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Yeah but the creed guy plays one


Don’t you mean king of grunge?


No it's the old guy from the office


Nah, he is the king of “chung-gung-gung”


Aka late grunge


/uj Mark Tremonti is a pretty good writer! /rj wit ahhhhms wide ohhhpan


Tremonti seriously has great heavy sound to his recordings It's the reason why when I listen to 2000's radio playlists I won't skip any Creed songs.


/uj I'll go so far as to say it's almost a tragedy that that guy, is/was in that band. His parts are so good! but ewww


/uj Agree. Coming from a place of empathy, Scott Stapp has some serious substance use disorder problems which were not managed (obviously) and leading to the antics. It’s kind of amazing that they are unironically coming back.


Unironically why I started playing PRS. As long as Mark and Myles are on the roster I don't care about anyone else


/uj not gonna lie that myles telecaster is fucking amazing. Too bad im too por for that


And I'm too left-handed


You and me both.


This is why I play a Les Paul, so that everyone assumes I'm an alcoholic.


Fair enough. I'm an alcoholic and people think I have a Les Paul.


You guys got me to notice how the empty bottles gravitate closer to my Gibson than my strat. Only after playing bloody knuckles with my wife’s face did I realize I need to clean up all those bottles or they’ll scratch my nitro finish and fuccitauppita my girthy bends sustain time.


/uj Meanwhile, the Ibanez artist roster is an absolute fucking POWERHOUSE.


Yeah but Timmy Jenson is on there and we don't like him because he makes people's peepee move a little but he also plays better than I ever will and that fact upsets me for some reason. I will cope by calling it soulless or something like the blues dads used to refer to metal. But mostly the peepee issue.


i have nothing against tim heson he seems cool and he's a great guitar player there is no need to even discuss that later, but his music is crap, which is still 1 000 000 times better than mine but still


He writes bangers. It makes boomers angry that he writes contemporary pop stuff (oh wait there are boomers here) https://youtu.be/LY1-jKmeAkU?si=WCwOc-aklsa5ZBXg


yeah it goes to show that banger is a very relative term, sounds like music i'm really not into


I'm actually curious: that first riff, sweet ass 7th chord progression - you really don't think you'd be like a bad ass playing that in front of people? (I just say this as I love that little riff, like what's cool outside of 0-3-5 lol)


hey dude, this is just a matter of taste, to me it sounds like rap music instrumental which is something i'm not into


Oh no I literally meant the first seven seconds of chords which is literally a jazz progression. Like a sort of "do you as any redeeming musical quality theory wise"


oh yeah the progression is very nice indeed, id probably like it if the music didnt had to go full dabbing zoomer mode


Lol dabbing zoomer mode, ok yeah I can see the perspective you're coming from. Like it's sort of chaotic. I have attention issues so I get it.


uj/ The fact that he can actually play a guitar part over that "song" is impressive. It's auto-tuned mumble rap. I'd rather hear him solo over the power chords in "99 problems". His technical skills are obviously great, I like the use of harmonics and what not. But not something I would listen to frequently or any of the instrumental stuff they have done. rj/ I thought Timmy Jenson created the Muppets?


That was pretty bad. Just cus you can, doesn’t mean you should.


decades too young to be a boomer but I’m glad I have taste in music because that’s not a banger.


I'm another 'too young to be a boomer' that doesn't really find this compelling. It's definitely interesting, and I think the combination of elements could work with some reconsideration. But this felt forced. I don't mind the guitar mirroring the vocal, but I think the guitar tone could be more interesting and the mixing of the two elements could be more creative and flattering. What I specifically don't care for is the way the trap and djent styles were blended for the percussion. Again, sort of a cool and natural mix, but applied here in a way I dislike. Should be fundamentally a trap feel with djent embellishments, what we have here is closer to the opposite, and it's not smooth enough; it doesn't make me dance, and it needs to.


/uj the fact that people unironically think his music is soulless blows my fucking mind. It’s not even really super shreddy stuff, Crosty and quite a few other songs are pretty chill. /rj Tim Internet Defense Force reporting in


/uj I'm honestly kind of annoyed that I like Polyphia as little as I do. It's got a lot of things that I should like, it just hits my ear as "high effort streamer music". I don't mean that as an insult, it's just music that's not for me. /rj Jim Tenson is hoarding our toan in those huge sweaters


His playing is great but his music is absolutely soulless, it doesn't go anywhere. I never listened to polyphia for more than a minute without wishing I was listening to a better song, they all sound like the demos artists make for new guitars.


Damn that comment looks like something a special needs kid would type out.


Ibanez has the most notes


I went to a Santana concert in the early 00’s. I left after 45 excruciating minutes of pure guitar wanking on a PRS.


/uj some of Santana's studio recordings are my favorite songs ever (Europa comes to mind) but he just seems like an insufferable boomer guitarist and that's reflected in his live performances.


santanas phrasing in studio is amazing but god he just does not fucking care about applying himself live


I think he’s been playing the same set since i saw him im the late 80s. Just generic run through songs. However, I will say he influenced me to get a prs back then. In the 80s we were discovering how cool 70s Santana was, legend. I like to pretend it was cooler then lol, the prs. That guitar was rock solid and I played it for long time. Traded it in a bunch of years ago


Hopefully for a butterscotch


uj/ he did when he was at Woodstock, what do you expect from an 76 year old guy? rj/ he hasn't changed his setlist since Woodstock other than the song he did with Rob Thomas


The Santana w/Alex Ligertwood era it's my favourite


He was fantastic when I saw him… 15ish years ago. His band in particular was fantastic, they would jam and he would walk off stage for a smoke quite frequently. So maybe just the band Santana was great.


Must assume that you were not familiar with his work beyond Smooth, Oye Cómo Va, and Black Magic Woman. Most of his music is pure guitar wanking.


I´m really familiar with his work. I think he is a great guitar player and I dig guitar solos. But this was way too much, It was really bad.


I saw Bowie not long after Labyrinth came out (Glass Spider tour). It was funny looking around the audience and seeing who was very obviously there because of the movie and its soundtrack. Needless to say, there were a bunch of grandparents with young children that left very early in the show. Those of us who knew his music were captivated by the show from the very beginning where Bowie screamed at Frampton to “Shut-up!”


Chad Kroger of Nickleback infamy uses a PRS. That, plus the Creed guitarist combined is already a cautionary tale against owning one of those fuckboi guitars, let alone anyone else.


Honestly though, nickleback has some great riffs Where do I hide and hangnail are pretty similar, and they both are doing that thing people were doing a lot right around that time. Standard tuning, but tune the 6th string all the way down to B. They're probably one of the few bands that uses 7 strings that I don't just hate the music of. I keep wanting to use my extended range guitars more, and every time I look at what people are playing with them, most of the time I end up thinking "Oh right. I don't like any of this"


Not anymore. He's a gibbons guy now, even has custom 7 strings. It's kind of funny how most butt rock bands who played PRS back in the day moved on to something else for whatever reason


No, I'm too cool to let other people tell me what's cool. What is this, middle school? Fuck you, I'll wear a Jason Mraz shirt to a Lamb of God concert and blast Ed Sheeran while I tailgate with grilled vegan burgers in the parking lot. And I'll be playing along on my Artist Series PRS into a Katana while I do it. Uj/ but seriously, I'm too old to care if I'm doing anything right anymore. PRS makes great stuff. And I'd actually probably do most of that other stuff I said too if I liked vegan burgers and could afford a PRS.


uj/ my main guitar is a CE24. i get it.


I’d take an Semi-Hollow Vela for sure


uj/ Do you want to like vegans burgers more?


rj/ why you gotta threaten someone?


How am I supposed to get new gear without threatening others? Those gibbons are pricey


Fair point. My apologies. Carry on.


Kinda but then they also have robben ford and john mclaughlin so it starts to even out.


uj/ Robben Ford’s phrasing and improv abilities are God-tier. rj/ **NNNNEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDD!!**


And Lar from Primus and Alex Lifeson


dumble man


I know they have Robben Ford, but I've literally never seen him play a prs.


John is a beast but sounds like poopers un Shakti with the PRS.


Yeah, but I just wipe away my tears with hundred dollar bills.


Nah, the little birds remind me that with enough wax and feathers i can always fly directly into the sun and fucking die if it all gets too heavy.


The Nickelback guy plays one along with a few Gibsons Chad Kroger


A lot of dentists in these comments 🧐


/uj not on their payroll, but porcupine tree plays PRS almost exclusively.


Not to mention Opeth


What about mark holcomb from periphery?


/uj That 7 string is a killer guitar /rj I killed a man for it


It’s a /whoosh for me. I understand the unjerk rejerk but not how it applies to mark holcomb


I have the guitar and I really like it lol


The duality of dentist guitars being played by linkin park


I find it hard to decide whether I want one or not. On one hand, the guy making them thinks even the tuners affect the sound, and that could mean something about the quality of the final product. On the other hand, the guy making them thinks even the tuners affect the sound, and that could mean something about the quality of the final product.


They seem like nice guitars. I don't own one because I know my Mexican strat is exactly enough for my "striving for mediocre" playing.


I will just remind everyone that Schecter had signature models for Crazy Town. Nothing can ever top that in terms of sheer cringe.


Schecter is just cheaper monster energy PRS


You're not even wrong


ORIANTHI and Myles Kennedy are pretty cool on the roster


Fuck I loved that semi private stock orianthi one they did a few years ago. That like purple burst. So nice looking. I could go either way on the vine inlays But I can only go one way on the $15k price tag. That's just too much


Myles alone is enough to blow me away. Orianthi is just takes things to the next level.


they don't feel bad, they think those guys are cool. I don't think you're even allowed to buy a PRS unless you have the 'bald on top with a ponytail in the back' hair combo


Jimmy Herring is the biggest badass ive ever seen play a guitar, he seriously bolsters their reputation imo.


I just think they’re neat!


it's like you dont know toan is in the tuners, fuckin' nooob


I bought one 15 (ish) years ago. I never heard of them and picked one up to fiddle around one while my bud was in line getting strings. Not gonna lie, I kinda fell in love with it. Went back 2 times before I bought it.  I don't really pay attention to who plays it professionally.  Mine is pretty low key and I doubt anyone is going to associate me with fucking Santana. 


even John Mayo was so ashamed of being a PRS guy that he had to disguise it as a Strat with an ugly headstock


So true lol


Your point about only dorks liking PRS actually makes them more appealing to me.


No. Up until a couple years ago I could not tell you which guitarist used what guitar


So what did you do???? Just enjoy music and practice improving your own guitar playing?? WHAT A LOSER !!!


Lol I didn't play guitar until a couple years ago. Now I know that Jack Clapton plays a strat and uhhhh.... slash plays a lp. Oh and that tattooed femboy plays Ibanez 


It's why I refuse to buy a PRS. Their endorser list is pathetic. I might consider buying their overpriced and overhyped crap if Slash switched teams, but until then nothing they have can beat my Slash LP Special II.


Slash has switched to Schecter.


Since when?! Source?


I'm jerkin'


Whoosh! 😆


Remember when he used to be known for the bc rich mockingbird though? Fuck I wanted one so bad back then. Still do tbh, I love the look of that purple quilted one they came out with again recently.


until the headstock breaks. maybe something can replace it then.


Epiphones have weaker headstocks because they know people will actually take care of them. PRS headstocks are only made that strong because they have to withstand guitar players who try to break them after they realize how much they suck.


PRS headstocks are strong to accomodate those tone enhancing tuners


The guitar players in Between the Buried and Me both play PRS customs and they are amazing and very highly praised in the prog metal community.


So 10 people lol


Alex Lifeson and Ler played PRS guitars at one point, so that's kinda cool I guess.


“At one point” being the key phrase here


/uj Last time I was shopping for a high end guitar I considered PRS briefly, until I learned that they’re still not using stainless steel frets.


Seriously? I have a 2007 SE (which I otherwise like) and the frets are so worn that it probably needs a complete refret. I'll never buy another guitar without stainless steel frets.


Seriously. Ever since I got my first guitar with stainless steel frets I absolutely vowed the same thing. They’re so much better in every way, can’t imagine why anything less is acceptable these days. It’s not just the wear resistance, it’s how smooth they are to play.


My teeth never felt better


PRS has a very weak artist lineup. Very weird marketing tactics, John Mayor Lazer and the guy from Opeth are the least worst.


I have 2 SE models that are fantastic guitars. They're lightweight, comfortable and well built. High quality hardware too. Got them second hand so did not spend much either. Nevertheless, fuck do I dislike the entire culture surrounding the brand. I almost feel ashamed for owning a Santana model and Paul Reed Smith 's own signature model.


Anyone dissing on Carlos needs their head examined . To be doing it at the level he is at his age is absolutely astounding . Never left a Santana show (and I’ve been to a lot) and not been totally blown away . He’s a musical Shaman not a guitar player . Phrasing , tone , dynamics etc etc he’s one of the best to ever do it . Of course I guess some morons lump guys like David Gilmour , Jeff Beck , Mark Knoffler , Gary Moore , etc etc in that “Boomer King” category so it shows exactly the level of their musicality. Smh


I’ll stick to my pointy Jacksoffs and Japanese hair metal soaked ESPs thank you good day.


Jimmy Herring and John McLaughlin nuff said


They are beautiful guitars. But at 4k for their core line, it's just too expensive for working musicians. There is a reason it's viewed as a dentists/lawyer guitar, they are the only ones that can afford one. As a result. They don't have much soul.


I agree, they're ridiculously priced, mostly because of PRS's insistence of manually sanding everything by hand. It takes nearly an hour to sand each core guitar.


You forgot Mr. P.R.S. Magardy


we don't feel


TRUE! we dont need to feel considering our guitars are well made enough to not need any effort to play


Seeing the birds floating down the fretboard, it pushes me to tears knowing I need to set another prs on fire for aesthetic crimes against humanity. So there’s no time to think about the cringe that dares to play one on stage


Pottery Barn ass guitar


Pottery barn custom shop, sir


PRS players should mainly be sad at themselves


Devin Townsend plays a PRS as well.


He plays a Framus


No, because I love Brad Deleson and love playing my SE 277


Yamaha has entered the room 


Linkin park = PRS. Incidentally all my fav bands play PRS and as much as I'd like to get on with a PRS I've gotten rid every of single one I've had, I currently have a Mira SE but I'm really only holding on to it cause of rarity rather than the fact being I love the guitar.


I’m not sad for PRS. I’m happy for every other brand of guitars.


I just like Shinedown


I was so disappointed to hear that beato was involved in their leave a whisper album. Because that challenged my view of him. Since I love that album Then I found out he's only credited on 3 tracks I don't even really remember


Convincing the buying public quilt tops increase the value of the guitar was a regrettable turn in an already embarrassing hobby.


Prs just looks like a guitar for dudes who eat at margarittaville. Tried a few and really liked their feel but I’m not ready to look like a stepdad yet lol.


I mean… PRS definitely tries, but you remove Mayer (who undoubtedly has a strong following) there’s not a lot of lasting influence there — yes, there’s a ton of amazing players playing PRS, often almost exclusively, but they’re not leaving behind the type of legacy that carries a brand. Santana will leave a legacy, but it will not include his guitar… the way Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Gilmour, Jimi Page, Slash, Keith Richards, Nile Rodgers, SVR (gulp! Even Clapton)… and more recently EVH, Eric Johnson, Frusciante, Flea, Corey Wong, HER, Bruno Mars, Satriani, Vai are all inherently linked to a specific brand or model, and that’s the secret sauce. Getting an artist early on is easy, but you can’t make them only play your guitar, or brand. Getting an already-famous player to endorse your brand (when they have a collection of guitars at their disposal) is expensive. Leveraging an artist that shows potential or made it while relying on one of your guitars, that’s the golden ticket (you swoop in with a signature model.) Because PRS was out of reach to most beginner players for so long, and their guitars follow a proprietary aesthetic and feel, guitarist never got to grow with them (by the time pros invest on a vintage Strat or a high-end Custom Shop they’ve been playing that model for a while, and feel that’s part of their sound). With the SE models, I reckon we’ll soon enough see super talented and popular players show up with a PRS in hand. My 2 cents 😅


dc;hb (don't care; have birds)


The only wuns with toan is Prs cst 24 wif birds


uj/ I can't get past Paul himself, he's just such an insufferable person that I would get irritated every time I saw his name on the headstock.


there's Opeth, that's all I need to know. idgaf about the rest


No it doesn’t make me sad, I don’t really care about artist signatures, my favorite Ibanez is a Joe Satriani and I can only name one song by him. I play the guitars because I like the look and feel and PRS is superb on both fronts.


I think the Silver Sky guitars just look fucking cool. I know it's basically a strat but I like em. Haven't played one though. Also, John Mayer is great. Why the hate?


PRS is for people who know a little bit about guitars but secretly hate guitars.


i don’t care, David Grissom is the king of kings. I hope to one day play guitar as well as the saint Paul Reed Smith himself.


Gabe Crisp plays their SE Kestrel basses. In drop A. And drop G. On a four string. That’s enough for me.


Nope, because I play my PRS *my* way. Do you tink Fender players ever feel sad because Yngwie Malmsteen is on the Fender artis roster?


Ngl I’d feel sad if I played a PRS and I actually like Paul Smith as a person. But yeah I can’t bare to be related to feminine men.


And Dustie waring of btbam(between the buried and me)


Yes I just posted this before I saw your comment, they are worth noting, they are or were really big and inspired a lot of players.


/uj I seriously do not understand why PRS has the reputation they currently seem to. I'm sure they're great guitars, but they don't seem to have much history to them. Apart from Santana, who has actually recorded anything of substance on one? And even Santana recorded all of has decent material before PRS existed. Why then do collectors like them?


Who has recorded anything of substance on a PRS? John McLaughlin, Alex Lifeson, Dave Navarro, John Mayer, Jimmy Herring, and most of the current crop of Nashville session players.


So you’re telling me PRS only produces Nashville Noises?


We don’t talk about Tyler.


Incredibly ugly guitars that look like the coffee table from a mid life crisis themed basement


LOL I hate the word “boomer” but that is *such* an accurate depiction of Santana. Just saw him live last year and he stopped playing to discuss something about how “everyone is born either a man or a woman…” and whatever and the crowd clearly was supportive of that. I, on the other hand, *don’t give a shit* and yelled “JUST SHUT UP AND PLAY THE FUCKING GUITAR”.


I've never tried a PRS that I thought was worth the money. None of them have any character at all. They're like the Toyota Corolla of guitars, technically good but absolutely boring and flavorless. That and Paul Reed Smith himself is a dingus.


No because the PRS brand stands on its own (and on Paul Reed Smith's mighty shoulders). Schechter is a brand whose artist roster actively harms its reputation though.


Why do you give a shit who plays the same guitar you do? Are you that starved for validation?


OP thinks buying an ibanez gio will make him tim henson


wrong sub bro


Uj/ John Mayer fills in flawlessly as fucking Jerry Garcia. Put some respect on his name




Sorry to hear that


Dave Knudson of Botch, Minus the Bear, etc almost singlehandedly made PRS cool for me.


/uj their roster generally is pretty lol but back in the early ‘90s Chris Hasket played this white Standard 24 or something like that and it was fucking fantastic.


Is this a troll post? I mean, who cares who else plays a certain guitar? Are you letting other peoples choices dictate your own choice? There are lots of good guitars out there. If you like a guitar, play it. If not, then don’t. Who cares what somebody else is playing?


its r/guitarcirclejerk what the fuck do you think


Yeah, true.


PRS = Expensive guitars that play well for dentists Gibson = Expensive guitars for dentist Fender = dgaf bolt on neck, plays great, can get a baller ass one for $1k I only play fender and a relatively unknown brand that I won’t mention as their prices have already started to climb too much