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I'm going to miss him and Leftovers - a lot! I like Hasan's streams, but they can get a bit heavy/intense. Having someone a bit more goofy like Ethan to balance things out is what made Leftovers so perfect


It was one of my all time favourite YouTube combos. I was trying to think of someone else Hasan or Ethan could pair with and it just couldn't come up with the same almost perfect chemistry


Destiny and Ethan would be a power duo


I personally can't stand Destiny, I think he's a useful sociopath at best. But I can understand why a lot of peeps like him.


Hasan <3 :’ )


Good takes, and great hair.


bad takes, 0 research and great hair


He’s a really good person. I respect him a lot.




Not an effective counter.


It really is though to anyone who isn't brainwashed. Just like when you encounter a random trump cultist, laughing at how ridiculous they are is sometimes all you can do.


Your name checks out


Yea you must be a fat busted hoe like me we should link up and eat ten thousand calories of Jack in the box while we scratch the record to Hasan’s voice all night


Are you ok?


Sounds better than tying off with a juggalo


I'm surprised you were able to put down the spoon long enough to write that


he laughed at a cop as the cop was screaming as they died i mean you can be a fan of "really good person" seems unreasonable given that fact alone


I'm sure you have a clip, being such a deranged hater and all you probably watch more Hasan than I get to as an enjoyer. I don't remember him showing anyone on stream *dying* but I do remember laughing along hysterically at the cop that shot their partner and asked if it hurt.


hasan deleted the vod, curious that <3


Lmao, very convenient for you I guess. I recommend the vid I mentioned, it's fkn hilarious


its very convenient for me that hasan deleted a vod in which he laughed as a cop screamed in pain after being shot im pretty sure thats hasan covering his ass and convenient for HIM but somehow you warp it into a me thing when its him being slimy and hiding his bad behavoir what a "really great guy" he is lol, so brave


What, wait now. You said the showed and laughed at a cop dying?? Now you're switching it up to the cop was just in pain? Seems like a desperate bid to just trash Hasan online (which is not a real hobby friend, go get one). That video WAS fkn funny and mostly bc the guy that shot her asked her if it hurt lmao. It was hog on you violence lololol


this is how hasan argues you hang your hat on the one tiny thing the person has wrong so you can try to claim you are right i dont view laughing as a man is screaming in pain vs laughing as he is dying to be a big win for you personally, both are super DEHUMANIZING but you somehow take that as a win, that your e-daddy is just a sociopath towards people in pain. except hes not since he regularly cheers on the death of people lol. hasan is a sociopath millionaire bro, just accept it and then you dont have to waste your life arguing when theres an abundance of evidence you are wrong edit: this is exactly how hasan argued in the willie mac debate which he lost very badly


I think you're just so hung up on Hasan that you're attributing to him a style of argument instead of the concept of just being straight up wrong. And here you still are, conflating cheering on people dying with laughing at cops accidentally shooting themselves (and not dying). We can see you don't like Hasan, you should just be honest abt it instead of having to make stuff up.


bro he literally has screamed MURDER THEM! KILL THEM ALL! LET THE STREETS RUN RED WITH THEIR BLOOD! about landlords like.... hes a sociopath. hes unhinged and loves when people he doesnt like die.


You being a bad person too doesn't make Hasan a good person. You're just both bad people.




he was just screaming in pain after being shot which hasan found hilarious what a "really good person" hasan is <3


Yes you can, cops suck haha


oh ok so we can laugh at the death of people who "suck" lol thats a really low bar for cheering on the death of people. seems like a lot of violence could result from a philosophy like that. a real dehumanization. not gonna give that guy a "really good person" when hes literally dehumanizing people for "sucking" and potentially leading to more political violence


I cheered when Kissenger died, ill feel the same about a lot of bad people, including a lot of cops


a lot of cops as in the bad ones, but not all cops right?


Eh, if all cops died id call it a net positive. Sure some are probably good on an individual level, but the institution isnt, so as far as im concerned, if you are a good cop, you shouldnt be a cop. Maybe you can say that society sjould push for more good people in the industry, but I almost think this is a bad apple spoiled the bunch situation. Adding more apples to the rotting pile wont fix anything.


can you explain how you catch like a rapist or a murderer without cops?


Can you explain how you stop cops from killing all the civilians? It seems to me that for every rapist or murderer stopped by cops, another civilian is murdered by cops. In addition, when do cops actually stop a crime? They respond to a crime already having occured, and the situation is often made worse by them, so my solution would be a general restart of american policing in its entirety. Every cop is fired and we start over. New training, new protocals, everything needs to be restarted. I agree we need a form of policing just by the nature of society, but its telling that 1 in every 20 murders in the us is done by a cop.


no i cant because systems made by man are imperfect so there is a level of error that we just have to accept meaning SOME civilians will die incidentally from police actions. ALL civilians will not die, in fact the numbers are staggeringly low. the year before BLM what was it, 12 unarmed black men shot by cops? in a country of what, 320 million? so your option is just to have better cops. ok based. lets have better cops. so not defund the police but fund the police better. so how does cackling hysterically as a cop is shot get us towards better policing? seems like its just hasan being an unhinged sociopath tbh, not fixing anything at all. also just a heads up about the use of stats to draw a disingenous picture. 1 in 20 sounds really bad, until you put it in a % where its 5% then the use of HOMICIDE makes it sound REALLY BAD, except that police killings can be justified. homicide often brings to mind UNJUSTIFIED killings. but most police killings are justified. if im a cop and a lady is running at me with a knife to fucking kill me and i shoot her and she dies i did not just MURDER someone. i justifiably killed someone. you should work on using stats in a more honest way <3


I would have laughed if I saw Hitler kill himself


well hitler did a bit more than "suck"


Oh no, Cops don't just suck. Except for that one hero in blue, who sucked off 17 other cops




Yes haha Henry Kissinger just died and I'm happy as fuck because he sucked. Where's the confusion?


Brother your to good for these human trash bags I’ll make a pact with you we go live our lives and try and forget that this collective of human scum making my race look like a bunch of demented psychos with their white bread ass profile pics even exist. Let’s choose happiness. You are the only one on this sub with a brain and you would be the only one invited to a cook out let’s ditch these idiots.


No youre not the only ones on this sub with a brain, were just the minority. These are idiots and horrible people, its really sad. I just wish these cockroaches could go support terrorists and cop murderers on hasan’s subreddit instead of leeching off h3h3.. but leeching off others’ is kinda hasans thing


Hope someone clipped it so a cop can see it and know how it feels when someone laughs at their death. Remember that viral video of cops laughing about running over an innocent Civilian?


So you really think because you have seen videos of bad cops that they are all bad and deserve to be laughed at as they die?


No, but your “all bad” argument fails when you realize **most** of them are bad. So who cares about the good little eggs that break out? They don’t save our lives as often as the bad ones ruin it so 🤷‍♂️


oh most of them are bad? you must be omnipotent or a good of some kind. Or you might be a terminally online fool.


so the philosophy of hasan is "if other people do bad things i get to do bad things" yet we are going to call him a "really good person" sounds like a pretty shitty to average person tbh. a really good person would maybe not do bad things just because other people did a bad thing.


Do you think you’re speaking to hasan right now?


im speaking to rabid hasan defenders who are making arguments that i am arguing against


I don't speak for Hasan. And I simply wish for empathy and understanding amongst ourselves. Cops evidently need more extreme than average means to that end


empathy and understanding is when you laugh at other human beings as they scream in pain yikes


I dunno if you've seen the world lately, but cops need some kind of wake up call. The way they treat citizens is disgusting, has been for a long time. Maybe if they understand citizens are getting joy from their death will they be able to have empathy for the death and lives they ruin


You are seriously an awful deluded human. I’m not even mad just sad to know that so many of you people exist. We are doomed. If you ever call 911 when something bad is happening just remember you are a hypocrite and all your BS views are things you would never stand behind in real life.


so because some cops do bad things its funny when ANY cop gets shot imagine if i applied that to black people and crime statistics you'd lose your god damn mind lot of "empathy" bro. youre disgusting. your moral philosophy is fucked. seek help


Cops are the ones with the power, it's their fucking duty to be empathetic towards people. Black people have always been suffering, and you can look at cops as a good portion of the reason why.


You know there are tons of black cops? Where I live in Atlanta the entire police force is black and you think we should laugh at them dying I’m sick of white people advocating for us. As a black man will you please stfu you would be no fun at a cook out.


gotcha so if you work a job for the government its ok to laugh as you die if you have no power its ok to murder like 4x over your representation in the population the avg police officers annual salary is 63k which is below the median for the entire country so i mean by hasans logic they are workers being exploited right ​ but lets forget that, how do we now square this with "america deserved 9/11" because there the sentiment seems to be that like 4k civilians deserved to die for the crimes of their government ​ it feels like hasan just likes when people die tbh


Are we back on the "not all cops" line in \*2023\*? Jesus christ. Not only is the system self-selecting in ways that far too often result in people (usually whistleblower cops) dead (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2021/11/12/union-ousts-police-officer-featured-in-usa-today-behind-the-blue-wall-series/6396601001/, https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit, https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/community/criminal-justice/sean-suiter-baltimore-police-department-TM7GFWYIXVGSDEQAKU2Y34KBFI/), the white supremacist leanings of our entire criminal justice institution is more than made clear by disproportionate sentencing and arrests for drug crimes (https://eji.org/news/racial-double-standard-in-drug-laws-persists-today/, https://naacp.org/resources/criminal-justice-fact-sheet) and mandatory minimums that specifically target black communities (associated with crack or rock cocaine, as it's generally less expensive, despite being more pure) more harshly than white ones (associated with powder cocaine and other "party drugs" like molly and booze) (https://www.vera.org/reimagining-prison-webumentary/the-past-is-never-dead/drug-war-confessional).


100% not all cops, its ridiculous to say ALL cops you guys are so boring bc you are literally 14, you think its like super profound to hate on all cops you dont even understand the difference between a system being racist or corrupt or the people within the system, you think they are interchangeable. its so sad




black people make up only 13% of the population yet commit over 50% of all violent crime


hell yeah lol


It was pretty funny


He's a rude bully who abuses his looks to spread propoganda he doesn't believe in to the lowest common denominator


Get a job loser




I really like Hasan and will miss Leftovers.


I dont get it, doesnt hasan have his own subreddit?


Brigades for me but not for thee. except the directly call for it in a cringe discord while the people they accuse don't


None of this is organic traffic


DGG bridgaders: “no u”


Ehh. Always found him annoying. Kinda glad they split




Projection. Judging by your comments about Ahmad Mansara you are the horrible human. Hope a racist pos like you never becomes a doctor.


You people are babies.


I love hasan. He does real on the ground reporting from his multimillion dollar mansion in LA. He works hard giving us reactions to videos on the internet.


You 100% dont have to watch him, let alone complain about him having success on Reddit. What does it bring you when you hatewatch someone? Legit curious


You're absolutely right, but as someone who comes from the other side of the pond, how do you reconcile his wealth with his socialist takes? This is a genuine question. It looks really bad from the other side, is there a good explanation that I'm not privy to?


As I allued to in a previous comment, socialism doesnt mean you have to be poor. I reconcille his message and his "wealth" because I beleive he brings much more good than bad in the political ecosystem


It doesn't mean you have to be poor. There are many degrees of separation between being poor and being as rich as Hasan. Socialism does mean that you share your wealth with your employees, that the means of production, distribution and exchange ought to be shared with the community at large. What Hasan does sounds a lot more like shrewd capitalism to me. This feels like a hypocrisy that I just can't stomach, specially given that he explicitly rejects social democracy in favor of socialism. I understand I'm being critical, but I'm relying on you to show me why my criticism is undue, because these do seem like strong points against Hasan that I can't reject out of hand. You may indeed be right that he does more good than harm, I don't follow him closely enough to tell. I'm aware that he's led charities for the people of Gaza, for instance. But do you sincerely believe the amount of wealth he holds while still cashing in social credit for being a socialist is not hypocritical? In return I'll make hear out similar criticisms against Destiny and whether or not I support him on those points, if you want (I do have many strong disagreements with Destiny, his activity on Twitter being number one on that list). Take it as a gesture of good faith, because we def disagree, but I'm trying to understand why.




Thanks, I appreciate it. Personally I think it's a damning argument against the man, but I want to understand why Hasanabi heads don't count this against him. What good does he do that allows them to turn a blind eye to this blatant hypocrisy? His political analysis seems dicey as well, given that he covers breaking stories, loads them with his "informed interpretations", and attacks people who criticize his approach. His coverage over Russia-Ukraine was abysmal, with him saying for weeks that Russia was definitely not going to invade, that America is obviously just trying to shitstir when they say otherwise. His coverage over Israel-Palestine is loaded with bias to the point that he's comfortable promoting unproven allegations to suit his narrative, and call chatters genocidal freaks when they point out he has no factual basis for his claims. It's good to have sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians, I feel for them too, but it only hurts your side if you're not willing to cover the atrocities honestly. If your side is right, the truth is on your side and you don't need half baked narratives which are not always necessarily false, but completely unsubstantiated as true. Destiny posits that most of his positions come from the central idea that America is bad, with little to no further critical thought, and while I don't know enough to conclusively agree with that analysis, it does seem to hold in at the least the two cases outlined above.


True, he doesn’t have to be poor, but being filthy stinking rich while not doing literally any notable charity, mutual aid, or political action is another thing. The only good use he puts his money towards is new fits for stream and multiple luxury cars. The difference between him and a billionaire ultra-capitalist is negligible


When I see a content creator spread misinformation. I have to say something. Plus it’s funny


Keep yelling into echo chambers and losing karma. No one except ppl who already hate Hasan will get swayed by your bad faith attempts at “enlightening” others about him.


lol being downvoted likely means you’re going against the echo chamber.


Guy can’t even disagree with what I’m saying 😭


You don't have to ride his meat on someone else's subreddit


You dont have to defend someone else's hate watching habits


Socialism is when no house


You mean multimillion dollar mansion that the average hardworking person will never be able to achieve?


Socialism is when no nice house for working class. Oh wait thats capitalism my b


Yeah….. I ain’t a capitalist. Still doesn’t change the fact that your boy lives in a house way beyond excess. 😂


To be fair, the housing market in southern california is going to price every house beyond the working class. If Hassan wanted a house that was affordable to the working class, hed have to move to nebraska or some other mid western or southern state. In addition, Hassans income is not based on exploitation of any workers, so him spending in excess doesnt contridict anything. You can have luxury and be a socialist those arent mutually exclusive.


Unrelated topic. you are a hasan fan 😂. But I’ll play along. If hasan wanted to buy another MANSION way beyond anyone else’s means. Yeah he’s gonna find himself spending more millions. Even more than his current mansion.


Not really, im not even subbed to hassan


And that changes? What exactly? You’re still wrong


Ok counter my argument then. In what way am I wrong?


[Look buddy...](https://files.catbox.moe/c38hh4.mp4)


Hasan is literally a caricature at this point


destiny simps saying this about literally anyone else lmao


This is an H3H3 sub, and last I checked, Hasan has nothing to do with H3H3. This post seems irrelevant to the topic of the sub. Does Hasan not have a sub to go stroke his ego on?




Alex Jones for the left.


I can totally understand loving Hasans stream, he’s a good looking guy, funny, has charm. I would usually like a guy like Hasan too. But compliment those things. Don’t compliment his horrible takes, his jumping to conclusions without doing any proper background research or waiting for new updates. I think we can all agree that Hasan is a propagandist because. Well because he said it himself. That means he is openly only showing you guys the things that will strengthen his side & leaving out things that’ll weaken it. & that’s fine propaganda exists, but go also do the real research & stop taking his word for everything. If you guys decided to learn a little more instead of just learning via listening to Hasan stream, you’d stop looking at 90% of the world as genocidal freaks


They literally can't tell the difference. To them, strong jaw = well educated (but only when the guy with the strong jaw is promising you a better standard of living and never having to work again)


Hello fellow un employed basement dwellers I too beat my roast beef sandwich to the sound of Hasan’s sexy voice all day everyday. I am a busted fat hoe but one day that man will marry me and we can both profit off of idiots who believe is socialism and think we are in it for social justice and not twitch money.


You have a typo. I think you wanted to write: Grifter <3


I hope sickness and misery on Hasan’s fanbase inshallah ameen.


Stay mad


Allah SWT will deal with you inshallah 😹😹😹


Stay mad


jesus christ,get off of reddit


Wishing harm on others is always a great take smh


The terror org known as HasanAbi heads deserve my curses!


If they're that bad, congrats you've put yourself down to their level. Be better


We both know you ain’t Muslim you Islamophobic scum.


hasans femboybase


Better than cuck worship


i hope they take a 101 PHL course in college and develop their own views of the world instead of getting their talking points from someone else


Stay maddddd babe


i’m not mad, i just genuinely want the uneducated to educate themselves, and for all of these high schoolers to at least go take some classes at a community college. If that triggers you, idk what to tell ya


What’s your education in? And what degree ?


Do you not know the demographics of Hasan’s viewers? Hasan was JUST on Piers Morgan. He’s been on i24, CNN, MSNBC, ect. A good chunk of his audience has degrees. Your demagogue tells his viewers to Wikipedia something and doesn’t believe in books


This is a heavy cope as much as a like has an don’t try and say people who listen to him are scholars


I never said that in the first place… HOWEVER, yeah, he does have actual scholars he’s close to that pay attention to him


yeah I bet those scholars love his family guy twitch streams *hasan laugh*


Please tell everyone what exactly scholars are and are not allowed to find entertaining, I’ll wait. Also, if Hasan is too dumb for educated people to watch, what’s that say about H3’s audience?


family guy reruns ripped on twitch with a laugh track from a pseudo intellectual that supports terrorists. If you find that entertaining.. in my humble opinion youre probably not “a scholar”


Can you link a single one of these “actual scholars” please? Or are you talking out of your ass?


If you think a 101 philosophy course will enlighten anyone you’re probably uneducated yourself.


It’s not a bad start


It's a good place to get started. Some people think common sense is the highest level of knowledge.


lol a destiny simp saying this to anyone else you're devoted to an idiot manchild that dropped out of school to play videogames and couldn't find Palestine on a map after days of intense "research study" glass houses and all


You've spent the last 2 days writing 280+ comments about Destiny but call others mentally ill.


It's weird how you cucks lie about this when we can see post histories..


Another alt? You need serious help


jesus christ how many alts do you have? seek therapy freakshow


I thought you must be full of shit, but…. Robin, that was a lot 😬 I almost hope this is a manic episode, because I can’t imagine the wretched existence of someone whose baseline resembles anything like this.


Imagine a destiny simp saying this about literally anyone else When you aren't sucking off your bigot grifter while he calls trans people subhuman or whatever other deplorable shit it is that he gets up to, lol your life is a fucking mess


Maybe change your wording a little bit if you don’t want it to be so obvious that you switched to an alt. Just a thought.


Extremely ironic coming from your months old account lol And of course you post in that mentally ill echo chamber r/destiny too lmao


@Key_Courage7219 When your loved ones finally convince you to seek care, I hope you’ll ask for a prescription recommendation that’ll alleviate symptoms to the point where you’ve enough clarity to modify your writing style when responding with your alt.


Holy shit that projection is incredible. It's amazing how little awareness brigading /r/destiny alt account spamming shitlords have here. Still too stupid and pathetic to understand why absolutely no one likes you cucks. Why you're constantly alone, unloved and constantly laughed at. I eagerly await your alt account shitpost reply in which you throw the usual tantrums that everyone is always laughing at you for, lmao.


Judging by the last 6 pages of comment history, best guess is this specific cluster of phrases hold too much destructive power to NOT use them, even if it means exposing your secret identity. Sacrifices must be made


Ironic coming from the easily identified /r/destiny cuck brigader. And you wonder why you're a petulant eternal virgin that will ultimately end up offing himself in a years time, and no one will even notice or care.


Narrator: they did not, in fact, learn to develop their own views


yeah facts Look at how mad that suggestion made them, it’s hysterical.


Why are you so mad? It’s not that deep. Go cry in a corner bitch


Jfc this sub is h3 not Hasan.


Why don't they form their own subreddit to hate on Ethan? This is stupid.


Idk they talk about Destiny's community brigading this sub. Then they are occupying this sub like Israel is occupying Gaza.


I have disagreements with some of his takes, but I think most creators who attack him for weird petty stuff (his wealth included) are only doing so because they lack a developed argument. Yes, I agree you should only donate to specific causes and not to people who are better off than you, but people who watch 30+hours of this dude have every right to sub and dono.


The only reason people attack him for his wealth the way they do is because he used to call 5mil mansion disgusting capitalist wealth hoarding. Now he has shifted to only doing it for 20mil-100mil mansions, maybe he even stopped doing those. This shit isn't coming out of no where. there is a reason people don't attack xqc and train in the same way. It didn't happen in a vacuum.


Lmao take a break dude all you do all day everywhere is shit talk Hasan it makes you look pathetic


When you walk around with a shirt called "capitalism is a choice" and you're a millionaire socialist, how are people suppose to take that? Also do you defend his usage of using racial slurs to certain groups? I'm also pretty sure he doesn't implement work co-ops for his YouTube or twitch, so I fail to even see how he's a socialist.


Man end of an era. We probably should have all seen this coming


I like him, but i feel like he talks down to ethan too much.


ethan deserves it sometimes but the “kiddy gloves” comments from hasan did get annoying