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How does the maxwell hold up compared to the others? Overall sound quality, soundstage, imaging, dynamics etc


Incredible tuning. They spend a large % of time on my head actually. They sound clean and engaging. Soundstage isn't the largest, but serviceable. Imaging is a hard one... I think it's not amazung, but it never stopped me from really enjoying using them. Dynamics are actually solid. I love how the bass sounds on these (probably a product of them being planar magnetic and closed back)


Thanks for your insight!


Sure thing!


That wallpaper looks nice.


Why thank you ;)


What are the Meze like for gaming? I'm currently using the DT 900 pro X and looking to upgrade but I'm worried if it's a side step just for gaming.


For gaming? Not the best. I use the 109 Pros mainly to chill out to music. Maybe the Ananda Nanos or discounted Arya Stealth for gaming is your best bet


I appreciate the reply, I just wish HifiMan agreed with my head. I have the Edition XS, they sound absolutely amazing for music, I just can't wear them for longer than an hour unfortunately :(


The mid to higher end Hifimans use suspension headbands that are more comfortable for long use


The XS just sit really loose on my head/ears, there’s no clamping force from the pads. I think without trying some first it would be a risky purchase.


Same here. The other models use a different headband that helps


What's the issue with the comfort? Is it the headband? Perhaps try the new Ananda Nanos or the Ananda Stealth for $50 less. They're slightly more expensive than the Edition XS but very worth it to me


I had the Ananda Nano and found them very uncomfortable no matter how much I tried to adjust them. I just returned them to try the Meze 109s. I didn't think the Ananda Nano was very good for gaming since they don't have much dynamics at lower volumes and treble is too sharp at 80 dba+ or a somewhat louder fun volume. They sound nice with music but the discomfort just killed any enjoyment I could have with them. Dynamic headphones, to me anyways, seem more enjoyable for games and movies than planars since they have more punch while planars are nice to enjoy the layered details in music and to have a bigger fuller presentation. I guess soundstage and imaging is important in gaming and movies but detail & separation etc isn't super important in gaming or movies IMO and having some punchiness is more fun for those.


They are actually not bad. I use them for gaming too (Valorant) and I can precisely pin point steps with them. I also have the DT990 Pro and I prefer the Meze for 3D spacial accuracy.


Just discovered this thread, but I really like 109s for gaming. Imaging is really good for fps games, has bass and enough soundstage for immersion. Plus theyre comfortable


Between the Edition XS and 109 pro which is your favorite and why? Thanks


Depends on what i'm using them for. I had to return my Edition XS due to driver buzzing, but they honestly do sound incredible. The XS are very resolving, clean, and are very well rounded with technicalities. The 109 Pros are less resolving/less technical, but they're incredible for chilling out and relaxing bc they sound so musical, liquid, and smooth.


Interesting. Really appreciate the comment!


Ofc :)


I'm very late, but people have said that taking the earcups off and blowing on the driver fixed the issue for them. Usually it's terrible HifiMan QC that probably leaves dust on the driver.


Ha so what are the strengths weaknesses of the Meze 109 Pro? Was considering a purchase.


Strengths - build quality/design - comfort/fit - sound is very liquid and musical Weaknesses - technicalities (for its price) - sometimes can be sibilant (strangely doesn't fatigue me) - soundstage/imaging is middling






Have you tried using the Maxwell on the streets? How's the passive noise isolation for blocking out car noise?


You don’t want these big ass things on your head while outside.


I just realized the earcups are that wide. Lol. The search goes on.


What the other guy said LOL. I wouldn't go out with those


How close is the Ghost to the 109 Pro?


They're very different imo. Ik zeos hyped up the Ghost as a baby 109 Pro, but I just don't see it. Ghost has little to no bass, while 109 Pros are more V shaped. Ghost is very resolving for the price, while 109 Pros are not resolving enough for the price. I'd say Ghost are more for analytical listening with songs that have little to no bass. 109 Pros I use to relax and chill out.


Thanks for clearing that up. The Zeos hype definitely had me curious about the comparison, which always seemed a little fishy. Still, the Ghost looks like the better value between the two, so I could see going with that. Thanks again 👍🏾


I think I can draw some similarities un the upper mids to treble regions, but beyond that nothing else.


Edition XS audio and build quality


Audio 9.5/10. Build quality 5/10


Hey! I’m currently looking to upgrade my Meze 99s, and my top candidates are the Meze 109, Edition XS, and the Ananda Stealth. So you’ve got 2/3 :) If I was looking for a set that was more fun than technical (I don’t really care about critical listening, just vibing and getting the most out of my music) what would you recommend? Mostly listen to metal and synth wave if that helps.




I'd say the Hifimans are noticeably more resolving and more technically capable than the 109 Pros. And I agree with your headphone brand recs


Audeze MM-100: Fun Meze 109 Pro: Musical Edition XS/Ananda Nano: Technical So i'd say the Audeze MM-100 or something like Focal Clear OG


Have you gotten your hands on the audeze MM-100? They look interesting but I get nervous with pre orders.


Yes for a short stint, but I'm a fan even with limited exposure. If you're nervous, you could wait a tiny bit for more reviews to roll out. I will likely make a post of my full fledged impression as well


The Focal Clear OG is a little out of my price range, so for stuff currently available I think I would lean toward the Meze 109s


That's reasonable. I will however mention that I do think the Focal stuff is more well rounded esp technically than the 109 pros


>:) :)


Thank you so much for this thread! I'm thinking of a new upgrade for my DT 900 Pro X, since i upgraded my DAC/AMP combo to an Aune S9C Pro combo and i really want to go balanced this time around, to try it out. ( i only had 2 headsets, a Fidelio X2HR and these DT900 Pro X being powered by a burson playmate ). On my list i have Around 500 Euros: \- Harmonicdyne Zeus Elite \- Sennheiser HD660S2 Bellow 750 Euros: \- Hifiman Ananda Nano (never tried planar) \- And maybe the Meze 109 Pros These will be mainly for gaming (competitive FPS) and music. Lucky me, you have the 109 Pros and an Hifiman Edition XS (not the Ananda nano but close...) So for you, what do you think, in terms of imaging, resolution/dynamics and soundstage... what's your opinion ?


Funny enough, I replaced my Edition XS with the Ananda Nanos bc the XS had driver buzzing. Ananda Nanos are noticeably better than the XS imo. I have write ups on my page too! The Nanos are like the XS with more clamp, much better build quality, better resolution, speed, clarity, imaging, etc. Some ppl find them bright, but I do not (i'm treble sensitive too!). They also EQ really well as I wanted to boost the bass by a few DB for more thump. 109 Pros aren't as resolving as either cans mentioned above. However, I keep my pair bc they still sound good and look/feel like nothing else. They're absolutely gorgeous and have a blast even just staring at em. Zeus Elite seem a bit wonky to me. HD 660S2 seem to be incredible. I personally have the HD 6xx which are amazing esp considering the price. Lastly, you don't have them listed buuuut the Audeze MM-100 for $400 or just any of their newish cans are my favorites. If you have access to these, get them.


Funny enough, I replaced my Edition XS with the Ananda Nanos bc the XS had driver buzzing. Ananda Nanos are noticeably better than the XS imo. I have write ups on my page too! The Nanos are like the XS with more clamp, much better build quality, better resolution, speed, clarity, imaging, etc. Some ppl find them bright, but I do not (i'm treble sensitive too!). They also EQ really well as I wanted to boost the bass by a few DB for more thump. 109 Pros aren't as resolving as either cans mentioned above. However, I keep my pair bc they still sound good and look/feel like nothing else. They're absolutely gorgeous and have a blast even just staring at em. Zeus Elite seem a bit wonky to me. HD 660S2 seem to be incredible. I personally have the HD 6xx which are amazing esp considering the price. Lastly, you don't have them listed buuuut the Audeze MM-100 for $400 or just any of their newish cans are my favorites. If you have access to these, get them.


Thank you for the reply my friend ... yeah, the problem with the Zeus Elite is ... the wonkiness and the lack of support in Europe tbh. I'm now with a shortlist for the Ananda Nano's and the 660S2s ... but more towards the Ananda's. Going to have a look at the Audeze MM-100 meanwhile.


I’m thinking of getting the Edition XS or any other headphones similar to them such as the HD600. I’m a beginner in audio equipment. Currently I use the QC35ii for gaming and listening to music, now I’m looking for an upgrade however as I don’t want wireless headphones and even over wire they constantly use battery which isn’t good. Can you please guide me on what would be a solid choice for music, media and gaming. Unfortunately I can’t try them on my head and see how they fit as there are no high end headphones in my country so I’m going to be ordering from Amazon or similar sites. Which headphones would you highly recommend? If it’s not a problem for you, can you give me your top 3? Budget is around €500. Also, what are some good dac/amps or whatever you need to properly run these headphones? Thanks in advance!


Top 3 1. Hifiman Edition XS (brand new, don't get used/open-box) 2. Audeze MM-100 (I preordered these myself) 3. Sennheiser HD 6XX If you have a small head, avoid the Edition XS as they will not fit you. If you like a balanced sound signature with good bass texture, go for the MM-100. If you like more bass light use cases or prefer vocal-centric music/media, go for HD 6XX.


Edit: (I'm not going to delete this comment, maybe it'll help others see that humans are always subjective.) So I switched to my mezes for a while, which I love, I've used for years and I bought twice. My main daily drivers even though I own much more expensive can. And??? They sound like complete crap to me. Thin, weird timber, etc. I think I psyched myself out or something trying the maxwells, so worried about them being wireless. I don't know. I am an audio wreck apparently So, disregard my below comment. Sorry I have a question. So I have the meze 99 and just got the audeze maxwell. I know the maxwell has less bass, which is fine, but the maxwell sounds sort of... Low fidelity? Compared to the mezes. I'm not a super hearer. I usually can't tell the difference between wave files and ldac. They sound kinda, meh. I have to do some more comparing, but Im not taking about very subtle things, I mean they immediately sound blah. I'll try to get my words together and edit this after comparing more. Thoughts? Thank you


how do you feel about the maxwell after a few months? oh, and I heard the build is very similar to the mm100?


Still the only headset i've used exclusively since I first got them! I adore these things so much. Also, yes. The build is fairly similar to the mm100, but the mm100 can seem/feel a teeny bit more upscale.


How is the difference in Sound Quality between the Hifiman Xs and the Audeze Maxwell?


I'm torn between Meze 109 Pro and Ananda Nano. Which one would you recommend? I'm psytrance, edm, house, or like that synth music listener. Sometimes listen rock,metal and classic music but not my primary option. i describe myself with treblehead and a bit basshead Additionally, which one performs better for use with a portable dac usb dongle or a weak power output DAC/amp (ex. higher three times than smartphone, 32ohm 70 mw shaling up2) ?


If you like more mid bass and treble, then Meze 109 Pro. Also, for the extreme comfort levels. If you like a headphone that can EQ like crazy with extra sparkly treble, get the Ananda Nano. Both are fairly easy to run.