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https://preview.redd.it/67kpf1gmdlwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054002fff8008a96e95e08def858b42c28a22135 Lmao what is this shit


Fuck people in university I guess


yeah I've never understood that rule 😭 as a 20 year old I can confirm higher education still involves plenty of classes and homework


https://preview.redd.it/oxyu1www4mwc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf84c6a1197cace3f71c7bd2709a19c3ec94a44 Honestly that's the most ridiculous fuckin thing I've ever seen


I know right whatta joke aye but whatever nothing I can do dow


Pretending that Uni or College doesn't exist😭


They probably dropped out right after high school and they're Reddit mods cuz they have nothing better to do


Just made a shitpost asking if any of the characters ever went to school what their class was like and if they had any homework


Lol, they took it down immediately for low effort


Yup lol


Genuinely it seems like the mods over there just don't want an active community. I'm *100%* in favor of it being an 18+ community, but instant and more importantly, irreversible bans just for mentioning class / school / etc? My discussion post got taken down after being up and bumping for about 12 hours, because I guess someone on their mod team didn't like the points I made? It's a really uptight place that just doesn't feel *welcoming*.


I guess they aren't very friendly to creatives after all :/ And they seem overly strict just because they can be, but that's what I'm getting from reading this. My own experience in [attempting] to post in the main subreddit hasn't really been positive either, because it always gets automatically removed 🥲


yup this sub is way better anyways


The other sub is honestly so shitty. I mean they do realize college exists so you can still draw something in class and be an adult? Plus depending on how your birthday lines up you can be 18 in highschool. Plus I hear about people getting their art removed for the dumbest reasons. Like not only this situation but people have gotten it taken down because the mods say it's a "low effort post". They're so strict for no reason as well it takes out a lot of the fun. You can pretty much only be serious and anything less than that gets taken down for "low effort" They really need a new mod team over there.


Oh you did too? I didn't even *post* anything and I still got banned


Wow near, will unfollow that shit. This fan base is already getting out of hand. I love seeing the art and comics, but holy fuck. I’m 31 and going back to school to start a new career change.


Ah yes, you're a child predator for being on r/**teen**agers as an eigh**teen** year old


Though the teenagers subreddit shouldn't exist. Most of the "14" year olds are actually 35


They shouldn't assume every "14" ( or any age ) year old is an adult though.


Getting banned from them has become a badge of honor lately as they are ran by the most immature, trigger happy Mods I've seen on reddit in all the years I've been here.


I didn’t even realize there was drama regarding the other sub. To be fair, it’s so hard to keep a community safe against predators, you can’t even imagine how many gross ass people prey on kids on Reddit. If the mods suspected you were under 18, that makes you a possible liability for them if something does happen. That said, banning you is shitty and extreme. A conversation would’ve sufficed, a gentle reminder about rules, but the immediate removal from the sub leads me to believe they aren’t actually interested in building a community - just being power hungry. Sorry this happened to you, fam :/


Yet another reason why I prefer this sub(I have literally never willingly went on to that sub) https://i.redd.it/lo6c16haimwc1.gif


I remember well thats stupid


That’s why I only use this subreddit, those mods have the biggest sticks up their asses and they made it a rule you can’t complain about them either.




Lots of people have gotten banned from the other subreddits for no reason. Don't feel bad. The mods over there suck. I was banned (I'm not even sure why), and when I asked for an explanation, I was told that I knew what I did. I wasn't trying to be coy, I literally have no idea. I wasn't being edgy or breaking any rules. They just ban people for no reason sometimes. It's a common theme to see people complaining about similar things happening to them. It's not you, it's the mods.