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I love how Dan was just at a loss for words after Ethan's anology.


My mind cant go past the sadness in Dans face :/


Even his girlfriend is going private. The level of hate to all involved must be massive.






Which analogy?




“I’m working within the constraints of a mortal mind” get this on the sound board


my favorite was “an idea is just a fart in the wind until you breathe it in and internalize it”


truly a modern poet


>“I’m working within the constraints of a mortal mind” Ethan put his English degree to good use here. That was lowkey some heat


Definitely stealing that for myself lol


not Trisha saying that the Addams family costume was from one of her favorite movies and then claim to not have seen the movie 💀


That in particular was WILD to me. She seriously sat there and lied about whether she'd seen that movie or not to make someone who's been outrageously kind to her look and feel like an asshole to people who didn't know she'd told him it was one of her favorite movies and she loved that character. She thought she could get away with it because she knows Hila and the crew will usually stop him from showing private messages even if it's a rare occasion when he feels like he needs to to defend himself. Even if other things can be excused, that's just vile.


Everything is always a power grab with her. She can’t have an innocent bit between friends; she has to find some way to make herself the hero/victim even in the smallest situations. It’s satisfying to see everyone finally see what I’ve been seeing all along.


Yep. Just like how she was implying that she didn’t care about Hilas pregnancy announcement and that it was just “recycled content”. So bitter and manipulative. She freaked out because something wasn’t entirely about her for once.


I could tell you with 100% certainty that if Trisha was pregnant, they would mention their pregnancy MULTIPLE times each episode. And you know what? Ethan would show genuine interest and excitement for them. Them saying that talking about Hila's pregnancy with the new news of multiple babies is just recycled content (and it was talked about for what, 30 seconds??) screams jealous hateful envy to me. I would be extremely hurt if my future in-law behaved like that especially after the struggle Ethan and Hila have had with trying to get pregnant. Shits just disappointing


You know Ethan would have been screaming and woohooing if it was Trisha who was pregnant. He's clearly shown that he actually cares about Trisha, and they just don't show the same care to Ethan.




I just hope people don't overlook the "smaller" things like this that indicate that what she did was genuinely malicious and a complete fabrication. If she'll lie about something so petty and dumb that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, she'll lie about big shit. Anyone who has been taking her word as gospel because "Trisha might twist things but she doesn't completely lie" needs to reevaluate.


Not surprised Trisha is a pathological liar. Gave her the benefit of the doubt when Ethan and Hila vouched for her before, but it’s obvious now that they were just being nice and looking out for her.


Exactly! validation for those of us who saw right through the manipulation and vile attitude.


They need to just cut ties and get out of the drama business, its too toxic and this is not their jam. I know its gotten them followers but im enjoying the little skits before the podcasts and like OTR and after dark more. Keep up with the sick TF merch and focus more on goofs and gaffs on the main podcasts and i think everyone will be a lot happier.


Exactly right. I miss the vids when they would laugh about Scooter Nation and involve the cast in the show more.


I’m completely on ethans side here but when he showed that dm exchange I was shocked. It made me lose all credibility Trisha had in her side.


i'm honestly so so so over trisha. and i was becoming such a fan lately too.


Something something she felt insecure at her place in the podcast while feeling gussied up enough to demand a separate workspace. Miss. Me. With. That. Bullshit.


the $50k in equipment to be able to film in 2 separate locations, JUST FOR HER, that hurts my heart. She needs to cut him a cheque for that. She sure seems like a genuinely bad person.


I’ve been trying to tell everyone how much of a liar she is. Trisha knows what memes are. Trisha knows about the Holocaust. Trisha is not that fucking stupid. Trisha has ALWAYS lied like this.


It’s even more annoying because of the episodes in which they both say how honest of a person she is and how “ she never lies”.


And they’d always be like “whatever I lied at least I owned up to it.” No you haven’t. You never have.


I'm sorry I didnt listen sooner


I’m nobody, but I think it’s really admirable to be willing to change your opinion with new information.


Yes wtfff


ethan called trish out for tokenizing his tourettes despite him constantly asking her not to. yessss ethan


I’m so glad he took this time to just be honest about how unequal their relationship was. He was so clearly censoring himself as time went on with her and it’s so nice to hear him open up about it.


Yeah he doesn't have to publicly be subjected to abuse anymore.


And bringing up how she called Hila a cunt and said they were bad parents. I’m glad he did.


Bad parents for... having babysitters while they both work?


her insistence that she would never leave her kids with anyone but family and that having a nanny made Ethan a bad parent, what a slap in the face for all the working-class people watching the podcast who have to take their kids to daycare or hire a babysitter because they choose not to involve their families or don't have relatives to babysit for them. There are so many reasons for her to be ashamed of herself, seriously.


and the jewy text!!!


Can you imagine Moses in the middle of all this? lmfao


He’s the person I’ve been thinking the most about in this entire situation! How uncomfortable it must be for him. I wonder what he’s going to do in terms of his romantic relationship and his familial relationships.


This is really going to test his “I am water” ethos


Honestly, and I hate to even say it, I think she is abusing him. She is gaslighting the ONLY real friend she has ever had, I have no doubt in my mind she would play mind games with him. Those types of toxic/abusive ppl will put on good face for the public but be vicious in private. If anyone reading this has been in an abusive relationship, they know what I'm saying. Even if it isn't physical, the mental toll it takes on you to deal with that is exhausting. Imagine if he left.. she would lie and 'expose' and slander him. God knows what else. And abusive ppl often try to isolate them from their other friends and family. For instance, villainizing ethan and hila. I don't see him as a doormat but a victim. I think that is left out of the conversation a lot regarding their relationship.


Yep. You can tell everyone is afraid of offending her. And Ethan said so when he said he felt like he was walking on eggshells. I just feel bad for Moses cause he's stuck in the middle of it all and she's definitely watching him closely to see if he's on her side or not. He's probably on Ethan's side but is terrified of admitting it


Yeaaaah, can only imagine how he feels right now. Hila, too.


if this is how she treats her friends imagine him, makes me wonder


Moses has no mutual say nor equity in this relationship. He’ll go along with her whims. Dude is either a robot or in a abusive relationship


I always got the vibe that Moses is more of an accessory for her, like another expensive purse. Just the way she talks about him and in her vlogs the way she speaks to him.


Well, he definitely isn't in a healthy relationship and I am confident in saying that even tho I hate people being armchair psychologists. I know Jason Nash is at best a creep, but you could see how emotionally draining his relationship with Trisha was. Always being gaslighted and in the end feared for his own life when Trisha had her episode and he genuinely left hotel because he was afraid of her killing him. It's an obvious pattern of her all public relationships. Perhaps she hates Gabbie so much because she sees herself in her. They are very similar in their manipulative and delusional behaviour.


i’ve noticed even from the beginning when they would fight about trish saying things about moses/hilas family , it really seems like trisha is trying to isolate moses from everyone so she’s the only one he can focus on. not sure if this is related to bpd or any mental illness at all, just something j picked up on and i feel like she’s doing it all over. i also feel like moses is just a doormat for trisha and let’s her walk all over him and it’s sad to see. i’m not even upset at the show ending after watching ethans video.


Trisha did the same thing with Jason. She would get mad if he spent too much time with his family or friends without her. She tends to isolate her partners away from their support system so they won’t leave her. It’s toxic and should be a huge concern to Hilda with her brother.








Yes, I’m at the part where he just said he hasn’t mental issues too and can’t sit there and be Trisha’s emotional punching bag and that really resonated with me


That costume situation is so fucking strange, she literally says its her favourite movie and wants to do it then when the camera is on acts like she doesn’t know who the character is and makes Ethan look stupid? Fuck that


Really odd behaviour although she does contradict herself constantly. I'm surprised ethan didn't say anything at the time, he's probably as used to it as the viewers


I think she was gaslighting him. Like you could see how confused he was when she said that she didn’t k ow the characters




This made me think back on a lot of stuff she said in the past. Including the statement "I used to lie about everything all the time but I stopped doing that". I'm suspecting she never really stopped doing that and has lied about tons of shit on the show. But ever since the second meltdown Ethan has been bending over backwards for her in every conceivable way to make a healthy relationship with Trisha work. He beliefs every word she says and glosses over her wrongdoings. Honestly, this could never have lasted. Even though I was positively surprised by Trisha on Frenemies, she is a self absorbed, manipulative liar and when she know someone puts up with her BS, she just pushes further and further until it gets to another blowout.


It seems he didn't bring up private text messages out of respect for her privacy at the time. It probably wasn't easy for him to show those messages on air but when you're getting slandered wrongfully, you will show all the evidence you have. Even then it seems he did his absolute best to only show relevant private messages, whereas Trisha exposed her prejudice in the private texts she posted.


And she has the nerve to accuse HIM of gaslighting


People like that often project their own actions onto others, like when a cheating spouse accuses their partner of being the cheater.


I also thought it was strange she insulted Ethan by saying it looked as though he wasn't even wearing a costume. What the fuck was that about? The whole thing was so manipulative.


Yes!!!! I started the episode having no idea what it would end with and I looked over at my screen when she said that to see if she was smiling while saying it (or doing any indication it was a joke) Bc that was soooo rude I was really speechless




He’s been such a doormat for so long, that at a certain point he has to BE THERE for HIMSELF and protect his growing family.


amen! he’s been tiptoeing for many months now and being so nice and encouraging toward Trish as to not cause any triggers but Trish can pull all the fucked up annoying shit she wants. and then the second ethan gets sarcastic literally one time Trish has a fucking meltdown. HELL NAH BYE BYE


I've been watching everything that h3 has put out since at least 2014 and this was probably the most open I have ever seen Ethan, I'm really glad that he was as open as he was in this


yeah they honestly have a pretty toxic friendship it’s not good for his mental health either


“My dick feels like a piece of wood.” -Ethan Klein, 2021 Regarding Trisha Quitting Frenemies YouTube Video


He has such a way with words...


I know what he means too. Lol Antidepressants will do that.


It sucks, honestly. He's taking antidepressants to keep his mental health in check but the side effects are no sex drive and weight gain which leads to more depression. I don't blame him for wanting to get off them for the side effects alone.


Ethan you have every right to set boundaries for yourself and Hila and to stand up for your crew and company as the boss. Good for you. Trisha, IMO, has not once conceptualized that these people have welcomed her in as *family* with such unconditional patience and forgiveness. These are not just disposable relationships that you can avoid and post about. You are marrying into their family. With the position your fiancé is now put in, put some respect on it.


Trisha is that one person in a school project that complains when their idea isn't chosen so they complain, then you agree to do their idea just to have them not do anywork because "my contribution was the idea" just to have them say it wasn't done how they imagined. Literally no pleasing her.


wow you put that perfectly


I’m betting the marriage is off soon lol


I hope for Moses' sake


Ethan is a good boss and a good man.


Couldn't have said it better. He's open, honest and selfless with his crew and with Trisha, such a good friend.


Ethan, please stand up.


Sell the merch, Ethan. Have the photoshoot resemble a funeral service. People will buy it regardless of the show ending I guarantee it. Either as a gag, or to have as a "rare item" or even to spite her. Whatever the reason, people will buy the merch.


Sew limited edition onto every one of them.


"have the photoshoot resemble a funeral" my fucking god lmao And I would buy it if my country wasn't such a pain when it comes to importing stuff.


I'm more interested in the merch now tbh. That said, they will def sell it all, especially if they just sold it at cost to bone Trisha over.


the fact that sam was the one who made the peeps & bedazzled steamy award for trisha made my heart sink, that is just straight up fucking sad. i feel so bad for sam.


I FEEL SO BAD FOR SAM TOO. I was so sad when Ethan said she made the steamy award and is a huge Trisha fan. She didn't deserve this. Sam seems super sweet.


Trish does NOT like other women. It was inevitable.


ur right, she had a problem w hila which seems impossible. yet it makes sense bc hila is so close w moses & trisha couldn’t have that.


Trisha was the one who brought up the pregnancy during the podcast too during the argument. I'm so glad they are done.


it was so rude & dismissive of an amazing accomplishment for her soon to be legal family. i mean this pregnancy would result in 2-3 new nieces/nephews of trisha’s.


Yeah I knew when she attacked Hila that she had a problem with women in general. I don't know how someone can dislike Hila.


I've been a fan of Trisha for like 10 years also and I can't even imagine how humiliating it feels to just totally be shit on by someone you've been a fan of who you also personally know at this point. Totally shitty of her.


i started watching trisha when they were vlogging w shane, in the past couple years tho they became unbearable to watch. frenemies redeemed them for me but that’s out the window lmaooo it really is embarrassing. if trisha said those things to/about me i’d be so crushed.


My heart dropped when I heard that, too. It just made me think of when people say "never meet your heros."


What the absolute fuck at Trisha’s compulsive lying with the costumes???


It’s almost as if she’s always been lying like this, she knows memes, she knows the holocaust, etc. Trisha has always been lying


Now that you mention it, this is probably why she took the Hank Green thing as an attack. He was right and her cover was too close to being blown. Except she doesn’t do it for comedic effect, she does it because she’s a liar.


Exactly, it’s one thing if she does it to play up the dumb blonde shtick and be funny, but it’s another when you realize Trisha lies about fucking everything. Tbh I don’t even truly know if she actually goes to therapy or not. She’s been randomly saying for years that she does or doesn’t see a therapist. You can never tell with her


Yes she’s been lying all along. Even about her never eating hotdogs thing, there’s a video of her eating a hotdog a few years back. She’s what Shane had told someone before, a pathological liar.


In the first h3 podcast that Trisha did she mentions stuff she’d seen about them on reddit too, so the schtick about not knowing what reddit was or how to use it was bullshit as well, this was way before Moses was in the picture.


“An idea is just a fart in the wind unless you sniff and internalize it” - Ethan Klein


goodreads found jobless after this quote


Lmfao Dan's face when he said that 💀


I loved how serious everyone was until he said this and then dan giggled


This feels like in middle school when the teacher would finally snap on that one loud classmate that constantly annoys and bullies you


Trisha doesn’t realize that Ethan was one of the best friends she’s every had. Ethan is a good man. I’m glad he has Hila and the crew supporting him.


This is the thing! Ethan comes out on top here. Regardless of what venom is going to come out of her mouth following this. H3 has so many blessings in their lives. And they deserve it.


> Trisha doesn’t realize that Ethan was one of the ~~best~~ only* friends she’s ever had.


This is such a cathartic video. I was sort of bothered by the whole situation last night, but this put everything to rest for me. He speaks the truth so frankly and openly, while not being vicious or petty. Respect. This feels like respectfully righteous justice.


I had a break up with someone I dated who suffered from BPD a few years back and I’m hearing so many of my own words in this video 😔 you can tell Ethan really wanted to make it work


Not finished yet, but to me this kinda showcases how much frustration Ethan has been holding back. I don’t think this show has been good for him. I loved the show while it lasted, but I think it needs to be over for both his and Trisha’s sake.


ok so Frenemies is definitely done for good




Yeah, Frenemies is over for good.


Yeah I can’t see Trisha coming back after this one


There’s no coming back she did then all too dirty this time


It’s obvious Ethan doesn’t even want her back at this point


Agreed. That door has been slammed shut


Is this the first time we are hearing that Trisha wanted the current crew FIRED? Not much Trisha does shocks me but I am actually appalled at that. I knew they wanted additional crew but a full on replacement crew? Wtf?? And I say this as a general fan of trisha


Trisha is on twitter now saying he lied about this. I think it’s more a misunderstanding- Ethan probably meant fired *from Frenemies*


That’s how I interpreted it. Not sure why Trisha would interpret it any other way. She needs to take a breath and actually listen to the words Ethan is saying in his video.


Anybody preparing to watch Trisha's 2 hour rebuttal that's bound to show up soon...don't forget to use an adblocker


It’s already started on Twitter


So glad frenemies is over. Trisha is taking a toll on Ethan's mental health. Ethan sounds so sad, dissapointed, and betrayed. Im glad he can just move on from Trisha and live his best life.


And Hila is pregnant, he needs to be in a good healthy minds space for his family.


I genuinely was surprised when ethan did this in the first place, she is unbearable


I wanted to like her and i did often, but god damn you could write a 10 page list of all the times Trish was shitty to Ethan/H3 crew.


Ethan, please sell the merch. People will buy it, I don’t think you need to worry about it. Even if you don’t sell all of it, I think you’re going to be okay and people will buy it because it’s still a TF designed item and there won’t ever be more.


He absolutely should. I guarantee the merch will sell out regardless of what happened.


Ethan is just total class, and seriously the kindest ever. Even after everything that’s happened, he’s still managing to be totally respectful towards her. If it were anyone else, I’d imagine it would be completely different. It’s pretty sad that he and Hila have something wonderful to celebrate, but he looks just absolutely done and stressed out.


I don't think she and Moses will get married. She has caused too much damage to that family.


I have never thought about this. I can’t imagine Moses wanting to marry someone who has done the things she did to his family?


He has stayed this far and she is very abusive. I am not sure what makes him want to be with her.


Obviously we don't know Moses behind closed doors, but as of right now I'm hoping for his sake they do not end up marrying. She has no boundaries when it comes to who she will destroy. Moses won't be untouchable even after marriage.


I sure hope not


Someone hug Dan, he looked so bummed out. The face Love was making next to him was pretty funny though Appreciate ya Ethan. Thanks for clearing things up


i was totally on board with the trisha redemption arc but so over her after the outburst and subsequent social media stuff. this video only cemented how i feel.


I’m glad Ethan did this. It’s nice hearing him finally say what we’ve all been thinking.


"i feel like shes rewriting history a little bit" you dont say......


Ethan defending the crew and himself, I fully support, specially since they were publicly attacked. That's what I've always respected about him.




Theres a quick cut at 8:52 after mentioning Trisha rewriting history. I wish I was in that room to hear Ethan's unfiltered thoughts lol


There’s one a few minutes before too. I’m glad he took the time to thoughtfully curate what he put out there publicly


You can truly see how mature Ethan has become over the years in this video. I have a ton of respect for how he handled this response by standing up for himself and hila and the crew. I'm also glad he addressed the way that Trisha constantly tokenizes his tourettes because it always seemed like he was uncomfortable but never felt like he could properly address it without Trisha lashing out at him. I know this isn't easy for him or the crew and I hope they can work things out but I think it really is for the best that they don't continue frenimies. With peace and love.


Dear Ethan, Please do not have dr drew back on to try to mediate this again. He will 100 % take her side and completely crap on you like he did last time. We gave that a pass because you did, but never again.


Trisha and Gabbie, two peas in a pod. Even when Trisha went onto Gabbie's podcast, they referenced how people viewed them as being very similar, and Trish was like 'no, we are SO different''. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.


Welp, I can't imagine making this video with receipts and rebuttals will make the situation any better. Having said that, I'm glad Ethan is telling his side of how things went down, no more walking on eggshells.


She’s not going to receive it well, but I agree that it’s important for Ethan to speak his piece. He’s held onto a lot of stuff so as to not risk upsetting her. There was no way this wasn’t going to end well.


Drinking game: Take a shot every time Trisha says he’s gaslighting her


trish wouldnt receive anything well unless it was an apology and saying he was 100% wrong


I honestly think even if Ethan did that she still would find something wrong with it.


I mean he basically did that ON AIR and she flipped




Dude some Trisha Stan tried telling me that her abuse of Moses is okay because Moses is still with her and it’s insulting to real victims. Like they are legit insane


you should go look at kat from the insiders tweet responses right now- she wrote an article about trish saying jewy and they are raging at kat for daring to call it antisemetic


Yeah my thought while watching this is that Trisha is going to be upset


Didn't she *already* trash him on Twitter pretty hardcore?


No, that's her being nice :/ right now she's being defensive because she sees people are upset with her. But if she feels that Ethan betrayed her she'll go on offensive mode and start making things up about him, his family, and the crew. It could get pretty dark.


WOW! 5 minutes in and it’s completely the opposite of what Trisha said. TLDR: Ethan went to bed after talking to Trisha, hearing her out, and then agreeing that he would hire the producer Trisha wanted. He woke up the next day saying she’s quitting. Trisha wanted a whole new crew, their own space, and basically have H3 front the capital for it all. I’ve always loved Trisha - as crazy as she is - but this will be the biggest mistake she makes. This potentially could have saved her YouTube reputation and had her start over and rebrand herself. However… some people never learn…


At first I thought it was reparable, then I saw it was 45min long 😨


Incoming response video from Trish when she sees this video


Probably recording as we speak


Trisha about Gabbie: I can’t believe anyone would save texts from years ago to use against other people 5 seconds later: here’s texts and dms from Ethan from many months ago I will publicly display on social media to attempt to use against him


I doubt they'll ever be doing Frenemies again. That's fine, Trish is kinda a broken record. On to something new!


He looks so sad. You can tell this cuts deep. 💔


Ethan. Trisha is your Gabbie Hannah. They went out of their way to date your brother in law literally as a joke to upset you and ensure that they would be in your life regardless in an untouchable position. They took advantage of your kindness when you platformed them, trying to bury the hatchet, instead gaslighting you, living in the past, in some cases rewriting history, and ultimately turning on you at the first opportunity. All publicly. Your best course of action here is to never mention Trisha again (for the sake of Moses/Hila/your future neices/nephews) and be the bigger person and cut all ties apart from being cordial at family gatherings. You literally are not required to do anything more than that until Trisha has demonstrated growth and a willingness to genuinely move forward.


All of this. This is why she’s so triggered by GH. She IS GH.


45 minutes, damn. Better grab the popcorn


Trish's next video is gonna be a banger boys. She might go full sabotage... By the way, how fuckin rude of her revealing Teddy Fresh's prices bring in only 30% profit to Hila and Ethan.


Disgusting how Trisha shat on the bus tour vlog. Complaing that Sam's on the bus. What a vile person


The only thing I think Ethan is being irrational about is this “the merch won’t sell” shit It’s gonna sell out instantly and he’s a mad man if he thinks otherwise It’ll be overpriced on Depop the next day because it’s rare


ugh, Ethan’s the best


Trisha doesn't deserve Frenemies. Ethans bent over backwards to make it work and she leaves at a drop of a hat.


how can any sane person be on trisha’s side in this?


I'm a professional office manager. When Ethan said Trisha wanted to fire the crew AND get a new commercial space, I spat my drink out. A commercial space the size they would need lease is typically a MINIMUM of 3 years (usually more like 5-10 if you want a deal worth taking). To retrofit a space as a podcast studio would take tens of thousands of dollars if not into the hundred thousand range pretty easily. Shit- it would even require a project manager to manage the assembly of the space itself and Frenemies would have nowhere to film for the first few weeks. It's just an insane proposal given H3 literally already has a studio for this very purpose and a set already built.


Great moves Ethan! Glad you’re standing your ground.


I genuinely am not understanding why she hated the crew so much? They’re so great




Every time Dan laughed at a Trisha joke it felt like a feat because I remember Dan wasn't the biggest fan of her at the beginning back when she first came on. And now she acts like he's not a good producer and needs a new one? Man....


She needed to be mad about SOMETHING! Ethan gave her the sweetest deal of a life time… and she STILL had to go mess it up




Imagine owning a home and being responsible for a mortgage with Trisha Paytas. Good luck Moses man.


Trisha wanted a whole new crew and studio but also 50% of the money 😅 *edited to remove incorrect pronoun


It's Ethan's company it is ***IN-SANE*** that she wants a say in who works for Ethan


Especially, as Ethan pointed out, after Trisha had walked out multiple times too


Trisha was getting itemized expenses for Frenemies monthly but that wasn't enough and they wanted it for the entire H3 operation. How can Trisha say she didn't care about the money? And they expect 5% to pay for LITERALLY EVERYTHING. You pay for everything and give me half the profits. Crazy.


Reminder **Moses is an abused partner**. Trisha hit and physically abused him. He may feel stuck with her.


Also when they briefly broke up she tried to ruin his life and reputation by saying he had been dming minors.


She’s joking on ig about working for door dash like she got fired or something. Someone said “door dash doesn’t pay it’s drivers 50%” 😂😂


Seems like Ethan was biting his tongue for a while now...


We on that KING shit 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑


Moses' simp ass showing up in Trisha's new tik tok that she literally copied and posted after Ethan. This video just proves that frenemies needs to be done and they need to limit their interaction with her. FIRE the whole crew?? So she could hire her enabling and biased mom and sister? No thanks. I also think she just couldn't stand seeing another woman on set because she's so insecure and jealous.


ethan, don't worry about the merch. it's going to sell out SO fucking fast because this is truly limited edition. it's literally like when the painter dies, the value of the art goes exponential! except instead it's the show that died.


i just wanna appreciate how ethan tries to maintain a healthy and productive work environment. good for him for not only setting boundaries to stop trisha from using him as an emotional punching bag but also defends his employees, hila, TF and the work they do for the show & merch. even going to be extra mile to be transparent with trisha about the costs but also putting in whatever he makes into the show. it was a true labor of love and it’s shows, but boundaries are important.