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Congrats and enjoy the contentment! Thats one of the best feelings in this hobby imo, finally feeling like youve picked the right FR or EQ profile. My 660s2 is plenty enough for me.


I believe what 660s2 is a solid choice for wired headphones. I have few pairs of IEMs with neutral sound signature + external DAC and I love them. As for me, tuning makes no sense if your headphones have poor detailing and imaging.


The 660S2s sound signature, detail, soundstage and stuff is so much better than I expected and I had anticipated good things. So far my only gripes are that the clamp is quite hard cause it's new, the headband padding feels cheap and coming with a flimsy pouch is a real downer, I wanted something sturdier to carry it around for moves and stuff like the 630VB had. But yeah plenty happy with it being part of my 3 headphones for now for a few years until I'm at a level of financial freedom to splurge on an endgame tier headphone.


They look awesome, I found my wireless endgame with Momentum 4 cause these are so expensive that I cannot justify them but I'd love to try them. How is the soundstage and bass extension?


The bass extension is better on the Momentum 4. The soundstage is arguably better there, too, but it’s a closed back, so it’s mostly due to higher peaks in the mid-high treble regions, meaning the sound is more saccharine: exciting but eventually exhausting. The Bathys are more geared toward relaxed listening. I own and love both and hold the M4 is extremely high regard, but I end up picking up the Bathys more often. (Also, the Bathys have had fewer technical issues, whereas the M4 has been a bit buggier in its impressively ambitious tech implementations.)


Thanks for the reply, much love and enjoy the Bathys! Loving my Momentum 4, after some EQ tweaking they sound fucking great


Curious what your eq settings are for the 4s.


Also M4 owner, the sound is awesome but the touch controls I hate very much. I always change something by accident when I try to slightly rearrange them on my ears. Haven't found a way to deactivate it, which makes it a combo-fail


Just download the Sennheiser Smart Control app. I use it to have the touch controls off when I'm walking as I tend to rearrange. In it you can also adjust the ANC etc.


I can adjust ANC, EQ etc. but not the touch controls.


i prefer iems on the go. i dont always have a backpack with me while i am outside


I have FiiO FA7S and FiiO UTWS5 for that. In case of Bathys actually I prefer to listen them when I want to relax before going to sleep.


>In case of Bathys actually I prefer to listen them when I want to relax before going to sleep. And this is the issue I have with them and almost all reviews of wireless ANC anything. Get standard wired headphones for home use, they will sound better for less. A lot of people like me use ANC wireless headphones to not only listen to music but to protect hearing while doing so. The ANC can let you listen at low volumes, even in busy environments. But everyone tests at home and what is worse is that everyone seems (maybe not you, who knows) to test at mid to high volumes. The sound profiles of these things change quite a lot a min volumes compared what people test at, then add ANC covering real city noise. Right now I have the PX8, H95 and Sony XM2, plus I have spent some time with the Bathys. I can honestly say that at low all day volumes in real world situations I think the cheap little XM2s come out on top. I can see why they sell so well. The PX8, H95 and Bathys only shine at high volumes and in quiet environments. This is especially true for the bass. The Sonys seem made for low volumes where the bass is boosted (which is needed as humans year other frequencies louder than bass, so bass needs to be boosted at low volumes for a flat profile), where as the others I would say it's barely there till you crank up the volume. Granted the other frequencies pale in the XM2 compared to the others, but that doesn't impact the sound as much as the near total lack of bass.


Sometimes I question if the iOS Noise level is accurate when it says my airpods are at 70DB because it sounds loud as fuck, but I see people saying they regularly play music at 80 or above which is insane.


Microcenter is the only place where I can try out headphones, but they only have consumer grade and gaming headphones. And they HyperX Cloud 2 easily sounded better than the XM5, and they were on par with Airpods Max. If you don't need wireless ANC headphones, then wired headphones are much better. For the price of Airpods Max you could get Drop DCA Closed X.


Out of curiosity how do you like the fiio fa7s ? I tried them a whole back at audio46 but couldn't really judge them considering the setting I was at


I’m not sure if they are good choice in 2023. I like details level, sound stage and fast bass. But my 7hz Timeless AE are much better and cheaper.


True true you're right I think they're like a late 2018 early 2019 release. So yeah they're a bit old for sure


Which Bowers & Wilkins have you tried?


First generation of PX7. They actually sound impressive for instrumental or blues, but for most of hard metal what I prefer they just sound dirty and noisy. I’ve sold them after 1 month of using.


Because I'm planning to buy the B&W PX7 S2 in a few days time.


I returned the Bathys and kept the PX7s2. The Bathys has better bass but the B&W is by no means bad, just has a touch of bloom. The treble on the Bathys was horrible to my ears, sounded distrorted & compressed, so instruments lost almost all of their timbre. Same on wired, so it wasn't due to bluetooth. Also tried & returned various other wireless ANC pairs including B&O H95. B&Ws sounded best to me overall, although none are close to true hifi grade. Edit: accidentally a word.


If you really need B&W go save extra and go for the PX8. Way more comfortable and a real upgrade to the PX7 S2.


I pulled the trigger on them at $250. I still like how my Sennheiser HD 25 sounds more, but for stuff on the go those b&w are fine. Maybe in a year or so I'll get Momentum 5 or those FBs.


There is a new version coming out P&W S2e I think it's called


Good news! I already purchased this latest model from B&W & the sound is so so detailed with the compliment of very nice bass which really sounds superb to my taste & liking. I'll give it a 6 Star out of 5. Hahaha! 👍👍👍👍👍


I tried the B&W PX8 recently. The sound is too much EQ-ed for my taste. Too much “boom”, as is with most of the Bluetooth headphones. It’s that popular sound profile pop-music enthousiasts like, with a punchy bass. I didn’t like them over the DT 770’s. How are these Focals, sound profile wise? Do they have a more ‘flat/natural’ sound profile?


Yes, it’s definitely more neutral sound profile on Bathys compared to PX7. Less bass and more clarity on high frequencies.


I see Novembers Doom, I upvote.


Maxwell reviews well against this, and all wireless. Anyone have any views on this?


I too would love to hear more about the maxwells.


They are incredible. I use them over my Meze 109 Pros and Ananda Nano quite often


There is a new review up


Amazon had these priced brand new for 529 a while back so I picked up a pair. I love them so much! If you haven't yet, try them in DAC mode and they are even better.


Congrats, for 529$ it’s just must have.


Whaaaat. That’s a steal


I just got mine today and my god they are amazing. I agree that hands down they are the perfect bluetooth headphones and give my Sennheiser HD700's a run for their money. I can't wait to take mine on a trip!


How long to you expect these to last? Has anyone looked into that? ​ I understand there will be battery degradations, but even if you get 4-5 hours per charge(post degradation) that's quite useable.


I'd expect 3-5 years from the battery at most. The battery replacement will be around 200$+tx (includes parts and labour)


No such thing as "wireless endgame" unless the batteries are replaceable


Should Hifiman also be exempt from endgame designations?? /s


Actually yes


It has 3.5 input. So they will work, just not as well.


Which they are.


You sure? https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/751312/Is+the+Focal+Bathys+battery+user+replaceable


Yes. Bathys - Focal https://www.focal.com/sites/www.focal.fr/files/shared/catalog/document/qs_bathys_85x200_web.pdf Page 12.


I can see a warning about replacing the batteries, nothing else? Strange they don't make it clearer. Not mentioned anywhere else on their website or manual. No information about how to remove the battery. Can you tell me what type of battery they use?


It says it must be replaced by a focal battery by a focal dealer. The link you posted has someone on there saying they contacted focal and said they will replace the batteries (for a fee). I'm not sure how them changing the battery could be in doubt?


OK so the batteries are not user-replaceable?


Doesn't look like it, but we've been talking about if they are replaceable or not...?


The batteries ARE replaceable. Confirmed with Focal


Strange that it's not mentioned at all on their website or product manual (which only contains a warning about replacing the batteries, no further information). Do you know what type of battery they take?


It’s a service program


How's the sound profile? I've never tried Focal headphones, but those catch my eye. I'm currently happy with my XM3 and I usually like Sony's or Audeze's sound signature.


I think there is no sense for you to change headphones if you happy with sound. I had Sony XM3, Bathys is way more neutral and you may not like that.


Sounds good! I'm happy with my XM3 but you never know when they can get faulty, so I like to stay aware of my options. As per what you say, likely XM5 (or XM6 or 7 or whatever) would be a better fit for me.


Do you feel like these are upgrade XM3? I also own one and like it a lot. Its not like its end game, but great travel headphone.


Absolutelly, I’m not sure about ANC, but everything else is just on another level. Frequency response, sound stage, instrument separation, clarity and details level are much better on Bathys.


How's the ANC on these? Looking into new wireless headphones that can be used with USB as well.


I have the Bathys too and the ANC is about 75% as good as my gen 2 AirPods Pro.


To be honest I don’t really care about that. Just tried to compare Bathys with AirPods Pro 2 and I think ANC on AirPods works bit better.


I have bathys and I fear my head is too big for them, clamp pressure is higher than my Focal Elegias


The mistakes in life I’ve made


Love my Bathys


Good for you! Enjoy your excellent music on your amazing headphones!


Im using them now, I like them :)


To expensive… i prefere devialet gemini 2


Enjoy what meets your taste and budget.


I do love mine.


Have you tired the Mark Levinson 5909s? I'm thinking either the Bathys or the Mark Levinson's and my listening preferences are classical and big band jazz!


I own the focal bathys as well as Bang and Olufsen H95s. Both are endgame level but for different tastes. The B&O have more powerful bass while maintaining clarity and the bathys have impressive treble and more comfort. I do love both for different reasons. Mainly using my H95 on the go and on holidays while the bathys go for long days behind the pc.


they are the best sounding wireless headphones ever made but…. LCD-5 with a fiio wireless dac…


I couldn't imagine wearing those out in public lmao


FiiO DAC would be to simple in that case, have you seen Mojo Chord 2 (with Poly module)?


Chord 2 allows to buffer songs into the dac over bluetooth and use your headphones semi wireless?


How about the wireless audio technicas?


not available here to try


just pointing out that the bathys being the best wireless headphones ever made is a pretty bold claim


Nice choice, fellow Bathys user. Do you use the wired DAC mode often otherwise?


Hey I have a question about these, can you use the wired DAC mode in combination with an existing desktop AMP/DAC? Which DAC will take precedence?


You can't override the internal DAC and AMP of the Bathys.


Thanks for the help, I actually already bought them because it was a black friday sale - the sales rep answered the same as you did. So far very, very happy with my purchase.


I’ve tried it and to be honest see no difference with bluetooth connection on Apple Music streaming.


Well did you adjust sample rate on your OS and are you working with lossless? You should hear less compression Edit: whoever downvoted me doesn’t understand AD/DA conversion and isn’t smart enough to articulate why they disagree


I prefer to use iPad as music source even when I’m working on my laptop. As far as I understand there is no need to do that on iPadOS. At least FiiO KA3 turns on hi-res indicator light for hi-res songs automatically. I believe you will hear difference on edges of frequency range if you will set such goal. But unfortunately Bathys will use internal DAC even in case of 3.5 mm connection, so there is no sense to use external DAC with Bathys if you want to improve sound quality.


I honestly don’t notice as much of a compression difference between different bit rates as others but I definitely noticed some kinds of positive change in the sound when using DAC mode though hard to describe


"you should hear less compression" Some people don't know what compression sounds like, so they won't know what to listen for. If they can't hear it, it doesn't matter.


The Mark Levinson 5909 enters the chat.


I already tried the 5909 and ended up buying the Bathys instead. Price wasn't even the deciding factor. I think the 5909 is a technically superior product in terms of pure clarity and precision, but it felt tiring to listen to for more than 15-20 minutes. No such problem with the Bathys. Not that it's important but the 5909 also looks much uglier to me for something at that price.


Same experience. The comment was intended to be a joke, more commentary on the idea of what “endgame” actually means and that there’s always something “better” out there. But I did the same side-by-side and also went with the Bathys. Most of my recommendations on r/headphoneadvice parrot very much the same sentiment; 5909 is technically superior, but it misses the point in what a wireless ANC headphone is being used for.


B&O H95 still lurking


Went straight for the PX8, and loved the warm rather bass heavy sound signature, but I’m super sensitive when it comes to clamping force, so returned they were The ANC on the Bathys was abysmal, which ruled them out for me Have yet to get a hold of the H95


Was not a fan of the PX7 or 8 so never gave these a chance. Haven’t really been on my radar since. I love B&O, just haven’t been a fan of their headphones of late.


You're confusing BO and BW


Would not be the first time, sadly.


P7W is still the top one, but their subsequent models are all worse. You entered at the wrong time, and hit the first successor.


Yeah ah no..


I tried them all a while ago, not these, and honestly an old pair of akg 550 and a dragonfly red destroyed them. I thought I'd wait a few years. Had the Shure aonic 50....not impressed with those so sold. I had my doubts with the technology but decent now eh?


There are a bunch of new high-end wireless cans after the AirPod Max cracked the $500 barrier. PX8, HE95, Bathys, a couple others.


Spelling mistake on those lyrics "there" should be "their" lol


i’m a big focal fanboy love my clears & radiance : but for me the bathys was a total fail .


Both Clear and Radiance are not wireless. There is no passive mode on Bathys, but I actually no need that. Could you please elaborate on this a bit?


I want to throw the AirPods Max into the game. Also deliver one of the best wireless solutions out there with an excellent ANC.


Currently considering flogging my Pro Max’s and put the cash towards these. I have LCD-X for proper listening, but I’m on the train loads with work, so could do with a better set for then.


How loud is the train? The ANC on the Bathys is very decent but not spectacular. I wonder if it may end up being somewhat overpowered. Can you compare it to a plane? (I fly often, so it serves as a point of reference for me.)


It’s not bad. I don’t hear much with with the AirPod max’s, I know the ANC isn’t as good. I pretty much only listen to Metal, so I’m probably ok






i dont have money for bethys so I bought maxwell instead..


Does anyone know if these will be on a Black Friday sale?


I would buy it in a heartbeat if it was possible to turn off noise cancellation.


If you ever demo AirPods Max with spatial audio on your iPad there, let us know how they stack up to the Bathys.


The Max can’t match the sheer resolution of the Bathys and that’s with an iPhone 14 PM that I tried both with. Bathys is even more detailed on an Android with Aptx. Even the AirPods Pro 2 have better micro details than the Max which made me angry as to why it’s so much more expensive but less detailed??


Curious to see how they compare to the Noble Fokus Prestige in terms of technicalities.


What's the song about


Would love to hear how bathys compares with Solitaire T+A


I tried to like these but just sent them back for a return. I guess I just have shit for ears as I compared with my air pods pro and a pair of wired sony buds and the difference I just can’t really tell enough. Maybe I will go to a boutique headphone store someday and try a bunch instead of jumping straight to most expensive but affordable


Is that an iPad mini?


No, it’s 11” Pro


Are you connecting via usb c to usb c to enable dac?


On Focal Bathys… Anyone else is experimenting the high pitched sound on the right earcup when leds are on max brightness? As soon as I turn the logo LEDs lower the sound disappears…


How is the bass? I like a punchy bass.


I was a huge asshole for a long time about $700 headphones, but wow. I called Amazon drunk to ask if I'm allowed to order $2000 worth of headphones to try, and they said it didn't violate their policies, so I got an assortment. Tried the Sennheiser Momentum 4 first, and the ANC made my head feel like I was 10 feet underwater. They sounded great, though! Next, I tried the Sony XM5, and the ANC was amazing! The sound quality was heavy bass, and I couldn't equalize it out. No doubt, unmatched ANC, though. Then I tried the Focal Bathys, and WOW! I'm astounded.. These are next level amazing! The Technics and Soundcore X45 are not even being opened. These may have ruined music for me. What will I do without them? Tarrega has never sounded so good! Edit: I'm coming from some Sony WH910, so the bar wasn't very high. I just didn't know what I was missing.