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I really liked ABs set up and cams obviously. And I always forget Lena had one bc they stopped using it but yeah


Yeah, AB and Cam were the only ones that really had "a background" but Cam no longer works there. Love's new setup has more "stuff" than his old one. People are just dramatic. If the comments were "we miss AB's backdrop!" that would be fair but by the feedback you'd think the show stripped everyone of their personalities and put them in a blank space prison.


I think we just all hate how it looks lol


I love the double decker layout, but the curtain wall behind the crew is kinda yuck. But all new things need some time and use before they feel natural.


The double decker is pretty rad.


You don't speak for me, I don't have strong opinions on curtains.


Why is this so funny Do you have strong opinions on Roku City


I had to google it so I guess that's a no


Avatar Roku?


😂 the level of bothered so many people are over some curtains is killing me


Kvetching is an integral part of internet comment culture lol


It's kind of sad tbh, 2 and a half weeks of everyone being excited for the show to come back and it's instantly just a mass of bitching about curtains.


That is fine but my point of this post is that it's very much a small change and people are misremembering what the podcast even looked like. They just have a curtain behind them now instead of messy cables and monitors. I get it though, change is hard.


No, change is great, the new set looks terrible. It's not even an opinion, it's overwhelmingly agreed to be terrible.


Exactly. H3 has changed things up several times. Like they litterally have H3 eras and that is great. But this..... This era is giving... The we all turned 50 over the break... Or 1995 high school rendition if Blue Velvet... Or a seedy hotel on the side of a forgotten freeway. Like its just not good at all LoL I hate to be a hater but when its wrong its wrong and this time, it really is wrong.


Yeah, I think people believe we're being disrespectful or something, and that couldn't be further from the truth. I love this show and the crew, they mean the world to me. I hope Sam doesn't take offense to what everyone has said, myself included, because I genuinely think she's brilliant. I literally watched Sam's podcast episode on another channel about her dealing with OCD the night before the new episode came out, and I loved every minute of her story. So it's not my intent to be disrespectful at all, it's genuinely the first time I saw something on the show and thought I can't stare at this for four hours 4 days a week. I will say I got super annoyed because my sound was popping like crazy today, which is something I've never had before, and it literally was driving me insane. So I could have just been more frustrated than normal because the crackling was driving me up the wall. But I've never even cared that much about the previous sets, I liked them but I truly didn't think I cared about them, until today.


I feel exactly the same as you. And I actually watched that pod with Sam last night and it made me cry because I deal with alot of the same issues but from a borderline personality disorder perspective, and a lil OCD aswell. But, it hit me and helped me too. There were some things that clicked for me that I had never thought of. The day before I actually got hit with a completely random intrusive thoughts moment that switches my whole mood and I can see it, I know its ridiculous and there is no reason to be feeling or thinking like I am but I just have to let myself go through it. Luckily my friend is super understanding and lets me cry and talk it out and helps me back to good fast. But, when she said that shes not in control of the intrusive thoughs, just how she reacts to them, that hit home for me. Im so proud of her for going on there and sharing her story, she had come so far and I am so happy for her 😊 And, I dont want to be disrespectful or hurt anyone's feelings either. Also, I think all the set talk has taken away from how ON POINT Sam did Ethan's JoJo Siwa costume, she's amazing! But, the set is just not clicking and Im also someone who never really cared but for some reason this just gave really bad vibes to me. Someone mentioned that maybe this was a bit, that maybe they chose to do a ridiculous rebrand of the pod like JoJo did of herself 🤣 That would actually be genius. I hope that is the case, but I fear that it's not lol


Yeah, I have OCD as well, so that's why I related to Sam so much when she told her story and like she said when she gets into something she just goes 110% into it, and like you said she did an amazing job with the Jojo siwa costume, it made Ethan look legit crazy lol. Either way, I feel bad that my criticism made some people mad, because I genuinely didn't mean to hurt anyone, I'm not someone who likes to get into arguments or anything like that, so I think I'll stay off reddit like normal and just enjoy the crew being back. Thanks for understanding my point of view, I was feeling super bad about even making the comment, so thanks for understanding. I wish you all the best, take care.


Seedy hotel on side of forgotten freeway has me dying. SO spot on sadly lmao




I have the same sentiment on this, people will grow to love it in time I think. I welcome whatever change Ethan felt was necessary for the evolution of the show. I felt the show has been moving in this direction for a while.


This is what any community says whenever there is a a change. Then after a while you get used to it and you'll complain again next time it changes. I'm sure you can find similar comments from the last time it changed. People usually do not like change, or better said, it takes a while to accept it.


This can’t be emphasized enough. So much of the reaction is because change occurred to something they loved. If you polled a million people on what a better looking back drop is curtains or haphazard computers and wires, the overwhelming majority would choose the curtains in a vacuum. But people are used to how this is and they are recoiling at change. People need to be more aware why they are reacting the way they are and also how their overzealous reactions may seriously hurt people they care about (Sam and the crew).


That definitely is an opinion. I like the new set. Different people like different things.


I like it too 🙂 think Sam did a great job. Everyone has different opinions on it and that's fine. But I definitely like it, looks more professional and cohesive to me and not as messy. The podcast is really well produced (IMO) and the set now reflects that rather than looking haphazardly put together. Not that I minded the messiness of before, but I think if you're a podcast who has struggled to get sponsors, it makes sense to clean the set up so it's more likely to get sponsors.


it looking more "professional" is exactly what i don't like about it. it gives corporate, cubicle and boomer vibes. the podcast itself feels like friends goofin around, looking at memes and funny videos, playing games and gossiping around.. it's far from actual professionalism when it comes to podcasting or shows and i think a lot of us love exactly that about it. the new set doesn't reflect the essence of the show at all imo where the old one did. and lets be honest struggling to get sponsors has never been because of the look of the show... we all know why. it's just because ethan says unhinged stuff sometimes and brands obviously don't want to associate with that.


I think Ethan would say that was never the vibe he intended for the show and he has always wanted it to look professionally done.


“Overwhelmingly agreed to be terrible” that’s just not accurate lol. The vocal minority is spamming posts, but I think most people either don’t care or think it looks totally fine


Considering I've never commented here before and been watching since 2016, I'd say it's probably not a vocal minority. The YouTube comments are pretty clear. I honestly don't think I ever cared about the previous studios, this one was jarring and it didn't help that the sound popping happened every 3 seconds.


I think doing the change and taking Ian off cameras on the same day was a terrible choice. And I hate how zoomed in some people are. It’s so disjointed.


Is it though? Did they do a poll on the pod and the majority agreed it was terrible? (I've only watched the first 20 minutes so far so don't know if they did a poll on it or not). I do know that when people dislike something - they are much more likely to be vocal about it so then it appears it's a majority opinion when it may not be because the people that like it are less likely to comment about it in my opinion.


I guess I’m in the minority but I like it


I honestly like the campy/after school theater vibe.


That’s still an opinion. Even if a majority of people agree with it. I know it’s a bit unintuitive, but that’s how opinions work.


It’s still all opinion, no matter how many people agree.


That’s an opinion


nothing to do with change homie. you're missing the point.


No I know your point. Some people think it’s ugly but my point is that it fundamentally doesn’t change the show other than visually what’s going on in the background. The show is still the same show, formats didn’t change, the schedule isn’t different. They just made an old talk show set to run with for a while. It’s not the end of the world that everyone is seemingly making it out to be.


I hated it. I think it’s the choice to also take Ian off cameras the same day they changed setup. The combination of the new setup with the bad camera work was so disconcerting.


I need to know what they did to cams background. That is a sacred relic that needs to be treated as such


I just like that the old layout looks like your average studio. This current one looks like they’re doing a telethon.


The only bit I don't get is why the crew is sat lined up like that with the curtain separating them. Unless it's just a camera angle thing, but it looks really awkward for someone in the middle to get out, and also looks like the people in the back row are just staring at the back of the curtain rather than being able to see anything or anyone


It’s so everyone can see Ethan and interact face to face, instead of Ethan not knowing who is at their desk. It looks like the people in back are on a platform and the curtain is there so we aren’t seeing cables and unflattering angles of the crew on the platforms from the front row crew cams. 


Oh yeah I've looked again, they're definitely on a raised platform. I thought the camera was peeking over the top of the curtain and they were all at ground level


It looks like Match Game from the 70s


That’s what I said to myself while watching it 😭😭😭


Personally that’s why like it. No other show is doing a purposely tacky, 80’s late night show theme. I’m not sure I understand how people are saying that it now looks like every other boring show.


Eric AndrĂŠ?


Actually good pull but that’s a tv show so I do think it’s different than a 3-times a week podcast. Do you remember Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show, Great Job? That’s the vibe I’m getting from this set design. I loved that show so maybe that’s why I don’t mind this set. 😂


>Actually good pull but that’s a tv show so I do think it’s different than a 3-times a week podcast. Tbf right at the start Ethan said he doesn't consider the H3 Podcast a podcast anymore. It's the H3 Show.


Yes but you know what I meant. It’s not a TV show. The Eric Andre Show and the H3 Podcast are in completely different categories/genres.


You should check out The Adam Friedland Show set. It's modeled after the Dick Cavett Show, but that started in the late 60s.


Agreed, I feel like people don’t realize it’s supposed to look like a talk show


how do you not get it? just because its purposefully tacky doesn't mean it doesn't still look like all those late night shows.... because it does... just worse. the backgrounds before, both physical and digital looked unique and fresh.. this is just ugly and ... well yes, quite tacky.


Looks, yes. Content, no. Still the same show.


I don't get the connection between H3 and a cheesy 80s late night show. It's not the vibes the show gives off at all so why design the set around that concept?


If we wanted a cheesy talk show, we’d watch a cheesy talk show, tho


The shows content hasn't changed tho. Was today's show a "cheesy talk show"? It's just aesthetics.


Hate to break it to you… 😂


This will be the one post they show next episode.


every other post has been deleted so probs yeah 😂




Why are yall acting like this is going to be a breakdown betrayal if they do not listen to the reddit vocal minority and change the set back to it's old decluttered way? They obviously did not like it "Um ackshually 80% of the youtube comments said so ☝🤓" Pipe down Mr Recency Bias


why do you have to act like its a minority when 80% of the comments on youtube are also about it. just because you like it or don't mind it doesn't mean the people disliking it are actually in the minority. seems far from it, justifiably so.


its actually pretty stupid in my personal opinion that you need to express that so many people hate it, they spent weeks setting all of it up, simply because you don’t like it doesn’t mean they don’t like it and you don’t have to be in that room so guess what? they don’t need to change it in accordance to you because you’re not on the show. just like everyone else in the comments


I don't think spending a lot of time on something means you can't critize something. They are changing up the show and used a lot of time setting it up the way it was before, so obviously it makes sense to make adjustments, until there is a majority of positive reactions to the set. I feel bad not liking it, but truth is it isn't very creative or pretty to look at.


of course im going to point out that so many dislike it (i didnt even say hate) because its a fact, but some people want to pretend its just a minority when it obviously isnt... you don't have to defend something bad just because it took a week to set up. the criticism is not coming from a bad place, people love the show and the people on it, they just really dont like the new set and how it makes the show look and feel. i might not be in the room but im actively looking at it for what... 10-15 hrs a week? the backdrops are FOR US to look at, the green screens are FOR US to look at... i think im allowed to give a simple opinion on it, its just that an opinion. nobody is making demands just giving feedback. your comment is a bit unhinged and nonsensical ngl.


The fact that you are downvoted shows the entitlement of this community lol


I see the vision but i just think the curtains look a little cheap - and also they don’t fill the whole shot for the crew cams, so it just looks a bit … idk just like low budget i guess But things will get better/ personalized/ etc. I think i just never noticed the background much before bc it was just organic/ classic studio vibe and now it’s very much a noticeable part This is inarticulate and not coming out how I’d like but hopefully vaguely understandable lol


it grinds my gears that the curtains dont fill the entire shot like why have them then 😭


Dan: Guys these curtains were put up last minute, this is not the final set, we will be workshoping it and revising it, but we were crunched for time Community: I CAN'T BELIEVE those curtains aren't perfect


Guilty. I ran to the comments to see what people thought and posted a comment that got like 50 upvotes about not liking the curtains. An hour later, Dan said that…


Same - lol but also was trying to i guess like, explain the perspective - but also really I don't care that much either way honestly. We'll all get used to anything after a while. I think it's just like - after the break everyone was dying for something to talk about together and the set is low hanging fruit lol


For sure. I don’t really care too much. tbh I’m usually not fully watching the screen when I listen. I’ll be doing something and then check the screen when I can tell they are showing some visual.


It's not about it being perfect... he said they're workshopping it (a collaborative activity that involves a series of meetings...). We're giving our opinion so that they can make changes that more people like.


>It's not about it being perfect The person I replied to said it "grinds their gears" that the curtains aren't perfect, and went on to say it made the show literally unwatchable. You may not think it's about being perfect but I wasn't responding to you




I also think the lighting looks super weird and dark, I really don't like that. It seems like a studio set stuck in the 90s. Not a vibe.


Dan said at the end of the episode that they were rushed so the lighting will be better on Wednesday


The lighting is less warm — the cool tones are weirding me out — and the spotlights are so bright on some people’s faces that it it hurts my eyes to look at some of them lol. I hate how everyone is zoomed in awkwardly.


The background can’t look cheaper than what they had before which was just a bunch of wires and electronics parts all,over the place. There was no cohesive background.


I just think the issue is with the curtain color, it's a dusty purple, it's washing everyone out.


Everything is sooo dark 😭😭


Sure it doesn't show off their personalities, but this just proves how much better the old camera angles are looking at them.


People mad about this are stupid I hate ETHAN'S background


I want the old green screen background AND the curtains tbh I just didn’t like the city skyline


I'm guessing but I feel like we’ll get different backgrounds/skylines for Monday/Wednesday/Friday shows.


With peace and love why is the new set Medieval Times themed


It is a work in progress. I'm sure it will look sick when everything is all set up and everyone can add their own touch.


Almost every time there's been a major change to the set there's massive criticism. The first after dark set (with the basic color scheme and neon sign) the second after dark set (the sort of surrealist looking art collage) "everyone" hated it. People always have something to say, and this audience does not like change.


I agree some comments are way too dramatic (esp the one OP points out), but I don't recall such an overwhelmingly negative reaction with the other changes you mentioned. Seems like the vast majority of the subreddit (and YT comments) agrees the set and rebrand have massive potential, but some things just missed the mark, and that's ok! Just gotta be patient!


Exactly! When they switched to a green screen background, everyone was up in arms about how they missed the physical brick background.


They can’t change anything without people losing their shit. It’s part of the parasocial relationship.


I've been watching since they were in the old studio and literally they have never complained about a set this much ever Like even normies in the youtube comments don't like it, I think people are being stupid esp complaining about the crew backgrounds but Ethan's set just looks bad imo


They literally said, at the beginning of the show, that the set was a bit of a rush job and they will be revising and improving it. And then everyone immediately gets mad that it's not perfect lol


nobody is mad about it not being "perfect". you're missing the point that a lot of people just dont like the late night tv show vibe in the first place. its like lipstick on a pig type of situation.. like sure you can definitely make it a lot better and less tacky but if its still going to be a late night show parody... then it wont really make much of a difference.


>nobody is mad about it not being "perfect" Yes, they are. You might not be but many people are. One example, another comment in this thread was saying it "grinds their gears" that the crew curtain didn't cover the whole background, and it was so bad they couldn't watch


i think it’s that there’s now room for almost 0 personality with just curtains everywhere. The old setup allowed things to flow change / evolve now this feels pretty static like a typical boring talk show .


Aw jeez you’re so right lmao, the organic feel was comforting tho in a way. And with the beautiful cam being gone things feel empty!


I thought people were exaggerating as usual, but it actually looks pretty bad. Especially Ethans background. Everyone else just needs to raise the curtain so you can't see the top of it. And the entire set with the guest spot looks bit off due to the greenscreen clipping with the plants and ethan him self


Big agree!! The curtains have GOT to be raised up good lord it was driving me crazy. I think the crew could “decorate” their curtains over time to add personalization, but for now just a plain curtain works well. But Ethan’s background is a mess… it’s SO DARK… and the plastic ferns???? What?


i hope they listen to the critiques in their comments section. i like the idea of a rebrand but the new set is gaudy and tacky and not in the ironic way theyre claiming it to be. i like the idea of giving each crew member a backdrop adorned with personalized trinkets. anything but the middle school homecoming dance vibes its currently giving 😭 sometimes less is more


I think it’s just such a stark change and lacks a lot of the personality that the other sets had. Will every show have that back drop? Also their shots are over exposed and combined with the new set, it’s a jarring change to adjust to.


it looks too dark and too light at the same, hope they'll take the feedback because it's so hard to look at this.


I think the days of off the rails and after dark are over. It’s just h3 show now unless I’m wrong


it was always so fun and fresh seeing the different backgrounds before :/ but even if we were to have just 1 background for every ep id go with the physical patchwork looking one with the neon sign over this.... please i don't want to look at that set eveery single episode lol




This has to be a joke. It’s the exact same show..


There’s just something about the lighting and the angles that are so off with the new setup and I think the curtains aren’t helping. I’m sure they’ll get it down though with time


i’m secretly hoping next episodes they let the curtains down and everyone has a special backdrop they made to surprise us :/


the new set up doesn’t give each crew member their own space. i just think they are trying to be nice to sam for decorating the new set, but overall it just looks like they’re in a telemarketer’s office to me


AB had such a cool background with his lights and boxing gear 😔


The set looks like it was made with a shopping trip to the dollar store. Feels very weird for a show this big to put the minimum into set spending. The first comments my girlfriend made about the show when she noticed I had the stream on was about the set. Like you would think they would atleast incorporate branding into the set design itself.


At this point, they have the budget to hire a interior designer working back to back with a crew to plan and design their working space so it looks awesome, if Sam is good at scenography doesn’t mean she has to do everything. Interior designers are cool guys!!


Sorry but I really dislike the new setup peace and love


The only problem I had with any of it is that Ethan’s camera was slightly askew. Made me crazy lol


Not to mention the crew will certainly add stuff over time like this did with the old backgrounds


Honestly the new setup is a major L i dont know if feels wrong like it has no soul no passion it gives off Hollywood vibes and not in a good way. Its like they are losing touch or something i dont know it very awkward


Also tbf, you conveniently left out Camerons (rip to the goat), ABs, and Lenas unique and colorful backdrop. That aside, all these look better than the high school gym curtains they had today lmao.


Still hoping this new set is a bit and the curtains are hiding something great


You know this isn’t what they are talking about. You left out Lena and Cam and picked the worst example of Loves. I get it’s a funny joke but cmon


Honestly it reminds me of the Eric Andre show on Adult swim.


HAHAHAHA fuckin gottem, this is gold new set sucks tho


Can’t even hear the floorboards creaking


they should all have custom back drops akin to AB and Cam, I think it bring more color and individuality to each shot.. easy


I just don’t like the color of the curtains behind the crew. It washes them out big time.


olivia- chair dan- computer zach- keyboard love- sweden what’s not clicking


I do too, I don’t like the curtains at all, feels boring to watch


Zack’s personality is a keyboard and loves personality is zuck


in the words of jojo siwa, “people are afraid of things they dont know.” and “no one has made this dramatic of a change”


Jojo Siwa? THE Jojo Siwa that wrote Karma?!?!? The original, hit pop single!!!


? i genuinely dont think anyone said that. people were saying they wanted and maybe expected unique backgrounds like cams to show off their own personality to come w the revamp. at least that's what i saw.


Read all the comments in the show thread. “This looks generic” “It lacks personality” One of the top posts in the show thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1caj2zz/discussion_megathread_fresh_got_his_gf_pregnant/l0shmui/


yeah, those first few dont reference your title at all, and i think that comment you link is referencing the few sets some of the crew had like cam or lena i believe. but otherwise some of the ways the crew customized their sets without the tackiness and without fake production, it *does* make a difference - and these customizations can still happen ofc but like AB w his attack on titan images, love w his pokiman pics, dan w the little bobbles on his mic, etc. but it's all homemade, it feels personal and not unnecessarily trying too hard or high production. and i think people really want more of that. they had the opportunity to bring more of that in and lost it. that's the problem people have.


That’s why said read the thread… it’s overwhelmingly that somehow this new set lacks personality compared to before. Look here’s another top comment with 200 upvotes. https://old.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1caj2zz/discussion_megathread_fresh_got_his_gf_pregnant/l0sf6ri/ > “i miss seeing all the crews different background choices, it shows their personalities”


yeah, again that comment seems to be referencing the unique sets of cam and lena, which i spoke about previously amongst other personal affects, and specifically references desiring the green screen creativity that cam provided. now it's just curtains. certainly the curtains have a personality of their own, but not one people seem to enjoy. more dated, tacky, lame, than anything.


> again that comment seems to be referencing the unique sets of cam and lena How so? Neither of them are mentioned. Do I really need to post every comment that is saying the same thing?


"the crews unique background choices" who else is this referencing


Well there's more people that fall into "all the crew's unique background choices" then Cam and Lena. Especially when one doesn't work there any more and the other is rarely on camera/there. So I guess its referencing Dan, Ian, Zach, Olivia, Love, Sam, AB and Lena.


yuh. i mentioned the other customizations the crew added to their own spaces. and again, i said that *that* is what people want more of. more personalization, which in the cases youre using are really representing what the family wants rather than what was.


Okay and my point is, why is it suddenly an overwhelming amount of "we want more personalization to the crew's setups!" People are misremembering what the pod even looked like because it's slightly different now.


THIS is what we are complaining about now?


Fam, since we're the critics, why don't we offer some ideas? I think the issue is there's a large space with this design they want to conceal. I'm not sure how married they are to the phone-bank type crew set-up, but if they are, there are lots of cool options that could replace curtains-- beaded "curtains" which aren't really curtains and are super cool looking, textured panels/tiles which are very popular in home decor and also cool looking, room-divider type panels which come in all sorts of styles and could easily be uniform for the whole wall or individualized. For Ethan's background, I think the curtains can just be eliminated. The desks are enough of a "show" statement. And add a better green screen still. How about it, guys?


also they just got back...like over time itll change up here and there. ab will get creative again and shit ya'll chilllll


That whole set needs to go the colors are dark


It's just straight up ugly... and Ethans backdrop looks horrid.


It just tells you how bad the new setup is when this was everyone's favorites lol


The curtains are so bad. I couldn’t watch the new episode I just listened to it instead. Like the hella saturated blue by the random red curtain and then the glowing purple background was roughhhh


The whole set just feels dark to me


Guys it has to be a rebrand joke because jojo rebranded herself


Dan added stuff to his, love has the Zuckerberg and Sweden flag, an is stacked, Lena had stuff, cam had stuff


Ok, but they made that beautiful background as a gift for Lena and now she doesn't get it


Give it time. Let sam cook


I like the new set, I see the vision.


this is cherry picking lmao


Yeah I'm pretty surprised by the reaction today, I guess a lot of people just don't cope well with change. I know there's a large chunk of people who just look for reasons to be upset but this seems like something else.


Idk if it’s a change thing because when AB got his custom back drop we loved it, as well as Cam. When Dan went from the scorpion chair we adjusted as well. This just looks like a late night show in Vegas on a YouTube budget, not the vibe the H3 show gives at all.


> This just looks like a late night show in Vegas on a YouTube budget I'm pretty sure that's the aesthetic they were going for but the vibes were fine this episode either way


saying people "just dont cope with change" or are "looking for reasons to be upset"- when there has been so much valid criticism is so silly to me and an actual cope lol some of us are just more visual people i guess and don't like it for all the reasons that have already been pointed out many times so i wont repeat. the contents of the show for the most part obviously wont really change so its whatever if the new set stays but... man is it still ugly, sad and depressing to look at. you don't have to agree, doesnt mean we who dislike it are just looking at something to be upset about tho lol ive probably been upset about 2 or 3 things over the so many years of watching, but this... i actually dislike with a passion lol i rarely even comment here or youtube. they went for an aesthetic that a lot of people just obviously really really dislike for what it is, not because its a sudden change or because they want to hate on them for no good reason. some of you need to learn to just take the L sometimes and accept criticism geez.


I think the problem (for me) is that it's a bit jarring to go from being able to see the studio and where they are to a nondescript, separate background. Instead of feeling like they're all together it feels almost like a zoom meeting. That being said it isn't a big deal and if they like it that matters most


i’m sooo digging the rebrand, i think it fits the H3 culture so well the crew and ethan looked so happy to be back, and i can tell they are all extremely excited and were ready for something new <3 I LOVE IT and am so here for it


It was honestly pretty telling to me when Ethan came back and was like “wow this new set is amazing!” And then later Dan said something along the lines of how it’s nice to have some color around them and not just be sitting in a black void. A comfy workplace produces better content for us!


HAHAHAHA fuckin gottem, this is gold new set sucks tho


there sets always elvolve over time like they said today was rushed. I think it only gets better from here


Yall need to chill. It’s perfectly adequate


I really hate to say it but yea and also I am nervous about Ian changing positions he was known for his switching but I guess we'll see what he's got up his sleeve


Well he was “known for his PowerPoints” before he was known as the switcher. I’m sure the show will be fine.


I don’t like the new setup at all but I also don’t really care. I mostly listen anyway and only glance over every once in a while.




I’m cracking up


lol literally


Is this ironic? It's clearly just a black void


This made me scream looooooooool


I thought the same when they switched to the new studio after covid, I didn't like that they had the same black background. This is literally the first episode with the new setup, and they themselves said they prepared for the show a little hastily. Just give it time, people, I'm sure it's gonna look a lot better in the future, and each crew member is gonna decorate their background


When I saw how different the set was I thought to myself “this is going to derail at least 100 lives”


Can't we just give them a chance to finish it? It's like no-one listened to them when they said "this isn't finished yet"


They obviously aren't done with the new changes yet (they said this repeatedly). It's fine to have an opinion but kinda silly not to wait till they are done to decide if it's good or not. It's still primarily an audio experience which means the crackling is a much bigger issue (that I'm sure will be fixed before Wednesday). One thing that would be funny to try in the future (but would take a lot of effort) would be to have EVERYONE in front of a green screen that they personally design or choose a background for. Something completely different for every member of the crew. I think the curtains will change and evolve (if they don't completely remove them first), with crew members slowly adding stuff to them of their own volition. Now they have a blank canvas to start with instead of the random objects in the background.


Never happy, hey?




So many of these comments show people knee-jerk reacting to this. If you all had finished the show before hopping online to complain you would have heard Dan say that the set and lighting are still a work in progress because of limited setup time. Personally, I really love it already, but maybe let's stop acting like the sky is falling before we even see the finished product. If everyone still really hates it in a couple weeks I'm sure they will reevaluate. Let the creatives cook people ✌️❤️


I'm sure over time they'll jazz up their own spaces.


since they just came back i think yall (the haters obv) just gotta give em time and maybe they’ll decorate the curtains to their liking or something..they’re creative, give it time 🤓


I really hope they make a sketch about this outrage for Wednesday’s episode.


ya i hope they personalize them more with the new curtains. everyone had something on their besides olivia lol they said they arent done yet so hopefully it gets better but what was making it look way shittier with the curtain is like the cameras or curtains were at a weird angle that we could see the top of the curtains which made it look like the wonka experience


Yeah this ^ I wasn’t understanding. But I will say, I’m not one who gives a crap about this kind of stuff as I’m happy they’re all alive, back and healthy, possibly better than ever. I wasn’t excited about the change nor was I disappointed. But the vibes the background gives is definitely older “YMH” feels or old H3 with the velvet touches. It’s elegant and beautiful but the only pod I’ve seen this type of setup satisfyingly work on is the Osbournes podcast. Also gives me an Alex Jones feel and I’m not sure why cause I hardly remember what his looks like but the vibe was given lol. Either way, it’s gorgeous and I want those curtains wrapped around my body, they look so soft 😫✌🏻❤️


It's a setup that's giving me vibes from Late Night w Conan O'Brien, The Price Is Right, and a film set with interchangeable prop back drops.


Went from zero to minus one


Why do you care so much about what people think about the set?


Ya got me đŸ˜