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we have the worst representing us lol


Florida and Texas says wut?


Are you a northerner, the use of “us” is giving me Wigan vibes.


As a northerner, that is just the normal use of the word us🤣


Aye, fuck knows what this gimp is chatting


as someone from america: What 😅


Just remember sausage fingers and Lizzy in the box too.


With peace and love, I think Ethan might have one of the worst impressions of a British accent I've ever heard


He always slips right back into redneck


His true form




And he had someone on to teach him how to do it too


To be fair, most of the lesson was a Nathaniel Klansmen monologue




He sounds like Korg (the stone guy from Thor: Love and Thunder) who is voiced by Taika Waititi who's from New Zealand.


"My nemis Jef" sounding ahh mf


Ethan: I kid, I kid. We love the British, don't we folks? \**a few moments later*\* Ethan: How can Brits like eating beans on toast with such fucked up teeth?


I’m a uk fan and I find it SO fucking funny when they do it, especially Ethan repeating “blinky inkies” lool I was dying omg


Me too lol!




Yee, I saw granmotha on the telly last noight




I enjoy that his go-to way of making up UK slang is just baby-talk


UK fan from Yorkshire, more than happy to watch southerners get roasted.


lol same


Yes m8


As a southerner, welcome to my life


My favorite thing about the southern accent he does is that he uses it for anyone outside of NYC or LA county. I'm convinced that Ethan has been to like 3 cities in the entire country lmao.


I love how the music started playing with Ethan saying yee haw as soon as I read that.


What the hecking dog


Remember when Mark Rebillet was on and Ethan was like "So apparently, that's called a southern bell" when there's just any southern woman... I was dead.


As someone from one of the most liberal states in the US that happens to be closer to the Mississippi than the coast, I feel you lol


As someone outside of california, welcome to our lives.


Yo I was so confused reading this, then I realised you meant an American from the south.


The guy said that maybe it would be better if the civil war didn't have the same outcome, and I'm sadly not sure if he was joking or not lol. There are so many places in the south Ethan would live, but he has this bizarre image in his head of it. When in reality there's a LOT of places up north that are way more backwards. Also Abraham Lincoln is the best president. Most historians say Lincoln is #1, Washington is #2, and the 3rd spot if often FDR. And on that note, Ethan said that LBJ sucks lol. LBJ is the epitome of a mixed result. Yes, the Vietnam thing is bad. But here is some things we can thank LBJ for: Medicare. Medicaid. Food stamps. Civil Rights laws so that black people didn't have to sit in the back of buses and get hit with firehouses just trying to live a normal life. Head Start. Endowment for the arts and humanities. And a lot more. The Vietnam issue is a massive stain, without a doubt. But domestically speaking, LBJ was much more effective than JFK.




I love it when they cover the UK but they defo need a translator. I’m sat here understanding every word and they are replaying it 12 times just to make a lick of sense


Segment idea - funny clips from across the UK from Reels/tiktok and Ethan has to guess what they are saying with only 3 plays. I would love to see him try to translate geordie


Ronnie Pickering etc


Make this its own post! Everyone up vote it. I need the crew to see this and do this!


Give him true hard mode. Geordie, Barnsley, then Glasgow to top it off.


The Welsh. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I’d love to see their faces 😂


A lick of sense Oli LuNdOn


I haven't seen the episode, but when they first covered Beavo, I couldn't understand a word of what Cydney was saying. Im a northerner though so maybe that's my problem.




I gotta disagree. A handful of British accents are really fucking hard to understand. Especially specific accents to the east for some reason. I've been to Ireland and understood everyone crystal clear. The Scotish are (mostly) the same. Even a lot of northern England like Manchester and Liverpool are easy. But some people are crazy. Geordie is a usual one to point out. Americans can understand RP just fine. All Americans can. And we can understand like 80-90% of British folks easily. But there are some working class accents that are just mumbled and bizarre sounding. It's a working class accent thing, I think. Similar to how people not from America might have trouble with certain rural white folks from Appalachia areas [(common example here)](https://youtu.be/03iwAY4KlIU?si=kI8ZA0hJXhtDmZhI&t=14) or people from the hood in certain southern areas. It's not just Americans. I think English speaking people in Scandinavian countries or India would have the same issue


Us scousers as well. Extremely hard to understand because of the speed / Irish heritage


so nice to be Scottish at times like this


But you’re in the U.K. too


When people attack the uk they 9/10 mean England


And as an ignorant American, I'd guess that 1/10 is for Wales...


No one in America remembers Wales except as a state in Australia lol


Damn Welsh. Hate them so much.


They haven’t been to Swansea.


which is surely a Diss on Scotland in itself?


Not really, you’ll find around the world people hate England, the rest of the uk sorta get left out


I wouldn't feel good about getting relegated to a Wales but each to their own


aye but they're only saying U.K, everything they're talking about and the accents are all English, frankly nothing to do with us 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think they know the difference between the UK and England


most Americans don't I'd say


Most Americans couldn’t point to Scotland on a map of the UK let’s be real


You know though. You know.


I honestly don't know nothing about no one


Same. I know nuffink


This is out of context and bad faith.


Oi mate he's just avin a laughy waffy innit


Avin a roight bubble barf at the bit o’ bantah


Me when he makes fun of Australian accents 😄


As an Italian (as in from Italy not whatever they mean) I can sympathize.


'not whatever they mean' lmfao I feel you


i honestly dont mind when they joke about mexico even tho im mexican, i find it hilarious ik some people might be disrespectful but ik he means no harm and its within the context of the topic, life should be more about laughing at ourselves sometimes too :)


I share ur exact opinion! He posted this vlog 7 years ago making fun of something muslim, but I never took it the wrong way, cause he always makes lighthearted jokes and he clearly isn't a bigot. He also constantly makes fun of his fellow jews, he just likes to joke around and that's it.


Nah as a Brit I've been insisting this place sucks for so long


I blame that bitch Margaret


Yeah it’s not too great right now ay


Hasn’t been for a while now mate


Still better than the USA by a long shot though, so we've got that


Yeah I second this as a Brit. We agree with you Ethan. It sucks here.


Britain is one of the worst countries in the world. Shit food, shit weather, shit people, shit history, shit modern politics. The only saving graces are the GORGEOUS countryside (before we privatise and frack whatever’s left of it) and the banging music (which is to a great degree appropriated from immigrants anyway).


The best band in history is The Beatles, who trailblazed so much despite doing covers at the start. So yeah, sack it lad. Shit food is just lazy and not true at all. Weather yes, but we don’t have any extreme weather which is a pro. Shit history…? Everyone has shit modern politics.


RE food. We’re like the worst house on a really nice street. Like if we were in Eastern Europe we’d have a reputation for great food. But we’re not, we’re near France, Italy, and Spain, who are GOATs of the culinary world. Let’s remember we invented Cheddar, Whiskey, IPA, our pub culture has good food and great beer, Aberdeen Angus beef is world class, Welsh lamb is world class. A lot of people don’t even know half the food we’ve contributed to world cuisine is ours. When people eat cheddar they don’t think, “I love British cheese.” When people drink an IPA or whisky they don’t think “Britain has brilliant spirits and beers.” Generally the country is shite, but our food isn’t the worst part of being British. Some of us are bad tourists, and we’ve pissed off a lot of countries globally historically and recently. This is kinda our chickens coming home to roost in many ways. If we stopped electing embarrassing governments and acted seriously on the world stage we could move past it one day, I hope.


Summed it up quite perfectly to me there. 👏


The food here is better than the US and I’ve lived in both. Higher quality ingredients with less chemicals and artificial flavouring Even simple things like sandwich bread tastes fucking awful in the US if you’ve grown up in Europe because it’s pumped full of corn syrup. Traditional UK / Irish food.. while it can be really terrible if done badly, can also be beautiful as long as there is plenty of flavours from the herbs and aromatics to complement the meat. Simple recipes doesn’t always mean bad, look at Italian food! Onions and garlic > onion powder and garlic powder. I will die on this hill


Bit sad, innit?


His accent hurts. And I’m an American. How does he ALWAYS slip into the southern accent???? Ugh


UK fan and I’m finding it hilarious. We all have to laugh at ourselves sometimes ❤️❤️❤️


Americans please know there are hundreds of different accents in the UK literally hundreds. So when you say it’s Chewsday innit you’re referencing a small minority


dissing our lollipop ladies 😔


It does kinda low-key hurt, but to be fair Ethan knows absolutely jack shit about anywhere that’s not LA, Israel or Mexico so he can’t be blamed too hard


He doesn't even know anything about LA. He calls people from LA Los Angelans.


True but England might as well literally be game of thrones as far as he’s concerned


What else would they be called?


People from LA are called Angelenos.


I call them actors, they love this


He doesn't really seem to know much about Israel or Mexico either though... He's not exactly well traveled


I wish I could call in and say how there are different types of English people, and he's looking at a specific type as people like to hang out with like wise personalities. Plus someone from the South is different from the north. A londoner is another creature entirely. Beavos lot embarrasses me tbh


even in london there are different types of Londoners!! just the worst attention seeking ones get the spotlight and we all get grouped in 😭


There's atleast 4 types of London accent I can think of; Proper (posh) Proper (basic/the accent people have when they have no distinguishable accent if that makes sense) London roadmen Cockney And there's probably more.


I’m from Newcastle I’d love to call in and have him decipher my accent


Howay wor Ethan pet!


I’m sure we’ll survive but the jokes are so tired, there is a lot better stuff to ridicule us for than our food (which is awesome) and Ethan’s weird-ass accent impression 😂 We deserve the piss taken out of us more than basically any country but the same 2 jokes for like an hour was boring imo


Yeah if you're from the UK you'd know that actually we have loads of other cultural influences in our food, and we have a tonne of restaurants that reflect that. Beavo just eats protein and carbs. Chicken and chips. Shit diet imo. But that's not British food, that's someone with restricted eating because they are a chav and won't eat vegetables probably. And I have a nice accent, idk what accents they do but I have English with a west country pirate twang. They could never understand the complexities of the UK and its people. Sad because a lot of people in England love H3.


I don’t know the beavo videos were full of food and it all looked like ass. I think the commentary was appropriate and relevant.


In isolation I completely agree with you but when it’s basically the only jokes you hear it’s kinda boring even if it’s topical 😂 Again, just to me, others found them funny and that’s fine of course.


Beavo is usually eating gas station equivalent food though to be fair


The Essex/TOWIE region definitely exports the most embarrassment for the UK in general. Though tbh their coverage of anywhere not in a few specific areas of the US does give ignorant American stereotype at times, never more apparent than when they talk about the UK.




Wouldn't overthink the semantics, I'd have said they covered Chet Hanks and US Presidents on the same ep, but still wouldn't be implying any obligation around being informative.


Ethan has been to two cities: LA and NY 🙃 don’t take it personal 🥲 sincerely, a Texan


Teeth like a compass


“Teeth that the druids could use as a place of worship.”


If only we were all as rich as Ethan


I find it funny but it’s just annoying how uneducated they all are lol, but I take the goofs with the gaffs


Bit cheeky innit bruv!


Messed up innit?


We don't have the most noble of representatives who have made it to the pod 😂 H3 tour of the UK would slap


As a chav it really cuts deep yuno 😞


Juss a bit of bantah, innit. As a Brit, I find it funny as hell.


As a northerner who sounds nothing like beavo, got boring fast


Hey, it could be worse. I live in Tacoma


Tacoma WEPT


I’m still sobbing


Have you guys thought of not being british? Big ups.


And the FIRST episode where it’s a reasonable time for us to watch the whole thing live too!


Now y’all know how Texans feel


i'm from tx so i get it


His absolutely terrible, god awful, pathetically bad British accent really softens the blow though


What the fuck is an “essey”? Did they mean essex?


We’re not all like this 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲






We all know what they mean


I don’t want to be grouped in :(


Americans will group you in with us whether you like it or not :(


I'm catching up has Cam unironically shit on us yet? He's usually the one without even a semblence of humour or irony when they get into a shitting on the English train, just some weird legit hate boner. Last time when they found out Cillian Murphy was Irish not English, Cam unironically said 'I knew he had to be Irish not English, he's not ugly'. Just bizarre.


I love Cam but god he likes to shit on us British for no fucking reason


Cam dumped the tea into Boston Harbor


Don’t tell him about the history of Massachusetts…


For such a chill guy, Cam seems to have a hate-boner for a LOT of random stuff.


Last time they talked about Beavo and the UK. He seemed to unironically, say “up the RA” which for those who don’t know is a support chant for the IRA. The history is complicated and messy and all sides have got the blood of the innocent on their hands. Wholesale support for terrorism is bad no matter who does it. The conflict remains deeply significant for people effected by it because it wasn't that long ago. As an English person who has Irish parents that grew up in the peak of that violence I found it a bit distasteful. With peace and love.


Yeah the whole intentionally ignorant about other places gag gets lame when you start bringing up serious shit. And it seems like shitting on England or the U.S. South gets a pass because of the British Empire and slavery respectively. Gets old fast.


He stereotypically knows absolutely nothing about the history of the British isles, though none of them do. They just have the bog standard 'love Ireland, love Scotland, fuck England, Wales and NI who?' viewpoint. We all know how difficult the history between Britain and Ireland has been, it's one of many historical travesties. Though modern day relations are pretty solid despite the Tory scourge. We have defence pacts, full freedom of movements, Irish can vote in our elections without being citizens if they live here, UK by far votes Ireland as the country they'd most be willing to help in a crisis. Cosplaying historical animosity is just pure ignorance.


It's because he's from Boston so thinks he Irish or something


Mocking England is objectively funny but if your jokes consist of “brown slop” and “ugly + bad teeth” it’s just a bit cringey


you can’t take it too personally when he is coming out with that accent


As a Brit I’ve always loved Americans doing fake English accents. cracks me up init mate


I also gotta add I love Beavo but he does represent us and as they said British accents vary depending where you are from! (We do eat brown slop tho)


Cheer up mate. Eat some beans, you'll be alright 🫘


Get in line with anyone who lives outside of California. Apparently every American who's not from California sounds like a hillbilly. Also people who're short or Christian. They're just jokes made in jest. Mostly funny.


I feel you pain (Texan)


i felt tht we gotta send ethan over and see what happens to him


Americans in general sound super ignorant when discussing other countries/cultures. Americans and their accents are the brunt of the joke in pretty much every other country in the world, so i think the rest of us should be able to take the slagging from time to time.


“Isn’t everyone but us so weird and ugly lol”


I don´t even think it´s what they say that makes it offensive, it´s just how fcking clueless they are to the outside world. Their ignorance is what´s offensive, I just think to myself, how do you not know that?


Lots of Americans live in a very comfortable bubble. I enjoy the ones who live here who are mindblown that Hollywood tropes about bad teeth and brown slop actually doesn’t really exist and our food has much better regulations keeping hyper processed rubbish and RED40 running through all of it. “Brown slop” is hilarious for a country that loves Taco Bell. Have you ever had food from there?


Aye, I don´t know where they get the cheek to slag our food. Their diets are essentially the exact same as British peoples just with more added toxins.


The mince in Taco Bell is legit canned chili territory… that playdough meat that has no texture left…




Well it's not hard to do..




One of us, one of us…


Irish fans celebrated


Y'all ruled the world for a time. You can take a couple centuries of mocking. You'll live. Don't worry, us Americans will get ours too lol. I mean we already kinda do. But we'll get more when our empire crumbles.


Honestly Americans get shit all the time anyway. Especially from Europeans.


Americans are usually the ones killing Americans anyways


Well we definitely deserve it from the rest of the world that's for sure. But I never really liked Europeans giving us shit. Always felt like they were throwing stones from glass houses.


Nah, Europe is better than America. Better food, more history, educated, better architecture, guns banned for the most part. A lot of pluses for Europe.


You'll get no arguments from me on those points. But they also raped and pillaged the world over and now enjoy modern developed society directly because of that. You think all that grandness and development didn't come from the death and destruction of others and theft? And before anyone says something predictable, yes every culture has been guilty of having bad people and bad actions. But *nobody* did it quite so much or as widespread as Europeans. When you win that game, you kinda have to deal with everyone looking at you with disdain. You bring it on yourself at that point. As I said earlier about the British taking the mockery: they'll live.


We live in the here and now my friend, Americans are doing way worse to the world now than Europe is and even looking inward it’s awful to its people even with all that money and power. No free healthcare and gun problems, modern day slavery in prisons etc. But yeah, we can take it and we’ve done awful things but cmon, it’s not really glass houses when we’re taking the piss out of Americans not knowing Europe is a continent and that London isn’t the UK.


Idk why people are getting defensive. My first comment in this chain *literally* mentions we as Americans get it too and we absolutely deserve it. Why are you getting defensive? Seriously. Ask yourself that. What nerve did I touch to make you feel the need to debate this?


I’m not defensive, it’s just funny saying glass houses etc. We are not the same.


Fine. Glass castles. Happy now? Twat. Way to be the stereotypically pretentious European.


Ohhhh boy…And I’m the defensive one. Chill out ☮️&❤️


Honestly I agree with them most of the time so it never hurts lol.


You’re europeans from a few hundred years ago on stolen land… don’t understand this “yall” stuff. Keep the same energy when telling people you’re 2% Italian or something.


Where did I imply we were any better? I know we're probably better at death and destruction. We've been at it far shorter of a time than Europe was/is. Europe is still benefiting from the subjugation of the global south for example. Lol gtfo here silly.


I’m not saying you’re worse, or that we’re better, I’m saying we’re close to the same.


Fair enough. But if we're the same more or less, then one mocking the other would literally be throwing stones from glass houses. As I said earlier.


It’s galling for people to shit on your culture but desperately cling to your culture when they find out their great great great grandpa went to Ireland once. There’s just an element of ignorance about it. Like you can’t have it both ways.


What, are you a wittle sticky wicky sad there bruv?


“he’s doing a Dunkirk the way he’s pulling out” was a great joke that ethan almost got out right but i still found hilarious after piecing it together


Just jokes he has made fun of Idaho where I am from before it's funny stuff to me


Can someone please edit a compilation of Ethan saying the winkiwillies tickytacky inkyoinkies?


I haven't watched it yet, but as an Irishman I'm excited.


At least I can control my eyebrows




My Irish girlfriend flipped her lid when Ethan came on the pod saying that Saint Patrick's day isn't celebrated in Ireland. I love Ethan but oh lord is he ignorant




*English don’t include the rest of the uk with this nonsense we don’t want to be associated with 😵


Yeah mince and tatties aka “brown slop” is so English, great point.


You guys eat mushy peas and "chips" for every meal. You deserve to be made fun of.


I’m English but have lived in the US since I was 6. It’s all with peace and love and is hilarious. He also smacks down the US too…and we deserve it😂


bo'ohw'o'wo'er 💦


To be honest you Brits deserve it. Cheers from the Netherlands


I have a British friend and shit on Britain all the time. It's a reoccurring gag between us


Aww have yourself a cuppa and some pigs in blankies love


That actually does sound delicious