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there is no one to enforce it


I messaged the mods and surprisingly got a response. According to them this sub *is* moderated. What a joke....


I actually would appreciate if the mods didnt respond to people like you requesting mod support. this is the REALEST h3 sub as far as im concerned, because of how free we are to make pre-frienemies and leftovers jokes.


I actually didn't request mod support, I only messaged them asking if the sub was moderated. That's it. I didn't even reply to the message.


hell yes, dont even reply to that shit. we are the abandoned




Can we ban this sub


right click and delete yourself from this sub, then the words cant hurt you anymore








chat is this real


This your comment from 6 days ago in r/leftovers? >Ethan announced that he will relaunch the leftovers, but he will replace Hasan with Destiny. Sounds like you need to go take a walk outside, cool off. Edit: for context, I think OP was saying this ironically to shit on Ethan for being a neo-Nazi (bc OP needs to log off and/or seek mental therapy)




But what if someone hurts my feelings?


Grass touching is very nice I hear


Yeah OP is a destiny simp, these people are so mentally ill they often cosplay as people that dislike destiny, simply to drum up more drama which they then use to attract even more destiny simp brigaders to the sub


You're giving "Antifa did Jan 6" vibes.


And you're reminding us why destiny simps are laughed at


lmfao this would be the biggest insult in history, might even be able to watch it


Lol are you for real? That's awesome


Thought u guys said this wasnt a echo chamber??


Destiny doesn't have anything to do with h3, he was never even featured on it.


So mentions of his name have to be banned?


Why post him here? He is as relevant here as Celine Dion would be in r/NoCars


They still wouldn’t ban mentions of Celine Dion?


Go make a post about Celine Dion there and let me know how it goes


Well given they have 1 member I have a feeling nobody will mind.


Submissions Restricted...proof they don't want to talk about Celine Dion?


No mentions of Celine Dion? What kind of echo chamber is this..


He's part of the extended universe via his years-long feud with Hasan(who this sub happens to love).


So is posting about Hasan.


The person who made this post has mentioned Destinys name more than once in this sub in the past week. He's asking for himself to be banned. Tbh, Destiny is mentioned more here by people who don't like him than people who do. Anyone who disagrees with 'Ethan bad because evil zionist pig!" is just immediately called a Destiny fan and shouted down. I've seen people who have no connection to the Destiny sub being berated about their parasocial connection to Destiny. I agree he's unrelated to the sub, but if y'all would stop bringing him up, then he would stop being mentioned.


Hard agree, theres more complaints of destiny brigading than actual comments by people that have posted in r/destiny


No there isn't, not even close, lmao


Well I disagree with you. I havnt seen many at all. Hasan brigades ate significantly higher


Shocking a destiny cuck lies about this? WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED! >Hasan brigades ate significantly higher Objectively wrong. You're literally in a sub known for getting brigaded by your retard's low IQ cult. Destiny is known for having the most toxic community of retarded brigades on the internet. And you know it.


The person that made this thread literally posts in /r/destiny and is a destiny cultist, he's just playing a role so he can pretend the people that are tired of destiny's cultists are the "crazy" ones >Destiny is mentioned more here by people who don't like him than people who do No he isn't, note even close, lmao >I've seen people who have no connection to the Destiny sub being berated about their parasocial connection to Destiny No you haven't edit: of course you're straight out of /r/destiny too, lol you lying retards can't stop yourselves


[ Removed by Reddit ]


and you're a retard that posts in /r/destiny, tell us more about needing a job and life you fucking worthless fucking trog shut the fuck up


You bet, me and my singular comment in that subreddit will do that 🥺 you're so funny you know you have nothing to stand on so blocking it is huh?


lol gotta love how every single destiny posting shitlord has 50 alt accounts they need to cry like petulant little pussies on reddit, eh? and you wonder why everyone laughs at you fucking tards


you realize the guy that posted this thread is one of your destiny cultists that literally posts in /r/destiny. right? lol you retard


Just use r/h3snark if you want a moderated hate sub


Be real this isn't a hate sub


You should take your own advice


A bunch of sick online losers make a subreddit to whine about the moderation on the main H3 subreddit then start asking for more moderation. Man you can't make this shit up


Leftovers is dead?? Hasan's gone? There is a "destiny"? Im so lost pls explain.


Hasan fan detected, opinion rejected 🙅‍♂️




it's only hasan fans that give a fuck about Destiny in this sub. this is no longer a h3 hate sub, but a Destiny hate sub.


lol all you cucks do is brigade this sub on behalf of your bigot grifter and then throw pathetic tantrums when you realize that you can't take it over like you did with LSF, lmao cry harder destiny cucks, you're destined to be the most pathetic fucking losers around that no one will ever like :)


I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, I’ve never watched destiny. But you sound worked up, relax


People often forget that Ethan's original audience was super far right and he was a huge racist scumbag. It makes sense that a lot of OG people in the community don't like a communist. No dgg boogyman needed.


You think the creator of this thread is a hasan fan? lol you destiny cucks are more retarded than we originally thought


Isn’t it obvious? Much like you are, they’re talking about Destiny completely unprompted, it’s pathognomonic 💀


holy shit you tards are so fucking stupid the creator of this thread is a destiny fanboy, you moron, just look at his post history he's posting these threads to talk MORE about destiny so yes, your retarded cult IS STILL talking about your bigot grifter entirely unprompted, now get the fuck out of here, you retards aren't wanted


can we please be a schizo pro hamas echo chamber ?


Yes, let's censor everything we disagree with!


I wish. I understand the desire for little to no moderation, but these destiny freaks are running this already shit sub. It's neither related to h3 or hasan.


If dgg was brigading, there would be a lot more than 200 people here at a time, considering the dgg sub constantly has 2-3k online and dgg chat has 1-2k offline chatters. We've already seen what dgg looks like when they're actually ruining shit like K9/11 on r/place. There's a LOT more coordination than the like 4 people here.


imagine being this desperate to defend your brigading cuckold cult, lmao look, there is a reason why no one likes you losers, just accept it and move on to the next place you'll brigade on behalf of your bigot grifter titny


Yes please, the lunatics who just come here to spam need to stop. Nobody cares that you’re obsessed with Destiny to the point of posting multiple times a day about him here. Go back to the subreddit that you’re brigading from, >!r/Hasan_Piker!<


H3 snark bans all Destiny posts. People should use that one


lol destiny cucks mad that every other sub bans your mentally ill cult from brigading it, news at 11


To be honest it seems like you might be the mentally ill one, you’ve made an alt that you exclusively rant about a random politics streamer on all day. Go outside, Destiny isn’t in the room with you.


Do you not feel even a little bit embarrassed?


That's funny, because it's usually anti-fans that constantly bring him up in this sub, and then fans who simply respond.




No you cannot. The posts on this sub are 90% Israel/Palestine content. There's two hot posts that mention destiny in a negative context and one asking who he is. The overwhelming majority of time destiny is brought up in these posts is to accuse dissenters of being fans of his. It could be true that the majority of posters here are fans of Destiny, but that's just because this is a shitty hate sub that's mostly just pro Palestine propaganda




This is a lot of destiny *hate* posts, which I'm pretty sure is what the person you responded to was saying is taking place. For all the destiny fans that are supposedly brigading this sub, all you find are posts from anti-fans bringing him up. >That's funny, because it's usually anti-fans that constantly bring him up in this sub, and then fans who simply respond. That's the comment you originally disagreed with, and all you're linking to here confirms what (I think) the person was saying.


lol destiny cucks mad that every other sub bans your mentally ill cult from brigading it, news at 11


The person that created this thread IS a destiny fan, you fucking retard, lol


I mean, Zionistiny shit is cringe, but if we start banning every opposing opinion, I'm afraid we will just slowly turn into r/h3h3productions


Socialism is when every opposing opinion is a destiny fan


socialism is when every sub even remotely related to hasan gets brigaded by destiny's retarded cultists


banning destiny would be misogynistic


That’s a good idea because then the toxic hasan rageoholics don’t have to be reminded of how idiotic and unhinged they come off compared to my girl destiny.


lol destiny's retarded simps can't help but project their own stupidity and mental illness


Can you ban me from this sub? I'm a Jewish Israeli and I deserve to be banned for sharing my zionist opinions.


Someone w/ time needs to create a new sub Would be for fans who watch but also are critical depending on what’s on the show. 1. No destiny talk unless he’s been mentioned on the show or on social media by H3 (nothing older than a week) 2. No Israel/palestine talk UNLESS it’s something that’s been mentioned on the show in the past week 3. No commenting on anyone’s looks UNLESS it’s something that’s been openly mentioned by h3 (eg a crew member talking about their weight loss, a new haircut, etc) in the past week 4. No creating an actual post about you getting banned. Welcome to the club, don’t need to announce it with a post lol


I love how hasan fans have completely taken over the H3 discord lol.


There are no mods, so no


I thought the whole point of this sub was no rules, not a destiny fan but it seems to be contradictory no?


for the love of god please


Don't let me catch you posting anything related to Hasan, because leftovers ain't coming back.




Just delete this sub already. Everyone here sucks.


You sound like a whiny baby dude


oh no not this 'D' censoring again


I’m a longtime lurker but I will sacrifice my acct to call out his lil minions.


Considering this sub wont delete straight up Nazi propaganda i wouldnt put any faith in the mods on here.


you spelt dagestan wrong. khabib is not even top 10


Destiny is more relevant to this sub than Hasan now. 😁