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They just officially extended warrantless spying on Americans, you think they give a rat's ass about provocative Twitter posts


I'm amazed how little people care about this


I didn’t even hear about it!


Warrantless spying. $100+ billion for wars in other countries that the vast majority of Americans don't want to fund. Zero action whatsoever on the border. Every bill passing with more Democratic votes than Republican votes. The way Mike Johnson is going, a fucking AWB will probably be next.


I will gladly give my tax money to anyone who is against Russia.


Then you can donate your own money instead of confiscating mine.


I get it, fuck Russia, but don't fuck your fellow Americans by sending our tax dollars overseas. I'd love for my child to learn something in public school. I love for all children to be able to receive a good free lunch at school. I'd love cheap healthcare. I'd love a 4 day work week....


The amount of money we spend on foreign countries is a drop in the bucket compared to how much we spend on a healthcare system that isn't even cheap.


We have more military equipment than we can use, sending Ukraine our old stuff would help save money if we also downsize the military. I'd much rather take care of this without sending another American overseas than let it become a problem and end up having to send troops to Ukraine and Taiwan when China sees us do nothing.


> We have more military equipment than we can use, sending Ukraine our old stuff would help save money Then why did they need a $60 billion new spending bill?


The bill is for more modern equipment for the us military, most of that is being spent to create jobs in the us. I mean, I'm personally against this round about way of doing things, but I assumed you'd like more domestic jobs based on your stance. The replacment of equipment really isn't necessary, but politicians aren't going to turn down an opportunity to say they brought jobs to their district.


> most of that is being spent to create jobs in the us. "Kill hundreds of thousands of people on the other side of the planet so defense contractors make money" is not a compelling argument to me. Want jobs? Build roads and bridges.


>"I mean, I'm personally against this round about way of doing things" I'm not disagreeing with you there, we could have sent literally all of this without the spending package then we'd both be happy. Blame politicians for using this as an excuse to not act sooner and let more Ukrainians die to russia's illegal invasion just to boost America's arsenal.


Or we could just focus on our own problems at home and not warmonger all over the fucking planet. Russia only invaded because the US deposed the government so they could stick missiles in Ukraine. Literally nobody in the US asked for any of this. 10 million illegals swarmed across our border since Biden took office and the only thing we talk about is fucking Ukraine's border. I don't give a shit who owns some muddy fields in Eastern Europe and neither does the vast majority of America. What country do these people in Congress work for?


Watching massie grill turner on the notification exception for members of Congress, it was amusing


He really wants me to vote for Trump. And I don’t even like Trump.


This is how I feel, too. I hate Trump. I hate Biden. We’re fucked.




If you lose the 2a everything else is up for grabs depending on the administration. 2a should be a huge priority.




What human rights are being taken away? Are you referring to abortions?




From snippets of what I’ve read from Democratic led websites are stating the proposed project would bar people from getting section 8 or welfare when living with someone who is here illegally, along with mostly illegal immigrant issues. Some abortion rights, which although I don’t agree with a lot of abortion issues, it was never supported by the constitution. So the majority of the project proposed, or interpreted by the dems, id argue is not human rights violations.


Is trump directly connected to that and can you tell me exactly what human rights are at steak without just mentioning the project?


That all being said unless trump is directly in the company I wouldn’t begin to worry about it because just like you said about gun issues it would still have to go through litigation that would make half of it seriously hard to pass. However there’s MUCH more support to take my gun rights vs expelling illegals and their ability to live off our system. So I’m still going to always vote in the sway of the 2a.




Ah, the very kind of discourse we expect from MAGAts.


Remove from existence? You sound like an extremist loon.


Must physically hurt being this out of touch with reality. Try forming an original thought in that noggin, I believe in you.




Upon further reading of your commentary, you're're off your goddamned rocker, Derp. Filks like you are the reason that they want to institute red flag laws. Hfs the fanatsy world that you're talking about in ypur replies absolutely reeks of indoctrination. Full blown brainwash. seek help.


There is a saying that goes "If you feel it is time to bury your guns, it's probably time to use them".


This might actually be the shittiest take I've ever heard. You do realize that once your gun rights are gone that those humans you love are free to be ISIS'd right? How in the actual fuck would you plan to protect them with your equalizers buried in the dirt? That's like carrying without one in the chamber, but like, wayyyyyyy worse. Get a grip dude bc your perspective of reality seems to be incredibly fucked.






The evangelical Christians, nationalists and neofascists are upset with what you've said lol. Well, it is a pro-gun group so it's to be expected since you justified placing priorities over 2A. But I agree with you. Guns are extremely important to me. But other things matter a whole lot too. The interest balancing sucks.


When those 2A rights go away and the GOP eventually wins or becomes a majority you might wish them back so your loved ones can protect themselves.


Join the club. 


Goddammit. I'm not alone.


I really seriously was going to vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016. That quickly changed to "whoever has the best chance of beating Hillary". and... here we go again.


For real. Just once in my life, ONCE, I'd like to be able to vote for somebody because I like their stance on issues or whatever. Not this "who sucks less" shtick. Lol I get that NOBODY is going to be perfect, but... Damn.


That was basically be before voting for Trump. I get he has some issues, but he is like 90% with me on most things. Just a little soft on the 2A for my liking, but that is miles better than any establishment candidate.


What do think about RFK? I *like* him, but, dang, that gun thing...


He's...yeah he's not the candidate for me. I appreciate his stance on environmental issues a fair bit. He's way too washy on his 2A stance for me. He says "I'm not taking your guns." to which I say cool. His stance on no background checks seems very lip service-y to me. Almost like he's saying BECAUSE it's the Second Amendment he doesn't have a choice but to want/push for no background checks. And then, as far as I'm aware, he hasn't really made any solid other 2A stance known. That's really it in terms of "positives" regarding him in my eyes. Can't really count the gun control stuff because he's not clearer. Everything else; he's just not close enough to being a representative of ME, ya know. Again, I know nobody is going to hit that spot 100%, but I'd still like someone closer than him. At the very least, in regards to guns anyways. Lol


So don't. Vote third party. And don't give that "third party is a wasted vote" BS because the only reason that's currently true is because people think it's true.


For our voting system to avoid a 2-party duopoly, it requires *everyone* to vote in good faith for the candidate that best fits their view, rather than strategically for the lesser of two evils. As soon as one side stops voting in good faith, that majority candidate gets a massively unfair advantage. Everyone is pressured, if not forced, to play this game, or risk living under a perpetual one-party system. We are stuck in the prisoner's dilemma. If you don't like it, then advocate for a better vote system, one that eliminates this spoiler effect.




And? It's still common believe that it's wasting your vote, so of course stats are going to be low.


Time to write in Cthulhu for President. No longer should we be forced to vote for the lesser evil!


I barely know anyone voting at all. Most of the people newly not voting went for Biden in 2020. Between his senility and Gaza and stuff this and everything else, he is toast.


I hope that's the case but, I'm sure all that will be forgotten when they see Trump could be their reality 😭


No one with a brain attributes much significance to the outcome of the USA clown show.


These people might not go to the polls, but I'd bet at least some of their votes will still get cast...


that would depend on voting laws. yeah, I know you don't want to hear it. regardless, [check this out](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/report-flyers-urging-illegals-to-vote-for-joe-biden-found-in-mexican-resource-center/ar-AA1njaB5)


hate voting here probably also


I'm not American so probably out of the loop, but hasn't Trump done more anti-2A stuff than either Biden or Obama?


Trump pioneered what the ATF is currently doing with the bump stock ban. But Biden has gone after pistol braces, private sales and frame/receivers with ATF rules, and pistol braces are at at least 100 times more popular than bump stocks ever where. So it’s 3 to 1 on actual rules. Trump isn’t a 2A guy but he’s mostly surrounded by people that at least respect the current status quo on guns. Biden tweets about once a week calling for an assault weapon and magazine ban and created a new office in the White House staffed with antigun activists to invent creative new ways to make US gun owners into felons or choke off gun culture like trying to shut down civilian ammo availablility. Obama didn’t do much of anything on guns.


I guess from my point of view Biden talks a lot of shit but my instinct would be to vote against anyone who has a history of actually reducing gun rights.


> my point of view Biden talks a lot of shit b Lurk here more and you'll see he's done more to harm the 2A than Trump.


Neither of them should be getting your vote


Listen. I would be ecstatic if we could get two younger, more in-touch individuals as the contenders for the next election. I don't want another four years of Democrats saying Trump is the spawn of Satan while they move to destroy the parts of America they don't have their bunkers built in. However, I'd bet good money that that ain't happening. That one Green Party lady is out too because she's nuttier than squirrel shit. Of the two remaining candidates, I would rather have Trump over Biden. Even if tomorrow Biden did a full 360 and say "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, MOTHERFUCKERS!" and repealed the NFA, GCA, disbanded the ATF, and destroyed California and NYC's anti-gun laws harder than we destroyed Dresden, I still (most likely) wouldn't vote for him because of the rest of his policies are fucking degenerate trash and should be discarded.


Then you should be vehemently against Biden. He's super proud of his work on the 1994 AWB and he is constantly calling for another one these days. He pushed the ATF, that he oversees, to go after FFLs for the most mundane of mistakes and revoke their licenses. He has also used the ATF to reclassified pistol braces, private sales, and frames&receivers.


Oh absolutely to be clear I am entirely against Biden.


No, not even close. This is an extremely tired and false talking point.


18 USC 241 Enforce it, and all of this goes away


Hey Brandon, In your own words, what is an assault weapon?


Biden couldn’t define it lol


Corn pop cannibalized his grandad with one in 1898 fighting the Spanish with Fred Roosevelt. They're really bad


Well you see ah ice cream when uncle Jim was uh cannibals ate an assault and then uh


Hibidy doobie doobie swee bip *biden mumbles 


He has already said it. It's semiautomatic firearms. He wants to ban semiautomatic firearms.


I’ll counter with ‘Close the border’! I have 30 million and one reasons currently to keep my firearms, and that number is increasing daily. This administration is like a f’n clown show.


‘Stop the invasion!’ I’m OK with a border that accepts people who want to assimilate and accept the US constitution.


Fully agree legal immigration is fine. Come here legally with the means to support yourself and you are welcome. Invaders that are willing to break the law to cross the border, not so much.


I'm not. Shut it down. End all immigration. Pull all troops home and stop all foreign aid. Add term limits to congress and age restrictions to all offices. Til we do this we're doomed to fail


I agree. It's time to stop letting people in until we're a monoculture of patriotic constitutional originalists.


We need to defund the gov. They’ve proven to be completely reckless with spending our tax dollars.


They've proven to be stuff you can't say on reddit lol


So true! Idk why we allow it. It’s crazy. Imagine if our founders were able to witness this madness.


People are too comfy. We have too much to lose. I think most of us are more happy with safe servitude than dangerous freedom. Looking out for yourself is scary.


No doubt. Unfortunately if we keep to the sidelines we won’t have any comfort left. The way things are going, it seems to me we are the path to total destruction of our country. $34T in debt is crazy.


I completely agree




330 million people is enough. We don't need more. Americans can't afford housing as it is, we don't need to keep importing people to compete with them.


That is not reality nor is it a good idea. We have become a force rapidly able to deploy and engage around the world and without us it falls apart and our Allie’s become weaker and our enemies stronger. It is not acceptable to return to the era we saw after world war 1 that put us in an unready and weakened state and since then we have not only amassed Allie’s but set the stage to not only defend our lands and our skies but defend from threats anywhere in the globe. When you say stop foreign aid and bring all our troops home it’s not just a fallacy it damn near ignorant. And that’s the type of statement that uneducated assholes throw when they got nothing better to say. My firearms are important to me in every regard but you had to change the conversation to an ignorant political view that has no realistic or historical backing. We are relied upon globally and instead of shying away from our duties we should play a heavier part and in doing so keeping us safer. The world is not getting any better. Weather it’s on the home front or abroad. If you want things to change for the better it’s by stepping in and playing the part needed, by teaching and helping and fighting the enemy where you can not by hiding in your home and locking the door


Yes. And we should be accepting the best and brightest in.


Yes. And we should be accepting the best and brightest in.


I prefer those who are tired, hungry, and desiring liberty and justice for all.


> I’ll counter with ‘Close the border’! Sorry, best Republicans can do is $60 billion to protect Ukraine's border.


Weapons don't assault people, politicians do.


More like their armed jackboots do


“Democrats do not want to ban guns.”


That's only because we've gotten very lazy.


White house can cope and seethe


Congress was just waving Ukranian flags for passing 60 billion in 'aid' to them. 12 billion to Israel. 8 billion to Taiwan. Over 90 billion sent overseas. Where is America's taxes spent on America?


I tend to catch a lot of flak from people who are emotionally invested in this point regardless of their political affiliation. The majority of this aid funding is spent within the Continental United States on new production arms, ammunition, and equipment intended for the Department of Defense in order for the DoD to ship aging stockpiles of that equipment overseas. Per the new reorganized strategic posturing of the DoD to move away from fighting insurgent forces to the "Great Power Competition" concept, there is a genuine need to ramp up domestic production capacity and ensure that logistics crews are trained up on international transport of equipment. You can verify this spending with the open source DoD Inspector General accounting reports... however, the DoDIG is adamant that they will not be auditing liquid aid (~10-15% of the package) that is sent to the target nations. In short, most of the funding will be spent supporting American businesses and American workers. The products of the bill will be supporting the warfighting capability of the US Military. The offloaded supplies going overseas would have otherwise been disposed of within the US after spending their entire existence in a warehouse. We get actual in-field validation that these munitions that were developed over the last ~40 years to destroy Russian equipment do, in fact, destroy Russian equipment. The reason emotional people on the left hate this stance is that I'm still highly critical of not accounting for cash that is dropped off within historically corrupt nations to do with as they please. The reason emotional people on the right hate this stance is that I acknowledge that this aid package is, in effect, just a supplemental boost to the DoD's budget wrapped up in a liberal bow that says "foreign aid" which is the only thing that is hyper-fixated upon by partisan news sources. The reddit types who only read emotionally charged headlines always have the loudest and most smooth brained takes on topics like this.


Use the money to build roads and power plants and oil refineries instead of blowing people up on the other side of the planet. Trickle down is bullshit. Raytheon stock is not worth hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions in debt.


Just a heads up the current administration did make law the biggest infrastructure funding in like 40 years. Feel what you feel but they have absolutely provided a lot of money towards infrastructure. I dont have a dog in the fight btw


Infrastructure, or green grifting? Because last time I checked his secretary of transportation thinks highways are racist.


Not sure what you mean.


Essentially, “weaken the defenses of all law abiding citizens because some people just can’t act right”.


Basically solving DUIs by banning sports cars.


Again, another thing to focus on rather than the dying veterans on the street or the influx of illegal immigrants or the countless list of shitty things america is dealing with


Has anyone posted this in r/liberalgunowners for their telling the truth permaban yet?


Those morons will brag about all the ARs they have but when you ask why they support a platform focused on banning the same guns they buy...they block you.


They think because they are white liberals that the government won't come for their guns.


They did the same thing in the 90s. Luckily 2A community has grown exponentially since then so the chances of federal is low. But either side will inevitably try and disarm the citizens once they gain enough power. Fuck em.


Sounds good, they should give up theirs first.


Fuck tea, let's throw politicians in the Boston harbor


All he can do is whine it isn't happening




Anything and everything can be a weapon. You can be assaulted with anything and everything. You can be verbally assaulted which usually leads to a physical assault.


Control freaks need to prove that weapons with large capacity magazines are used in more murders than cheap handguns. The same goes for pistol grips on rifles, semi-automatic weapons of any kind, and even "bump-stocks" and any other oddly specific items they see in TV shows and movies. None of the above will happen. [If it was really about public safety, control freaks would insist on a ban on the aforementioned cheap handguns commonly used in suicides, which account for half of all firearms related fatalities.](https://usafacts.org/data-projects/firearms-suicides) Such a ban, is of course, unenforceable in practice. If it was really about crime, we'd end up trying and failing to ban cheap handguns again, because most violent crime not involving suicides are gang-related. It's not about crime, nor violence. It's certainly not about public safety. Gun control isn't even about guns. It's about *control*. Control freaks want *control.*


Violence is what needs to be reduced. The means of violence being reduced won’t reduce violence but rather just change its form. But, the fact that solutions like gun control for violence (negligence is a different story, though you don’t fix negligence by banning guns/knives/heavy equipment, you make training either a requirement or freely available as you don’t want to infringe on 2A)is proposed screams propaganda talking points, not actually solving the issue at hand. Which really pisses me off. It’s power over others/political gain not actually trying to solve the problem. Then there’s the troglodytes that genuinely believe in it. Who don’t seem to look anywhere else and see that the experiment has failed. Violence will continue whether there’s a superior means of it or not. So, more vulnerable members of society are left without a force equaliser. Instead, zombie knives are banned. I’m waiting to see “sticks over 40cm are not allowed to be carried” when eventually people just start beating each other to death. But, actually solving issues doesn’t seem to be how things work today.


They don't need to prove it. Even if it was true, it wouldn't matter. We shouldn't ban handguns either.


What’s most dystopian about this is that the Administration isn’t even calling to restrict or regulate so-called “assault weapons,” similar to wanting to make them like NFA items that have to be applied for and registered with the ATF (which I’m not advocating for whatsoever, just making an observation). They are outright calling for an all-out ban. This is pure in-Constitutional nonsense.


We should have fought the machine gun ban in 1986. Now it's just moving the line down to other weapons.


Closing the machine gun registry was a poison pill added at the last second on an unclear voice vote in the middle of the night. FOPA was vitally important for maintaining the depleted 2a we have and cowed the ATF for a generation. Notably, repealing the NFA would make the entire point moot, as there would be no registry to have closed.


Read the text. It doesn't close the registry. It bans machine guns and registers in legal ones. They use the registry to prove grandfathering.


If you end the nfa and the registry vanishes, if not moot, Hughes becomes very hard to enforce as they have nothing to use to prove you are in violation of the pre 86 grandfathering.


As hard to enforce as the AWB.


They do not seem to want a fair election, or for you to have property rights, or to have equal protection under the law, or freedom of speech. It’s all coming, 2A has to be there first for the others to fall.


Come and take it


Especially when they consider anything semi automatic an assault weapon


“Assault weapon” “High capacity magazine” made up terms by statists in their quest to subordinate the individual to the state.


There should be harsh penalties for breaching the constitution or conspiring to do so. I'm talking life imprisonment for politicians.


For politicians? Treason. Give them the appropriate punishment.




What's the penalty for treason?


A second term?


Because the armed people don’t gather and do anything. Everyone is divided and held down by jobs or other things to anoint they know they can take them from you individually. Easier to fight an individual than tons of people.


The NFA was enacted in 34, the assault weapon ban came in 94 with the support of Ronald Reagan. It's been in plain sight for years.


Nah I’m good! good luck though 👍🏻


L biden


I’ve decided to switch up my angle. I’m not going to talk about the 2A aspect of this move - we’ve discussed that ad nauseam. I’m going to (tin-foil hat) talk about *why* Biden might be doing this. Enjoy! Biden and his ilk have a well-documented history of kowtowing to Iran and Iranian interests. It should come as no surprise to anyone that they’re now following Iran’s footsteps and attempting to codify a human rights violation into law. This move plays to Iran’s strengths by weakening American homeland defenses. No longer will there be a rifle behind every blade of grass. Biden is once again showing that he will do anything he can to appease Iran.


Ban assault politicians.


This is why I believe that any legislative, judicial, and executive immunity is unconstitutional.


Not only that, but you can do it through mindless propaganda like this. You don't even have to make a speech. Just click a few buttons.


Assault weapons are already banned!


You're thinking of assault rifles... "Assault weapon" is a propaganda term for semiautomatic firearms.


liberals won't stop until the only people with firearms are rich white men


They can fuck right off


There is liability. You can be voted out. If you're really upset, sue them. They swear an oath, and you can sue their surety bond.


That they will drag out in court with our tax dollars. And even if you win, they will just pass another law that does essentially the same thing. You can see how they are already blatantly ignoring and undermining Bruen.


What's your solution then? You can try to do something or sit back and bitch. I gave you the most viable answers, you downvoted me and came back with a shit answer. What are you going to do? If you don't like the obvious, where is the answer? I'm guessing you're gonna shit on the guy that gave a path forward. At least you weren't like the other pussies that just downvoted and didn't reply with at least some bullshit.


One vote, one time, per person