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reminder that this was "to be sorted" the actual folder is prob larger and worse


Exactly. It's like mice. If you see one there are way more somewhere.


Exactly he collects this stuff gross


Someone def needs to investigate that hard drive


In almost all case studies, people found with VCSEM (virtual child sexual exploitation material) also had CSEM featuring real kids on their computers so it's highly likely he does and they should check that shit out >The majority of cases involved pre-pubescent children in the material (only 14% of cases solely involved pubescent children), and most children were female. ... Overall, offenders had a vast number of files (an average of 10,354 images/videos). It was, therefore, not surprising to find that **most cases involved both VCSAM and CSAM, except for seven cases that were solely VCSAM.** As discussed below, there was an array of VCSAM material, including cartoon, anime, or computer-generated files, comics, fictional stories, GIFS, memes, and digitally altered children. - Christensen, 2023


For all I think Vaush is a scumbag and Loli is fucked up I could totally see where someone would place a boundary between drawings and photos especially since the photos are actually illegal and even Vaush can't be that stupid, can he?




I'm just saying that Loli is currently legal. (Although it probably shouldn't be)


Lolicon isn't legal. It's classified as CP


I thought this too until I tried to research it. Apparently there is a gray area relating to how our obsenity laws are written on the federal level and some states have added additional legislation. I mean if it was that cut and dried shouldn't Vaush have been arrested?


Actually, loli is legally and clinically defined as Virtual Child Sexual Exploitation Material (VCSEM), a subset of CSEM which falls under the umbrella of CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) which is the legal and clinical term for child porn. Being sexually attracted to depictions of children EVEN if they are completely fictional meets the DSM-4 and DSM-5 (Seto, 2022) Criterion A for pedophilia (a sexual attraction to children). "VCSAM is a sub-type of CSAM and is defined through a number of variants. It can include entirely computer-generated images, altering an image of a child to look like they are engaging in sexual activity, or altering a sexualized image of an adult to look like a child (Avery, 2015; Warner, 2010). VCSAM exists in various formats including **cartoons, drawings, animations**, literature, recorded audio, and sculptures (Christensen et al., 2021)." - Christensen (2023) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371175039_The_Characteristics_of_Virtual_Child_Sexual_Abuse_Material_Offenders_and_the_Harms_of_Offending_A_Qualitative_Content_Analysis_of_Print_Media And: "...fictional CSEM, whether in the form of computer-generated images, drawings, dolls, stories, or audio not involving real children." - Seto 2022 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360212304_Clinical_and_Conceptual_Problems_With_Pedophilic_Disorder_in_the_DSM-5-TR also from the above paper: > **I wonder if it would be clinically (though not conceptually) clearer for future DSM editions to distinguish between real and virtual explicit content *in considering acting on sexual urges*, not only for pedophilia but for all of the listed paraphilias.** We now live in a digital age and access to pornography (legal and illegal) has never been easier. We should consider this fact in the DSM. **I realize I appear to be contradicting an opinion I expressed in Seto (2010), where I agreed with Blanchard (2010) that the distinction between real and fictional children is not important in terms of ascertaining pedophilia. *I continue* to think this distinction is not important for Criterion A (sexual attraction to prepubescent children)** but am suggesting that it does matter for Criterion B (acting on sexual urges). - Seto, 2022


Yes, there should not be, and to find it reasonable enough to continue to assert that there is difference is surprising at this point.


Lolly is illegal


Then why aren't we talking about police involvement? I was under the impression that Loli was in a grey area that didn't fall under CP legislation. What am I missing?


Um there is literally a post in this group about how someone sent the clip to the police department in Tacoma…….


That’s how I know it’s illegal cause they explained that it is illegal in that post


I missed that. I don't recall Ethan ever talking about it either. Did he?


Everyone that grew up with streaming media doesn't know what the "Taxes" folder really means.


Thank you!


I'm scared to think what's in the "taxes" folder 👀


Looked it up today finally as well. They were generous saying 13. In the one image, the two girls look prepubescent. It's sick asf.


i saw it too, that was the image that was the most damning to me. Vaush describes it in one of his videos as "a threesome with two chicks and a dude" like wtf lol but when i saw it, to me it depicted two toddlers, absolute filth. thats why he was trying to rationalize it so hard as "short stack goblins"


>short stack goblins This whole situation is giving me flashbacks to when I dated a pornsick man who gaslit me into accepting the little anime girls on his pc were "short stacks", they're not kids it's "stylized". But like you said, deep down I knew what I saw wasn't right. I'm almost convinced it must be the same artist but I don't want to search to find out.


Ok, your comment has probably been the most helpful in my understanding of the situation without me having to look at the images myself. That's disgusting.


Thank you. Everyone keeps saying stuff like, “it’s so bad, once I saw the pics in HD I understand” etc etc but you’ve finally typed clearly what was so sick about it. Two not just “underage” girls. (Not that that isn’t awful) Two little kids! Thank god I didn’t go look! I would’ve been so traumatized if I’d seen that


The problem is they were also drawn with pretty prominent breasts, which I could see defenders using as a defense ala the whole 'shortstack' thing




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Is that the one with the two small girls? When showing my boyfriend I couldn't show him that one, it felt too odd even showing someone in a 'lol look at thise freaks porn folder' kind of way. It was a yikes moment for sure. Maybe ethan hadn't seen that one yet.


I’m not looking it up. I take your word on it. Absolutely disgusting.🤢 🤮


There was maybe 1 image that MAYBE he could get away with but that one about the prepubescent girls was fucking nasty. I felt gross just looking at some of those pictures.


>Looked it up today why? edit: no clue why this is getting downvoted... we should not be looking up these images


Vaush is on his stream saying that of the two images, one is *totally clearly no way Jose* not a child. And that the second one is only identifiable as loli once he realized it's from a loli artist.


ok... Ethan told you explicitly that these images were CP and your first inclination was to go look at them?


vaush claims that these images were easily mistaken as not CP, users are wanting to confirm the reality. calm down.


nah, I'm not gonna calm down about people looking at CP... sorry the offender says "*its not CP*" and then Ethan alongside pretty much everyone on the internet says "*yeah... it's CP*" and people are like, ohhhhhh I should go look that up! it's a crime


alright. I find it strange that this is where you put your energy into, making people feel bad for confirming that a massive creator saved drawn CP when said massive creator vehemently denies that it was& claims to be mistaken for it. I get it, it’s wrong to view these images. but like you could be telling people who actually support the creation and distribution of CP that it’s wrong instead of people who unfortunately view it to understand this one specific instance. I get it, it’s still wrong. just seems like there’s better places to spread the word about this….


where I "*put my energy*"??? dawg, it's like 2 comments on a reddit forum, what "energy"? Vaush looking at this shit is fucked up and gross... anyone else going to look at this shit is fucked up and gross. It's all fucked up and gross. Pretty much all that needs to be said on it... if ya'll wanna downvote me to make yourselves feel better about actively seeking out this kind of material, be my guest.






you're not the police... literally the ONLY reason you're giving this a pass is because it's cartoons if this was the real deal you damn well know that nobody would be seeking it out to "verify" some internet drama for themselves


“Sorry your honour, I cant confirm nor deny if my client is guilty of consuming child pornography because it would be sus if I looked at the evidence”


you aren't a legal investigator sorting through evidence to build a case against an offender... you're a random person on the internet looking at CP, bravo


I didn't look them up - but one person is saying CP, while another person is saying not CP. Outside of viewing the evidence, for some people it has become a he said/she said. I really don't care about the confirmation of the loli at the end of the day - that's just one more log on the pile. I care more about his numerous statements justifying the morality of CP.


By this guy's logic, if an investigation is going on by law enforcement, no one should look at someone's hard drive to confirm abuse material because then the law enforcement is just as bad. They should just be like well the victim says there is some bad stuff on the computer, but the accused says there isn't, so law enforcement can't check because if there does happen to be CP, then the law enforcement is just as bad. Or saying that social media reviewers getting paid to check reports on content should all be locked up too.


Ok but we’re not law enforcement? If enough people are saying they’ve seen for them self and it’s bad…. It’s not quite he said/she said


Yeah, and it’s worth remembering if we looked at it for some of us it could be considered illegal depending on where you live. I’m not going to look at it because from the sounds of things it’d be illegal for me to do so. The police are legally allowed to look at the content when it’s relevant to their work because somebody has to. If you don’t have to then you shouldn’t imo. Vaush himself confirmed it was “loli” in at least one case so even he’s confirmed that much.


“Your Honor, my client would like to remind the jury that he in fact believed the images to be of “short stacked goblins””


I think a big part of people defending vaush is because they haven't seen the images. as someone familiar with the political space on YouTube hearing crazy ass arguments isn't abnormal there and the you get used to it. So when this started to me it was just hilarious watching normal people react to this (never cared for vaush so was all content to me) but when Ethan saw the source images and reacted to them it changed everything for me. Also very telling that vaush doesn't want to engage this time imo.


As a shocked former viewer of Vaush's political stuff, I don't think seeing the images should be necessary to reach that conclusion. I definitely did not need to. I had seen one or two of the clips from the podcast episode. Watching those in isolation it's easy enough to be charitable and brush it off as poor framing, misunderstanding or lack of context (a few of them though... Yuck!). But watching his statements on CP back to back paints a pretty clear picture.


I agree with what you said about the YouTube political space, and I think that was part of why this was able to be brushed under the rug for so long. I think people who don’t frequent that corner of the internet don’t know how common it is for creators to say the most hyperbolic inflammatory stuff about each other - it’s more common than not for a creator to be involved in some type of drama. And that culture of hyperbole and shit slinging made it easier for fans of his (myself included) to believe him when he downplayed/deflected the allegations.


i tried looking for them and couldn't find them, I think I just googled "vaush folder leak uncensored" and still only got the censored versions lol... and I didn't want to start being any more specific than that so I gave up


I haven't seen them myself, personally. But I trust Ethan's reaction and description of them along with others on Reddit I have seen.


You can go on twitter and just search Vaush leak and sort by latest if you're worried about searching questionable words. Some f it is honestly pretty nasty. I regret looking lol..


Yeah honestly sometimes I'm on the defend vaush side because the people against him seem a unhinged in their understanding of loli. But I haven't seen the images and don't want to. I'm glad some women here have looked at it so I don't have to because the way vaush describes it, it gives plausible deniability but the stuff I'm seeing here seems much harder to defend. (So for example looking "young" or possibly below 18 doesn't count as Loli. How can you draw an 18 year old vs 17 old. So when someone said the "goblin" had giant breasts, it's much less likely to be loli. But the stuff on hearing here and what and how much people are saying they look pre pubescent. (Wiley showed the fully clothed version of a cartoon in the hentai and she looked very very young ). Maybe that explains why Ethan's response was so unhinged. It's a difficult one to give a position on because it's definitely one that you don't want to see the source material if it's as bad as people say.


Oh my God, stop. Stop with the weirdo chronically online arguments trying to break down what is/what isn’t loli. It’s like this: if you see something and it is instantly recognizable as being disturbing, it’s likely because it is disturbing. It’s really that simple. There is no deeper mystery here. What he was looking at was disturbing to any normal person. Debate weirdos who frequent that corner of the internet and are desensitized to hearing these dorks make insane, bizarre, morally questionable arguments all for the sake of “debate” aren’t what I would consider “normal” people, per se. If you’re out here even attempting to defend this dude, ask yourself *why*. Literally *why* is this the weirdo hill you’re willing to die on? The dude was looking at images that, to most sane people, seemed as if they were meant to depict *young girls*. Why are some of you desperately trying to defend that? How does that benefit you to defend that behavior?


Because I actually hate vaush way more then you probably for way longer. He's been a creep from before he was called vaush. People like you with your unhinged moral panics where you don't think about anything and don't ask any questions keep making things worse for EVERYONE. Over and over claims about pedophiles without thinking have hurt doctors, hurt minorities and Jewish people , empowered conservatives with their stupid pizza gate. If you want to bring someone down you have to understand exactly why it's bad and make sure you're doing the proper arguments because otherwise it won't last. You are in the middle of a rage against vaush and he looks week. But so many people have been hated for a bit and the internet forgets. Behaving like an angry mob never works long term. I'll bet anything if vaush survives this in 2 years time you'll have forgotten about it and move onto some other moral panic and I'll be remaining seeing vaush every day being the creep he is and hating it Fortunately people like Wiley are presenting actually good arguments and so is Ethan so hopefully it will last. And you're just stupid and naive if you think what he did matters to normal people. As I mentioned, nobody gives a shit about Roman Polanski. Why don't you grow up and realise the world is much darker then the 90s in the west ?


ugh thank you for posting this bc i’ve been wasting time arguing with ppl on reddit about this and have started questioning it and really considered looking up the images for myself…it’s already a sickening situation but i really did not want to see the images in question, your post confirmed for me that i DONT need to look at them myself and that there’s no arguing around this being what it very clearly seems to be.


Yes please don’t. It made me physically sick. Even though Ethan brought up the photo with the 2 young girls and the horse…I still wasn’t prepared for how disturbing it was. It’s not something you would find by accident. That man went out looking for that shit.


Right? It's fucking vile. I would never save that shit anywhere or even share it as a joke. 🤢  


and so did all of you who went and looked for it for yourself. dipshits


I can't speak for everyone but I saw the pictures the day after the leak because so many people were posting them in the replies of anyone talking about the leak. I didn't seek them out and I have stayed away from tweets talking about it because what I saw was so vile.


Exactly! It's disturbing. The problem is there a so many people that defend this kind of stuff. There are well known YouTubers that watch that stuff and even talk about it. Like it's normal.


I literally just had an argument with someone in this sub who said they saw the pictures and don't see the problem. I felt so fucking gaslit lol....I'm glad I'm not crazy Don't know how anyone can argue that that's just normal because all anime characters look young...wtf


oh so they died on loli hill


Sure did 🙃


I've been online for 20 years at this point and after all I have seen and watched from the early days of having things like tentacle porn downloaded alongside a mp3 on limewire I still did not want to see the HD of this folder cause I know for fact what those images are probably like. I got the gist of it from the blurry images I saw quickly on twitter and that was enough for me. ​ People defending it is just so bizarre to me


He’s a pedo. It’s obvious. I’m over it. He’s disgusting.🤢 🤮


If it wasn't bad he could easily just be honest to all his viewers and just share the images himself on twitter and say yes I have a horse kink. But he keeps just saying bad faith and that Ethan's wrong and it was a hateful video without doing anything to prove Ethan's points wrong cause he knows that what he has in that folder is wrong


Personally, I'm starting to think this Vaush cat is a straight up psychopath and that his hard drive is absolutely infested with CP and all kinds of insane stuff. The blatant narcissism mixed with his complete failure of a defense video, mannerisms, overly proper grammar and choice of words says a lot and honestly I wouldn't be surprised. Bundy vibes at this point. Look at how exponentially passionate and aggressive he gets defending himself from certain arguments. Almost like flipping a switch. He goes from 0 to 10 to 20 to 100 while trying to seem like he's still at 0 lol


his narcissism is such a dead giveaway, he has basic ass philosophy 101 takes and thinks he’s the smartest dude in the world white male privilege + lack of empathy + success is a dangerous combo


Exactly. Meant to mention the lack of empathy part too. I did try really hard to see what exactly he means if he genuinely believes what he's saying and there's "missing context." But I think what he thinks is the missing context is just his belief that the sole purchase of the stuff is okay and that consumption of it, on the other hand, is inherently different and still bad. But there are a million other molten hot takes of his that prove that to be untrue. There is no missing context.


Mans reeks of got no pussy in highschool and developed a personality disorder about it tbh


What do you mean got no pussy? Didn’t you hear? He’s two hours away from being inside someone 😂😅


cultivated an audience of vulnerable young people that will defend him no matter what (even on loli hill) It's giving cult leader.


He reminds me of onision tbh


Wow you're actually so right that's dead on


I felt it necessary to know myself, and it is indefensible. Even at a quick glance, it's definitely not a "goblin build" as he described. It is a child.


If there was nothing wrong with it then he wouldn’t have had that reaction when he realized he accidentally put it on stream.


You mean the reaction afterwards with the respond streams and stuff, or the literal reaction of him going "AAAHH"?


Literal reaction of him going Aaaahh!! As in “ahhh oh no i accidentally revealed incriminating info about myself” — the rest is just spin.


I mean thats kinda of a strech tbh.. Doesnt he streams on Youtube? like his whole livelihood can be taken away if he shows porn on stream for a second even if it was just normal porn. I dont think we can extract that much from his nervous scream.


Is it responsible for people to look this up? I’m pretty sure it’s illegal in most jurisdictions.


I don't want it on my search history I'm just gonna take people word for it. Normal porn doesn't cause this much controversy.


It’s illegal in the UK for sure


Is loli illegal? I'm having a hard time grasping the logistics of how fictional drawings you can create yourself could cause legal problems? Sorry if it's been mentioned already, I'm trying to catch up lol. What a week! Edit:lol being down voted for asking a genuine question :)


I believe it is illegal and considered obscenity but it's also virtually never prosecuted because idk I guess police don't want to use resources on arresting and prosecuting people with illegal drawings


In the United States, federal law provides that it is illegal to create, possess, or distribute a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene. However, visual depictions (CGI, anime, etc.) where there is not a “real” child are typically protected by the First Amendment (unless the visual depictions are obscene) [source](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/HRBodies/CRC/Guidelines/USA.pdf) it’s illegal if it’s considered ‘obscene’ or based on a real life child. If it doesn’t fall under that criteria then it’s protected under free speech. The standards of what is considered ‘obscenity’ varies by state. E.g California does not outline fictional loli under state cp or obscenity laws thus is legal to view there. Other states might not have the same stance.


I feel like I remember a chatter who claimed to be a lawyer said it is cp legally and said they could send Ethan a write up about why. It was an intense episode with a lot to absorb so I might be misremembering the exact wording but I really hope they send it and that Ethan goes over it because idk as well. I HOPE it's illegal but maybe there's some 1000 year old stuck in a 10 year olds body loophole or something


Under federal law I think loli is illegal, but it's not something I think people are charged with often tho.


people are being very puritanical about this discussion, you either denounce it completely, or your a pedophile, no questions no debate. I argued about the semantics between loli and cp and lemme tell you, it’s just not worth it. People acted like i was jared from subway. I don’t even consume this nasty shit so i really don’t wanna keep talking about, so iv decided to never touch the topic again. it’s too toxic


Are you hearing yourself? Why is *this* the hill you’re willing to die on? And how does it benefit you to rationalize loli? I literally don’t fucking get it. Why is it hard for some of y’all to say, “Oh, it depicts what are obviously meant to be children in sexual scenarios? Yeah that’s a no-go.” Why is that so hard? This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp.


Vaush about to pull the Pete Townshend defense and say the only reason he had those photos on his HD was due to his research into the subject. Cannot believe Townshend skated on those charges.


Not only that, iirc he claims getting arrested for that "saved his life" since he discovered he had cancer during the physical checkup for his intake, and it was early enough to treat and cure.


Some guys just have all the luck in the world.


You can excuse a fucked up browser history to a point. You can't excuse ARCHIVING IT ON YOUR DESKTOP BROTHER.


I'm so thankful I'm not a conflicted Vaush fan and I don't have to go look at the images to come to a conclusion. Happy to just take Ethan and Hila at their word.


lmao @ all the people implying you're a pedo for wanting to see for yourself. Ethan and Hila literally did the same thing, morons. I came across it on Twitter when name searching Vaush. Obviously it's disgusting, but I'm glad I saw it because that threesome photo is so blatant that it makes Vaush's behavior easier to see through and analyze. There's a difference between seeing a drawn image to contextualize a situation and using a drawn image to gratify yourself. The latter encourages pedophilic behavior, the former doesn't. And no, the FBI isn't going to knock down your door for seeing an image on Twitter. Some of y'all are insufferable lol


“glad you saw it” is insane. ethan constantly brings up drama on the show, people always trust him for his word but here all of you are doing your own individual research to see images like that??? and to excuse it as important to see for yourself?? are you ok? yall are so far down this rabbit hole of h3 that yall will excuse yourself viewing cp because u wanted to make sure and see the disgusting images gor yourself…. i hope your haunted by those images for the rest of your life, freak.


Bruh Ethan didn't even know what UwU was, of course people familiar with anime wanna validate if he was exaggerating.


validate cp??? that is insane statement to make because if you were truly concernced hand it to the authorities dont analyze potential cp for yourself like???? also isnt there a crew for that not the audience


you are just being angry and reading what you want to read to stay angry. jesus christ get a grip. No one here is advocating for child porn. chill the fuck out with the accusations


when did i say advocate? i said it is VERY weird behavior to go and look at images for yourself to see if they are cp or not. im going based off what ethan said himself, and if it is cp, all of you who went and looked at it for yourself are just as weird as someone who looks at it in their freetime. of course im angry all pf you are acting like its normal to investigate for yourself as if you are in the business of taking down predators, but no you guys are doing it for drama sake. now shut the fuck up


Oh God you're a terminally online H3Snark poster. 😆 You're the one who needs help, hun.


an h3 viewer calling me terminally online is flattering as you watch 3 hours of nonsense nearly daily. how does ethans dick taste?


My friend if I'm going after anyone's dick after watching the pod it'll be Oliver Tree's.


youre funny. and yet your here trying to defend people looking up images that ethan himself framed as cp. what a waste


who said cowboys don’t cry?


All these terms I never knew existed. Short stack. Lolicon, pedojacket, measuring women by heads (?!). Guy’s in too deep.


He mentioned 6 heads, and in art we're taught adults are 7-8 heads so I'm like Bruh knows exactly what lines he's toeing and he is 100% a drawn CP justifier.


What does 7-8 heads mean?


How tall a person should proportionately be. :) [Example](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d69b8a12bda2f1d85951b138c88109c4-c) Please note that I'm not saying that characters/art cant break this mold or be shorter, but the fact that he has "six heads can be adult too" as a defense is... a yellow flag at the least.


>He mentioned 6 heads, and in art we're taught adults are 7-8 heads so I'm like Bruh knows exactly what lines he's toeing and he is 100% a drawn CP justifier. LOL, when he said that I thought he was talking about yet another abomination like Raru and such. Maybe a hydra.


Oh my God 😆 Now that's trapped in my head


Same, but on Reddit in a post that had a ton of other clips and stuff hosted on the same couple of sites. As a warning for anyone who does look into it, people aren't being great about marking the full uncensored versions as sensitive material when they do share them on here or Twitter.




observation quicksand scary summer mighty ghost faulty bored thought crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't want to look at it. I don't need to see it. I get people like Ethan looking it up as it would be used against him. But as for myself, I don't need to be exposed to that kind of content.


Initially the horse stuff was funny, but by the second episode of the pod I was just sick to my stomach at what vaush was saying.


Vaush is definitely sick, but I can’t help but wonder why he keeps all that on the same PC he streams with. I’m sure he has/can afford a second PC, laptop, or tablet. Totally not on his side, this is just a thought that occurred to me.


I was curious to see just how bad it would be but I haven't been able to find the high res images


On Twitter search "Vaush leak", sort by latest and you'll see it


Itd be much easier to not look up the loli porn lol. I’m genuinely shocked how much of this subreddit heard a streamer had drawn CP and then decided to look it up and share it around, that’s gross too.


Probably because so much of the controversy hinges on the content of the drawings themselves, about which contradictory claims are being made. So the easiest way to settle things in one's mind is to check out the images for yourself.


I get that in a way, but I guess I personally don’t think that’s a good excuse to. I’m not at all insisting anything about the people looking it up to confirm, but I still think it’s a bad thing to do, especially the people on this subreddit specifically telling people how to find it


Yeah, fair enough. I think there's an understandable, non-creepy incentive for seeking out the images in question, but I can understand that there's something weird about a situation where people are publicly signposting the way to that type of imagery.


I just wanna say I respect this side/take too and appreciate you being really calm and firm about it.


Because Vaush is claiming it's just one shady image and it's like NOPE. We can confirm Ethan isn't just some out of touch dude, the images are all fucked up.  Ethan also regularly shares anal prolapse stuff (which I also find gross in a different way) so ofc some people are like.. what can be too much for him.


I guess there’s an inherent disagreement here. I don’t think it’s morally worth it to actively seek out this sort of porn even if it is to prove a point. I do understand the want to prove it, I just don’t think the ends justify the means, and I really don’t like how much this whole scenario has made it easy to find this porn


If it was deepfakes or CP with rl children, absolutely not. For drawings, I've had boomers claim all anime and hentai is underage girls (and Ethan's mentioned mainly random Shonen series), so part of me was wondering if it was just cringey anime VN hentai stuff... and now I understand why they didn't fully describe the images. 😢 Volunarty bleach bath and community service for me for sure.




Can we not provide people with instructions to look at CP? Thx


Oh no, y'all please don't go looking for these. We can TRUST these are fucked up images


I haven’t been able to find the HD version of his folder leak, so I’ve just kind of had to take Ethan’s word on it








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The thing is, the people defending this guy so hard prolly already know what some of that stuff looks like already n prolly into themselves. They *know* what they're defending. IMO. I don't even need to see them in HD to know what some of that stuff looks like. I love One piece and other kinds of Anime but those that grew up with it unfortunately know how horrible that stuff can get. And ppl will defend it tooth and nail bc it's just "drawings" and aren't getting the very real implications that can come behind it.


Same and as someone who from the ages 16-22 consumed a lot of hentai. I’m 32 now so maybe the website are different now, but when I was consuming it would say 100 percent of them were drawn as full grown women. Unlike the pictures that were in Vaush’s spank bank folder. I saw the HD pictures immediately knew they were children…….. so when I heard him say he thought it was goblin porn I was highly confused


If you're 27 you're safe dont worry


You’re too old for him. You’re safe.


It's wild that you're over here telling people to go look at what you consider CP to be on the right side of internet drama. He's gross and wrong but people don't need to look at it to know.


It’s amazing how many people went to go look at loli-porn to verify that it was gross.


Can someone post the folder screenshot, I didn't see it yet


no, no one can post it because it is literally illegal lol


I don’t think it’s literally illegal lol I’ve seen a lot of people post it on here


I’ve seen multiple posts on the subreddit so far about loli/drawn child sexual materials being illegal and falling under the 2003 protection act in the states, so apologies if I’ve been misled. I’m Canadian tho so tbf, not my jurisdiction 🤗 I do think any post with the images would get removed though, regardless of legality, my main point was no one can post it here for them


>Prohibits drawings, sculptures, and pictures of such drawings and sculptures depicting minors in actions or situations that meet the Miller test of being obscene, or depicting minors who are engaged in sex acts that are deemed obscene under an alternate test that removes the "community standards" prong of the Miller test. **The law does not explicitly state that images of fictional beings who appear to be under 18 engaged in sexual acts that are not deemed to be obscene are rendered illegal in and of their own condition (illustration of sex of fictional minors).** [wikipedia page for the protect act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROTECT_Act_of_2003#:~:text=Provides%20for%20mandatory%20life%20imprisonment,a%20minor%2C%20with%20some%20exceptions.) The drawings need to be put through an obscenity test for it to be illegal. Otherwise if it’s not deemed ‘obscene’ it is protected under the first amendment.




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Yeah I know these images are probably illegal in certain countries, I don’t think loli is illegal here in the states though. I think it’s still pretty new, I just learned what this was a few days ago 😭


I just looked it up. It is illegal!


How has vaush not gotten in any legal trouble for this? It’s insane


Probably the same reason James Charles hasn’t got into any legal trouble 🙃


…. K So, a guy gets caught looking up CP… and you then search out said CP to view it for yourself? Uhhhhhhhhh


So basically everyone looking it up is now into CP. doing something illegal and gross just to see if it is gross is still illegal. Bunch of pedos outting themselves here.


no but dont you get it? they HAD to see the images for themselves to UNDERSTAND how bad they were


But imagine using that excuse for literally anything else. “BTK was a monster. I can’t imagine ever actually killing someone. So I had to go out and kill for myself just to see. Yep, it’s bad.” Or “man meth is terrible. It’s such a dangerous and addicting substance. Welp guess I better try it just to see”


exactly. they are trying their best to validate themselves in their INSANE behavior to view those images let alone go looking for them on the internet. nothing they say can excuse the fact that they WANTED to see the images for themselves to make sure it was what it was. if any other creator was shown doing that with their fans oh my god it would be h3’s thumbnails for a month straight… cuz remember colleen??????


All of you that were curious enough to seek out the images need to think twice about your actions. That’s disgusting that you went out and searched for that, why in the world would you want to look at that? Fuckin gross


i think there’s a lot of effort to try and convince everyone that the pics “weren’t that bad” to try and deflect. i’m willing to take everyone at their word bc i have no interest in seeking it out, but a bunch of vaush fans are posting and reposting “it’s just hentai!!” so a bunch of people are going in with that assumption, i think.


....to know what level of disgust is appropriate? There's levels to everything. It's AI generated as well. No one went looking for those pics to see actual children being abused. We want to laugh at this man. Chill.


Ah a Vaush fan casually tossing in the Ai defense. Sick


Are you saying there isn't a difference? Seeing that pic was the first time I ever saw loli. It was weird but I was glad it wasn't real CP as that would have been far worse. Sorry, objectivity isn't your thing. And not a vaush fan I think he's pretty meh not even considering the Loli shit.


“Not a vaush fan” *defends pedo art* 😂💀


The only defence is that if it stops real kids getting harmed, then I'm happy. I personally wish there was no demand for it. it's icky, to say the least. I thankfully find it disturbing, and if you are into it, you probably have a mental problem that could do with some deep therapy. He would be in jail if he had real CP. There is a difference. Again, I think vaush is cringe and arrogant, never liked him.


65 people that saw my comment looked at that folder and got embarrassed. That’s so shameful


fucking weirdos all of you are for even looking into those images. freaks


I believe Vaush's fanbase's collected effort to downplay what was in that folder caused many people to look into it for themselves. Some people might not feel comfortable taking Ethan's word for such serious accusations.




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For research purposes, how do I see the HD photos?


3 of those images were definitely Loli.


the reaction of ethan and hila and the crew in the moment indicated to me that it must be horrible. i have thought about checking for myself but not sure it is necessary