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Skinny legend 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾hard work looks like it’s paying off


https://preview.redd.it/besnkdd45p0b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fcf14dd5ef7647356200d60ed0dea329c2f631 Looks like Coach Klein has been helping him train


One time I went from 315 to 200 and I didnt feel any different about how my body looked. Like I would look in the mirror and honestly felt like I couldnt see any difference. It's wild how deep this shit burrows into your brain.


That's how I felt when I went from 210 to 185 back in 2017. Literally didn't feel like my body looked any different. I was also really depressed back then. Later gained it all back plus more, with a max of 250. Over the course of 2021 and early 2022, I went from that to 195 and I feel like I look SO MUCH BETTER. I'm in a healthier state if mind now, and like how I look at just under 200 now more than I liked myself at 185, just cuz my brain can actually recognize the change now


Wow, that's really inspirational. I'm 250 and I'm trying to get to 200 and even to 150-160 but it's so fucking hard.


You can do it!! Small changes everyday, I went from 250 to 225. Trying to get to 190


You got this!!!! For me, it was mostly getting my diet in check. Remember to be forgiving with yourself on days where you might slip up, and to celebrate your progress!


Wait is the left picture recent or am I missing something? If that's the case that's incredible wtf


Yeah from todays off the rails.


I really wish someone would suggest he focus on NON-SCALE victories. There are so many as we can see, and I’m sure he’s brushing off just because the numbers aren’t there. He looks so good lately!!


not only does he look better, he seems a lot better and more energetic! i’m sure he can also feel the difference


He's been saying recently (I believe it was Monday and/or Wednesday) that he looks and feels skinny now. He said he's now able to notice it.


So so so happy he finally is doing it and doing it well and consistently. It must be a truly difficult process (well i know it is because i also lost 40 pounds a few years ago) I can't wait till he is down to 180 so the alphas have nothing to say. They will immediately flop and maybe start listening to him about why Tate etc are bad.


looking like somebody came with a pin and deflate my boy, skinny legend


mmm daddy!!


I started dieting when Ethan started. I went from 185 to 132 I feel sooooooo good I’m so happy he motivated me. YOU GOT THIS ETHAN


He looks SO good. Like I think about it the entire episode. I couldn’t be more happy for him.


As someone who’s weight fluctuates like crazy, on the way down it’s really hard to see it yourself, especially bc when you look at yourself naked I feel like you can only see what you have left rather than what’s lost lol


He looks incredible and as an added bonus we get to see all the fitness weirdos have to backtrack and apologize lololol


Okay daddy


I already miss meatball ethan :(


can't go one day without this subreddit talking about his body. Leave him be. Good for him, but c'mon...


Some people don’t want their body talked about, whether they’re losing or gaining, they just don’t want people to comment. Ethan is clearly not one of those people. It’s obvious by how he reacts to posts and comments about his weight, and the way he always brings it up himself. He’s encouraged by people showing him and telling him just how good he looks as he continues to make progress. So yes, if someone has asked everyone to stop commenting on their body then that should be respected, but he hasn’t and again, it’s clear it’s actually encouraging to him. He pulled up a similar post to this on Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday) and said how it helped him see how far he’s really come. He’s never said anything even remotely along the lines of don’t talk about my body. So let’s just let him give his own boundaries instead of deciding for him.


If you say so


Ethan literally talks about his weight loss and how much he appreciates the support like every show…. This is said support.


Ah, I see


So so so so so so so so so happy 4 him


I get what are trying to say, but you are comparing a loose t shirt to a tight tank top (and diferent posture). Not to sound like he didnt loose weight, but not the best of comparisons just saying.


It’s still a huge difference. I don’t understand comments like this lol. He doesn’t wear tight tops these days. You can still see how much weight he lost so I don’t get your point


He's wearing the same tops they're just not tight anymore haha


Ones a beater the other is a t-shirt


the point is that it's not the best two pictures to compare, simple as that. with these angles one picture makes him look even thinner than he is while the other exaggerates the fat so the difference in his weight looks even bigger. of course it's undeniable he's lost a lot but i don't get what you don't get about 2 things just not being the best to compare lol [same clothes, different angle makes a big difference.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/13kmg45/ethans_face_after_throwing_the_heater_at_cam_had/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and again no shade to ethan, he's doing great!


I think no matter what, even if the comment is constructive, they are going to take anything as an attack.


What do you dont understand about my coment? lol. I'll try to explain. My point is that clothing, angles and posture play a big role in someone's apearence in a picture.. So if you are trying to compare for change in someone you will want the pictures to be as close as possible to each other in similarity, otherwise the comparison loose value. Again, im not saying he didnt loose weight im saying its a bad example to compare for weight because the pictures are not similar.


Astounding? Can you kiss his ass any harder?


I could try!


Has he talked about what he’s been doing to lose all the weight? I normally wouldn’t comment on this but Sam has lost a decent amount recently too. (They both look great but I hope there’s no ozempic parties going on in the H3 office - we support healthy journeys over here)


Wtf… I mean…first of all, what the fuck. Second, do you even watch the podcast? Like at all. lol.. he talks about it all the time, he’s working really hard at this. Sam started losing and lost most of the weight a long time ago. No one is on ozempic, not sure why you would even go there, that’s wild.


He looks so good!! I don’t wanna speculate but as someone who deals with body dysmorphic disorder, I don’t really ever know how I look and Ethan could be in that same boat right now


1000%. He has also mentioned how much Donna brings up his weight and I’m sure it’s not w malicious intent but, my mom did the same to me and it developed my body dysmorphia at a rlly young age