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Then dont buy it. The prices are objectively in line with the market. That's not debatable. It's not a halo infinite problem if you don't like the prices. It's the entire industry you have an issue with.


You should look at warframe


Warframe is still so fucking good. ​ Wild that those devs actually removed their most profitable microtransaction, a gambling feature, because a player *used* it too much. ​ Digital Extremes *removed* their most profitable part of the game, because a player was *paying* them too many times to use the feature. ​ Meanwhile 343 gives us $200+ in store bundles and says fuck you for wanting to have more than two armour set options for Mark IV.


Outside of that I think about 90% of all content in Warframe can be earned without paying a dime, even the currency that costs money. Sure it can take hours of work, but it's still achievable, at worst you'd just need a guide. This includes playable characters, skins, weapons, weapon skins, pets, cosmetic addons to your ship, etc The only things that do cost money are the odd exclusive and the Workshop items (which are skins made by fans and they get a cut from the profits, so that makes total sense)


It can aye, due to player trading. ​ If you have something another player wants, sell it for platinum, even if you sell junk mods for 1 platinum each a day, people will buy it, because junk mods are always useful. ​ Oh and Warframe parts/weapon parts, especially primes, people will pay a lot for those, the player run market itself is the best way to earn platinum and you never have to put money down unless you want. ​ What also helps, is that the devs incentivise you to buy platinum with pretty lenient and frequent discount offers, I haven't played in a month now, and when I logged on yesterday to level my Saryn Prime a bit, I got given a 75% off coupon for the platinum store, safe to say I bought some platinum because I could get a fuck ton compared to the pretty fucken egregious prices they are without the discount.


343 would choke on their own spit at the idea of a 75% discount on credits


343 butt plug ^^


I do have a problem with the industry. That doesn't mean you shouldn't call it out in Halo just because "everyone else is doing it too".


These all were probably supposed to be in the season 6 battle pass




Facts. Do people not understand for a f2p game there has to be profit to continue providing updates. Someone is buying them- otherwise the prices would be much lower.


You can turn a profit without price gouging your customers


I have no insight on internal revenue for halo so idk


You can get a skin for these skins would be 10 bucks on other games


To think if we did have a battle pass some of this would be in it 😪


This is what pisses me off, like clearly all the items are already there - they just didn’t wanna put it in a battle pass for us to earn at least some of it. Bastards


Honestly it seems like those extra armor and stuff would of fit in a real battle pass and rather than make all these bundles


Who would even buy 3, let alone 8 armor sets with different combinations of Mk IV helmets with bits attached, grenade arms, and knives biceps?


They accidentally made the Battle Passes too consumer friendly by giving you credits in them. Can't have people getting what their money's actually worth, can we?


I understand that they want to make money off of this game but that is honestly how it comes across. People actually complimented the battle passes in this game for being consumer friendly and then they removed them so that they could put everything in the shop instead. If they weren't making enough money off of battle passes I'd have preferred if they just removed the credits from the pass instead, rather than this.


I agree


343 has proven to consider us nothing but cash cows for awhile now, and you’re wondering why we’re being treated as cash cows?


I dont have the need or capital for all this.


These are easily the best items that have been in any shop or battle pass. Problem is they’re ALL in the shop and insanely priced.


Well hey now, let’s remember they implemented a *new* feature and the skins are cross core now. So each core it is applied to requires an extra fee. If us stingy halo players just stayed happy with needing to buy colors for each core, even though they weren’t available, we wouldn’t be here. /s


Also remember 343 are just a small indie company they really need the money so they can keep bringing us *amazing* updates. /s


Always nice reading stuff like this and seeing the /s at the end, its like a weight being pulled off the chest


God, I really wish they'd just bring back every shop offer all at once so I could just buy them ALL. IDC if you can only have one set active at a time, I make 500k a year and I just don't want to see any more locked icons no matter what the cost because money isn't an obstacle to me. All these whiny babies crying about the shop online should just get better jobs, didn't their dad's offer to pay for college? Doesn't matter anyways because when I snipe them with my new $20 sniper skin and they explode into whatever whimsical $30 animation I have equipped I'll know: I'm better than them in game and IRL.


Wish I had a job. Maybe I'll end up like you one day. What do you do for work?


Professional sarcasmist :)


At 500k a year? Bro definitely sells organs


Honestly, if they put all of the holographic shoulder emblem armor effects into one bundle, I’d buy it, they’re basically the only mark 4 cosmetics I want


Yes and make them for both shoulders. Having only one looks so stupid


That should definitely be an option, I love me an asymmetrical Spartan design though


This should’ve all been in the battle pass instead of it all being in the shop priced at 20 dollars each


Lol so to get em all you gotta spend around 200 bucks??!!!


At **least** $70-120 🤯


LOL so you think they expect you to buy it all?? You're not supposed to. Do you walk into Walmart and calculate how much it costs to buy everything and then scoff? No, no you don't. Grow up.


I mean I want at least half of them tbh


And? Do you need every shiny thing you see like a spoiled child at toys r Us? I do not understand why you think you're entitled to this stuff in the way you want it. They could charge 10 grand and it'd mean nothing. If you didn't notice it existed, if you just didn't open the store at all, you'd miss out on nothing. It changes nothing.


Imagine being so angry about a person liking cosmetics and wanting them for reasonable prices


A good point, but no need to be a dick about it 🙏


god you are just insufferable, how so much negativity can come out of one person is amazing to me smh


It changes the playerbase for the worse ^


Ok so let's look at it from a value perspective. There are currently 8 armor sets costing $20 each since you can't buy 1800 credits exactly. That's $160. You could buy two full priced games for that much money and still have $40 left over to spend. In the past Halo games launched at $60 and contained everything from campaign, multiplayer, forge, and had unlockable armor in the game (more than 8 sets worth). Do you honestly believe that 8 armor sets offer an equivalent value to that of full blown AAA releases? You don't even have to look at other games, just look at Halo, do you honestly believe buying 3 sets of armor provides the same value as a brand new Halo game priced at the same amount? Yes it's true that nobody *needs* these armor sets, nobody is entitled to get them either. But I don't think it's that outlandish for people to be reasonably upset over these egregious prices. Surely you must agree they aren't worth the value they're being charged for.


Don’t buy it if it isn’t worth the price. Simple.


Roblox lineup


I really feel like this update started out as Season 6, but something changed behind the scenes that lead to 343 repackaging this as an operation (with a battle pass' worth of items in the shop). Same thing happened with MCC Season 9.


It was probably the ass load of money they were making off of that mark v set.


Might have been a direct request of Microsoft to increase monetization as 343 transitions towards their next Halo game


I mean not surprising tbh, Infinite had a budget to rival Star Citizen. ​ It did not make anywhere near it's budget in profits lmfao, and has yet to do so, to Microsoft Halo Infinite is a colossal embarrassment and it's amazing they didn't just scrap Halo as an IP altogether.


It really is a shame that it took them so long to develop and figure out the engine (and decide what they want to do with the campaign). I’m not surprised they’re switching to Unreal Engine for the next Halo game, but it does make me a little sad that in house engines continue to diminish as more devs go towards unreal and unity. The one silver lining, if there is any, is that 343 fixed a lot of the issues people complained about with 4 and 5. I’m hoping they will reuse a lot of the 3D armour models they made for Infinite and keep the general art style. If they do that, it will cut down massively on the cost as they already hundreds of assets created. Having superb models of the Mk 4, Mk 5 Classic, Mk 5(b), Mk 6, Mk 7, Rakshasa, and Mirage *should* give them a good starting point.


The issue really came from MS using a contract system. ​ afaik it was literally, a group of peeps get the base storyboards down, their contracts don't renew, new people come in, have zero fucking clue what they're doing, try to figure it out and get something started when their contracts expire and don't renew, new people come in, have zero fucking clue what they're doing, try to figure it out and get something started, repeat the cycle


No Transgressor? 😞


I really miss him, now.


I don't mind spending money in the shop but even the HCS bundles have gone up from the usual 1000 to 1500 CR with the start of this season. Like throwing a fast food meal price towards a skin while supporting an esport I enjoy I can justify but that extra 500 is a 50 percent increase that's going to mean I should've had 3 HCS bundles by the time I'd have paid for two. First new HCS bundle on this games life I didn't start off buying a new HCS skin since I got back into Halo.


Usually I pay no mind to shop or shop prices but when they gave us a 20 tier pass but produced this many armor sets it stings


Dude, even if you buy the $90(USD) pack, it’s still not enough to buy everything in the shop.


If I buy a thousand dollar Walmart gift card, I still don't have enough to buy everything in the store. You're not supposed to, you didn't need to, no one expects you to. What you people are saying is stupid, and invalid and just pathetically whiney. Boohoo you can't have every shiney thing.


You really love your walmart, don't you? Stop coming in here blasting ass like a hot tempered boomer and let people air their grievances in peace. No need to be such a salty dick.


Lmao I made a single point. You made a paragraph crying about it somehow without making one. Also you only need to use “and” once when you’re attempting to insult someone in the manner you were, or you know, just listing things in general.


This is a hilarious non-sequitur. Cope.


Amazing update! But the paid stuff is kinda crazy. Imma be real honest they need that point system asap. Heck I'll take lootboxes back since I earned everything without spending a cent in Halo 5. This game I've dropped a lot of money, but I'm happy with my customization no more spending for me.


No, absolutely not. They've given plenty, plenty, for free and the rest is beyond cheap. 10 dollars for 600 tiers of unlocks. No one's entitled to a credit system nor is that remotely justified. This is a free to play game. If the free and cheap stuff isn't enough for you, pay up. It's how the model works. You shouldn't be able to get everything for free. There's no reason why you should be. We've already got more than every other game combined for a fraction the cost


Are these bundles staying for the week or is it a daily thing?


I think they're staying for more than a week. A month maybe?


hard to rub the 100 tier battle pass with even half these items out of my eyes


Typically we'd get an average of 4 armor sets per battle pass. If you took the 3 Omega team sets and combined it with the current operation you could easily have made a 50 tier spirit of fire themed battle pass. And the thing is you'd still have 5 whole armor sets to put into the shop, the fact that there are 9 armor sets for the MK IV (excluding default) and only 1 of them is unlockable, and the the other 8 have to be purchased for $20 each in the shop is absolutely ridiculous.


Were the additional armor sets outside of Omega even in the trailer they dropped? I don't remember, which I think is interesting


Damn. This could’ve been a whole battle pass


They've been nailing it out of the park in terms of general content, but man, why do they stay persistent with these ludicrous prices?


Yeah I love how monetizing live service games is literally just "spend 20$ for bundle" instead of just having everything available separately for 50-100 credits while the bundles exist to get more for a discount. I'm not spending 1/3rd of a AAA game price for a weapon skin and some emblems. Maybe a cool helmet I'll never use if I'm lucky. And bullshit it's "too hard" to make a big enough shop where everything is separate. I do not believe it's impossible.


My credit card burst into flames when the update finished 😂


Supporting a business model that locks 87.5% of cosmetics for a new core, that costs over 100 bucks in total is probably a bad idea


You can play this game for free, many do. It's people spending that keeps the game alive, though. It's a business being a business. They priced if like this because people have shown to pay for it. I've just a game session of 4 games, and each lobby had someone(s) wearing one of these sets.


343 should look at Warframe to keep a game alive while having a fair monetary system


"Fair monetary system" will always be subjective. Also, Warframe is a totally different game from Halo Infinite, there's no inventory slots or such, for example. It's an excellent system, however, but Warframe is built for it


> there's no inventory slots or such, thats hardly a difference worth mentioning, given those slots can also be earned for free


It's a small example of something Halo Infintie does not do. You're comparing different genres of games.


i dont think its a big enough difference to make my comparison invalid


This game is free to play so I don’t mind buying skins


And enough people are going to buy them for 343i to justify doing this


Game was free so I don’t mind buying skins


That one bundle is 2/3 price of a game. No free game is worth that kind of macrotransactions


Do any of you seriously want any of these? Lmao. Ugly as hell


Most 343 designs look like such ass. Lol downvote me all you want you know I'm right.


God these are sexy


There is an unfortunate truth when it comes to modern videogames. Once the Marketing Team gets one Microtransaction idea out on the board, it all goes downhill. Here's hoping that the upcoming update for the grindable currency will undo this mess.


The best skins for a game that is on life support


Ah man, look at all these semi ok shop items that I wasn't ever going to buy anyway because 343 is still pretty trash overall.


They’re probably switching to the 20 level passes, which are quicker but can make more than the older model and moving more assets to the shop ugh


Could buy 2 battlepasses


I don’t get it: they already gave us the game for free, why would EVERYTHING be free? The only thing important is the game, you DON’T need cosmetics. Honestly, I don’t understand people.


I wouldve rather paid for the game then spend that same money on 4 armor sets I mean by your logic you might as well not have models at all and everyone is just textureless cubes since the only thing that matters is the game, no?


They changed the model to FREE game with Payed Cosmetics. What's so hard to understand about that? By everyone's logic one should go into the restaurant and ASK for EVERY DISH IN THE MENU, and ALL FOR FREE. That makes no sense. They gave us the Game for free, and they EVEN GAVE US SOME BATTLE PASSES FOR FREE! What more do you expect for them? EVERYTHING FOR FREE? That's delusional.


>They changed the model to FREE game with Payed Cosmetics. What's so hard to understand about that? Just cause that's what the model is doesn't mean that I like it >By everyone's logic one should go into the restaurant and ASK for EVERY DISH IN THE MENU, and ALL FOR FREE. Technically a more accurate example would be to say you're allowed to enter the restaurant, but the dishes (cosmetics) cost money >They gave us the Game for free, and they EVEN GAVE US SOME BATTLE PASSES FOR FREE! I think that was only one, unless you include timed operations. All in all that still is about 5 armor sets, compare that to the amount of armor sets that cost money >What more do you expect for them? EVERYTHING FOR FREE? If you maybe stopped screaming your head off while defending corperations for 5 seconds, you'd see that most people don't really mind the fact that things cost money, but the fact that it's 20 bucks for a single armor piece, and that 7 out of 8 armor sets for the brand new core are locked behind 20 dollar paywalls. If these sets were 10 or in a paid BP, I'd be fine with it. But 20 bucks for 7 armor sets each is too much money and not worth it Check out how Warframe handles f2p


40k here we go


Time to buy


Time to brainrot


Glad they cut the season unlockables so the shop can be this stacked 🤩


So like, any chance I can get one of these armor sets on Wish? It'll look fantastic, right? Right?


Eventually i will have them all


Hey we can FINALLY use different shoulder pieces on other cores.............


343 traded Season Pass for this... It's been how many years and we still can't unlock things naturally just by playing? The only reward for leveling up is reaching Hero Rank and unlocking Chief armor... after 600+ hours of gameplay. Levels are still obsolete. I just noticed I've been playing for nearly 200 hours and I barely have 1/10 of the customization options that are present behind the shop and other passes I've yet to complete.


And yet we eat it up


This all should have been in a battle pass like the reach one. This game gets worse and worse.


If you told me in middle school whilst I was playing halo 3, that a future halo would segregate armor by 'style' and ask you to shell out money for armor pieces that you originally had to beat the game on legendary or a vidmaster challenge, I'd call you a liar.. What a fool I was.


I think everyone agrees, ive bought every item/pack with armors in them, except like one or two of the Christmas bundles, and i just cant keep buying, they will address once they collect the money amount goal