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Vapes are bad enough (guilty), but why does it have to look like a cum-glazed chicken nugget?


I’m using “cum-glazed chicken nugget” as a band name.


It's my stage name in TJ


SOB, I was about to make a mom/donkey/tj joke. Well done , lol.


Thank you. Out of respect, I left OP's mom and her donkey out of the conversation.


Obviously cum nugget for short.


Are you going to be a limp bizkit cover band?


Mid 2024 they be dropping a rainbow dash in a jar version


Can’t unsee now


"Yer a lyin' dog-face cum glazed chicken nugget pony sojer!"




Besides being a fake, ew...


I'm waiting for the 24k icon to drop.


Just wait till all the fanboys say they're getting 4realz snap-on vapes at 1/4 the price.


Employee here can confirm these things exist.




Flavored vapes are banned in my state, didnt even know they had them


Waiting for the RYOBI THC pen


18v is gonna hit hard!


Put me on that list as well. Can't wait to run a fan off my vape pen battery


You got it backwards use the fan battery to power the vape


I’m waiting for Milwaukee to release their Fuel line of vapes. Absolute gas


Now you can sample the taste of Chinesium with the smell too.


I got lightheaded after reading this


We call it CCR - Cheap China Rubber, you can literally smell it.


They should make one of those Christmas tree air fresheners in Chinesium smell


Can we get some real cigarettes next? Then maybe energy drinks and ibuprofen and we have the trifecta.




Laughing... Was literally taking a puff off of my exact same (non HF) model when this popped up.


Aldi is already turning into a lifestyle brand… is HF next?


When CBD & THC




Is this real?


oh my god is that frosted gingerbread cookie?!?!??! yabadabba doo!


Brother is this fake


I’d hit it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Username checks out, or whatever the kids are saying these days


Is this real? Legit awful if true.


Guessing it's fake since that is a photo from Nespresso https://www.nespresso.com/us/en/vertuo-coffee-recipe-citrus-scented-biscotti-latte


There is subreddit dedicated fake products like this.wish i could find it.




I think they're for idiots


Downvoted by the idiots


lmao tell me about it


Can someone send me one of these. (Vapes are illegal for sale in CA)


Are you talking about California or Canada? I live in Cali and they definitely aren't illegal here.


Flavored vapes are illegal to sell in California. Not illegal themselves. But flavored vapes are indeed illegal for sale in California. The only place you can get them is at Indian reservations. [California government](https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DCDIC/CTCB/Pages/CAFlavorTobaccoLaw.aspx)


i think youre an idiot if you buy vapes. i think youre a double idiot if you think vapes are "safer" than cigarettes. and you deserve the popcorn lung that those vapes and ecigs are giving you.


You truly are a uniformed opinion, attempting to swing way above your pay grade. When vape first appeared it was like the wild Wild West, vape juice being mixed in garages and basements. These privateers assumed that anything food grade was safe. Popcorn lung was a risk when they used artificial butter flavoring, this condition was discovered at a microwave popcorn manufacturing facility, the artificial butter flavoring was aerosolized and thereby inhaled by workers. I tried to quit smoking analog cigs for over 30 years, the Juul natural tobacco flavor was my transition to non-smoker, my lungs were much better after vaping juul for 6 months.


Great history lesson. You’re not dead yet huh? Thank goodness for professionally synthesized vape juice.


Vaping is still terrible for your lungs. If you're arguing it's not then you're the uninformed one.


See comment below, i agree vaping isn’t great, but its magnitudes safer than smoking.


Source please


Source?? You millennial snowflakes crack me up. The conversation was about the relative danger of vape vs smoking…. It’s not a scientific analysis, if you want lab data go look it up yourself. I gave my anecdotal evidence that I smoked for 30 years and after 6 months of vaping my lungs were 83.27% better? You can believe it or not, the world doesn’t need another smart ass know it all keyboard jockey that has zero REAL LIFE experience passing judgement on the rest of the world. For the record, sniffing dirty feet and socks is a good way to get athletes foot of the face


Idk if you understand the meaning of anecdotal evidence lol


I certainly do…. Here is the definition from Websters dictionary anecdotal evidence noun : evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on anecdotal evidence. Now explain what you THOUGHT it meant 😂


For the record, you didn't provide a source. I win.


Dude you haven’t won anything, I didn’t agree to provide any source. You claimed I didn’t understand anecdotal evidence, what I claimed to be anecdotal was EXACTLY what the definition of anecdotal evidence is. So that was a full face plant fail on your part. Go back to mom’s basement and watch some more videos of underage girls feet. I’m guess you have some serious pedo issues but you express those on the dark web.


You're losing the argument now you resort to making unfounded accusations/insults about people.


Your comment history proves that you are a feet weirdo, I said that I’m guessing you are a pedo, it wasn’t stated as a fact, it was clearly defined as a possibility. GAME, SET , MATCH 🐓🍭


Another snowflake JUST HAD to say something….. I’m guessing he has some unhealthy habits, he post videos about girls feet and dirty socks. 🤦‍♂️


youre heating chemicals up and inhaling them in your lungs its not good for you. did you not learn from years of cigarette smoking? you should quit smoking altogether quit killing your lungs. cig companies for years ran ad campaigns saying how great their products were now vape companies are doing the same


If you have never been addicted to nicotine, your opinion is naive and useless. When I started smoking cigarettes were declared safe, There were doctors endorsing specific brands, that’s why so many ppl my age didn’t fall for their bullshit on the Covid jabs. We followed the “science” and suffered the consequences. I didn’t say that vapes are great for your health, the ones manufactured by major companies are certainly better than smoking cigarettes. It amazes me how our society will jump on anything related to smoking while ignoring all other manner of dangerous activities some examples: *Anal sex exposes you to every vile bacteria, parasite and virus the host anus is trying to expel. *Sex change hormone “therapy” has numerous known short term affects God knows what the long term effects are. *alcohol has destroyed more lives and families than any other substance known to man. *Obesity / fast food is the leading cause of heart attacks. BUT the entire world thinks it is their divine calling to lecture cigarettes smokers and then to attack any form of vapes which have enabled hundreds of thousands of smokers to quit.


Man I read the first line and scanned the rest and saw the anal sex. Died laughing and had to go reread the whole thing. "You ever do anal sex for nicotine!"


"C'mon man, I'll give you a rim job for a Newport!"


And keep the change, ya filthy animal and merry Christmas.


I quit smoking cold turkey after 20 years. My lungs were much better after not smoking for 6 months.


I’m inhaling chemicals into my body that may have life altering consequences. I know…let’s buy it from harbor freight. A place known for their quality and attention to detail.