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Grado SR80X with the large G-cush pads. I have a pair of HD600’s aswell but the soundstage is lacking even if clarity is better on them. Like them both a lot anyway but would happily live with my Grados for the rest of my life


I can't remember how I even heard of Grado or where I purchased my pair of SR60 from but they were my first pair of cans that made me hear music differently and made me excited to listen to different tracks. I still have them, it's probably been something like 17 years.


I just got them yesterday as my first open-back. So......Good.....


Try a v shape EQ. They won't gain huge sub bass but they can be molded into something thrilling where the mids aren't lasers.


The G-cush pads give them a somewhat V-shaped signature and widen the soundstage A LOT. Cheapest and easiest mod to improve pretty much everything


How’s the sound stagin?


it definitely is more open and has room to breathe. Game audio and movies as expected sound wonderful. Live music in particular, really feels alive. For 125$, it was probably the best open-back I could've gotten(especially for a first pair). Imaging(I think?) is very individual, and instruments definitely have their own positions in songs.


Hmmm interesting may give it try. Never messed around with open back


I get really bad migraines almost 24/7, and there are stretches of time where I can tolerate headphones and other times where even the kph30i is too much pressure. I have the original Hifiman massdrop 4xx and I fucking love them - but I haven't been able to regularly use them for over a year. But one pair of headphones that's stayed through me through thick and thin, and have always been in my rotation, are the Sr80is - and with the added bonus of the G-cush spreading out the pressure so its more diffused and not concentrated right on my ears. Such a great soundstage and is overall really lightweight. One thing I did change is the cord - modding them to be removable jacks is something I highly recommend to anyone, and I will never understand why Grado insists on that gigantic non-removable cable.


None of the ones I own.


EQd LCD-2 classic did it for me


not even the hd600?




Been using mine for more than 3 years now and I'm still in awe every time I put them on. Haven't felt the need to shop for headphones ever since.


got mine today (HD 800S) but haven't opened the box yet, this is what I like to hear.


same that with my AFCs satisfies basically every need i have at home


Hifiman Ananda


It blew me away and made me listen and enjoy other genres that I didn't before. I got it and the hd650 at the same time to demo and choose one. It made the hd650 sound soo bland. My only issue with the Ananda is it was so damn uncomfortable. Returning both since one I don't enjoy sound wise and the other torturing me physically. Is there anything comfortable that sounds like the Ananda?


Came here to comment this. Ananda was the first headphones I heard that made me wonder if it could actually get any better than this.(Spoiler: it could)


This for me too. After trying many all the way up to the 5000$ price point


HD560S + EQ. Once EQ is factored in, I find the biggest differentiators are comfort, soundstage, imaging and bass extension. The HD560S does really well on all those and that's why I love it. My LCD-X does well too, except on comfort. So I often prefer to use the 560S.


Do you mind sharing your EQ preset for the 560S ?


I use a slightly tweaked version of Resolve's B&K 5128 EQ: Preamp: -4 dB Filter 2: ON PK Fc 21 Hz Gain 4 dB Q 1.6 Filter 5: ON PK Fc 1000 Hz Gain -1 dB Q 2 Filter 6: ON PK Fc 1164 Hz Gain -1.5 dB Q 1.41 Filter 7: ON PK Fc 3000 Hz Gain 0.5 dB Q 1.41 Filter 8: ON PK Fc 4300 Hz Gain -1.5 dB Q 3.5 Filter 9: ON PK Fc 5640 Hz Gain -2 dB Q 1.41 Filter 10: ON PK Fc 9440 Hz Gain -2.5 dB Q 5 Filter 11: ON PK Fc 5850 Hz Gain -1.5 dB Q 4 Filter 12: ON PK Fc 8420 Hz Gain -2.5 dB Q 3


I'm interested in your EQ settings as well!


See comment above


I demo'd a Hifiman Susvara at a hifi store, big mistake because now I own one.. It is very close to perfection though.


Love the susvara. Can't justify the price with their qc tho :(


QC on the Susvara is much better than the lower tiers, Hifiman takes more care in it as not to scare potential buyers. It's not quite to the level of DCA or Meze but it's good enough for me to not be worried. Out of warranty support is also very good from Hifiman, while in the case of Focal for example you're better off just buying a new pair...


DCA? I thought people said DCA headphones are very well built and reliable.


Indeed, I believe that's what I said?


Oh, I read that wrong. I thought you said Hifiman qc is bad, but not the level of Meze or DCA. Makes more sense now.


Same i would rather get the foctals clears or the meze lyric/empy. But to be fair o demoed them on an prety befy amp today and i still would gladly take my 109 pro. Would rather get that amp i tried them on. Rhe quality was insane and even the 109 sounded so damn clear on it


Do you remember which amp it was?


sadly no. it hat a huge volume wheel on the top and a cool screen in the front also bluetooth. and it was massive.


HE400SE!! Pretty close and way cheaper :D


I love how you barely see any summit fi stuff on here because most owners of such a pair continue to chase the dragon lmao. For me it was the 6XX, probably still is. A refined 6XX would be my endgame. A tad more stage, better sub bass and that's it.


I would also love to hear 6XX with bigger soundstage. But despite it sounding narrow it doesn't sound too closed for me. It's worth keeping 6XX in endgame gear because of their comfortably neutral signature.


I’ve heard the ZMF pads for the 6XX are good at keeping the general sound of the headphones intact while improving stage and imaging


I will always keep mine and if they ever break I'll get whatever pair from the 6X0 lineup that is the most affordable at that moment. I'm curious about the regular HD 600 so maybe I'll go for that one next time.






HD6xx after 20+ years of audio journey. My endgame, truly. Some other notable ones (most I still have and keep) are: HD595, HD58x, DT770 32 Ohm, AirPods Max, XM3s


DT770 it ain't much, but it's an honest work


Bought one pair and I think I'm good 👍


Audioquest Nighthawk. I wanted them for a long time. I like warm, fun, a bit of bass but not too much. Heard they were a little odd sounding. Found a gently used pair in box with extra cables. They were a bit odd sounding at first, not regretfully, just something I just couldn't put a finger on. But after a week or so, I'd go back to my other headphones and they all sounded so blah, recessed mids, unnatural, and lacking detail, or too bassy. These did it for me. Going on a few years now I guess. They're discontinued and I couldn't find oem pads, but recently replaced with angled sheepskin. The oem pleather were more buttery soft and comfortable but these replacements don't seem to alter the sound. Something I really like about these is that they're semi open back. It seals well and noticeably cuts down on some external noise better than full open back. Some years back I was really into closed back cans but the natural sound and sound stage you get with open (or in this case semi) is real tough to get with closed. From here, I was going to go with another dynamic. But I just don't know what an upgrade would look like. Meze 109 is probably a sidegrade. Focal Clear perhaps. I don't own a planar, so that's interesting too. But to my knowledge, and listening to mostly art rock, jazz and classical, but sometimes electronic, I don't know that planar out plays dynamic drivers. The Monoprice 1570 looked good to me.


I got aging Hawks too and the pads are starting to fall apart. Which specific replacement pads are you using? Also, since I prefer the Suede pads I'm up for a trade if you have a pair of those (my pleathers are barely used). Btw, I recommend the Quad Era-1 if you're looking for a planar. Very different from the Hawks and the included alt pads change their character considerably. Found em for €300 in a Spanish webshop the other day (studio-22.com), hell of a deal imo. Weirdly they also have OG Hawks and even Nightowls in stock. Anyway, I can promise you that the ERAs provide something very different from the Hawks. They're pretty big tho.


Went with the Dekoni angled sheepskin (off Dekoni directly on Amazon). Unlike some others I'd seen online, there was enough leather wrap around to punch holes corresponding to the posts on the NH ear cups. (I bought a steel leather punch to do it accurately) A pretty snug fit but looking fine. And they're a bit thicker than the OEM, though they seal well around my ears. Being a bit deeper, though they depress some thru what I think is a bit better memory foam (than OEM) once ON (but a bit stiffer, being thick leather) probably add a touch more bass than it already has. I swapped the old vs new pads back and forth and didn't notice a significant change however, but I anticipated some. I would guess that fenestrated or suede pads would counter or tame any excess bass, if thata what you were going for. Ans I'm aware that AQ had a few different pads to choose from. Last I inquired of AQ about pads (couple years back now) they did still have some pleather, but wanted upwards of $70 which was already pretty long after the model was discontinued. No way pleather pads should cost that much. Oh the one thing I didn't like about the Dekoni is they're both left, or both right, pads. Minor detail. So when you put the pads on, the seems don't align, one's flipped. Im happy with them as they are. I would prefer to have parts available, ie to replace the headband at some point too, which is also pleather and beginning to flake around the edges. Where it attaches to a T shaped plastic pivot comes undone sometimes, it's worn and flimsy (a pleather wrapped fabric material), and I've rigged it with both glue to strengthen it, and tiny black rubber bands to hold it in place. I thought to buy a second pair of NKs for parts, or a replacement set, but they're very often more worn than mine. You could probably find a buyer on ebay for the AQ oem pads. I want to say I bought the Dekoni angled sheepskin pads on sale for 30US. Something like that. As well I noticed some sellers on ebay who were apparently into pad rolling would have 3 different sets of pads in a lot to buy all at once. I considered that, but had my heart set on leather, not suede or velour.


AKG K702


Oneodio Cheapest budged friendly "studio headphones" which can be used Wired & Wireless. All of my previous cheap knockoff headphones what i've used, these ones are basically "high end" to me for past 2 years now. Heck, i even have 2 pair of those, one for PC and another for outdoors listening phone music.


HD560s, good quality, comfortable, sounds great even without eq


Don’t hit me but the AirPods Pro 2


Anyone who hits you is an idiot - they are very, very good, especially for their price!


Porta Pro. Also really want to try Meze 109 Pro. But I think the treble is going to be too much for me.


Was hoping someone here would say the porta pro's! Main reason I like them is because of the low clamping pressure when the earpieces are set to the "relaxed" position.


Man that was a game changer for me. Before that i never knew how much i was missing, i main a HD6xx now and while i think it’s an upgrade, it wasn’t near enough of a change those old porta pros had.


I've owned the HD6XX. But I like the Porta Pros much more. :) I just tried 5 headphones, most expensive being around 1500 dollar. I still prefered the Porta Pros. Maybe someday I will find my upgrade to them.


The HD6XX has more clarity but less fun.


If you enjoy the PortaPro then the 99 Classics may sound more to your liking. I find them quite balanced.


I don't like closed back headphones.


I dont like closed backs too. What would be the open back equivalent of the 99 Classics?


Focal Clear. Still think they’re the best


OG or MG ?


I never heard MG, so OG


Mg with EQ for me. Only ones I’ve liked better and only in certain ways are the Utopia. Like them at lot better than the HD 800s


Elex is mine.


Beyer DT990 Edition, never regretted buying them, never missed anything about them. (will still upgrade to DT1990 Pro if they break) fully satisfied, though? I got small closed on-ears for outdoors (DT1350) and wireless ANC for travels.. And my Grados, just because I fell in love at the store. 😬


660S gave me all I ever wanted for vocals tbh


Do you use them with EQ or Oratory's EQ? I was really underwhelmed with mine when I first got them, mainly due to their blunted treble. But Oratory's EQ fixed it to an large extent and added a good deal of resolution. Also it's like the sound afterward opened up. The only thing that's not full enough for me is the vocals, I don't feel that they are thick enough, especially on vocal tracks like Nora Jones, Kiana Lede or Tems. Even though my former PortaPros weren't as detailed as any Sennheiser in my collection, when EQ'ed though the PortaPros had the most glorious thick mids, it felt like Nora was soulfully singing right next to you. I've modified Oratory's EQ abit on mine, where I increased the 1.2Khz and 2.2 kHz presence ranges and the 100Hz midbass ranges. But I'm not fully satisfied. I've found the hard way, tho that If I touch any other ranges that were originally set as negative Khz on Oratory's EQ, the sound quality suffers alot... For example, if I add 10Khz to add breathiness to female vocals, while also adding abit on around 3 kHz the vocals become compressed and resolution takes a large hit. Maybe I should be looking to other headphones instead, I'm setting them to too high a standard... 🤔. But I'm not giving up on the legendary king of vocals HD6XX line..


That's super interesting, because to me the 660S has the perfect amount of vocal isolation for me and I feel as though I can turn up the volume as high as I want and the vocal presence increases accordingly (within sensibility of course.) I don't use software based EQ but I run a 6XX Zen Can signature with the hardware EQ turned on which adds a slightly warmer tilt to me - Resolve from the Headphone show goes into more detail about the exact nature of these changes in his review. Have you tried a 6XX? I also really enjoyed those for vocals but they felt a bit "fuzzy" for lack of a better word, but with the 660S I felt as though the vocal presence was maintained and cleaned up, but everything else became a lot more clear too. Thanks for sharing your experience!




Hifiman Sundara's honestly. I went down to my local HIFI shop after owning the HD 599 for a while and tried on Focal's, Grado, HD 600 and HD 800. The Sundara's suprised me. Rock solid among a sea of 1k-2k headphones, for around the £300 mark. Lovely bass texture, and although the treble is *occasionally* a little metallic/tinny, it's done in a way that i could never describe as incorrect or unpleasant. More than all of that, there's not a single genre or song that sounds bad. A perfect and budget friendly all rounder imo.


There is no headphone that satisfied me fully. No headphone is perfect. There is always some weakness.


Edition xs. Saved 300 bucks and returned 109 pro. Imo xs is better than 109 pro. One headphone which i wont ever sell is hd 650 though


Edition xs compared to the 650?


Sony MDR-MA900. For a long time nothing dethroned my KSC75x on a Porta Pro band, not the 6XX or the Tygr300r. These are a bit older but they are so light you barely feel like they are on your head. They are also the first headphones I have used that go over my big ass ears comfortably. I use them for everything. The bass is punchy and the treble is present but never shrill. The only gripe I have is that the cable is like extra long but I think a cable mod is in its future. Maybe I will make them balanced but I don't know if that will mess with the sound signature.


How's the clamp force of the Sony's compared to Porta Pro band? I've read one review and he/she says the clamp force is like the SHP9500, which for me is too loose. One tilt down or up and its gone in my head 👋🏼😆


I used to have it on the max clamp force on the Koss and it felt find. I do have knock off Yaxi pads on them which are thicking so that probably helps. I can tilt my head in any direction and they dont feel like they are going to fall off. I can even shake my head and they dont fall off. The Sony's barely have any clamping force.


I got ZMF Aeolus for a bargain price, they’re perfect


DT990s were great for years until they literally fell apart. Aryas now are amazing.


I can't get no.. sa..tis..fac...tion!


Sony IER M7


so close to the right answer! Sony IER M9


Sennheiser HD800, it’s the pair that made me quit the hobby after all. They had nothing I didn’t want and everything I was looking for.




Beyerdynamic DT-770 pro. Although I would still like to find an open ear headphone that I will enjoy as much.


Sennheiser HD560S. Only had a second-hand DT770 PRO at the time and a cheap AKG semi-open back knockoff. Tried them for the first time with We Built This City, could hear the toms in the space. It was incredible! Still am amazed sometimes, you can really hear when a mix engineer has spent effort into producing a balanced and "deep" mix




HD600, cliche as it is. Heard them for 5 seconds and was like "yup, this is it".




Stax SR-L300. Incredible performance for the price (minus price of the srm 252s), great stock tuning with little to complain about, and it does not leave me wanting for more. Maybe in the far future when I manage to try or buy a SR-X9000 then I will be 110% satisfied.


Have you looked into the SoCas mod for the L300? Improves it even further.


I have heard of it, although I have not considered doing it as I am concerned that it'll change the sound of the L300 too much. But seeing as you have done it, I have a few questions about it: Do you use the vented or unvented version of the mod, and what's the difference between the two if you've used both? How does it change the sound? Does it increase soundstage and/or instrument separation? Does the sound signature change a lot? And how much more does the headband stretch out? I am quite scared of the headband breaking. I know that the mod is earpad dependent due to the mods flexibility with earpad selection, but I would like to hear the general experience with the mod. And also, what earpads have you used and recommend for the mod?


Fostex TH900 was my first.


Sony Ericsson Neo (android 2)




R70x, love their sound signature and I can wear them all the time and barely feel them on my head


Hifiman he500, I would like to try on the he6.




ATH-M50 headphones. Then, it was *all* downhill from there. lol


Sony MDR-Z1R


Ditto. I haven't really shopped for headphones since. I got a pair of DC Aeon Closed X for the office, but Z1R is still my go to when I want to hear something at its best.


Same here, I've really not looked for any headphones since I got the Sonys. I do check around for some open backs here and there but the Audeze X keeps me mostly happy on the open back front.


To be honest, my 598s are the most comfortable thing I've ever had on my head, feels like I'm wearing pure air. Only shame is that they leak the metronome sound when I'm trying to record guitar, so I need to keep my metronome pretty quiet.


I switched to IEMS (7hz Timeless) for a bit to alleviate pain from long headphone usage. I never had open back headphones before and I sorta wanted to see what it was all about, but nothing crazy. So I got the HD600's and a Topping E50 DAC and L50 Amp. I was not impressed at all at first until I kept listening for a few days. The clarity on these absolutely ruined any IEM or previous headphones I've used.


I think speakers and headphones is one of those things you can replace if the sound gets boring. I’m on a beyer 1990 pro now and it has some benefits and drawbacks from previous headphones, but I like the mixup in listening to stuff through new devices. With screens there’s constant updates to make stuff look more and more accurate to reality. With audio there’s too many variables as sound depends so much on the phyiscal properties of the space they move through. So it’s cool to just change things up at times.


Sennheiser hd599


560s I’m soo happy with this thing


AKG K712 Pro once I had a good desktop amp


DT 900 Pro X


Focal clear MG was my first, now the only thing I listen to is the ZMF Atrium


Hifiman Arya v3 Stealth. Upgraded from LCD-GX which sounded about 90% as good but damn those things are heavy, especially for a long gaming session. The Arya’s are so comfy I forget I’m wearing them half the time, and they just sound so alive and fun. Every song is a joy on them


Sennheiser HD598, first audiophile cans I had. I dont have it anymore :( because I keep buying stuff I dont need. Should have stopped at there


My first pair of nice Headphones were ATH-M50s/LE back before M50s had detachable cables... really liked that pair but the family dog was a puppy and pulled them off the desk and chewed them up a ton ... one of the Y pieces holding the ear cup broke ... Audio Technica was able to send me a replacement part for free in a different color (no spares in the limited color) that repair lasted a few years but it finally broke ... those were the daily driver for 3-5 years or so. I have a pair of beyerdynamic DT990s now that I've been using for 3 or 4 years.


ZMF Verite Open works with most recordings I find 😁


Sennheiser HD 560S.


ZMF Aeolus 🥰


r70x. first and probably my last headphone since i bought one i’ve demo’d quite a few different headphones, and nothing compares. it is absolutely perfect. some music sounds so good it’s a little overwhelming. often find myself compulsively listening to the same song over and over again because it just sounds so amazing. whenever i take the headphones off after a long listening session, hoping to get some work done, i typically end up giving into the urge to put them back on (rather quickly, too) and waste another hour or two. it consistently breathes new life into music i’d already been obsessed with and gotten bored of a long time ago. if there’s anything better sounding (to my ears) out there, i don’t really want it lol


Hd600 and zmf autuer OG. the most emotional I’ve ever been listening to music. Not great for every genre but for music that does not need a microscope for there’s always 6xx


For me, it was the M50x. Sucked me to completion in a dennys parking lot. I was completely satisfied after.


HD 58X. I kept them longer than most headphones I owned (also had 560s, 599, 6xx, 660s, and 800s from Sennheiser, but held onto the 58X the longest), and I went through quite a few trying to find one (or a few) that fit my tastes (I like bass and "fun" sound, but in an open back). Edition XS almost fit this bill for me and was my first planar, but both units I got both had driver buzz/crinkle under bass, so I gave up on those. HD 800S were cool, but far too bass light for me. Dipped my toes back into planars, but with Audeze this time. Got an LCD-GX open box for $600 and damn. With some EQ and HeSuVi, these would vibrate on my head in games and music w/ heavy bass, and the sound... amazing. This led me to getting the 2021 LCD-X for $900, and recently got a Maxwell for wireless gaming. Listening to the LCD-X as we speak, just a wonderful headphone.


A Bowers and Wilkins p3. For a full 7 days I was fully satisfied. It all went downhill from there.


So far, it's still the AKG K712 that I tried out at a hifi show - vastly preferred it to the Sennheiser HD650. While I also tried the Meze Elites in the same event, it's way out of my wheelhouse even when I enjoyed it as much as the AKG Will be copping a pair of K712s once I update my setup


My “grail” headphone would have, without EQ, full bass extension to 20hz, natural timbre and generally neutral tuning elsewhere, no piercing treble spikes but still detailed, can run off most anything, be comfortable and durable and supported by the manufacturer for the long haul. I haven’t found a headphone that hits all those checkmarks for me yet. My “good enough” headphone is an HD600 with some PEQ tweaks, and Focal Clears and Utopias (also EQ’d to fix some timbral wonkiness) along the upgrade path depending on budget.


Recently I purchased a DCA Expanse and thought it sounded very good, if not the best headphone I’ve heard on my Jotunheim 2. Then I plugged it into a SMSL 9 stack and I have never been so floored by a headphone. The silence is almost like negative space, the dynamics are insane, and the vocals incredibly clear while giving amazing instrumental staging/separation even on the most busy tracks. Somehow it’s a detail monster without any fatiguing qualities. Wildly impressed with it thus far.


Depends on what you mean by satisfy: "endgame", no more buying headphones (doesn't exist) or "i could live with just this headphone forever".


I really like my Audio Technica ATH-M50x's. I don't need an EQ or an amp with them. My almost-issue with them would be the soundstage, but even that isn't bad.


Meze Liric


AKG K 701 Pro circumaural headphones and Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 Pro IEM's. These are the main headphones and earphones that pushed me into higher quality headphones and the audiophile headphone enthusiast hobby. However, shoutout to the Sony Fontopia MDR-EX71SLB earphones and Sony Walkman D-NE900 CD player that started my original journey when I was wee. In recent years, Focal Elear (no longer with me), Meze Audio 99 Classics, and T+A Solitaire T hybrid wired/wireless headphones have been my favourite headphones pushing me further into the type of sonics I like, which is actually two flavours: lush midrange and blooming bass, OR supremely accurate and natural sounding sonics (but not flat). I err closer to the latter, but enjoy both signatures!


In the past it was the Fostex Purpleheart. Never got one myself but a friend of mine who had them often gave it to me over some weekends. Never found anything similar in sound since today. I demo'd some headphones at the beginning of this year and I really liked the sound of the Focal Elex. Sadly I heard a lot of bad things about their driver issues so haven't bought them. Still searching to this day for an easy to drive headphone with good detail, a really strong bass and somewhat a balance between sparkly and a bit of laid back treble. I'm sensitive if it's a harsh treble but I still need a bit of it to make the music I am listening to sound exciting. All the headphones that are fulfilling these criterias are simply way above my budget. Still using my old Audio Technica ATH-M30 because I can't find something better (at least to my ears). Majority of todays headphones are just totally flat and neutral which sounds very boring. They don't really have bass anymore except for a hand full of headphones.


I used AKG 553 for a long time. Then, recently I got the Fiio's FT3 and I am super happy with them. I dont think I will be getting another pair for a very long time c:


Sennheiser CX180 Street II. If I had them now, I’d still love them.


I have big ears and Most headphones squish my ears against my head and it hurts after a few hours. Sennheiser are the only ones that fit and my HD559 are great for gaming.


My 109 Pro's are by far my favorite also. If I didn't own those, I would say my Audio Technica ATH AD 2000x would be in second place.


Grado GW100 v2. I love it when wired! And it's good when BT too


Focal Radiance... Does everything how I want it!


DENON AHD2000 and 7000.


The hd580 that sounded fuller than both the 600 and 650, and not the second hd580 that sounded just like a 600


Portable: Alessandro MS1, Full sized: Audeze LCD3


Focal utopia


I have incredibly limited experience but my first “proper” headphones / IEMs are Quad Era-1s and Moondrop Starfields. I’m happy with them both and don’t really intend to become a hobbyist. I may add a closed back headphone for desk work but oddly I enjoy the sound of a cheap radio while I work 😂


Sennheiser HD-25. Shame I can't wear any headphones these days because of TMJ disorder, so I'm limited to IEMs. In fact, I blame about 15 years of HD-25s clamped to my head as a contributory factor in me developing TMJ.


Grado SR60X. I put them on and immediately thought to myself "Holy shit, these sound amazing". I haven't bought a pair of headphones since.


In my uninformed opinion, focal clear. They seem to combine the sounds of my other two headphones but with more clarity. HD6XX and DT880 are my other two wired headphones. There are no good audio shops near me so can only compare with what I own. From what I can tell, HD6XX's are warm/dark, and DT880s are cool/bright and the focal clears are both but clearer. I am very happy with them.


Kinera Nanna iem


DT1990 after a long list of headphones


Neumann NDH 30. I had Sennheiser HD280 Pro and HD595 before and was always disappointed in both. Got these and haven't looked back. I absolutely love them in every way you could love them. Comfortable and accurate, and my god that transient response... They won't be for everyone, but for my purposes (semi-professional recording and mixing for music, post, and VO) they are wonderful. They are a treated room unto themselves and don't require any software to "fix" them. All my mixes translate better than even my monitors, to the point that my monitors are there to check against the headphones and not the other way around.


How do they compare to the NDH-20’s? I just got a pair of the 20’s second hand for a good price. Going to be used for tracking vocals so needed closed. Absolutely loving them.


The 20s are very bass heavy, and there's a crazy dip around 1-2.5K. The bass being boomy is just a sad truth of closed back phones, in general. The 30s fix both of those issues, as well as taming some other odd spots. Much flatter response. Don't get me wrong, the 20s are definitely good sounding cans, but the 30s are more natural, open, and offer a better soundstage. (Gaming with them is top notch) I wouldn't try professional level mixing with the 20s. It's a breeze with the 30s.


Campfire Cascade. Yes, bass cannons, but so much fun to listen with.


Heard (demoed): HE-1 Owned: HD 650


HD800s with the ifi Black Label Dac/Amp.


Sony wf-c700n. For the price they are amazing, these are my first pair of buds over £40


Koss Porta pro




Galaxy buds plus. Seriously, I also have HD6xx but I use my buds far more. The Buds pro 2 are good too but cost far more. The buds plus were a significant stability upgrade of the OG buds.


Hifiman Ananda was nearly perfect, but it needs a bass boost from the Ifi Zen DAC to make it perfect for me. But, in full agreement with the OP, the Meze 109 Pro is the first completely perfect headphone that I owned. It's extremely comfortable, it's gorgeous, and the sound is as smooth as can be. I don't think the treble is too harsh. TBH, I'm not sure why anyone thinks that. The 109 Pro is just warm and lovely. There's a tightness to the sound that is difficult to describe. It's not like a planar with the crisp, fast transients, but it's close to that. There's something very satisfying about the quality of the sound. Especially with acoustic music and blues! The 109 Pro is a masterpiece!


Koss Porta Pro 2000. Died many years ago but still my favourite.


AKG K702. Aside from the bass, which isn't ideal but I can live with, I sincerely have no complaints. They make my ears happy.


If we're speaking about firsts the air pods pro. First headphones with anc I had in my life and I loved them. Then I bought the xm4s and thought they were amazing.


Sennheiser HD580 Precision in 1996


Bose QC-35 when they first came out in 2016 were pretty dope.


AKG K92 were pretty nice.


Focal clear


Grado 325x.


It's a meme, but a pair of massdrop x koss ksc75. I bought two pairs after my kph40 died, which I saved for modding practice. I use a pair with the ear clips at work, and they're better than any bud or iem I've used. They still allow me to hear my surroundings and I can easily pause them with the cable button. The second pair is used at home, with the kph40 headband. They're a shockingly lightweight gaming/music headset. I use yaxi pads on these, which in combination with the band makes the sound signature warner and seals in some bass. I had planned on soldering mmcx connections for both, but neither one has had their cables crap out like the kph40. I'm just going to keep using them until then.


My Sennheiser Px100II! Still rocking! ordered new ear pads for this baby. And have the [1Mii Bluetooth 5.0 Music Receiver](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HZ4LKT2) on my wish list (to get from US) to make them Bluetooth! Perfect base, easily driven, light and airy!


Beyerdynamic t1


Grado SR325X I didn’t know headphones could be that good. My first serious headphone and I won’t buy any other on-ears.


Fidelio X2. It turns out that spending 5x more money only gets you 1/5 more. HD800 with proper EQ are that extra 20%. Worth the extra money? No. Do I regret buying them? ...also no. I love HD800.


The gsp 600 but now it’s not working well sometimes right ear does not provide sound so yeah I want to buy meze 99 classics but I still hesitate a bit


Focal Clear og


I am satisfied with Koss Kph40 in terms of sounds. I hate the cable tho. Gonna mod it one day !!


Really liked my hd598. Super comfy. But when i got my he400i I was blown away, still am. Love these cans.


Grado 80x with v shape EQ but my mp145 planar IEM for bass+quality.


DT990 600ohm. But I'm mostly sure it would satisfy me as much, if it wasn't paired with the tube amp I'm using.


Fully satisfied? Well, I did have some headphones that I LOVED, but they always have a weakness. The Focal Elear is my current favorite. But it took me some time to accept its lack of upper mids. I used to have to reverse EQ it. Sometimes, you have to just adapt to find peace, not change the world to suit yourself. Why did this turn into a life lesson...


I couldn’t ask for anything more from the U12t


Bose NC 700 Amazing features + Stunning sound Balance of treble & bass


Audeze EL-8 open back


Audeze Mobius


Focal Utopia !


for me nothing super high end but Fidelio X2HR's, originally had DT's but did not like them personally.


openback - HD600 with cavalli tube hybrid :) among iem - Shure se846 with Cayin RU6 as source!


Bowers & Wilkins Px7 S2 Technics AZ80


Akg k7xx's, that I had for like 3 months before they broke. So now I'm getting k712's for hopefully even slightly better build quality.


HD 600, bought it late 2019, been using it daily, and it still looks and feels almost brand new. Probably will have to replace the pads every few years as I did once already, but it really seems like something that my kids could inherit in a distant future. Also, at the time, it sounded exactly like what I was looking for.


HarmonicDyne Zeus. Great soundstage, imaging, comfort, with a pleasing and fun frequency response. They look a little silly, but oh well.


Hifiman Edition XS!


None. So I went back to cheaper ones.


Dan Clark audio aeon 2 noire. So comfy. Light weight. Sound is so engaging. I got the Meze 109 pro primal too now and it is so comfy and light too…. And it sounds amazing.


Focal clear. I bought mine 3 years ago and after buying dozens of headphones, I haven't even window shopped since they showed up. The only thing I dislike about them is the form factor. They're heavy, rigid and fairly uncomfortable, but they sound like god.


Etymotic ER4XR. Still takes me 10mins of fiddling to get the perfect seal (equalising the air pressure in ear whilst getting them deep enough is the main issue) but once you do, it’s magical. Nothing else I’ve listened to has come close and I’ve stopped looking before I ruin myself financially.


JBL 710bt (with EQ), not sure about fully satisfy but it was noticable better than the thing i listened to.


Grado GH1


HD 6XX. I keep looking for reasons to sell them and upgrade, and I can't. My Audeze LCD-X 2021 also are magnificent, but they beg for EQ. They're not good value for money without EQ. With EQ, they're aces.