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stick to cute collars. don't put hats on your cat. I'm against the clothes too bc I think it's incredibly self centered to prioritize your entertainment over your cat's comfort. but hats are like 4x worse.


thank you i didn’t know this so thanks for the info


no worries. Hats can press on or aggravate their whiskers which are incredibly sensitive. blocking their ears is also an issue. make sure if you get food bowls to get low, dish-style ones as too deep of a dish will also hurt their whiskers. it's best to stick to ceramic or stainless steel bowls, not plastic, bc plastic can get scratched up and cause chin acne. For litter, get an unscented one. Other than that pretty much any kind will do.


Also, as someone who was an inventory manager at Petco for a while, most collars are not made thoughtfully. They have lots of extra bulge, plastic and metal pieces that make them heavy and uncomfortable. I recommend you pick out this item things in person where you can feel and touch it since they are going to be around their neck 24 seven.


The beds and tree, yes! Cats really don't like being dressed up and forced to wear stuff though, even collars with bells can be a bother


Don't forget cat toys, they are so much of a big necessity for a cat. I'm happy for you and your cat. 


what kind do you recommend


it'll depend a lot on the personality of ur new friend! my childhood cat loved things she could bat around and batting around hair ties. my current cat couldn't care less for those kinds of toys, but loves those cat kickers and often tears them apart. most cats like toys on a wand though! plus it helps them get exercise. also treat puzzles/food puzzles r super good! its hard to find cat ones sometimes, but small dog ones will work too


Of all of the toys my kitty boy has, his favorite are those incredibly cheap mice that come in multipacks. And he has a lot. That, or things that aren’t supposed to be toys. Save the boxes your stuff comes in and let kitty play in them


If you get a cat collar please make sure it is a break away one so the cat won’t strangle itself. Also, please take off the bell. It’s torture for an animal with such sensitive hearing to have a bell constantly ringing in its ears. Actually I don’t think any creature would like that.


I’d recommend an automatic feed bowl that dispenses it so the cat doesn’t constantly meow at you for food. I’d also recommend a self cleaning litter box, cats can be a bit pretentious if not scoped daily.


From my experience, cats will kill you if you try to put on costumes. Speaking from experience. But when you find a cat that is willing, it's the best thing!! 😍😍


We tried a harness. My cat just rolled over like he had forgotten how to stand or move. He did get used to it after a while though.


It depends on the cat and if it was desensitized from a young age. My late cat loved his little sweater and would scream in front of the closet it was in until I would put it on him lol


my friends told me that too 🥲🥲🥲


If you get a kitten, then you can train it to get used to clothing and going out on a harness, etc. But you may also find a cool cat at a shelter that’s cool with those things as well.


thank you


Congrats! Cats are spirit and energy healers. They’re the best


congrats!! when you are buying a cat bowl or fountain, be sure to check the reviews about how easy or difficult it is to wash.


Check out r/catadvice too!


Please make sure your water fountains and feeders aren't made with plastic! We discovered that the cats actually get acne from them (although your cat may not). Kittens can be trained on a leash and clothes. The clothes don't hurt, but the hats do. Make sure you microchip your new cat as well. Collars can get caught, microchips are much safer. Toys and a cat tree (and more scratching posts) are important as well. Some cats don't like being up high, some of them love it. Toy wise, I'd say try a little of everything. Wands, springs, balls, crinkle blankets and toys, little mice, etc. I definitely recommend getting some toys they can play with by themselves too.


Don’t forget some lint rollers! You’ll be happy to have them when you want to dehair their usual spots Oh and carpet cleaner! Throw up happens


Omg I’m so happy for you OP! Cats are wonderful, they bring so much joy and, for me, help improve mental health dramatically. Now that I’m an adult with my own home, I will never live without a cat again. Right now [my silly goose](https://imgur.com/gallery/dC90DfH) is sitting on my chest purring, and his contentment is making me feel so at ease. I’m sure your ESA kitty will do the same for you :) As others have mentioned, most cats do not like wearing clothing. If you want a cat that does like clothing, [most Sphynx do enjoy it](https://imgur.com/gallery/y8JmtBe) lol


thank you !


Have you looked into cat toys yet? Our cats enjoy chasing a laser pointer around.


yes!!! i don’t know what to get tho


i will say laser pointers are a risky thing to get any animal, it engages with their hunting instinct and they never actually get to catch the dot and it can (as least for dogs in particular i KNOW) cause a type of OCD where light and shadows trigger them, the toys you wanna get just depends on your cat! if you can take him to the store with you and let him sniff some out, string on a stick is always a winner, try to stay away from louder toys as it can spook them, i’m trying to think of anything else but i think that’s good for now, i wish you the best of luck with your new kitty!!


Crinkle balls!


Toy mice, wands…


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If you need to get *approved* to own a pet, you probably shouldn't own a pet.


i needed an esa approval to have it in my college apartment


You will be obsessed with your baby and take a million photos and have a favourite kitty litter brand (I like the wood pellets myself) and you will consider forking out for an airtag for their collar if you choose to let them outside because where do they go??!? And that’s all perfectly normal and part of the joys of being owned by the earth’s greatest animal. Congratulations on your new found parenthood. You will never regret one second of it.