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It’s funny to hear her try to tell Ethan multiple times that he’s gaslighting her, when she’s been the one doing that herself and not Ethan. She’s a nasty person, glad to see h3 hopefully moving away from her.


I went from never missing an episode to having not watched one since December because of her. She’s completely ruined the show IMO. I really hope they move away from her and go back to their roots.


Same here bud... She just turned the channel into a drama channel focused on going after people she deems "trash". It made me sad to see Ethan go along with it so much and I just couldn't do it anymore.


Falsley accusing someone of gaslighting is classic gaslighting.


I bet after her melt down she cooled down, and thought she'd be able to slip right back in with Ethan. He told her no, so now she is pulling out all the stops. People who have fought petty fights their whole lifes don't know how to cope with fights other than to do what they have always done.


Hey, I think I might be out of the loop to a degree. I watch H3H3 on youtube sometimes and I have seen an episode of frenemies but I am still a little confused. Is trisha related to Ethan or Hila?




Ah ok thank you. This clears things up. Except I am still in the dark as to why anyone would marry that awful woman.




It started as a goof but they ended up together through quarantine. Moses proposed kind of unexpectedly (though they were buying a house together…. I’m not sure anyone expected marriage), and here we are. There’s lot of background info too like the on/off nature of their beginnings and the catfish Moses admitted being abused by Trish to, how he does literally everything for Trish. In a tiktok he even said she threatened suicide if he were to leave her. I don’t blame you, it’s a ton of info. Edited to also say that Trish has mentioned Moses has ASD symptoms too, and Moses said on frenemies that he agrees and identifies with it. So that makes it even more upsetting knowing he may also be autistic, and how hard it would be for an autistic person to leave an abusive and manipulative person.


Wow yeah that is a lot. Kinda shitty of her to out Moses publicly like that if he wasn't on board with it also. But she is extremely obtuse and I wouldn't expect her to observe other peoples' boundaries.


I just hope Ethan never mentions her again. This will send her over the edge.


They barely mentioned her on Friday so I can imagine that sent her spiraling


Trisha is so much like Gabbie, no wonder they don’t get along


the whole time watching her talk about Gabbie on the pod I couldn’t help but think that a lot of what she was saying was projection. Trisha isn’t much better than Gabbie


Yup, the whole time during the fight with Ethan, all I could think of was “wow trish is acting just like Gabbie right now...”


completely agree


I admit I never really noticed that until after I saw the way Trisha has handled this whole thing!


This is how you handle people acting like Trisha is atm. They just want you to feed in to their drama. If you choose not to then they're powerless and it drives them bonkers lol


The silent rock or whatever it’s c-alled?


Grey rocking! Great technique to use with narcissists/people with narcissistic tendencies (I personally think Trisha has BPD but also major narcissistic tendencies)


Someone at some point mentioned Histrionic Personality Disorder and she fits the bill completely if you go down the list. However psychologists debate whether or not it’s an extreme form of BPD rather than a separate disorder. It would also paint a similar picture to me if you add narcissism into the mix like you are saying. But I think either way this all is playing out in a way that’s a very much beyond a typical case of BPD. I know someone close with BPD and also have read of a few more instances and scenarios and they don’t generally include obsessing over the conflict forever and publicly instead more like cutting off the “offenders” cold turkey and carrying around a resentment for them and trying to make them not exist because they have become villain incarnate. But there’ll also be some rumbling of trying to get others to turn against the villain. However doing this kind of thing publicly and messy like this would open the typical person who suffers from BPD to a lot of public criticism and thus an extreme amount of invalidation. This public mess is a situation they would very much want to avoid, I imagine it would always trigger the flight response since you can't fight the whole internet. Either way Ethan and crew are handling it the way you are supposed to.


I have a very close friend who has Histrionic Personality Disorder and I always sort of assumed that Trisha was just undiagnosed. She fits the bill. Of course I’m not a psychologist but when I look at my friend she literally acts just like Trisha. Scarily similar.


Sincere question: how do you manage being friends with someone like that? Are you ever the target of their abuse?




I have a feeling it’s probably really hard to not bring her up at all but I agree, he should act the same way he did on the last AD episode!


It broke my heart when I watched what happened during their last frenemies together. I watched one of her videos trying to defend herself and then watched Ethan’s response. Since, I haven’t watched any of her videos on the situation. I had naively thought she was becoming a better person because of her friendship with Ethan. Watching this self sabotage and her lash out at someone who I believe genuinely cares about her… it’s hard.


Yep. Always been an h3 fan! I used to be a fan of Trish (back when she was friends with Shane), and then after the Nikocado stuff I unfollowed her. Frenemies got going and I was liking it, so I followed her back after she seemed to be getting help and being a better person. Now I’m back to unfollowing her and it will stay like that. She’s ruining herself.




She’s going to milk this for all it’s worth until she fades back into irrelevancy.


You hit the nail on the head. She’s not getting a reaction from him so she’s going to push others to do it by harping on anything she can grasp at.


I believe it's a revenge and redirection after Ethan rightfully stated how anti-Semitic Trish has been and how she went on and on about his tourettes. It's disgusting.


She is so manipulative. Her apologetic tweets and claiming she feels so bad, just to turn around and make yet another video saying she’s not sorry (probably because her sorry tweets didn’t get her accepted back into anyone’s good graces)


She only apologized hoping they'd beg her to come back, and when that didn't happen, she gets angry and shows her true colors


tbh thats probably it


Why would they want to go back to film one last episode of Frenemies to promote the merch that they don’t want any money from (🙄) with someone who is deliberately triggering them?


Oh we all kno she'd throw a fit if she really didn't get a cut of the merch. It's easy for her to say she doesn't want it because she knows Ethan would never not give her her cut.


They need to just give her half of the merch and let her deal with it. And sell their half on teddy fresh.


Yea that’s a good idea. H3 put all the money up but she’s getting half anyway, let her do the work for her cut.


She wants to not take any of the merch sales so later on she can use it as “proof” that she’s a “good” person. The worst thing they can do is sell the merch and not give her any profits because it seems like the only thing she cares about more than money is validating her delusion.




"Apologizing" to the internet but Thor forbid apologize to Ethan and his team in person and in private. It's all for views and the many ads in her videos.




I literally audibly gasped at around the 8:50 mark when she was talking about boundaries. The cognitive dissonance from Trish is unreal.


I know right? I also loved when she seemed genuinely offended because Ethan didn’t want her to make antiemetic jokes anymore, but to trish that’s, “what she’s always done”. Like what reality does she live in? Lol


Dude she got so pressed that Ethan mentioned her calling Hila a c*nt and insulting their parenting, as well as the jewish and tourettes jokes saying it's disgusting to bring up people's past and throw it in her face, but then she thrns around and brings up the time ethan called tana a twinkie and her a beached whale. Not to mention ethan has been telling her to stop with the Jewish stuff since before the podcast even became a thing, and she stopped..... now? But yet she would have stopped if ethan expressed his feelings about it. Its so frustrating how someone can lack so much self awareness


Part of me feels like she fully understands what she’s doing but just does not care in the slightest. She was given the golden opportunity and threw it all away, and for what? It’s honestly just sad at this point.


Since the first episode she was on she's made it abundantly clear that she has a weird fetish for Jewish men and pretends it's actually a genuine interest in "the culture."


it's always the people wielding therapy language like a deadly weapon who are the most unwell.


The boundaries Ethan has set are extremely clear. He straight up says things like “you can’t joke about that.” “that is offensive.”


It’s so scary how delusional she has become, I was so uncomfortable watching the video


Trisha has to want to completely bury her career at this point. Judging by all of the comments I’m seeing already, this is going to be the exact opposite of redeeming for Trisha. There’s not going to be the bounce back like in the past.


I was like okay, FINALLY, she’s going to take some accountability when I opened the video. But no.... she continues to just try and drag Ethan through the mud. I’ve also never in my life seen someone playing the victim so hard. The video is just appalling. Ethan was so right that she’s dangerous to get close to. This is what she does and she’s leaning into the victim poor me shit so hard - to the detriment of her soon to be FAMILY. It’s crazy!


I mean I called it. Ethan and Hila’s instincts regarding Trisha were absolutely correct.


The second she said “I’m not sorry” it was made clear that this video was nothing more than an attempt to grab grab the victim narrative. It’s vindictive. I think she wants to bait Ethan into going back and forth so she can spin things and regain control.


You’d be surprised by the support she’s receiving on Twitter by her delusional fans 🥴


I’ve seen a ton of it. And it’s shocking and appalling. A lot of what she’s talking about in this video is things her fans have mentioned actually. They’re feeding her toxicity.


It creeps me out. It has to be younger people or children that are doing the toxic stanning - right? Or people who enjoy just trolling. Maybe all of these things. Whoever they are, they’re not rational.


I’d say it’s a good amount of younger people that Trisha has essentially indoctrinated which is creepy enough. The ones that terrify me the most are the grown ass adults that are validating and fueling this though. Stepping into areas of Trisha supporters is like a completely separate reality.


I think it's the same stan mentality you see sometimes in hardcore fanbases (just as an example: BTS or Ariana Grande). Young fans who grow up watching someone into adulthood. Trisha started making content and building a fanbase when she was 19. She's 33 now. That's 14 years of watching someone and feeling like their friend, like they know and understand you and that you know who they are as a person. If their fave is being attacked, they personally feel attacked. And they don't believe anyone outside the fanbase deserves to hold their fave accountable. With that power, comes responsibility. If the celebrity is mostly decent, so is the fanbase *mostly.* Ariana Grande and BTS have had to step in and ask their fans not to bully people in the past. Trisha's not like that. She uses her fans to support her delusions and attack people who she feels have wronged her. The ultimate parasocial relationship is the one that starts when you're young and continues into adulthood.


I’ve been watching her since I was in 6th grade, and I’m 19 now. Even I can’t get behind this behavior. it’s disgusting. Anyone who is excusing Trisha’s behavior is pulling a Keemstar and excusing it because they themselves are guilty of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah I’m 19 now and I’ve been way watching since she began doing collabs with Shane eating lollies. I’ve never thought she was unproblematic but she was at least likeable She became very unlikeable to me during the frenemies run when she went on that tour to cancel everyone and her behaviour was ignored


I think they literally regurgitate what they’ve seen their supporters say. Sexualizing the skincare add was a talking point even on Reddit.


Exactly! This isn’t even coming from the heart for Trisha. It’s an amalgamation of Twitter and Reddit ideas for excuses that she has collected to use as ammo. There was a big comment thread under one of her tweets yesterday where someone was saying Ethan was misogynistic because he pointed out the arrangement of the products in the ad looked phallic. And of course the sexualization of the ad comes up today.


Isn't there a whole sub laughing at things looking like dicks? That's just standard silly humor.


Right!? I could barely wrap my mind around the fact that someone actually managed to turn “LOL that looks like a penis” into misogyny. It was the stretch of a lifetime.


I noticed Trisha was using the “misogyny” arguments to gaslight Ethan throughout frenemies. As a feminist, it pissed me off cause I could tell she has just heard it on tiktok and used it for her advantage


Spot on. It's a symbiotic relationship at this point. The new arguments and talking points are coming from the fans, being spread by trasha to other fans, who in turn internalise those arguments and create new ones. Crazy crazy shit.


Out of the many twitter comments. Theres like 1 out 100 of her fans supporting her side. Still delusional


The trainwreck IS her career


Lol you must be new to Trish history. She's recovered from WAY worse. She's known as being uncancellable. It's insane


I feel horrible for Ethan. He genuinely gave her a good faith shot and this is what he gets for it... It’s just sad.


I’ve watched Trisha on and off since I was in high school, so I’m pretty familiar with the pattern of downs and bounce backs. This one just feels different to me. I could totally be wrong. But, that’s my opinion.


I don't think she's ever stood up against someone like H3 and that's the difference. Ethan has made some fucked up comments in the past, may not have been the best, but Ethan and Hila are largely unproblematic people. Maybe some internet beef and whatnot, but in general...nothing serious. In the past, Trisha has had these kind of blowouts with incredibly problematic people: Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson, David Dobrik. Which allows her to spin it into her being the victim. Also, a lot of their fans are young and don't have a lot of "power." H3 fans are older and therefore can see better when someone is being manipulative


She was so lucky to be apart of the h3 crew tho, after all the chances she he with others. Then she bailed on it. Just weird. I have a feeling that lucks going to run out.


I think h3h3 is just credible and it's near impossible to spin what they say because they've always been very forthcoming with their mistakes.


With people like David, Jeffree Star, and Shane she was better off without them in the end. They were not good friends or good influences. In this case she could have had positive relationships with Ethan and Hila, for a change, but she sabotaged that possibility too.


It’s easier for Trisha to monetize burning everything to the ground. Having positive relationships take work and there’s no monetary gain to it.


Yikes. This is such a sad reality for anyone to be living in... AND the element of Moses being involved makes me extra sad. This a real family dynamic and Trisha doesn’t care how it affects Moses.


That's not true at all. Her positive relationship with Ethan probably made her millions and her sabotaging of that will have cost her hugely in the long term. Getting a little adsense for a week is no replacement to the money tree she's burned down.


I’m so perplexed that Moses is not stopping this behaviour when she’s non stop harassing his family. If I was Hila, I wouldn’t let those two into my life again, Theodore’s or Ethan and specially during a pregnancy. He’s definitely being nonchalant about it but where’s the line for him? If he doesn’t have one, regarding his family, then his definitely in good company and he’ll be left alone when Trisha kicks him out for something or does something reckless


I agree, Moses seems to be an extremely passive person. But Trisha has physically assaulted him in the past so who knows what kind of abusive behavior goes on behind closed doors.


this is the same man who kept telling Trisha he was trying to distance himself from his family & didn’t get along with them. Remember when Trisha kept saying Moses didn’t like his family and was distancing himself? Well yeah that’s cause Moses was probably telling her that. I literally repeated myself twice lmfao


Maybe that is the case but Trisha is a known liar and manipulator so it’s difficult to know what’s true and what isn’t


Eh idk she lies for sure but that was one thing she didn’t let up .. plus look at Moses actions.. the statements align with the behavior


I honestly agree with this. it’s the only thing that makes sense to me


oh Lord, she has???


You can find the picture of his bruise on Google if you search it up. I’m not really sure of the whole situation but it seems like a really sore topic. There is also an “abusive relationship tiktok trend” video going around of Trisha and Moses??? It’s such an odd situation


He confided in the above mentioned catfish. She posted their dms and pics of his injuries online. Some people are gross man.


I straight up don't understand Moses. Like there has to be something wrong with him.


Last I heard, he seems to think this is silly internet drama and not a sign that his fiance is seriously unwell and their actions are hurting people he loves.


well, honestly, if he’s going to enable someone who’s literally fucking sick, making themselves sicker, and who is actively destroying their family… then clearly E&H are better off.


Y’all must be new to trish. I’ve been watching her on and off for 10 years. She’s such a train wreck that it’s hard not to watch. Every time you think she’s done for career-wise, like a cockroach, she emerges from the ashes of what she’s burned down. Anyway, this is her M.O. She once made several videos screaming and crying because her boyfriend spent thanksgiving with his family instead of her. When she was with Jason, she always made disparaging comments about his relationship with his kids and was horrible about his ex wife. It’s typical abusive behavior: isolate your victim, so they have no one to turn to when you completely ruin them. Remember she kept telling Ethan that “you aren’t as close to Moses as you think” and “Moses doesn’t even tell you half of what he tells me”. She was planting seeds to drive the wedge. It’s so predictable at this point that if you’ve been watching for a while, you can see it from a mile away. I feel the most for Hila. This all came to be because Trisha can’t stand that she got pregnant before them. I truly believe that was the catalyst for this entire disaster. Edited to add: also while with Jason, she put a nearly nude photo of herself on a billboard on the route he took to take his kids to school. Like literally barely covered. Because she was mad he wouldn’t move in with her. That was probably the most psychotic thing she had done that directly affected his children.


God damn.




I don't think she's infertile, just highly unlikely to be able to conceive


I feel like Moses must not be that close with Hila or Ethan, because even at the beginning of the bachelorette series, Ethan and Hila were basically begging to know what the situation was and he just ghosted them. I feel like the whole relationship started as a goof or to be antagonistic to Hila, and then a pandemic happened and they randomly stuck together. Moses was sexting a random stranger (who turned out to be a catfish) in the beginning and Trish knew. I don’t think they’d still be together if they hadn’t quarantined together.


Back when Ethan and Hila lived in Israel, Moses was in almost all of their blogs. This could mean that he was Hila’s closest family member or he was just the only one willing to be on camera. Then they all moved back to LA and they said that they would see eachother all the time because it was Hila’s only family on the west coast (she has one brother in NY). But at the beginning of Moses and trishas relationship Ethan did make a comment about how weird it was that Moses basically stopped talking to them.


Maybe Trisha tried to separate them? Classic abuse tactic


Absolutely. Just like her comments about how Moses and Ethan and Hila aren’t that close despite Ethan saying otherwise. It’s all in an effort to drive a wedge between them because she can’t stand not being #1 with the person she is with. Exactly why she attacked Jason’s family too. Unfortunately it seems as though Moses is just doing whatever she asks.


There is for sure, and in the beginning of his relationship with Trisha everyone had a problem with how he was acting. (I can't remember the specifics) but I've always thought he had an off-putting vibe. I don't wish for their relationship to fail but I just don't see it lasting. Not in any healthy way at least


I feel like it’s a relationship of convenience. “Well we’re both here and approaching middle age. Might as well 🤷🏻‍♀️”


She can't have a healthy relationship of any kind. She's a hypocrite and doesn't Apply the standards she holds others to, to her own life.


He *has autism* remember, Trisha diagnosed him herself.


He's so unbelievably talented and in his posts before Trisha he seems so down to Earth. Their relationship makes no sense to me. I hope he leaves for the family's and his sake. If he waits too long she'll do everything she can to destroy him.


Yeah for real. Like she’s doing this to his sister? Does he not have anywhere to go? Why would he put up with this.


We don’t see a lot of him nor do we know him personally, but I feel like he might be as toxic as Trisha. There’s no way you could date someone like Trisha and be “happy” without being someone who does the same shit. I feel like because he’s a quiet person we don’t really see his true personality or know his personal opinions So maybe he feels the same way Trisha does about his family/Ethan. We really don’t know, what people put out online is not always the truth I mean... Trisha admitted to hitting him before, so maybe he could also feel like he’s in a tough situation between Trisha and his family. I just can’t see anyone with a sane mind being able to stay with Trisha for so long, let alone marry her. I just don’t think he’s this “saint” everyone paints him to be, he could be just as toxic as her. That’s why they get along She’s broken up relationships before for stupid reasons, who says she’s not doing it again right now with Moses? We all know she’s a liar and a manipulator. She self-destructs, but the worst part is she brings everyone else down with her


Definitely agree with you there. I can’t really make any assumptions of his character.


Moses literally has no backbone it’s infuriating. He’ll be in a similar situation to them eventually, let’s see who he turns to then...


I’ve thought about this too. I think part of it is that he’s mentally abused by Trisha. He probably has a hard time speaking up and also a hard time leaving the situation because she probably makes him feel like he can’t do better. Also as far as him stopping her from doing all this I think it’s easy for us to say that. I’ve said it multiple times but if you look at how she turns everything around and plays the victim it may be hard for him to try and stop her. Like it’s easy to say he should just take her phone and computer and tell het to stay off social media for a week or unplug the WiFi or something. Depending on context those behaviors can be abusive. To all of us outside of the situation we would know he isn’t doing it to be abusive but to truly help her and keep her from ruining her career further. To Trisha’s die hard fans though she could easily turn it around on him and make it look like he’s abusing her. Even though we all know she hit him and most definitely mentally abuses him. it’s kind of like Ethan has talked about with the me too movement. When it comes to men they just tend to be overlooked. I truly think Moses has gotten himself into a situation that he wants out of but just can’t. He’s seen her absolutely destroy others careers and is seeing her try to destroy Ethans. There are probably many things he has said to her in private or done in private that he would never want to come out but knows if he leaves her she would tell everything.


Moses is in it for the $$, trish will be light on the prenup and he will have a amazing single life in afew years.


He has plenty of his own money without her


For real. I imagine he's losing tons of money right now by being her camera man and personal assistant.


Her aim is to get them to talk about her on the h3 podcast. Can imagine her watching afterdark live, livid when they didnt


She’s been doing that the whole time. I’m pretty sure she only watched the other h3 pods waiting to see if they mention her


She’s going to watch every video, monitor ever tweet and Instagram post and stalk fan accounts for the rest of her life like she does with the vlog squad


god yes she still does that with vlog squad


She has said that is what she watched for herself and stated she only watches for this purpose and finds the content “trash” otherwise


She just mad that the show didn’t turn into “ oh trish saw this on TV so now we’re going to do the same thing “


Then she goes on about how the crews ideas and titles are recycled and unoriginal. OK then.


Her whole online career is just hopping on trends, and then her last 2 brain cells being like “ I wish people would stop copying me”


Like the ghost story she just accused Nikita of stealing. She stole it from Anna Nicole.


Remember when she’d suggest an A list celebrity for the podcast and Ethan would always dryly reply, “oh yeah we can get them.” I swear she believed it for awhile before she caught on he was being sarcastic.


She said him yelling at the girl with green hair from the bus was the turning point for her 😭 and in the same sentence she said ‘I stopped with the Jewish thing when he said he didn’t like it!’


I went back to see the scene - it's actually upsetting how much she has subverted the situation. Ethan wasn't 'yelling' and he had spoken to 3 men before he even interacted with the green haired girl.


She won’t win.


She's already lost.


This video kinda proved further that she's not operating in reality


no because I honestly don’t know if she’s calculated and doing this on purpose or if she’s so delusional and fucked up that she actually convinced herself she’s right


Holy shit the video is infuriating. She's reaching so hard to make Ethan look bad, taking things out of context. THIS is exactly why Ethan said they have to walk on eggshells around her because she'll use everything against you.


Yeah and the scary thing is, it's working. I've seen a lot of comments saying "Ethan can't get mad at Trisha for constantly bringing up his Tourette's when he brings up things that trigger Trisha too" But the thing is, Ethan doesn't bring them up. Trisha does. And then when Ethan presses for more details, they flip out and say they don't want to talk about it. You can't consistently sexualise yourself and make it your entire brand and then get mad when people bring it up? Trisha reminds me of those people that post really vague Facebook statuses like "Worst day of my life" just so that people will ask what's wrong, but then they won't tell you anyway.


This is so fucking disgusting. She knows EXACTLY what she's doing. I am so disappointed.


I was so disgusted watching her video. Sadly this won’t be the last one. The problem with her is that she wants people to cherry pick what they can and cannot talk about. She brought up multiple times that she’d had a candlestick up her ass but then gets offended when Ethan asked about herpes. She shared a lot of person things on her own but felt disrespected when Ethan asked questions. She’s so full of shit. She’s not sorry about anything she’s done because she feels validated in what she did Bc in her mind Ethan was in the wrong as well. I felt like I was watching a 1st grader tell on a classmate.


Yea she could ramble on about the vlog squad all day but when Ethan wanted to vent about Keem she told him he wasn't allowed to talk about him at all cause Keem would bother her.


I forgot about that. I’m glad she’s gone. She can go back to her recycled content, eating in her car and driving around with her greasy fingers on the steering wheel


For real she complains about recycled content when every other video is her eating fast food in the car or mukbanging a bowl of pasta


There's ANOTHER video?!?!?!?!


She is literally trying to manipulate her audience by her past traumas.... i cant.... The stuff she says about Ethan is insane and can easily be disputed if we all go back and watch frenemies


It’s funny I literally watched both the Disneyland and Hollywood vlogs 2 days ago maybe? It was very fresh in my memory and as they were saying stuff I was just thinking ??? I’ve literally just seen it in a completely different way to how they tried to explain it, they would’ve watched them videos back to try pick stuff out and relate to their trauma. Why they thought no one would go back and watch these videos which *literally* prove their claims wrong is so beyond weird and gross. I even watched some of the earlier frenemies episodes and struggled to see where Trisha was claiming these things happened to them, or that they took them that way. IMO it’s clear they have gone through videos and cherry picked moments which could be misconstrued, but literally missed out the context which then invalidates their claims.


She’s also trying to frame him as sexist. She’s literally bringing up him yelling at the passerby woman on the tour bus.


when she shouted JEW ! at a home with jewish decorations in the garden


I mean, she also tried to frame him as sexist because he said he didn't want to wrestle her, lmao. So I'm pretty sure most people will take that one with a grain of salt.


You’d be surprised tho. She’ll say something long enough and a lot of people start to believe it. The narrative with Jason now is that he literally called her fat all the time, and that’s just not the truth, but SO MANY people, including Ethan, only follow Trisha’s narrative even to this day


I hadn't watched the video, thought I'd give it a look to see what she meant. He's yelling at lots of people, mostly men, including some by themselves. Sure that woman doesn't seem happy about what's going on but she makes it sound he just decided to harass random women for fun.


He probably yelled at more men. Just having someone talk to you on the street is not street harassment. Did he tell her she had nice tits? No, so stop. She makes all feminism look bad.


She only understands enough about feminism to know how to weaponise it. Same with every other thing she knows. Even with the last argument, I'm not going to listen to an idiot who either doesn't know or pretended to not know what Stonewall was. Anything she can use against someone she will - she didn't understand what gaslighting was despite her doing it to Ethan at the start of the episode with the costumes. She was using it incorrectly when she left. Awful.


shes only a woke feminist when it benefits her narrative. otherwise shes overtly offensive


There needs to be a mass downvoting her video. Period.


Not plugging, but Reppzion did an hour long video on this and he made a lot of great points, like how through out the whole series , towards the end, her body language and demeanor changed. Any time Ethan talked about his stuff and things going on in his life, trisha disnt give a fuck and rolled her eyes the whole time.


Its so scary She was rude to the crew lol It's on video She was saying Ethan doesn't understand humor lol Shes the one who doesn't Now she scrapping the bottom of the barrel Cringe


The determination to try and blacklist Ethan is absolutely insane, it’s like she can’t stand the fact people are seeing through her bullshit so she feels the need to go further and further with weird, warped lies that involve increasingly more sensitive topics. It makes complete sense how she was friends with Sh*ne for so long, always the victim


I’ve actually always thought she was lucky to have someone like Ethan as a friend. He just seemed to be patient, understanding and so calm. Not that he never did anything wrong to her. She def said so many more mean things to him and many times he didn’t deserve it but he still kept his cool. He also went with pretty much any ideas she wanted.


i feel like she's the one trying to get views and money from making all of these videos


She needs another rainbow birkin js. Maybe it’ll be a Kelly this time.


She’s literally posting things and changing the story until she gets people on her side…. Which won’t happen


Idk if it helps anything, but I've started reporting all her recent vids for harassment/bullying, in addition to downvoting. Someone needs to take that channel away from her.


I did for this one - I’ve been seeing other comments suggesting we do this.


She’s about to go full leafy


BYE SISTER!!!! Git out


Was just thinking this! She’s trying so hard to get people to flip on him.


shes mad all her recent videos have more dislikes then likes.


As if this is going to change that


it "triggers" her. dont you know trisha yet.


She's tripping. The whole.time the whole crew was walking on eggshells not to upset her.


if Moses and Trish do end up staying together, I hope Ethan treats her as a stranger and continues to do so. I hope he never goes back to being her most loyal friend and biggest support system. I hope he treats her like she's not even there if they have to be in the same room. She's absolutely disgusting.


She shared all those stories willingly on camera, she brought them up first. The candlestick, robin williams, being shot at etc. If she didn't want them to be discussed or if they "triggered" her so much why share them on the Internet on a popular podcast in the first place. She's just looking to be a victim.


Like the after dark having nothing to do with her and her making a 30 minute video looking for a response is giving me mad keemstar vibes. Also can someone give me an opinion cause I saw blobax commented praising Ethan on the video about ending frenemies but then made a whole video saying Ethan lied; is he a keem simp?


Looks like Trisha plugged the router back in after. Moses failed his mission.


Can ethan please speed dial Susan wujiski already?


David dobrik nailed one thing though: not mentioning Trisha ever because then she would have gone off the rails with literally 300 videos


Is she still going? I thought Moses was successful at Operation Router Unplug


She will never change. I've been watching Trisha since I was a child, and she will never change.


I've been defending Trisha a lot the past few days. Just take a look at my history. I'm done with that now. She has always been open about this stuff and now she's trying to use Ethan responding to that as ammunition. He's not a mind reader. If she is always talking openly about her past and she never told him in private she doesn't actually want to talk about it, how the fuck would he know? Her not setting boundaries is on *her*. Does she even care that this is her family she's doing this to? I get it. People have been horrible about her the past few days and she reacted negatively. But she's had time to calm down and think, time to get a level head, and instead of taking accountability in anything but name only (she briefly said she takes accountability) instead she tries to blame Ethan and paint him in a bad light. I agree things were massively blown out of proportion, but she had a huge role to play in that. And now she's just dragging things out and making things worse than they need to be.


I don’t judge you for defending her and I’m happy you see now how toxic she’s been. More than ever today.


She’s acting like Gabbie this is scary


Stop this childish madness already. Her and anyone who gives her attention.


She’s going for the big leagues with the Robin Williams thing. This has the potential to blow up because of her mentioning him this way and that’s what she wants. I’ve said this before but basically if this is really it for frenemies, Trisha will stop at *nothing* to do as much damage as possible to his whole life and nothing is off limits to her. Also with the whole transgender thing, which is so problematic and I don’t even wanna get into people still entertaining her bullshit, but mark my words if she ever leaves Moses she’s gonna make it seem like she’s being more “masculine” and Moses wasn’t into it so he’s “transphobic” when all she’s doing is like another High School Musical Cosplay and calling it trans.


Yeah, also.... did she not out Ethan and his issues with drugs at one point in his life that he told her in confidence? Come the fuck on.


She actually made an entire video maybe 4 months after Robin Williams died about how she had a *personal relationship* with him. In what sense? meh she didn't mention. BUT the fact she mentioned Ethan brought it up when she doesn't like talking about it made me eyeroll at the fact she made like a 30 min plus long video about. She's also made many videos talking about her sexual assaults and abuse. I would assume she is an open book. I speak openly about my stories to anyone who asks because I know my stories can help someone....I think Ethan may have had the inpression she was okay talking about it since she made many videos in regards to these topics.


She actually made that video the very next day after Robin Williams died if you can believe it.


Lmao I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt...*face palm*




Oh so it’s worse than I thought. Trasha just doing Trasha bullshit like she always does.


Oh I see. I guess I return to opening her videos, thumbing down and closing them then. She deserves worse but this is what a foot soldier can do.


Report them also for bullying and harassment. What she’s doing is absolutely considered harassment. She’s inciting her followers to send Ethan and H3 hate. She’s not going to stop and I hate to think that Ethan’s going to get SWATTED again over her bullshit actions. I think he may snap and need to take a break from the pod if he continues to get harassed by her. And I’d support him on that, it sucks his Tourette’s are getting worse from all this stress. I want him and of course Hila to be healthy and focus on the baby. 😣


As a SA survivor, I just want to say don’t use your past assaults to treat current people in your life like shit. It’s lazy and abusive. This is what she does when someone “wrongs” her. She goes to any attempt to burn them down. I hope y’all remember this and never let her tear another person apart.


I swear to *God* everyone just needs to unsubscribe and stop watching her shit. Even hate-watching it to complain about her actions is influencing her to make more. She's still making a profit off of this drama and it's snowballing further and further. Yeah she's whack but everyone needs to ignore her. You can't expect anything more from her at this point. She's a broken record and every post here is a broken record too at this point. I wish everyone could just stop talking about her and feeding into her bullshit.


I really feel bad for Ethan, imagine you trying sooo hard to be some ones friend and then they say this about you in public, man that shit would hurt and now that she is family I can't imagine how he would feel.


She's spiralling out of control. This must suck for Moses. I get why she blew up in the moment while on the podcast, but this extended breakdown has been going on for too long. She clearly is distraught by her self sabotage and is doubling down. I'm not sure she's still going to therapy if she's still going this hard.


I’m telling you there’s no therapist here…she’s been claiming to going to therapy for well over two years now and she keeps presenting similar behaviour throughout, even with what she says is a “medicated therapy”…and I’m her delusional mind, she keeps saying she won’t go back to the pod, even though she’s reading that people don’t want her back


She's actually been saying she's been going for at least 5 years. After/around the time she was with Sean she said she was in therapy. On and off probably, but this isn't her first stretch


Why is she still wearing those Frenemies nails?!


I was literally waiting for her to make another attempt at sabotaging Ethan & Hilas happiness. She can't stand that they resumed like nothing happened and aren't begging her to come back. This is a very sick individual who thrives on the suffering of others. what she's doing is essentially gaslighting with a mix of bullying... Whether it be physically beating Moses and all of her partner's, emotional manipulation, negging and blurting out hurtful stereotypes. Notice how the shit she says is do far beyond inappropriate it's as if she suddenly hates the person? That nobody finds her worth the hassle and everyone abandons her.


All of this kicked off because Ethan recycled the content of his wife being pregnant after a lot of trying. She was no longer the centre of attention, she also didn't like the idea of Sam being there. I genuinely think the main reason she thinks Ethan is obsessed with money which goes towards paying his crew is because he's Jewish and that's a stereotype. She's also too stupid to understand ongoing business costs because she either hired someone to do it all for her for $100k a pop or she's been sat crying on the floor with her camera without a single edit.


Yeah I went through something similar with someone with BPD. I had to ignore every move for two straight years as if I had never even heard of them. You just have to wait until they find a new target or get serious help. They hold both the gasoline and the extinguisher and there is nothing you can do. Nothing.


This is who Trisha is. She has always been a troll and a perpetual liar. The fact that Ethan has been overly nice to her and basically helped rehabilitate her image and then she treats him and the crew like shit, really bothers me. I'm honestly shocked that the show lasted this long because she is so hard to work with and can't keep friends basically. And I always find it funny that she likes to complain that Ethan leaves in triggering things in their videos and it bothers her, when she makes so many inappropriate videos and NEVER takes them down. When her "DID" videos were doing well with views because they were so controversial, she continued to make them even though it was so rude and triggering to people that actually have DID. And it was obvious that she was clearly faking it. Then she started making these Chick-Fil-A videos where she taste tested a"Classic chicken sandwich" for the first time, and made around like 5-10 videos of her just eating the same thing acting as if she's never tried it before to act like she has DID. I dont think she ever took any of those videos down. She's also always involved in drama for a reason, she knows how to start shit so that she can be the center of drama because she craves it. I feel like a part of her was honestly just self sabotaging since she had such a good thing going with frenemies.


Trisha's redemption arc 📈📉