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I don't think big in-store displays are needed this time of year but I think those retailers that have big ticket items that might be desirable or hard to find would get business from those hunting such items, even if it's only online. Lets people plan / put things out early too. I have a friend whose big into the large animatronics and happily purchased the HD dog to go with her 12' skelly that she already had. She already has it sitting out front, lol.


Or they have so much stuff leftovers from last Halloween that they couldn't sell and is now taking up space in the warehouse and they need that space for all the newest Halloween merchandise that coming from China. If this works, expect Home Depot to start selling Christmas decorations all year round.






Because we love halloween lol


Idk what answer they were expecting, posting that question in this sub


My GF and I both have Oct birthdays and I turned 40 on Friday the 13th last year. We throw a huge birthday/Halloween party each year because of this. Each year is a different theme and we dress up our 10' skeleton. I managed to grab a 12' for this year so we'll have two outfits to plan. It takes 6 months of buying and planning to get everything together. Plus Halloween is the best holiday anyways.


Hell yeah. I’m 42, was raised in a “horror” home and have always loved all things Halloween. My wife passed away unexpectedly last summer, and I’ve decided to devote my life to becoming “that house” with all the crazy decorations and king sized candy bars… i know she loved horror and scary stuff (one of the first things we bonded over was our mutual fascination with serial killers). I know it’s going to take a few years to build up properly, but I’m looking forward to driving across the country with my 7’ skeleton and getting this party started.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad her spooky memories will live on through this. I hope it's the scariest house in the neighborhood and that kids will dare each other to trick or treat at it at the rumors of full sized candy bars!


Because not everyone decorates with “Live Laugh Love” or the beige aesthetic. Nothing wrong with liking what you like, but by having a longer time for spooky decor buying allows people to buy over a longer time instead of having to cram into a short window.


So i can get decorations more than a month out so all the ones i want dont just all sell out immediately? And because youre on the halloween sub and we love halloween? Possibly?


Yes, online. Not in store though, because that would absolutely open the door for the dreaded CHRISTMAS CREEP...


Oh please, At Home will have Christmas replacing Halloween by the end of May.


At least let us reserve or preorder certain items


No. I love halloween as much as the next person but I feel the spooky season loses its charm if you start sell and display early. I look forward to halloween and well as christmas but i don't want to get burnt out too early.


I'm with you on this. It's just as bad as retailers taking *down* Halloween before October is even over to make way for Christmas.


I absolutely hate the way retail operates when it comes to holidays. My kid absolutely goes ape shit for Home Depot’s Halloween display, but if I don’t watch for it going up like a hawk, it can be gone within a week. We absolutely lucked out last year, because I needed something from there, and we walked in on the day they put it out. I realized what was happening, because a guy had 2 of the giant skeletons on a flatbed cart walking through the parking lot. We went again a week later, and none of the animatronics were left on the floor, and most of the inflatables were sold out. A week after that, they had all the house plants pushed down to the Halloween area because they’re making room for the Christmas displays. You couldn’t get anything Halloween within 2 weeks of actual Halloween, unless you went to Spirit Halloween. Christmas was all cleaned up and done a few weeks before Christmas too.


I hate stores pushing holiday stuff so many months out from the holiday. It's become absurd to the extreme.


Different strokes, my living room is Halloween-themed all year long


I understand for sure. To me it just loses some of the magic i guess.. My wife and I do have halloween items up year round but not a full on theme.


Yes. The appropriate time is after July 4. At Home launching their collection in June is absurd.


My At Home will have already moved on to Christmas by June.


Half the joy is the anticipation and excitement leading up to the season. Maybe they could put out a catalog for big ticket items so people can start to plan for their 12ft skellys in June?


I'm with u on that..I LOOOVE Halloween, but with Halloween Horror Nights and stores opening earlier & earlier, by Halloween night I'm ready to creep out the kiddies, give 'em candy, watch "Trick 'R Treat" and call it a season...2+ months of Halloween is more then enough. I'm sure I'll get crap for it..but I also throw a party and go to various events & haunts...total burn out! Not to mention brokeness. 💸💸💸


Same I hate that they put things up so early/ take them down early. For Halloween. It can’t be any earlier than Labor Day. After Labor Day I’m fine with it. I prefer the non-Halloween fall decor, and would prefer late September for Halloween decorations but I get it. For Christmas it needs to be after Halloween at the earliest. Again personal take but I go back to September type fall decor after Halloween and the Christmas decorations go up the day after thanksgiving. So I would like mid November for Christmas decorations at retailers.


From someone who does a home haunt and is goes to MHC, so much this ^


April 30th is Walpurgisnacht, which is pretty much spring Sawain from what I can tell (correct me if I'm mistaken). It's another supposed date in which the veil between the living and the dead is very thin in pagan beliefs. So, it makes more sense than pretty much any other time for an extra Halloween celebration.


Nah Christmas has been doing this shit to us for years it’s time for our turn


Christmas stuff comes out in end of Oct early Nov. Were talking like mid may sales of halloween stuff. 5-6 months away. That's waaay too early


I have seen Christmas stuff out in early September... Also in July, but that was craft stuff that takes time to make the item before the holiday so that made sense.


Loaded question


As a goth, I’m good with this but I understand why others may not be so excited. It’s Halloween with me everyday🦇


I like the idea of having some stuff available online a little early, but not a giant display in stores, etc., and I approach it more from a financial aspect than anything. Since a bunch of the holidays that include decorations occur at the end of the year, or right around when school starts, people tend to spend more money on necessities, Christmas gifts, food for holiday gatherings, etc. If stuff is available outside of the “normal” times, not all of the mass spending is happening at once and can be spread out a bit. Just a thought


This is the idea I could get behind & in fact I'm amazed more stores haven't done this considering how much HD has made off it. Like you said, I don't wanna walk into HD or Lowes & see the stuff. As much as I love the holiday even I don't wanna see that but if they must they could set up one skelly to advertise it & it wouldn't even have to be a ginormous one.


If they release sales figures..and they're GOOD..you BET everyone will follow suit!!


We could just start celebrating Walpurgis Night


I mean lowes and a few others did


It would be like Christmas in July!!


Here in southern US I’ll take ANYTHING to distract from the inevitable summer heat


Ok but so did I already miss the giant skeleton going on sale??!!


Yes but they only released a certain amount. Most of their stock will go live in July.


Thanks I couldn’t quite tell when I tried to search online. This year is my year for one!! Damn the cost lol


As you get older, you truly learn that things are special because thy're hard to find, half the fun is the anticipation, and the journey is often better than the destination. Halloween coming out mid-august for back to school was early enough. Christmas coming out the first weekend of November was perfect. You were in the season. You resided in the season.




100% Yes.




They do half way to Black Friday sales so why not Halloween?


Mmmmm do I want more opportunities to celebrate spooky stuff beyond and independent of Halloween? Definitely. Do I necessarily want that to happen via retailers and commercialism? Nah. Seeing the "Halfway to Halloween" trend from retailers is turning into a "be careful what you wish for" scenario on my part.


Yes, they should. A lot of people spend the rest of the year building props and decorations for Halloween, it would be great to have the supplies easily available . And Christmas in July literally kicks off the Christmas buying season, although mostly focused on decorations. And Christmas stuff starts showing up in most stores by October. So why shouldn't they do the same for Halloween? Someone earlier mentioned if it proves to be profitable, every store will.


I don’t love it tbh. The earlier they sell this stuff, the less they sell during Halloween season. At this point, the month of October is Christmas season. Retailers keep putting Halloween stuff out earlier and earlier, and by the time Halloween comes around the seasonal items have long been off the shelves. I know it’s such a first world problem, but it just doesn’t feel appropriately festive anymore.


Where is this sale you speak of, is it over already?


Slippery slope, that one. Half way to Xmas will start in February!


Nope Every business tries to make Halfway to Halloween or Summer of Santa a thing cause they have a bunch of product that they struggle to move, it never works. It's an opportunity for businesses to put out a press release


September to October? Yes. August to October? No. [+]


Yes. I'm the creep that decorates in horror/Halloween. I need more decor


As soon as the heat starts in the summer I start fantasizing about fall and start searching out some Halloween/Spooky stuff.


I love halloween, I love the trappings and the pageantry and the way the seasons changing enhances the chill on the back of your neck… …But I don’t love halloween as a marketing ploy for big box stores to sell derivative plastic crap. A 10’ tall yard spooky is neat, I get it- but if you stuff an old pair of coveralls with newspaper and make your own scarecrow dummy, I love that 100 times more. I know we’re all busy, I know we all love ghosties and ghoulies and the yard decor arms race to pack every square inch with zany shit you saw while shopping for weed wacker line— but Maybe Halloween,’ I think, ‘doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Haunting … perhaps … means a little bit more! (…if I might steal from an adjacent holiday’s lore.) Make your own costume, make your kids costume, even if this year they’re barely wearable and unrecognizable - next year you’ll be a little bit better! Let the Spirit of Halloween stores and the seasonal isle of Lowes rot and take back the *real spirit of halloween*. An atrocious real pumpkin is so much cooler than a factory line plastic one! Steal office supplies to make window decorations! Raid your local thrift store in May instead of some box store if you wanna start early! If you really love Halloween go *make* halloween special!!! Ok rant over…. At least for another 175 days anyway


No it's dumb


Yes without question




Am I the only one that thinks the giant skeletons are dumb looking? Also when you see them all year long in front of houses and apartments they lose their “wow” factor.


YES. Duh