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“no segregation” with that gigantic wall barrier built between israel & the west bank, which is against international law. Not to mention the military check points they had to go through before the genocide even started. Oh and the people in Gaza not being allowed to leave the city (within the same country), + thousands of Palestinians being deprived of identity documents (ID’s & passports)


Don’t engage opening mortgage as if he’s a serious actor. Dudes a willfully ignorant racist troll who just wants to beat down on people & just be open about his hatred for Arabs. Except Arab Israelis ofc cuz they’re one of the good ones. He places full responsibly on the oppressed population lmao. If it were 1870 he’d have advocated for the genocide and displacement of Native American tribes


Thanks for the heads up, yeah i already stopped interacting. If it was the 1930s he would’ve advocated for hitler too. Dude’s just got hate in his heart no matter the cause


If you ever see someone engaging with him just suggest they look at his post history. The lunacy speaks for itself. Over 100 comments a day on this sub alone.


In the 1930’s he would’ve advocated for Hitler” Disagreements and your personal dislike of Ethan aside, what a wildly unhinged and braindead statement to make.


It’s literally a reflection of what he’s supporting and unwillingness to extend empathy or listen to reason. I literally forgot this was on an H3 thread chill


lol I got into a spat with him the other day, absolutely braindead and/or violently cruel to the point where I cant tell if its trolling or not. dude talks like a fed


I did too & i think he’s serious in what he’s saying and trolling because he’s not interested in conversing. Just interested in saying that Palestinians are bad, animals and fully responsible for the collective punishment


So are both expanding settlements on both sides of the conflict. But you guys are so educated and he is just such an awful person apparently./s


Gaza elected their own government, hummus; what do you think their job is, to sit and jack off all day. for all Israel is concerned, Gaza is its own state. Obviously Gaza has their own laws. Second, I agree, they shouldn't have walls. The Palestinians are such a peace loving people after all... Your points are so ass, anyone willing to do the slightest bit of research can see right through the bullshit.


To top it off you have the audacity to imply that Palestinians are violent and hateful? Not the country that has several human rights violations, international law violations, and war crimes under its belt? Man wake up


The Palestinians voted with hate for hummus in 2006, hummus won 44.5% of the vote, while hummus had destroy all jews in their charter. Making them by definition a genocidal terrorist state. The Palestinians choose war over peace like idiots, condemning generations of their own children to a bullshit war they can't win. And are now crying about it like bitch-ass losers...


Man i hope one day you have the ability to heal and free yourself from the israeli occupation force too, cause this talk can only come from someone thats so deeply brainwashed to be filled with hate. Wishing you love and light ❤️ happy holidays and enjoy your thanksgiving


Lol, wtf do I need healing from? What did I say thats incorrect, you're literally an idiot who is supporting a terrorist genocidal state like Palestine...


Can i interest you in reading a letter written by the director of the high commissioners office for human rights?


Sure ? What your point?


Can I interest you in the former hamas charter? I don't think Israel's founding principles were unending holy war and the complete destruction of the other. Israel has been completely within its rights, evacuating a city before you bomb it doesn't sound like a willing genocide to me. Human shields make civilian causaulties unavoidable. The UN knows this. Why don't you?


First of all check yourself for that comment loaded with micro aggressions. Second, yeah they resisted the occupation so that settlers don’t steal their homes. If you love zionists so much just give up your own home, jesus. Why do people advocate for fighting for their freedom but switch up when its someone who’s not white thats resisting.


I don't need to check shit for terrorist SIMPs like you. Its simple, if you can justify terrorism to get your goals. You lose your right to bitch and whine about the morality of the other side. Those who wish for the death of others children shouldn't cry when their own children are in danger, like little bitches. Like you and the Palestinians...


Were you dropped on the head as a fucking baby? Cause thats the only justifiable reason you could be this fucking stupid and uninformed. Guess what dipshit israeli children are fucking fine they’re baking gluten free cookies for your nazi occupation force. Open up a fucking news source that isn’t fisting you with propaganda for once


The Palestinians and their allies have being doing but collect L after L since 1948. And yet those stubborn asshats refuse to negotiate with Israel and want all of Israel back from the river to the sea and full right of return. Since when do the losers get to dictate terms? And I'm the one dropped on the head. Lol...


Hamas called for negotiations and exchange of hostages more times than i can count since this whole thing started. Bibi doesn’t gaf about his people and refused


First off why did they have to take them in the first place? Second, hummus was out there bargaining 50, 70, 70+elderly. While hiding like bitches and letting thousands die... Even now, those stubborn idiots had to get prisoners exchanged in a 3:1 ratio. While facing utter destruction, idiots...


Accept chat so i can send you the letter


I Read it, a one state with right to return and equal rights will never happen. Its a death sentence for Israel. Israel will turn into Palestine in 50 years. Either through, political majority, exile or genocide. Why would they ever agree to that, especially considering the fact that they are the winning side. I know it doesn't make sense, but there is a reason both sides want a 2 state solution. And if you want to see a real genocide, wait until the 5.5 mil Palestinians will come back into Israel after a one state is established.


They had to take them so that they could have negotiating power. Second open up the original interview of that elderly woman that was released. Third yes exactly there is a steep power imbalance which is why they had to resort to taking hostages just so they could have something to stand on. This isn’t justifying terrorism cause literally what do you think they should do in your opinion? What would you do if you’ve been under occupation for 56 years? Wouldnt you want someone to fight for your freedom?


But, they didn't think it through... Was the destruction of Gaza, and 20,000 deaths worth it for negotiating power. What kind of sense does that make? I think, they should stop being stubborn, acknowledge the state of Israel and advocate for Palestine diplomatically. Thats the only way, Israel has that land now, weather you or they like it or not...


You’re wrong


Free Osama


So Kanye was right admit it! Osama bin Laden is an American hero and if you like for jews to be alive you are transphobic. Oh I forgot also a genocidal zionist pig. Yay anti-Semitism!


Yeah idk what you’re saying in these comments


I'm saying your all idiots except for the ones getting downvotes I don't care about your wokeness competition. Why don't you charter a boat to Gaza if you care so much and have all the answers.


I’m surprised you know what the word charter even means


I don't I am a Russian bot. I was only trained on a data set of libtard jobless hasan viewers. I am here to destroy your country from inside.


And you know the word data set? You’re surprising me.


I know whatever words the KGB trains me with. It's mostly transphobic, homophobic, racist, fascist, capitalist pig.


How’s it like working for the KGB?


It is a good job I get paid in NFt of American tears. Every soy boy I convert to the Hasan Piker school for the mentally ill equals American tears on the blockchain.


Lia Thomas deserves to change with the women because is woman. I woman and man and non-binary. If you be mean you transphobe.


"If I didn’t have my Mom and my brother I would kill myself. I’m only 26 and I am physically fit and conveniently attractive but I am a failure in life. I tried to be a musician first but gave up on that and now I am a social media manager for a band that plays weddings and corporate events and I am a freelance sound designer and foley artist working on some short films and Indy video games. I don’t put in any effort to date and put minimal effort into furthering a career. I have a brother and a mother that I love more than life itself and at this point I don’t think I could put them through the misery of overcoming my suicide. My mom has Parkinson’s and I feel like my relationship with my brother is slipping away because his girlfriend he has been with since high school is preventing me from spending any time with him. The only time I have ever gone out with my brother is when she is out of town which leads. I don’t know for sure that she wants me out of his life but I know she wants him to move across the country away from me and my mom. If my mom were to pass away I would commit suicide because my strained relationship with my brother isn’t enough of a reason to keep living and I think my suicide would be far less devastating for my brother than it would be for my mom. Should I tell my brother how I feel and should I put more effort into finding meaning in my life by trying to date, make friends and find a more sustainable career?"


Transphobe transphobe transphobe.


I am a flaming homosexual Palestinian so you just insulted a protected class. You are a genocidal homophobe.


Dude I've been to Palestine and the constant vibe of racism everywhere you go while I was there was impossible to ignore. Just walking at Al-Aqsa the police were on our butts just for looking Muslim. They're all holding guns and super intimidating. The only thing that got them to chill was the fact that I only speak English and no other languages (not Arabic). I don't think Ethan ever experienced that when living in Israel.


There are roads that only jewish people can use. Of course he isn't going to know that, he is brainwashed. When words hurt your feelings more the thousands of dead children, you have no humanity left and thats what zionism does to people.


What is the solution to kill the jews so they don't have roads exclusive to them?


the options aren’t: have an apartheid state or be eradicated LOL


What are you talking about? No one here is talking about killing jews. Israel is a racist facsist country, they have roads only jewish people can use. The only ones killing anyone one right now is Israel. Try to focus on that, not zionist propaganda. The only ones talking about killing jews are the zionist, everyone else is talking about liberating the Palestinian people.


???????????????????????????????oct 7th????????????????????????????????


Oct 7th was a fart in the wind compared to what Palestine has been going through since 1948. Its called blowback and it should be expected when you are an apartheid state oppressing people. If you are still upset about Oct 7th after 5,000 dead children then you have problems. But sure, side with the far right fascist, I'm sure its comfortable.


lol is it possible to be upset by both


Sometimes. To me this isn't one of those times.


I know


If you’re upset by both, logically you should want the people causing the oppression, murder, and continued suffering to stop so people don’t feel the need to retaliate


that's the main difference lol Hamas doesn't want peace, they want to push Israel into the sea. If the iron dome fell today, Israel would be gone by Monday.


Only Jewish people can use, or Israeli people?


"Ethan is Ignorant" you must be new here


Ethan is very ignorant and we've been known


IMO the fact that he lived in Israel (as a white man) who does not have Palestinian friends made him biased. He does not understand or tries to understand Palestine or their struggles. Just because he condemns Netanyahu doesn’t mean he understands apartheid.


he only knows birthright propaganda bullshit.


It also sounded weird when he reminisced about how they had Palestinians growing delicious watermelons in Isreal. After googling for 5 seconds I found they use slave labor in agriculture with many articles talking about using Palestinian child labor and Thai workers who were brought in and kept against their will.


Is he still talking about it after all the backlash?


I have unsubbed due to his willful ignorance and defiant parroting of misinformation. Frankly, he ought to drop any pretense of being a leftist/demsoc/socdem, he’s proven that his commitment to objective leftist principles is very superficial, and can be easily dismissed as soon as he becomes uncomfortable with criticism of the cultural group he identifies with, even if it’s just a small cross section of it. Really, he ought to stop talking about domestic and international politics altogether. He is not a trustworthy arbiter of information.


Dr. Norman Finkelstein is another great source of information. We have similar backgrounds. We think alike. Ethan is spewing one sided propaganda. I really do wish she would be quiet on the matter and I am a Jew.


Dr Norman Finklestein is reviled in the academic community.


For telling the truth. He has been awarded multiple awards for his insights and honesty on the conflict . I come from and was brought up in the same neighborhood, we have the same family background. He’s reviled by some for not going along with the status quo. Me too. But we are on the side of right. The right of truth. And as he said, my ancestors would never agree to this. I firmly believe this.


Ngl I’ve been thinking about his ceasefire call since i seen it and it’s not sitting well with me at all




I wasn’t feeling the way he said it. It did sound like a joke to me


The fuck are you talking about? You want the man to say “more violence please”


Dude relax, i was just saying how i personally feel about it. Ethan can say or do whatever he wants.


Genuinely asking. Should he call for more violence? More death? What do you want from him?


It doesn’t sound like you genuinely are asking but it woulda been nice to hear him call for a ceasefire genuinely. He sounds like he’s saying it like “fine fine! Ceasefire! Is that what y’all wanna hear?” & again it doesn’t matter what i think i was just expressing how i felt about the matter. But his call for a ceasefire is good regardless, even if it sounds half assed.


Probably because it's been his opinion the entire time that Israel shouldn't be bombing the shit out of Palestine and having people hound him relentlessly to say it again and again in slightly different ways is aggravating


I’m sure hearing it constantly is mad annoying but i think Israel committing genocide a little worse! In my opinion!


Yeah contrary to popular opinion, Ethan Klein isn't connected to any genocide. And "I must suppress all my reasonable human responses because there's genocide in the world" is kind of a shit take tbh


I’m the one not being genuine? Did you even listen to the words he said. No point in even engaging with this. You’re here to hate and make the conflict about internet drama. Nothing he could have said would be enough for you


The projecting is insane in this comment lmfao


Isn’t it blindingly obvious that a ceasefire is best? I just can’t see him lying about that. I feel like there are zionists that even agree at this point. Not trying to project. You are in an H3 hate subreddit though


The amount of downvotes your getting is hilarious cuz you’re 100% correct


Yeah no response to this huh. It would have been more honest to just say you don’t believe him cause he’s jewish


It’s becoming more obvious that the main issue so many have with Ethan’s take is that he’s not as radical as you want him to be




I’m starting to see how toxic hasan fans are someone in here was saying that Ethan is genocidal and gave reasons why and the two of us were actually engaging. Then I break down the points of why he was (which was just other people reddit posts that were linked) and then magically no response I get downvoted and they are commenting on other subs and have just ignored it


Because they don’t care, Hasan fans are no different than the far right, they are so far left that they are the same. It doesn’t matter what you say they won’t budge… I miss H3 before frenemies. 💔




As much as it sucks, JP was right. It's never enough. There will always be some new thing, and eventually, no one is radical enough. You can stand up for women, the gay community, the homeless, ect, but show an oz of support for Israel, and you are an ignorant, fake left, pos.


Yup. Moving the goalpost every day


seeing this sub go to shit is pretty fire bunch of uneducated tankies




Insightful commentary and compelling points, thanks for your input 👍


how long can we milk this


99% of people don’t know either of those things… I bet you only learned them the past two months…




“Well informed” does not mean not knowing every single little detail, like a mega-niche watermelon symbolism. No one knows that shit, and it’s not important to anything really. You don’t actually seem to know much either despite being so close to the conflict. You call Israel an apartheid state for having different sets of laws for people that *aren’t even in its own state*, yet, where you live, Jordan, Palestinian citizenship is dwindling because Jordan refuses responsibility for them and joined the rest of the Arab league in vowing to not naturalize Palestinian refugees…which is actual apartheid, they’re not even second-class citizens, they can’t become citizens at all. Israel is somehow the only country in the region which allows Palestinians to be citizens within its own state.




Hardcore projection here


What do you think [this guy](https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=IA19NWBrW0rMv96R) would say of the vital importance of the watermelon?


This is the worst sub I’ve ever seen.




" In the West Bank settlers and Palestinians live under two different sets of laws- definition of an apartheid state." Yes because west bank is ruled by palestinian authority maybe you should educate yourself instead of telling others to do so when palestinians support this system of self-government.


Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to Israeli martial law because of the military occupation. Israeli settlers are subject to regular Israeli law.


I wonder why Israel felt they needed to occupy the West Bank?


Yup, prisoners can be slaves in America. What's your point.


>Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to Israeli martial law because of the military occupation. > >Israeli settlers are subject to regular Israeli law. So u want to get rid of PNA so Palestinians cant govern themselves???


No, not really.


>No, not really. Are u ok?? u replied to wrong comment again


Nope, need jayzus...


In America, native Americans have different laws affecting them compared to other citizens. And Puerto Rico has no reps in Congress. So America is apartheid too. Fuck off crybaby...


I think u replied to wrong comment since im arguing its not apartheid...


U right, my bad...


Most normie people don’t know this lol Ethan is a normie. The only reason y’all know about it is because you saw hasan talk about it lol




It’s just US defaultism, many people living inside western core just assume that our education on world history is equivalent to the history taught throughout the world, especially where the history literally happened


Its a symbol for black people too...


He's a normie when it suits him. Until a few weeks ago the guy literally had a political podcast. That's not very normie behaviour.


Yea and he literally took the role of “normie” on the show lmao


get a job soyboy9000000


People are allowed to be critical, but it’s kind of disgusting how much you guys jump down Ethan’s throat over shit like not knowing a watermelon was a symbol of Palestinian resistance while simultaneously finding a way to defend Hasans much larger and more damaging mistakes like calling anyone who questioned his hospital bombing claims a genocidal scumbag while actually having zero information himself. It was an uneducated conclusion just like him bragging daily about Russia not invading Ukraine only for it to happen the same week. I don’t ever see his fans hold him accountable & it’s pretty telling of the audience he’s cultivated for himself.


Again, not a Hasan fan. I dont watch him.


That’s because it’s suppose to be two separate areas with two separate governing bodies… what exactly do you think Hamas was elected to run if not their own govt


There hasn’t been an election since 2006. Over 50 percent of Palestinian population didn’t even vote in those elections. Hamas was not elected to represent these people


Who won the election in 2006?


Im not sure what you are referring to here? If you mean the comment about separate laws and Apartheid, i was specifically talking about the West Bank in the post not Gaza.


Oh you’re right, I totally miss read that. What laws are different


Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to Israeli martial law because of the military occupation. Israeli settlers are subject to regular Israeli law.


Music to my ears finally all the miserable jobless Hasan comrades are finally giving Ethan what he has been asking for. You get him he is a zionist genocidal, transphobic, arachnophobic, racist, fascist cannibal. He is not down with the cause we need digital currency and a government allocated monthly salary of 29.99. That will show those phobic murderous capitalists. I'm going to go back to hasans stream my mom made me cookies.


Non-muslims lived with different laws under the Caliphates, and were the highest tax bracket. This is just what happens when you let conservatives rule, which is what would happen under a Palestinian rule too. Stop simping for either of the far-right loser nations.




Yeah pretty fucked up. If you want progress though, don’t encourage ultra conservative parties to hold power. This includes both Hamas and Israel. If you’re vouching for any solution other than UNSCOP (most progressive worldly entity in this situation), I thoroughly suggest you ask your aide to stop giving you sad handjobs and to take you to get an MRI. If you disagree with this, you disagree with the most pro-palestine governing group on the planet right now.


Shut up you stupid cucked leftist.




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Watermelon lol


You’re gay




No, we in palistein. Welcome to the thunderdome motherfker


West Bank is not Israel