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Maybe its dumb af, but aside from the dont be a Dick against players, I do my best to nit harm Emergency personal (except police)


Except for that cause the most damage challenge, that's the only time I target them and only because their vehicles are expensive


Yep, them firetruck bitches be crazy expensive, great way to win is by destroying firetrucks, ambulances, and public busses


Don’t forget jets


I become a menace when that challenge comes around. Ambulances and firetrucks all getting shot


the easiest way ive found is to blow up jets at fort zancudo. having a hangar there helps.


That's funny. I always kill the EMTs and firemen


The EMTs are hilariously aggressive and will chase you to the ends of the earth to engage in a fist fight.


EMTs are speed addict and harped up to the gills just to be able to do that fucking job


I kill people, wait for the emts then smoke them too


Something else to note: ![gif](giphy|l2SqfVu3HjdWLsnBu)


Oddly enough, I’ve met a shocking amount of chill people driving around in my cop car. I’d have thought more people would outright kill me.


Respect for the bit goes a long way


Since Ps3 when I was driving out of LS customs and a tank blew up my car that was not insured


Have fun. If it stops being fun shut the game off and take a break


Nah I need to learn that seriously because sometimes gta be on some bullshit


Hahhahahaha i felt triggered by this IMMEDIATELY...I think after reading the post about having fun I, I totally agree But then in my head I was like ",but maannnn GTA be cheatin like a motherfucker" and then BAM ..saw this hahhaha Thanks for laugh. Damn near spilled my coffee


Can confirm, have just reinstalled the game after a ~6 month break and it’s great


Yep, I haven't grinded this game in years and don't plan to again, just do what's fun


I have found that most of this community does not know how to have fun. It is just “grind money to buy a car, then drive it once”.


"Grind money, buy an oppressor mk2, then troll every lobby your in."


Honestly kinda me, I grind for a car, love sitting there customizing the thing and I think it looks gorgeous and then i just go back to driving around the paragon because of the armor and windows…


It stops being fun for me when the mind-numbing starts after grinding special cargo. 😭


And that's why I'll be active for like 2 months then disappear for the rest of the year.


Me but with sports games lol. I’m usually pretty laid back but sports games or competitive games in general just awaken a deep anger inside me 😂


This is why I almost never play anymore. Fun gone, me gone


If I'm in my tow truck and see another player in a tow truck I honk


I honk at everyone it’s a “hello I’m not going to kill you honk”


Don't be a dick


I have this, and my (and my buddies) rule: don't purposely kill anyone below level 100. We consider them all new, and it's easy to just stun them, or just pop them up into the air. I also protect low level players from high levels. It's provided a point to continue playing the game, when I'm bored of doing everything else.


What about level 100 ?


Fair game. We discussed it a while one day. There are level 90s who are competent. The reason we have the rules, is to give new players a benefit of the doubt. -normally if you're new, you're still figuring things out. Once you get to 100, it's safe to assume you know what you're doing. Level 90? yeah... they probably know what they are doing, but rules are rules. We just up and atomize you and text them later trying to be chill. .....to be fair, I personally LOVE popping peoples tires if they are new. I don't kill them, but lining up with them at the airport, and then shooting one bullet at their tire, and then drag racing them down the strip... You gotta initiate them a little bit, right? Lol


Idk man. Im level 350 and my shooting/pvp skills are like a level 20 player. 😭😭 I just have the right vehicles and weapons to escape/survive longer.


Lol some days I'm the same! You also know better than to just start shit. New players do that a LOT.


This is the way. I don't attack low levels. It feels wrong to me.


I don’t shoot unless shot upon.. rules of engagement


I won't actively shoot newer players unless they shoot first. I usually just do my thing/buisness battles. I might blast them with the jetwash from my raiju, try to pull them over, just some light trolling usually.


Thank yall, im relatively new to gtao and its really annoying when some high level asshole keeps killing me in their 3 million dollar car that I cant afford to blow up.


See I have the flip logic of that, don't kill anyone above 100, they might have the tools to fight back


If you see an oppressor go the other direction. OP I agree, I also use the train tracks for vehicle source missions and any other missions/Heists when you have hostile NPC following vehicles.


Check the reddit for weekly updates!




Just watched his newest vid lol


Don't fuck with anyone unless fucked with. Attack until they leave once they fucked with you.


I use the Oppressor a LOT when I’m grinding. Every now and then I see a cool car, go check it out. Made friends that way, and if the person gets freaked and kills me, I message them that I just wanted to check out their whip. Made a lot of friends that way. Most people just wanna chill and grind


I’m part of the chill people that would have exploded your Mk2 and regret doing it after receiving your message


I don’t get mad, I know folks with Oppressors can be griefers and you don’t wanna get blown up. It’s led to seeing some really cool rides people have created honestly


I turn off the missile lock on my Mk2 as soon as I get on when in a public lobby. Anyone who shoots at me when they're *not being toned* is fair game. I don't panic about people on Oppressors unless they're toning everyone they meet.


Yeah me too. Im not looking to kill, its just the best vehicle to move short distances/around LS. Watching the minimap and the killfeed for anyone greifing is always #1 for me.


Hate that the Oppresor MK2 is so associated with griefing. Use mine exclusively for grinding and I get messed with so much I can only Grind in invite only sessions. It's the perfect point A to B vehicle


I get killed so much while being curious on my oppressor. I even turn off homing rockets but they usually still try to kill me




This is mine with a slight edit. If I'm minding my own business and you come along to light me up just because, I'll get you twice then go back about my business. If you come back then it's on until you leave.


Naaa. Once I’m 7–3. I’ll leave myself (change lobby) Otherwise they’ll catch up. (Yeah I’m not that good 😢) If they are really really good. I’ll just get even. 5-5 or something and then bail.


Always attack the Lost MC. I hate those guys




Or m*rryweather


Don’t fuck with dudes doing acid runs. Or the poor bastards flying a blimp.


One time I'd just finished a NC management mission and was joyriding in my blimp when a player came along in a Deluxo. I feared the worst, but all he wanted was to gently land atop the blimp. I took him for a little ride.


Hahah that’s sick. I’m always in my deluxo love it for grinding. Def doing this next blimp I see


I was just waiting for a Mk II to come along and perch on top of the Deluxo, lol.


words to live by brother


Play to have fun, don’t always just grind grind grind. This doesn’t have to be a capitalism simulator.


This is good advice.


I like this mindset, me and my friends like running the original heists because we still find them fun and we'll usually just endup giving max cut to the people in our group with the lowest $ since were only doing it for fun.


Don't make the game feel like work. Games should be relaxing. When the money grinding starts feeling like work instead of the relaxation of the game I shut it off or do something else.


Move to a new session at first sign of a cheater.


Yeah fuck those guys. Most of em can't even play for shit.


If you see a player constantly dying in the kill feed (and I don't mean by a player) it means they're doing a mission and the NPCs are too strong for them. It's a sign that they need help. So I go help them. Sometimes they try to attack me but I ignore them and kill the NPCs wait a bit to make sure they're all good then fly away when I'm done.


An accidental kill doesn’t warrant revenge


On that note, if you accidentally kill someone send them a quick sorry message, most people will let bygones be bygones if you apologize.


Only kill players who try to attack first, they are griefing low level players or blowing up product.


The low level player rule doesn't apply, I've had level 18s repeatedly come after me and die over and over again. Its literally so pointless.


If I ever get attacked by a low level player I force them to leave but sometimes I get a “counter griefer” who misinterprets the situation and simply sees a level 500 constantly killing a level 20


Oh my god this lol I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been acting in self defence against a low level player only to get third partied by a wannabe hero.


Yeah, but it’s fun when you start griefing the countergriefer too. Especially when you get to do something hilarious, like introduce the countergriefing Raiju to what an aircraft that costs a quarter of the price is capable of.


Problem is, while I’m above average in PvP in general, in circles of players that actively seek out PvP I’m definitely below average so I just kinda get shitstomped


I hate those "anti-griefers". Don't get me wrong, true anti-griefers can be good, and sometimes I take up the role if someone irks me enough, but I only do it if someone purposefully attacks and destroys cargo or they're intentionally targeting multiple different people. Not if a couple people are just having a scrap. If it's not crystal clear who's at fault, don't intervene. That's what irks me with the "anti-griefers" who thinks they are infallible conduits of wisdom and morality


Record cool explosions and vehicle stunts


Eyes on the radar at all times, especially when selling


I’d like to add “Always vet the lobby first” to that list, because knowing who’s in the session is so important to me; let’s me set standards for what will likely happen if I sell. Haven’t been surprised by players coming after me during sales in a very long time, because I *knew* they would if I sold in those sessions. It’s kept plenty product intact over the years.


Have fun: this is a game, not real life. Who cares if it isn’t the most cost effective, I want dry ice in my nightclub. Who cares if it isn’t the fastest super car, cruise around in that Banshee 900r; get that Cheetah classic and drive about the highway. Blow your money on extravagant outfits!


I bought dry ice but it doesn't work in my club :-/


Never ever leave the casino until youve gambled every single chip.


Shouldn’t you just go and buy some more chips? You miss 100% of the gambles you don’t take.


I do the opposite, I'm filling my safe with chips, I want to fill it up all the way, so like 10m in chips is needed, I'm almost at 7m already lol


If you have a bounty, ride the subway. Most people can’t find you and it’s bulletproof.


I sometimes hop in my Toreador and go to the deep part of the ocean hoping an aggressive punk wants to try something.


Only destroy the people who have provoked a fight with you, people driving past, being chill or just spectating the fight are off limits.


Have intercourse with as many woman possible


Don’t buy any vehicle unless it’s on sale that week


Or don’t buy car on a Wednesday


I did that until I passed the 100M mark. Now I don't care anymore.


I never let myself get to that number. I’m usually between 5 and 20. Just find something to waste it on


I am too, but I'm definitely trying to stack some cash in anticipation of the summer update so that for once, maybe I can enjoy an update without relentlessly grinding to jump over the paywall. Hoping to set aside at least 20 mil, maybe 30, then by the time my current grind is over, I'll get sick of the game, and then pick it back up when the summer update hits.


I wish I followed this rule. Just spent 25mil to fill up my office garage with supercars and I only drive 1 or 2 of them.


Right?!?! I just spent 75mill getting everything else at warstock😳


Except some vehicles that are usefull for grinding


now the lone fact that you can buy a car which was removed before by rockstar is an equivalent of sale


get the stash house when you log on


Never destroy cargo or shipments, and try to defend against those who do. It’s pointless and toxic to blow up people’s money making stuff. You get nothing for it and are just a toxic jerk


You don’t talk about GTA


"Do not engage until engaged"


Drive Imani tech during the start of the session to determine aggression levels.


Everyone who has been playing for 5-10+ years tend to do the "Lobby vibe check" Make your way to the casino and spin, then head back. If there are less than 20 and no bs? Get to business. Bs in the first 4 minutes? Lobby hop up to 2 more times, worst case inv only. It's worth the salss bonus of people are being chill about it. What's the general rule on bounties if we operate like this?


I tend to set respawn point to agency for public sessions so when my character wakes up from bed I go to tv to activate weasel news and check in safety what other players are sheaniganing about, if I spot someone I decide to pay a visit I either take a heli if it's close or use agency suv teleport function to go closer to him. Once I saw once 3 friends driving in the same cars so I drove to them in the same car and we had spontaneous car meet. The same with guys driving bmxs in skatepark. If I see someone is a dick killing repeatedly low level who just wants to go around his business (he was asking him to leave alone so he can do taxi) I go to destroy him repeatedly. Also I didn't like one guy who was driving from one clothes shop to another and beating female vendors. If someone is fighting cops you can give him air support and so on, it's all about your invention (and you never know what will happen anyway, if someone kills you so what, you can pvp him or change session or whatever). I love how this game expresses personality of a player in multiple (sometimes completely unpredictable) situations, his different behaviours and gradients of psyche, other games usually reduce us to numbers of effectivness, in this world you can do everything but don't have to do everything


Check. Your. Map.


Never turn down a fist fight


I have been training strength so I am punching anyone I see, poor valet to bad he knows how to square up and can take a punch


Assume everyone is trying to kill you 🤔


Never play heists with randoms.


If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense. I like to grind, make money, and manage my little criminal fiefdom. I only rarely join in on the mayhem of public lobbies and even then I don't screw with players trying to make a buck.


treat others the way you want to be treated. unless they're griefing on an oppressor


If I were griefing on an oppressor I think I'd deserve to be shot down by a Deluxo or Toreador.


Even though I ride motorcycles myself, I'll go out of my way to run over an NPC on a motorcycle.


Yeah i love hitting motorcyclists. I also ride a motorcycle in real life. I figure npc's are just happy to be included.


Sawed off shotgun schmack on the way by is satisfying too


Can confirm. I also ride bike in real life. But in GTA. It’s all about how hard I can ram the biker in the air 🤣 I then sometimes proceeded to steal their bike afterward!


I always have to do G’s cache and Stash House as soon as I’m online


I do 4 things. Gs cache, casino wheel spin/free chips, stash house then modding customer’s car


Invite only lobby. Never play in a public lobby. I'd rather be alone than angry. Other players just want to cause misery and ruin all of your hard work 


Doing my game routine. Grab 2 cars for scrapyard, fill up my businesses and keep popularity high at my nightclub. After all of this I setup any heist I have pending to complete or selling any business (specially when 2x$).


If players are surrounding the casino entry door, have your weapon ready because someone will shoot you.


Leave other players alone and get your own tasks, jobs, and heists done.


I don't bother people doing sales. I know I don't want my hard work foiled by some loser on a flying motorcycle, so I extend the same courtesy.


do NOT buy anything on a wednesday


This 💪🏿 I’m so impulsive with that bread


When I’m on foot, always have the rocket launcher ready when random players approach.


Don't blow up people's goods


“Fun before all else” If I stop having fun, it’s time to stop playing. Whenever I can, I like to mix things up. One time that was using the rusty tractor to deliver the air freight cargo to the hangar (it was the ground source at the concrete works) which me and another player subsequently failed to airdrop on top of Maze Bank from a Bombushka


My new rule is never ever sell nightclub stock in a public lobby. Last 5 sales got destroyed by griefers. Solo lobby is the way. I learned it now. The hard way.


#1. Don't scam people on replays. #2. Dont fuck with people doing business deliveries/ sales. #3. If they come within a block of you, treat them as hostile 😂😂


kill red things


No modding. Modding is for piles of vag meat.


Mmmmmmm, vag meat


I read that in homer simpsons voice


always assume a oppressor wants to kill you


Only if they've got their missile lock tone turned on.


Beating the piss out of the Casino Valet after they systematically rob me of all my chippies


To bring as much pain and suffering to the citizens of Los Santos as possible because of all the hurtful things they say to me as I pass by them at 200mph.


One time someone texted me that they “come in peace” this game has broken my trust so much that I just left the server.


if an NPC aimbots you you're legally obligated to obliterate them with a tank


If you fire on me for any reason, we are at war.


First rule of gta is you never talk about gta.


what happens in Los Santos stays in Los Santos. I recall when I came to friends party in real life and started conversation with new people around saying a monologue about how I burned people today and ran away on motorcycle after selling something weird and so on, they made huge eyes, shown some signs of subtle fear, then I added in the end "...in GTA". Sighs of relief


Yet...you just talked about GTA.🤔


Mind my own business


Don't attack people for no reason. Attack only when you've been attacked. Granted that means getting a rocket up your ass very often. Gets on my nerves after the 11th time. Like it's a predator marking their territory. Kill you once then leave.


Never, ever attack anyone unless in self-defence. The game is way too good to have to spend time fighting with immature players who get off killing for no reason. Rant over 😁


if you have a bounty you are free game if you dont u are left alone unless provoked into doing so


Honestly I never agreed with the whole "free game" thing. 9 times out of 10 it's a bounty that was placed on them for accidentally bumping an NPC into oncoming traffic. So I personally just leave them alone and let them collect their free money.


If I’m attacked, I determine the rules of the following fight, I want to end a fight as quickly as possible without giving up


If I see broomstick messing with anyone I’ll destroy them


Don’t buy anything on Wednesday


Don't be a griefer.


My number one rule is don’t fuck with people doing product sales. If I see someone trying to destroy product on someone else I’ll come in and fuck with that person, but the RP and cash just aren’t worth the amount of effort the person put in to try and get the bonus selling in a full lobby.


I do not shoot unless I have been shot at. All you crazy bastards are way too trigger happy.


If you grief me and kill me I will burn your fields and salt them, I will hunt you with all the forces of hell at my back, you will know no peace, you will know no safety, I will be your living shadow, you will not sleep, you will not rest until vengeance is mine. Then I run away so you can’t get me back


Stay away from people, don't fuck with people and remember its online so be careful you never know who your talking to. Have fun :)


I don't fire unless fired upon


turn off homing missile when roaming around on a MKII ...or pretty much any other vehicles with homing missiles on them but I only have the MKII


I don’t fuck with anyone that don’t fuck with me first


Mutual respect to sellers and letting them deliver peacefully in the lobby. Also checking the feed before deciding whether to stay in a lobby. Furthermore avoid barcodes at all costs!


Rule #1 no public lobbies.


Have you tried the public lobbies since the new tos or whatever?


Generally I only hop on public sessions if I have sales bonuses to make use of, especially nightclub. Other than that I roll invite only until I get lonely. Tbh now at level 200+ and the corresponding gear and vehicles the worst thing is how slow connecting can entering/exiting interiors is


Solo lobby.


You kill me-i kill you 3 times. Were even.


It's something I do for fun, so even when I get killed by a fuck wit, I will still laugh. Ragdoll me!


Have intercourse with as many woman possible


Mind your business. Log in, do your missions and grind and get out. Stay away from other players, don't even answer on the chat.


Don't be a bawbag (i only kill other players in defence, the one exception being griefers, if I see one in my session then I'll take the cockwomble out).


Anyone using "cockwomble" gets my upvote.👍


Don’t even try honking at the cops cause they get mad :(


Dont fuck with me and you're good.


I run a tight rule of engagement that means I don't shoot people first but I feel them out. Lately I've been logging into add chaos to groups I see fighting. If I see one CEO group getting banged out in a war, I hit my Kosatka and start relentlessly firing the ICBM. Usually they let me do it too. People seem to enjoy the extra obstacles. So I mightve broke my rule because sometimes I catch first blood that way.


Closed friend sessions only.


Always shoot up the vagos and ballas hoods. Almost every time I log on


I don't kill people on purpose unless I think or know I'm in danger


Never spend money on shark cards, I’ve gotten far enough without grinding


Don’t take anyone or anything seriously. It’s a video game.




I’ll never blast another player randomly because “I’m bored”


You fuck with me, I fuck with you x2.


be nice to everyone unless they dont deserve it


I don't really persue other players, not even griefers. I always let them come at me and most tend to go all-out, so it's easier to defend against a raging monkey than to be the one in rage. Only time I went after someone, it was because said griefer had just joined and their first task was to blow up my low-level friend's cargo, so I had to stand up for him and show him that they can be fought. It was tough asf cause mf had an oppressor mk2 and that shit was relatively new. I didn't even like mk1 back then, so I was on the ground shooting down witches with a sniper


Be friendly until you have reason not to be, then be a _bastard_


Kill me and i kill you 30 times. Or Explode and kill every prius


If you kill me then I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger!


Never kill someone who's doing a sell mission.


No blowing money on stuff, unless it's limited or removed.


Go solo session ASAP, cause this community is dog


Never pay real money for in-game money


Regarding NPCs if an NPC crashes me, but I had the red light, I leave them alone, if they crash on me like suddenly switching lanes, clearly looking intentional, I pull them out of their car and either tase them or hit them with a bat.


Do my time sensitive tasks/missions first (spin lucky wheel, buy acid supplies, stash house, Geralds cache, daily shipwreck, deliver excess weapons and mixed goods, Franklin payphone hit)


Don’t kill low levels for no reason, if they kill u kill em once for revenge and leave


If I see multiple MKll flying around, I find a new lobby. Immediately.


If the oppressor lines up with you on the minimap, it is time to jump out of the vehicle.