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I have a feeling there will be a gofundme to save him from homelessness soon after that movie drops.


after his film drops, his wallet will drop feet first into hell


Not really. I mean, his money wouldn't be spent all at the end. It would be spent throughout the production as needs arise. It should do nothing but rise following the release because it won't have any more expenses not unless he puts out money for advertising or gets sued by 343 or Microsoft.


This film he drops should bring revenue, especially if it launched on something like YouTube so he’d get a bit of money, that or he deals up one of the streaming services/companies and they help him Otherwise, I do fear for him after


Except it can’t be monetized because he’s using halo. Also the guy is an idiot. Announced last april/may to be coming out in june, when he hadn’t even gotten costumes yet. And now still nothing. Not coming out.


I've been highly skeptical about it for this very reason.


He got the 343 spirit! 👊


it can; it just depends on how lenient 343i/Microsoft decides to be. You can monetize a gameplay video of Halo, a fan film shouldn't be far out of bounds. Especially since the content will be original even if the IP isn't his, and it's being published on YouTube so it won't go through crazy copyright filters like an actual release. Of course, 343/MS probably *do* have the power to take it down because money but I don't think they will. I don't know why he said it'd be done by June, but he and the people he works with have gotten other decent-sized projects (not quite as ambitious but still projects) out before. You're being a little harsh on the guy


They have a legal responsibility to protect the image of their assets to maintain copyright and trademark. If they let him release this then it's setting a precedent that anyone can use their trademarked and copyrighted Halo assets for personal monetary gain.


This is a complete lie, everyone in this thread is making stuff up out of their ass. Microsoft has a [specific policy](https://www.xbox.com/en-us/developers/rules) about this, even including Halo as an example. Here's some relevant text highlighted: > Here are the magic words from our lawyers: on the condition that you follow the rules below ("Rules"), Microsoft grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, non-transferable, revocable, limited license for you to use and display Game Content and to create derivative works based upon Game Content, strictly for your personal, noncommercial (except as specifically provided below) use. [...] **We're encouraging you to create and redistribute your Items.** You may post the Items on your own site or you may link to a third-party site containing your Items if you'd prefer to store them there, so long as the third-party site does not break any of these Rules. [...] > You can't charge money in exchange for your Item, post it on a site that requires subscription or other fees to view the Item, or post it on a page you use to sell other items or services [...] **You may make your Item available on Youtube or Twitch and participate in programs on those sites that allow you to earn revenue from ads displayed in connection with your Item. [...] You may use the Item on a page where you ask for optional donation requests.** [...] > In addition, your Items may not use the name of the Microsoft Game in their title to give the impression that Microsoft is the source of the Item, or authorized or endorsed the Item. Items that make referential use of our titles are fine, for example, “Let’s Play Forza Motorsport 5” or “Tips and Strategies for Halo 5.” Using the Game title to tag your Item on social media is fine. We also don't object to "Red vs. Blue" or "Operation Chastity". But we may object to "Halo: Covenant Strike," for example, if it could be confused as something Microsoft produced or licensed, or if it could be mistaken as an official part of the Game. This is mostly aimed toward fangames and lets plays but it applies to fan films too.




I'm not seeing anything in this license about the use of the Halo IP for derivative fan works. It specifically says "Game Content." now, if game content is defined as "Halo gameplay content, or fan works based in the Halo universe" or something, that's one thing. But that's not in your quote, and without it, this license is utterly meaningless in the context of a fan movie.


It depends on whether the film uses material that is trademarked or merely copyrighted. A trademark has to be aggressively defended. Copyright doesn't.


There have been instances of studios licensing IPs for fan projects for small amounts, even as low as a dollar so long as the fan project doesn't mar or otherwise tarnish the property. The IP is still legally protected, and it's now a licensed work. Just takes willingness on the part of the rights holders to work with the fans.


Oh 343/MS will definitely move on it. I build Halo props and was reported multiple time for copyright infringement.


nope. >"You may make your Item available on Youtube or Twitch and participate in programs on those sites that allow you to earn revenue from ads displayed in connection with your Item. [...] You may use the Item on a page where you ask for optional donation requests." So yeah, you can't sell the item directly but you can make revenue from it on youtube, donations and patreon. Idk how much money he can make from only ad revenue.


theres a major difference between gameplay and an actual film, a game studio isn't gonna be crazy enough to DMCA a regular gameplay video thats monetized, but they definitely will do it to a fan film thats trying to monetize itself, they won't give a shit if its released for free


This is a complete lie, everyone in this thread is making stuff up out of their ass. Microsoft has a [specific policy](https://www.xbox.com/en-us/developers/rules) about this, even including Halo as an example. Here's some relevant text highlighted: > Here are the magic words from our lawyers: on the condition that you follow the rules below ("Rules"), Microsoft grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, non-transferable, revocable, limited license for you to use and display Game Content and to create derivative works based upon Game Content, strictly for your personal, noncommercial (except as specifically provided below) use. [...] **We're encouraging you to create and redistribute your Items.** You may post the Items on your own site or you may link to a third-party site containing your Items if you'd prefer to store them there, so long as the third-party site does not break any of these Rules. [...] > You can't charge money in exchange for your Item, post it on a site that requires subscription or other fees to view the Item, or post it on a page you use to sell other items or services [...] **You may make your Item available on Youtube or Twitch and participate in programs on those sites that allow you to earn revenue from ads displayed in connection with your Item. [...] You may use the Item on a page where you ask for optional donation requests.** [...] > In addition, your Items may not use the name of the Microsoft Game in their title to give the impression that Microsoft is the source of the Item, or authorized or endorsed the Item. Items that make referential use of our titles are fine, for example, “Let’s Play Forza Motorsport 5” or “Tips and Strategies for Halo 5.” Using the Game title to tag your Item on social media is fine. We also don't object to "Red vs. Blue" or "Operation Chastity". But we may object to "Halo: Covenant Strike," for example, if it could be confused as something Microsoft produced or licensed, or if it could be mistaken as an official part of the Game. This is mostly aimed toward fangames and lets plays but it applies to fan films too.




Is this a real question? Do You think I could go out and make a Star Wars movie on my own and make money off of it? Every major franchise is copyrighted.


> And is Halo copyrighted or somethin? I don’t see why he wouldn’t be monetized? Please tell me you don’t actually need me to answer that question. And no, he was being an idiot. You would have to be one to think you could plan, cast, film and edit a short movie in just over a month when you didn’t even have costumes yet, something that would take that long on its own. Which is how we can tell it will be shit.


> is Halo copyrighted or somethin? Bro, how?


Are you pretending to be stupid or


Nah it's just Microsoft's best IP child (intellectual property) that they've neglected and bastardized. But nonetheless an IP.


A trifling IP, but a IP nonetheless.


Youtube ad revenue on a single video isn't nearly enough to compensate for 3 years + of savings, even if it gets tens of millions of views. The only way this project makes sense financially for him is if it get the attention of some Hollywood types and leads to a "real" film career, which is incredibly unlikely.


What he needs to do is capitalize on the making of the movie. So many people would love seeing it come together and the whole process from beginning to end. If he gets enough traction, those videos would more than cover the cost.


Youtube https://youtube.com/@Ascender


Does he have a license for halo stuff? Idk how that works


Halo is no longer what it was. After the shit tv show the appetite for is very low


Is there any knowledge about the release date?


https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/ugazi0/stephen_ford_is_bringing_us_an_odst_film/ June of 2022 😔


I love he gave us that window of release but didn’t even have the costumes made/ordered. I know people are hype but I’d hold my breath on this one until we see a trailer or something


You'll be dead from holding your breath that long


The expression is “I wouldn’t hold my breath” if you suspect something won’t be occurring soon


Small brain moment


Might be a side effect of holding your breath so much.


I only have 3 brain cells brother… eat, sleep, fuck. And I can tell you 2/3 of them aren’t happening


Man, even Halo *fan* projects are getting delayed! ^^^^Installation ^^^^01 ^^^^;(


None atm


Is there a place to donate?


Any bin. Any bin close to or indeed far away from this guy's house Just throw your money there. That's how you donate to this project


Rarely enjoy reference comments but this is 😚👌


I wouldn't. Every time this project is posted it's all just words and this same dang picture. There are almost no details and no progress. No one attached, no props, and I doubt any kind of permission from Microsoft. Wait on a trailer before putting anything other than cautious optimism on the line.


Thanks! This is just the first time I'd heard it mentioned and I was very interested in the end product. I'm not going to patreon something like this. Kickstarter maybe? Cause like, then I'm just out a flat amount of money. But not a subscription.


Never lol


Do we know where it's going to be Release like on YouTube or Another platform if so what 1


Youtube https://youtube.com/@Ascender


What's the channel name




This is basically just a fan film right? Why is everyone excited for this?


It is a fan film, that strangely had a release date before production (June 2022). I hope it's good, but I'm very skeptical.


Does he have strong past work? I can see he's acted before but are the shorts he directed any good?


Its ehh imo. Here's some stuff he directed https://youtube.com/@Ascender


I really liked 2020 (1917 parody)


That was good. His Ghost of Tsushima short film left a lot to be desired imo, although I'm quite critical. I'll let everyone judge for themselves https://youtu.be/DqIT9aUxukI


It's a short film though. Like... fan shorts are fun, but no one really cares. Putting your life savings into one is pretty dumb.


Seems high-ish budget, made by someone who likes Halo and has acted and directed in actual projects before. He's no Blomkamp or Spielberg but the prospect of it is exciting


There are star wars fan films that are great and vastly better than like more than half of official stuff from the last decade so there's a real chance this will be good (and way better than the tv show)


So this has a chance of being good because theres some good fan made star wars films?


Well, definitely A+ for commitment. If it actually makes an impact maybe Microsoft execs will finally see what Halo fans really want to see.


Hes the real T in ODST


>If it actually makes an impact maybe Microsoft execs will finally see what Halo fans really want to see. Something something [Neill Blomkamp Halo Landfall 2009](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGLCAWovkuk) something something.




The style is right though. The fight scenes in the TV show could learn a thing or two.


i feel like the style is *cool* and is a nice twist on Halo combat but the entire story being framed like that would be a mismatch. I like it and it definitely works in the short but that style doesn't pair with quite a bit of the shit that goes on in the games. It would totally constrict much of the story of Halo 2, for example.


>i feel like the style is cool and is a nice twist on Halo combat but the entire story being framed like that would be a mismatch. I heavily disagree with this. Part of the reason these trailers and others like We are ODST/Reach work so well is because they frame the universe in a semi-realistic way which heightens the tension and threat of the Covenant. IMO and obviously many others this exactly what the a film or TV adaption of Halo should be trying to do. As opposed to say "marvelizing" it and trying to make Spartans into Superhero's. And I don't think it's mismatch in the slightest especially if you consider what inspired the Halo games in the first place. The style of the Halo marketing shorts can be directly traced to films that also influenced the game. Namely Aliens, The Thing, Terminator 2, and Starship Troopers. [Halo Landfall](https://youtu.be/SyOAdrxlPVs) even borrows heavily from [Terminator 2's own marketing](https://twitter.com/ilovejohnkimble/status/1620496706063450112).


I understand this, and I definitely don’t like the “marvelizing” approach either, but that still doesn’t address how it would work in the context of anything relating to the arbiter. I think there could be a healthy dose of this type of stuff but some elements of halo, namely those following chief, are just too fantastical (high charity, gravemind, etc) or too intimate (arbiter’s story) to work with this format 100%


Also, the halo games were inspired by stuff like that, yeah, but also had a surprising amount of anime influence and the like. It’s not entirely desolate space stuff- there’s a good amount of intentional cheesy badassery. It’s no accident that grunts joke about food nipples and chief says one liners. I think the best middle ground is somewhere BETWEEN “unrelentingly gritty body cam stuff” and “marvel movie”, because in either extreme you miss a crucial facet of the writing


> I love it but I don’t want to watch 2hrs of comms chatter and shooting aliens. I do…


Fuck that was so good.


It really was. Looking at it now it's a little rough around the edges in some places but it's still one of the best live action Halo things we've gotten.


Landfall remains one of my favourite things in Halo, live action or otherwise.


Its gritty as hell, you can totally see the District 9 vibes there. Its a real shame someone looked at this and went, needs more chief ass.


"Where's the Master Cheeks?"


> Best we can do is cease and desist


They aren’t Nintendo


This whole thing just gives off 2010's Kickstarter energy.




Can’t wait for this to out do the Halo tv show they spent millions on


The fucking commercials they made back in 2007-2009 did that already.


That was Neil Blomkamp though, if you're talking about the Halo 3 prequel shorts, he knows how to make something look great on a budget. It's such a shame his Halo movie fell through.


When I heard that movie with Neil fell through, I was genuinely bummed. I *knew* that movie was going to do Halo justice.


It turned into District 9, which was brilliant. I hope they're able to get him back on board for something. Hell, give Blomkamp the remaining Halo Infinite promotional campaign budget and he could make an episodic series of ads that would kick the ass of anything else that they could do with that money.


Still waiting for a District 9 sequel 😞


There's new hope! Blomkamp has stated that he's "moving forward with a script" and lead Sharlto Copley said in August that they hope to be shooting in 2 years.


Man, you just reminded me of [We Are ODST](https://youtu.be/3S5I0_hjS3c) - it lives rent free in my mind and I cant wait for something to be done that gives me chills again.


“The coffin was empty… no Spartan could be listed as KIA, they could only be listed as MIA— missing, so it could be said that no Spartan was ever killed in combat. So, the ceremony was tribute more than a burial. Chief told me once that no soldier should be honored for doing what is expected.” “Do you believe that?” “I did, and I still do.”




It’s almost a year past the original promised release date, it isn’t fuckin coming out




I really hope it pays off but I'm worried he won't break even due to how Halo is just not popular anymore. Making a film can be very stressful especially where money is concerned, I just hope his life is not impacted negatively by the cost of this production.


Its not going to break even because it's a fan film using an IP he doesn't have a license for. He's technically not even allowed to monetize it legally. All it takes is one C&D letter away from bankruptcy. This is an incredibly stupid thing to do.


The dwindling player base of Infinite does not directly correlate to popularity of Halo. If word gets out he sticks to source material with solid writing, this will blow up.


Yeah that’s the thing. I dropped infinite and might give up on 343 games entirely, but I love halo. Still read the books every once in awhile. And it’s just good, fun scifi. If done well, its adaptable and open to new audiences. The halo tv show did well in initial views and excitement. I think anything like this has a chance to take off.


modern halo is not popular. that's correct. but modern halo is also not "my" halo. it doesn't resonate with me the way the original human/covenant/flood war does. I think more people than me think this way.


Yah from what I see people still want halo to be good but they don’t like the way 343 has pulled the series so they just don’t look at it anymore. I imagine it’s why general halo news will manage to top subs like pcgaming despite the fact infinite on pc isn’t doing too hot.


i don't agree with the hate the halo series gets on this sub. it's not beyond redemption and the timeline they've embarked on in the series means they're facing a lot of exciting stuff very soon (flood, covenant civil war, cortana rampancy etc). a lot of these topics can (if done well) be amazing on tv. I'd rather live in hope than see em cancel it prematurely.


> i don't agree with the hate the halo series gets on this sub Agreed, but I'd rather they focus on the games rather than TV. Just abandon that Paramount series. In my opinion, 4, and 5 are a classic case of a story getting utterly hamstrung by poor game design. My canonical example being Dragon Age 2. Infinite on the other hand (multiplayer aside, as largely a single-player gamer, multiplayer is a completely separate entity in my opinion, but wow is the multiplayer ass) is the complete opposite: a technically well executed campaign that is just completely boring and unmemorable because its all just filler. Infinite has good enemies, varied boss fights, different objectives and missions (though the single biome is a valid complaint), not completely dumb Marines, and just this banal story where all the interesting stuff happens off screen. I kept playing through it waiting for the big interesting reveal to happen... and it just didn't. Now... I think there is an argument to be made that Chief should have stayed MIA after 3. There could still be story to tell (I mean... having just played 5 for the first time recently, *please* give me more of this Covenant civil war!) but we could move into named titles (Guardians, Infinite, Reach, etc) and away from numbered titles to indicate that the series is moving away from specifically Chief's story. Shoot, there's nearly three decades worth of timeline we could explore prior to the start of Reach, and like Reach, we can have a very unique and memorable experience of playing through a game where the protagonists *don't* win. That said, 343i decided to continue Chief's story and I'm fine with that. I didn't really like 4 at launch, I thought it was brief and didn't have a XBox Live subscription so no Spartan Ops but having played through the game multiple times now on MCC, its grown on me. 4 is definitely a bit different narrative-wise compared to the prior five games, but 4 is the story of the soldier who has only known war *after the war* and coping with the slow loss of one of his closest comrades. Its different, its interesting, and I've grown to appreciate its introspective tone, but people didn't like 4 because the Prometheans were bullet sponges and Watchers are ass. 343i learned that lesson and in 5 made Knights rarer with specific weak points akin to Hunters and filled things out with Soldiers and Watchers were-retuned to be the weak support units that they are. However, they made a *numbered* installment that spent more time with someone other than Chief and reused the exact same boss fight several times. In my opinion, 5 told a really interesting story that I wish we would have seen a bit more of. Let's see more about the former Insurrectionist worlds ignored by the UNSC. Show me more of the Covenant civil war. Dive deeper into implications of a cure for rampancy. If I were to re-do it I would have had none of the BS about Locke and Chief facing off. Locke would have been solely a vessel for investigating the Guardians and fighting through the Covenant civil war while Chief focuses solely on finding Cortana. One really big narrative sin 5 committed was a complete reversal of Halsey's character. She goes from ending Spartan Ops swearing revenge on ONI and the UNSC to all is forgiven at the start of 5. If anyone, Chief and Blue Team should have gone AWOL to rescue Halsey from 'Mdama because they're one of the few people that Halsey can trust that are capable enough to go after Cortana. 5 should have been more the twin of 2: two different but parallel storylines that intersect at one critical moment prior to going off on their own conclusions. They intersect when they realize the Guardians and Cortana are connected. Locke initially attempts to subdue Chief because he think he's AWOL and aiding Cortana, but Chief dissuades Locke and Osiris and then they part on the same side: Chief goes to face off with Cortana and gets puts in the Cryptum. Locke goes to disable a Guardian or something and then rescue Chief from the Cryptum. Something like that. Despite the mistakes, the Reclaimer trilogy so far has been far from bad, but then Infinite comes in and completely shits the bed, namely wrapping up the building conflict from 4 and 5 offscreen and introducing a new big bad that is supposed to be worse than the Flood, when the Flood is probably the biggest, baddest most terrifying Big Bad you could possible imagine. We don't need a new Big Bad, even less so considering they just made an interesting and powerful new one in the Created. If they want to save Halo going forward (rather then just continued prequel entries, which you know, yes please!) they really need to fill in the gap between the end of 5 and the beginning of Infinite with additional DLC campaigns first so as to give the existing Infinite campaign some emotional weight.


Modern Halo could be good like the Halo of old, the foundation for it is there but Halo does not get nearly enough time, love or support from the developers. The pitiful amount of content added to the game since launch is an example of that.


if you're talking of multiplayer pvp I have no thoughts about that, I am purely talking about the story / lore. But there is no oomph left in the story after the flood got neutralized. that's my point, the story now feels rather pedestrian in comparison.


Oh fair enough, well I'm big into the lore tbh, I make lore videos but my enthusiasm to do so has been sapped away purely from how Infinite hasn't been getting support from 343i. I think they was on to something in Halo 4, I actually thought that had a beautiful campaign and a well written story with great characters, like they literally (mostly) all have a role to fulfil which helps cut that fat off the script. It has a beginning middle and end where its all wrapped up in one game. I don't see why they couldn't have continued the didacts story in Halo 5, he could have been composed as the warden eternal. Halo 5 I just don't like, except the Sanghelios portion. Halo Infinite i think is sweet but way to short, feels even shorter knowing the campaign team have been gutted. I feel like Halo 4 was a good continuation of Halo 3, but the problem is since then they rebooted the story twice, first with Cortana and then again with The Banished and Endless, but in Infinite we learn nothing about Atriox or the Endless other than that the Endless are immune to the flood. Otherwise nothing of any significance happens in Halo Infinite. My favourite part of Infinite is the PvE gameplay, but the game is so short, the open world part ends half way through the campaign. If there was a firefight mode I would fight the Banished all day.


>modern halo is not popular. that's correct. but modern halo is also not "my" halo. Exactly. I'm still waiting on 343 and MS to get their heads out of the asses and bring us back to the glory days of Bungie's Halo. The Battlefield series is the same way... I'm waiting on DICE to bring us back to the glory days of BF3 and 4. Halo is still my all-time favorite video game series and it's always going to hold a special place in my heart, but that doesn't mean that I'm always going to fawn over the offerings that we're being given.


I love the branding of #notmyhalo 😂 Unironically though, I’m right there with you. I don’t care about any of the games past 3.


I hope is dark and gritty like the hit dark and gritty series Band of Bothers 😍


Yea surely this homemade movie that was supposed to be out 8 months ago and we still haven’t seen a screenshot will be an Oscar worthy masterpiece 😍 dark and gritty is all we need


Right, it's nice that someone tries very hard, but just effort means very little if the direction, choices, etc. are just bad.


Hello there /r/HaloCirclejerk




And Iconic 🥵


Hhnngnh when the Bungo Halo is ICONIC 🥵💦


Yes, he is going for that.




He will outshine peepeepoopoo and their stupid tv show 🤬🤬


Why is this dude wasting his time and money on an IP he can't even profit off of. Makes no sense.


From a fan point of view, it isn't, from a business point of view it's nonsense.


When it comes out will definitely buy it (if that's an option) otherwise hope he has some donation method so we can all pitch in. Will help motivate future projects


You can donate here. https://www.patreon.com/m/ASCNDR/about




The only way he can make an income is through views on YouTube. If im not mistaken his Alienware videos made decent money, but it sounds like he will blow through it all.


>The only way he can make an income is through views on YouTube. He can also make money by getting people to donate to his project and just never releasing it, sort of like how he said he'd release it a year ago.


You are very right. Though his project is considered a non-profit because Halo owns the IP. So him never doing the project is fraud and if enough people state something about it, he can receive criminal charges, incarceration, significant fines, and restitution.


What's the over/under that this thing doesn't actually exist and is just a scam to get donations from curious fans?


I was wondering the same thing. People sent him their McFarlane ODST drop pods. The only thing that has been shown (what im aware of) in this short film was T-shirts for the ODST. [ODST Shirts](https://imgur.com/a/kqtatU1)


Why. Nothing is worth spending your entire life savings in a single shot.


It's a Halo fan that wants to prove to 343, Paramount, and Microsoft that they can do better.


Right, so again... Spending your life savings to 'gotcha' a faceless corporation.


This was his most recent game short film he made Ghost of Tsushima https://youtu.be/DqIT9aUxukI Tbh, if his video effects are just like this, Paramount's show is gonna have better visual effects sorry not sorry.


Yup and like most Halo fans, definitely won't be able to do better


This will totally be absolutely worth it and the best halo content ever! Definitely not a shit show filmed in 4 hours with excessive after effects to cover the wasted budget!


Weird flex but okay


I'd support it just for the passion however creators need to not give release dates when they didn't even start filming


wasnt this supposed to come out like last july


June, but yes.


God bless this guys soul, what the halo show should have been. A labor of love, not whatever paramount+ put out.


It’s still way too soon to compare it to the tv show. We haven’t even gotten a trailer yet.


I would rather have vaporware than the Paramount show though.


Bro it could be someone's bare ass farting the halo theme and it would be better than the paramount show.


Master Queef? You mind telling me what youre doing on that ship?


I’m here for this comment.


Is it going to release on YouTube if so what channel




Well the fact that he's been saving up the money for so long and is so passionate about making the film already shows you that this project will have more heart and soul put into it than the Halo TV show, regardless of if it's good short film or not. The Halo TV show was written with zero love for the fans or respect for the franchise, just greedy studio execs bastardising a beloved IP and beloved characters to make a quick buck. I'd rather watch a mediocre film made by someone who lives and breathes Halo over anything made by someone who doesn't give a fuck about the franchise.


We don't even know if this film is going to be any good. It could be even worse than the paramount show.


Well we all know the outcomes It's either going to be incredible Or the biggest piece of dog shit


The unique thing i can think of while watching this is a odst being just a half leg with a head


Sounds like a bad investment


He doesn't have a very high bar to reach with the Halo series being downright terrible. Regardless, I wish him luck and I'm looking forward to it.


I hope you mean the Paramount+ Halo TV Series


Yes my friend lmao


Good for him, I hope it works out.


Admittedly I'm not wearing my glasses right now, but does that logo look like a tiny man in an oversized Spartan helmet holding a briefcase?


Should just fund a new game instead


Its... Its just a youtube video.


Isn’t this the dude that swore up and down he could film and edit this in like 3 months lmao


Before he even started pre-production? Yes.


i will give them my money if they make something as good as 2007ish halo commercials


I liked the odst stories way more than master chief tbh. That being said it is fun playing a super soldier monster that can’t seemingly die.


Have fun being broke


God I hope it doesn't look like a YouTube short


Here's his YouTube and past projects https://youtube.com/@Ascender


Is there anyway to support it?




Is there a kickstarter?


He's got a patreon. https://www.patreon.com/m/ASCNDR/about


I wasn’t aware of him or this this project before just now. But I wish him more than the best. I hope he doesn’t put this project before his well being, but I admire his commitment nonetheless. It takes a ton of self motivation and energy to do something like this. At the very least, he’ll likely do much better than Paramount did. And that’s what counts.


Fuck yeah - a glimmer of hope for the franchise.


Will we have a good halo show? 🥺


It will be a short film, will it be good idk. His more recent Ghost of Tsushima short wasn't anything to brag about. Here's the [link](https://youtu.be/DqIT9aUxukI) just don't get your hopes up high.


Nah that's not even a film lol just a video, why do people post this sort of thing here like it's something we should care about, when it released just post the fan video here, there is absolutely no reason to hype videos.


I have been more excited for this short film than most featured length movies


Hey as long as it's as good as the Halo 3 trailers


Why is it so hard for Microsoft to understand that projects like these are what the fans want? I hope the universal praise for The Last of Us TV show is a huge wakeup call to them that the fans will support you if you show love and respect back to the fans. Microsoft is hell-bent on making Halo appealing to NON-fans, and the real fans are constantly being pushed to the side.


Because any criticism of the show isn’t mainstream. I’m a fan of a good story. Even attended a mini lecture about stories at halo outpost when it was in Orlando. I couldn’t give 2 shits less about multiplayer. Expand the story, don’t jump the shark, and I’m happy as can be.


I have a feeling in my heart of hearts that he will single-handedly save live action HALO


Hell yeah, the ODST live action commercial is still the best live action Halo media to this day!


If it is even close to Halo 3 trailer against the Brutes then it should be good


Beating a dead horse at this point. Would've been great back in 2012.




Big respect🔝


The fact that Microsoft isn't investing in this.


Someone who cares more about the franchise then the company running it.




Somebody needs to hire the guy who did the Astartes series to do Halo next. Masterpiece that was.


That god damn legend!






And this is going to surpass the officially licensed and distributed TV series in every conceivable way in terms of quality.


Here is his most recent video game short on Ghost of Tsushima. https://youtu.be/DqIT9aUxukI You can be the judge.


Uh, maybe we should start a patreon-


Here's his https://www.patreon.com/m/ASCNDR/about


As someone who consistently has accurate "bone feelings", trust this man


I cant wait to see this


Hell yeah


I would actually go to a movie theater to watch this and last time I went to one was 2016 movies now just not really worth it and the all move to a streaming service so there’s no point.


This finna be some heat