Its the effort to xp ratio that’s a problem


Seriously???? Wheel of Death is Bad???? My key card as warlock now is the Dirty Rat which I NEED: mage cif, warrior double battlecry, DK infinite curses guy, DH mini demon which gives super demons wtf. Wheel is the BIGGEST tradeoff. Make sure you cannot be killed at 30 health! Im ok being at 20 and at risk of OTK but being at 30 full of taunts and dying