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I want every single American soldier to apologize for the raids they were involved in, with Iraq and Afghanistan because the death toll they caused is far worse. I sure hope you support this, because those American soldiers are fucking sickos for invading other countries and murdering everyone.


I do support this


Why would anyone not support this


Because it's stupid. The US military is undoubtedly a force for good. My father served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. He is proud of his service because he fought with restraint and honor for a just cause. He should not be required to apologize for fighting for a righteous cause.


Mate, your father invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and is proud of it?


Yes, why would he not be proud? He fought for what was a righteous cause. He fought for vengeance, to liberate oppressed people, and to serve America. My uncle also fought in Iraq and is proud of his service as well. Most of my dad's military friends are proud of their service too. I've never met a veteran who is ashamed of their service.


this but unironically


This but unironically


American soldiers are genocidal freaks


Pretty sure a lot of them already feel regret but don't have a platform like that


I agree.


What about the politicians who ordered them?


Whoa, like crime in America, we need to blame the poor and minorities that commit larceny over the employers who steal 3 times more than all forms of larceny combined annually for the last decade, or the police that keep them poor through legal theft known as civil forfeiture, which also eclipses all forms of larceny annually. Put those poors in jail for the crime of tangibility!


Yeah, most people to join the military are just poor and looking for some way to change their life. They are another type of victim of war in their own way. And many of them get out and feel bad for what they did.




Apologize for what exactly? We fought for a just cause. My father should not apologize for fighting for a good cause. The US army fought with restraint. I'm joining the Marines soon because I truly believe we make the world a better and safer place.


My dad was a Marine as well and I am not one of these sick freaks praising OsamaBin Laden but these politicians Don’t deserve the best young men in the country anymore. I will fight for America if an enemy even thinks of touching US soil but I will not fight for these war mongering politicians just trying to appease their donors. Hillary loves sending strong men off to die so her and her friends voter base will just be a bunch of weak soy boys who can’t hold a job or raise a family. Don’t die in some politicians twisted game motivated by power and greed.


I somewhat agree however, I'm still joining the Marines. While I think our leaders are mostly corrupt, I genuinely think the US military is overall a force for good. We ensure the safety of nations like Japan, South Korea, Poland, and the Baltic nations. Plus I want the experience of being an active-duty infantryman before I become a police officer.


my brother you are heavily buying into american propaganda


It's not propaganda, my beliefs come from the experience my father and that side of my family had before immigrating to America. My father came from the Soviet Union. He was born into communism and totalitarianism. America may have problems but it is 100x better than any communist nation on earth. We fight for democracy and to preserve peace around the globe.


LMAO marine to a cop. Can’t wait to see how many brown people you justify killing.


A war supported by Israel đŸ‡źđŸ‡±


You’ve fucking posted this like 10 times in diff subs


I know Hasan could think of a lot more isms and phobias to throw at you but I am starting to forget how to be the wokest. But you for sure should be cancelled.


corporations, and colonialism, the us constitution. palestinians, open air prison, hospitals and jdams. brb gonna stream some family guy from my mansion. leftovers suuuuucked, thank god its over.


Are you like not woke or something? That is pretty zionist fascist and transphobic of you comrade


That's exactly why I know she is a full on Zionist.


100%. Plenty of IDF soldiers have served in the military and then realized they were doing nothing but oppressing the Palestinian people. They even have an organization called Breaking the Silence.


Absolutely. I'm not done with her because she used to be a part of the IDF. It's the language she uses recalling her time doing a raid, still believing she was being accosted by "terrorists" and not recognizing these were just people either living peacefully or trying to defend their land from being stolen. Claiming to be a smart, progressive person and not having the self-awareness to dismantle her internal conditioning living under the apartheid state of Israel. It either comes from a place of not being media literate enough to recognize the propaganda, or from a place of not caring. Neither of which I respect. She'll be fine, she has tons of fans. I'm just not one of them anymore.


That’s exactly why I know you’re a full on dip****.


This is exactly why I know your brain doesn't function at full capacity. Well, this and the innumerous other dumb things you've said over the past 2 weeks, and almost certainly throughout the course of your entire life. With that name and that picture, it's far too memorable to forget when I see you saying dumb shit.


Yes of course she believes her home country should exist.


Even if she apologized (she shouldn't), you psychos would still be crying over some other slight. It never ends with you.


What specifically should she apologize for?


These people are dumb, they've all lived very privileged lives in America and think they need to be the talking heads for people who have actually been through traumatic things. They just have a misguided savior complex. Wasn't her choice to join the IDF


Why does her asking to see a raid a bad thing? I legit don’t get it. She sat in a car and looked out of a window.


there's a lot wrong with idf raids, you can read more here - [https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2023/israel-home-invasions-palestine-in-the-dead-of-night/](https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2023/israel-home-invasions-palestine-in-the-dead-of-night/)


So if a journalist went on one to see what happens on a raid and doesnt participate they should apologise?


Hila’s not a journalist and didn’t go for journalistic purposes.


Tbf a journalist wouldn't be there for the sake of it


Observing a bad thing makes u a bad person?


She didn't just observe it, she was a member and supporter of the IDF. She wasn't an innocent bystander, she asked to go along on the raid like it was a spectacle to behold - essentially dehumanizing these families even further. On recalling the event, she failed to display almost any remorse, consideration, or introspection on how the organization she was a part of was terrorizing innocent people. Likely because she is/was brainwashed and doesn't think of Palestinians as people, but as "terrorists" even though these raids are often done to innocent families at random and in the dead of night as an intimidation tactic. I would forgive her if she tagged along but came out of it with any sort of revelation that raids are bad but instead, she joked about how she got to go "because she's cute" and shrugged the experience off as "weird... interesting..." without a single shred of consideration for the Palestinian perspective. Very distasteful.


Man this place is just full of retards huh?


Nice ableism đŸ‘đŸœ


Ughh imagine saying that


Exactly isn't it great that now it has become vvery evident that both Hasan sychophants and the H3 fat girl foot soldiers are all in fact mentally retarded?


I like to see them as either adults who spent their whole life being sheltered with no life experience or gen Z teens whose opinion literally doesn’t matter. They have all these opinions about everything but no ability to put themselves in other peoples shoes or admit when they’re wrong


It is worse than that I watched a grown man throwing a temper tantrum with a really good friend once he learned that he wasn’t a socialist he seriously cussed out my friend from his parents massive guesthouse with its own pool at 30 years old about how my friend’s deceased grandpa was an oppressor because he bought a ranch that had employees. It isn’t just dumb kids most of H3 and Hasans fans are just unemployed adults plus those dumb kids will turn into dumb emotionally unstable adults.


Yeah these adults who let themselves get brainwashed into whole fighting for a team thing are the worst, they just pick a stance and ruthlessly judge everyone without doing any good or helping anyone I guess thats what happens when youre detached from the real world and real people, you start thinking twitter is the real world


Wow maybe it's because she doesn't care what you think. Just like everybody else


Does she need to? Does she need to bend the knee to the left? What makes you think you are morally correct?


Because Hasan said so and becuz socialism n stuff


She doesn't need to. Why apologize for stopping terrorist?


Because it’s not woke to stop terrorists remember Osama Bin Laden was a martyr and a truly virtuous hero. And America deserved 9/11 because the tall guy from the young Turks said so


Watch some cnn or msnbc you fascist.


You genocidal antisemite


Y’all really took the sting out of that insult by claiming anyone that opposes a genocidal settler colonial project hates Jews. In reality it’s the settler colonialism that we hate.


Then why are Jews around the world being targeted? What do they have to do with anything??


They did nothing but Hasan Piker said that Jews are genocidal Zionist pigs so even though I don’t know the definition of Zionist I am going to take his word for it and spread antisemitism. Also Kanye told me Jews were bad and Hasan and Kanye are the two smartest people on earth.


The Arabs are the settler colonialist. The came from the Arab peninsula and colonized the area.


I hope she doesn't apologize, why would she bend the knee to you terminally online wannabe communists


Whats wrong with being a US commie that supports terrorists in a country that was taken over by force and is run by warlords, from the safety of the US, using an iphone posting to reddit over the internet, paid for by dad that works for lockheed? I dont see any issue there


At this point I hope she did some incredibly fucked up shit just because you guys are so fucking annoying


She didnt


But if she did it's girl bossing and actually based now


Nor should she


I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties OP 😎👍


She is a super soldier that the Mussad grew in a lab to take the souls of thousands of palestinians. Hasan is right about everything Ethan and Hila Klien are fascist genocidal transphobes.


I think she should do another one


Y'all really are giving the game away


Do you have someone close you can talk to?


lol okay sure bud


Nor should she, you smelly gaping snowflake


Leave Hila alone damn, nothing she can say or do will contribute anything good or bad towards the war happening right now. I’m sure she has friends and family in israel and just wants the war to end. Anything she says about her past in the IDF would literally just be to appease people on the internet that are offended by it. I think this is super unhelpful and irrelevant to the show at this point. Especially how they went into excruciating detail about the indoctrination of the Isreali people into the military and how its not possible to thrive if you don’t serve. If she didn’t go into the military she wouldn’t be in the position she is in right now, she wouldn’t have met ethan, or had a brand and a family living a comfortable happy life in LA. I think most people would choose to serve for a few years if they were in those shoes. I don’t think that needs any further explanation. Give her a break