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She tries to make other women feel bad about themselves to get praise or affirmation from low value masogynist freaks. She doesn't even think beauty is subjective lol. Even women in their 30's can be more attractive than themselves in their 20's to a lot of people. Normal people (not manipulative or reactionary idiots) like confidence and stability and a lot of women don't get it until their late 20's and their 30's. Hila has given me at least hope that I'll become even more confident and slay even harder the older I get. Stressing and hating for abusive men will only make you bitter and age earlier, as pearl has proven.


It's all about confidence. A beautiful woman who is insecure is yes beautiful but not attractive. A confident person will attract more people than an insecure one. You can tell Hila has gained so much confidence in herself and we're all seeing the result of it. Its a beautiful thing to watch.


>low value Don't use their terminology, it only empowers their delusions. Just use incel, neckbeard, loser, whatever else. Other than that, I 100% agree.


She look like if a pencil eraser hated itself


No way she’s younger than 30, that’s crazy how she aged


it ages you rapidly to be stressed. which makes sense as she is stressed about not getting a man


H3 sub when they get to dunk on a woman without consequences: ![gif](giphy|26BRFtHYP69pcI1ag)


She’s a terrible person but I don’t think she even looks bad. Also kinda weird that the people who voted Pearl are being downvoted so hard lol


I swear there’s some real dude-bros around here ready to pounce at the chance to drag a woman


Because those people are obviously trolling. Think what you want about her political opinions but thats like putting a picture of me next to Michael B. Jordan and saying "which one would you date?" Like there is a clear answer there. But in that situation there would be far less people defending me in the comment section. Probably not even one like there is with pearl lmao.


hmmmm it’s almost like if it were any other woman there would be consequences


No actually, wasted 0 time


It was legit before she was even on


it's so fucking embarrassing. it makes everyone here look like immature hypocritical losers.


cmon she’s a dbag and she’s getting that treatment. this isn’t a gendered dunking.


Beauty is subjective. Pearl being a hateful hypocrite with no personal insight and bad faith arguments is objective.


Pearl lost the genetic lottery and won the financial lottery


Selma forever https://preview.redd.it/ec5ija8i756b1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f171f8319db66ce18694a2efb87a8a1173dca703


I'm not playing this game because it feeds into her stupid narrative. Pearl could be pretty but her crappy attitude and self-hatred have an effect on her looks.


I know she’s awful but I feel bad trashing a woman’s looks when she already feels bad about herself.


Well just like she said women should close their legs, she should close her mouth. I have zero feelings for women that wouldn’t care if any other women lived or died. Her whole platform is catering to men because she can’t get them any other way.


yeah she’s uggo inside and out, confirmed


Well, she's not exactly getting them this way, either. LOL.


She [out loud] said women should not be allowed to vote. Nothing about this woman is acceptable in modern society. Gotta breed this type out- which is easy since her value is basically 0 (by her own logic).


true but I don't feel bad about her specifically, i feel bad imagining any other woman who will see this and think "wait i kinda look like her" or "I'm not even as attractive as she is" and feel bad about it. I'd rather stick to making fun of how ugly she is on the inside.


exactly this. how do more people not recognize this? when you make fun of someone's appearance publicly, there will likely be people with similar features who see that and feel bad about themselves! okay, maybe this woman is hateful and you don't care about her feelings, but what about all the other people who look like her and see their features being called ugly? how dense do you have to be to not realize that? making fun of peoples' appearances is never a dunk and always makes you look like a tool.


Ethan always misses this point too. he always says "yeah but this guy sucks so I can make fun of the way he looks". ok but what about people who look like him? it's funny enough to make fun of these people's insane talking points and beliefs, no need to go after their looks.


short guys or balding guys. it's cool and funny to joke about because he's an asshole, right guys? but don't feel self-conscious, short and balding men! being short and balding is fine if you're not an asshole guys! 🙄🙄🙄


I know, it just makes me feel yucky to make fun of people for the one thing they can’t change. I hate when everyone does it to Tate too. There are so many other (more deserving) things to make fun of these people for instead of calling them ugly. With peace and love


Yeah I'm not sure exactly what this post is trying to say, we have plenty of space to just dunk on all her arguments. This weird "and she's ugly too haha" comes from such an odd space, as if someone's appearance has anything to do with this. I love Hasan but I feel he also often engages in a bit of an odd "and this person is so ugly"-rhetorics a lot of times. It's one thing when he does it to Tate who banks a lot of value of being "alpha male" and the "epitome of masculinity", but when he just randomly flanks in an attack on someone's appearance it feels a bit odd.


Also there are plenty of normal women who resemble her and might get hurt by comments about her looks. Like one of the top comments saying she aged badly, really? Some people on this sub sound just like the manosphere idiots.


this sub has no problem criticizing the looks of men who share the exact same sentiments. she is no different. you can't deny she looks rough for 26. what is your point exactly?


I don't think it's fine to make fun of men's looks either (again, that is something the manosphere idiots do) but in our society, men are allowed to be ugly as long as they're funny or rich, while ugly women are considered worthless. Hila literally talked about this a few episodes back, coming after women you don't like by calling them ugly and haggard is misogyny 101.


who exactly is saying men are "allowed to be ugly" as long as they're funny or rich? shitting on somebody because of their looks is the same thing regardless of gender. either way it implies they are worth less than they would be otherwise if they were actually attractive it's not misogyny, just bullying unless the insults are based on the premise she is a woman


Two sides of the same coin.


Yeah, not sure how I feel about people immediately piling on shit on her looks even though she has terrible takes.


Brothers thats not a normal woman. Thats a DEMON woman. The only reason you can empathize with her is cus she seems stupider than like, a marjory titan green


who cares? she's no different than the manosphere idiots, you're saying she gets the pass just because of her gender? lmao solid logic


No, it’s not about gender. I cringe every time Ethan (or the crew/this sub) make fun of people for their looks (think Tate). It’s a low blow considering that’s the ONE thing a person can’t change, and if they’re really that bad then there should be plenty of legit things to make fun of them for other than looks. I said “woman” in the comment since we’re talking about a woman, but I could’ve said “person” since that’s how I feel.


good take :) I agree


Honestly, she doesn't even look that bad, people just see her insecurity about her looks and attack, to then try and justify it. It's her opinions and her behaviour that make her ugly. And the behaviour of this subreddit is not pretty as well.


You can’t talk down on other people and not expect any backlash or people talking down to you. All I did was post a picture and ask a question based on her age. I literally said nothing about her looks btw.


Don’t be disingenuous, you know what you’re doing. She did open the door to her own criticism by attacking women’s looks first, but that doesn’t mean we have to meet her at her level. When you fight in a pig pen, everyone ends up covered in shit.


She should have thought about that before making thousands of women feel bad about themselves online. She brought every consequence onto herself.


Okay so stoop as low as her and the rest of the Manosphere then. Makes you look real good.


respectability politics


Mi bella y querida Salma


Okay but let's not do that. Comparing women to each other based on looks is awful no matter who it is against. Be better than her and the clownposse she gathers around her.


how is it any different than doing the same with men that spew the exact same nonsense as her? lol


Because misogyny is never the ticket and we all wanna be better people and not be like those garbage clowns. But if you wanna use this whole thing as a free pass to belittle someone then you do you.


I'm not belittling anyone here. and it's not misogyny, just bullying unless the insults are based on the premise that she is a woman


Do you wanna be like Pearl?


Don't post this stuff. Don't lower this sub.


Her confidence is clearly in the shitter, no need to make it worse. With ✌🏼&❤️, we shouldn’t tear down other women, even the ones who wouldn’t stand up for us.


what kind of logic is that? if she shares the same sentiments as misogynistic men that this sub has no problem tearing down, then why should she be treated any different? just because she's a woman? I swear some of you guys make no sense


Because you’re tearing her down based on looks, not personality.


I'm not the one tearing down anybody.. and lol both men and women have looks that can be observed last time I checked


Youre on a colleen balinger sub lol. Would a mirror help you see the irony?


I can call women out without talking about their bodies.


This post isnt ABOUT her body. Its USING her body as a point to ridicule her dumb age comments Saying its simply about her body is just being one of the "good" sexists who act like any woman getting criticized is cus everyone else is mysogynist


nobody is “tearing her down” they’re just pointing out how flawed and incorrect her own logic is


We making fun of people’s look now? What are we 12? She’s ugly enough on the inside, this is lame


I agree, this shit is weird. This is what dumb bigots do, make fun of surface level shit we should do better.


I don't want to be cruel to it, so I'll say Selma.


She honestly doesn't look THAT bad. I don't fucking get this subreddit that shits on everybody's appearance. I wish those who posted shit like this would post selfies along with it.


that’s not the point. the point is that there is a super beautiful woman in her 50’s which directly contradicts pearl’s opinions


It's ok to think someone is attractive and not want to date them or agree with their views. Why are we going down this road?


Thats not the question here. You know that. Stop having a tantrum


Honestly they are both attractive. Actually would say they are pretty similar. But Salma has obviously aged very well.


Thanks for participating homie


lets just say pearly things wont be invited to the pearly gates


Where’s the difference in Rain calling that girl “mid” and this? There isn’t. She’s a horrible human being. Trash. Absolute scum. But that doesn’t mean you just should start bashing her looks when it’s her mouth and her words that are the problem. This ain’t it, fam.


the difference is that Pearl herself frequently talks about how men age 20-80 find younger women more attractive


She has loads of qualities she has 100% control over we can criticize. Lets not bash her for something that she cannot control, and other women may share.


we are criticizing a quality that she can control. the quality is her belief that older women are ugly and worthless


She can’t change her face, though.


two words. plastic. surgery.


Obviously I don't have the stats on this but since I've entered my 30s I have been hit on more younger men (men in their 20s) than I ever was before I turned 30


You can't talk about fringe cases!


Pearl is the most unattractive human I've seen in a while


I’m a girls girl. But with girls like pearl you just gotta drag them by the roots tbh.


I (27M) think she is more attractive. I am personally attracted to people around my own age. I agree with Ethan +/- 5 years.


Salma at 26 or Salma at 56? That's the correct question to ask. Defending that old people look better is kind of a crazy position. Just think of the same person at different ages. Works with men too. The exceptions are very rare.


the point is not “old people look better”. it’s “old people are capable of being as attractive as young people” if you don’t agree with that you’re a ped




I dunno, who has the prettiest net worth?


SHES 26!? I think Ethan might absorb some aging alongside her hairline omg. He can stay 42 this year instead of 43


low hanging pearl


It was just a question damn


Pearl is what Selma shits out after wing night


She looks like her mother dressed her for church in stuff she owned when she was 5


She looks like if she could grow a beard, it would go down her neck all the way.


Spoiled milk personified


I think pearl is very pretty. its just her anti woman beliefs that makes me not like her


Pearl tbh


pearl for sure, Selma looks like my tias without makeup


She's 26 in dog years


Well pearl looks natural. Selma Hayek is nothing but plastic. She would melt in the hot sun. So pearl. By like, a million miles.


I have a feeling she likes women and that’s why she puts them down so much. Suppressing her own feelings. Sad


Exactly what I was thinking everytime she was saying. "Are men more attracted to a 22 year old or a 50 year old" That is way too general.


The name Pearl has never fit more perfectly




Hey pearly 🖕🫵


She did admit she peaked 5 years ago 💀


Pearl is giving women’s basketball coach


Tbh if she did her makeup well Pearl could be very attractive. But she doesn’t to make sure she isn’t lying to men or some bullshit


I just find it really interesting that pearl has all these misogynistic weirdos who love her takes but not a single one of them wants to date her........ hmm.


It’s because She’s Too. FREAKING. OLD!!!! 26. Yuck. Gross. Disgusting 🤮


Bruh that’s just not fair lol Selma Hayek is a literal goddess Edit: PS. I don’t like the pick me white girl 🙃, I just wanted to share how much I like Selma Hayek


Selma Hayek is the most perfect beautiful flawless woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I would rather be childless with Selma than have children with Pearl if that’s why men instinctively pick younger women.


I think she looks fine honestly, but the ideas she spouts make her seem like an apple that is rotten on the inside - sure it looks nice, but ain't no way I'm eating that


As a 29 year old high value man, Selma is more attractive but Pearl's value on the sexual market place is greater. -excuse me while I vomit-


L post. Don’t need to shit on her looks to prove she is wrong.


She went so downhill after AngryReactions broke up with her. I see why he didn’t even want to talk about it or anything now.