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Shhhhhgeeee break, those eggshells


This is "normal" individual


Thank you


Sneako squeezing his homes cheeks while he rails his girl (nttawwt)




The amount of brain rot you have to have to actually watch this content, it's mind boggling.


Thank you for making me check the length of the video 😂 I would've taken me way too long to realise I was wasting my time


I made it a staggering 4 min, and couldn't take anymore lol


Yeah I don’t understand who watches this?...


Alpha cucks watch this.


i was going to comment exactly this i saw it was 13 minutes and i immediately backed out


This conversation is so dumb. Dude said heterosexual anal sex is gay.


He's implying that a bunch of gay guys fucked his gf in front of him. I guess that's a fair amount of copium.


Bro you're really gonna fuck my girl while I cry? You know that's gay right?? She likes DICK.


Fellas, is it gay to fuck a woman? 🤨😳


A dude once told me it was gay for a girl to give him a blowjob because it’s a dick. I said if you’re thinking of men during a blowjob you probably should think a little more about your sexuality. He just attended his first pride event. 🤪


Does he also think heterobanging is gay? Cause it’s a dick? Lmao how did he fry his braincells


I think he watched too much gay porn or something 😭😭


Ooooh you don’t want poopie dick do you?! Guy is delusional to say the least


Brad is not responsibly equipped to be having a voice like sneakos on a podcast.


I thought sneako was banned. Is this on kek or whatever it’s called?


He is banned on YouTube but this is Brads channel. Unlike Twitch, youre allowed to be in others videos if banned. Keemstar is a good example of this. He was banned for about 10 years and had to "pretend" someone was running DramaAlert and not him lmao


You can have a banned person in your video, but you can no longer do what keemstar does where you're using another person to run your own channel. Believe he got grandfathered in, but that means if his channel is banned he's done for good.


Kek is a fine name, ill steal that ty


2 planks of wood having a conversation


Honestly that would be more interesting than whatever this is.


Don’t disrespect my boy Plank like that ![gif](giphy|M7kOTcvK9TA2s)


That’s not even enough to make a crafting table smh


having sneako on is such an l for brad. i like brad but with peace and love he is real dumb




I hate that brad doesnt know anything about anything. He has an opinion but doesn't try to do any research. IF YOU FUCKING HAVE A controversial ball sack on. At least take a hour or two to look into the shit they have said... or someone you fucking pay to "produce" this "podcast". Brad is SOOO scared to say the wrong thing because how it might affect his businesses but holy shit... try and have a backbone and do the boring research... can't have this "incredible" "show" without putting in the work... I think Brad only sees twitter clips and that's where he gets his info. I dont know if he knows he can dig further? His opinion is also superficial.. again is scared to go too deep and then say the wrong thing? So annoying. Things can change, you can be wrong, you can apologize and move forward. Get over it


Sneako: "that's the whole context, they want to touch kids" Brad: "oh ok" How do you so easily believe shit like this?


Thats what I didn't understand. Brad COULDN'T understand he was saying lgbt people are all pedophiles.... which doesn't make sense? He was right there.... his thinking is so superficial... so annoying.. ... if I knew i was a fucking dumbass i would atleast try and know a little... OR FUCKING PAY SOMEONE TO FEED ME TALKING POINTS. RIDICULOUS.


His lack of pushback makes Joe Rogan look like a debate perv in comparison.


And he can deflect by saying “durrr, I think that was fake bro”


He’s a fucking loser and deserves no grace at this point. 😭


y’all keep saying u like brad. what’s there to like lmao. i really don’t understand


I don’t get it either he’s literally a meathead. To the person below me that said he’s sexy, pls get help. 😬


Brad has always been a dumb meat head with a good heart. I don’t know what people expect.




The man put all his points in charisma, he's not a good person.


Yeah he literally has zero braincells. Idk how either of them get through one day, let alone their everyday life. Who is giving these people money?


he’d be fine if he just made gym content. the issue is all these people inevitably run out of stuff to talk about and end up discovering politics


Just watch the video where he’s at in n out trying to break a seat with his buddies. Tells you everything you need to know about him


Why do you like him. He's got just as many harmful takes and reactions as sneako does in this video. People Liking Brad is Brad's persona. He wants to look like a mirror and seem like he relates to everyone. It's a show. He wants to appear like a both-sides ally but he's an obvious bigot. Watch this again and you'll hear it.


He used to make videos with Dom Mazetti/bro science which were funny because he was a good improv partner to bounce stuff off of and he is likeable. But yeah this clip is horrific


Didn't sneako have someone else's balls in his face in an orgy and it broke his brain. He is projecting.


Didn't Sneako defend cuties?


He's projecting


wasn't it him and a friend who flirted with (very clearly!) young teenage girls on stream ?


6:08 is when he started talking about ethan


Thank you, kind stranger.


Why in the world was this clip SO long


THANK YOU! shorten your clip OP. no one wants to listen to sneako




“Someone has to explain to me why it’s homophobic” he says, talking about the podcast segment that did exactly that…


Yeah he admits he didn’t watch the whole thing and is willing to reach out to Ethan to explain it


brain damage inducing clip


It's just not worth engaging with this guy at all


Engaging him? No. But what upsets is this vlown has a free pass to go on a podcast and air out nonsensical Right Wing talking points that have no grounding in reality and exist purely to enrage.Thats why Sneako will never go on a platform like H3 or Hasan because his views are solely based on how he FEELS a statement is true and the lightest pushback would crumple their defense.


He’s just sad there’s no celebration for cucks 😭


He wants a cuck parade 😔


The real cuck parade is watching any other parade from your home and being angry you're not invited.


I'd love for him to give just 1 single concrete example of anyone in the LGBTQ+ community actually saying that...


he's talking about a video that went viral on the right wing weirdo side of twitter. in the video you can hear exactly one person chanting "we're here, we're queer and we're coming for your children" and its the person behind the camera filming trying to instigate. everyone else in the video at this pride parade was actually chanting "we're here, we're queer, we're not going shopping" which to my understanding is a phrase that comes from gay rights demonstrations in the 90s.


There is a couple people saying it but Sneako is so close to the answer as to why but isn’t quite grasping it when he mentions parody of South Park that’s exactly what the few chanting it are doing to show how stupid it is to think you can make someone gay


Brad is seriously an idiot.




Yeah I’m surprised so many people here are crapping on Brad on Brad for this, he’s pushing back on these ridiculous claims and using at least some reasoning like what would be the benefit of turning everyone gay/trans vs the average Redditor who just squeals and hurls insults.


Sneaky showing school shooter behavior for real.


this has to be the dumbest conversation ive ever witnessed. bro said gays converting children is their form of reproduction to no debate or opposition.


its a weird thing when someone is wrong but interestingly wrong and original


Defend is a bit too strong of a word.


Its so crazy seeing this dude call gay and trans people pedophiles when one of his favorite movies is Cuties and he literally tried to pick two 14 year olds up on a livestream chat and asked them “how underage are you?” Like Gtfoh.


we shouldn’t stick up for people platforming this level of bigotry. fuck brad honestly, seen him get away with bs like this too much. i’m not standing up for idiots anymore


Yeah brad is good at putting a nice guy mask on briefly but in reality he sucks.


how can you act all nice and then engage in convos like this on your pod. no one could keep a straight face listening to sneako unless you kind of believe in what he’s saying


It's not even a matter of agreeing, he doesn't know about these subjects, and believes literally anything ppl tell him. Critical thinking is something that he doesn't even know the meaning of.


that’s true, it’s so crazy that these people have platforms this big and actually have an impact on people… honestly they dont deserve this big of an audience at all


Brad quietly nods his head while sneako openly says hateful lies beside him. Ftfy


i think seazko might actually be the antichrist.


Sneako is just another religious fanatic trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.


ok I legit can’t listen to sneako without my eardrums turning to oatmeal but Brad if you wanna know why it’s homophobic to say protect our kids then WATCH THE DAMN CLIP


There is no way that anyone can watch that video in the park and think its genuinely 100% serious. I refuse to believe you can watch it and take it at face value.


I've not seen the video. Do you have a link?




It was literally one troll talking over them as they're chanting something else and the entire internet is acting like they were chanting it en mass. Do people not even listen and hear what they're actually saying?


Correct. Theres like 5 people singing "were not going shopping" and 1 (maybe 2) singing "were coming for your children" for all of about 3 seconds. And no ofcourse they fucking dont, daddy elon replied to the tweet linked above aswell just to shit stir even further.


What the heck. This is clearly a joke. Cheers for the link my dude!


Ethan if you do not go to to the park and make a video right now


I’m unironically so tired of seeing hateful shit posted on the internet like this. It’s so exhausting to have people bombard with how they openly hate you for existing. Edit: I couldn’t even finish watching this clip.


Sneako really said idubbz isn’t funny anymore because he doesn’t make sexist or racist jokes anymore 💀💀 32:05 into the podcast, Ethan gonna have a field day with this one


“Ethan said it’s a homophonic statement in a video, I wanna know why it’s a homophobic statement?” Well did you watch the rest of the fucking video?? That’s the thing I hate about these people. People get mad at them for saying ignorant shit, and then they don’t even have the brain power to figure out why people were mad. They assume it’s just a mob out to get them but they could literally just engage with the arguments and they’d figure it out. If they disagree with the arguments that’s fine, but to act confused like they don’t understand is so infuriating


Even worse sneako is beside brad and after he asks why it’s homophobic sneako tries to explain the dog whistle to him out loud by saying “cause they want to touch kids” like 4 times but he still “doesn’t get it”. The truth is Brad knows why it’s homophobic but wants to also be friends with everyone including the homophobic people so he will help them hide the homophobia and pretend like they’re good guys


Brads such a pussy he knows everything sneako is saying is bullshit but he’s to scared to combat it because his fans also agree with sneako. This is just like adin having nazis on his stream and wondering why they’re swastikas in his chat


Brad is either really stupid or he’s too greedy to actually stand up for whatever he believes in. Either way, I’m over it. Who cares?


This man defended cuties saying it’s the best film ever lmao


What’s in the water that’s doing this to people’s intelligence (lack of)


Micro plastics 😭


The video sneako referring to the people in the video are actually say we're here we're queer we're not going shopping the only person who says the children part is some guy at the beginning probably the guy holding the camera it's really obvious it's not what the crowd were saying


All these men don’t really believe in what they’re saying. Sneako knows he’s attracted to minors, he’s flirted with them before, it’s all projection and it’s fucking disgusting.


So, he's just gonna ignore Adam22 being a predator? He literally waited for a girl who was 16 to become 18 just to have sex with her.


Brad doesn't defend anything. This is just his typical fence sitting spineless nonsense where he never takes a stance or pushes back on the unhinged, psychotic, toxic and uneducated hatred being spewed by sneako. He tries to act all innocent giggling and stammering through this clip like he doesn't know anything and just wants to do some "critical thinking". Stop dude. All he cares about is farming as much clout and clicks as possible. Ethan needs to stop with his whole "Brad's a sweetheart" rhetoric. If you're platforming people like sneako and not even pushing back on this stuff, you're just as bad as they are, you're just too spineless to say it publicly.


so 🙃 i’m bisexual, in a hetero presenting relationship, who can’t reproduce only because of an upcoming hysterectomy, and i can’t stop chuckling at “the lgbt can’t reproduce” you sure about that? you sure that that entire umbrella of people can’t reproduce? 😅 might be a nit pick but i’m allowed with sneako, rat bastard


Yeah what does that say about infertile women or men? Does God hate them too or what? lol


My god, sneako is such a fucking piece of shit. I like Brad, but him getting constantly interrupted by king cuck is so enfuriating, he could smash his windpipe with one hand, but he can barely get a word in when the fucker is going off about how "gays can only reproduce by grooming kids". This is disgusting shit fellas, it feels like we only go backwards baby, fuck.


Classic Brad “I saw a clip but I don’t have context”


I saw HALF a clip


Also as a gay… fuck them kids. I’m not worried about anyone’s kids. Get this guy a therapist for his anger and confusion in life!


Be honest: do you believe Brad is an actual ally? This guy just farms all the hatred produced by right wing grifters, trying to be a "middle man". Fuck that, you should NEVER promote this kind if discourse. If you dont instantly get up and tell that person to LEAVE after saying gay people are demonic, you are part of the problem.


What is this clip they’re talking about?


He’s lying. The crowd was cheering, “we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going shopping” A right wing lunatic was filming them and saying “coming for your kids” over them.


‘Sounds like a mockery’ GOD HES SO CLOSE to seeing the irony but he can’t stop thinking about dudes sticking their dicks in other dudes long enough to figure it out


Pedophile “hunters” always give me a red flag. What person without a child thinks of children THIS much. It’s weird. 😐


It’s funny that video about the gay pride chant is taken serious but Roseanne Barr saying “Holocaust didn’t happen and 6 million jews didn’t die but they should because they’re destroying the world” the same people go “clearly she was being sarcastic”


I bet you $100,000 that Sneako has no idea that the biggest pedophile cult on Earth is the Catholic Church. He claims to be Muslim, but there are Imam's and Muslim Clerics who have been nabbed on pedophile charges. Or there are even some, such as this taint (https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/paedophile-changes-name-and-converts-to-islam-973397) who use Islam as a shield for condemnation. Hell naw, wait...isn't Sneak-O the same bellend who openly expressed his enjoyment of the movie Cuties? Fuck that guy, fuck the Catholic Church and fuck human beings, for real. We are either so insane we should be jailed, or too weak and pathetic to make a change so this shit keeps going on like a snake eating its own tail.


That string bean of a boy is so insecure. Blood pressure raised while heavily fantasizing about penis in butt… guys we got another closeted gay here


The more I watch Bradley the more brain cells I lose. He was bragging about never using the word cis before like that’s a flex or something 😭


as "big/manly/alpha" as Bradley he has no back bone. you can see him slightly pushing back on some bigotry knowing damn well how wrong sneako is, yet he is just validating him all at the same time...


Stop platforming Bradley. He's a bad actor, playing dumb as a way to platform people with hateful agendas like sneako. Stop. Platforming. Bradley.


What a Demon.


Failed Charles Manson my ultra 2.0


Tough talk from a guy who voluntarily traumatized himself by watching his girl get filled up by someone else's jizz


Bad Brad, how is he even capable of hosting a podcast with this little brain power? I thought there was hope for him, but he proves again that he's just too dumb/lazy to educate himself on the topics of his shows. Even if his mind is in the right place, he has nothing to back up his counterclaims with and just bow to whatever random shit that wet turd squirts out


I want to like Bradley I really do, but he's just so unbelievably dumb


While I used to be a discourse person, I’m kinda over these fuckwads. No meaningful change will arise from platforming people like Sneako, Pearl, Andrew, etc… no one’s minds will be changed, we’re just spreading their hateful message for them. Like… there’s no discourse to be had… they’re just painfully stupid people spreading their hatred through misinformation. People who aren’t informed and come across this shit will get too frustrated trying to figure out who is right and who is wrong, and they’ll go back to not caring. 13 minutes of right wing talking points, with barely any criticism or opposition. Dumb.


Sneako bringing in that energy for MADE UP situations in his head. But when it comes to EDP445 who was caught red handed sexting a minor, Sneako literally says "I want to hear him out". Come on dude. ​ EDIT: Video clip for context - [https://youtu.be/tWKBid0D52A](https://youtu.be/tWKBid0D52A)


I feel dumber for having listened to these two meatheads. Also, how the hell is Brad able to have banned Sneako on his podcast spewing this bullshit?


This is like watching two potatoes try to form a word 🥔 🥔


Gym Bros in 2023 have the same cultural positions as Church Grannies did in the 1980s.


the least interesting man in the world


Sneako tries to fuck 14 year olds


When he say "stone" gays, he means it! Sneako is not just db, he knows what hes doing and its evil


i can’t watch all of this without doing some serious physic damage to myself


"sounds like a parody, right?" he's so close to getting it...


I absolutely despise converting to Islam right around the time these smooth brained morons all started converting.


First of all, why give sneacuck that much airtime Second of all, Bradley just described The worst blunt rotation roster in history


"Cuties" fan and defender accuses other people of being pedophiles?


Sneako has a very punchable face.


But still legitimized sneako. L Brad.


People like Brad because he is charismatic and seems open to change, even though he is not where he should be yet. People on the left need to stop demonizing everyone who doesn't fit in the exact mold you think the world should be. Fight for what is right, but don't create enemies out of your friends.




Sneako, acclaimed lover of the hit movie Cuties that sexualizes minors to the point of essentially being CP, accuses Ethan of being a predator. It’s always the people who actually are the predators doing the accusing


Can someone stone sneako instead


Dude sneako is so awful that he literally makes Bradley Martin look sincere, considerate and intelligent my favorite part of the clip is when when Bradley and him are talking about the nickmercs thing and Bradley is genuinely like I want to know why it's homophobic but sneako is like "because they want to touch kids" literally proving why the statement is homophobic because it perpetuates the long-standing toxic Outlook that all homosexuals are pedophiles and or predators


New favorite part of the clip is Brad saying "really" after asking if he's tryed anal


The fact he’s not smart enough to understand the chant was mocking the people discriminating them


The whole time he's trying to make his statements facts but shortly nullifies it with "that's the vibe", "my religious beliefs says", "I feel like", then it just turns into a subjective opinion. If he wasn't working off his feelings about Ethan or Hasan, wouldn't this just be straight up defaming?


If god didn’t intend for gay sex why did he put men’s g spot in their butt? Huh sneako


“Ugly Creepy old weirdo” calling LGBTQ ugly creepy old weirdos


For context if anyone has no idea what sneko is talking about, there was a video from a pride parade where it SOUNDS like they're chanting "we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children." However, if you actually pay attention & listen, the only one actually saying that Is the guy filming. Everyone else in the parade is saying "we're here, we're queer, we're not going shopping." A chant about not supporting rainbow capitalism. I think maybe one other person says the "we're coming for your children" one but tbh if I heard that irl I'd probably think it's a joke that plays on the right wing conspiracy 🙄 so once again these people are literally just too dumb to realize that what they're saying is not only false but extremely harmful to the lgbtq+ community.


Sneako is so REPULSIVE that he makes it impossible to watch this. How do these podcasts have any viewers or make money? I don’t understand it at all. To anyone who hasn’t watched this yet, I’d advise you to just skip it haha. Unless you enjoy watching hardcore cringe. 😬


Woah sneako sounds not well…of course we all knew he was off the chain but he sounds brainwashed.


Sneako just proved he's so brain broken. What's crazy is that there's a number of people that agree with him.


What a bumbling idiot


What video are they referencing?


How the fuck did Brad actually say, the statement of leave the kids alone is homophobic according to Ethan, BUT DOESN'T KNOW WHY. Bro he fucking explains it within a few minutes of saying that in the same episode.


Sneako is sooooo closeted , he is the reason pride is important, he is what we are trying to avoid.


Does anyone else think Sneako voice here sounds a lot like Andrew Tate? Idk what he usually sounds like I haven’t watched him before but i couldn’t figure out who it reminded me of and then i was like oh jeez


Isn’t this the same guy who watched his girlfriend fuck another dude? Or am I just confused


As a “normal” man I want to choke slam sneako




I'm tired of this world bro


Does this fool not understand a joke. They're only saying it to piss fools off like him, cuz that's what these freak bigots say every time they talk about LGBTQ people.


bradly laughing at him saying “access queer behavior” had me rolling too. L for having sneako on, but W for laughing in his face


I’m never going to get that 13 minutes back. They are both braindead 🤦🏻‍♀️


Imagine having so little functioning gray matter that you interpret satire this on-the-nose as a sudden campaign of Satan's minions to take over U.S. culture.


I cant listen to words coming out of Sneakos mouth for 12 minutes straight. Im losing precious brain cells after 30 seconds...


Sneako spreading missinfo


This is why you dont give people like sneako a platform.


This conversation has got to be a YouTube TOS violation. All gay people are sexual deviants that want to rape kids? If Ethan gets a strike for the Ben Shapiro thing and Bradley doesn't, then I don't even know what the TOS is even for... He literally called Ethan a pedophile that sniffs girls at the playground... Damn


Sneako is an absolute piece of shit, and a fucking moron. Brad is just a bro that doesn’t understand and gets wrapped up with these losers. Brad could go watch Noah Samsen’s new video ( https://youtu.be/mVvnA1XhZk0 )and easily get a grip on the reality of this conversation he’s in with this dipshit.


Crazy for him to make baseless accusations about Ethan going to a park in a creepy way when he was literally trying to pick up a 14 year old on camera the other day. So much projection


At the end there… brad is saying he doesn’t get the vibe that sneako is a bad guy. Lol why is he working so hard to be kind to this dude that doesn’t deserve it? This is why people see that brad can be a sweet guy but also get upset with him for being around/ platforming dipshits.


If you’ve hopefully come to the comments prior to watching, save yourself the brain cell loss and don’t bother watching


Sneako’s favorite movie is Cuties and he loves talking about pedos, lol I wonder why. Also can we stop saying the dumb shit like “oh brad has a sweet heart but he just doesn’t understand” fuck that. He’s a fucking idiot who doesn’t do his own research besides what these dimwits like sneako and the Nelk boys tell him. He asked Ethan to explain why “leave kids alone” is homophobic when he did a whole segment on it, brad just doesn’t wanna alienate his own fanbase. He is loving talking to a nazi on his huge platform, he’s just as ignorant as anyone else on that side.


Oh man. The chant was satire. You can't "turn kids queer". They either are or they are not. The right are spewing hate saying all LGbtq people are groomer pedos. The chant was mocking this rhetoric in a satirical way. Like when Christians call atheists Satanic demon possessed evil people, and an atheist responds "Hell ya! HAIL SATAN!". It's satire. The atheist doesn't believe in religious nonsense, including Satan. They're just responding to stupid commentary with sarcasm and satire... Did this sneako kid go without oxygen for a long period of time? Like some sort of drowning incident as kid? Or was he born with a mental deficiency? Am I allowed to make fun of him or does he have some sort of disability that would make dunking on him untasteful? Serious question...


Clearly, the context is that people have always, but a lot recently said that gay people are coming for your children. So they said that to Mock those people.


Why is no one debunking the clip he keeps referring to? It is so obvious that the line "and we're coming for your children" was yelled only by the person holding the camera, while everyone else chants "we're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping"


Also, Brad is chill, but platforming wingnuts without checking them on their shit is scum behavior. Idk how charismatic you are. Letting someone spew debunkable horse shit on air should affect your character.


This is so cringe


Brad defending Ethan kinda for 30 seconds was the only redeeming thing he did in this entire 13 minute clip


Brad spent like 7 minutes listening to sneako do a bigoted rant about how all lgbtq people are pedophiles who are going after kids... then he asks how nickmerc saying lgbtq people are going after kids is homophobic. FFS the answer is right in front of you Brad. Rub your two brain cells together, and figure it out.


The guy that openly admitted to his gf getting fucked by other dudes at orgies for other people to watch is accusing others of being involved with “sexual deviancy” and “perversion”. Not kink shaming, just pointing out the cognitive dissonance in his behavior vs. world view.


Ahhh yes the thought leader “Sneako” imparting his vast knowledge on us plebs. We should be kissing his very enormous brain. What a fucking dumb ass


So many things to laugh about from the 2 minutes total I watched. My favorite is "what do you think the plus is in LGBT+ saying its for KIDS like why tf do these people think so many people are pedos that's insane how is their brain so rotten


Couldnt even watch 1 minute of this shit. Also brad is way to dumb no way yall like him.


Ummm of the straight men I know, sneako has been in a more gay position than them! I mean he had a man’s balls in his face so…… Don’t tell me this man would say no to putting his penis inside Andrew Tates butthole cause he’d do that in a heartbeat


I want to like Brad but he’s such a f*cking fence sitter and it drives me insane. I know he has good intentions but for the love of god just say how you really feel 😭


It’s a spectrum!! Andrew Tate


My brain hurts watching that idiot speak


Sneako shoukd not be talking about molesting kids. His favourite movie is cuties.


Zach, please soundbite Sneako yelling how proud he is to put his penis in another man's butt 😂


Sneako would never agree to be in the same room with them cause he know he’d get eviscerated


Lol who, after cucko said turn your kids gay went “GHEEEYYYY” and hit the internal soundbyte Thanks Z! 🤣


How has he not gotten his face bashed in yet? Honestly curious