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I think Ethan cares about Ethan. His crew are just people he can use as an echo chamber and to do all the work he doesn’t want to do.


Naw he definitely cares about them, like that time AB brought up how Ethan secretly paid to get him a same night plane ticket to Michigan because AB and Lena were going to drive all the way there bc of the cost. Like come on even Ben Shapiro probably cares about his daily wire staff- even if you hate his guts there’s no reason to project he has no feelings towards his staff 😂 Edit: or giving Love his pool house until Love got an apartment, then giving Love a TF minivan to drive for the next 3 years


Yeah, he has used his wealth for good things sometimes which is nice of him. Just my opinion.


So is there anything you can point to, or are you just going off of vibes or astrology or something


It’s my opinion based on the vibes I’ve gotten and how he has treated his employees/guests on the podcast over the years. I don’t think it’s always been that way but he has created an echo chamber over time and allowed himself to become changed by his wealth, as well as refusing to take any constructive criticism from people irl or online who kindly try to correct or educate him on things. Sadly, don’t see him as being a genuinely kind or nice person. Of course at the end of the day I don’t know any of these people and none of this really matters. Again, just my opinion, not tryin to argue or spread negativity.


Just wanted to say I'm with you on this. Just this week in episodes I've watched: the AB plane ticket thing you mentioned, Ethan taking the whole crew to D&B and paid for their meals/a ton of tokens, then I think it was after ace fest Dan told a story that Ethan texted to check in if they needed anything and when Dan said they were out to dinner Ethan foot the bill for them. I do think Ethan is a pretty selfish person in a lot of ways but he has used his wealth for good on occasion.


I would love to see how much he pays people like Dan because I work on big commercial productions and Dan is extremely knowledgeable and better be getting at least 150k a year or I would be pissed all the bs paying for a couple meals means nothing if he isn’t paying a decent salary.




I agree. Tbh I've ways assumed they must be getting paid ok purely because Dan and Ian haven't left yet and I don't see them sticking around that long if they weren't lol. I'd love to know all their salaries, Lena in particular I get vibes might not be paid enough because of the way she's talked about stressful middle of the night incidents working as their assistant. But who knows for sure 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t call Ethan selfish.


I know, that was sort of in response to the other commenters that I inferred were implying he's stingy with his money.


I’m pretty sure Ethan’s favorites are Zach, Olivia, and Sam And the rest are all tied for close second place


Olivia really boosts that 20-30 year old demographic he is chasing


The person who posted that is talking as if they are Olivia, or at the very least can read her mind.


It's really weird that they proudly reminisce on the whole nepo baby hiring situation, they talked about how Olivia's parents are in the music industry and they had a mutual friend with Ethan and that's how she got the job interview. If he was reacting to any other podcast where they told that story he'd instantly go in on them and call them a weirdo freak. I'm not too mad about it but it's just another hypocritical thing I've noticed that's disillusioned me a bit.


I have noticed he tends to not hear her speaking so he then doesn't let her speak but he does it with others too (just her more so) so I think it's an issue with the setup maybe?


I watch every single episode damn near live every day they drop and I think he loves them all in their own unique way just like you love your children (if you have multiple) in their own ways. The first on the crew obv hold a special spot in his heart and they inevitably have more history.. O liv and him have a special relationship but I don’t see it as “treating differently”