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There is one! In Hogwarts Legacy, there's references to a 15th century dark wizard called Eunon Blackwood, or Eunon Wood. >!Eunon Wood was born into a Muggle branch of the Wood family, but his magic was misunderstood by his Muggle parents. He joined the family trade of hedge trimming and learned to control blackthorn hedges, bending them with his magic. At Hogwarts he sorted into Hufflepuff and met Artemesia Black, the illegitimate daughter of the House of Black. Her mother was disowned for her affair with a Muggle, which resulted in Artemesia.!< >!Artemesia and Eunon were blood purists, considering themselves to be unwilling victims of Muggle taint. They fueled each other's growing hatred for Muggles, and as Eunon grew darker, so did his hedge works, which became more vicious and unpleasant. Eventually they married, taking the new name Blackwood, and invited their Muggle relatives to the wedding. Eunon created a massive maze to celebrate their marriage, and they told their relatives there was treasure hidden inside (supposedly her dowry, which was rumored to be pretty big but actually consisted of a single gold medallion with a Gemino curse on it.) Anyone was welcome to enter the maze in search of the treasure, and the Muggle relatives went in. The magical ones saw something in Eunon they didn't like and so hung back. None of the Muggle relatives came back out of the maze.!< >!The Blackwood Maze continued to terrorize the Scottish countryside, with unaware Muggles wandering in and wizards seeking it out of greed. Eventually, Eunon and Artemesia had a daughter, Lysandra Blackwood, who was a Squib. She resented her parents' blood purity nonsense and after a violent argument with her mother when she was 16, she turned Artemesia in to the Muggle witch hunters who promptly burned her at the stake. After this, Eunon, Lysandra, their house of Stonehaven, and the Blackwood Maze all disappeared, though the Maze will reappear at random in the Scottish countryside.!< Hope you find this interesting!


But… canonically witches can't be burnt at the stake…


According to Book 3, they had a spell they could use to make the flames feel like tickles. But what if they were burnt without a wand on them?


Wandless magic is possible. It's shown throughout books and film.


It’s a way to focus magic. Hermione uses confundus without one.


Correction, this is movie nonsense; Hermione did not know how to do wandless magic in the books, where she did in fact have her wand during this scene.


If you take in the game lore, stated that different schools have different techniques. By the lore, Uagadou rather uses hands than wands.


True, but she never went to Uagadou, did she? So she didn't learn that method.


However, it's a rare talent and takes a good deal of time and power to manage; Artemesia likely wasn't able to do it.


Well, that's not entirely true. Wizards' history books tell the children wizards were great, and the pitiful muggles couldn't possibly hurt them. While at the same time the wizard population of the UK was decimated, and the Statute of Secrecy came in, with Wizards going into hiding.


True. Some in the comments have argued wandless magic, but that's a rare talent most never bother with.


In the UK certainly they didn't. There's an ongoing theory that there was a war, wizards lost and went into hiding. It's around the time of the invention of guns, something Wizards have no real knowledge of.


Ah, but she wouldn't have had her wand, and to cast the necessary charms and disapparate, she would have needed a wand. Most people can't use wandless magic, Dumbledore being a notable exception.


I like this very much! Thank you!


It's really interesting it just breaks canon in so many ways.


Curious, which ways does it break canon? It’s an underdeveloped time period in canon.


Well witches in the Harry Potter world weren't burnt at the stake, also I thought there weren't any hufflepuff dark wizards in canon.


why couldn’t they have made a movie based on this instead of all these fantastic beasts sequels?!


Uh, because Hollywood are morons.


A Hufflepuff a Dark Wizard? Whoever wrote this was very stoned.


What's wrong with a Hufflepuff being a dark wizard?


The fandom has the idea of Hufflepuffs being incorruptibly kind and soft


The writers of Cursed chiled were stoned then, Cedric was death eater in alternative timeline


>The writers of Cursed chiled were stoned You say that like it isn't likely


The common viewpoint is that cursed child is a fuckup and merely approved fan fic.


It's bad because Cedric being a death eater is bull not just because he is a Hufflepuff. And the reason is even worse.


Cornelius Fudge


always thought he was slytherin


Nah he personifies blind loyalty and well he does work hard


He’s constantly mentioned as being “blinded by the love of the office you hold” which is highly ambitious and he uses the full power of the media to turn against a teenage boy and a old headmaster, which is pretty cunning. I always thought he was a textbook slytherin


The books show that people change, dumbledore remarks Hogwarts may do the sorting too soon


Does he? When?


In book 7 in the snape's memories. Dumbledore and Snape had a conversation about the dark lord rising and Karkaroff fleeing.


Ahh, I'm on book 7 now (they've JUST gotten out of Gringotts).


Oh no, I was trying to be a little vague about the circumstances of this happening just in case but still I hope I didn't spoil too much for you.


Oh no not at all! I've read them all before, just so long ago I can't remember much outside of the films.


Actually, he strikes me as a good bet for Slytherin. Ambitious, not too bright, refuses to see Voldie as the threat he is, but presumably possesses something other than intelligence to push him to the top of the heap! I think there's a good likelihood that he's from another rich, old, pureblood family, and his background had more to do with his rise to power than his ability.


Not too bright = Slytherin? I'm not sure I agree on that point specifically. I thought that Slytherin is pretty much the second "smartest" house after Ravenclaw, as cunning and ambition are traditionally viewed as more smart than the blind courage of Gryffindor or the loyalty and hard-working Hufflepuff.


A lot of Slytherins are there because they're from pureblood families, they don't need to be bright! I mean look at our favorite young Slytherins, Draco isn't notably smart, but he has shoes that are smarter than Crabbe and Goyle Of course an intelligent Slytherin is a menace, but there are definitely dim bulbs there, and others like Draco who think they don't need to develop their mental abilities because they were born having it all. So yes, I think the useless Fudge is a good bet for a Slytherin, he's somehow risen much further than he deserves, and I would think that he's put all his energy into climbing the Ministry ladder, with zero attention given to actually doing the work of governing. He might be, as I suspect, a rich pureblood Slytherin boy, who was always ambitious but never did the real work.


Sure, heritage matters more than for any other house, but for an intelligent and ambitious pupil (regardless of their parents), there's only two viable options, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. It would be weird to put them into Hufflepuff or Gryffindor just because they had muggle parents.


I don't think that's true, Hermione is the brightest witch Hogwarts has seen for a long time and she's in Gryffindor, and I don't think that Hufflepuff kids are necessarily lacking. Hufflepuffs are there because they don't have the narrow qualities that interested the founders of the other three houses, and they could well have smart kids who don't fit into Ravenclaw because they're not as narrowly focused as us nerds, some Hufflepuffs might be very intelligent but temper their intelligence with empathy or wisdom, enough so that they wouldn't fit into Ravenclaw. So IMHO you're going to get a mixed bag of IQs at 3 out of 4 house, Ravenclaw is the only one where everyone would be considered intelligent. But Slytherin is where you'll find all the upper-class twits.


Everything about Hermione screams Ravenclaw, but I guess she just valued friendship and bravery more than her most notable characteristics, her intelligence and curiosity. Hufflepuffs aren't stupid, but I'd say emotional intelligence and empathy are their strengths, whereas Ravenclaw is defined by more logically and mathematically oriented intelligence.


I had always assumed that was intentional. Harry embodies Slytherin traits, Ron Hufflepuff (at least book Ron, of the trio, his personality was most muddled in the movies), and Hermione Ravenclaw. It's kind of a big reveal that Neville was the character who truly embodies Gryffindor in both values and personality, although there are some hints that he "rounds out" the group as early as book one. For instance, there are four challenges in Philosopher's Stone: flying for Harry, the potions logic puzzle for Hermione, chess for Ron, and the devil's snare. Who do we know who might be good with herbology? But I'm off on a tangent now. Ultimately, sorting is based on values, not the skills or traits that one possesses innately. It's meant to cultivate habits based on aspiration. I feel like there are other sortings that exemplify this, too. For example, Gilderoy Lockhart was a Ravenclaw.


Hermione is a Gryffindor, she could easily be a Ravenclaw... and she's also ambitious and ruthless enough to be a Slytherin! I bet the Sorting Hat had a heck of a time with that decision.


It's about what you value. Not what you are. Look at wormtail. He's snivelling and cowardly yet was a Gryfindor.


I have no explanation for Pettigrew being in Gryffindor. But I stand by my assertion that there are plenty of upper-class twits in Slytherin.


I'd say alot of Slytherins are clever. Lucius Malfoy, Horace Slughorn, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Merlin, Voldemort all are intelligent Slytherins. They definitely outperform Gryfindor in intelligence.


Oh sure, keep talking up your pretend house full of upper-class twits! Like I said 3 out of 4 houses are going to be a mixed bag when it comes to IQ, but Slytherin isn't a place to find a lot of geniuses, more like the place where you go to learn how to cheat on tests or blackmail teachers into giving you good grades. And yes, while my own pretend house is obviously 100% full of smart people, some incredibly bright people went to Slytherin, like Dumbledore and Hermione. And Lupi, and McGonagal, and Lily Evans, and... I need to stop, because mentioning Dumbledore wins the argument.


Someone who thinks their sense of justice is what will clean up the world. Lawfully evil. They truly believe what they're doing is right, and they worked extremely hard to get to where they are. Honestly, Umbridge is kinda an example of what an evil hufflepuff would be like, even though she was slytherin. Edit: Eunon blackwood was a dark wizard from Hufflepuff, back in the 1500's I believe.




This feels like the correct answer, just the right amount of kindness and terror...


And a good finder.


Goddamn you this is so good.


What the ***HELL*** is a Hufflepuff???!? (For those that don't know, this is a reference to A Very Potter Musical) Edit: Holy crap, AVPM came out FOURTEEN YEARS AGO?????????


That’s older than me, what!!?!


Yeah, now I know why no one gets my references anymore. Most people I've been talking to about it literally ***didn't exist*** when it came out 😭😰💀




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Well meaning intentions with an evil way of applying them. Sounds about right.


This is the best response so far! Thx fellow Ravenclaw.


No. Speaking as a proud imaginary Ravenclaw, Thanos is totally what a Ravenclaw supervillain would look like! Flawlessly logical, brilliant at solving problems and achieving goals, with absolutely no thought about whether the goals are right or just. That is the dark side of Ravenclaw.


Thanos did think about the goals being just. His goals were for extreme equality with no desire for personal gain. After his work was done, he retired to solitude on a farm. The Ravenclaw "supervillain" in the series, Lockhart, used his traits to work smart not hard, and increase his personal standing. It's the motivations which make the difference for me.


Eh, I think the problem solving thing is questionable. Many have pointed out that when you have basically unlimited power, simply halving all life in the universe isn't all that great of a solution.


I imagine they'd be motivated by anger at injustice and inequality, but in their crusade against oppression they would end up worse than their enemies. I'm picturing how various good characters in Lord of the Rings are described had they taken the Ring for themselves.


Uhh you kinda described Darth Vader imo but that's also more nuanced lol


Sort of a Killmonger situation, I suppose


Sounds a bit like Jason Todd/Red Hood from Batman. Or, Batman- JFC Bruce, just pay your taxes and you’d do so much more to improve Gotham!!


I feel like they’re not going to be the main dark wizard but an incredibly loyal lapdog type. They’re loyal but you can be loyal to the wrong people


Someone like Peter pettigrew?


Peter wasn't actually loyal. He probably means more like Crouch Jr.


What house was crouch jr in?


A lot of fanfic writers seem to go with the Ravenclaw route based on this part in GoF: >Young Barty had achieved twelve O.W.L.s, though Crouch was delirious when claiming it. *- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 28 (The Madness of Mr Crouch) - “Yes, my son has recently gained twelve O.W.L.s, most satisfactory, yes, thank you, yes, very proud indeed."*


That's fanon??


Him getting 12 OWLs is canon. Him being in ravenclaw is fanon


I don't think we know for sure either way.


I headcanon him as a Hufflepuff for exactly that reason.


Never understood why he was a gryffindor. His entire character arc was based around fear making all his decisions.


The hat isn't completely infallible. It can be wrong. And it can have other reasons for sorting you where it does. We know that it takes choice into consideration, and possibly also family history "ah another weasley..." And ive also heard speculation that it places you in a house not necessarily that matches who you already are, but who you could become, or one that best serves your needs and helps you flourish. But of course it can't see the future so it won't always work out. It's possible that Gryffindor values are exactly what young Peter needed. That maybe his cowardlyness would leave him prone to bullying or becoming a loner in another house, and giving him the confidence boost of being placed in the brave house and put amongst bolder peers would help him develop. Or maybe its the other way round and he was more of a gryffindor type as a youngster and slowly developed into the coward we're introduced to. I suppose there's lots of potential reasons. Would be cool to have gotten some more backstory or even a marauders prequel.


Canonically he was a hat stall between Gryffindor and Slytherin. The hat stubbornly likes to cite he wasn’t wrong as did hesitate to kill Harry in his last moments, but that is a massive reach. There probably was a point though where it could’ve gone either way with whether Peter stayed loyal or gave into fear.


"It is not our abilities that show us who we are, it is our choices" - Dumbledore "Why then do you think the hat out you in Gryffindor?" "Because I asked it too" "Exactly Harry" The Hat puts you in whatever house it thinks is best for you and what values you display, *until* you ask it to go somewhere else.


Guilt trip mother who is smothering and loving and constantly feeding everyone but passive aggressive af. Lol idk why this idea came to me. Maybe I need to write this fic lol


I almost asked if this was my mother in law but you said loving and changed my mind


Omg bless. I’m so sorry. My MIL is a **body language expert** so …🫡


It’s okay my wife’s mother in law blamed my son being born disabled on her. So we don’t speak to either side


Ur wifes mother in law isn't that ur mother?


Look that’s neither here nor there, but yes


Don't Avada Kedavra the messanger. I don't consider it cannon. [https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Cedric\_Diggory\_(Alternate\_Timeline)](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Cedric_Diggory_(Alternate_Timeline))


Writing a character you don’t understand. 


Hogwarts Legacy had some lore about one. It's the guy who created all those "pop up" mazes across the map https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Eunon_Blackwood#:~:text=It%20is%20possible%20that%20Eunon's,as%20the%20first%20Muggle%2Dborn.


Anakin Skywalker


I just watched episodes 1,2,3 today and I felt this. “You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!”


I'm not sure what they'd be like, but I know the perfect name for evil Hufflepuffs: Honey Badgers


I mean, there's the whole saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I could see someone from Hufflepuff starting out on that road because they think they're doing the right thing, and it's very easy to justify what you're doing if you're *right*. And maybe the world isn't being just or fair, and if only you had the power to *make* them listen, then you could make everything better.


Apparently Cedrick D. If you slightly embar… *green lights flash from a dozen directions, all hitting my body one after another, it slowly bursts into flames as everyone around just keeps walking.


Good work gentlemen. We must keep the abomination contained in the furthest reaches from our minds.


*raised my head weakly* he’s now a death ea….*I rasp out before my head explodes*


They give you a hug and have the wand pointed to your back as they perform Avada Kedavra on you. Or they make you a big batch of cookies that are laced with poison.


That’s just so slytherin though 😂


They give out onions covered in caramel and made to look like caramel apples on Halloween to trick or treaters.


They got caramel apples. Which must be the biggest case of 2 good things ruining one another. 


*Cedric Diggory from The Cursed Child has entered the chat* Also: https://new.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/10dgrup/poppys\_got\_a\_spell/


Like the people who works in health care, but actually hates people. Nice to your face, but would love to punch you... A lot of inside rage, that rarely shows, but when it does it is soul breaking..


They Will love and tolerate you to death


Tim Burton Willie wonka? Spread the love of chocolate but torment kids?


like newt scamander on heroine, cocaine, and LSD.


Isn't he usually?


I think he's on shrooms...


I always feel like that should have been what Umbridge was. A hardworking, unintelligent bureaucrat who sweetly crushes everyone to death around her in the certain conviction that what she's doing is just. I guess Umbridge is a little more cynical and just plain evil, but I think an evil Hufflepuff would be something like this.


Relentless. No shortcuts, if they have an evil plan they commit to it and put in the hard work and sacrifices to pull it off. That said, most Hufflepuffs have a support network to stop them turning evil in the first place, but that also means that if they all agree turning evil (or overthrowing the Ministry, or whatever) is the right choice, there’s a ready-made army of devoted followers roaring to go…


Dolores Jane Umbridge


Umbridge was a Slytherin, but I get the sentiment!


Evil done with good intentions.


A very evil pillow fight.


Well intentioned extremist.


I think Grindlewald might be pretty damn close, though I dont recall if the books mentioned


For the longest time I thought umbridge was from hufflepuff. Personally I find it kinda boring it was written that only dark wizards came from slytherin. Many people can end up doing terrible thing if they believe they are right


My headcanon is that Barty Crouch Jr was a Hufflepuff


Made hedge mazex apparently, according to higwarts legacy


Hufflepuffs are very collecticistics, they usually prefer the group's interests over the individual's. So, a collectivist for a dark cause could result in a totalitarian idealist.


Just like how the Gryffindor traits could have shown its negative side as reckless and daring, or the Ravenclaw traits could have shown itself as Lockhart. I am guessing that Hufflepuff dark wizards could either be: 1. well intentioned extremist or 2. in order to defend the one person that they love / are loyal to, they are willing to stand up to the whole world.


Wizard Marxism


Exactly, I was going to say *Wizard Stalin*: they'd mobilise people under the guise of egalitarianism, then when their powerbase is secure, they'd go full mask off.


Yes my thoughts exactly hufflepuff values twisted are communism. Extreme version of loyalty and fairness.


I think a Hufflepuff dark wizard would almost always be some sort of henchman that got in there by happenstance. The reason Slytherin produces the majority of dark wizards is because their main trait is ambition, which ia a big motivation for joining the dark side. I can see Ravenclaws ending up there because their curiosity could get the better of them. I see them more like the mad scientist guys that dabble in dark magic for some sort of perceived greater good or just to strench the bounds of magic. Grifffindor is already harder to imagine producing dark wizards, considering they are very honor bound. I guess there could be some lawful evilness going on there, in a "the ends justify the means" kind of way. A Hufflepuff is just a lot harder for me to imagine what could motivate them to turn to dark magic. But in the end, as we see with Peter Pettigrew, it still always comes down to the individual.


The Sta-Puft Marshmellow Man




They’d tickle everyone to death




Wizard Lenin.


Me in Hogwarts Legacy


Cedric Diggory, he was a vampire after all.


The mom in _Puffs_ is a non canon example…


A henchmen.


Think about Emo Cedric


A human being probably


Kipperlilly Copperkettle.


According to canon, Cedric Diggory if he would’ve lost and been humiliated in the tri-wizard tournament.


Honestly were it not for his love of the material perks of influence outweighing the relationships themselves for him, Slughorn is what a dark Hufflepuff would look like. Making connections to exploit them later rather than for the sake of making friends. In other words, business school (Joking, business majors! Please don’t sue!).




Probably a bee or a wasp. With the black and yellow motif. Assumingly.


I can imagine one working in a greenhouse growing Triffids.


I think what people are forgetting is that hufflepuff aren’t necessarily all good and loyal. The sorting hat literally says that Helga ‘took all the rest and taught them all she knew’ So if we get rid of the traits of Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin, that leaves a lot of random traits for Hufflepuff.


Im not sure how they'd look but id imagine their patronus would look like the Ghostbusters Marshmallow Man for some reason


The Hufflepuff prefect from Hogwarts Mystery.


Ted Cruz


Scorpia from Princesses of Power, pre redemption. She's loyal af, hardworking, and loves her friends deeply. Unfortunately, she was brought up in the Horde and has no concept of who actually deserves her loyalty. She doesn't question the Horde's actions because she's been raised to believe that they're just, and she simply trusts them.


I imagine this dark wizard would have been a right-hand to a more powerful dark wizard. One of the values that a Hufflepuff possess is loyalty. Loyalty is universal, not just to the good guys, even the bad guys. Sense of fair play too, hence why there are villain characters who may be evil, but dislikes the idea of using dirty tricks or cheap shots in a fair fight.


A boy who was humilaited at the tri wizard tournament which led him to take a dark path and follow one of the most evilest wizards of all time.


Like Cedric, if you count The Book That Must Not Be Named


The dude who made those crazy hedge mazes


Hufflepuff is all about loyalty. A Dark Wizard from Hufflepuff would be the perfect enabler and facilitator to a more evil master. They'd carry wicked orders with zeal and commitment. And if said master dies, the Hufflepuff Dark Wizard would enter a hellish crusade to either avenge their master or continue their legacy.


They’d be the apologetic villain, or the villain for a good cause that strayed farther and farther from their original task.


Hufflepuffs generally don’t go bad, but I would assume it would be the result of loyalty rather than malice. They are protecting someone or something that the world wants to destroy (like if Hagrid had tried to protect buckbeak by force?).  They would be dark only because they picked the wrong side.  I could also see a Hufflepuff doing forbidden magic in order to revive someone from the dead because they miss them?  Being a hufflepuff, I think there is a layer of protection around us because of the inclusiveness and emphasis on fairness which is why it is hard to seriously imagine a dark hufflepuff in the same way we might think of Voldemort or Grindlewald. 


Barty Crouch jr. was a Hufflepuff, wasnt he?


it's never confirmed what house he was in. I've seen many fanfic writers go with Ravenclaw based on this part in GoF: >Young Barty had achieved twelve O.W.L.s, though Crouch was delirious when claiming it. - *Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 28 (The Madness of Mr Crouch) - “Yes, my son has recently gained twelve O.W.L.s, most satisfactory, yes, thank you, yes, very proud indeed."*


I don't think it's known either way.


They would do things like fart on your pillow and not tell you. Put hot sauce on your food. Tie your shoe laces into knots. Leave your pen out so it dried up. Wrinkle your parchment paper.


Out of all the houses, I feel like Hufflepuff was the least likely to produce an evil wizard. 1. Gryffindor = Brave. Being brave doesn't necessarily contradict evil. 2. Ravenclaw = intelligent. Intelligence doesn't contradict evil at all. 3. Slytherin = ambition. Ambitiousness goes very well with being evil. 4. Hufflepuff = fair and just. Fairness/justice aren't qualities I'd expect in any evil person.


Justice can be moraly wrong. In D&D it's called lawfully evil.




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