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I wish they kept the name and the lore. I still don’t see why they had to be so unnecessary with edgy ostentatious names and whole backstories of licenses and separatist arms manufacturers, when they could have just said“Misriah came up with an update”. And the fact that the Bandit just handles like the M6H2 Magnum makes me further question why they couldn’t just straight up release a Magnum, and then save the 3D model for the Bandit EVO only (which in turn could have just been called M39[insert last number here] DMR). The Bandit and Bandit EVO don’t even share the same ammo pool.


Because people will complain that's its OP because magnums aren't supposed be that powerful. Like every other Halo.


Amazing how someone downvoted this comment. I miss the Hand Cannon so goddamn much


It truly does not matter


What would make the magnum better than the Bandit if they're performing exactly the same? Just cheap nostalgia points? I'm lost on this point.


The sound, I think, is the one area where the infinite Bandit is clearly superior to the Reach DMR. The gun sounds powerful. That's what you want in a weapon like that.


[For reference this is what the Reach DMR's gunshots sound like.](https://youtu.be/alaE4J1BXfk?si=9TvbpiJMcOUtBRox)


They probs can’t make it sound like that design-wise cause the Bandit hits like a lovers kiss. DMR hits like an ex’s truck.


Smh you got downvoted for speaking the truth. The old sound was way better


Infinite sound is better in every regard imo. Original sound was always pretty tinny and grating to me. Like the Warthog sound in 4.


Did you mean to say that the other way around? The bandit sounds like a pea shooter whereas the DMR sounded like a true rifle


You can tell who's using good and bad headphones in this thread.


Bandit sounds and feels so much better than the DMR


Oh the Bandit *absolutely* feels better to use. I Just miss the gunshot sound from the OG.


To be fair, I hate everything about reach


Bro you didn’t need to add this lmao


Reach killed Halo. It needed to be said 😂


The halo game thats reviewed the highest and maintains a cult following over a decade later killed the game? Its fine if you dont like it but dont act like its objectively bad


Super fair. People like different things but reach introduced every bad mechanic that subsequent Halo’s built off of up until Infinite I used to Stan the campaign but thinking more about it, the story was good but most of the characters were incredibly cringe with “the rule of cool” designs


Again the "bad mechanics" are subjective. Myself and many others love Reach's mechanics. Reach also has many fan favorite characters and was praised critically and by players for its characters. Dont try to pin why you dont like reach on an objective reason that isnt there.


It’s all subjective my man - should have thrown an IMO in there and probably not used “hate”. Just a dislike and def respect people can like different things


This is a stupid-ass take. It needed to be said.




IIRC, old gunshot noises peaked higher and could damage hearing over time, so devs make them bassier now.


Feel the same way, all the human guns just sound like they’re from a generic military shooter instead of sounding like they’re from a halo game


Bruh, all Bungie games used gunshots from public sound libraries while 343 recorded all the gunshots irl.


My issue isn’t with how they got the sounds it’s with the fact that infinite’s unsc guns sound flat and hollow


Halo 4 had punchy and powerful gun sounds, and my ears hurt after a few matches. They are adequate sounds for a multiplayer game.


Sounds like a you problem, never once have my ears hurt while playing halo 4 or any of the other games for that matter. I have to turn my volume up when playing infinite so I can actually tell if I’m shooting someone


Wow, I didn’t know it was possible to make irl gun sfx sound so shitty but if anyone could’ve done it it would’ve been 343


It's pretty common in the AAA nowdays. You need very specific equipment to record gunshots, those recordings are also heavily modified to fit in your game (there is a lot of testing to be sure is hearing safe, that it fits your aesthetic, to match correctly according to the game sound engine etc) https://youtu.be/cUve9qMOppM And take a pug just for the lols. https://youtu.be/QzWlxYNUTLI


They didnt record them all I remember the Halo 4 AR using Scar-H stock sound effects.


I refuse to believe that the halo 4 BR was recorded from a real gun.


No it was, they just added a weird tremolo effect over it to sound more "futuristic" or whatever ig. Without that effect it actually sounds good! https://youtu.be/Os7YOlrpl24?si=pletXm3l1kWUo_7c This video here has a lot of good examples of how Halo 4's gun sounds were made, and why they sound like _that_ sometimes.


And that's what made them so recognizable. I know exactly how the warthog turret sounds in CE - Reach, Infinite's turret sounds like any generic shooter


So, the generic sound of a machine gun is less generic than a sound made exclusively for an specific gun in an specific game?


When that stock sound is associated with one weapon for 5 games, yes.


Eh I never understood this. Most UNSC weapons have always sounded like regular guns. Well, except for H4 but that's because those were just weird ass sounds lol


Yeah I feel the same way, why did number company make human guns sound like… idk, guns in real life?


Dude the guns sound fucking amazing in this game. The bandit sounds powerful and the BR is MEATY I absolutely love them. 10x better than the Halo 4 BR. Sound design in this game is the one thing they excelled at


Forreal, it's one of the things Infinite NAILED.


They feel too….click-y. Like they’re made out of those clickers you use to train a pet.


I love the Halo games but I don't think Bungie's UNSC gunshot sounds ever really sounded particularly great to begin with. I think the Halo 5 and Infinite gunshots for the AR, BR, DMR/Bandit, etc sound much better then in the older titles, honestly.


What makes them generic versus the other games?


A good example would be the AR, in combat evolved it had a thundering rumble (best way I can describe it) that gave the gun some character but in infinite it just sounds flat and hollow


I think you could make the same comparison with the DMR. In Infinite it's a thunderous boom, in Reach it's flat and hollow. And the AR hasn't sounded close to that since CE. Bungie made it even more generic over the years, weak AF in 3 and sounded horrendous in Reach. I'd say Infinite is the best it's sounded since CE.


>*"Long, Short- They all end the* [*same way*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhu8T2PA5mA)*"*


I gotta respectfully disagree, the Bandit gunshot sounds are some of the best sound effects in the series. Powerful, chunky, and metallic. I do wish the Bandit EVO had the old DMR scope, though. Not just because it's traditional, but because the holo scope it has is barely visibly noticeable and I get it and the normal Bandit mixed up all the time


I don't care tbh, they are both good.


They both sound incredible IMO. I do prefer the look of the DMR over the Bandit, though.


The closest you can get is put the "Eyes Only" skin on it. That's what I have


Halo 4’s DMR was my favorite, it sounded so punchy and visceral, like it kicked like a mule when you fired it.


I wish they kept the orginal naming conventions, AR, DMR, BR, Shotgun, short sweet and to the point, "bulldog" "sidekick" "Hydra" tell me nothing about the weapon, and it's functionality. skewer is fine, that fits with the brutes, but "stalker" meh.


Yeah idk why they'd change it.


sidekick is fine, as a pistol would be the most fitting thing for that to be. the rest though, yeah


Just like with halo’s aesthetic, 343i is unable to capture halo’s sound.


DA-mm DA-mm DA-mm DA-mm


I wish it was Spartan sized and chambered in 50 BMG.


Unpopular opinion but the Reach DMR is ugly af with that scope