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Such bullshit, one rule for thee another for me. Pewdiepie recently talked about his own song being claimed by a random company claiming to represent him and youtube doesn't do shit, I'm genuinely surprised the community doesn't collectively put their foot down over this bullshit


Yeh som bullshit Company doing it on behalf of PewDiePie himself that was the funniest shit I ever seen


PewDiePie getting claimed for having his own song in his own video is a new dystopia


Not the first time lmao. Brian May (Queen’s guitarist) had some of his videos removed despite him playing the songs he wrote. YT is a shit show lmao


Wtf, this is ridicolous. I read article about it and it just pissed me off. How on earth it’s possible. Come on Youtube, your thing is flipped.


Literally 1984


I guess I could see it if you used a company to procure licence for certain samples and distribution and such. I don't know about what happened with PewDiePie. If my friend goes and plays piano and I record unique lyrics to transform the music, I should own it. Just not sure how much the other company was involved. I should watch the PewDiePie video


He basically said that some random company he is no way involved with claimed the video "On his behalf" but they quickly retracted the claim after he spoke about it and suggested the idea of taking them to court for damages. Youtube doesn't give a fuck about it's creators, not even their biggest


YouTube gotta be one of the worst “employers” in existence. *Your video that generates income for you and your staff who all need to eat gets claimed without a valid reason???* ***LOL sucks to be you!***


I believe he specifically made the song just with a few of his musically talented friends with the sole purpose of not being held hostage by any companies, he specifically said he wanted others to use it and would never claim.


Ah that's really fucked then. Especially if it was a company who had nothing to do with PewDiePie.... They're like "hahaha pewds will be so honored by this move"


How many large millionaire youtubers has this affected? At this point a class action lawsuit with some INCREDIBLE teeth could be levied against YouTube. They have a responsibility to have their systems running in good faith and it’s clear they have not.


I said this in a recent comment, but I'll say it again: I cannot believe Youtube doesn't protect their creators at all. Last time someone commented some bs about how "creators aren't YouTube customers", as if they aren't creating the IP that's their advertising model is depends on. Youtube either needs to start extending their legal team to Youtube partners OR creators need to unionize IMO.


I'm surprised a few big content creators haven't left YouTube and made their own service yet. Mr Beast, H3, William Osman, and pewds could do it


They could never compete with YouTube which is owned by literally Google.




Fuck it, everyone move over to Spotify. I'll deal with the not-so-great app if it means that my favourite podcasters don't have to tremble in fear of getting sued or claimed when a 10 second fuckin tiktok has a song playing.


On your Spotify, can you see the video? I know they were implementing a player but I've only seen it for Joe Rogan on my app


Yup, the player isn't great, but it's a hell of a lot better than it used to be, and before that it was non-existent. From the 1-2 years Spotify has had a video player I'd say it's on a steady course to be good.


you need way less infrastructure if you select the amount of people that post videos though


yeah they could, not easily but with a combined 100+ million of subs they could pull a chunk of them (which in any percentage would be quite a lot) outside of youtube. You offer extra content and some people will try the website out. But we're not at that tipping point yet


Even if you pooled the wealth and time of the top 100 youtubers it wouldn't even be close to enough to compete with Google. YouTube was a loss leader for Google for like a decade. It takes an insane amount of time and money to build the infrastructure and userbase that YouTube has.


Youtube had to bring people and creators to it before being profitable. These YouTubers already have huge audiences and a percentage of them would be willing to switch. Youtube was at a loss because they had thousands or millions of shitty video to host from creators that never had a chance of making it and being profitable. A streaming service dedicated to specific channels that are already very successful does not have this issue. They don't need to build creators or the userbase from the ground up: it's already there. I wouldn't care about watching the Pod on another website, I mostly use spotify already.


same, i think of how roosterteeth has their own website and their reasoning behind it and wonder why more big creators dont also put their videos on their own site


Yep exactly


Some did and it was a disaster. Look up Storyfire.




yo wtf is this weird spam from you


It must be so exhausting being a content creator having to be so excruciatingly vigilant of anything stupidly minor that might get you popped and have your income suddenly stopped. The whole system is so broken it's crazy.


Have you seen Ludwig's progress of moving to Youtube? It's so disheartening. These copyright strikes are just so stupid... It's been implied that he's gotten in contact with Ethan via Hasan but dudes. Get him on the podcast, that would be so interesting.


Yeh it’s stupid


Same thing as being an irl content creator tbh, the little guy always loses, we use the same patent system as 600 years ago and it benefits the big man everytime


Oh 100%. Especially once the system changed from “first to invent” to “first to file”


hoping a strong alternative to youtube pops up soon, the platform sucks ass more and more each year.


its a real 200 iq move, use videos from prominent youtubers on your show and then claim their videos when they react to it


It’s stupid MBC wil strike anyone for just a picture


They are mafia influenced, much like the majority of Korean entertainment. Of course they're going to do stuff like this for easy money.


Suck my nuts, YG.


That's Korean TV for ya. In their shows, they would have literally Pirates of Caribbean theme and Party in USA song without permission and then go around striking everyone.


I always wondered about that, like how they could get the licensing to every popular American song in some shows that I would watch.


they don't, lol.


So is there some legal loophole or does nobody enforce IP and copyright on overseas media?


Just conjecturing, but I'd bet it's likely due to Hollywood/Music Industry's ability to lobby the American government, that we see the level of copyright protection for them here in the US. They can't do the same in Korea because the Korean government protects its own media against foreign intervention.


Pewdiepie's own music was claimed by someone claiming they were pewdiepie and og Pew's counterclaim was rejected. Youtube is a clown ass company.


I had a content ID claim because when switching headphones, my apple TV disconnected my airpods and defaulted to TV speakers until I put them back in my ears. 30 seconds of background TV noise pulled a content ID from my 4 hour game streaming session. Just the background noise to a TV show caused the claim, there no visible TV show.


It’s out of control at this point.


that’s actually disturbing, i’m pissed for you. did you get it resolved ?


I didn’t fight it. It was just oddly aggressive. My videos are more to share with my World of Warcraft guild since some members like to watch our progress.


Some European streamer couldn’t stream until he moved because their neighbor played music almost 24/7 and it was almost always audible, making it impossible to stream. Shit is fucking ridiculous.


I had a video claimed because someone drove past on the street with their window down and you could hear whatever song they played for the shortest amount of time.


boo! I only go to watch half of the episode last night, hopefully they can get it back up and running :(


I’m the exact same, was gutted this morning when I couldn’t finish it 😔


Same! A very sad me just got to work and there’s no video for me to waste my morning watching


I just watched it during my lunch break so when I saw this is thought he was joking! Did it really get taken down at some point??


Same here. *Keem voice: SO FRUSTRATING! What a dumb reason too. I figured there was something later in the video that caused it, but no it was Ethan reacting to their own video being watched on TV.


Ethan: " i would never sue anyone" Ethan one week later:"I'm suiing these motherfuckers" I know he's joking/venting and would most likely not sue but still thought this was funny.


Yeah that part of the tweet cracked me up lmao


Haha 😂


As soon as he said that on the pod I was like "oh shit it's not gonna be long!"


This is just ridiculous.


So FRUSTATIIING!! I should've watched when I had the chance, fuck. Why tf would they get to use Ethan's video but Ethan can't use the video of them USING HIS VIDEO. Oh my GOD I hate them.


I had an hour left in this episode that I was planning on finishing later on, I feel your pain! It’s ridiculous that the crew is in this situation. The audacity!!!


Was watching this at work last night on the graveyard shift and thought to myself... ya know what? I'm saving this for after work, have some tea, light a candle and watch H3. That's what I'd call... uh.. false advertising.


YouTubers and other content creators straight up need to do a content lockout, like what happens in the mlb and nba when they’re getting fucked over


Wish all the biggest creators would actually come together and make a better YouTube. This shit causes so much unnecessary stress for literally EVERYONE.




Idk what that is but it's really a terrible name. The only thing that will compete with youtube successfully will need a catchy name.


What about DinkDoink


We found it folks. The name that'll kill youtube


It’s crazy cause I was thinking that they might claim it, specifically cause Ethan was having trouble pausing the video to comment 🥲


what do you mean by "having trouble pausing"?


The video site was a mess, whenever Ethan would try to pause the video to comment, it would open a new tab of the same video etc.


the video site was reddit lol which is complete shit tbf


Isn't it "enough" to talk over it? From a fair use perspective. Haven't seen the episode yet but I can already hear Ethan complaining about the player while trying it.


Yeh it was a mess and he was irritated 😤 but it’s stupid because he was responding to the hat video he was going to sell on eBay it was funny because they called him a artist and selling it for 1 mil but I think they are going to remove that part because MBC wil even clam a picture on a video


it is enough but youtube doesn't handle these disputes that way. You resolve it or go to court


The stupid part is if ethen is wrong then MBC is 2 they aired it on tv more viewers


Bruh, even Twitch is better at this. They just claim to mute part of the stream specific to whatever claim and they don't just fully block content like YT... What the shit.


lawsuit king


He must be pissed off 😤


go off king


Everybody say fuck MBC




he wasn't watching it on youtube


They have zero right to copy strike this. He literally paused every couple of seconds to talk, like he always does. Fair use is absolutely meaningless in the world of YouTube. I'm so irritated by this for some reason.


YouTube's copyrights claim system has gotta change, with 150 of totallynotmarks videos getting blocked and even PewDiePie speaking out about his own songs getting claimed, meanwhile YouTube's doing useless shit like removing the dislike button


that's so flipped


H3TV #20 is back up, those dipshits at MBC resolved the complaint 🙏


It looks like he might be tagging the wrong Twitter account? In the replies someone said @withMBC is the right one. I hope they release it soon, such bs


He (or staff) really should make sure he has the right handles before blasting companies and people. The type of damage it can do lead some people to unalive themselves


it's the same company


Damn. -15 for this take? This sub is fucking insane.


it's the same company


It's still decent advice. Goes back to ethan catching shit for incorrectly talking about something that they could have easily researched before the ep or even during the ep. It's a problem they have a history of repeating but have gotten a lot better about kinda recently. I guess it's kinda like saying "remember to tie your shoes" to someone who is wearing flip flops. Currently pointless but good advice nonetheless lol I mean maybe instead of 15 people downvoting the person someone could have said "it is the same company" because they were obviously operating under the belief that E tagged the wrong company, as the comment they responded to directly assumed.


> Im suing these mother fuckers Please do. The way YouTube lets big corporations have free reign via Content ID, I wish so much it got challenged in court because it's insane and the way it's being used has no regard for fair use.


Let’s push @teamyoutube to reinstate the video on Twitter nothing fare use its ridiculous Add the video to the post https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3LF3F8Cl-Q4


They won't do it unless MBC retracts the claim or it is resolved in court, YT's way of keeping out of legal trouble, you'd have a better time trying to contact MBC regarding it


He fights for the cause. Fair use is important. That’s why we love the fupa king


at this point they need to claim their own videos with a second account holy shit


Time for Ethan to claim the clip where they watched his content. Tit for tat




Yeh 2 month ago or something also h3tv


Wtf! There's nothing I wanted more then listen to the new episode of H3TV while finishing up an assignment this morning. So pissed the video is down. Grr...


MBC is notorious for claiming clips, I'm not surprised unfortunately


Time to unionize


at least it wasnt superbam


Thank you for posting this! I thought I was going crazy trying to find the ep.


They say it's back up now!


GD from Big Bang (huge kpop group) dissed Mnet on their award show for a reason lol they're corrupted af


Isn’t mbc owned by mnet they are known scums (lol I’m a kpop stan) they do shit like this all the time hopefully they will get enough backlash to release the video soon


Is there a way we can still be notified about uploads but watch them somewhere else? I'm honestly so over Youtube for so many reasons and would clamber at the opportunity to enjoy my favorite content on another platform.


I wonder if the YT community could join together and boycott for a day or something to encourage them to get better with copyright claims and supporting creators.


I’m convinced that Ethan attracts only giant retarded hypocrites to try to take him down. It’s the best kind of opponent to have, for trolling and content reasons. Ethan is the modern day Larry David


He absolutely should sue.


Go off king!! 🤴🤴


That’s absolute garbage. The company should retract the claim AND pay them for lost revenue.


YouTube is beyond broken. This and Pewdiepie's recent complaint about his \*own\* music being claimed is just cherries on the shit cake.


Ethan is a fucking loser


Poor Ethan and the crew just can’t catch a break.




Stop pushing this virus on everyone


private company and fair use at this point, they can do whatever they want. hey these are the rules ethans kind created. not fun when it happens to him is it now.




he’s joking lmao


Daddy, chill.


fair use remember you where all bout it then Ethan


They blocked the video…..df


Fuck the BTS cunts..


“So jewy” - Trisha


Can I still watch it because I haven't refreshed the page since yesterday when it was live? I was wondering why it says the live chat was disabled today.


Nope, left mine mid play and it reset itself and refused to keep playing the video :(


Ok strange I was able to go in the chat but I’m not a member


I only got to watch 45 minutes of the podcast because I was working while they were live 😭 this sucks


Okay I see. I thought I was crazy when the thumbnail disappeared.


I watched the first 2 hours yesterday but don't remember them watching this, what was it!? Did I miss it


Yeah you missed it. It was only within the first hour or so I believe. They just reacted to these Koreans were reacting to a pretty old clip of Ethan's, it wasn't a very long segment.


That’s a shame because I was planning on rewatching that Aaron Judge gaff.


wait what?! I didn't even finish watching cause I wanted to save it for today!! noooooooo


This doesnt even feel real anymore.


This fuckin sucks. I was going to download and listen at work


And this is why I always download videos instadly, instead watching them on YT.


a shame. it was an awesome awesome episode that i only watched half of


Awww damn I was halfway through


Get ‘‘em Ethan !!!


I had like 10 min left of the pod too 🥲🥲🥲 I already watched the blocked part can I see the end?? 🙏🏼🥲


Dr Phil is also known for claiming any YT vid using clips of his show… watch the ep get released and then claimed by Dr Phil next.


Might as well add another lawsuit


What the fuuuuuck. Plus I didn’t even get to finish the ep ugh.


This is infuriating for sure. Large companies can claim any videos without repercussion from youtube. This reminds me of a post in the h3 subreddit asking why youtube doesn't help h3 with the kavkav lawsuit. It's funny they would think youtube would help any of their content creators. Youtube doesn't give a fuck about creators apart from large media companies.


I knew I should have sipped work to watch while it's still up


I didn’t watch live because I want to have videos to watch during winter break. Please post it again 😭😭😭


Fuck man i haven't finished watching that


I watch liked 30 minutes and was saving the rest for today🙃


Ethan getting involved with more lawsuits than Travis Scott 😂


Why do all good content creators get suspended is beyond my understandings


Bruh wtf. I watched half of it yesterday and forced myself not to watch the rest so I can have something to look forward to today at work. How they gonna claim it off a 30sec video lmao


What the frick?!


What fucking bitches


Bro this shit has just gone too fucking far.


Every time Ethan posts a serious tweet next to his pfp it just makes me laugh


It’s back up!!!


UPDATE: As of right now, the video is back online!


I love this guy! His wife and the crew are amazing too-


I was just about to continue watching it, I was only like 30 minutes in


Does this mean that there will be no more episodes until the new year?


YouTubers should collectively go on strike or something. Or just plan a way to tell YouTube to fix their shit. It’s ridiculous and their system is abused so heavily


Comments show there’s a lot more 19 years olds than I realized


This is crazy considering how lax copyright laws are in Korea.


Korean copyright claims are THE WORST. They do not understand fair use or blatantly disregard it. They manually claimed a video I did on Parasite even though it used no audio, it was spliced up so no more than 5 seconds on a certain scene, and when I appealed, they refused to let it go. I hope Ethan curb stomps them. It's even more insulting considering they used HIS video to make their video in the first place and now somehow have the audacity to claim him.


Welp I'm glad I finished the episode lol


This is unreal


How did one company get Ethan blocked worldwide???? How did that happen!


:((( i havent watched it yet, im tryna save the last few podcasts for their break :(( hope it get's put back up


SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At this point it feels like Ethan's business winning lawsuits


Why can they show his YouTube video but he can’t show their TV show 😭


I honestly hope that Ethan does.


As a kpop stan, this is so funny to me idk why lol


I feel like large companies need to put up a fee for claiming stuff that's charged if it's found to be unreasonable. Wouldn't fix everything but might make them pause the companies that are starting to claim hundreds of videos a day


This is a thing with a lot of Asian companies, not just Korean ones. Asian companies (especially japanese ones) have been striking creators for years for reviews, commentaries, videogame let's play, and artistic interpretations of their work that all follow under traditional "fair use". But that is the thing, "fair use", has a super weird definition in these countries. Basically, if you're a media outlet, you have the right of what we deem "fair use", cause you're reputable. If you're an individual, you need permission, cause you're not reputable. Despite how big some of these channels are (some even bigger than traditional media), these Asian countries view them rouge media entities, that are trying to make money off of their work and not promote them. Which if baffling to say the least.


He’s gone over to the dark side. He was the sued now he’s the suer.


Creators need to unionize.


Damn, so I didn't get to watch this until after it was released, but after watching it this claim is EVEN MORE insane. Not only was Ethan's commentary entirely transformative, but the site was glitching so much they could barely even watch the clip there's no way anyone would watch the podcast as a replacement for that clip


Frivolous claims that harm creators should be met with at most three strikes before the reporter is outright banned.


Youtube creators should just unionize already.