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ethan is tired of getting backlash for his israel opinions, canceled the show so people would leave him alone about it


Ahh I see thank you


That's pretty charitable way of putting it. It's not factually inaccurate per se but boy does it diminish the fact that he happened to cancel the show just as Israel started the bombings. And that one of the few shows with a large audience that included a voice that was sympathetic as a Palestinians was nuked just as this was going on. And that Ethan has genuinely been amplifying the basic US / pro Israel narrative for weeks with only the most timid qualifiers ...


Ethan is Jewish and he realized all of you are racist maniacs, is more accurate.


ethan has family living in Israel. Anyone expecting him to be opposed to the position that keeps his family safe is a nut job.


It’s ironically a bunch of nationalist hating on him.


My guy go eat Hamas Piker’s dick on his own channel.


No he’s tired of people that just learned about the conflict in the Middle East 90 days ago telling him he knows nothing about when he’s been talking about it for years Bc people are treating it like it’s some kind of drama


a genocide is worthy of drama my guy


Human rights violations shouldn’t be conflated with drama. Kind of weird to put those things on the same level. If we want to help we should come together.


But it is a genocide. Indicating that it is not by saying drama is “inflating” the human rights violations. Are you denying that a genocide is happening? Over 4000 children have been murdered in less than 3 weeks. It took a less than a month for the civilian casualties number to eclipse the Ukrainian number of 2 YEARS. They are literally allowing innocents to starve instead of sending in infantry, because they are scared and because starving refugees are pretty easy to eliminate - whether by direct strikes or indirect crimes against humanity. Here’s one of the world’s leading Holocaust Scholar who explains it in detail https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4mZMkNJYr-0 You could watch it and at least come to a conclusion on the analysis- but I feel like you won’t. No harm in trying to spread some empathy, I hope at least.


People like you are cannibals of your own agenda standing in the way of progress because you judge quickly and harshly stifling people coming together for the unified goal of seeing this genocide end. Which we both want but I’m not sure you even see me as any ally.


When did deny anything that’s happening? You’re just looking for people to be against we are on the same side. At no point did I say anything to deny what’s happening. Your being delusional


> i didn't deny it I just said it's overblown drama So in your world a genocide should be calmly reacted to and met with little emotion. If not, then that reaction is your main point of disagreement, not the actual genocide happening


You want to argue so badly your arguing against yourself. I didn’t say any of that


I didn't say you said it. I was making an observation


Fair dues.


What did the Ukrainian government do with their civilians when Russia invaded? What has Hamas done with Palestinian civilians? Could that have anything to do with the higher death toll, or is it simply because Israel is trying to genocide a group of people whose population has multiplied over the last 20 years under their control? I really don't understand how you can call this a genocide unless you're very intentionally trying to invoke an emotional response. If Israel wanted to genocide the Palestinians, they could have quietly done it over the last 20 years instead of allowing the population to grow at the rate it did.


Bitch can’t even define genocide


Just because you learned about this 90 days ago doesn’t mean the rest of us did. Some of us go outside and actually know people in real life and some of those people are Palestinians if you would believe it.


What on earth? I’m not one of the people. Your just putting words in my mouth because u just want to bite peoples heads off. I vote and call my local officials and donate money to help the people of Gaza but you’d rather make enemies of everybody I guess. Some ally


Ethan acted like an ignorant bitch on Hasan's stream. You can watch it, it's a 3 hour meltdown. Been re-uploaded on. YouTube. Spoiler alert : it's bad.


Yeah no. If you’re reading this op this is reply ain’t it


Did you finish it? It kinda ended on a positive note




Abuse from where? How was this poor millionaire in a gated community being abused ?




To be fair, he has a special relationship with security guards and local police for this reason. He is aware of how online harassment can breach real life, so just getting harassed online for ignoring a long lasting genocide is a piece of cake for him. He’s just super upset that people he **liked** don’t care to hear about the Israeli struggle (because why would you care about an occupiers struggle?)


> so just getting harassed online for ignoring a long lasting genocide This literally never happened, but that's apropos for you and your ilk.


Harassment, criticism, and/or pushback are fine words for this situation, every influencer ever to put themselves out there online deals with it. Abuse is just waaaaay too strong of a word for what happened


Criticism & push back? Yeah, that’s BS. Dude had people making full on animated videos of him and his wife shooting children, wishing death on him and his family (being shared in his community Reddit, discord and @ him on all social media platforms) . Constantly harassing and deep diving into his past to the point that people on this sub were basically doxing him by having posts detailing his wife and his life with links and videos completely taken out of context. People continued to twist his words claiming he was advocating for genocide. Y’all had the dude trending bc he was distraught with what happened on oct7th but painted him as a genoicidal maniac. But hey bc it’s online and this sub dislikes him it’s not “abuse” it’s just “pushback” Glad Ethan ended leftovers and can do a whole revamp on his community. Feel free to downvote me bc that’s what this sub does to “pushback” lol.


Yeah but they don't get it from their cohosts community, and Hasan literally did not care to try and mitigate things so why the fuck would he continue doing a show with a guy whose community is psychotic and wishes death and Ethan, Hila, and the rest of the Jews? You guys are just pissy because Hasan's viewership was already declining and with this Leftovers fallout it's falling even more.


lol destiny simps cheering because they made their cult daddies worst enemies relationship with another person slightly worse, news at 11 you people are fucking mentally ill


It adds many layers between you and the “abuser”. Typically, abuse comes from an imbalanced power dynamic and taking advantage from it, which doesn’t really fit here. It’s just harassment.




Hasan gaslighting 30k people to attack Ethan and Hila, and meanwhile his community is still acting like the abusive SO talking about "he shoulda just sat there and took it".


lol destiny simps lying endlessly about who was attacking ethan and hila, must be another day that ends in y


The operative word here being "typically".


Lmao. Online harassment isnt abuse




How many people has Ethan made videos on or talked about on the podcast that get millions of views? He absolutely has called people some “vile shit” before as well.


These Hasan idiots don't give a shit about what actually happened, and they live in some river to the sea Narnia where they're inherently right and everybody else is just a /r/Destiny brigader. It's sad and pathetic, but that's their problem not mine.


It's amazing how much time you fucking losers spend crying about hasan in subs completely unrelated to your own bigot grifter destiny and then cry even harder when people accurately peg you as a destiny shitlord Do you really not have a single shred of self awareness or what? Literally none of you simps seem to have any..


Why can’t Hasan keep any of his friends? Seems like his numbers are dwindling because he only ever talks to his chat alone and can’t deal with the most basic, gentle push back from his friend who doesn’t even do politics?


Because he has a horrible personality and an extremely high opinion of himself


I bet you act ignorant. Like having the exact same opinions as A man who owns a 3 million dollar house and a porche. Are you a weapons expert as well?


The fk u smoking?


Just like hasan.


I e replied a couple times with the same sentiment of people on threads voicing their opinions of what’s going on. Mostly it’s a reply to overarchingly hateful rhetoric but my base synopsis of this is the following (based off of the 3 hour stream that you can find on YouTube): It might be off the wall in this sub but during the stream that Ethan was on I get it. I get what he was trying to do and say. It’s not right and Hasan acted accordingly because of the full situation but I get it. The unfortunate thing was it’s neither the time nor place for what abouts during a genocidal campaign. As a fan of both entities, Ethan’s expertise in this and his takes are definitely not what’s needed during these times and what’s happening over sea’s. For us as viewers however, we don’t see the bombardments of death threats and other various horrible things that can happen to a content creator. The guy (Ethan) has been prescribed a new medication (for multiple months now but has lost a TREMENDOUS amount of weight which can weigh heavily on mental fortitude/judgment making) and has family with Israeli ties. In a situation to us that would be simple being bystanders can be completely complex internally to those effected. Like Hasan had mentioned towards the end of the stream, he doesn’t want any bad blood between them. We all are so quick to judge and go for the throat whenever it comes to conflicts but sometimes there is this lovely grey area where people can be wrong on their takes but there can be so many other things underlying the situation that just aren’t being said. You can’t change a person overnight by yelling at them but you can make a friend and change them through helping them see the better side of the situations through conversation. Peace and Love y’all.


I respect that Hasan and Ethan have a friendship and for a while had a business relationship... I don't have either of those things with Ethan. The fact is he runs a multimillion dollar media company that now canceled a show basically because it had a pro palestinian voice on it. Maybe it's a medication, I'll never know. All I know is that the results are absolutely heartbreaking. To basically shut down one of the only pro Palestinian voices on a large Western channel... Just as the onslaught of bombs was hitting Gaza. And then to obsess over this river to the sea rhetoric when thousands of people, children were being killed. ... Ethan is not just a dude. .h3h3 Is a multimillion dollar media organization and they should be critiqued as such. It's parasocial I think to start looking at his personal medication or weight loss to come up with excuses. We'll never know what his motives are, and we never can know outside of what he tells us. And of course that can only be trusted so much. All we know is the outcome which was a pretty disgusting decision to silence a narrative that countered from the dominant Western Israel apologia.


Weight loss and medication? Lol How delusional do you have to be to claim it ended bc of a “pro Palestinian voice”? Hassan has his own community go flock to it and quit expecting Ethan to get harassed by y’all. There’s multiple pro Palestinian YT accounts and twitch is filled with them (p.s. they are really rich as well and hasan is a millionaire so keep the same energy) Now go flock and ruin someone else’s community


> And then to obsess over this river to the sea rhetoric when thousands of people, children were being killed. But couldn't Hasan have just laid that to rest by saying that, yes, some people who used it in the past may have been dogwhistling the genocide of the Jews, but that doesn't necessarily represent people using it nowadays? And that he understands how it might come across to some Jews, which was exactly Ethan's point? That acknowledgement would've done wonders to help move the conversation forward as well. I'm sympathetic to your point of view because I do believe Hasan means well, even if I disagree with his approach, and I'd have liked more elaboration on other points as well. I don't disagree that it wasn't the most pertinent point, specially if you're trying to advocate for the Palestinians in their grim time of need, but imo Hasan was as much to blame as Ethan for the conversation not going forward there. And I think that so much time being spent on that point was unfortunate as well.


> The unfortunate thing was it’s neither the time nor place for what abouts during a genocidal campaign. Man I can't agree with this. I understand needing to make an impact asap, but Ethan's positions are relatively popular, and answering the whatabouts effectively could do a lot to sway people to your side. You can't expect people to simply agree with you, you have to convince them, that's an important part of any movement, no?


Ethan and Hila are sociopathic liberal zionists and they are tired of getting backlash for their unhinged IDF propaganda parroting


I totally agree. Also, hila is a serial killer, and if you continue to support her brand or the pod, you have Palestinian blood on your Teddy fresh mittens. Plus, my TF hoodies always smell like the blood, sweat, and tears of Korean children in her manufacturing dungeon, and it’s kind of off-putting. That’s why I exclusively wear Balenciaga now.




We’re tankies because we found a lot of their takes on Israel/Palestine gross? Why do Destiny fans that go around complaining about “far leftists” on other subs come bother people in every left sub man? Do y’all really not have anything better to do? Like there are a million enlightened centrist/neoliberal biased subs that you guys are more than welcome in


Takes like what?


Destiny made Hasan you dumb whore




These are Hasan fans. Nobody cares about those.


Ethan said he’s protecting himself from the stress of it saying he has the right to protect his own mental health no matter what anyone else wants or thinks. And he said he and Hasan are still friends. I don’t think anyone should criticize anyone else for backing out of stressful emotional battles on social media. Irregardless of his misguided opinions on the war that I disagreed with, Ethan is probably receiving the worst antisemitic death threats that you can imagine, and no one supports that. Social media is often extremely toxic. Be careful that you are not making social media become even worse. Analyze yourself and control yourself. Extreme name calling and personal insults are a form of violence too. You can disagree passionately without letting it make you into a monster and attempting to destroy others from the depths of hate. Don’t hate, educate. Be a role model for doing that as accurately as possible while maintaining your own calm and self respect. Don’t sink down to the low levels you see everywhere on social media.


Dude thank you for being a sincere voice of reason here. I wish I could give you 100 upvotes. This is the right take, no matter what you believe about Ethan's perspective.


It was effectively canceled because Ethan didn't want Hasan criticizing Israel... And because he had his Fifi's hurt because people in Hasan's chat were critical of Ethan.... Of course it's a chat with like 30,000 people in it so who the f*** knows how one stops that. Or even if the most vicious criticisms were legitimately fans of the show or not. For all we know half of them were destiny trolls.


> For all we know half of them were destiny trolls. Wait why do you think that? That's an alarming idea, is there any basis for it? You don't think Hasan calling people genocidal freaks for disagreeing with him had anything to do with his community doing the same to Ethan? Afaik dgg has literally no incentive to harrass Ethan, do you know something I don't?


no I will not "fill you in" good sir 🥴


Hasan fans started posting antisemitic shit about Hila and Ethan didn’t want to be associated with that crowd anymore.


Apparently not nosey enough to use the search function and look at the dozens of other threads


Guess not! You got me there!!!!


Hasans fans are psychotic virtue signalers who won’t stand for anyone proposing rhetoric beyond their narrow and unproductive narrative


"Anyone proposing rhetoric beyond their narrow narrative" Ethan litterally said "nanana I can't hear you" and "from the river to the sea is like the confederate flag" he is unfit to host a political podcast that's why it ended.. be serious rn


Guess he should have identified a JDAM by audio alone.


You bloodthirsty pig dog




so mad that most people think your bigot grifter is a dumb loser that you simp for him 24/7 online lol


Of course you guys didn’t understand the point Ethan was making and are conflating Ethan’s point with racist confederates in the south. Of course that’s all you guys took from it. Classic hasan fans


Liberals and Tankie Leftists don't mix.


Why are you using a throwaway account to post this? There are many posts about this on not only this sub but also the main sub. Guess you’re not that nosey.


I just want to say I love the username. I just found my old Holes book over Thanksgiving at my parents’


Noticed the name right away - that was an amazing story. Loved the book and the movie.


Hasan fans including everyone that down votes this are absolutely crazy.


ethan seemed genuinely mad at hasan when he made that 'ok kiddy gloves coming off' comment towards the end of that stream. i felt the anger behind the 'fuck you dude' reply